* $Id: JGraphpad.java,v 1.24 2007/07/28 09:41:33 gaudenz Exp $
* Copyright (c) 2001-2005, Gaudenz Alder
* All rights reserved.
* See LICENSE file for license details. If you are unable to locate
* this file please contact info (at) jgraph (dot) com.
* Modified by Wei Jiang from com.jgraph.JGraphpad
package com.acelet.s.workflow;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.beans.DefaultPersistenceDelegate;
import java.beans.Encoder;
import java.beans.Expression;
import java.beans.PersistenceDelegate;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.Authenticator;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JDesktopPane;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JWindow;
import javax.swing.ToolTipManager;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.jgraph.JGraph;
import org.jgraph.event.GraphSelectionEvent;
import org.jgraph.event.GraphSelectionListener;
import org.jgraph.graph.AttributeMap;
import org.jgraph.graph.ConnectionSet;
import org.jgraph.graph.DefaultEdge;
import org.jgraph.graph.DefaultGraphCell;
import org.jgraph.graph.DefaultPort;
import org.jgraph.graph.Edge;
import org.jgraph.graph.GraphCell;
import org.jgraph.graph.GraphConstants;
import org.jgraph.graph.GraphLayoutCache;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import com.jgraph.JGraphEditor;
import com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorAction;
import com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorFactory;
import com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorKit;
import com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorModel;
import com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorPlugin;
import com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorResources;
import com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorSettings;
import com.jgraph.editor.JGraphEditorTool;
import com.jgraph.editor.factory.JGraphEditorComboBox;
import com.jgraph.editor.factory.JGraphEditorNavigator;
import com.jgraph.pad.JGraphpadDiagram;
import com.jgraph.pad.JGraphpadFile;
import com.jgraph.pad.JGraphpadLibrary;
import com.jgraph.pad.action.JGraphpadCellAction;
import com.jgraph.pad.action.JGraphpadEditAction;
import com.jgraph.pad.action.JGraphpadFileAction;
import com.jgraph.pad.action.JGraphpadFormatAction;
import com.jgraph.pad.action.JGraphpadHelpAction;
import com.jgraph.pad.action.JGraphpadViewAction;
import com.jgraph.pad.dialog.JGraphpadAuthenticator;
import com.jgraph.pad.factory.JGraphpadComboBox;
import com.jgraph.pad.factory.JGraphpadConsole;
import com.jgraph.pad.factory.JGraphpadLibraryPane;
import com.jgraph.pad.factory.JGraphpadOpenRecentMenu;
import com.jgraph.pad.factory.JGraphpadPane;
import com.jgraph.pad.factory.JGraphpadStatusBar;
import com.jgraph.pad.factory.JGraphpadWindowMenu;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadBusinessObject;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadEdgeView;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadGraph;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadGraphConstants;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadGraphLayoutCache;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadGraphModel;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadHeavyweightRenderer;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadMarqueeHandler;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadPortView;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadRichTextValue;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadTransferHandler;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadVertexRenderer;
import com.jgraph.pad.graph.JGraphpadVertexView;
import com.jgraph.pad.tool.JGraphpadEdgeTool;
import com.jgraph.pad.tool.JGraphpadVertexTool;
import com.jgraph.pad.util.JGraphpadFocusManager;
import com.jgraph.pad.util.JGraphpadImageIcon;
import com.jgraph.pad.util.JGraphpadParallelEdgeRouter;
import com.jgraph.pad.util.JGraphpadParallelSplineRouter;
import com.jgraph.pad.util.JGraphpadShadowBorder;
* Class that constructs a new editor by creating a custom document model, kit
* and factory. The document model defines the persistence delegates for xml
* encoding, the kit and factory contain tools, actions and factory methods
* respectively. The class also constructs all plugins and provides the methods
* for creating the custom graph, graph cells and user objects to be used in
* this editor and to exit the application. For this purpose it provides two
* inner anonymous classes which override the respective methods, namely
* {@link JGraphEditor#exit(int)} and
* {@link JGraphEditorFactory#createGraph(GraphLayoutCache)} editor's exit
* method and the factory's createGraph method.
public class JGraphpad {
JGraphEditor editor;
JGraphpad jgraphpad;
* Global static product identifier.
public static final String VERSION_NUMBER = "";
* Holds the application title for dialogs.
public static String APPTITLE = "JGraphpad Pro";
* Global static product identifier.
public static final String VERSION = APPTITLE + " (v" + VERSION_NUMBER
+ ")";
* Specifies if libraries should reside inside documents. If this flag is true, then
* the navigator and libraries are inside the internal frames for documents. The
* libraries will be treated as part of their enclosing files. Default is false.
public static boolean INNER_LIBRARIES = false;
* Defines the look and feel argument name.
public static String ARG_SYSTEMLOOKANDFEEL = "S";
* Defines the look and feel argument name.
public static String ARG_JGOODIESLOOKANDFEEL = "J";
* Defines the look and feel argument name.
public static String ARG_VERSION = "V";
* Defines the path to the UI config file.
public static String PATH_UICONFIG = "/com/jgraph/pad/resources/ui.xml";
* Defines the path to the splash image file.
public static String PATH_SPLASHIMAGE = "/com/jgraph/pad/images/splash.jpg";
* Defines the path to the UI config file.
public static String PATH_DEFAULTLIBRARY = "/com/jgraph/pad/resources/default.xml";
* Defines the path the the user settings file. This should also work with
* URLs (untested).
public static String PATH_DEFAULTSETTINGS = "/com/jgraph/pad/resources/default.ini";
* Defines the path the the user settings file. This should also work with
* URLs (untested).
public static String PATH_USERSETTINGS;
* Defines the filename for the settings file. Default is .jgraphpad.ini
public static String NAME_SETTINGSFILE = ".jgraphpad.ini";
* Defines the name for the ui XML document in the editor settings.
public static String NAME_UICONFIG = "ui";
* Defines the name for the user properties in the editor settings.
public static String NAME_USERSETTINGS = "user";
* Defines the key used to identify the main window settings.
public static String KEY_MAINWINDOW = "mainWindow";
* Defines the key used to identify the recent files settings.
public static String KEY_RECENTFILES = "recentFiles";
* Defines the key used to identify the group prototype settings.
public static String KEY_GROUPPROTOTYPE = "groupPrototype";
* Defines the key used to identify the vertex prototype settings.
public static String KEY_VERTEXPROTOTYPE = "vertexPrototype";
* Defines the key used to identify the edge prototype settings.
public static String KEY_EDGEPROTOTYPE = "edgePrototype";
* Defines the name for the selectTool.
public static final String NAME_SELECTTOOL = "selectTool";
* Defines the name for the textTool.
public static final String NAME_TEXTTOOL = "textTool";
* Defines the name for the vertexTool.
public static final String NAME_VERTEXTOOL = JGraphpadVertexTool.NAME_VERTEXTOOL;
* Defines the name for the roundedTool.
public static final String NAME_ROUNDEDTOOL = "roundedTool";
* Defines the name for the circleTool.
public static final String NAME_CIRCLETOOL = "circleTool";
* Defines the name for the diamondTool.
public static final String NAME_DIAMONDTOOL = "diamondTool";
* Defines the name for the triangleTool.
public static final String NAME_TRIANGLETOOL = "triangleTool";
* Defines the name for the diamondTool.
public static final String NAME_CYLINDERTOOL = "cylinderTool";
* Defines the name for the imageTool.
public static final String NAME_IMAGETOOL = "imageTool";
* Defines the name for the imageTool.
public static final String NAME_HEAVYTOOL = "heavyTool";
* Defines the name for the edgeTool.
public static final String NAME_EDGETOOL = JGraphpadEdgeTool.NAME_EDGETOOL;
* Defines the name for the orthogonalEdgeTool.
public static final String NAME_ORTHOGONALEDGETOOL = "orthogonalEdgeTool";
* Defines the name of the createShapeCombo factory method.
public static final String METHOD_CREATESHAPECOMBO = "createShapeCombo";
* Defines the name of the createGradientCombo factory method.
public static final String METHOD_CREATEGRADIENTCOMBO = "createGradientCombo";
* Defines the name of the createGradientCombo factory method.
public static final String METHOD_CREATELINECOLORCOMBO = "createLineColorCombo";
* Adds resources bundles and prepares classes for xml encoding.
* @see JGraphEditorResources#addBundles
* @see JGraphEditorModel#makeCellViewFieldsTransient(Class)
* @see JGraphEditorModel#makeTransient
static {
JGraphEditorResources.addBundles(new String[] {
"com.jgraph.pad.resources.tools" });
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(DefaultPort.class, "edges");
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(DefaultEdge.class, "source");
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(DefaultEdge.class, "target");
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(GraphLayoutCache.class, "visibleSet");
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(JGraphpadFile.class, "modified");
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(JGraphpadFile.class, "userObject");
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(JGraphpadFile.class, "filename");
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(JGraphpadFile.class, "new");
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(JGraphpadLibrary.class, "modified");
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(JGraphpadLibrary.class, "userObject");
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(JGraphpadLibrary.class, "filename");
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(JGraphpadLibrary.class, "new");
JGraphEditorModel.makeTransient(ConnectionSet.class, "edges");
JGraphEditorComboBox.defaultBorders = new Border[] {
JGraphpadShadowBorder.sharedInstance };
try {
Authenticator.setDefault(new JGraphpadAuthenticator());
} catch (Exception e) {
* The class names for the defaut plugins.
public String[] defaultPlugins = new String[] {
"com.jgraph.twikiplugin.JGraphpadTWikiPlugin" };
* Defines the default port locations.
public Point2D[] defaultPortLocations = new Point2D[] { null };
* Defines the default vertex bounds.
public Rectangle2D defaultBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 20, 20);
* Defines the default border color.
public Color defaultBorderColor = Color.BLACK;
* Defines the default edge font.
public Font defaultEdgeFont = GraphConstants.DEFAULTFONT.deriveFont(10);
* Defines the default end and begin decorations for edges.
public int defaultEndDecoration = GraphConstants.ARROW_TECHNICAL,
defaultBeginDecoration = GraphConstants.ARROW_NONE;
* Constructs JGraphpad as an applet.
public JGraphpad() {
jgraphpad = this;
try {
PATH_USERSETTINGS = System.getProperty("user.home")
+ File.separator + NAME_SETTINGSFILE;
} catch (SecurityException e) {
* Hook for subclassers to implement the application exit method. This
* implementation calls System.exit with the specified code.
protected void exit(int code) {
* Constructs a new editor application and returns its main window. Shows a
* splash window while the application is being constructed and returns the
* main window in visible state. <br>
* The parameters are obtained by parsing the arguments passed to the main
* method as follows. For all arguments -A B the value B is stored in the
* arguments under the A, for other arguments, eg. C D E the values C, D and
* E and passed in as elements of the list.
* @param files
* The list of filenames passed to the Java command.
* @param args
* The arguments to use for constructing the editor settings.
* @return Returns a new application main window.
public Window createApplication(List files, Map args)
throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
if (args != null && args.remove(ARG_SYSTEMLOOKANDFEEL) != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} else if (args != null && args.remove(ARG_JGOODIESLOOKANDFEEL) != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Window splashWindow = createSplashWindow();
boolean firstTime = (PATH_USERSETTINGS != null) ? !(new File(
PATH_USERSETTINGS).exists()) : false;
editor = createEditor(args);
Window mainWindow = createMainWindow(editor,
editor.getSettings().putObject(KEY_MAINWINDOW, mainWindow);
editor.getSettings().restoreWindow(NAME_USERSETTINGS, KEY_MAINWINDOW);
new JGraphEditorSettings.ShutdownHook() {
public void shutdown() {
JDesktopPane desktopPane = (JDesktopPane) editor.getSettings()
JGraphpadWindowMenu windowMenu = (JGraphpadWindowMenu) editor
if (desktopPane != null && windowMenu != null) {
try {
JGraphpadLibrary library = (JGraphpadLibrary) editor.getModel()
if (library != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (files != null && !files.isEmpty()) {
JGraphEditorModel model = editor.getModel();
Iterator it = files.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String filename = String.valueOf(it.next());
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
JGraphpadFile file = new JGraphpadFile(filename);
JGraphpadDiagram newDiagram = new JGraphpadDiagram(
JGraphEditorResources.getString("Diagram") + "1");
model.addChild(newDiagram, file);
else if (firstTime)
return mainWindow;
* Helper method that invokes the specified factory method and configures
* the main window by setting its bounds and installing window listeners.
* This implementation invokes the exit action in the editor kit if the
* window is closed by the user.
* @param editor
* The editor to create the main window for.
* @param factoryMethod
* The name of the factory method to invoke.
* @return Returns a new main window for the specified editor.
* @see JGraphEditorFactory#executeMethod(String, Node)
* @see JGraphEditorKit#getAction(String)
* @see #center(Window)
protected Window createMainWindow(final JGraphEditor editor,
String factoryMethod) {
Window wnd = (Window) editor.getFactory().executeMethod(
wnd.setSize(800, 640);
if (wnd instanceof JFrame)
((JFrame) wnd).setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE);
wnd.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
return wnd;
* Constructs a splash window to be displayed during the construction of the
* application.
* @return Returns a reference to the displaying splash window.
protected Window createSplashWindow() {
JWindow splashWindow = new JWindow();
JLabel image = new JLabel(JGraphEditorResources
splashWindow.getContentPane().add(image, BorderLayout.CENTER);
JLabel label = new JLabel("v" + VERSION_NUMBER);
label.setBounds(202, 118, 200, 30);
return splashWindow;
* Constructs a new {@link JGraphEditor} using the specified settings and
* document model model and calls
* {@link #configureEditor(JGraphEditor, Map)} on the new instance. The
* returned instance has an overridden exit hook which disposes the main
* window and terminates the VM in the proper way for how the application
* was started.
* @param args
* The arguments passed to createApplication.
* @return Returns a new configured editor.
* @throws IOException
* @throws SAXException
* @throws ParserConfigurationException
protected JGraphEditor createEditor(Map args)
throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
JGraphEditor editor = new JGraphEditor();
configureEditor(editor, args);
return editor;
* Hook for subclassers to configure new editors. This implementation
* configures the editor kit and -factory and invokes
* {@link #createPlugins(JGraphEditor)}for the editor.
* @param editor
* The editor to be configured.
* @param args
* The arguments passed to createApplication.
* @throws IOException
* @throws SAXException
* @throws ParserConfigurationException
* @see #createKit(JGraphEditor)
* @see #createFactory(JGraphEditor)
protected void configureEditor(JGraphEditor editor, Map args)
throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
* Constructs the editor settings. This implementation constructs a new
* instance of JGraphEditorSettings using args as the initial object map and
* passes it to the {@link #configureSettings(JGraphEditorSettings)}method.
* @param args
* The arguments passed to the command line.
* @return Returns a configured editor settings object.
protected JGraphEditorSettings createSettings(Map args)
throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
JGraphEditorSettings settings = new JGraphEditorSettings(args);
return settings;
* Hook for subclassers to configure new editor settings. This
* implementation adds the ui configuration ({@link #PATH_UICONFIG}) to
* the
* {@link #NAME_UICONFIG}and user settings ({@link #PATH_USERSETTINGS})
* to the {@link #NAME_USERSETTINGS}.
* @param settings
* The editor settings to be configured.
* @throws IOException
* @throws SAXException
* @throws ParserConfigurationException
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws MalformedURLException
* @see JGraphEditorSettings#parse(InputStream)
* @see JGraphEditorSettings#add(String, InputStream)
protected void configureSettings(JGraphEditorSettings settings)
throws MalformedURLException, FileNotFoundException,
ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
settings.add(NAME_UICONFIG, JGraphEditorSettings
if (PATH_USERSETTINGS != null && new File(PATH_USERSETTINGS).canRead())
settings.add(NAME_USERSETTINGS, JGraphEditorResources
settings.add(NAME_USERSETTINGS, JGraphEditorResources
final Properties userSettings = settings
settings.addShutdownHook(new JGraphEditorSettings.ShutdownHook() {
public void shutdown() {
if (userSettings != null && PATH_USERSETTINGS != null) {
try {
OutputStream out = JGraphEditorResources
userSettings.store(out, "");
if (JGraphEditor.isURL(JGraphpad.PATH_USERSETTINGS)) {
JGraphpadFileAction.postPlain(url, url.getFile(),
} catch (Exception e) {
settings.putObject(KEY_GROUPPROTOTYPE, createGroup());
settings.putObject(KEY_VERTEXPROTOTYPE, createVertex());
settings.putObject(KEY_EDGEPROTOTYPE, createEdge());
* Constructs a document model for new editors. This implementation
* constructs a new instance of {@link JGraphEditorModel}and passes it to
* the {@link #configureModel(JGraphEditorModel)}method.
* @return Returns a configured document model for an editor.
protected JGraphEditorModel createModel() {
JGraphEditorModel model = new JGraphEditorModel();
return model;
* Hook for subclassers to configure new document models. This
* implementation adds persistence delegates for the following classes:
* {@link JGraphpadDiagram},{@link JGraphpadGraphModel},
* com.jgraph.graph.ConnectionSet, {@link JGraphpadGraphLayoutCache},
* com.jgraph.graph.DefaultGraphCell, com.jgraph.graph.DefaultEdge,
* com.jgraph.graph.DefaultPort,{@link JGraphpadBusinessObject},
* {@link JGraphpadRichTextValue}and {@link JGraphpadShadowBorder}.<br>
* <b>JGraphpadDiagram </b> <br>
* Constructs a persistence delegate for the diagram class. This uses the
* fact that all information is stored in the model, not the layout cache by
* ignoring the layout cache and accessing the model stored in the layout
* cache directly through the model bean property. Note: To allow this kind
* of encoding the diagram class offers a special constructor that takes a
* model and constructs a new graph layout cache for it. <br>
* <b>JGraphpadGraphModel </b> <br>
* To encode graph models we do not want the files to contain redundant
* connectivity information in the ports.edges and edges.source and target
* fields, so we add a method to the graph model that returns a connection
* set which describes the connections without redundancy. (Note: In the
* static initializer of this class we make sure that the edges, source and
* target of the respective classes or not encoded.) <br>
* <b>ConnectionSet </b> <br>
* The complete information of a connection set is stored in the actual
* connections, thus we only store the connections and use special
* constructor to restore the state of the complete object when de- coding.
* (Note: For connection sets this will update the edges field.) <br>
* <b>JGraphpadGraphLayoutCache </b> <br>
* The graph layout cache is encoded by encoding the various member fields,
* using a special constructor to restore the state of the layout cache upon
* decoding. Note that this is currently not used. <br>
* <b>DefaultGraphCell, DefaultEdge, DefaultPort </b> <br>
* Makes sure the cells are only encoded along with their user objects, the
* attributes, connections and tree-structure is stored in other objects and
* does not need to be encoded here. <br>
* <b>JGraphpadBusinessObject, JGraphpadRichTextData </b> <br>
* Allows to encode custom business objects used in JGraphpad. Since this
* object implements the bean interface we do only require a default
* persistence delegates with no special constructor calls to decode the
* object. Same holds for the rich text data object, which is a special
* value that can hold text formatting information. <br>
* <b>JGraphShadowBorder </b> <br>
* Since the shadow border is a singleton we must tell the decoder which
* method to use in order to find the shared instance of the class.
* @param model
* The document model to be configured.
protected void configureModel(JGraphEditorModel model) {
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(new String[] { "name",
"graphLayoutCache", "properties" }));
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(new String[] { "filename",
"graphLayoutCache" }));
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(new String[] { "roots",
"attributes", "connectionSet" }));
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(new String[] { "connections" }));
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(new String[] { "model",
"visibleSet", "partial" }));
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(new String[] { "userObject" }));
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(new String[] { "userObject" }));
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(new String[] { "userObject" }));
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate());
new DefaultPersistenceDelegate());
new PersistenceDelegate() {
protected Expression instantiate(Object oldInstance,
Encoder out) {
return new Expression(oldInstance,
"getSharedInstance", null);
new PersistenceDelegate() {
protected Expression instantiate(Object oldInstance,
Encoder out) {
return new Expression(oldInstance,
"getParallelEdgeRouting", null);
new PersistenceDelegate() {
protected Expression instantiate(Object oldInstance,
Encoder out) {
return new Expression(oldInstance,
"getParallelSplineRouting", null);
* Constructs a default kit for new editors. This implementation constructs
* a new instance of {@link JGraphEditorKit}and passes it to
* {@link #configureKit(JGraphEditor, JGraphEditorKit)}.
* @param editor
* The editor for which to create an editor kit.
* @return Returns a configured editor kit for the specified editor.
protected JGraphEditorKit createKit(JGraphEditor editor) {
JGraphEditorKit kit = new JGraphEditorKit();
configureKit(editor, kit);
return kit;
* Boilerplate method for configuring new editor kits. This implementation
* calls {@link #addActions(JGraphEditor, JGraphEditorKit)},
* {@link #addTools(JGraphEditor, JGraphEditorKit)}and registers the kit
* with the listeners required to update the state. This method is called
* from {@link #createKit(JGraphEditor)}.
* @param editor
* The editor for which to configure the editor kit.
* @param kit
* The new editor kit to be configured.
protected void configureKit(JGraphEditor editor, final JGraphEditorKit kit) {
addActions(editor, kit);
addTools(editor, kit);
final GraphSelectionListener selectionListener = new GraphSelectionListener() {
* Updates the actions in the factory kit when the selection of a
* library pane (ie of its backing graph) changes.
public void valueChanged(GraphSelectionEvent e) {
KeyboardFocusManager focusManager = KeyboardFocusManager
focusManager.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
* (non-Javadoc)
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
if (e.getPropertyName().equals("permanentFocusOwner"))
if (e.getOldValue() instanceof JGraphpadLibraryPane)
((JGraphpadLibraryPane) e.getOldValue()).getBackingGraph()
if (e.getNewValue() instanceof JGraphpadLibraryPane)
((JGraphpadLibraryPane) e.getNewValue()).getBackingGraph()
.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
* (non-Javadoc)
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
* Adds the action bundles for {@link JGraphpadEditAction},
* {@link JGraphpadFileAction},{@link JGraphpadViewAction},
* {@link JGraphpadFormatAction}and {@link JGraphpadCellAction}. Uses the
* createVertex and createEdge method to construct prototypes for
* {@link JGraphpadCellAction#NAME_GROUP}and
* {@link JGraphpadCellAction#NAME_CONNECT}. This method is called from
* configureEditorKit.
* @param editor
* The editor for which to create the actions.
* @param kit
* The editor kit to add the actions to.
* @see #configureKit(JGraphEditor, JGraphEditorKit)
* @see JGraphEditorKit#addBundle(JGraphEditorAction.Bundle)
* @see #createVertex()
* @see #createEdge()
protected void addActions(JGraphEditor editor, JGraphEditorKit kit) {
kit.addBundle(new JGraphpadEditAction.AllActions());
kit.addBundle(new JGraphpadViewAction.AllActions());
kit.addBundle(new JGraphpadFormatAction.AllActions());
kit.addBundle(new JGraphpadHelpAction.AllActions());
kit.addBundle(new JGraphpadFileAction.AllActions(editor));
kit.addBundle(new JGraphpadCellAction.AllActions(editor));
* Adds the following tools to <code>kit</code>:{@link #NAME_SELECTTOOL},
* {@link #NAME_ORTHOGONALEDGETOOL}. This method is called from
* configureEditorKit.
* @param editor
* The editor for which to create the tools.
* @param kit
* The editor kit to add the tools to.
* @see #configureKit(JGraphEditor, JGraphEditorKit)
* @see JGraphEditorKit#addTool(JGraphEditorTool)
* @see #createVertexTool(String, Object, int, ImageIcon)
* @see #createEdgeTool(String, String, Edge.Routing)
protected void addTools(JGraphEditor editor, JGraphEditorKit kit) {
kit.addTool(new JGraphEditorTool(NAME_SELECTTOOL, false));
JGraphpadVertexTool tool = createVertexTool(NAME_TEXTTOOL,
new JGraphpadRichTextValue(""), -1, null, true);
new JGraphpadRichTextValue(""),
JGraphpadVertexRenderer.SHAPE_RECTANGLE, null));
JComponent c = new JGraphpadHeavyweightRenderer();
kit.addTool(createVertexTool(NAME_HEAVYTOOL, c,
JGraphpadVertexRenderer.SHAPE_RECTANGLE, null));
new JGraphpadRichTextValue(""),
JGraphpadVertexRenderer.SHAPE_ROUNDED, null));
new JGraphpadRichTextValue(""),
JGraphpadVertexRenderer.SHAPE_CIRCLE, null));
new JGraphpadRichTextValue(""),
JGraphpadVertexRenderer.SHAPE_DIAMOND, null));
new JGraphpadRichTextValue(""),
JGraphpadVertexRenderer.SHAPE_TRIANGLE, null));
new JGraphpadRichTextValue(""),
JGraphpadVertexRenderer.SHAPE_CYLINDER, null));
JGraphpadImageIcon icon = new JGraphpadImageIcon(
kit.addTool(createVertexTool(NAME_IMAGETOOL, "",
JGraphpadVertexRenderer.SHAPE_RECTANGLE, icon));
kit.addTool(createEdgeTool(NAME_EDGETOOL, new JGraphpadRichTextValue(""), null));
kit.addTool(createEdgeTool(NAME_ORTHOGONALEDGETOOL, new JGraphpadRichTextValue(""),
* Invokes
* {@link #createVertexTool(String, Object, int, ImageIcon, boolean)} with
* post editing set to false.
protected JGraphpadVertexTool createVertexTool(String name,
Object defaultValue, int shape, ImageIcon icon) {
return createVertexTool(name, defaultValue, shape, icon, false);
* Helper method to create and return a new vertex tool. This uses the
* createVertexUserObject or creates a new {@link JGraphpadRichTextValue}
* object based on <code>isRichText</code> as the user object, which it
* passes to createVertex to create the graph cell. The method sets the
* shape on the created graph cell, and returns a new JGraphpadVertexTool
* with the specified name.
* @param name
* The name of the tool to be created.
* @param defaultValue
* The defaultValue for the vertices that this tool creates.
* @param shape
* The shape for the vertices that this tool creates. Use -1 for
* no border.
* @param icon
* The icon for the vertices that this tool creates.
* @param postEdit
* If in-place editing should be triggered after inserting the
* cell.
* @return Returns a new vertex tool.
* @see JGraphpadRichTextValue
* @see #createVertexUserObject(Object)
* @see #createVertex(Object)
* @see JGraphpadGraphConstants#setVertexShape(Map, int)
* @see JGraphpadVertexTool
protected JGraphpadVertexTool createVertexTool(String name, Object defaultValue,
int shape, ImageIcon icon, boolean postEdit) {
JGraphpadVertexTool vertextTool = null;
Object userObject = createVertexUserObject(defaultValue);
GraphCell vertex = createVertex(userObject);
if (shape >= 0) {
} else {
if (icon != null) {
GraphConstants.setIcon(vertex.getAttributes(), icon);
if (postEdit) {
vertextTool = new JGraphpadVertexTool(name, vertex) {
protected void execute(JGraph graph, Object cell) {
super.execute(graph, cell);
} else {
vertextTool = new JGraphpadVertexTool(name, vertex);
Dimension dimension =
new Dimension(WorkflowProperties.cellHeight, WorkflowProperties.cellWidth);
return vertextTool;
* Helper method to create and return a new edge tool. This passes the
* return value of createEdgeUserObject to createEdge to create the graph
* cell. The method sets the routing on the created graph cell if it is not
* <code>null</code>, and returns a new JGraphpadEdgeTool with the
* specified name.
* @param name
* The name of the tool to be created.
* @param defaultValue
* The defaultValue for the edges that this tool creates.
* @param routing
* The routing for the edges that this tool creates.
* @return Returns a new edge tool.
* @see #createEdgeUserObject(Object)
* @see #createEdge(Object)
* @see GraphConstants#setRouting(Map, Edge.Routing)
* @see JGraphpadEdgeTool
protected JGraphpadEdgeTool createEdgeTool(String name,
Object defaultValue, Edge.Routing routing) {
DefaultEdge edge = createEdge(createEdgeUserObject(defaultValue));
if (routing != null)
GraphConstants.setRouting(edge.getAttributes(), routing);
return new JGraphpadEdgeTool(name, edge);
* Constructs a default factory for new editors. This implementation
* constructs a new instance of JGraphEditorFactory and overrides
* {@link JGraphEditorFactory#createGraph(GraphLayoutCache)} to call
* {@link #createGraph(JGraphEditor, GraphLayoutCache)} and configures the
* factory using
* {@link #configureFactory(JGraphEditor, JGraphEditorFactory)}.
* @param editor
* The editor for which to create an editor factory.
* @return Returns a configured editor factory for the specified editor.
protected JGraphEditorFactory createFactory(final JGraphEditor editor) {
JGraphEditorFactory factory = new JGraphEditorFactoryEx(editor.getKit()) {
public JGraph createGraph(GraphLayoutCache graphLayoutCache) {
return jgraphpad.createGraph(editor, graphLayoutCache);
configureFactory(editor, factory);
return factory;
* Hook for subclassers to configure new editor factories. This
* implementation adds various following factory methods.
* @param editor
* The editor to create the factory methods for.
* @param factory
* The factory to be configured.
protected void configureFactory(JGraphEditor editor,
JGraphEditorFactory factory) {
factory.addMethod(new JGraphEditorNavigator.FactoryMethod(editor));
factory.addMethod(new JGraphEditorComboBox.BorderComboFactoryMethod());
.addMethod(new JGraphEditorComboBox.LineDecorationComboFactoryMethod());
.addMethod(new JGraphEditorComboBox.LineWidthComboFactoryMethod());
.addMethod(new JGraphEditorComboBox.DashPatternComboFactoryMethod());
factory.addMethod(new JGraphpadPane.FactoryMethod(editor));
factory.addMethod(new JGraphpadPane.LeftTabFactoryMethod(editor));
factory.addMethod(new JGraphpadPane.BottomTabFactoryMethod(editor));
.addMethod(new JGraphpadComboBox.VertexShapeComboFactoryMethod());
factory.addMethod(new JGraphpadComboBox.ColorComboFactoryMethod());
factory.addMethod(new JGraphpadComboBox.ColorComboFactoryMethod(
factory.addMethod(new JGraphpadComboBox.ColorComboFactoryMethod(
factory.addMethod(new JGraphpadLibraryPane.FactoryMethod(editor));
factory.addMethod(new JGraphpadWindowMenu.FactoryMethod(editor));
factory.addMethod(new JGraphpadOpenRecentMenu(editor));
factory.addMethod(new JGraphpadConsole.FactoryMethod());
factory.addMethod(new JGraphpadStatusBar.FactoryMethod(editor));
* Hook for subclassers to create plugins for a new editor. This
* implementation creates the {@link #defaultPlugins}. This method is
* called from {@link #configureEditor(JGraphEditor, Map)}.
* @param editor
* The editor for which to create the plugins.
protected void createPlugins(JGraphEditor editor) {
if (defaultPlugins != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < defaultPlugins.length; i++) {
try {
System.out.print("Loading " + defaultPlugins[i] + "... ");
JGraphEditorPlugin plugin = (JGraphEditorPlugin) Class
plugin.initialize(editor, null);
} catch (Throwable e) {
System.out.println("Not Available");
* Hook for subclassers to provide a custom graph for the user interface.
* This method is invoked by the default custom factory returned by the
* createEditorFactory method. It invokes
* {@link #configureGraph(JGraphEditor, JGraph)} to configure the new graph
* instance.
* @see #createFactory(JGraphEditor)
protected JGraph createGraph(JGraphEditor editor,
GraphLayoutCache graphLayoutCache) {
JGraph graph = new JGraphpadGraph(graphLayoutCache);
configureGraph(editor, graph);
return graph;
* Hook for subclassers to configure a new graph. This implementation adds a
* {@link JGraphpadTransferHandler} and {@link JGraphpadMarqueeHandler} to
* the instance. (Note: {@link #createVertex()} is used to create the
* prototype cell for the transfer handler.)
* @param graph
* The graph to be configured
protected void configureGraph(JGraphEditor editor, JGraph graph) {
graph.setTransferHandler(new JGraphpadTransferHandler(createVertex()));
graph.setMarqueeHandler(new JGraphpadMarqueeHandler(editor));
* Hook for subclassers to construct vertices with default user objects.
* This implementation invokes {@link #createVertexUserObject(Object)}and
* passes the return value to {@link #createVertex(Object)}.
* @return Returns a new vertex with a default user object.
public GraphCell createVertex() {
return createVertex(createVertexUserObject(null));
* Returns a new DefaultGraphCell containing the specified user object. This
* implementation uses {@link #createAttributeMap()}to create the map that
* holds the attributes for the new vertex, and
* {@link #configureVertex(GraphCell)}to configure the vertex.
* @param userObj
* The user object that the vertex should contain.
* @return Returns a new vertex.
public GraphCell createVertex(Object userObj) {
DefaultGraphCell vertex = new DefaultGraphCell(userObj,
return vertex;
* Hook for subclassers to configure the specified vertex. This
* implementation sets the {@link #defaultBorderColor}and adds ports if the
* vertex implements the {@link MutableTreeNode}interface.
* @param vertex
* The vertex to be configured.
* @see #addPorts(MutableTreeNode, Point2D[])
protected void configureVertex(GraphCell vertex) {
AttributeMap attributes = vertex.getAttributes();
if (defaultBorderColor != null) {
GraphConstants.setOpaque(attributes, false);
GraphConstants.setBorderColor(attributes, defaultBorderColor);
GraphConstants.setGroupOpaque(attributes, false);
JGraphpadGraphConstants.setGroupResize(attributes, true);
JGraphpadGraphConstants.setInset(attributes, 4);
if (vertex instanceof MutableTreeNode)
addPorts((MutableTreeNode) vertex, defaultPortLocations);
* Hook for subclassers to construct groups with default user objects. This
* implementation invokes {@link #createVertexUserObject(Object)}and passes
* the return value to {@link #createGroup(Object)}.
* @return Returns a new group with a default user object.
public GraphCell createGroup() {
return createVertex(createVertexUserObject(null));
* Returns a new DefaultGraphCell containing the specified user object. This
* implementation uses {@link #createAttributeMap()}to create the map that
* holds the attributes for the new vertex, and
* {@link #configureVertex(GraphCell)}to configure the vertex.
* @param userObj
* The user object that the group should contain.
* @return Returns a new group.
public GraphCell createGroup(Object userObj) {
DefaultGraphCell vertex = new DefaultGraphCell(userObj,
return vertex;
* Adds ports to <code>parent</code> using <code>offsets</code> as the
* port relative offsets. The method uses
* {@link #createPortUserObject(Object)},
* {@link #createPort(MutableTreeNode, Object)}and
* {@link #configurePort(GraphCell, Point2D)}to create the ports and their
* user objects, configure them and add them to the parent.
* @param parent
* The parent to add the ports to.
* @param offsets
* The points defining the port locations.
protected void addPorts(MutableTreeNode parent, Point2D[] offsets) {
for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) {
GraphCell port = createPort(parent, createPortUserObject(null));
configurePort(port, offsets[i]);
* Creates a port containing the specified user object and adds it to
* <code>parent</code>.
* @param userObject
* The user object that the port should contain.
* @return Returns a new port.
public GraphCell createPort(MutableTreeNode parent, Object userObject) {
DefaultGraphCell port = new DefaultPort(userObject);
parent.insert(port, parent.getChildCount());
return port;
* Hook for subclassers to configure the specified port using the
* <code>offset</code> as the relative location.
* @param port
* The port to be configured.
* @param offset
* The relative offset of the port.
public void configurePort(GraphCell port, Point2D offset) {
AttributeMap map = port.getAttributes();
if (offset != null)
GraphConstants.setOffset(map, offset);
* Hook for subclassers to construct edgges with default user objects. This
* implementation invokes {@link #createEdgeUserObject(Object)}and passes
* the return value to {@link #createEdge(Object)}.
* @return Returns a new edge with a default user object.
public DefaultEdge createEdge() {
return createEdge(createEdgeUserObject(null));
* Returns a new DefaultEdge containing the specified user object. This
* implementation uses {@link #createAttributeMap()}to create the map that
* holds the attributes for the new edge and
* {@link #configureEdge(GraphCell)}to configure the edge.
* @param userObj
* The user object that the edge should contain.
* @return Returns a new edge.
public DefaultEdge createEdge(Object userObj) {
DefaultEdge edge = new DefaultEdge(userObj, createAttributeMap());
return edge;
* Hook for subclassers to configure the specified edge. This implementation
* sets the {@link #defaultEdgeFont},{@link #defaultEndDecoration}and
* {@link #defaultBeginDecoration}.
* @param edge
* The edge to be configured.
protected void configureEdge(GraphCell edge) {
AttributeMap attributes = edge.getAttributes();
if (defaultEdgeFont != null)
GraphConstants.setFont(attributes, defaultEdgeFont);
if (defaultEndDecoration != GraphConstants.ARROW_NONE)
GraphConstants.setLineEnd(attributes, defaultEndDecoration);
if (defaultBeginDecoration != GraphConstants.ARROW_NONE)
GraphConstants.setLineBegin(attributes, defaultBeginDecoration);
if (edge instanceof MutableTreeNode)
addPorts((MutableTreeNode) edge, defaultPortLocations);
* Hook for subclassers to create a user object for edges that contains the
* specified value. This implementation calls
* {@link #createVertexUserObject(Object)}.
* @param value
* The value that the user object should contain.
* @return Returns a new user object containing <code>value</code>.
protected Object createEdgeUserObject(Object value) {
return createVertexUserObject(value);
* Hook for subclassers to create a user object for ports that contains the
* specified value. This implementation calls
* {@link #createVertexUserObject(Object)}.
* @param value
* The value that the user object should contain.
* @return Returns a new user object containing <code>value</code>.
protected Object createPortUserObject(Object value) {
return createVertexUserObject(value);
* Returns a new {@link JGraphpadBusinessObject}for the specified value.
* This implementation replaces all <code>null</code> values with an empty
* {@link JGraphpadRichTextValue}.
* @param value
* The value that the user object should contain.
* @return Returns a new user object containing <code>value</code>.
* @see JGraphpadBusinessObject
protected Object createVertexUserObject(Object value) {
return new JGraphpadBusinessObject((value != null) ? value
: new JGraphpadRichTextValue(""));
* Hook for subclassers to construct attribute map for cells. This
* implementation returns a new instance of {@link AttributeMap}.
* @return Returns a new attribute map.
protected AttributeMap createAttributeMap() {
return new AttributeMap();
* Returns true if the specified filename has an image extension, namely one
* in {@link javax.imageio.ImageIO#getReaderFormatNames()}.
* @param filename
* The filename to be checked.
* @return Returns true if the filename is an image file.
public static boolean isImage(String filename) {
String[] formats = ImageIO.getReaderFormatNames();
filename = filename.toLowerCase();
for (int j = 0; j < formats.length; j++) {
if (filename.endsWith(formats[j].toLowerCase()))
return true;
return false;
* Centers the specified window on the screen, taking into account the
* current size of the window.
* @param wnd
* The window to be centered.
public static void center(Window wnd) {
Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
Dimension frameSize = wnd.getSize();
wnd.setLocation(screenSize.width / 2 - (frameSize.width / 2),
screenSize.height / 2 - (frameSize.height / 2));
* Constructs and displays a new application window.
* @param args
* The command line arguments to pass to the application.
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Map arguments = new Hashtable();
List files = new LinkedList();
if (args != null) {
String key = null;
String arg = null;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
arg = args[i];
if (arg.startsWith("-")) {
key = arg.substring(1);
arguments.put(key, "");
if (key.equals(ARG_VERSION))
key = null;
} else if (key != null) {
arguments.put(key, arg);
key = null;
} else if (arg.length() > 0) {
if (arguments.containsKey("?") || arguments.containsKey("help")
|| arguments.containsKey("-?")
|| arguments.containsKey("-help")) {
} else if (arguments.containsKey(ARG_VERSION)) {
System.out.println(JGraphpad.VERSION + "\n" + JGraph.VERSION);
} else {
new JGraphpad().createApplication(files, arguments);
} catch (Exception e) {
* Defines the usage information (use --help), see
* http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/misc/plaf.html#programmatic
* on setting the look and feel.
public static final String USAGE = "Usage: java com.jgraph.JGraphpad [OPTION]...\n"
+ " -"
+ " use system look and feel\n"
+ " jgoodies look and feel\n"
+ " -"
+ " print version\n"
+ "\nTip: java -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.Plastic3DLookAndFeel\n"
+ "Exit status is 0 if OK, 1 if minor problems, 2 if serious trouble.\n"
+ "\nReport bugs via http://www.jgraph.com/tracker\n\n";