* $Id: LangModule.java,v 1.71 2002/09/16 08:05:02 jkl Exp $
* Copyright (c) 2002 Njet Communications Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms, as defined in
* Anvil Sofware License, Version 1.1. See LICENSE
* file, or http://njet.org/license-1.1.txt
package anvil.core;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
/*import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;*/
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MatchResult;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcherInput;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher;
import anvil.script.Type;
import anvil.script.Context;
import anvil.script.Function;
import anvil.script.StackFrame;
import anvil.server.Zone;
import anvil.core.reflect.Reflection;
import anvil.core.runtime.AnyType;
import anvil.core.runtime.AnyFunction;
import anvil.core.runtime.AnyScope;
import anvil.script.compiler.NativeNamespace;
import anvil.java.util.BindingEnumeration;
import anvil.util.Conversions;
import anvil.util.Format;
/// @module anvil.lang
/// Set of elementary functions and classes.
/// Entities at anvil.lang are accessible directly without a need
/// to import or use <code>anvil.lang</code> prefix.
public class LangModule
/*public static final Any proxy(Context context, Any handler, Any[] interfaces)
Zone zone = context.address().getZone();
ClassLoader classloader = zone.getClassLoader();
int n = interfaces.length;
Class[] classes = new Class[n];
int c = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
Any candidate = interfaces[i];
if (candidate instanceof Reflection) {
Reflection reflection = (Reflection)candidate;
if (reflection.getType() == Type.INTERFACE) {
classes[c++] = reflection.getJavaClass();
} else {
throw context.BadParameter("Parameter #"+(2+i)+" is not java interface");
Object proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(classloader, classes,
new AnyUtils.FunctionInvocationHandler(zone, handler));
return Any.create(proxy);
/// @function canDo
/// Checks if given tool permission exists, against
/// current security policy
/// @synopsis boolean canDo(String name)
/// @synopsis boolean canDo(String name, String actions)
public static final Object[] p_canDo = new Object[] { null, "name", "*actions", null };
public static final Any canDo(Context context, String name, String actions)
ToolPermission tool;
if (actions == null) {
tool = new ToolPermission(name);
} else {
tool = new ToolPermission(name, actions);
return context.checkPermission(tool) ? Any.TRUE : Any.FALSE;
/// @function loadClass
/// Loads the given java class or interface.
/// @synopsis Type loadClass(String classname)
/// @exception ClassNotFound If class couldn't be loaded
public static final Object[] p_loadClass = new Object[] { null, "classname" };
public static final Any loadClass(Context context, String classname)
return context.reflect(classname);
/// @function deref
/// Returns the value referred by this given ref.
/// @synopsis object deref(object ref)
/// @param ref Ref to variable
/// @param derefAll If <code>true</code>, all references are followed until
/// first non-ref value is encountered.
public static final Object[] p_deref = new Object[] { "ref", "*derefAll", Boolean.FALSE };
public static final Any deref(Any ref, boolean derefAll)
if (derefAll) {
while(ref.isRef()) {
ref = ref.getRef();
} else {
if (ref.isRef()) {
ref = ref.getRef();
return ref;
/// @function ref
/// Generates and returns programmable ref from given class instance.
/// @synopsis object ref(object provider)
/// @param impl Class having <code>_getRef</code> (and <code>_setRef</code>) methods
public static final Object[] p_ref = new Object[] { "impl" };
public static final Any ref(Any impl)
return new AnyClassRef(impl);
/// @function reveal
/// Reveals and returns the ref implementation, encapsulated with <code>ref()</code>.
/// @synopsis object reveal(object ref)
/// @param ref Programmable ref
public static final Object[] p_reveal = new Object[] { "ref" };
public static final Any reveal(Any impl)
if (impl instanceof AnyClassRef) {
return ((AnyClassRef)impl).getProvider();
} else {
return impl.getRef();
/// @function areSame
/// Checks if two objects share the same memory address.
/// @synopsis boolean areSame(a, b)
public static final Any areSame(Any a, Any b)
return a == b ? Any.TRUE : Any.FALSE;
/// @function reduce
/// Iterates through the given elements and calls reducer function so
/// that the first parameter will be either the result of previous reducer
/// call or intialValue (if it was given), and all other parameters, up to
/// count are taken from then elements.
/// @synopsis object reduce(object reducer, object elements)
/// @synopsis object reduce(object reducer, int count, object elements)
/// @synopsis object reduce(object reducer, int count, object initialValue, object elements)
/// @param reducer Callable reducer taking from count parameters
/// @param count number of parameters to pass to reducer, default is two.
/// @param intialValue initial value of reduction
/// @return the return value of last call to reducer or initialValue
public static final Object[] p_reduce = {"<context>", "reducer", "data1", "*data2", null, "*data2", null };
public static final Any reduce(Context context, Any reducer, Any data1, Any data2, Any data3)
int count = 2;
Any elements;
Any rv = null;
if (data2 != null) {
count = data1.toInt();
if (data3 != null) {
rv = data2;
elements = data3;
} else {
elements = data2;
} else {
elements = data1;
if (count < 2) {
throw context.BadParameter("count must be >= 2");
Enumeration e = elements.enumeration();
Any[] params = new Any[count];
out: while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
int c = 0;
if (rv != null) {
params[c++] = rv;
while(c<count) {
if (e.hasMoreElements()) {
params[c++] = Any.create(e.nextElement());
} else {
Any[] newparams = new Any[c];
if (c>0) {
System.arraycopy(params, 0, newparams, 0, c);
params = newparams;
} else {
break out;
if (c == 0) {
return Any.UNDEFINED;
if (c == 1) {
return params[0];
rv = reducer.execute(context, params);
return Any.create(rv);
/// @function join
/// Joins the elements together with given clue.
/// @synopsis string join(object elements)
/// @synopsis string join(object elements, string clue)
/// @param clue Clue to join with, default is <code>", "</code>.
public static final Object[] p_join = new Object[] { "elements", "*clue", ", " };
public static final Any join(Any elements, String clue)
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
BindingEnumeration enum = elements.enumeration();
boolean more = enum.hasMoreElements();
while(more) {
more = enum.hasMoreElements();
if (more) {
return new AnyString(buffer.toString());
/// @function sort
/// Sorts the elements of sequence with given comparator.
/// @synopsis enumeration sort(object sorter, object elements)
/// @synopsis enumeration sort(object sorter, object elements, object data)
/// @param sorter Callable comparator receiving parameters <code>(value1, value2, data)</code>
/// @param data Data passed as a third parameter to comparator.
public static final Object[] p_sort = new Object[] { "callable", "list", "*data", Any.UNDEFINED };
public static final Any sort(Context context, Any callable, Any list, Any data)
Comparator comparator = new AnyUtils.EnumerationComparator(context, callable, data);
java.util.TreeSet set = new java.util.TreeSet(comparator);
BindingEnumeration enum = list.enumeration();
while(enum.hasMoreElements()) {
return new AnyBindingEnumeration(new AnyUtils.IteratorToEnumeration(set.iterator()));
/// @function select
/// Returns enumeration of all elements for which the
/// given function returned <code>true</code>.
/// @synopsis enumeration select(object selector, object elements)
/// @synopsis enumeration select(object selector, object elements, object data)
/// @param pipe Callable selector receiving parameters
/// <code>(element, index, data)</code>
/// @param data Data passed as third parameter to selector.
public static final Object[] p_select = {"<context>", "selector", "list", "*data", Any.UNDEFINED };
public static final Any select(Context context, Any selector, Any list, Any data)
return new AnyBindingEnumeration(new AnyUtils.SelectEnumeration(
context, selector, list.enumeration(), data));
/// @function pipe
/// Returns enumeration that iterates through given elements
/// and pipes the return value of given function as element
/// on call to <code>enumeration.next</code>.
/// @synopsis enumeration pipe(object converter, object elements)
/// @synopsis enumeration pipe(object converter, object elements, object data)
/// @param converter Callable converter receiving parameters <code>element, index, data)</code>
/// @param data Data passed as a third parameter to converter
public static final Object[] p_pipe = {"<context>", "pipe", "list", "*data", Any.UNDEFINED };
public static final Any pipe(Context context, Any pipe, Any list, Any data)
return new AnyBindingEnumeration(new AnyUtils.PipeEnumeration(
context, pipe, list.enumeration(), data));
/// @function apply
/// Iterates through given elements and applies given applier for
/// each element.
/// @synopsis int apply(object applier, object elements)
/// @synopsis int apply(object applier, object elements, object data)
/// @param applier Callable applier receiving parameters <code>(element, index, data)</code>
/// @param data Data passed as a third parameter to applier
/// @return Number of times applier function was called
public static final Object[] p_apply = {"<context>", "walker", "list", "*data", Any.UNDEFINED };
public static final Any apply(Context context, Any walker, Any list, Any data)
Any[] params = new Any[3];
params[2] = data;
int count = 0;
BindingEnumeration enum = list.enumeration();
while(enum.hasMoreElements()) {
Any key = Any.create(enum.nextKey());
Any value = Any.create(enum.nextElement());
params[0] = value;
params[1] = key;
if (!walker.execute(context, params).toBoolean()) {
return Any.create(count);
/// @function toLower
/// Converts given parameter to lower case.
/// @synopsis string toLower(string str)
public static final Any toLower(String str)
return Any.create(str.toLowerCase());
/// @function toLower
/// Converts given parameter to upper case.
/// @synopsis string toUpper(string str)
public static final Any toUpper(String str)
return Any.create(str.toUpperCase());
/// @function serialize
/// Serializes data.
/// @synopsis string serialize(object data)
/// @return Data serialized to string representation.
public static final Any serialize(Context context, Any value)
try {
return new AnyString(Serialization.serialize(context, value));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw context.exception(e);
/// @function bserialize
/// Serializes data.
/// @synopsis binary serialize(object data)
/// @return Data serialized to binary.
public static final Any bserialize(Context context, Any value)
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Serialization.serialize(context, value, out);
return new AnyBinary(out.toByteArray());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw context.exception(e);
/// @function unserialize
/// Unserializes data representation.
/// @synopsis object unserialize(string repr)
/// @synopsis object unserialize(binary repr)
public static final Any unserialize(Context context, Any value)
try {
if (value.isString()) {
return Serialization.unserialize(context, value.toString());
} else if (value.isBinary()) {
return Serialization.unserialize(context, value.toBinary(), 0, value.sizeOf());
} catch (UnserializationException e) {
throw context.CorruptedSerialization();
return Any.UNDEFINED;
/// @function addressOf
/// Returns memory address of parameters. Returned value for
/// same value is not guaranteed to be same between calls.
/// @synopsis int addressOf(object data)
public static Any addressOf(Any value)
return Any.create(System.identityHashCode(value));
/// @function chr
/// Converts given character code into character (to string
/// which has the length of one).
/// @synopsis string chr(int code)
public static final Object[] p_chr = { "code" };
public static final Any chr(int code)
return Any.create((char)code);
/// @function ord
/// Converts first character of given string to its
/// ordinal value.
/// @synopsis int ord(string str)
public static final Object[] p_ord = { "str" };
public static final Any ord(String value)
return value.length() > 0 ? Any.create((int)value.charAt(0)) : Any.ZERO;
/// @function parseNumber
/// Attempts to parse given string to integer. Valid formats are
/// 123 (decimal), 0x123 (hex) , 0b101 (binary) , 0123 (octal)
/// @synopsis parseNumber(string str)
/// @synopsis parseNumber(string str, int defaultValue)
/// @param str String to convert
/// @param defaultValue Value returned if parsing failed, by default null.
/// @return Integer parsed.
public static final Object[] p_parseNumber = { "str", "*defaultValue", Any.NULL };
public static final Any parseNumber(String value, Any defaultValue)
try {
return Any.create(Conversions.parseNumberUnsafe(value));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return defaultValue;
/// @function parseInt
/// Attempts to parse given string to integer.
/// @synopsis parseInt(string str)
/// @synopsis parseInt(string str, int radix)
/// @synopsis parseInt(string str, int radix, int defaultValue)
/// @param str String to convert
/// @param radix Radix of string, default is 10.
/// @param defaultValue Value returned if parsing failed, by default null.
/// @return Parsed integer.
public static final Object[] p_parseInt = { "str", "*radix", new Integer(10), "*defaultValue", Any.NULL };
public static final Any parseInt(String value, int radix, Any defaultValue)
if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX) {
radix = 10;
} else if (radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) {
radix = 10;
try {
return Any.create(Long.parseLong(value, radix));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return defaultValue;
/// @function parseFloat
/// Attempts to parse given string to float.
/// @synopsis parseFloat(string str)
/// @synopsis parseFloat(string str, float defaultValue)
/// @param str String to convert
/// @param defaultValue Value returned if parsing failed, by default null.
/// @return Parsed float.
public static final Object[] p_parseFloat = { "str", "*defaultValue", Any.NULL };
public static final Any parseFloat(String value, Any defaultValue)
try {
return Any.create(Double.parseDouble(value));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return defaultValue;
/// @function createArray
/// Creates multidimensional rectangular array with given dimensions.
/// @synopsis createArray(range dimensions...)
/// @param dimension Integer for upper bound or list as (lobound, hibound).
/// @return Array created
public static final Object[] p_createArray = { new Integer(1), "dimensions" };
public static final Any createArray(Any[] parameters)
int max = (parameters != null) ? parameters.length : 0;
if (max < 1) {
return Any.NULL;
return createArray(null, parameters, 0);
/// @function createMatrix
/// Creates multidimensional rectangular array with default values.
/// @synopsis createMatrix(range dimensions...)
/// @param defaultValue Default value for each leaf element.
/// @param dimension Integer for upper bound or list as (lobound, hibound).
/// @return Array created
public static final Object[] p_createMatrix = { new Integer(2), "initialValue", "dimensions" };
public static final Any createMatrix(Any initialValue, Any[] parameters)
int max = (parameters != null) ? parameters.length : 0;
if (max < 1) {
return Any.NULL;
return createArray(initialValue, parameters, 0);
private static final Any createArray(Any initialValue, Any[] ranges, int level)
if (level >= ranges.length) {
return initialValue;
Any range = ranges[level];
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
if (range.isRange()) {
AnyRange r = range.toRange();
start = r.getLeft().toInt();
end = r.getRight().toInt();
} else {
end = range.toInt() - 1;
if (start <= end) {
Array array = new Array(end-start);
Any value;
while(start <= end) {
value = createArray(initialValue, ranges, level+1);
if (value == null) {
value = new Array();
array.append(new AnyInt(start), value);
return array;
} else {
return new Array();
/// @function or
/// Returns the result of binary arithmetic OR.
/// @synopsis int or(object a, int b, ...);
/// @return Result of binary OR.
public static final Object[] p_or = { new Integer(2), "a", "b", "rest" };
public static final Any or(long a, long b, Any[] rest)
long r = a | b;
final int n = rest.length;
if (n > 0) {
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
r = r | rest[i].toLong();
return Any.create(r);
/// @function and
/// Returns the result of binary arithmetic AND.
/// @synopsis int and(int a, int b, ...);
/// @return Result of binary AND.
public static final Object[] p_and = { new Integer(2), "a", "b", "rest" };
public static final Any and(long a, long b, Any[] rest)
long r = a & b;
final int n = rest.length;
if (n > 0) {
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
r = r & rest[i].toLong();
return Any.create(r);
/// @function xor
/// Returns the result of logical xor.
/// @synopsis xor(object a, object b, ...);
/// @return Result of logical xor.
public static final Object[] p_xor = { new Integer(2), "a", "b", "rest" };
public static final Any xor(long a, long b, Any[] rest)
long r = a ^ b;
final int n = rest.length;
if (n > 0) {
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
r = r ^ rest[i].toLong();
return Any.create(r);
/// @function neg
/// Returns the result of logical negation.
/// @synopsis int neg(int a)
/// @return Result of logical negation.
public static final Object[] p_neg = { "a" };
public static final Any neg(long a)
return Any.create(~a);
/// @function shift
/// Shifts the parameter to left or right for given amount.
/// @synopsis int shift(int a, int amount)
/// @param amount Left shift if positive, right shift if negative.
/// @return Result of shift.
public static final Object[] p_shift = { "a", "amount" };
public static final Any shift(long a, int amount)
if (amount < 0) {
return Any.create(a >> -amount);
} else {
return Any.create(a << amount);
private static final void appendHrefTo(StringBuffer buffer, Any value, boolean isAlone)
if (isAlone && (buffer.length()>0)) {
switch(value.typeOf()) {
case Any.IS_NULL:
case Any.IS_BOOLEAN:
case Any.IS_INT:
case Any.IS_DOUBLE:
if (isAlone) {
case Any.IS_STRING:
if (isAlone) {
case Any.IS_MAP:
AnyMap map = value.toMap();
case Any.IS_TUPLE:
case Any.IS_LIST:
case Any.IS_ARRAY:
if (isAlone) {
BindingEnumeration enum = value.enumeration();
Any key;
while(enum.hasMoreElements()) {
key = (Any)enum.nextKey();
if (!key.isInt()) {
appendHrefTo(buffer, (Any)enum.nextElement(), false);
if (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
if (isAlone) {
/// @function toHref
/// Creates query string.
/// @synopsis toHref(param, ...)
/// @param param Map <code>key=>value</code> for mapped values,
/// array or sequence of values or anything else for mappings with empty value.
/// @return Query string
public static final Object[] p_toHref = { "p1", "*p2", null, "rest" };
public static final Any toHref(Any p1, Any p2, Any[] rest)
StringBuffer href = new StringBuffer();
appendHrefTo(href, p1, true);
if (p2 != null) {
appendHrefTo(href, p2, true);
if (rest != null) {
int n = rest.length;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
appendHrefTo(href, rest[i], true);
return new AnyString(href.toString());
/// @function format
/// Format 'sprintf' style format string with given parameters. Format
/// may contain fields:
/// <br><br>
/// <table border=1>
/// <tr><td colspan=2>
/// <tt>% [-]? [+]? [0]? [width] ( [.] [precision] ) [csdifg]</tt>
/// </td></tr>
/// <tr><td>-</td><td>
/// Adjust left, instead of right.
/// </td>
/// <tr><td>+</td><td>Numbers with sign</td>
/// <tr><td>0</td><td>Pad numbers with zeros, instead of spaces</td>
/// <tr><td>width</td><td>Width of field, if '*' width will be taken from arguments</td>
/// <tr><td>precision</td><td>Width of fraction part (doubles), if '*' width will be
/// taken from arguments</td>
/// <tr><td>c</td><td>
/// Character (integer or first character from string).
/// </td>
/// <tr><td>s</td><td>String</td>
/// <tr><td>d,i</td><td>Integer</td>
/// <tr><td>f</td><td>
/// Float, follows width.precision stricly
/// </td>
/// <tr><td>g</td><td>
/// Float with signicant fraction shown, if precision is zero (or not given)
/// shows significant digits from it.
/// </td>
/// </table>
/// Use %% to escape %.<br>
/// @synopsis format(string format, ...)
/// @param format Format string
/// @return Formatted string
public static final Object[] p_format = { "format", "parameters" };
public static final Any format(String format, Any[] arguments)
return Any.create(anvil.util.Format.format(format, arguments));
/// @function escape
/// Converts string to backslash escaped format.
/// @synopsis string escape(string str)
/// @param str String to escape
/// @return Escaped string
public static final Object[] p_escape = { "str" };
public static final Any escape(String str)
return Any.create(anvil.util.Conversions.escape(str));
/// @function quote
/// Converts all applicable characters in string to html-entities.
/// @synopsis string quote(string str)
/// @param str String to quote
/// @return Quoted string
public static final Object[] p_quote = { "str" };
public static final Any quote(String str)
return Any.create(anvil.util.Conversions.encodeEntities(str));
/// @function unquote
/// Converts all applicable "entities; to their character counterparts.
/// @synopsis string unquote(string str)
/// @param str String to unquote
/// @return Unquoted string
public static final Object[] p_unquote = { "str" };
public static final Any unquote(String str)
return Any.create(anvil.util.Conversions.decodeEntities(str));
/// @function encode Encodes string.
/// @synopsis string encode(string str)
/// @param str String
/// @return Encoded string
public static final Object[] p_encode = { "str" };
public static final Any encode(String str)
return Any.create(anvil.util.Conversions.URLEncode(str));
/// @function decode Decodes URL encoded string.
/// @synopsis string decode(string str)
/// @param str URL encoded string
/// @return Decoded string
public static final Object[] p_decode = { "str" };
public static final Any decode(String str)
return Any.create(anvil.util.Conversions.URLDecode(str));
private static Any SUFFIX_TH = Any.create("th");
private static Any SUFFIX_ST = Any.create("st");
private static Any SUFFIX_ND = Any.create("nd");
private static Any SUFFIX_RD = Any.create("rd");
/// @function th
/// Returns english numeral suffix (st, nd, th) for given value.
/// @synopsis string th(int number)
/// @param value
/// @return Numeral suffix.
public static final Object[] p_th = { "value" };
public static final Any th(int i)
if ((i>=11) && (i<=13)) {
return SUFFIX_TH;
} else {
switch(i % 10) {
case 1:
return SUFFIX_ST;
case 2:
return SUFFIX_ND;
case 3:
return SUFFIX_RD;
return SUFFIX_TH;
/// @function clone
/// Creates shallow copy from given value.
/// @synopsis object clone(object value)
/// @param value Value to be cloned.
/// @return Cloned value
public static final Object[] p_clone = { null, "value" };
public static final Any clone(Context context, Any value)
return (Any)value.clone();
/// @function copy
/// Creates deep copy from 'value'.
/// @synopsis object copy(object value)
/// @param value Value to be copied.
/// @return Copied value
public static final Object[] p_copy = { null, "value" };
public static final Any copy(Context context, Any value)
return value.copy();
/// @function coerce
/// Returns list containing 'a' and 'b' converted
/// to similar types according to same rules
/// applied to arithmetic operations.
/// If second parameter is omitted tries to convert
/// string to int or float, if conversion fails
/// returns self.
/// @synopsis tuple coerce(object a, object b)
/// @synopsis object coerce(object a)
public static final Object[] p_coerce = { "a", "*b", null };
public static final Any coerce(Any a, Any b)
if (b == null) {
return a.coerce();
int typeOfA = a.typeOf();
int typeOfB = b.typeOf();
if (typeOfA == Any.IS_DOUBLE || typeOfB == Any.IS_DOUBLE) {
return new AnyTuple(new Any[] { a.toAnyDouble(), b.toAnyDouble() } );
} else {
return new AnyTuple(new Any[] { a.toAnyInt(), b.toAnyInt() } );
/// @function divmod
/// Performs division operation with parameters and
/// returns result of division and remainder.
/// @synopsis list divmod(object a, object b)
/// @return List (divisionResult, remainder)
public static final Object[] p_divmod = { "a", "b" };
public static final Any divmod(Any a, Any b)
int typeOfA = a.typeOf();
int typeOfB = b.typeOf();
if (typeOfA == Any.IS_DOUBLE || typeOfB == Any.IS_DOUBLE) {
double da = a.toDouble();
double db = b.toDouble();
return new AnyTuple(new Any[] { new AnyDouble(da/db), new AnyDouble(Math.IEEEremainder(da, db)) } );
} else {
int ia = a.toInt();
int ib = b.toInt();
if (ib == 0) {
return new AnyTuple(new Any[] { Any.ZERO, Any.ZERO } );
} else {
return new AnyTuple(new Any[] { Any.create(ia/ib), Any.create(ia%ib) } );
/// @function test
/// Compares parameters.
/// @synopsis int test(object a, object b)
/// @return -1 if a<b, 0 if a==b, 1 if a>b.
public static final Object[] p_test = { "a", "b" };
public static final Any test(Any a, Any b)
return Any.create(Any.Op.test(a,b));
/// @function compareTo
/// Compares parameters.
/// @synopsis int compareTo(object a, object b)
/// @return -1 if a<b, 0 if a==b, 1 if a>b.
public static final Object[] p_compareTo = { "a", "b" };
public static final Any compareTo(Any a, Any b)
return Any.create(a.compareTo(b));
/// @function equals
/// Compares parameters.
/// @synopsis boolean equals(object a, object b)
/// @return true if a==b, false otherwise.
public static final Object[] p_equals = { "a", "b" };
public static final Any equals(Any a, Any b)
return a.equals(b) ? Any.TRUE : Any.FALSE;
/// @function toHex
/// Converts number to hexadecimal format.
/// @synopsis string toHex(int number)
/// @synopsis string toHex(int number, int length)
/// @synopsis string toHex(int number, int length, string pad)
/// @param number Number to convert
/// @param length Length of resulting string
/// @param pad Padding character, default is '0'
/// @return Number converted to hexadecimal
public static final Object[] p_toHex = { "number", "*length", new Integer(0), "*pad", "0" };
public static final Any toHex(long value, int length, String pad)
return doPad(Long.toHexString(value), length, pad);
/// @function toOctal
/// Converts number to octal format.
/// @synopsis string toOctal(int number)
/// @synopsis string toOctal(int number, int length)
/// @synopsis string toOctal(int number, int length, string pad)
/// @param number Number to convert
/// @param length Length of resulting string
/// @param pad Padding character, default is '0'
/// @return Number converted to octal
public static final Object[] p_toOctal = { "number", "*length", new Integer(0), "*pad", "0" };
public static final Any toOctal(long value, int length, String pad)
return doPad(Long.toOctalString(value), length, pad);
/// @function toBin
/// Converts number to binary format.
/// @synopsis string toBin(int number)
/// @synopsis string toBin(int number, int length)
/// @synopsis string toBin(int number, int length, string pad)
/// @param number Number to convert
/// @param length Length of resulting string
/// @param pad Padding character, default is '0'
/// @return Number converted to binary
public static final Object[] p_toBin = { "number", "*length", new Integer(0), "*pad", "0" };
public static final Any toBin(long value, int length, String pad)
return doPad(Long.toBinaryString(value), length, pad);
/// @function toRadix
/// Converts number to given radix format.
/// @synopsis string toRadix(int number, int radix)
/// @synopsis string toRadix(int number, int radix, int length)
/// @synopsis string toRadix(int number, int radix, int length, string pad)
/// @param number Number to convert
/// @param radix Radix
/// @param length Length of resulting string
/// @param pad Padding character, default is '0'
/// @return Number converted to given radix
public static final Object[] p_toRadix = { "number", "radix", "*length", new Integer(0), "*pad", "0" };
public static final Any toRadix(long value, int radix, int length, String pad)
return doPad(Long.toString(value, radix), length, pad);
private static final Any doPad(String string, int length, String padstr)
if (length == 0) {
return ObjectPool.createString(string);
char pad;
if (padstr == null || padstr.length() == 0) {
pad = '0';
} else {
pad = padstr.charAt(0);
if (length > 0) {
int n = string.length();
if (n < length) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(length);
while(n++ < length) {
return ObjectPool.createString(buffer.toString());
} else {
return ObjectPool.createString(string);
} else {
int n = string.length();
length = -length;
if (n < length) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(length);
while(n++ < length) {
return ObjectPool.createString(buffer.toString());
} else {
return ObjectPool.createString(string);
/// @function toAnvil
/// Converts value to valid code producing the same value.
/// @synopsis string toAnvil(object value)
public static final Object[] p_toAnvil = { "value" };
public static final Any toAnvil(Any value)
return new AnyString(value.toAnvil());
/// @function toJava
/// Converts value to valid code producing the same value.
/// @synopsis string toJava(object value)
public static final Object[] p_toJava = { "value" };
public static final Any toJava(Any value)
return new AnyString(value.toJava());
/// @function toString
/// Converts sequence to string. Useful with sequences, arrays, enumerations
/// and any other values returning enumeration.
/// @synopsis string toString(object value)
public static final Object[] p_toString = { "value" };
public static final Any toString(Any value)
int n;
byte[] bytes;
StringBuffer buf;
switch(value.typeOf()) {
case Any.IS_STRING:
return value;
case Any.IS_BUFFER:
return value.toAnyString();
case Any.IS_BINARY:
return new AnyString(new String(value.toBinary(), 0, value.sizeOf()));
case Any.IS_TUPLE:
case Any.IS_LIST:
Any[] list = value.toTuple();
n = value.sizeOf();
buf = new StringBuffer(n);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
return new AnyString(buf.toString());
case Any.IS_ARRAY:
Array array = value.toArray();
n = array.size();
buf = new StringBuffer(n);
Enumeration e = array.elements();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
return new AnyString(buf.toString());
return new AnyString(value.toString());
/// @function toBuffer
/// Converts sequence to buffer. Useful with sequences, arrays, enumerations
/// and any other values returning enumeration.
/// @synopsis string toBuffer(object value)
public static final Object[] p_toBuffer = { "value" };
public static final Any toBuffer(Any value)
int n;
byte[] bytes;
StringBuffer buf;
switch(value.typeOf()) {
case Any.IS_STRING:
return new AnyBuffer(new StringBuffer(value.toString()));
case Any.IS_BUFFER:
return value;
case Any.IS_BINARY:
return new AnyBuffer(new StringBuffer(new String(value.toBinary(), 0, value.sizeOf())));
case Any.IS_TUPLE:
case Any.IS_LIST:
Any[] list = value.toTuple();
n = value.sizeOf();
buf = new StringBuffer(n);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
return new AnyBuffer(buf);
case Any.IS_ARRAY:
Array array = value.toArray();
n = array.size();
buf = new StringBuffer(n);
Enumeration e = array.elements();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
return new AnyBuffer(buf);
return new AnyBuffer(new StringBuffer(value.toString()));
/// @function toBinary
/// Converts sequence to binary. Useful with sequences, arrays, enumerations
/// and any other values returning enumeration.
/// @synopsis binary toBinary(object value)
public static final Object[] p_toBinary = { "value" };
public static final Any toBinary(Any value)
int n;
byte[] bytes;
switch(value.typeOf()) {
case Any.IS_STRING:
case Any.IS_BUFFER:
return new AnyBinary(anvil.util.Conversions.getBytes(value.toString()));
case Any.IS_BINARY:
return value;
case Any.IS_TUPLE:
case Any.IS_LIST:
Any[] list = value.toTuple();
n = value.sizeOf();
bytes = new byte[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
Any e = list[i];
if (e.coerce().isString()) {
bytes[i] = (byte)e.toChar();
} else {
bytes[i] = e.toByte();
return new AnyBinary(bytes);
case Any.IS_ARRAY:
Array array = value.toArray();
n = array.size();
bytes = new byte[n];
int i = 0;
Enumeration e = array.elements();
while(i<n && e.hasMoreElements()) {
bytes[i++] = (byte)((Any)e.nextElement()).toInt();
return new AnyBinary(bytes);
AnyBinary binary = new AnyBinary();
Enumeration e = value.enumeration();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
return binary;
/// @function toTuple
/// Converts sequence to binary. Useful with sequences, arrays, enumerations
/// and any other values returning enumeration.
/// @synopsis tuple toTuple(object value)
public static final Object[] p_toTuple = { "value" };
public static final Any toTuple(Any value)
Any[] list;
int n;
switch(value.typeOf()) {
case Any.IS_STRING:
String str = value.toString();
n = str.length();
if (n == 0) {
list = new Any[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
list[i] = Any.create(str.charAt(i));
return new AnyTuple(list);
case Any.IS_BUFFER:
StringBuffer buf = value.toBuffer();
n = buf.length();
if (n == 0) {
list = new Any[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
list[i] = Any.create(buf.charAt(i));
return new AnyTuple(list);
case Any.IS_TUPLE:
return value;
case Any.IS_LIST:
list = value.toList();
n = value.sizeOf();
if (n == 0) {
Any[] newlist = new Any[n];
System.arraycopy(list, 0, newlist, 0, n);
return new AnyList(newlist);
case Any.IS_BINARY:
byte[] bytes = value.toBinary();
n = value.sizeOf();
if (n == 0) {
list = new Any[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
list[i] = Any.create(bytes[i]);
return new AnyTuple(list);
case Any.IS_ARRAY:
Array array = value.toArray();
n = array.size();
if (n == 0) {
list = new Any[n];
Enumeration e = array.elements();
int i = 0;
while(i<n && e.hasMoreElements()) {
list[i++] = (Any)e.nextElement();
return new AnyTuple(list);
AnyTuple tuple = new AnyTuple();
Enumeration e = value.enumeration();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
tuple = (AnyTuple)tuple.append(Any.create(e.nextElement()));
return tuple;
return Any.EMPTY_TUPLE;
/// @function toList
/// Converts value to binary. Useful with sequences, arrays, enumerations
/// and any other values returning enumeration.
/// @synopsis list toList(object value)
public static final Object[] p_toList = { "value" };
public static final Any toList(Any value)
Any[] list;
int n;
switch(value.typeOf()) {
case Any.IS_STRING:
String str = value.toString();
n = str.length();
list = new Any[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
list[i] = Any.create(str.charAt(i));
return new AnyList(list);
case Any.IS_BUFFER:
StringBuffer buf = value.toBuffer();
n = buf.length();
list = new Any[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
list[i] = Any.create(buf.charAt(i));
return new AnyList(list);
case Any.IS_TUPLE:
list = value.toList();
n = value.sizeOf();
Any[] newlist = new Any[n];
System.arraycopy(list, 0, newlist, 0, n);
return new AnyList(newlist);
case Any.IS_LIST:
return value;
case Any.IS_BINARY:
byte[] bytes = value.toBinary();
n = value.sizeOf();
list = new Any[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
list[i] = Any.create(bytes[i]);
return new AnyList(list);
case Any.IS_ARRAY:
Array array = value.toArray();
n = array.size();
list = new Any[n];
Enumeration e = array.elements();
int i = 0;
while(i<n && e.hasMoreElements()) {
list[i++] = (Any)e.nextElement();
return new AnyList(list);
AnyList anylist = new AnyList();
Enumeration e = value.enumeration();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
return anylist;
/// @function toArray
/// Converts value to array. Useful with sequences, arrays, enumerations
/// and any other values returning enumeration.
/// @synopsis array toArray(object value)
public static final Object[] p_toArray = { "value" };
public static final Any toArray(Any value)
Array array;
int n;
switch(value.typeOf()) {
case Any.IS_STRING:
String str = value.toString();
n = str.length();
array = new Array(n);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
return array;
case Any.IS_BUFFER:
StringBuffer buf = value.toBuffer();
n = buf.length();
array = new Array(n);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
return array;
case Any.IS_BINARY:
byte[] bytes = value.toBinary();
n = value.sizeOf();
array = new Array(n);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
return array;
case Any.IS_TUPLE:
case Any.IS_LIST:
Any[] list = value.toTuple();
n = value.sizeOf();
array = new Array(n);
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
array.append(i, list[i]);
return array;
case Any.IS_ARRAY:
return value;
array = new Array();
BindingEnumeration e = value.enumeration();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
array.append(Any.create(e.nextKey()), Any.create(e.nextElement()));
return array;
/// @function context
/// Returns context of current custom tag.
/// @synopsis object context()
/// @return Current context.
public static final Any context(Context context)
return context.frame().peek();
/// @function println
/// Same as builtin statement <code>println</code>. Prints all
/// parameters and newline.
/// @synopsis void println(...)
public static final Object[] p_println = { new Integer(0), null, "parameter" };
public static final Any println(Context context, Any[] params)
final int n = params.length;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
return Any.TRUE;
/// @function print
/// Same as builtin statement <code>print</code>. Prints all
/// parameters.
/// @synopsis void print(...)
public static final Object[] p_print = { new Integer(0), null, "parameter" };
public static final Any print(Context context, Any[] params)
final int n = params.length;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
return Any.TRUE;
/// @function printbr
/// Same as builtin statement <code>printbr</code>. Prints all
/// parameters, <br;gt; and a newline.
/// @synopsis void printbr(...)
private static final byte[] BRLN = "<br>\n".getBytes();
public static final Object[] p_printbr = { new Integer(0), null, "parameter" };
public static final Any printbr(Context context, Any[] params)
final int n = params.length;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
return Any.TRUE;
public static final anvil.script.compiler.NativeNamespace __module__ =
new anvil.script.compiler.NativeNamespace(
new String[] {
"\n" +
" @module anvil.lang\n" +
" Set of elementary functions and classes.\n" +
" Entities at anvil.lang are accessible directly without a need\n" +
" to import or use <code>anvil.lang</code> prefix.\n" +
"\n" +
" @function canDo\n" +
" Checks if given tool permission exists, against\n" +
" current security policy\n" +
" @synopsis boolean canDo(String name)\n" +
" @synopsis boolean canDo(String name, String actions)\n" +
" @function loadClass\n" +
" Loads the given java class or interface.\n" +
" @synopsis Type loadClass(String classname)\n" +
" @exception ClassNotFound If class couldn't be loaded\n" +
" @function deref\n" +
" Returns the value referred by this given ref.\n" +
" @synopsis object deref(object ref)\n" +
" @param ref Ref to variable\n" +
" @param derefAll If <code>true</code>, all references are followed until\n" +
" first non-ref value is encountered.\n" +
" @function ref\n" +
" Generates and returns programmable ref from given class instance.\n" +
" @synopsis object ref(object provider)\n" +
" @param impl Class having <code>_getRef</code> (and <code>_setRef</code>) methods\n" +
" @function reveal\n" +
" Reveals and returns the ref implementation, encapsulated with <code>ref()</code>.\n" +
" @synopsis object reveal(object ref)\n" +
" @param ref Programmable ref\n" +
" @function areSame\n" +
" Checks if two objects share the same memory address.\n" +
" @synopsis boolean areSame(a, b)\n" +
" @function reduce\n" +
" Iterates through the given elements and calls reducer function so \n" +
" that the first parameter will be either the result of previous reducer\n" +
" call or intialValue (if it was given), and all other parameters, up to\n" +
" count are taken from then elements. \n" +
" @synopsis object reduce(object reducer, object elements)\n" +
" @synopsis object reduce(object reducer, int count, object elements)\n" +
" @synopsis object reduce(object reducer, int count, object initialValue, object elements)\n" +
" @param reducer Callable reducer taking from count parameters\n" +
" @param count number of parameters to pass to reducer, default is two.\n" +
" @param intialValue initial value of reduction\n" +
" @return the return value of last call to reducer or initialValue\n" +
" @function join\n" +
" Joins the elements together with given clue.\n" +
" @synopsis string join(object elements)\n" +
" @synopsis string join(object elements, string clue)\n" +
" @param clue Clue to join with, default is <code>\", \"</code>.\n" +
" @function sort\n" +
" Sorts the elements of sequence with given comparator.\n" +
" @synopsis enumeration sort(object sorter, object elements)\n" +
" @synopsis enumeration sort(object sorter, object elements, object data)\n" +
" @param sorter Callable comparator receiving parameters <code>(value1, value2, data)</code>\n" +
" @param data Data passed as a third parameter to comparator.\n" +
" @function select\n" +
" Returns enumeration of all elements for which the\n" +
" given function returned <code>true</code>. \n" +
" @synopsis enumeration select(object selector, object elements)\n" +
" @synopsis enumeration select(object selector, object elements, object data)\n" +
" @param pipe Callable selector receiving parameters\n" +
" <code>(element, index, data)</code>\n" +
" @param data Data passed as third parameter to selector.\n" +
" @function pipe\n" +
" Returns enumeration that iterates through given elements\n" +
" and pipes the return value of given function as element\n" +
" on call to <code>enumeration.next</code>.\n" +
" @synopsis enumeration pipe(object converter, object elements)\n" +
" @synopsis enumeration pipe(object converter, object elements, object data)\n" +
" @param converter Callable converter receiving parameters <code>element, index, data)</code>\n" +
" @param data Data passed as a third parameter to converter\n" +
" @function apply\n" +
" Iterates through given elements and applies given applier for\n" +
" each element.\n" +
" @synopsis int apply(object applier, object elements)\n" +
" @synopsis int apply(object applier, object elements, object data)\n" +
" @param applier Callable applier receiving parameters <code>(element, index, data)</code>\n" +
" @param data Data passed as a third parameter to applier\n" +
" @return Number of times applier function was called\n" +
" @function toLower\n" +
" Converts given parameter to lower case.\n" +
" @synopsis string toLower(string str)\n" +
" @function toLower\n" +
" Converts given parameter to upper case.\n" +
" @synopsis string toUpper(string str)\n" +
" @function serialize\n" +
" Serializes data.\n" +
" @synopsis string serialize(object data)\n" +
" @return Data serialized to string representation.\n" +
" @function bserialize\n" +
" Serializes data.\n" +
" @synopsis binary serialize(object data)\n" +
" @return Data serialized to binary.\n" +
" @function unserialize\n" +
" Unserializes data representation.\n" +
" @synopsis object unserialize(string repr)\n" +
" @synopsis object unserialize(binary repr)\n" +
" @function addressOf\n" +
" Returns memory address of parameters. Returned value for\n" +
" same value is not guaranteed to be same between calls.\n" +
" @synopsis int addressOf(object data)\n" +
" @function chr\n" +
" Converts given character code into character (to string\n" +
" which has the length of one).\n" +
" @synopsis string chr(int code)\n" +
" @function ord\n" +
" Converts first character of given string to its \n" +
" ordinal value.\n" +
" @synopsis int ord(string str)\n" +
" @function parseNumber\n" +
" Attempts to parse given string to integer. Valid formats are\n" +
" 123 (decimal), 0x123 (hex) , 0b101 (binary) , 0123 (octal)\n" +
" @synopsis parseNumber(string str)\n" +
" @synopsis parseNumber(string str, int defaultValue)\n" +
" @param str String to convert\n" +
" @param defaultValue Value returned if parsing failed, by default null.\n" +
" @return Integer parsed.\n" +
" @function parseInt\n" +
" Attempts to parse given string to integer. \n" +
" @synopsis parseInt(string str)\n" +
" @synopsis parseInt(string str, int radix)\n" +
" @synopsis parseInt(string str, int radix, int defaultValue)\n" +
" @param str String to convert\n" +
" @param radix Radix of string, default is 10.\n" +
" @param defaultValue Value returned if parsing failed, by default null.\n" +
" @return Parsed integer.\n" +
" @function parseFloat\n" +
" Attempts to parse given string to float. \n" +
" @synopsis parseFloat(string str)\n" +
" @synopsis parseFloat(string str, float defaultValue)\n" +
" @param str String to convert\n" +
" @param defaultValue Value returned if parsing failed, by default null.\n" +
" @return Parsed float.\n" +
" @function createArray\n" +
" Creates multidimensional rectangular array with given dimensions.\n" +
" @synopsis createArray(range dimensions...)\n" +
" @param dimension Integer for upper bound or list as (lobound, hibound).\n" +
" @return Array created\n" +
" @function createMatrix\n" +
" Creates multidimensional rectangular array with default values.\n" +
" @synopsis createMatrix(range dimensions...)\n" +
" @param defaultValue Default value for each leaf element.\n" +
" @param dimension Integer for upper bound or list as (lobound, hibound).\n" +
" @return Array created\n" +
" @function or\n" +
" Returns the result of binary arithmetic OR.\n" +
" @synopsis int or(object a, int b, ...);\n" +
" @return Result of binary OR.\n" +
" @function and\n" +
" Returns the result of binary arithmetic AND.\n" +
" @synopsis int and(int a, int b, ...);\n" +
" @return Result of binary AND.\n" +
" @function xor\n" +
" Returns the result of logical xor.\n" +
" @synopsis xor(object a, object b, ...);\n" +
" @return Result of logical xor.\n" +
" @function neg\n" +
" Returns the result of logical negation.\n" +
" @synopsis int neg(int a)\n" +
" @return Result of logical negation.\n" +
" @function shift\n" +
" Shifts the parameter to left or right for given amount.\n" +
" @synopsis int shift(int a, int amount)\n" +
" @param amount Left shift if positive, right shift if negative.\n" +
" @return Result of shift.\n" +
" @function toHref\n" +
" Creates query string.\n" +
" @synopsis toHref(param, ...)\n" +
" @param param Map <code>key=>value</code> for mapped values, \n" +
" array or sequence of values or anything else for mappings with empty value.\n" +
" @return Query string\n" +
" @function format\n" +
" Format 'sprintf' style format string with given parameters. Format\n" +
" may contain fields:\n" +
" <br><br>\n" +
" <table border=1>\n" +
" <tr><td colspan=2>\n" +
" <tt>% [-]? [+]? [0]? [width] ( [.] [precision] ) [csdifg]</tt>\n" +
" </td></tr>\n" +
" <tr><td>-</td><td>\n" +
" Adjust left, instead of right.\n" +
" </td>\n" +
" <tr><td>+</td><td>Numbers with sign</td>\n" +
" <tr><td>0</td><td>Pad numbers with zeros, instead of spaces</td>\n" +
" <tr><td>width</td><td>Width of field, if '*' width will be taken from arguments</td>\n" +
" <tr><td>precision</td><td>Width of fraction part (doubles), if '*' width will be\n" +
" taken from arguments</td>\n" +
" <tr><td>c</td><td>\n" +
" Character (integer or first character from string).\n" +
" </td>\n" +
" <tr><td>s</td><td>String</td>\n" +
" <tr><td>d,i</td><td>Integer</td>\n" +
" <tr><td>f</td><td>\n" +
" Float, follows width.precision stricly\n" +
" </td>\n" +
" <tr><td>g</td><td>\n" +
" Float with signicant fraction shown, if precision is zero (or not given)\n" +
" shows significant digits from it.\n" +
" </td>\n" +
" </table>\n" +
"\n" +
" Use %% to escape %.<br>\n" +
" @synopsis format(string format, ...)\n" +
" @param format Format string\n" +
" @return Formatted string\n" +
" @function escape\n" +
" Converts string to backslash escaped format.\n" +
" @synopsis string escape(string str)\n" +
" @param str String to escape\n" +
" @return Escaped string\n" +
" @function quote\n" +
" Converts all applicable characters in string to html-entities.\n" +
" @synopsis string quote(string str)\n" +
" @param str String to quote\n" +
" @return Quoted string\n" +
" @function unquote\n" +
" Converts all applicable "entities; to their character counterparts.\n" +
" @synopsis string unquote(string str)\n" +
" @param str String to unquote\n" +
" @return Unquoted string\n" +
" @function encode Encodes string.\n" +
" @synopsis string encode(string str)\n" +
" @param str String\n" +
" @return Encoded string\n" +
" @function decode Decodes URL encoded string.\n" +
" @synopsis string decode(string str)\n" +
" @param str URL encoded string\n" +
" @return Decoded string\n" +
" @function th \n" +
" Returns english numeral suffix (st, nd, th) for given value.\n" +
" @synopsis string th(int number)\n" +
" @param value\n" +
" @return Numeral suffix.\n" +
" @function clone\n" +
" Creates shallow copy from given value.\n" +
" @synopsis object clone(object value)\n" +
" @param value Value to be cloned.\n" +
" @return Cloned value\n" +
" @function copy\n" +
" Creates deep copy from 'value'.\n" +
" @synopsis object copy(object value)\n" +
" @param value Value to be copied.\n" +
" @return Copied value\n" +
" @function coerce\n" +
" Returns list containing 'a' and 'b' converted\n" +
" to similar types according to same rules\n" +
" applied to arithmetic operations.\n" +
" If second parameter is omitted tries to convert\n" +
" string to int or float, if conversion fails\n" +
" returns self.\n" +
" @synopsis tuple coerce(object a, object b)\n" +
" @synopsis object coerce(object a)\n" +
" @function divmod\n" +
" Performs division operation with parameters and\n" +
" returns result of division and remainder.\n" +
" @synopsis list divmod(object a, object b)\n" +
" @return List (divisionResult, remainder)\n" +
" @function test\n" +
" Compares parameters.\n" +
" @synopsis int test(object a, object b)\n" +
" @return -1 if a<b, 0 if a==b, 1 if a>b.\n" +
" @function compareTo\n" +
" Compares parameters.\n" +
" @synopsis int compareTo(object a, object b)\n" +
" @return -1 if a<b, 0 if a==b, 1 if a>b.\n" +
" @function equals\n" +
" Compares parameters.\n" +
" @synopsis boolean equals(object a, object b)\n" +
" @return true if a==b, false otherwise.\n" +
" @function toHex\n" +
" Converts number to hexadecimal format.\n" +
" @synopsis string toHex(int number)\n" +
" @synopsis string toHex(int number, int length)\n" +
" @synopsis string toHex(int number, int length, string pad)\n" +
" @param number Number to convert\n" +
" @param length Length of resulting string\n" +
" @param pad Padding character, default is '0'\n" +
" @return Number converted to hexadecimal\n" +
" @function toOctal\n" +
" Converts number to octal format.\n" +
" @synopsis string toOctal(int number)\n" +
" @synopsis string toOctal(int number, int length)\n" +
" @synopsis string toOctal(int number, int length, string pad)\n" +
" @param number Number to convert\n" +
" @param length Length of resulting string\n" +
" @param pad Padding character, default is '0'\n" +
" @return Number converted to octal\n" +
" @function toBin\n" +
" Converts number to binary format.\n" +
" @synopsis string toBin(int number)\n" +
" @synopsis string toBin(int number, int length)\n" +
" @synopsis string toBin(int number, int length, string pad)\n" +
" @param number Number to convert\n" +
" @param length Length of resulting string\n" +
" @param pad Padding character, default is '0'\n" +
" @return Number converted to binary\n" +
" @function toRadix\n" +
" Converts number to given radix format.\n" +
" @synopsis string toRadix(int number, int radix)\n" +
" @synopsis string toRadix(int number, int radix, int length)\n" +
" @synopsis string toRadix(int number, int radix, int length, string pad)\n" +
" @param number Number to convert\n" +
" @param radix Radix \n" +
" @param length Length of resulting string\n" +
" @param pad Padding character, default is '0'\n" +
" @return Number converted to given radix\n" +
" @function toAnvil\n" +
" Converts value to valid code producing the same value.\n" +
" @synopsis string toAnvil(object value)\n" +
" @function toJava\n" +
" Converts value to valid code producing the same value.\n" +
" @synopsis string toJava(object value)\n" +
" @function toString\n" +
" Converts sequence to string. Useful with sequences, arrays, enumerations\n" +
" and any other values returning enumeration.\n" +
" @synopsis string toString(object value)\n" +
" @function toBuffer\n" +
" Converts sequence to buffer. Useful with sequences, arrays, enumerations\n" +
" and any other values returning enumeration.\n" +
" @synopsis string toBuffer(object value)\n" +
" @function toBinary\n" +
" Converts sequence to binary. Useful with sequences, arrays, enumerations\n" +
" and any other values returning enumeration.\n" +
" @synopsis binary toBinary(object value)\n" +
" @function toTuple\n" +
" Converts sequence to binary. Useful with sequences, arrays, enumerations\n" +
" and any other values returning enumeration.\n" +
" @synopsis tuple toTuple(object value)\n" +
" @function toList\n" +
" Converts value to binary. Useful with sequences, arrays, enumerations\n" +
" and any other values returning enumeration.\n" +
" @synopsis list toList(object value)\n" +
" @function toArray\n" +
" Converts value to array. Useful with sequences, arrays, enumerations\n" +
" and any other values returning enumeration.\n" +
" @synopsis array toArray(object value)\n" +
" @function context\n" +
" Returns context of current custom tag.\n" +
" @synopsis object context()\n" +
" @return Current context.\n" +
" @function println\n" +
" Same as builtin statement <code>println</code>. Prints all\n" +
" parameters and newline.\n" +
" @synopsis void println(...)\n" +
" @function print\n" +
" Same as builtin statement <code>print</code>. Prints all\n" +
" parameters.\n" +
" @synopsis void print(...)\n" +
" @function printbr\n" +
" Same as builtin statement <code>printbr</code>. Prints all\n" +
" parameters, <br;gt; and a newline.\n" +
" @synopsis void printbr(...)\n"