* Adito
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 3SP LTD. All Rights Reserved
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package com.adito.networkplaces;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.struts.Globals;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
import com.adito.boot.Util;
import com.adito.policyframework.LaunchSession;
import com.adito.policyframework.NoPermissionException;
import com.adito.policyframework.OwnedResource;
import com.adito.policyframework.Policy;
import com.adito.policyframework.PolicyConstants;
import com.adito.policyframework.PolicyDatabase;
import com.adito.policyframework.PolicyDatabaseFactory;
import com.adito.policyframework.ResourceType;
import com.adito.policyframework.ResourceUtil;
import com.adito.security.LogonControllerFactory;
import com.adito.security.SessionInfo;
import com.adito.security.WebDAVAuthenticationModule;
import com.adito.vfs.AbstractStore;
import com.adito.vfs.VFSMount;
import com.adito.vfs.VFSProvider;
import com.adito.vfs.VFSResource;
import com.adito.vfs.VFSStore;
import com.adito.vfs.webdav.DAVAuthenticationRequiredException;
import com.adito.vfs.webdav.DAVException;
import com.adito.vfs.webdav.DAVStatus;
* An abstract implementation of a {@link VFSStore} that provides mounts based
* upon a configured <i>Network Place</i>.
* <p>
* The mounts themselves are created from the <i>Network Place</i> resources
* the user has access to that have a scheme supported by this mount as part of
* the URI.
public abstract class AbstractNetworkPlaceStore extends AbstractStore {
// Protected instance variables
protected Map mounts;
protected VFSResource storeResource;
protected boolean manageableOnly;
* Constructor.
* @param name charset
* @param charset charset
public AbstractNetworkPlaceStore(String name, String charset) {
super(name, charset);
mounts = new HashMap();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.adito.vfs.VFSStore#isFireEvents()
public boolean isFireEvents() {
return true;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.adito.vfs.VFSStore#getMountPath(java.lang.String)
public String getMountPath(String mountName) {
return getName() + "/" + mountName;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.adito.vfs.webdav.AbstractStore#getMountFromString(java.lang.String,
* com.adito.security.SessionInfo)
public VFSMount getMountFromString(String mountName, LaunchSession launchSession) throws DAVException, DAVAuthenticationRequiredException {
// Network place mounts will always require authentication
if(launchSession.getSession() == null) {
throw new DAVAuthenticationRequiredException(WebDAVAuthenticationModule.DEFAULT_REALM);
try {
NetworkPlace resource = (NetworkPlace) NetworkPlacePlugin.NETWORK_PLACE_RESOURCE_TYPE.getResourceByName(mountName,
if (resource == null) {
throw new Exception("No network place resource named " + mountName);
ResourceType resourceType = resource.getResourceType();
boolean readOnly = false;
if (!getProvider().willHandle(resource.getScheme())) {
throw new Exception("Network place has scheme " + resource.getScheme() + ", this store doesn't support it.");
* Update the launch sessions resource
/* First check if the launch session is using a policy that is
* valid for this resource
if(isSuperUser(launchSession) || isLaunchSessionUsingValidPolicy(launchSession, resource)) {
// It is, we can continue to use this launch session
} else {
Policy grantingPolicy = null;
/* If the launch session already has policy, determine if this is a tracked session. If it is then don't allow
* policy to change
if(launchSession.hasPolicy()) {
if(launchSession.isTracked()) {
// Launch session is tracked, do not allow policy to change but allow super user to browser readonly
if (!ResourceUtil.isManageableResource(resource, getRepository().getSession().getUser(), null)) {
throw new NoPermissionException("You do not have permission to access this network place resource under this policy.",
readOnly = true;
else {
// Not a tracked launch session so policy changing is allowed
/* If the mount has not already been set as ready only (because its tracked)
* There check access to the mount is allowed and change the granting policy
if(!readOnly) {
try {
if (!(resource instanceof OwnedResource) || (resource instanceof OwnedResource && ((OwnedResource) resource).getOwnerUsername() == null)) {
try {
grantingPolicy = PolicyDatabaseFactory.getInstance().getGrantingPolicyForUser(launchSession.getSession().getUser(), resource);
if(grantingPolicy == null) {
throw new NoPermissionException("You may not access this network place resource here.",
} catch (NoPermissionException npe2) {
throw npe2;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new NoPermissionException("Failed to determine if network place resource is accessable.",
} else {
if (!(getRepository().getSession().getUser().getPrincipalName().equals(((OwnedResource) resource).getOwnerUsername()))) {
throw new NoPermissionException("You do not have permission to access this network place resource.",
} catch (NoPermissionException npe) {
if (!ResourceUtil.isManageableResource(resource, getRepository().getSession().getUser(), PolicyConstants.PERM_USE )) {
throw new NoPermissionException("You do not have permission to access this network place resource.",
readOnly = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Failed to determine if network place resource is accessable.");
if(grantingPolicy != null) {
AbstractNetworkPlaceMount mount = createMount(launchSession);
if (readOnly) {
return mount;
} catch (NoPermissionException npe) {
throw new DAVException(DAVStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Policy does not allow you access to this resource.", npe);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DAVException(DAVStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to create mount.", e);
private boolean isLaunchSessionUsingValidPolicy(LaunchSession launchSession, NetworkPlace resource) throws Exception {
PolicyDatabase policyDatabase = PolicyDatabaseFactory.getInstance();
boolean hasPolicy = launchSession.hasPolicy();
if(!hasPolicy) {
return false;
boolean resourceAttachedToPolicy = policyDatabase.isResourceAttachedToPolicy(resource, launchSession.getPolicy(), launchSession.getSession().getRealm());
boolean policyGrantedToUser = policyDatabase.isPolicyGrantedToUser(launchSession.getPolicy(), launchSession.getSession().getUser());
return resourceAttachedToPolicy && policyGrantedToUser;
private boolean isSuperUser(LaunchSession launchSession) {
SessionInfo sessionInfo = launchSession.getSession();
return LogonControllerFactory.getInstance().isAdministrator(sessionInfo.getUser());
* Create the an appropriate mount instance given a launch session. If the
* user does not have access to the mount an exception should be thrown.
* @param launchSession session
* @return mount
* @throws Exception on any error
protected abstract AbstractNetworkPlaceMount createMount(LaunchSession launchSession) throws Exception;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.adito.vfs.VFSStore#getMountNames()
public Collection<String> getMountNames() throws Exception {
List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
List granted = NetworkPlaceDatabaseFactory.getInstance().getNetworkPlaces();
for (Iterator i = granted.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
NetworkPlace np = (NetworkPlace) i.next();
try {
if (getProvider().willHandle(np.getScheme())) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return l;
* Valid the provide URI elements are correct for URIs for the concrete
* store type.
* @param scheme scheme
* @param path path
* @param host host
* @param port port
* @param username username
* @param password password
* @param errs errors
* @return errors
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public ActionErrors validateUserEntries(String scheme, String path, String host, int port, String username, String password,
ActionErrors errs) throws IllegalArgumentException {
try {
if (getProvider().getHostRequirement() == VFSProvider.ELEMENT_REQUIRED && Util.isNullOrTrimmedBlank(host)) {
errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("createNetworkPlace.error.noHost"));
if (getProvider().getUserInfoRequirement()== VFSProvider.ELEMENT_REQUIRED && Util.isNullOrTrimmedBlank(username)) {
errs.add(Globals.ERROR_KEY, new ActionMessage("createNetworkPlace.error.noUserInfo"));
return errs;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();