Package org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.clientid

Source Code of org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.clientid.ClientIDManagerImpl$httpFilter

* Created on 29-Dec-2004
* Created by Paul Gardner
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
* AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros
* 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France.

package org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.clientid;

import java.util.*;

import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogAlert;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogEvent;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogIDs;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.Logger;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.clientid.ClientIDException;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.clientid.ClientIDGenerator;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.clientid.ClientIDManager;
import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.torrent.TorrentImpl;

import com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.admin.NetworkAdmin;

* @author parg

public class
  implements ClientIDManager
  private static final LogIDs LOGID = LogIDs.PLUGIN;
  protected static ClientIDManagerImpl  singleton = new ClientIDManagerImpl();
  protected static final char    CR      = '\015';
  protected static final char    FF      = '\012';
  protected static final String  NL      = "\015\012";
  public static ClientIDManagerImpl
    return( singleton );
  private ClientIDGenerator    generator_user_accessor;
  private boolean          use_filter;
  private boolean          filter_override;
  private ThreadPool        thread_pool;
  private int            filter_port;
  public void
    ClientIDGenerator  _generator,
    boolean        _use_filter )
      // I wanted to allow signed plugins the ability to do this but given that a malicious
      // plugin can use reflection to get access to fields (such as the URL field of a
      // URLClassLoader) I can't see a way to enforce this. That is, how can you verify
      // that the class was loaded from a signed jar? you can get the jar that the URLClassLoader
      // claims it was loaded from and verify that, but this jar location may have been changed
      // by the plugin. you can look inside the signed jar and check that there's a class in
      // there with the right name, implementing ClientIDGenerator, but this doesn't prove
      // that the implementation passed to this method is the same as once an offical signed
      // plugin is released that uses this feature (with, say, a class called a.b.c.X as the
      // generator), a malicious plugin can simply also implement a class a.b.c.X, ship
      // along with a copy of the official jar, hack the class-loader after loading to make
      // the class-loader point to the official jar. The only things that can't be changed
      // by reflection are static final fields which don't seem to help. We could modify
      // our security manager to trap a checkAccess perm check but we don't have access to
      // the thing being modified and this is used in various other places to work around bugs.
      // So we only accept generators loaded by non-plugin loaders. Note that you can't
      // change a class's class loader so this works.
      // we might be able to fix things by using some native storage that can't be modified
      // by a plugin, or by getting this code to load/instantiate the class, but you still
      // have the problem that the plugin can directly modify the "generator" field. Another
      // fix would be to enhance the security manager and provide methods to wrap the
      // setAccessible operations so we can control which objects are accessible
    checkGenerator( _generator );
    generator_user_accessor  = _generator;
    use_filter        = _use_filter;
      // we override the filter parameter here if we have a local bind IP set as
      // this is the only simple solution to enforcing the local bind (Sun's
      // HTTPConnection doesn't allow the network interface to be bound)

    if ( !use_filter ){
        // another reason for NOT doing this is if the user has a defined proxy
        // in this case the assumption is that they know what they're doing and
        // the proxy will be bound correctly to ensure that things work...
      String  http_proxy   = System.getProperty( "http.proxyHost" );
      String  socks_proxy = System.getProperty( "socksProxyHost" );
        InetAddress bindIP = NetworkAdmin.getSingleton().getSingleHomedServiceBindAddress();
          if (  ( http_proxy == null || http_proxy.trim().length() == 0 ) &&
              ( socks_proxy == null || socks_proxy.trim().length() == 0 ) &&
              (bindIP != null  && !bindIP.isAnyLocalAddress())

            int    ips = 0;
              // seeing as this is a bit of a crappy way to enforce binding, add one more check to make
              // sure that the machine has multiple ips before going ahead in case user has set it
              // incorrectly
              Enumeration nis = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
              while( nis.hasMoreElements()){
                NetworkInterface ni = (NetworkInterface)nis.nextElement();
                Enumeration addresses = ni.getInetAddresses();
                while( addresses.hasMoreElements()){
                  InetAddress address = (InetAddress)addresses.nextElement();
                  if ( !address.isLoopbackAddress()){
            }catch( Throwable e ){
              Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "", e));
            if ( ips > 1 ){
              filter_override  = true;
              use_filter  = true;
              if (Logger.isEnabled())
                Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID,
                    "ClientIDManager: overriding filter "
                    + "option to support local bind IP"));
    if ( use_filter ){
        thread_pool = new ThreadPool( "ClientIDManager", 32 );
          String  connect_timeout = System.getProperty("");
          String  read_timeout   = System.getProperty("");
          int  timeout = Integer.parseInt( connect_timeout ) + Integer.parseInt( read_timeout );
        thread_pool.setExecutionLimit( timeout );
        final ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket( 0, 1024, InetAddress.getByName(""));
        filter_port  = ss.getLocalPort();
        Thread accept_thread =
            new AEThread("ClientIDManager::filterloop")
              public void
                long  successfull_accepts = 0;
                long  failed_accepts    = 0;

                    Socket socket = ss.accept();
           new httpFilter( socket ));
                  }catch( Throwable e ){
                    if (Logger.isEnabled())
                      Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID,
                                              "ClientIDManager: listener failed on port "
                                              + filter_port, e ));
                    if ( failed_accepts > 100 && successfull_accepts == 0 ){

                        // looks like its not going to work...
                        // some kind of socket problem
                      Logger.logTextResource(new LogAlert(LogAlert.UNREPEATABLE,
                        LogAlert.AT_ERROR, "Network.alert.acceptfail"),
                        new String[] { "" + filter_port, "TCP" });
                      use_filter  = false;
        accept_thread.setDaemon( true );
        if (Logger.isEnabled())
          Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID,
              "ClientIDManager: listener established on port " + filter_port));
      }catch( Throwable e){
        Logger.logTextResource(new LogAlert(LogAlert.UNREPEATABLE,
            LogAlert.AT_ERROR, "Tracker.alert.listenfail"), new String[] { ""
            + filter_port });
        if (Logger.isEnabled())
          Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID,
              "ClientIDManager: listener failed on port " + filter_port, e));
        use_filter  = false;
  public ClientIDGenerator
    checkGenerator( generator_user_accessor );
    return( generator_user_accessor );
  protected void
    ClientIDGenerator  gen )
    ClassLoader  cl = gen.getClass().getClassLoader();
    if ( cl != null && cl != ClientIDManager.class.getClassLoader()){
      Debug.out( "Generator isn't trusted - " + gen );
      throw( new RuntimeException( "Generator isn't trusted" ));
  public byte[]
    TOTorrent  torrent,
    boolean    for_tracker )
    throws ClientIDException
    return( getGenerator().generatePeerID( new TorrentImpl( torrent ), for_tracker ));
  public void
    Properties  properties )
    throws ClientIDException
    if ( use_filter ){
        // to support SSL here we would need to substitute the https url with an https one
        // and then drive the SSL in the filter appropriately
      URL  url = (URL)properties.get( ClientIDGenerator.PR_URL );
      if ( !url.getProtocol().toLowerCase().equals( "http" )){
        Logger.log(new LogAlert(LogAlert.UNREPEATABLE, LogAlert.AT_ERROR,
            "ClientIDManager only supports filtering of http, not https"));
        String  url_str = url.toString();
        String  target_host = url.getHost();
        int    target_port  = url.getPort();
        if ( target_port == -1 ){
          target_port = url.getDefaultPort();
        int host_pos = url_str.indexOf( target_host );
        String  new_url = url_str.substring(0,host_pos) + "" + filter_port;
        String  rem = url_str.substring( host_pos + target_host.length());
        if ( rem.charAt(0) == ':' ){
          rem = rem.substring( (""+ target_port ).length() + 1 );
        int q_pos = rem.indexOf( '?' );
        new_url += rem.substring(0,q_pos+1) + "cid=" + target_host + ":" + target_port + "&" + rem.substring(q_pos+1);
        properties.put( ClientIDGenerator.PR_URL, new URL( new_url ));
      }catch( Throwable e ){
      getGenerator().generateHTTPProperties( properties );
  protected class
    extends ThreadPoolTask
    private Socket    socket;
      Socket    _socket )
      socket  = _socket;
    public void
      String    report_error  = null;
      int      written      = 0;
        setTaskState( "reading header" );
        InputStream  is = socket.getInputStream();
        byte[]  buffer = new byte[1024];
        String  header = "";
        while(true ){
          int  len =;
          if ( len == -1 ){
          header += new String( buffer, 0, len, Constants.BYTE_ENCODING );
          if (   header.endsWith( NL+NL ) ||
              header.indexOf( NL+NL ) != -1 ){
        List  lines = new ArrayList();
        int  pos = 0;
        while( true){
          int  p1 = header.indexOf( NL, pos );
          String  line;
          if ( p1 == -1 ){
            line = header.substring(pos);
            line = header.substring( pos, p1 );
          line = line.trim();
          if ( line.length() > 0 ){
            lines.add( line );
          if ( p1 == -1 ){
          pos = p1+2;
        String[]  lines_in = new String[ lines.size()];
        lines.toArray( lines_in );
        String  get = lines_in[0];
        int  p1 = get.indexOf( "?cid=" );
        int  p2 = get.indexOf( "&", p1 );
        String  cid = get.substring( p1+5, p2 );
        int  p3 = cid.indexOf( ":" );
        String  target_host  = cid.substring( 0, p3 );
        int    target_port  = Integer.parseInt( cid.substring(p3+1));
          // fix up the Host: entry with the target details
        for (int i=1;i<lines_in.length;i++){
          String  line = lines_in[i];
          if ( line.toLowerCase().indexOf( "host:" ) != -1 ){
            lines_in[i] = "Host: " + target_host + ":" + target_port;
        get = get.substring( 0, p1+1 ) + get.substring( p2+1 );
        lines_in[0] = get;
        String[]  lines_out;
        if ( filter_override ){
            // bodge for ip override. we still need to take account of the correct
            // user-agent
          lines_out = lines_in;
          Properties p = new Properties();
          getGenerator().generateHTTPProperties( p );
          String  agent = p.getProperty( ClientIDGenerator.PR_USER_AGENT );
          if ( agent != null ){
            for (int i=0;i<lines_out.length;i++){
              if ( lines_out[i].toLowerCase().startsWith( "user-agent" )){
                lines_out[i] = "User-Agent: " + agent;
          lines_out = getGenerator().filterHTTP( lines_in );
        String  header_out = "";
        for (int i=0;i<lines_out.length;i++){
          header_out += lines_out[i] + NL;
        header_out += NL;
        Socket  target = new Socket();
        InetSocketAddress targetSockAddress = new InetSocketAddressInetAddress.getByName(target_host) , target_port  );
          InetAddress bindIP = NetworkAdmin.getSingleton().getSingleHomedServiceBindAddress(targetSockAddress.getAddress() instanceof Inet6Address ? NetworkAdmin.IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_REQUIRE_V6 : NetworkAdmin.IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_REQUIRE_V4);
            if ( bindIP != null ){
              target.bind( new InetSocketAddress( bindIP, 0 ) );

            // System.out.println( "filtering " + target_host + ":" + target_port );
            target.connect( targetSockAddress);
        target.getOutputStream().write( header_out.getBytes(Constants.BYTE_ENCODING ));
        InputStream  target_is = target.getInputStream();
        while( true ){
          int  len = buffer );
          if ( len == -1 ){
          socket.getOutputStream().write( buffer, 0,len );
          written += len;
      }catch( ClientIDException e ){
        report_error = e.getMessage();
      }catch( UnknownHostException e ){
        report_error = "Unknown host '" + e.getMessage() + "'";
      }catch( Throwable e ){
        // Debug.printStackTrace(e);
        if ( report_error != null && written == 0 ){
          Map  failure = new HashMap();
          failure.put("failure reason", report_error );
            byte[] x = BEncoder.encode( failure );
            socket.getOutputStream().write( x );
          }catch( Throwable f ){
        }catch( Throwable f ){
    public void
        if (Logger.isEnabled())
          Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, "ClientIDManager - interrupting "
              + "HTTP filter due to timeout"));
      }catch( Throwable e ){

Related Classes of org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.clientid.ClientIDManagerImpl$httpFilter

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