* Adito
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 3SP LTD. All Rights Reserved
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package com.adito.networkplaces.actions;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemException;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileType;
import org.apache.struts.Globals;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionError;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages;
import com.adito.boot.Util;
import com.adito.core.BundleActionMessage;
import com.adito.core.CoreEvent;
import com.adito.core.CoreException;
import com.adito.core.CoreServlet;
import com.adito.core.CoreUtil;
import com.adito.core.FileDownloadPageInterceptListener;
import com.adito.core.PopupException;
import com.adito.core.RedirectWithMessages;
import com.adito.core.actions.AbstractPopupAuthenticatedDispatchAction;
import com.adito.networkplaces.NetworkPlace;
import com.adito.networkplaces.NetworkPlacePlugin;
import com.adito.networkplaces.NetworkPlaceResourceType;
import com.adito.networkplaces.NetworkPlaceUploadHandler;
import com.adito.networkplaces.NetworkPlacesException;
import com.adito.networkplaces.clipboard.NetworkPlaceClipboardContent;
import com.adito.networkplaces.forms.FileSystemForm;
import com.adito.networkplaces.model.FileItem;
import com.adito.networkplaces.model.FileSystemItem;
import com.adito.networkplaces.model.FolderItem;
import com.adito.policyframework.LaunchSession;
import com.adito.policyframework.LaunchSessionFactory;
import com.adito.policyframework.NoPermissionException;
import com.adito.security.AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule;
import com.adito.security.Constants;
import com.adito.security.LogonControllerFactory;
import com.adito.security.SessionInfo;
import com.adito.vfs.FileObjectVFSResource;
import com.adito.vfs.UploadDetails;
import com.adito.vfs.VFSRepository;
import com.adito.vfs.VFSResource;
import com.adito.vfs.VfsUtils;
import com.adito.vfs.ZipDownload;
import com.adito.vfs.clipboard.Clipboard;
import com.adito.vfs.clipboard.ClipboardContent;
import com.adito.vfs.webdav.DAVAuthenticationRequiredException;
import com.adito.vfs.webdav.DAVException;
import com.adito.vfs.webdav.DAVTransaction;
import com.adito.vfs.webdav.DAVUtilities;
* <p>
* This class performs the operations on the file system accessed through a
* {@link com.adito.networkplaces.NetworkPlace}.
* <p>
* This action <b>must</b> use request scope as there may be many instances in
* one users session.
public class FileSystemViewDispatchAction extends AbstractPopupAuthenticatedDispatchAction {
final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FileSystemViewDispatchAction.class);
final static List<String> NO_DELETE = new ArrayList<String>();
final static List<String> READ_ONLY = new ArrayList<String>();
static {
// This is a holder for the actions which are not allowed for a given
// parameter.
* Constructor
public FileSystemViewDispatchAction() {
super(null, null, NetworkPlacePlugin.NETWORK_PLACE_RESOURCE_TYPE);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.struts.action.Action#execute(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping,
* org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm,
* javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,
* javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
try {
ActionForward fwd = super.execute(mapping, form, request, response);
// JB This has been removed for defect #461 pages expired.
// Util.noCache(response);
return fwd;
} catch (PopupException pe) {
Throwable cause = pe.getCause();
if (cause instanceof CoreException) {
ActionMessages errs = getErrors(request);
errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, ((CoreException) cause).getBundleActionMessage());
saveErrors(request, errs);
return mapping.getInputForward();
} else if (cause instanceof DAVException) {
log.error("File system operation failed.", cause);
String maskedException = VfsUtils.maskSensitiveArguments(cause.getMessage());
throw new IOException(maskedException);
} else if (cause instanceof FileSystemException) {
log.error("File system operation failed.", cause);
String maskedException = VfsUtils.maskSensitiveArguments(cause.getMessage());
throw new IOException(maskedException);
throw pe;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction#unspecified(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping,
* org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm,
* javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,
* javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
public ActionForward unspecified(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
return super.unspecified(mapping, form, request, response);
* <p>
* Return the file system to the home of the <@link
* com.adito.vfs.NetworkPlace>.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if an exception is thrown.
public ActionForward home(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("List files.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
VFSResource res = checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
return new ActionForward(mapping.getPath() + ".do?actionTarget=list&path=" + res.getMount().getMountString() + "&" + LaunchSession.LAUNCH_ID + "=" + fileSystemForm.getLaunchId(), true);
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
* <p>
* Return the file system to the location specified.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward gotoPath(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("goto path location.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
return this.list(mapping, fileSystemForm, request, response);
* <p>
* Rename the selected file.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward renameFile(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("rename the file.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
VFSResource sourceResource = null;
VFSResource destResource = null;
try {
sourceResource = getResourceForPath(fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession(),
fileSystemForm.getPath() + "/" + fileSystemForm.getFileName());
destResource = getResourceForPath(fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession(), request, response, fileSystemForm.getPath() + "/"
+ fileSystemForm.getNewName());
if (sourceResource == null) {
throw new Exception("Could not locate source resource '" + fileSystemForm.getPath()
+ "/"
+ fileSystemForm.getFileName()
+ "'");
if (destResource == null) {
throw new Exception("Could not locate destination resource '" + fileSystemForm.getPath()
+ "/"
+ fileSystemForm.getNewName()
+ "'");
if(sourceResource.getFullPath().equals(destResource.getFullPath())) {
return mapping.findForward("list");
fwd = checkMount(destResource, mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
sourceResource.move(destResource, true);
if (sourceResource.getMount().getStore().getProvider().isFireEvents()) {
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (sourceResource != null && destResource != null) {
if (sourceResource.getMount().getStore().getProvider().isFireEvents()) {
if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
log.error("Rename Error.", e);
saveError(request, "vfs.rename.error", e.getMessage());
return mapping.findForward("list");
* <p>
* Upload a file to the file system.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward upload(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("List files.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
ActionForward returnTo = new ActionForward("/fileSystem.do?" + LaunchSession.LAUNCH_ID + "=" + fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession().getId()
+ "&actionTarget=list&path="
+ DAVUtilities.encodePath(fileSystemForm.getPath()), true);
UploadDetails details = new UploadDetails(NetworkPlacePlugin.MESSAGE_RESOURCES_KEY,
request.setAttribute(Constants.REQ_ATTR_UPLOAD_DETAILS, new Integer(CoreUtil.addUpload(request.getSession(), details)));
return mapping.findForward("upload");
* Refilter.
* @param mapping mapping
* @param form form
* @param request request
* @param response response
* @return forward
* @throws Exception on any error
public ActionForward filter(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
return list(mapping, form, request, response);
* List.
* @param mapping mapping
* @param form form
* @param request request
* @param response response
* @return forward
* @throws Exception on any error
public ActionForward list(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("List files.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
VFSResource res = checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
fwd = checkMount(res, mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
* LDP - This extra getChildren exception was being ignored. This is not
* acceptable behaviour, instead we now catch the exception and display as
* an error on screen, and log to file.
* This extra getChildren also meant that each directory is listed TWICE!
// try {
// res.getChildren();
// // if we can't get the children we are assuming access was denied
// } catch (FileSystemException e) {
// }
buildModel(res, fileSystemForm, request);
if (res.getMount().getStore().getProvider().isFireEvents()) {
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
ActionMessages errs = getErrors(request);
errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("error.networkPlaces.unknown.host", e.getMessage()));
saveErrors(request, errs);
return mapping.findForward("display");
} catch (Exception e) {
ActionMessages errs = getErrors(request);
errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("error.networkPlaces.generic", VfsUtils.maskSensitiveArguments(e.getMessage())));
saveErrors(request, errs);
String stacktraceAsString = VfsUtils.maskSensitiveArguments(CoreUtil.toString(e));
log.error("File system error:" + stacktraceAsString);
return mapping.findForward("display");
return mapping.findForward("display");
* Launch.
* @param mapping mapping
* @param form form
* @param request request
* @param response response
* @return forward
* @throws Exception on any error
public ActionForward launch(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Launch network place.");
return list(mapping, form, request, response);
void buildModel(VFSResource res, FileSystemForm fileSystemForm, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
List<FileSystemItem> allFileSystemItems = new ArrayList<FileSystemItem>();
ActionMessages warnings = new ActionMessages();
if (res != null) {
Iterator itr = res.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; itr != null && itr.hasNext(); i++) {
// We overide to string so filtering works
Calendar gc = new GregorianCalendar() {
public String toString() {
return SimpleDateFormat.getInstance().format(this.getTime());
FileObjectVFSResource element = (FileObjectVFSResource) itr.next();
// this is an extra defense against imaginary files.
FileType ft = null;
try {
ft = element.getFile().getType();
} catch (FileSystemException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
FileSystemItem item = null;
if (ft != null && element.getFile().getType().equals(FileType.FOLDER)
&& fileSystemForm.getNetworkPlace().isAllowRecursive()) {
// if it is a folder
if(element.getLastModified() != null)
item = new FolderItem(fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession(), element.getDisplayName(), res.getMount()
.getName(), fileSystemForm.getPath(), gc, element.getFile().getType().getName(), false, i);
} else if (ft != null && element.getFile().getType().equals(FileType.FILE)) {
// if it is a file
if(element.getLastModified() != null)
item = new FileItem(fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession(), element.getDisplayName(), element.getContentLength()
.longValue(), gc, element.getFile().getType().getName(), false, i);
} else {
if (log.isInfoEnabled())
log.info("Unable to display file " + element.getDisplayName() + " as it is an imaginary file.");
warnings.add(Constants.REQ_ATTR_WARNINGS, new BundleActionMessage(NetworkPlacePlugin.MESSAGE_RESOURCES_KEY,
// decrement the counter as there is no file added.
if (item != null) {
if (request.getParameter("select" + Util.urlEncode(item.getFileName())) != null) {
if (fileSystemForm.getPaths() == null || fileSystemForm.getPaths().isEmpty()) {
} else {
if (warnings.size() > 0) {
addWarnings(request, warnings);
fileSystemForm.initialize(request, allFileSystemItems, this.getSessionInfo(request));
VFSResource checkLaunchSession(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FileSystemForm fileSystemForm)
throws Exception {
LaunchSession launchSession = fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession();
if (launchSession == null) {
if (fileSystemForm.getLaunchId() == null || fileSystemForm.getLaunchId() == "") {
// For a path that is not a network place
launchSession = new LaunchSession(getSessionInfo(request));
else {
launchSession = LaunchSessionFactory.getInstance().getLaunchSession(getSessionInfo(request), fileSystemForm.getLaunchId());
if(launchSession == null) {
throw new Exception("No launch session.");
DAVTransaction transaction = new DAVTransaction(request, response);
VFSRepository repository = VFSRepository.getRepository(launchSession.getSession().getHttpSession());
VFSResource res = repository.getResource(launchSession, fileSystemForm.getPath(), transaction.getCredentials());
if (res == null) {
throw new Exception("Could not find network place resource for path " + fileSystemForm.getPath() + ".");
return res;
VFSResource getResourceForPath(LaunchSession launchSession, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
String path) throws Exception {
DAVTransaction transaction = new DAVTransaction(request, response);
VFSRepository repository = VFSRepository.getRepository(request.getSession());
VFSResource res = repository.getResource(launchSession, path, transaction.getCredentials());
if (res == null) {
throw new Exception("Could not find network place resource for path " + path + ".");
return res;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.adito.core.actions.CoreAction#getNavigationContext(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping,
* org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm,
* javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,
* javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
public int getNavigationContext(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
* <p>
* Zip a collection of files from the file system to your choice.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward zip(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Zip files.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
VFSResource res = checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
buildModel(res, fileSystemForm, request);
String[] uris = fileSystemForm.getSelectedFileNames();
if (uris == null || uris.length < 1) {
ActionMessages msgs = getErrors(request);
msgs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("vfs.zip.select.error"));
saveErrors(request, msgs);
return mapping.getInputForward();
return zipSelection(mapping, request, fileSystemForm, uris);
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
* <p>
* Zip a selection of files.
* @param mapping action mapping
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param fileSystemForm The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param uris An array of selected files.
* @return fwd forward to direct
private ActionForward zipSelection(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request, FileSystemForm fileSystemForm,
String[] uris) {
ActionForward fwd = mapping.findForward("showFileDownload");
* TODO now the vfs displays in its own window using page intercept
* listeners is going to be a bad idea.
* In this case we forward straight to the download page to get it out
* of the way as quick as possible.
* If the user tries to use the main interface whilsts a download is
* waiting, weird stuff is going to happen.
* In fact, now there is the possibility of multiple windows for every
* use page intercept listeners are a bad idea full stop.
FileDownloadPageInterceptListener l = (FileDownloadPageInterceptListener) CoreUtil.getPageInterceptListenerById(request.getSession(),
if (l == null) {
l = new FileDownloadPageInterceptListener();
CoreUtil.addPageInterceptListener(request.getSession(), l);
int id = l.addDownload(new ZipDownload(fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession(),
new ActionForward("/fileSystem.do?actionTarget=list&path=" + fileSystemForm.getPath() + "&" + LaunchSession.LAUNCH_ID + "=" + fileSystemForm.getLaunchId()),
CoreEvent evt = NetworkPlaceResourceType.getResourceAccessZipEvent(this,
int fileCounter = 1;
int directorieCounter = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < uris.length; i++) {
if (uris[i].endsWith("/")) {
NetworkPlaceResourceType.addDirectoryAttribute(evt, uris[i], directorieCounter);
} else {
NetworkPlaceResourceType.addFileAttribute(evt, uris[i], fileCounter);
return CoreUtil.addParameterToForward(fwd, "id", String.valueOf(id));
* <p>
* Delete the selected files.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward delete(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Delete files.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
VFSResource res = checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
fwd = checkMount(res, mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
buildModel(res, fileSystemForm, request);
String[] uris = fileSystemForm.getSelectedFileNames();
for (int i = 0; i < uris.length; i++) {
String delPath = fileSystemForm.getPath() + "/" + uris[i];
deleteSingleFile(request, response, delPath, fileSystemForm);
return mapping.findForward("list");
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
* <p>
* redirect ot confirm the deletion.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward deleteSelected(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Delete selected files.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
VFSResource res = checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
fwd = checkMount(res, mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
buildModel(res, fileSystemForm, request);
Object[] uris = fileSystemForm.getSelectedFileNames();
if (uris == null || uris.length < 1) {
ActionMessages msgs = getErrors(request);
msgs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("vfs.delete.select.error"));
saveErrors(request, msgs);
return mapping.getInputForward();
return mapping.findForward("deleteFiles");
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
* <p>
* Delete the selected file.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward deleteFile(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Delete file.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
VFSResource res = checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
fwd = checkMount(res, mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
buildModel(res, fileSystemForm, request);
String delPath = fileSystemForm.getPath() + "/" + fileSystemForm.getFileName();
deleteSingleFile(request, response, delPath, fileSystemForm);
return mapping.findForward("list");
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
* <p>
* Confirm deletion of the selected single file.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward confirmDeleteFile(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Delete file.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
VFSResource res = checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
fwd = checkMount(res, mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
buildModel(res, fileSystemForm, request);
return mapping.findForward("deleteFile");
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
* <p>
* Cut the selected file into the
* {@link com.adito.networkplaces.clipboard.NetworkPlaceClipboardContent}.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward cutFile(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Cut file.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
addToClipboard(request, fileSystemForm, true);
return mapping.findForward("list");
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param fileSystemForm The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param delOrig Delete the source files.
private void addToClipboard(HttpServletRequest request, FileSystemForm fileSystemForm, boolean delOrig) {
String delPath = fileSystemForm.getPath() + "/" + fileSystemForm.getFileName();
ActionMessages msgs = new ActionMessages();
Clipboard cb = new Clipboard();
NetworkPlaceClipboardContent fcc = new NetworkPlaceClipboardContent(delPath, delOrig);
request.getSession().setAttribute(Constants.CLIPBOARD, cb);
msgs.add(Globals.MESSAGE_KEY, new ActionMessage("vfs.copy.to.clipboard", fileSystemForm.getFileName()));
this.addMessages(request, msgs);
* <p>
* Copy the selected file into the
* {@link com.adito.networkplaces.clipboard.NetworkPlaceClipboardContent}.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward copyFile(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Copy file.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
addToClipboard(request, fileSystemForm, false);
return mapping.findForward("list");
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
* <p>
* Zip the selected file.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward zipFile(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Zip file.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
String[] uris = { fileSystemForm.getFileName() };
return zipSelection(mapping, request, fileSystemForm, uris);
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
* <p>
* Paste the selected files from the
* {@link com.adito.networkplaces.clipboard.NetworkPlaceClipboardContent}.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if an exception is thrown.
public ActionForward confirmPasteFile(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
return pasteFile(mapping, form, request, response, true);
* <p>
* Paste the contents of the
* {@link com.adito.networkplaces.clipboard.NetworkPlaceClipboardContent} to the
* specified location.
* @param mapping The <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward pasteOverwriteFile(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
return pasteFile(mapping, form, request, response, false);
private ActionForward pasteFile(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean requiresOverwriteCheck)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Paste file.");
try {
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
String path = DAVUtilities.concatenatePaths(fileSystemForm.getPath(), fileSystemForm.getFileName());
if (requiresOverwriteCheck) {
boolean isOverwritingFiles = isOverwritingFiles(request, response, path, fileSystemForm);
if (isOverwritingFiles) {
return mapping.findForward("pasteOverwriteFiles");
pasteFromClipboard(request, response, path, fileSystemForm);
return mapping.findForward("list");
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @param delPath The path to the resource to be deleted.
* @param fileSystemForm the form
* @throws Exception if an exception is thrown.
private void deleteSingleFile(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String delPath,
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm) throws Exception {
VFSResource res = getResourceForPath(fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession(), request, response, delPath);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Deleting " + res.getRelativePath());
String name = null;
try {
name = res.getDisplayName();
if (res.getMount().getStore().getProvider().isFireEvents()) {
} catch (DAVException dave) {
if (log.isErrorEnabled()) {
log.error("Delete Error.", dave);
saveError(request, "vfs.delete.error", name);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (res.getMount().getStore().getProvider().isFireEvents()) {
throw e;
* <p>
* Cut the selected files into the
* {@link com.adito.networkplaces.clipboard.NetworkPlaceClipboardContent}.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward cut(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Cut files.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
VFSResource res = checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
fwd = checkMount(res, mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
buildModel(res, fileSystemForm, request);
Object[] uris = fileSystemForm.getSelectedFileNames();
if (uris == null || uris.length < 1) {
ActionMessages msgs = getErrors(request);
msgs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("vfs.cut.select.error"));
saveErrors(request, msgs);
return mapping.getInputForward();
copyFilesToClipboard(form, request, response, true, fileSystemForm.getSelectedFileNames());
return mapping.findForward("list");
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
* <p>
* Copy the selected files into the
* {@link com.adito.networkplaces.clipboard.NetworkPlaceClipboardContent}.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward copy(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Copy files.");
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
VFSResource res = checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
fwd = checkMount(res, mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
buildModel(res, fileSystemForm, request);
String[] uris = fileSystemForm.getSelectedFileNames();
if (uris == null || uris.length < 1) {
ActionMessages msgs = getErrors(request);
msgs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("vfs.copy.select.error"));
saveErrors(request, msgs);
return mapping.getInputForward();
copyFilesToClipboard(form, request, response, false, uris);
return mapping.findForward("list");
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
* <p>
* Copy files into the
* {@link com.adito.networkplaces.clipboard.NetworkPlaceClipboardContent}.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @param deleteOnPaste weather the source resource is deleted on th epaste action.
* @param uris uris to copy
private void copyFilesToClipboard(ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
boolean deleteOnPaste, String[] uris) {
ActionMessages msgs = new ActionMessages();
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
String allFiles = "";
Clipboard cb = new Clipboard();
if (uris != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < uris.length; i++) {
String divider = allFiles.equals("") ? "" : ", ";
allFiles = allFiles + divider + uris[i];
NetworkPlaceClipboardContent fcc = new NetworkPlaceClipboardContent(fileSystemForm.getPath() + "/" + uris[i],
msgs.add(Globals.MESSAGE_KEY, new ActionMessage("vfs.copy.to.clipboard", allFiles));
this.addMessages(request, msgs);
request.getSession().setAttribute(Constants.CLIPBOARD, cb);
* <p>
* Paste the contents of the
* {@link com.adito.networkplaces.clipboard.NetworkPlaceClipboardContent} to the
* specified location.
* @param mapping The <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward confirmPaste(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
return pasteFiles(mapping, form, request, response, true);
* <p>
* Paste the contents of the
* {@link com.adito.networkplaces.clipboard.NetworkPlaceClipboardContent} to the
* specified location.
* @param mapping The <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward pasteOverwriteFiles(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
return pasteFiles(mapping, form, request, response, false);
private ActionForward pasteFiles(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean requiresOverwriteCheck)
throws Exception {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Paste files.");
try {
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
ActionForward validatePasteForward = validatePasteForward(mapping, fileSystemForm, request, response);
if(validatePasteForward != null) {
return validatePasteForward;
String path = DAVUtilities.concatenatePaths(fileSystemForm.getPath(), fileSystemForm.getFileName());
if (requiresOverwriteCheck) {
boolean isOverwritingFiles = isOverwritingFiles(request, response, path, fileSystemForm);
if (isOverwritingFiles) {
return mapping.findForward("pasteOverwriteFiles");
pasteFromClipboard(request, response, path, fileSystemForm);
return mapping.findForward("list");
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
private ActionForward validatePasteForward(ActionMapping mapping, FileSystemForm fileSystemForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
VFSResource vfsResource = checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward forward = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (forward != null) {
return forward;
forward = checkMount(vfsResource, mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (forward != null) {
return forward;
buildModel(vfsResource, fileSystemForm, request);
Clipboard clipboard = (Clipboard) request.getSession().getAttribute("clipboard");
if (clipboard != null) {
if (!clipboard.getContent().iterator().hasNext()) {
ActionMessages msgs = getErrors(request);
msgs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("vfs.paste.error"));
saveErrors(request, msgs);
return mapping.getInputForward();
return null;
private boolean isOverwritingFiles(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String destinationPath, FileSystemForm fileSystemForm)
throws Exception {
Map<VFSResource, VFSResource> pasteMap = buildPasteMap(request, response, destinationPath, fileSystemForm);
for (VFSResource destinationResource : pasteMap.values()) {
if(!destinationResource.isNull()) {
return true;
return false;
// really the method below should encorporate this as it duplicates lots of that behaviour. I don't want to touch it however!
private Map<VFSResource, VFSResource> buildPasteMap(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String destinationPath, FileSystemForm fileSystemForm)
throws Exception {
Clipboard clipboard = (Clipboard) request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.CLIPBOARD);
Map<VFSResource, VFSResource> pasteDetails = new HashMap<VFSResource, VFSResource>();
if (clipboard != null) {
for (ClipboardContent content : clipboard.getContent()) {
NetworkPlaceClipboardContent element = (NetworkPlaceClipboardContent) content;
VFSResource sourceResource = getResourceForPath(fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession(), request, response, element.getPath());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(" Source. = " + sourceResource + " (display name = " + sourceResource.getDisplayName() + ", mount = " + sourceResource.isMount() + ")");
String concatenatePaths = DAVUtilities.concatenatePaths(destinationPath, sourceResource.getDisplayName());
VFSResource destinationResource = getResourceForPath(fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession(), request, response, concatenatePaths);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(" Dest. = " + destinationResource);
if (sourceResource.getFullPath().equals(destinationResource.getFullPath())) {
throw new NetworkPlacesException(NetworkPlacesException.ERR_VFS_CANNOT_PASTE_TO_SOURCE);
pasteDetails.put(sourceResource, destinationResource);
return pasteDetails;
private void pasteFromClipboard(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String destinationPath,
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm) throws Exception {
Clipboard cb = (Clipboard) request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.CLIPBOARD);
ActionMessages msgs = getMessages(request);
ActionMessages errs = getErrors(request);
if (cb != null){
try {
int fileCounter = 1;
int directorieCounter = 1;
String allFiles = "";
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Pasting from clipboard to " + destinationPath);
Iterator clipboardIterator = cb.getContent().iterator();
CoreEvent evt = NetworkPlaceResourceType.getResourceAccessPasteEvent(this,
while (clipboardIterator.hasNext()) {
String divider = allFiles.equals("") ? "" : ", ";
NetworkPlaceClipboardContent element = (NetworkPlaceClipboardContent) clipboardIterator.next();
try {
VFSResource sourceResource = getResourceForPath(fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession(),
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug(" Source. = " + sourceResource
+ " (display name = "
+ sourceResource.getDisplayName()
+ ", mount = "
+ sourceResource.isMount()
+ ")");
VFSResource destinationResource = null;
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
destinationResource = getResourceForPath(fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession(),
DAVUtilities.concatenatePaths(destinationPath, sourceResource.getDisplayName()));
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug(" Dest. = " + destinationResource);
if (sourceResource.getFullPath().equals(destinationResource.getFullPath())) {
throw new NetworkPlacesException(NetworkPlacesException.ERR_VFS_CANNOT_PASTE_TO_SOURCE);
allFiles = allFiles + divider + sourceResource.getDisplayName();
sourceResource.copy(destinationResource, true, true);
if (sourceResource.isCollection()) {
NetworkPlaceResourceType.addDirectoryAttribute(evt, sourceResource.getFullPath(), directorieCounter);
} else {
NetworkPlaceResourceType.addDirectoryAttribute(evt, sourceResource.getFullPath(), fileCounter);
NetworkPlaceResourceType.addOperationType(evt, element.deleteOnPaste());
if (element.deleteOnPaste()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug(" Deleting source");
msgs.add(Globals.MESSAGE_KEY, new ActionMessage("vfs.paste.from.clipboard", allFiles));
} catch (CoreException e) {
errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, e.getBundleActionMessage());
// The void entries cannot be removed untill the iterator is
// finished with.
this.saveErrors(request, errs);
this.saveMessages(request, msgs);
} catch (Exception e) {
CoreEvent evt = NetworkPlaceResourceType.getResourceAccessPasteEvent(this,
throw e;
errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionError("vfs.paste.from.clipboard.no.copy"));
this.saveErrors(request, errs);
* <p>
* Make a new directory in the current location.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward mkdir(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
String path = DAVUtilities.stripTrailingSlash(fileSystemForm.getPath() + "/" + fileSystemForm.getNewFolder()) + "/";
VFSResource res = null;
res = getResourceForPath(fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession(), request, response, path);
fwd = checkMount(res, mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
try {
if (res.getMount().getStore().getProvider().isFireEvents()) {
} catch (DAVException e) {
if (res.getMount().getStore().getProvider().isFireEvents()) {
if (e.getStatus() == 405) {
ActionMessages msgs = getErrors(request);
msgs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new BundleActionMessage(NetworkPlacePlugin.MESSAGE_RESOURCES_KEY, "vfs.folder.exists", fileSystemForm.getNewFolder()));
saveErrors(request, msgs);
return mapping.findForward("list");
} else if (e.getStatus() == 507) {
ActionMessages msgs = getErrors(request);
msgs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new BundleActionMessage(NetworkPlacePlugin.MESSAGE_RESOURCES_KEY, "vfs.folder.not.allowed", fileSystemForm.getNewFolder()));
saveErrors(request, msgs);
return mapping.findForward("list");
} else {
throw e;
return mapping.findForward("list");
* <p>
* Action to forward to the make directory page.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward showMkDir(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
return mapping.findForward("showMkDir");
* <p>
* Action to forward to the rename file page.
* @param mapping The
* <code>ActionMapping<code> associated with this dispatch action.
* @param form The <code>FileSystemForm<code> for the action.
* @param request The <code>HttpServletRequest<code> for the action.
* @param response The <code>HttpServletResponse<code> for the action.
* @return <code>ActionForward<code> The result of the action.
* @throws Exception if aan exception is thrown.
public ActionForward showRenameFile(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
FileSystemForm fileSystemForm = (FileSystemForm) form;
try {
checkLaunchSession(request, response, fileSystemForm);
ActionForward fwd = checkAccess(mapping, fileSystemForm, request);
if (fwd != null) {
return fwd;
return mapping.findForward("showRenameFile");
} catch (DAVAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
AbstractHTTPAuthenticationModule.sendAuthorizationError(request, response, e.getHttpRealm());
return null;
private ActionForward checkMount(VFSResource vfsResource, ActionMapping mapping, FileSystemForm fileSystemForm, HttpServletRequest request)
throws NoPermissionException {
if (vfsResource.getMount().isReadOnly()) {
if(READ_ONLY.contains(fileSystemForm.getActionTarget())) {
ActionMessages msgs = getErrors(request);
msgs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new BundleActionMessage(NetworkPlacePlugin.MESSAGE_RESOURCES_KEY, "vfs.readOnly.error"));
saveMessages(request, msgs);
return mapping.getInputForward();
return null;
private ActionForward checkAccess(ActionMapping mapping, FileSystemForm fileSystemForm, HttpServletRequest request)
throws NoPermissionException {
SessionInfo actualSession = LogonControllerFactory.getInstance().getSessionInfo(request);
SessionInfo session = fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession().getSession();
if (fileSystemForm.getNetworkPlace() != null) {
NetworkPlace resource = fileSystemForm.getNetworkPlace();
// check access for the attributes on the NetworkPlace.
if (resource.isNoDelete() && NO_DELETE.contains(fileSystemForm.getActionTarget())) {
ActionMessages msgs = getErrors(request);
msgs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new BundleActionMessage(NetworkPlacePlugin.MESSAGE_RESOURCES_KEY, "vfs.noDelete.error"));
saveMessages(request, msgs);
return mapping.getInputForward();
try {
if(fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession().isTracked()) {
LaunchSession.AccessRight accessRight = fileSystemForm.getLaunchSession().checkAccessRights(null, actualSession);
if (accessRight == LaunchSession.USER_ACCESS || isSuperUser(request)) {
} else if (accessRight == LaunchSession.MANAGEMENT_ACCESS) {
ActionMessages warnings = getWarnings(request);
warnings.add(Constants.REQ_ATTR_WARNINGS, new BundleActionMessage(NetworkPlacePlugin.MESSAGE_RESOURCES_KEY, "vfs.manageOnly.warning"));
saveWarnings(request, warnings);
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Failed to test if user has access to resource. Denying", e);
throw new NoPermissionException("Permission denied.", session.getUser(), NetworkPlacePlugin.NETWORK_PLACE_RESOURCE_TYPE);
private boolean isSuperUser(HttpServletRequest request) {
SessionInfo sessionInfo = getSessionInfo(request);
return LogonControllerFactory.getInstance().isAdministrator(sessionInfo.getUser());
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.adito.core.actions.AuthenticatedDispatchAction#gotoLogon(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping,
* org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm,
* javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,
* javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
protected ActionForward gotoLogon(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
ActionMessages warnings = getWarnings(request);
warnings.add(Constants.REQ_ATTR_WARNINGS, new BundleActionMessage(NetworkPlacePlugin.MESSAGE_RESOURCES_KEY, "vfs.session.timeout"));
saveWarnings(request, warnings);
return new RedirectWithMessages(mapping.findForward("logon"), request) ;