* Created on 10/02/2005
* Created by Paul Duran
* Copyright (C) 2004 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* AELITIS, SARL au capital de 30,000 euros
* 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France.
package org.gudy.azureus2.ui.console.multiuser.commands;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.console.ConsoleInput;
import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.console.UserProfile;
import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.console.commands.CommandCollection;
import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.console.commands.IConsoleCommand;
import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.console.commands.OptionsConsoleCommand;
import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.console.multiuser.UserManager;
* container command for commands that deal with the add/modify/delete of users
* @author pauld
public class UserCommand extends IConsoleCommand {
private final CommandCollection subCommands = new CommandCollection();
private final UserManager userManager;
* @param _commandNames
public UserCommand(UserManager userManager) {
this.userManager = userManager;
subCommands.add(new AddUserCommand());
subCommands.add(new DeleteUserCommand());
subCommands.add(new ModifyUserCommand());
subCommands.add(new ListUsersCommand());
* returns the UserManager object that is used
* by our subcommands
* @return
private UserManager getUserManager()
return userManager;
* write the user manager configuration back to the path that it was read from
* @param out stream to print success/failure messages to
private void saveUserManagerConfig(PrintStream out)
try {
out.println("> User Manager config saved");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
out.println("> Error saving User Manager config: " + e);
* returns the string describing how this command can be used
public String getCommandDescriptions()
return "user add|delete|list|modify <options>\tmanage users able to log in via telnet ui";
* determine the correct subcommand and execute it
public void execute(String commandName, ConsoleInput ci, List args)
if( args.isEmpty() )
printHelp(ci.out, args);
commandName = (String) args.remove(0);
subCommands.execute(commandName, ci, args);
* prints out the help message showing the syntax for all subcommands
public void printHelpExtra(PrintStream out, List args)
out.println("> -----");
out.println("'user' syntax:");
if( args.size() > 0 ) {
String command = (String) args.remove(0);
IConsoleCommand cmd = subCommands.get(command);
if( cmd != null )
cmd.printHelp(out, args);
out.println("user <command> <command options>");
out.println("Available <command>s:");
for (Iterator iter = subCommands.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
IConsoleCommand cmd = (IConsoleCommand) iter.next();
out.println("try 'help user <command>' for more information about a particular user command");
out.println("> -----");
* command that adds new users to the user manager
* @author pauld
private final class AddUserCommand extends OptionsConsoleCommand
public AddUserCommand()
super("add", "a");
getOptions().addOption(new Option("u", "username", true, "name of new user"));
getOptions().addOption(new Option("p", "password", true, "password for new user"));
getOptions().addOption(new Option("t", "type", true, "user type (Admin / User / Guest)"));
getOptions().addOption(new Option("d", "savedirectory", true, "default torrent save directory for this user"));
* adds a new user
public void execute(String commandName, ConsoleInput ci, CommandLine commandLine)
String userName = commandLine.getOptionValue('u');
if( userName == null )
ci.out.println("> AddUser: (u)sername option not specified");
String password = commandLine.getOptionValue('p');
if( password == null )
ci.out.println("> AddUser: (p)assword option not specified");
String userType = commandLine.getOptionValue('t', UserProfile.DEFAULT_USER_TYPE);
if( ! UserProfile.isValidUserType(userType.toLowerCase()))
ci.out.println("> AddUser: invalid profile type '" + userType + "'. Valid values are: " + UserProfile.ADMIN + "," + UserProfile.USER + "," + UserProfile.GUEST);
// check that a user with that name doesnt already exist
if( getUserManager().getUser(userName) != null )
ci.out.println("> AddUser error: user '" + userName + "' already exists");
UserProfile profile = new UserProfile(userName, userType);
String defaultSaveDirectory = commandLine.getOptionValue('d', null);
ci.out.println("> AddUser: user '" + userName + "' added");
public String getCommandDescriptions() {
return "add [-u user] <options>\t\ta\tadds a new user";
* command that deletes a user from the user manager
* @author pauld
private final class DeleteUserCommand extends OptionsConsoleCommand
public DeleteUserCommand()
super("delete", "d");
getOptions().addOption(new Option("u", "username", true, "name of user to delete"));
public void execute(String commandName, ConsoleInput ci, CommandLine commandLine)
String userName = commandLine.getOptionValue('u');
if( userName == null )
ci.out.println("> DeleteUser: (u)sername option not specified");
if( getUserManager().getUser(userName) == null )
ci.out.println("> DeleteUser: error - user '" + userName + "' not found");
getUserManager().deleteUser( userName );
ci.out.println("> DeleteUser: user '" + userName + "' deleted");
public String getCommandDescriptions() {
return "delete [-u user]\t\td\tdeletes a user";
* command that changes user's password or level or default save directory
* @author pauld
private final class ModifyUserCommand extends OptionsConsoleCommand
public ModifyUserCommand()
super("modify", "m");
getOptions().addOption(new Option("u", "username", true, "name of user to modify"));
getOptions().addOption(new Option("p", "password", true, "password for new user"));
getOptions().addOption(new Option("t", "type", true, "user type (Admin / User / Guest)"));
getOptions().addOption(new Option("d", "savedirectory", true, "default torrent save directory for this user"));
public void execute(String commandName, ConsoleInput ci, CommandLine commandLine)
String userName = commandLine.getOptionValue('u');
if( userName == null )
ci.out.println("> ModifyUser: (u)sername option not specified");
UserProfile profile = getUserManager().getUser(userName);
if( profile == null )
ci.out.println("> ModifyUser: error - user '" + userName + "' not found");
boolean modified = false;
String userType = commandLine.getOptionValue('t');
if( userType != null )
if( UserProfile.isValidUserType(userType.toLowerCase()))
modified = true;
ci.out.println("> ModifyUser: invalid profile type '" + userType + "'. Valid values are: " + UserProfile.ADMIN + "," + UserProfile.USER + "," + UserProfile.GUEST);
String password = commandLine.getOptionValue('p');
if( password != null )
modified = true;
String defaultSaveDirectory = commandLine.getOptionValue('d');
if( defaultSaveDirectory != null ){
modified = true;
if ( defaultSaveDirectory.length() > 0 ){
if( modified )
ci.out.println("> ModifyUser: user '" + userName + "' modified");
printHelp(ci.out, commandLine.getArgList());
public String getCommandDescriptions() {
return "modify [-u user] <options>\tm\tmodifies a user";
* command that prints out the list of users registered in this user manager
* @author pauld
private final class ListUsersCommand extends IConsoleCommand
public ListUsersCommand()
super("list", "l");
public void execute(String commandName, ConsoleInput ci, List args)
ci.out.println("> -----");
ci.out.println("> Username\tProfile\t\tSave Directory");
for (Iterator iter = getUserManager().getUsers().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
UserProfile profile = (UserProfile) iter.next();
String saveDir = profile.getDefaultSaveDirectory();
if( saveDir == null ) saveDir = "(default)";
ci.out.println("> " + profile.getUsername() + "\t\t" + profile.getUserType() + "\t\t" + saveDir);
ci.out.println("> -----");
public String getCommandDescriptions() {
return "list \t\t\t\tl lists all users";