/* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.codehaus.jam.internal;
import org.codehaus.jam.JamClassLoader;
import org.codehaus.jam.JamServiceParams;
import org.codehaus.jam.annotation.AnnotationProxy;
import org.codehaus.jam.annotation.DefaultAnnotationProxy;
import org.codehaus.jam.annotation.JavadocTagParser;
import org.codehaus.jam.annotation.WhitespaceDelimitedTagParser;
import org.codehaus.jam.internal.elements.ElementContext;
import org.codehaus.jam.provider.CompositeJamClassBuilder;
import org.codehaus.jam.provider.JamClassBuilder;
import org.codehaus.jam.provider.JamLogger;
import org.codehaus.jam.provider.JamServiceContext;
import org.codehaus.jam.provider.ResourcePath;
import org.codehaus.jam.visitor.CompositeMVisitor;
import org.codehaus.jam.visitor.MVisitor;
import org.codehaus.jam.visitor.PropertyInitializer;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
* <p>Takes settings from the user (through JamServiceParams) and exposes
* them to the implementation (through JamServiceContext).</p>
* @author Patrick Calahan <email: codehaus-at-bea-dot-com>
public class JamServiceContextImpl extends JamLoggerImpl implements JamServiceContext,
JamServiceParams, ElementContext
// ========================================================================
// Constants
private static final char INNER_CLASS_SEPARATOR = '$';
// ========================================================================
// Variables
private boolean m14WarningsEnabled = false;
private Properties mProperties = null;
private Map mSourceRoot2Scanner = null;
private Map mClassRoot2Scanner = null;
private List mClasspath = null;
private List mSourcepath = null;
private List mToolClasspath = null;
private List mIncludeClasses = null;
private List mExcludeClasses = null;
private boolean mUseSystemClasspath = true;
private JavadocTagParser mTagParser = null;
private MVisitor mCommentInitializer = null;
private MVisitor mPropertyInitializer = new PropertyInitializer();
private List mOtherInitializers = null;
private List mUnstructuredSourceFiles = null;
private List mClassLoaders = null;
private List mBaseBuilders = null;
private JamClassLoader mLoader = null;
// ========================================================================
public void setClassLoader(JamClassLoader loader) {
mLoader = loader;
public JamClassBuilder getBaseBuilder() {
if (mBaseBuilders == null || mBaseBuilders.size() == 0) {
return null;
if (mBaseBuilders.size() == 1) {
return (JamClassBuilder)mBaseBuilders.get(0);
JamClassBuilder[] comp = new JamClassBuilder[mBaseBuilders.size()];
return new CompositeJamClassBuilder(comp);
public JavadocTagParser getTagParser() {
if (mTagParser == null) {
mTagParser = new WhitespaceDelimitedTagParser();
return mTagParser;
// ========================================================================
// Constructors
public JamServiceContextImpl() {}
// ========================================================================
// Public methods - used by BaseJProvider
* Returns an array containing the qualified names of the classes which
* are in the Service class set.
public String[] getAllClassnames() throws IOException {
Set all = new HashSet();
if (mIncludeClasses != null) all.addAll(mIncludeClasses);
for(Iterator i = getAllDirectoryScanners(); i.hasNext(); ) {
DirectoryScanner ds = (DirectoryScanner)i.next();
String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles();
for(int j=0; j<files.length; j++) {
//System.out.println("including "+files[j]);
// exclude inner classes - they will be on disk as .class files with
// a '$' in the name
if (files[j].indexOf(INNER_CLASS_SEPARATOR) == -1) {
if (mExcludeClasses != null) all.removeAll(mExcludeClasses);
String[] out = new String[all.size()];
return out;
public JamLogger getLogger() { return this; }
public String[] getSourceClassnames() throws IOException {
if (mSourceRoot2Scanner == null) return new String[0];
Set set = new HashSet();
for(Iterator i = mSourceRoot2Scanner.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
DirectoryScanner ds = (DirectoryScanner)i.next();
String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles();
for(int j=0; j<files.length; j++) {
String[] out = new String[set.size()];
return out;
public File[] getSourceFiles() throws IOException {
Set set = new HashSet();
if (mSourceRoot2Scanner != null) {
for(Iterator i = mSourceRoot2Scanner.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
DirectoryScanner ds = (DirectoryScanner)i.next();
if (isVerbose(this)) {
verbose(PREFIX+ " checking scanner for dir"+ds.getRoot());
String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles();
for(int j=0; j<files.length; j++) {
if (isVerbose(this)) {
verbose(PREFIX+ " ...including a source file "+files[j]);
set.add(new File(ds.getRoot(),files[j]));
// also dump unstructured files in there as well. javadoc doesn't
// know the difference, but eventually we're going to care
// when we introduce lazy parsing
if (mUnstructuredSourceFiles != null) {
if (isVerbose(this)) verbose(PREFIX+ "adding "+mUnstructuredSourceFiles.size()+
" other source files");
File[] out = new File[set.size()];
return out;
public File[] getUnstructuredSourceFiles() {
if (mUnstructuredSourceFiles == null) return null;
File[] out = new File[mUnstructuredSourceFiles.size()];
return out;
public ResourcePath getInputClasspath() { return createJPath(mClasspath); }
public ResourcePath getInputSourcepath() { return createJPath(mSourcepath); }
public ResourcePath getToolClasspath() { return createJPath(mToolClasspath); }
public String getProperty(String name) {
return (mProperties == null) ? null : mProperties.getProperty(name);
public MVisitor getInitializer() {
List initers = new ArrayList();
// for now, we don't have a default comment initializer. may need to
// change this someday.
if (mCommentInitializer != null) initers.add(mCommentInitializer);
// initers.add((mCommentInitializer != null) ? mCommentInitializer :
// new CommentInitializer());
if (mPropertyInitializer != null) initers.add(mPropertyInitializer);
if (mOtherInitializers != null) initers.addAll(mOtherInitializers);
// now go
MVisitor[] inits = new MVisitor[initers.size()];
return new CompositeMVisitor(inits);
// ========================================================================
// JamServiceParams implementation
public void addClassBuilder(JamClassBuilder builder) {
if (mBaseBuilders == null) mBaseBuilders = new ArrayList();
public void setCommentInitializer(MVisitor initializer) {
mCommentInitializer = initializer;
public void setPropertyInitializer(MVisitor initializer) {
mPropertyInitializer = initializer;
public void addInitializer(MVisitor initializer) {
if (mOtherInitializers == null) mOtherInitializers = new ArrayList();
public void setJavadocTagParser(JavadocTagParser tp) {
mTagParser = tp;
tp.init(this); //FIXME this is a little broken to do this here
public void includeSourceFile(File file) {
if (file == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null file");
file = file.getAbsoluteFile();
if (isVerbose(this)) verbose(PREFIX+ "adding source ");
if (!file.exists()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(file+" does not exist");
if (file.isDirectory()) throw new IllegalArgumentException
(file+" cannot be included as a source file because it is a directory.");
if (mUnstructuredSourceFiles == null) {
mUnstructuredSourceFiles = new ArrayList();
public void includeSourcePattern(File[] sourcepath, String pattern) {
if (sourcepath == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null sourcepath");
if (sourcepath.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty sourcepath");
if (pattern == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null pattern");
pattern = pattern.trim();
if (pattern.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty pattern");
for(int i=0; i<sourcepath.length; i++) {
if (isVerbose(this)) verbose(PREFIX+ "including '"+pattern+"' under "+sourcepath[i]);
public void includeClassPattern(File classpath[], String pattern) {
if (classpath == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null classpath");
if (classpath.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty classpath");
if (pattern == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null pattern");
pattern = pattern.trim();
if (pattern.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty pattern");
for(int i=0; i<classpath.length; i++) {
if (isVerbose(this)) verbose(PREFIX+ "including '"+pattern+"' under "+classpath[i]);
public void excludeSourcePattern(File[] sourcepath, String pattern) {
if (sourcepath == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null sourcepath");
if (sourcepath.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty sourcepath");
if (pattern == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null pattern");
pattern = pattern.trim();
if (pattern.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty pattern");
for(int i=0; i<sourcepath.length; i++) {
if (isVerbose(this)) verbose(PREFIX+ "EXCLUDING '"+pattern+"' under "+sourcepath[i]);
public void excludeClassPattern(File[] classpath, String pattern) {
if (classpath == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null classpath");
if (classpath.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty classpath");
if (pattern == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null pattern");
pattern = pattern.trim();
if (pattern.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty pattern");
for(int i=0; i<classpath.length; i++) {
if (isVerbose(this)) verbose(PREFIX+ "EXCLUDING '"+pattern+"' under "+classpath[i]);
public void includeSourceFile(File[] sourcepath, File sourceFile) {
File root = getPathRootForFile(sourcepath,sourceFile);
includeSourcePattern(new File[] {root}, source2pattern(root,sourceFile));
public void excludeSourceFile(File[] sourcepath, File sourceFile) {
File root = getPathRootForFile(sourcepath,sourceFile);
excludeSourcePattern(new File[] {root}, source2pattern(root,sourceFile));
public void includeClassFile(File[] classpath, File classFile) {
File root = getPathRootForFile(classpath,classFile);
includeClassPattern(new File[] {root}, source2pattern(root,classFile));
public void excludeClassFile(File[] classpath, File classFile) {
File root = getPathRootForFile(classpath,classFile);
excludeClassPattern(new File[] {root}, source2pattern(root,classFile));
public void includeClass(String qualifiedClassname) {
if (mIncludeClasses == null) mIncludeClasses = new ArrayList();
public void excludeClass(String qualifiedClassname) {
if (mExcludeClasses == null) mExcludeClasses = new ArrayList();
public void addClasspath(File classpathElement) {
if (mClasspath == null) {
mClasspath = new ArrayList();
} else {
if (mClasspath.contains(classpathElement)) return;
public void setLoggerWriter(PrintWriter out) {
public void addSourcepath(File sourcepathElement) {
if (mSourcepath == null) {
mSourcepath = new ArrayList();
} else {
if (mSourcepath.contains(sourcepathElement)) return;
public void addToolClasspath(File classpathElement) {
if (mToolClasspath == null) {
mToolClasspath = new ArrayList();
} else {
if (mToolClasspath.contains(classpathElement)) return;
public void setProperty(String name, String value) {
if (mProperties == null) mProperties = new Properties();
public void set14WarningsEnabled(boolean b) {
m14WarningsEnabled = b;
//public void setLogger(PrintWriter out) { mOut = out; }
public void setParentClassLoader(JamClassLoader loader) {
throw new IllegalStateException("NYI"); //FIXME
public void setUseSystemClasspath(boolean use) {
mUseSystemClasspath = use;
public void addClassLoader(ClassLoader cl) {
if (mClassLoaders == null) mClassLoaders = new ArrayList();
// ========================================================================
// JamServiceContext implementation
//public boolean isUseSystemClasspath() { return mUseSystemClasspath; }
public ClassLoader[] getReflectionClassLoaders() {
if (mClassLoaders == null) {
if (mUseSystemClasspath) {
return new ClassLoader[] { ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() };
} else {
return new ClassLoader[0];
} else {
ClassLoader[] out = new ClassLoader[mClassLoaders.size()+
(mUseSystemClasspath ? 1 : 0)];
for(int i=0; i<mClassLoaders.size(); i++) {
out[i] = (ClassLoader)mClassLoaders.get(i);
if (mUseSystemClasspath) {
out[out.length-1] = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
return out;
public boolean is14WarningsEnabled() { return m14WarningsEnabled; }
// ========================================================================
// ElementContext implementation
public JamClassLoader getClassLoader() { return mLoader; }
public AnnotationProxy createAnnotationProxy(String jsr175typename) {
AnnotationProxy out = new DefaultAnnotationProxy();
return out;
// ========================================================================
// Private methods
private static final String PREFIX = "[JamServiceContextImpl] ";
private File getPathRootForFile(File[] sourcepath, File sourceFile) {
if (sourcepath == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null sourcepath");
if (sourcepath.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty sourcepath");
if (sourceFile == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null sourceFile");
sourceFile = sourceFile.getAbsoluteFile();
if (isVerbose(this)) verbose(PREFIX+"Getting root for "+sourceFile+"...");
for(int i=0; i<sourcepath.length; i++) {
if (isVerbose(this)) verbose(PREFIX+"...looking in "+sourcepath[i]);
if (isContainingDir(sourcepath[i].getAbsoluteFile(),sourceFile)) {
if (isVerbose(this)) verbose(PREFIX+"...found it!");
return sourcepath[i].getAbsoluteFile();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(sourceFile+" is not in the given path.");
* Returns true if the given dir contains the given file.
private boolean isContainingDir(File dir, File file) {
if (isVerbose(this)) verbose(PREFIX+ "... ...isContainingDir "+dir+" "+file);
if (file == null) return false;
if (dir.equals(file)) {
if (isVerbose(this)) verbose(PREFIX+ "... ...yes!");
return true;
return isContainingDir(dir,file.getParentFile());
* Converts the sourceFile to a pattern expression relative to the
* given root.
private String source2pattern(File root, File sourceFile) {
if (isVerbose(this)) verbose(PREFIX+ "source2pattern "+root+" "+sourceFile);
//REVIEW this is a bit cheesy
String r = root.getAbsolutePath();
String s = sourceFile.getAbsolutePath();
if (isVerbose(this)) {
verbose(PREFIX+ "source2pattern returning "+s.substring(r.length()+1));
return s.substring(r.length()+1);
* Converts the given java source or class filename into a qualified
* classname. The filename is assumed to be relative to the source or
* class root.
private static String filename2classname(String filename) {
int extDot = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
if (extDot != -1) filename = filename.substring(0,extDot);
filename = filename.replace('/','.');
filename = filename.replace('\\','.');
return filename;
* Returns all of the directory scanners for all class and source
* roots created in this params object.
private Iterator getAllDirectoryScanners() {
Collection out = new ArrayList();
if (mSourceRoot2Scanner != null) {
if (mClassRoot2Scanner != null) {
return out.iterator();
* Creates a ResourcePath for the given collection of Files, or returns null
* if the collections is null or empty.
private static ResourcePath createJPath(Collection filelist) {
if (filelist == null || filelist.size() == 0) return null;
File[] files = new File[filelist.size()];
return ResourcePath.forFiles(files);
* Returns the DirectoryScanner which we have mapped to the given source
* root, creating a new one if necessary.
private DirectoryScanner getSourceScanner(File srcRoot) {
if (mSourceRoot2Scanner == null) mSourceRoot2Scanner = new HashMap();
DirectoryScanner out = (DirectoryScanner)mSourceRoot2Scanner.get(srcRoot);
if (out == null) {
mSourceRoot2Scanner.put(srcRoot,out = new DirectoryScanner(srcRoot,this));
return out;
* Returns the DirectoryScanner which we have mapped to the given class
* root, creating a new one if necessary.
private DirectoryScanner getClassScanner(File clsRoot) {
if (mClassRoot2Scanner == null) mClassRoot2Scanner = new HashMap();
DirectoryScanner out = (DirectoryScanner)mClassRoot2Scanner.get(clsRoot);
if (out == null) {
mClassRoot2Scanner.put(clsRoot,out = new DirectoryScanner(clsRoot,this));
return out;