import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import aima.core.util.datastructure.Point2D;
* Extends the <code>MapAgentView</code> by visualization of
* scenario, destination, and agent map information.
* @author Ruediger Lunde
public class ExtendedMapAgentView extends MapAgentView {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/** A scenario. */
protected Scenario scenario;
/** A list of location names, possibly null. */
protected List<String> destinations;
/** Map which reflects the agent's knowledge about the environment. */
protected Map agentMap;
/** Sets data to be displayed. All values may be null. */
public void setData(Scenario scenario, List<String> destinations, Map agentMap) {
this.scenario = scenario;
this.destinations = destinations;
this.agentMap = agentMap;
* Represents roads by lines and locations by name-labeled points.
protected void paintMap(java.awt.Graphics2D g2) {
Map envMap = getMapEnv().getMap();
Map aMap = (agentMap != null) ? agentMap : envMap;
List<Roadblock> roadblocks = new ArrayList<Roadblock>();
for (String l1 : envMap.getLocations()) {
Point2D pt1 = envMap.getPosition(l1);
List<String> linkedLocs = envMap.getLocationsLinkedTo(l1);
for (String l2 : aMap.getLocationsLinkedTo(l1))
if (!linkedLocs.contains(l2))
for (String l2 : linkedLocs) {
Point2D pt2 = envMap.getPosition(l2);
g2.drawLine(x(pt1), y(pt1), x(pt2), y(pt2));
boolean blockedInEnv = !envMap.getLocationsLinkedTo(l2)
boolean blockedInAgent = !aMap.getLocationsLinkedTo(l2)
roadblocks.add(new Roadblock(pt1, pt2, blockedInEnv,
if (blockedInEnv && blockedInAgent) {
boolean blockedInEnvOtherDir = !envMap
boolean blockedInAgentOtherDir = !aMap
roadblocks.add(new Roadblock(pt2, pt1,
blockedInEnvOtherDir, blockedInAgentOtherDir));
for (Roadblock block : roadblocks)
paintRoadblock(g2, block);
/** Displays a map location. */
protected void paintLoc(Graphics2D g2, String loc) {
Map map = getMapEnv().getMap();
Point2D pt = map.getPosition(loc);
if (pt != null) {
int x = x(pt);
int y = y(pt);
String info = "";
List<String> track = new ArrayList<String>();
if (!env.getAgents().isEmpty())
// show details only for track of first agent...
track = getTrack(env.getAgents().get(0));
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < track.size(); i++)
if (track.get(i).equals(loc))
list.add(i + 1);
if (!list.isEmpty())
info = list.toString();
// if (getMapEnv().hasObjects(loc)) {
// g2.setColor(;
// g2.fillOval(x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10);
// }
if (scenario != null && scenario.getInitAgentLocation().equals(loc)) {
g2.fillOval(x - 7, y - 7, 14, 14);
if (getAgentLocs().contains(loc)) {
g2.fillOval(x - 4, y - 4, 8, 8);
// if (maModel.hasInfos(loc)) {
// g2.setColor(;
// g2.drawString("i", x, y + 12);
// }
// if (model.isStart(loc))
// g2.setColor(;
// else
if (destinations != null && destinations.contains(loc))
else if (track.contains(loc))
g2.drawString(loc + info, x, y);
* Blocked roads are represented by filled rectangles. Blue denotes, the
* agent doesn't know it, red denotes, the road is no blocked, but the
* agent thinks so.
private void paintRoadblock(java.awt.Graphics2D g2, Roadblock block) {
if (block.inEnvMap || block.inAgentMap) {
int x = (int) (0.2 * x(block.pos1) + 0.8 * x(block.pos2) - 4);
int y = (int) (0.2 * y(block.pos1) + 0.8 * y(block.pos2) - 4);
if (!block.inAgentMap)
g2.setColor(; // agent doesn't know the road block
else if (!block.inEnvMap)
g2.setColor(; // agent doesn't know the way
g2.fillRect(x, y, 9, 9);
* Stores road block information. Informations about obstacles are
* generally printed after the roads itself so that they always appear
* in front.
private static class Roadblock {
Point2D pos1;
Point2D pos2;
boolean inEnvMap;
boolean inAgentMap;
private Roadblock(Point2D pos1, Point2D pos2, boolean inEnvMap,
boolean inAgentMap) {
this.pos1 = pos1;
this.pos2 = pos2;
this.inEnvMap = inEnvMap;
this.inAgentMap = inAgentMap;