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$Id: //ariba/platform/ui/opensourceui/examples/Demo/gallery/html/DragDropExamples.java#1 $
package gallery.html;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWComponent;
import ariba.ui.table.AWTDisplayGroup;
import ariba.util.core.ListUtil;
import ariba.util.core.Fmt;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
public final class DragDropExamples extends AWComponent
private static final String[] PalleteButtonLabels = {"A","B","C","D"};
private static final String[] RightButtonLabels = {"E","F"};
private static final String[] TopPopupLabels = {"popup A", "popup B", "popup C"};
private static final String Parent = "Parent";
private static final String Value = "Value";
private static final String SubList = "SubList";
public AWTDisplayGroup[] _displayGroups;
public List _topButtonList;
public List _leftButtonList;
public List _rightButtonList;
public Map _topButtonItem;
public Map _leftButtonItem;
public Map _rightButtonItem;
public List _topPopupList;
public Map _topPopupItem;
public Map _currentTableItem;
public boolean isStateless ()
return false;
// Awake
protected void awake ()
// note that we need to clear _currentDragSubItem
_currentDragSubItem = null;
private Map createElement (String id)
return createElement(id,null);
private Map createElement (String id, Map parent)
Map map = new HashMap(1);
map.put(Value, id);
if (parent != null) {
map.put(Parent, parent);
return map;
public void init ()
if (_displayGroups == null) {
_displayGroups = new AWTDisplayGroup[4];
// Display Group 0
List dataList = ListUtil.list();
for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) {
Map element = createElement(Fmt.S("DataElement %s",String.valueOf(i)));
_displayGroups[0] = new AWTDisplayGroup();
// Display Group 1
dataList = ListUtil.list();
for (int i=5; i < 10; i++) {
Map element = createElement(Fmt.S("DataElement %s",String.valueOf(i)));
_displayGroups[1] = new AWTDisplayGroup();
// Display Group 2 -- test empty drop
_displayGroups[2] = new AWTDisplayGroup();
// Display Group 3
dataList = ListUtil.list();
for (int i=10; i < 15; i++) {
Map element = createElement(Fmt.S("DataElement %s",String.valueOf(i)));
_displayGroups[3] = new AWTDisplayGroup();
if (_topButtonList == null) {
_topButtonList = ListUtil.list();
_leftButtonList = ListUtil.list();
_rightButtonList = ListUtil.list();
for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) {
for (int i=0; i < RightButtonLabels.length; i++) {
for (int i=0; i < PalleteButtonLabels.length; i++) {
if (_topPopupList == null) {
_topPopupList = ListUtil.list();
for (int i=0; i < TopPopupLabels.length; i++) {
public AWComponent handleDrag ()
String dragSource = request().formValueForKey("awds");
String dragTarget = request().formValueForKey("awdt");
System.out.println("----> received drag from: " + dragSource + " to: " + dragTarget);
// int sourceIndex = Integer.parseInt(request().formValueForKey("awds"));
// int targetIndex = Integer.parseInt(request().formValueForKey("awdt"));
// System.out.println("----> received move for : " + sourceIndex +
// " to: " + targetIndex);
// List data = _data.allObjects();
// int batchAdjust = _data.numberOfObjectsPerBatch() * (_data.currentBatchIndex()-1);
// sourceIndex += batchAdjust - 1;
// targetIndex += batchAdjust - 1 - ((sourceIndex < targetIndex) ? 1:0);
// Object obj = data.remove(sourceIndex);
// data.add(targetIndex,obj);
// _data.setObjectArray(data);
return null;
public void setCurrTableIndex (String index)
_currTableIndex = Integer.parseInt(index);
// ### todo: mdao - should support $displayGroup[0]
public AWTDisplayGroup getDisplayGroup_0 ()
return _displayGroups[0];
public AWTDisplayGroup getDisplayGroup_1 ()
return _displayGroups[1];
public AWTDisplayGroup getDisplayGroup_2 ()
return _displayGroups[2];
public AWTDisplayGroup getDisplayGroup_3 ()
return _displayGroups[3];
// Button / Popup Actions
// button set up
public String topButtonLabel ()
return (String)_topButtonItem.get(Value);
public String leftButtonLabel ()
return (String)_leftButtonItem.get(Value);
public String rightButtonLabel ()
return (String)_rightButtonItem.get(Value);
// pop up set up
public String _popupMenuSelection = "none";
public String topPopupLabel ()
return (String)_topPopupItem.get(Value);
public void topPopupMenuSetupAction ()
_popupMenuSelection = "button " + (String)_topPopupItem.get(Value);
public void popupMenuAction1 ()
_popupMenuSelection += " action 1";
public void popupMenuAction2 ()
_popupMenuSelection += " action 2";
// drag handlers
private Map _currentDragItem;
private List _currentDragList;
public void topDragPopupAction ()
_currentDragItem = _topPopupItem;
_currentDragList = _topPopupList;
public void topDragButtonAction ()
_currentDragItem = _topButtonItem;
_currentDragList = _topButtonList;
public void leftDragButtonAction ()
_currentDragItem = _leftButtonItem;
_currentDragList = _leftButtonList;
public void rightDragButtonAction ()
_currentDragItem = _rightButtonItem;
_currentDragList = _rightButtonList;
private AWTDisplayGroup _currentDragDisplayGroup;
private Map _currentDragDisplayGroupItem;
private Map _currentDragSubItem;
public int _currTableIndex;
public void tableDragAction ()
System.out.println(Fmt.S("--- Table %s drag", _currTableIndex));
_currentDragDisplayGroup = _displayGroups[_currTableIndex];
_currentDragDisplayGroupItem = _currentTableItem;
// drop handlers
public String _actionType;
public AWComponent buttonClicked ()
_actionType = "button clicked";
return null;
public AWComponent topDropButtonWrapperAction ()
return null;
public AWComponent topDropButtonAction ()
int index = _topButtonList.indexOf(_topButtonItem);
return null;
public AWComponent leftDropButtonWrapperAction ()
return null;
public AWComponent leftDropButtonAction ()
int index = _leftButtonList.indexOf(_leftButtonItem);
return null;
public AWComponent rightDropButtonWrapperAction ()
return null;
public AWComponent rightDropButtonAction ()
int index = _rightButtonList.indexOf(_rightButtonItem);
moveItem(_rightButtonList, index);
return null;
public AWComponent topDropPopupWrapperAction ()
return null;
public AWComponent topDropPopupAction ()
int index = _topPopupList.indexOf(_topPopupItem);
moveItem(_topPopupList, index);
return null;
private void appendItem (List targetList)
_actionType = "drag/drop";
_currentDragItem = null;
_currentDragList = null;
private void moveItem (List targetList, int index)
_actionType = "drag/drop";
if (targetList == _currentDragList) {
if (targetList.indexOf(_currentDragItem) < index) {
targetList.add(index, _currentDragItem);
_currentDragItem = null;
_currentDragList = null;
private void moveTableItem (AWTDisplayGroup from, AWTDisplayGroup to,
Map fromItem, Map toItem, Map subFromItem, Map subToItem)
Map source;
int targetIndex = 0;
List toList;
if (subFromItem != null) {
if (subToItem != null) {
// from sublist to sublist
toList = (List) toItem.get(SubList);
// do accounting
int sourceIndex = ((List)fromItem.get(SubList)).indexOf(subFromItem);
targetIndex = toList.indexOf(subToItem);
if (subFromItem.get(Parent) == subToItem.get(Parent)) {
targetIndex -= ((sourceIndex < targetIndex) ? 1:0);
else {
// from sublist to mainlist
toList = to.allObjects();
targetIndex = toList.indexOf(toItem);
// remove the sub item from it's parent's list
source = subFromItem;
else {
List fromList = from.allObjects();
if (subToItem != null) {
// from mainlist to sublist
toList = (List) toItem.get(SubList);
targetIndex = toList.indexOf(subToItem);
else {
// from mainlist to mainlist -- note length check accounts for empty
// target list (targetIndex defaults to 0)
toList = to.allObjects();
if (toList.size() > 0) {
targetIndex = toList.indexOf(toItem);
int sourceIndex = fromList.indexOf(fromItem);
if (fromList == toList) {
targetIndex -= ((sourceIndex < targetIndex) ? 1:0);
if (fromList != toList) {
source = fromItem;
if (subToItem != null) {
// to sublist
else {
toList.add(targetIndex, source);
public AWComponent tableDropAction ()
System.out.println(Fmt.S("--- table %s drop", _currTableIndex));
moveTableItem(_currentDragDisplayGroup, _displayGroups[_currTableIndex],
_currentDragDisplayGroupItem, _currentTableItem,
_currentDragSubItem, _subTableItem);
return null;
public Map _subTableItem;
public AWComponent tableReorderAction ()
System.out.println(Fmt.S("--- table %s reorder", _currTableIndex));
return null;
private List getSubList (Map item)
List subList = (List)item.get(SubList);
if (subList == null) {
String currentValue = (String)item.get(Value);
subList = ListUtil.list();
for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
Map element = createElement(currentValue+":"+String.valueOf(i), item);
item.put(SubList, subList);
return subList;
public List getSubTableList ()
return getSubList(_currentTableItem);
public void subTableDragAction ()
_currentDragDisplayGroup = null;
_currentDragDisplayGroupItem = _currentTableItem;
_currentDragSubItem = _subTableItem;
public List topList = ListUtil.list(new Object(), new Object());
public List bottomList = ListUtil.list(new Object(), new Object());
public Object item;
private Object draggedItem;
public void dragAction ()
draggedItem = item;
public AWComponent dropToTopAction ()
ListUtil.addElementIfAbsent(topList, draggedItem);
return null;
public AWComponent dropToBottomAction ()
ListUtil.addElementIfAbsent(bottomList, draggedItem);
return null;