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$Id: //ariba/platform/ui/metaui/ariba/ui/meta/editor/EditManager.java#21 $
package ariba.ui.meta.editor;
import ariba.ui.meta.core.ObjectMeta;
import ariba.ui.meta.core.UIMeta;
import ariba.ui.meta.core.Meta;
import ariba.ui.meta.core.Context;
import ariba.ui.meta.core.Rule;
import ariba.ui.meta.core.ItemProperties;
import ariba.ui.meta.core.Log;
import ariba.ui.meta.core.PropertyValue;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWFileResource;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWUtil;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWGenericException;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWResource;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWSession;
import ariba.util.core.URLUtil;
import ariba.util.core.ListUtil;
import ariba.util.core.MapUtil;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Collection;
public class EditManager
public static List<String> EditorContextKeys = Arrays.asList("class", "layout", "field", "operation");
public static List<String> FieldDefaultContextKeys = Arrays.asList("class", "field");
private static final String SessionKey = "meta.editor.EditManager";
boolean _editing;
UIMeta _meta;
List<EditSet> _ruleSets;
Context.AssignmentRecord _selectedRecord;
Context.InspectorInfo _selectedInfo;
public static EditManager activeEditManager (UIMeta meta, AWSession session)
EditManager current = (EditManager)session.dict().get(SessionKey);
return (current != null && current.editing()) ? current : null;
public static EditManager currentEditManager (UIMeta meta, AWSession session, boolean create)
EditManager current = (EditManager)session.dict().get(SessionKey);
if (current == null && create) {
current = new EditManager(meta);
session.dict().put(SessionKey, current);
return current;
public static void clearEditManager (UIMeta meta, AWSession session)
public EditManager (UIMeta meta)
_meta = meta;
public boolean editing ()
return _editing;
public void setEditing (boolean editing)
_editing = editing;
public Context.AssignmentRecord getSelectedRecord ()
return _selectedRecord;
public void setSelectedRecord (Context.AssignmentRecord selectedRecord)
if (_selectedRecord != selectedRecord) {
_selectedRecord = selectedRecord;
_selectedInfo = null;
public void setSelectedParentRecord (Context.AssignmentRecord selectedRecord)
Context context = _meta.newContext();
prepareContext(context, Context.staticContext(_meta, selectedRecord, true), null, true);
public boolean isCurrentFieldSelected (Context context)
if (_selectedRecord != null) {
if (_selectedInfo == null) {
_selectedInfo = Context.staticContext(_meta, _selectedRecord);
if (context.currentRecordPathMatches(_selectedInfo)) {
// update our record to the current one in case we have a stale copy
return true;
return false;
List<EditSet> editableRuleSets ()
if (_ruleSets == null) {
_ruleSets = ListUtil.list();
for (AWResource resource : _meta.loadedRuleSets().keySet()) {
if (resource instanceof AWFileResource) {
_ruleSets.add(new EditSet((AWFileResource)resource));
return _ruleSets;
EditSet editSetForContext (Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo)
String packageName = packageNameForContext(contextInfo);
if (packageName == null) return null;
for (EditSet e : editableRuleSets()) {
if (e._packageName.equals(packageName)) return e;
return null;
EditorProperties editorPropertiesForContext (Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo)
return new EditorProperties(contextInfo);
public EditSet editSetForRule (Rule r)
for (EditSet e : editableRuleSets()) {
if (e.ruleSet() == r.getRuleSet()) return e;
return null;
public boolean hasChanges ()
for (EditSet e : editableRuleSets()) {
if (e._dirty) return true;
return false;
public void saveChanges ()
for (EditSet e : editableRuleSets()) {
static String packageNameForContext (Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo)
String className = (String)contextInfo.getSingleValue(UIMeta.KeyClass);
return (className != null) ? AWUtil.pathToLastComponent(className, ".") : null;
List newListForVal (Object listOrSingle)
if (listOrSingle instanceof Meta.OverrideValue) {
listOrSingle = ((Meta.OverrideValue)listOrSingle).value();
return (listOrSingle == null)
? new ArrayList()
: ((listOrSingle instanceof List)
? new ArrayList((List)listOrSingle)
: ListUtil.list(listOrSingle));
static Object collapseNullOrSingleton (List list, boolean collapseSingleton)
Object val = list;
if (list != null) {
if (list.isEmpty()) {
val = null;
else if (list.size() == 1 && collapseSingleton) {
val = list.get(0);
return val;
Map updatedListProperty (Map props, String key, Object val, List all,
boolean adding, boolean collapseSingletonLists)
List localVal = newListForVal(props.get(key));
Object newVal = localVal;
// Adding is easy: just add to current rule
// Removing, if not assigned in current rule, requires a total list override
if (adding) {
Meta.PropertyMerger merger = _meta.mergerForProperty(key);
if (merger != null) {
newVal = merger.merge(localVal, val, false);
} else {
} else {
if (localVal.contains(val)) {
newVal = collapseNullOrSingleton(localVal, collapseSingletonLists);
} else {
localVal = new ArrayList(all);
newVal = collapseNullOrSingleton(localVal, collapseSingletonLists);
newVal = new Meta.OverrideValue(newVal);
return Collections.singletonMap(key, newVal);
public void handleDrop (Object dragRec, Object dropRec)
Context.InspectorInfo dragContext = Context.staticContext(_meta, (Context.AssignmentRecord)dragRec, true);
Context.InspectorInfo dropContext = Context.staticContext(_meta, (Context.AssignmentRecord)dropRec, true);
String draggedItem = (String)dragContext.contextMap.get(dragContext.scopeKey);
String dropItem = (String)dropContext.contextMap.get(dropContext.scopeKey);
EditSet editSet = editSetForContext(dragContext);
// If drag onto ones-self, no-op
if (editSet == null || draggedItem.equals(dropItem)) return;
// Need to find all fields with `draggedItem` as predecessor and give them
// its predecessor
Context context = _meta.newContext();
prepareContext(context, dragContext, dragContext.scopeKey, false);
List<String> zones = (List)context.propertyForKey("zones");
String[] zoneArr = (zones != null) ? zones.toArray(new String[zones.size()]) : UIMeta.ZonesTLRB;
String defaultZone = zoneArr[0];
Map<String, List> preds = _meta.predecessorMap(context, dragContext.scopeKey, defaultZone);
// Any items after the dragged should now be after its predecessor
String draggedItemPred = (String)dragContext.properties.get(UIMeta.KeyAfter);
if (draggedItemPred == null) draggedItemPred = defaultZone;
reparentFollowers(dragContext, draggedItem, draggedItemPred, editSet, preds);
// Any items after the new predecessor should now follow item
reparentFollowers(dragContext, dropItem, draggedItem, editSet, preds);
// Now place this field after its dropTarget
Rule rule = editSet.editableRuleForContext(dragContext);
editSet.updateRule(rule, Collections.singletonMap(UIMeta.KeyAfter, (Object)dropItem));
Log.meta.debug("Resetting predecessor of %s to %s\n", draggedItem, dropItem);
if (_selectedRecord != null) {
private void reparentFollowers (Context.InspectorInfo dragContext, String predecessor, String newPredecessor,
EditSet editSet, Map<String, List> preds)
List followers = preds.get(predecessor);
if (!ListUtil.nullOrEmptyList(followers)) {
for (Object item : followers) {
if (item instanceof ItemProperties) {
String name = ((ItemProperties)item).name();
Rule rule = editSet.ruleForContextAlternate(dragContext, name);
editSet.updateRule(rule, Collections.singletonMap(UIMeta.KeyAfter, (Object)newPredecessor));
Log.meta.debug("Resetting predecessor of %s to %s\n", name, newPredecessor);
public class EditSet
String _packageName;
AWFileResource _resource;
Meta.RuleSet _ruleSet;
List <Rule> _editRules;
Map <Rule, List<Rule>> _extrasForRule = MapUtil.map();
boolean _dirty;
public EditSet (AWFileResource resource)
_resource = resource;
_packageName = AWUtil.pathToLastComponent(_resource.relativePath(), "/").replace("/", ".");
public String getPackageName ()
return _packageName;
Meta.RuleSet ruleSet ()
if (_ruleSet != _meta.loadedRuleSets().get(_resource)) {
_ruleSet = _meta.loadedRuleSets().get(_resource);
if (_editRules != null) {
for (Rule r : _editRules) {
_editRules = null;
return _ruleSet;
public List<Rule> getEditRules ()
if (_editRules == null) {
_editRules = _ruleSet.rules(true);
return _editRules;
protected List<Rule.Selector> selectorForContext (Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo,
Collection<String> useKeys)
// Sort keys: propertyContext key last, EditorContextKeys first (in order)
final String propContextKey = contextInfo.scopeKey;
List<String> sortedKeys = new ArrayList(useKeys);
Collections.sort(sortedKeys, new Comparator<String>() {
int val (String s) {
if (s.equals(propContextKey)) return 10000;
int i = EditorContextKeys.indexOf(s);
if (i != -1) return i - 10000;
return 0;
public int compare (String s1, String s2)
int v1 = val(s1), v2 = val(s2);
return (v1 == v2) ? s1.compareTo(s2) : (v1 - v2);
List<Rule.Selector> preds = ListUtil.list();
for (String key : sortedKeys) {
Object val = contextInfo.contextMap.get(key);
if (val != null) {
preds.add(new Rule.Selector(key, val));
return preds;
protected List<Rule.Selector> selectorForContext (Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo)
List<String> useKeys = UIMeta.KeyModule.equals(contextInfo.scopeKey) ? AWUtil.list(UIMeta.KeyModule)
: (("field".equals(contextInfo.scopeKey))
? FieldDefaultContextKeys : EditorContextKeys);
if (contextInfo.scopeKey != null && !useKeys.contains(contextInfo.scopeKey)) {
useKeys = new ArrayList(useKeys);
return selectorForContext(contextInfo, useKeys);
public Rule addRule (List<Rule.Selector> selectors, Map<String, Object> properties)
_dirty = true;
Rule prevLast = ListUtil.lastElement(ruleSet().rules(false));
int rank = Math.max(((prevLast != null) ? prevLast.getRank() + 1 : 0), Meta.EditorRulePriority);
Rule rule = new Rule(selectors, properties, rank);
List<Rule> extras = UIMeta.getInstance()._addRuleAndReturnExtras(rule);
if (extras != null) _extrasForRule.put(rule, extras);
return rule;
public Rule addRule (Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo)
return addRule(selectorForContext(contextInfo), new HashMap());
boolean ruleMatchesContext (Rule rule, Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo)
boolean match = false;
Object notFoundClassVal = contextInfo.contextMap.get(ObjectMeta.KeyClass);
Object scopeVal = contextInfo.contextMap.get(contextInfo.scopeKey);
// Inadequate test: will match a field with the same name on *another class*!
for (Rule.Selector p : rule.getSelectors()) {
String key = p.getKey();
Object val = p.getValue();
if (key.equals(contextInfo.scopeKey) && val.equals(scopeVal)) {
match = true;
else if (!Meta.isPropertyScopeKey(key) && !val.equals(contextInfo.contextMap.get(key))) {
// if selector matches on key not in the context, we can't use it
return false;
if (notFoundClassVal != null && key.equals(ObjectMeta.KeyClass) && val.equals(notFoundClassVal)) {
notFoundClassVal = null;
return match && (notFoundClassVal == null);
public Rule existingEditableRuleMatchingContext (Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo)
List<Rule> rules = getEditRules();
for (int i = rules.size()-1; i >=0; i--) {
Rule rule = rules.get(i);
if (ruleMatchesContext(rule, contextInfo)) return rule;
return null;
public Rule editableRuleForContext (Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo)
Rule rule = existingEditableRuleMatchingContext(contextInfo);
return (rule != null)
? rule
: addRule(selectorForContext(contextInfo), new HashMap());
// Rule for context, but swapping the value of the context scope key
// (e.g. changing field=foo to field=bar
public Rule ruleForContextAlternate (Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo, String alternateScopeVal)
Context.InspectorInfo newContextInfo = new Context.InspectorInfo(contextInfo, alternateScopeVal);
return editableRuleForContext(newContextInfo);
public void updateRule (Rule rule, Map<String, Object> props)
_dirty = true;
// need to force grabbing our edit rule list before mutating
// FIXME! Bogus to mutate map in place
// Post pass to clear null
for (Map.Entry e : props.entrySet()) {
if (e.getValue() == null) rule.getProperties().remove(e.getKey());
// Disable this slot (and it's extras) and add a new copy
List<Rule>extras = _extrasForRule.get(rule);
extras = _meta._updateEditedRule(rule, extras);
if (extras != null) _extrasForRule.put(rule, extras);
public void updateRuleSelectors (Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo,
Rule rule, Collection<String>keys)
_dirty = true;
List<Rule.Selector> preds = selectorForContext(contextInfo, keys);
public void deleteRule (Rule rule)
_dirty = true;
public boolean isDirty ()
return _dirty;
public void save ()
if (!_dirty) return;
List<Rule>editRules = getEditRules();
try {
File file = URLUtil.file(new URL(_resource.fullUrl()), true);
OSSWriter.updateEditorRules(file, editRules);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new AWGenericException(e);
// disable our edit rules -- they're covered by what's in the file now
for (Rule rule : editRules) {
_dirty = false;
void prepareContext (Context context, Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo, String stopBefore, boolean omitChained)
List<Context.AssignmentInfo> recs = contextInfo.assignmentStack;
int last = recs.size();
if (stopBefore != null) {
while (last-- > 0) {
if (recs.get(last).key.equals(stopBefore)) {
if (last > 0 && recs.get(last-1).key.equals(stopBefore)) last--;
for (int i=0; i < last; i++) {
Context.AssignmentInfo rec = recs.get(i);
String key = rec.key;
// Don't want to put down boolean for object
if (key.equals(UIMeta.KeyObject) || (omitChained && rec.fromChaining) || rec.overridden) continue;
context.set(key, rec.value);
if (stopBefore == null && contextInfo.scopeKey != null) {
static List<String>PropertyContextMirrorKeys = Arrays.asList(UIMeta.KeyElementType,
UIMeta.KeyType, UIMeta.KeyEditing, UIMeta.KeyEditable);
public class EditorProperties
Context.InspectorInfo _contextInfo;
Context _originalContext;
Context _propertyContext;
Context _parentContext;
public List <Context.AssignmentInfo> activeAssignments;
public EditorProperties (Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo)
_contextInfo = contextInfo;
_originalContext = _meta.newContext();
_propertyContext = _meta.newContext();
_parentContext = _meta.newContext();
prepareContext(_originalContext, contextInfo, null, false);
preparePropertyContext(_propertyContext, contextInfo);
prepareContext(_parentContext, contextInfo, contextInfo.scopeKey, false);
activeAssignments = ListUtil.list();
for (Context.AssignmentInfo ai : _contextInfo.assignmentStack){
if (!ai.overridden && !ai.key.endsWith("_trait")) activeAssignments.add(ai);
void preparePropertyContext (Context context, Context.InspectorInfo contextInfo)
context.set(UIMeta.KeyClass, "ariba.ui.meta.editor.Properties");
context.set("scope", contextInfo.scopeKey);
for (String key: PropertyContextMirrorKeys) {
Object value = contextInfo.contextMap.get(key);
if (value != null) context.set(key, value);
Object editableOverrideForProperty (String key, Object origVal)
if (origVal == null) return origVal;
if (_meta.propertyWillDoMerge(key, origVal)) {
if (origVal instanceof Map) return MapUtil.map();
if (origVal instanceof List) return null;
if (origVal instanceof PropertyValue.Expr) return new PropertyValue.Expr("true");
Object val = (origVal instanceof PropertyValue.StaticallyResolvable)
? _originalContext.propertyForKey(key)
: origVal;
return (val instanceof PropertyValue.Dynamic) ? null : val;
List<String> compatibleTraits ()
List<String> names = _meta.itemNames(_originalContext, Meta.KeyTrait);
return names;
List<String> sort (List<String> list)
ListUtil.sortStrings(list, true);
return list;
List<String> compatibleProperties ()
return sort(_meta.itemNames(_propertyContext, UIMeta.KeyField));
List<String> peerItems ()
return _contextInfo.scopeKey != null
? sort(_meta.itemNames(_parentContext, _contextInfo.scopeKey))
: null;
Context.AssignmentRecord recordForPeerItem (String item)
_parentContext.set(_contextInfo.scopeKey, item);
Context.AssignmentRecord rec = (Context.AssignmentRecord)_parentContext.debugTracePropertyProvider();
return rec;