* Created on May 29, 2006 4:01:04 PM
* Copyright (C) 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros
* 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France.
package com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.skin;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.SashForm;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormAttachment;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormData;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AEMonitor;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Constants;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug;
import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Utils;
import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.CopyOnWriteList;
import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.IUIIntializer;
import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.skin.SkinProperties;
import com.aelitis.azureus.ui.swt.imageloader.ImageLoader;
* @author TuxPaper
* @created May 29, 2006
public class SWTSkin
public static final boolean DEBUG_VISIBILITIES = false;
private static final SWTSkinObjectListener[] NOLISTENERS = new SWTSkinObjectListener[0];
public boolean DEBUGLAYOUT = System.getProperty("debuglayout") != null;
private static int numSkins = 0;
private Map<SkinProperties, ImageLoader> mapImageLoaders = new ConcurrentHashMap<SkinProperties, ImageLoader>();
private SWTSkinProperties skinProperties;
private Listener handCursorListener;
//private Listener ontopPaintListener;
// Key = Skin Object ID; Value = Array of SWTSkinObject
private HashMap<String, SWTSkinObject[]> mapIDsToSOs = new HashMap<String, SWTSkinObject[]>();
private AEMonitor mon_MapIDsToSOs = new AEMonitor("mapIDsToControls");
// Key = TabSet ID; Value = SWTSkinTabSet
private HashMap<String, SWTSkinTabSet> mapTabSetToControls = new HashMap<String, SWTSkinTabSet>();
// Key = Widget ID; Value = Array of SWTSkinObject
private HashMap<String, SWTSkinObject[]> mapPublicViewIDsToSOs = new HashMap<String, SWTSkinObject[]>();
private AEMonitor mon_mapPublicViewIDsToSOs = new AEMonitor("mapPVIDsToSOs");
private HashMap<String, ArrayList<SWTSkinObjectListener>> mapPublicViewIDsToListeners = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<SWTSkinObjectListener>>();
private AEMonitor mapPublicViewIDsToListeners_mon = new AEMonitor(
private ArrayList<SWTSkinObjectBasic> ontopImages = new ArrayList<SWTSkinObjectBasic>();
private Shell shell;
private boolean bLayoutComplete = false;
private CopyOnWriteList<SWTSkinLayoutCompleteListener> listenersLayoutComplete = new CopyOnWriteList<SWTSkinLayoutCompleteListener>();
private boolean ourSkinProperties = false;
private int currentSkinObjectcreationCount = 0;
private ImageLoader imageLoader;
private String startID;
private boolean autoSizeOnLayout = true;
public SWTSkin() {
ourSkinProperties = true;
init(new SWTSkinPropertiesImpl());
public SWTSkin(ClassLoader classLoader, String skinPath, String mainSkinFile) {
ourSkinProperties = true;
init(new SWTSkinPropertiesImpl(classLoader, skinPath, mainSkinFile));
private void init(SWTSkinProperties skinProperties) {
this.skinProperties = skinProperties;
// the first skin gets the default image loader. We don't add it to
// the mapImageLoaders because non-skin objects may use the image loader
// mapImageLoaders is used to dispose of images when the skin is disposed
if (numSkins == 1) {
imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
} else {
imageLoader = new ImageLoader(Display.getDefault(),
mapImageLoaders.put(skinProperties, imageLoader);
ontopPaintListener = new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
for (Iterator iter = ontopImages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
SWTSkinObject skinObject = (SWTSkinObject) iter.next();
Control control = skinObject.getControl();
if (control == null) {
Rectangle bounds = control.getBounds();
Point point = control.toDisplay(0, 0);
bounds.x = point.x;
bounds.y = point.y;
Rectangle eventBounds = event.getBounds();
point = ((Control) event.widget).toDisplay(0, 0);
eventBounds.x += point.x;
eventBounds.y += point.y;
//System.out.println(eventBounds + ";" + bounds);
if (eventBounds.intersects(bounds)) {
Point dst = new Point(bounds.x - point.x, bounds.y - point.y);
//System.out.println("Painting on " + event.widget + " at " + dst);
Image image = (Image) control.getData("image");
// TODO: Clipping otherwise alpha will multiply
event.gc.drawImage(image, dst.x, dst.y);
public ImageLoader getImageLoader(SkinProperties properties) {
if (properties == this.skinProperties) {
return imageLoader;
ImageLoader loader = mapImageLoaders.get(properties);
if (loader != null) {
return loader;
loader = new ImageLoader(Display.getDefault(), properties);
mapImageLoaders.put(properties, loader);
return loader;
public void addToControlMap(SWTSkinObject skinObject) {
String sID = skinObject.getSkinObjectID();
System.out.println("addToControlMap: " + sID + " : " + skinObject);
addToSOArrayMap(mapIDsToSOs, mon_MapIDsToSOs, sID, skinObject);
// For SWT layout -- add a reverse lookup
Control control = skinObject.getControl();
if (control != null) {
control.setData("ConfigID", skinObject.getConfigID());
control.setData("SkinID", sID);
private void addToSOArrayMap(Map<String, SWTSkinObject[]> arrayMap,
AEMonitor mon, String key, SWTSkinObject object) {
if (mon != null) {
try {
Object existing = arrayMap.get(key);
if (existing instanceof SWTSkinObject[]) {
SWTSkinObject[] existingObjects = (SWTSkinObject[]) existing;
boolean bAlreadyPresent = false;
for (int i = 0; i < existingObjects.length; i++) {
//System.out.println(".." + existingObjects[i]);
if (existingObjects[i] != null && existingObjects[i].equals(object)) {
bAlreadyPresent = true;
System.err.println("already present: " + key + "; " + object
+ "; existing: " + existingObjects[i] + " via "
+ Debug.getCompressedStackTrace());
if (!bAlreadyPresent) {
int length = existingObjects.length;
SWTSkinObject[] newObjects = new SWTSkinObject[length + 1];
System.arraycopy(existingObjects, 0, newObjects, 0, length);
newObjects[length] = object;
arrayMap.put(key, newObjects);
// System.out.println("addToArrayMap: " + key + " : " + object + " #"
// + (length + 1));
} else {
arrayMap.put(key, new SWTSkinObject[] {
} finally {
if (mon != null) {
private Object getFromSOArrayMap(Map<String, SWTSkinObject[]> arrayMap,
Object key, SWTSkinObject parent) {
if (parent == null) {
return null;
SWTSkinObject[] objects = arrayMap.get(key);
if (objects == null) {
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
SWTSkinObject object = objects[i];
SWTSkinObject thisParent = object;
while (thisParent != null) {
if (thisParent.equals(parent)) {
return object;
thisParent = thisParent.getParent();
return null;
private void setSkinObjectViewID(SWTSkinObject skinObject, String sViewID) {
addToSOArrayMap(mapPublicViewIDsToSOs, mon_mapPublicViewIDsToSOs, sViewID,
public void dumpObjects() {
FormData formdata;
for (Iterator iter = mapIDsToControls.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String sID = (String) iter.next();
Control control = getSkinObjectByID(sID).getControl();
formdata = (FormData) control.getLayoutData();
sID += ".attach.";
if (formdata.left != null) {
System.out.println(sID + "left=" + getAttachLine(formdata.left));
if (formdata.right != null) {
System.out.println(sID + "right=" + getAttachLine(formdata.right));
if (formdata.top != null) {
System.out.println(sID + "top=" + getAttachLine(formdata.top));
if (formdata.bottom != null) {
System.out.println(sID + "bottom=" + getAttachLine(formdata.bottom));
public SWTSkinObject getSkinObjectByID(String sID) {
SWTSkinObject[] objects = mapIDsToSOs.get(sID);
if (objects == null) {
return null;
return objects[0];
protected SWTSkinObject getSkinObjectByID(String sID, SWTSkinObject parent) {
if (parent == null) {
// XXX Search for parent is shell directly
return getSkinObjectByID(sID);
return (SWTSkinObject) getFromSOArrayMap(mapIDsToSOs, sID, parent);
public SWTSkinObject getSkinObject(String sViewID) {
SWTSkinObject[] objects = mapPublicViewIDsToSOs.get(sViewID);
if (objects == null || objects.length == 0) {
return createUnattachedView(sViewID, null);
return objects[0];
* @param viewID
* @return
* @since
private SWTSkinObject createUnattachedView(String viewID, SWTSkinObject parent) {
String unattachedView = skinProperties.getStringValue("UnattachedView."
+ viewID);
if (unattachedView != null) {
if (!Utils.isThisThreadSWT()) {
Debug.out("View "
+ viewID
+ " does not exist. Skipping unattach check because not in SWT thread");
return null;
if (unattachedView.indexOf(',') > 0) {
String[] split = Constants.PAT_SPLIT_COMMA.split(unattachedView);
String parentID = split[1];
SWTSkinObject soParent = getSkinObjectByID(parentID, parent);
if (soParent != null) {
String configID = split[0];
return createSkinObject(configID, configID, soParent);
SWTSkinObjectListener[] listeners = getSkinObjectListeners(viewID);
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
SWTSkinObjectListener l = listeners[i];
Object o = l.eventOccured(null,
SWTSkinObjectListener.EVENT_CREATE_REQUEST, new String[] {
if (o instanceof SWTSkinObject) {
return (SWTSkinObject) o;
return null;
public SWTSkinObject getSkinObject(String sViewID, SWTSkinObject parent) {
if (parent == null) {
// XXX Search for parent is shell directly
return getSkinObject(sViewID);
String parentViewID = parent.getViewID();
if (parentViewID != null && parentViewID.equals(sViewID)) {
return parent;
SWTSkinObject so = (SWTSkinObject) getFromSOArrayMap(
mapPublicViewIDsToSOs, sViewID, parent);
if (so == null) {
so = createUnattachedView(sViewID, parent);
return so;
public SWTSkinTabSet getTabSet(String sID) {
return mapTabSetToControls.get(sID);
public SWTSkinObjectTab activateTab(SWTSkinObject skinObjectInTab) {
if (skinObjectInTab == null) {
return null;
if (skinObjectInTab instanceof SWTSkinObjectTab) {
SWTSkinObjectTab tab = (SWTSkinObjectTab) skinObjectInTab;
return tab;
for (Iterator<SWTSkinTabSet> iter = mapTabSetToControls.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
SWTSkinTabSet tabset = iter.next();
SWTSkinObjectTab[] tabs = tabset.getTabs();
boolean bHasSkinObject = false;
for (int i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
SWTSkinObjectTab tab = tabs[i];
SWTSkinObject[] activeWidgets = tab.getActiveWidgets(true);
for (int j = 0; j < activeWidgets.length; j++) {
SWTSkinObject object = activeWidgets[j];
//System.out.println("check " + tab + ";" + object + " for " + skinObjectInTab);
if (hasSkinObject(object, skinObjectInTab)) {
return tab;
System.out.println("NOT FOUND" + skinObjectInTab);
return null;
private boolean hasSkinObject(SWTSkinObject start, SWTSkinObject skinObject) {
if (start instanceof SWTSkinObjectContainer) {
SWTSkinObject[] children = ((SWTSkinObjectContainer) start).getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
SWTSkinObject object = children[i];
//System.out.println(" check " + object + " in " + start + " for " + skinObject);
if (hasSkinObject(object, skinObject)) {
return true;
//System.out.println(" check " + start + " for " + skinObject);
return skinObject.equals(start);
public SWTSkinTabSet getTabSet(SWTSkinObject skinObject) {
String sTabSetID = skinObject.getProperties().getStringValue(
skinObject.getConfigID() + ".tabset");
return getTabSet(sTabSetID);
public boolean setActiveTab(String sTabSetID, String sTabViewID) {
SWTSkinTabSet tabSet = getTabSet(sTabSetID);
if (tabSet == null) {
return false;
return tabSet.setActiveTab(sTabViewID);
* @param shell2
* @param string
* @param uiInitializer
* @since
public void initialize(Shell shell, String startID) {
initialize(shell, startID, null);
public void initialize(final Shell shell, String startID,
IUIIntializer uiInitializer) {
this.shell = shell;
this.startID = startID;
FormLayout layout = new FormLayout();
shell.addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() {
public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) {
Listener l = new Listener() {
Control lastControl = null;
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
if (shell.isDisposed() && event.display != null) {
event.display.removeFilter(SWT.MouseMove, this);
event.display.removeFilter(SWT.MouseExit, this);
Control cursorControl = shell.getDisplay().getCursorControl();
//System.out.println("move from " + (lastControl == null ? null : lastControl.handle) + " to " + (cursorControl == null ? "null" : cursorControl.handle));
if (cursorControl != lastControl) {
Point cursorLocation = shell.getDisplay().getCursorLocation();
while (lastControl != null && !lastControl.isDisposed()) {
Point cursorLocationInControl = lastControl.toControl(cursorLocation);
Point size = lastControl.getSize();
if (!new Rectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y).contains(cursorLocationInControl)) {
SWTSkinObjectBasic so = (SWTSkinObjectBasic) lastControl.getData("SkinObject");
if (so != null) {
so.switchSuffix("", 3, false, false);
lastControl = lastControl.getParent();
lastControl = cursorControl;
while (cursorControl != null) {
SWTSkinObjectBasic so = (SWTSkinObjectBasic) cursorControl.getData("SkinObject");
if (so != null) {
so.switchSuffix("-over", 3, false, false);
cursorControl = cursorControl.getParent();
shell.getDisplay().addFilter(SWT.MouseMove, l);
// can't just add a MouseExit listener to the shell, because it doesn't
// get fired when a control is on the edge
shell.getDisplay().addFilter(SWT.MouseExit, l);
shell.addListener(SWT.Deactivate, l);
shell.addListener(SWT.Activate, l);
/****** REPLACED BY MouseMove
// When shell activates or deactivates, send a MouseEnter or MouseExit
// This fixes the problem where we are hovering over a skinobject with
// a "-over" state, we tab away, move the mouse, and tab back again.
// Without this code, the skinobject would still be in "-over" state
shell.addListener(SWT.Deactivate, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
Control cursorControl = shell.getDisplay().getCursorControl();
if (cursorControl != null) {
while (cursorControl != null) {
Event mouseExitEvent = new Event();
mouseExitEvent.type = SWT.MouseExit;
mouseExitEvent.widget = cursorControl;
cursorControl = cursorControl.getParent();
shell.addListener(SWT.Activate, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
Control cursorControl = shell.getDisplay().getCursorControl();
if (cursorControl != null) {
while (cursorControl != null) {
Event mouseExitEvent = new Event();
mouseExitEvent.type = SWT.MouseEnter;
mouseExitEvent.widget = cursorControl;
cursorControl = cursorControl.getParent();
Color bg = skinProperties.getColor(startID + ".color");
if (bg != null) {
Color fg = skinProperties.getColor(startID + ".fgcolor");
if (fg != null) {
int width = skinProperties.getIntValue(startID + ".width", -1);
int height = skinProperties.getIntValue(startID + ".height", -1);
if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
shell.setSize(width, height);
// We handle cases where width || height < 0 later in layout()
String title = skinProperties.getStringValue(startID + ".title",
(String) null);
if (title != null) {
String[] sMainGroups = skinProperties.getStringArray(startID + ".widgets");
if (sMainGroups == null) {
System.out.println("NO " + startID + ".widgets!!");
sMainGroups = new String[] {};
for (int i = 0; i < sMainGroups.length; i++) {
String sID = sMainGroups[i];
System.out.println("Container: " + sID);
if (uiInitializer != null) {
linkIDtoParent(skinProperties, sID, sID, null, false, true);
* @since
private void disposeSkin() {
for (Iterator<ImageLoader> iter = mapImageLoaders.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
ImageLoader loader = iter.next();
if (ourSkinProperties) {
private void addPaintListenerToAll(Control control) {
// XXX: Bug: When paint listener is set to shell, browser widget will flicker on OSX when resizing
if (!(control instanceof Shell)) {
control.addListener(SWT.Paint, ontopPaintListener);
if (control instanceof Composite) {
Composite composite = (Composite) control;
Control[] children = composite.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
public void layout(SWTSkinObject soStart) {
if (soStart instanceof SWTSkinObjectContainer) {
SWTSkinObjectContainer soContainer = (SWTSkinObjectContainer) soStart;
SWTSkinObject[] children = soContainer.getChildren();
for (SWTSkinObject so : children) {
System.out.println("attachControl " + soStart.toString());
public void layout() {
System.out.println("==== Start Apply Layout");
// Apply layout data from skin
Object[] values = mapIDsToSOs.values().toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
SWTSkinObject[] skinObjects = (SWTSkinObject[]) values[i];
if (skinObjects != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < skinObjects.length; j++) {
SWTSkinObject skinObject = skinObjects[j];
System.out.println("Apply Layout for " + skinObject);
// Disabled due to Browser flickering
System.out.println("==== Applied Layout");
bLayoutComplete = true;
int width = skinProperties.getIntValue(startID + ".width", -1);
int height = skinProperties.getIntValue(startID + ".height", -1);
if (autoSizeOnLayout) {
if (width > 0 && height == -1) {
Point computeSize = shell.computeSize(width, SWT.DEFAULT);
} else if (height > 0 && width == -1) {
Point computeSize = shell.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, height);
} else {
Point size = shell.getSize();
if (width > 0) {
size.x = width;
if (height > 0) {
size.y = height;
for (SWTSkinLayoutCompleteListener l : listenersLayoutComplete) {
System.out.println("==== End Apply Layout");
* @param controlToLayout
* @param id
void attachControl(SWTSkinObject skinObject) {
if (skinObject == null) {
Control controlToLayout = skinObject.getControl();
if (controlToLayout == null || controlToLayout.isDisposed()) {
if (controlToLayout.getData("skin.layedout") != null) {
String sConfigID = skinObject.getConfigID();
SWTSkinProperties properties = skinObject.getProperties();
final String[] sDirections = {
// Because layout data is cached, we can't just set the data's properties
// We need to create a brand new FormData.
Object data = controlToLayout.getLayoutData();
if (data != null && !(data instanceof FormData)) {
FormData oldFormData = (FormData) controlToLayout.getLayoutData();
if (oldFormData == null) {
oldFormData = new FormData();
FormData newFormData = new FormData(oldFormData.width, oldFormData.height);
String templateID = properties.getStringValue(sConfigID
+ ".attach.template");
if (templateID == null) {
//templateID = skinObject.getSkinObjectID();
boolean debugControl = controlToLayout.getData("DEBUG") != null;
for (int i = 0; i < sDirections.length; i++) {
Control control = null;
int offset = 0;
int percent = 0;
String sAlign = null;
int align = SWT.DEFAULT;
// grab any defaults from existing attachment
FormAttachment attachment;
switch (i) {
case 0:
attachment = oldFormData.top;
case 1:
attachment = oldFormData.bottom;
case 2:
attachment = oldFormData.left;
case 3:
attachment = oldFormData.right;
attachment = null;
if (attachment != null) {
control = attachment.control;
offset = attachment.offset;
align = attachment.alignment;
// XXX Assumed: Denominator is 100
percent = attachment.numerator;
// parse skin config
String suffix = ".attach." + sDirections[i];
String prefix = sConfigID;
String[] sParams;
sParams = properties.getStringArray(sConfigID + suffix);
if (sParams == null && templateID != null) {
sParams = properties.getStringArray(templateID + suffix);
prefix = templateID;
if (sParams == null) {
if (attachment != null) {
if (control == null) {
attachment = new FormAttachment(percent, offset);
} else {
attachment = new FormAttachment(control, offset, align);
} else if (sParams.length == 0
|| (sParams.length == 1 && sParams[0].length() == 0)) {
attachment = null;
} else {
if (sParams[0].length() > 0 && Character.isDigit(sParams[0].charAt(0))) {
// Percent, Offset
try {
percent = Integer.parseInt(sParams[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (sParams.length > 1) {
try {
offset = Integer.parseInt(sParams[1]);
} catch (Exception e) {
attachment = new FormAttachment(percent, offset);
} else {
// Object, Offset, Alignment
String sWidget = sParams[0];
SWTSkinObject configSkinObject = getSkinObjectByID(sWidget,
int iNextPos;
if (configSkinObject != null) {
control = configSkinObject.getControl();
iNextPos = 1;
} else {
iNextPos = 0;
if (sWidget.length() != 0) {
System.err.println("ERROR: Trying to attach " + sDirections[i]
+ " of widget '" + skinObject + "' to non-existant widget '"
+ sWidget + "'. Attachment Parameters: "
+ properties.getStringValue(prefix + suffix));
for (int j = iNextPos; j < sParams.length; j++) {
if (sParams[j].length() > 0) {
char c = sParams[j].charAt(0);
if (Character.isDigit(c) || c == '-') {
try {
offset = Integer.parseInt(sParams[j]);
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
sAlign = sParams[j];
if (sAlign != null) {
align = SWTSkinUtils.getAlignment(sAlign, align);
attachment = new FormAttachment(control, offset, align);
if (debugControl && attachment != null) {
if (controlToLayout instanceof Group) {
Group group = (Group) controlToLayout;
String sValue = properties.getStringValue(prefix + suffix);
String sText = group.getText() + "; "
+ sDirections[i].substring(0, 1) + "="
+ (sValue == null ? "(def)" : sValue);
if (sText.length() < 20) {
System.out.println("Attach: " + sConfigID + suffix + ": "
+ properties.getStringValue(prefix + suffix) + "/" + attachment);
// create new attachment
switch (i) {
case 0:
newFormData.top = attachment;
case 1:
newFormData.bottom = attachment;
case 2:
newFormData.left = attachment;
case 3:
newFormData.right = attachment;
if (Constants.isWindows && (controlToLayout instanceof Browser) && false) {
if (newFormData.top != null) {
newFormData.top.offset -= 2;
if (newFormData.right != null) {
newFormData.right.offset += 2;
if (newFormData.left != null) {
newFormData.left.offset -= 2;
if (newFormData.bottom != null) {
newFormData.bottom.offset += 2;
if (!skinObject.getDefaultVisibility()) {
if (controlToLayout.getData("oldSize") == null) {
controlToLayout.setData("oldSize", new Point(properties.getIntValue(sConfigID + ".width",
SWT.DEFAULT), properties.getIntValue(sConfigID + ".height",
// if (newFormData.width != 0 && newFormData.height != 0) {
// controlToLayout.setData("oldSize", new Point(newFormData.width,
// newFormData.height));
// }
newFormData.width = 0;
newFormData.height = 0;
} else {
newFormData.height = properties.getIntValue(sConfigID + ".height",
newFormData.width = properties.getIntValue(sConfigID + ".width",
controlToLayout.setData("skin.layedout", "");
private SWTSkinObject createContainer(final SWTSkinProperties properties,
String sID, final String sConfigID, String[] sTypeParams, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject,
boolean bForceCreate, boolean bPropogate, SWTSkinObject intoSkinObject) {
String[] sItems = properties.getStringArray(sConfigID + ".widgets");
final String[] sItemsLater = null; // properties.getStringArray(sConfigID + ".widgets-onshow");
if (sItems == null && sItemsLater == null && !bForceCreate) {
return null;
System.out.println("createContainer: " + sID + ";"
+ properties.getStringValue(sConfigID + ".widgets"));
SWTSkinObject skinObject = getSkinObjectByID(sID, parentSkinObject);
if (skinObject == null) {
if (intoSkinObject == null) {
skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectContainer(this, properties, sID,
sConfigID, sTypeParams, parentSkinObject);
} else {
skinObject = intoSkinObject;
} else {
if (!(skinObject instanceof SWTSkinObjectContainer)) {
return skinObject;
if (!bPropogate) {
bPropogate = properties.getIntValue(sConfigID + ".propogate", 0) == 1;
if (!bPropogate && (parentSkinObject instanceof SWTSkinObjectContainer)) {
bPropogate = ((SWTSkinObjectContainer) parentSkinObject).getPropogation();
if (bPropogate) {
((SWTSkinObjectContainer) skinObject).setPropogation(true);
if (sItems != null) {
addContainerChildren(skinObject, sItems, properties);
if (sItemsLater != null) {
skinObject.addListener(new SWTSkinObjectListener() {
public Object eventOccured(SWTSkinObject skinObject, int eventType,
Object params) {
if (eventType == EVENT_SHOW) {
addContainerChildren(skinObject, sItemsLater, properties);
return null;
return skinObject;
private void addContainerChildren(SWTSkinObject skinObject, String[] sItems,
SWTSkinProperties properties) {
String[] paramValues = null;
if (properties instanceof SWTSkinPropertiesParam) {
paramValues = ((SWTSkinPropertiesParam) properties).getParamValues();
// Cloning is only for one level. Children get the original properties
// object
if (properties instanceof SWTSkinPropertiesClone) {
properties = ((SWTSkinPropertiesClone) properties).getOriginalProperties();
// Propogate any parameter values.
// XXX This could get ugly, we should could the # of
// SWTSkinPropertiesParam to determine if this needs optimizing
// ie. if a top container has paramValues, every child will get a new
// object. How would this affect memory/performace?
if (paramValues != null) {
properties = new SWTSkinPropertiesParamImpl(properties, paramValues);
SWTSkinObject[] soChildren = new SWTSkinObject[sItems.length];
for (int i = 0; i < sItems.length; i++) {
String sItemID = sItems[i];
soChildren[i] = linkIDtoParent(properties, sItemID, sItemID, skinObject, false, true);
if (bLayoutComplete) {
// attach only after all children are added
for (SWTSkinObject so : soChildren) {
if (so != null) {
private SWTSkinObject createSash(SWTSkinProperties properties, String sID,
String sConfigID, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject, final boolean bVertical) {
int style = bVertical ? SWT.VERTICAL : SWT.HORIZONTAL;
final String[] sItems = properties.getStringArray(sConfigID + ".widgets");
SWTSkinObject skinObject;
Composite createOn;
if (parentSkinObject == null) {
createOn = shell;
} else {
createOn = (Composite) parentSkinObject.getControl();
if (sItems == null) {
// No widgets, so it's a sash
Sash sash = new Sash(createOn, style);
skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectBasic(this, properties, sash, sID,
sConfigID, "sash", parentSkinObject);
sash.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event e) {
Sash sash = (Sash) e.widget;
final boolean FASTDRAG = true;
if (FASTDRAG && e.detail == SWT.DRAG) {
Rectangle parentArea = sash.getParent().getClientArea();
FormData formData = (FormData) sash.getLayoutData();
formData.left = new FormAttachment(e.x * 100 / parentArea.width);
} else {
// Widgets exist, so use a SashForm to split them
final SashForm sashForm = new SashForm(createOn, style);
skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectContainer(this, properties, sashForm, sID,
sConfigID, "sash", parentSkinObject);
int iSashWidth = properties.getIntValue(sConfigID + ".sash.width", -1);
if (iSashWidth > 0) {
sashForm.SASH_WIDTH = iSashWidth;
for (int i = 0; i < sItems.length; i++) {
String sChildID = sItems[i];
linkIDtoParent(properties, sChildID, sChildID, skinObject, false, true);
return skinObject;
private SWTSkinObject createMySash(SWTSkinProperties properties,
final String sID, String sConfigID, String[] typeParams,
SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject, final boolean bVertical) {
SWTSkinObject skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectSash(this, properties, sID,
sConfigID, typeParams, parentSkinObject, bVertical);
return skinObject;
* Create a tab using a template.
* <p>
* (objectid).view.template.(sTemplateKey)=(Reference to Template skin object)
* @param sID ID to give the new tab
* @param sTemplateKey Template Key to read to get the tab's template skin object
* @param tabHolder Where to read the template key from
* @return The new tab, or null if tab could not be created
public SWTSkinObjectTab createTab(String sID, String sTemplateKey,
SWTSkinObject tabHolder) {
String sTemplateID = SWTSkinTabSet.getTemplateID(this, tabHolder,
if (sTemplateID == null) {
return null;
SWTSkinObject skinObject = linkIDtoParent(skinProperties, sID, sTemplateID,
tabHolder, true, true);
// SWTSkinObjectTab skinObject = _createTab(skinProperties, sID, sTemplateID,
// tabHolder);
if (bLayoutComplete && skinObject != null) {
((Composite) skinObject.getControl()).getParent().layout(true);
if (skinObject instanceof SWTSkinObjectTab) {
return (SWTSkinObjectTab) skinObject;
System.err.println(skinObject + " not a SWTSkinObjectTab! Template: "
+ sTemplateID);
return null;
* @param configID
private SWTSkinObjectTab _createTab(SWTSkinProperties properties, String sID,
String sConfigID, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
//System.out.println("createTab " + sID + ", " + sConfigID + ", " + sParentID);
SWTSkinObjectTab skinObjectTab = new SWTSkinObjectTab(this, properties,
sID, sConfigID, parentSkinObject);
createContainer(properties, sID, sConfigID, null, parentSkinObject, true, true,
String sTabSet = properties.getStringValue(sConfigID + ".tabset", "default");
SWTSkinTabSet tabset = mapTabSetToControls.get(sTabSet);
if (tabset == null) {
tabset = new SWTSkinTabSet(this, sTabSet);
mapTabSetToControls.put(sTabSet, tabset);
System.out.println("New TabSet: " + sTabSet);
System.out.println("Tab " + sID + " added");
return skinObjectTab;
private SWTSkinObject createTextLabel(SWTSkinProperties properties,
String sID, String sConfigID, String[] typeParams,
SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
SWTSkinObject skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectText2(this, properties, sID,
sConfigID, typeParams, parentSkinObject);
return skinObject;
private SWTSkinObject createSlider(SWTSkinProperties properties, String sID,
String sConfigID, String[] typeParams, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
SWTSkinObject skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectSlider(this, properties, sID,
sConfigID, typeParams, parentSkinObject);
return skinObject;
public Shell getShell() {
return shell;
// private void createTextWidget(final String sConfigID) {
// SWTSkinObject parent = getParent(sConfigID);
// if (parent == null) {
// return;
// }
// SWTTextPaintListener listener = new SWTTextPaintListener(this, parent.getControl(),
// sConfigID);
// parent.getControl().addPaintListener(listener);
// //addToControlMap(listener, sConfigID);
// return;
// }
/* Used for dumpObjectsOnly
private String getAttachLine(FormAttachment attach) {
String s = "";
if (attach.control != null) {
s += attach.control.getData("ConfigID");
if (attach.offset != 0 || attach.alignment != SWT.DEFAULT) {
s += "," + attach.offset;
if (attach.alignment != SWT.DEFAULT) {
if (attach.alignment == SWT.LEFT) {
s += ",left";
} else if (attach.alignment == SWT.RIGHT) {
s += ",right";
} else if (attach.alignment == SWT.TOP) {
s += ",top";
} else if (attach.alignment == SWT.BOTTOM) {
s += ",bottom";
} else if (attach.alignment == SWT.CENTER) {
s += ",center";
} else {
s += (int) (100.0 * attach.numerator / attach.denominator) + ","
+ attach.offset;
return s;
protected Listener getHandCursorListener(Display display) {
if (handCursorListener == null) {
final Cursor handCursor = new Cursor(display, SWT.CURSOR_HAND);
handCursorListener = new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
if (event.type == SWT.MouseEnter) {
((Control) event.widget).setCursor(handCursor);
if (event.type == SWT.MouseExit) {
((Control) event.widget).setCursor(null);
return handCursorListener;
public SWTSkinObject createSkinObject(String sID, String sConfigID,
SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
return createSkinObject(sID, sConfigID, parentSkinObject, null);
* Create a skin object based off an existing config "template"
* @param sID ID of new skin object
* @param sConfigID config id to use to create new skin object
* @param parentSkinObject location to place new skin object in
* @return new skin object
public SWTSkinObject createSkinObject(String sID, String sConfigID,
SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject, Object datasource) {
SWTSkinObject skinObject = null;
Cursor cursor = shell.getCursor();
try {
skinObject = linkIDtoParent(skinProperties, sID, sConfigID,
parentSkinObject, true, true, datasource);
if (bLayoutComplete) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Debug.out("Trying to create " + sID + "." + sConfigID + " on "
+ parentSkinObject, e);
} finally {
return skinObject;
public void addSkinObject(SWTSkinObject skinObject) {
String sViewID = skinObject.getViewID();
if (sViewID != null) {
setSkinObjectViewID(skinObject, sViewID);
* @param skinObject
* @since
public void removeSkinObject(SWTSkinObject skinObject) {
String id = skinObject.getSkinObjectID();
try {
SWTSkinObject[] objects = mapIDsToSOs.get(id);
if (objects != null) {
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
if (objects[i] != skinObject) {
objects[x++] = objects[i];
SWTSkinObject[] newObjects = new SWTSkinObject[x];
System.arraycopy(objects, 0, newObjects, 0, x);
mapIDsToSOs.put(id, newObjects);
} finally {
try {
id = skinObject.getViewID();
SWTSkinObject[] objects = mapPublicViewIDsToSOs.get(id);
if (objects != null) {
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
if (objects[i] != skinObject) {
objects[x++] = objects[i];
SWTSkinObject[] newObjects = new SWTSkinObject[x];
System.arraycopy(objects, 0, newObjects, 0, x);
mapPublicViewIDsToSOs.put(id, newObjects);
} finally {
private SWTSkinObject linkIDtoParent(SWTSkinProperties properties,
String sID, String sConfigID, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject,
boolean bForceCreate, boolean bAddView) {
return linkIDtoParent(properties, sID, sConfigID, parentSkinObject,
bForceCreate, bAddView, null);
private SWTSkinObject linkIDtoParent(SWTSkinProperties properties,
String sID, String sConfigID, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject,
boolean bForceCreate, boolean bAddView, Object datasource) {
SWTSkinObject skinObject = null;
try {
if (sConfigID == null) {
return null;
String[] sTypeParams = properties.getStringArray(sConfigID + ".type");
String sType;
if (sTypeParams != null && sTypeParams.length > 0) {
sType = sTypeParams[0];
bForceCreate = true;
} else {
// no type, use best guess
sType = null;
String sImageLoc = properties.getStringValue(sConfigID);
if (sImageLoc != null) {
sType = "image";
} else {
String sText = properties.getStringValue(sConfigID + ".text");
if (sText != null) {
sType = "text";
} else {
String sWidgets = properties.getStringValue(sConfigID + ".widgets");
if (sWidgets != null || bForceCreate) {
sType = "container";
if (sType == null) {
System.err.println("no type defined for " + sConfigID);
return null;
sTypeParams = new String[] {
if (sType.equals("image")) {
skinObject = createImageLabel(properties, sID, sConfigID, sTypeParams,
} else if (sType.equals("image2")) {
skinObject = createImageLabel2(properties, sID, parentSkinObject);
} else if (sType.equals("container2")) {
skinObject = createContainer2(properties, sID, sConfigID,
parentSkinObject, bForceCreate, false, null);
} else if (sType.equals("container")) {
skinObject = createContainer(properties, sID, sConfigID, sTypeParams,
parentSkinObject, bForceCreate, false, null);
} else if (sType.equals("text")) {
skinObject = createTextLabel(properties, sID, sConfigID, sTypeParams,
} else if (sType.equals("tab")) {
skinObject = _createTab(properties, sID, sConfigID, parentSkinObject);
} else if (sType.equals("v-sash")) {
skinObject = createSash(properties, sID, sConfigID, parentSkinObject,
} else if (sType.equals("h-sash")) {
skinObject = createSash(properties, sID, sConfigID, parentSkinObject,
} else if (sType.equals("v-mysash")) {
skinObject = createMySash(properties, sID, sConfigID, sTypeParams,
parentSkinObject, true);
} else if (sType.equals("h-mysash")) {
skinObject = createMySash(properties, sID, sConfigID, sTypeParams,
parentSkinObject, false);
} else if (sType.equals("clone")) {
skinObject = createClone(properties, sID, sConfigID, sTypeParams,
} else if (sType.equals("slider")) {
skinObject = createSlider(properties, sID, sConfigID, sTypeParams,
} else if (sType.equals("hidden")) {
return null;
} else if (sType.equals("browser")) {
skinObject = createBrowser(properties, sID, sConfigID, parentSkinObject);
} else if (sType.equals("separator")) {
skinObject = createSeparator(properties, sID, sConfigID, sTypeParams,
} else if (sType.equals("button")) {
skinObject = createButton(properties, sID, sConfigID, sTypeParams,
} else if (sType.equals("checkbox")) {
skinObject = createCheckbox(properties, sID, sConfigID, sTypeParams,
} else if (sType.equals("textbox")) {
skinObject = createTextbox(properties, sID, sConfigID, sTypeParams,
} else if (sType.equals("tabfolder")) {
skinObject = createTabFolder(properties, sID, sConfigID, sTypeParams,
} else {
System.err.println(sConfigID + ": Invalid type of " + sType);
skinObject.setData("CreationParams", datasource);
if (datasource != null) {
SWTSkinObjectListener.EVENT_DATASOURCE_CHANGED, datasource);
if (bAddView) {
String sViewID = skinObject.getViewID();
if (sViewID != null) {
setSkinObjectViewID(skinObject, sViewID);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (skinObject != null) {
return skinObject;
* @param properties
* @param sid
* @param configID
* @param typeParams
* @param parentSkinObject
* @return
* @since
private SWTSkinObject createButton(SWTSkinProperties properties, String id,
String configID, String[] typeParams, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
SWTSkinObject skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectButton(this, properties, id,
configID, parentSkinObject);
return skinObject;
private SWTSkinObject createCheckbox(SWTSkinProperties properties, String id,
String configID, String[] typeParams, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
SWTSkinObject skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectCheckbox(this, properties, id,
configID, parentSkinObject);
return skinObject;
private SWTSkinObject createTextbox(SWTSkinProperties properties, String id,
String configID, String[] typeParams, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
SWTSkinObject skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectTextbox(this, properties, id,
configID, parentSkinObject);
return skinObject;
private SWTSkinObject createTabFolder(SWTSkinProperties properties, String id,
String configID, String[] typeParams, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
String[] sItems = properties.getStringArray(configID + ".widgets");
System.out.println("createContainer: " + id + ";"
+ properties.getStringValue(configID + ".widgets"));
SWTSkinObject skinObject = getSkinObjectByID(id, parentSkinObject);
if (skinObject == null) {
skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectTabFolder(this, properties, id,
configID, parentSkinObject);
} else {
if (!(skinObject instanceof SWTSkinObjectContainer)) {
return skinObject;
if (sItems != null) {
addContainerChildren(skinObject, sItems, properties);
return skinObject;
* @param properties
* @param sid
* @param sConfigID
* @param parentSkinObject
* @return
private SWTSkinObject createBrowser(SWTSkinProperties properties, String sID,
String sConfigID, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
SWTSkinObject skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectBrowser(this, properties, sID,
sConfigID, parentSkinObject);
return skinObject;
private SWTSkinObject createClone(SWTSkinProperties properties, String sID,
String sConfigID, String[] typeParams, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
//System.out.println("Create Clone " + sID + " == " + sConfigID + " for " + parentSkinObject);
if (sConfigID == "") {
System.err.println("XXXXXXXX " + sID + " has no config ID.."
+ Debug.getStackTrace(false, false));
String[] sCloneParams;
if (typeParams.length > 1) {
int size = typeParams.length - 1;
sCloneParams = new String[size];
System.arraycopy(typeParams, 1, sCloneParams, 0, size);
} else {
sCloneParams = properties.getStringArray(sConfigID + ".clone");
if (sCloneParams == null || sCloneParams.length < 1) {
return null;
if (properties instanceof SWTSkinPropertiesClone) {
properties = ((SWTSkinPropertiesClone) properties).getOriginalProperties();
SWTSkinPropertiesClone cloneProperties = new SWTSkinPropertiesClone(
properties, sConfigID, sCloneParams);
return linkIDtoParent(cloneProperties, sID, "", parentSkinObject, false,
private SWTSkinObject createImageLabel(SWTSkinProperties properties,
String sID, String sConfigID, String[] typeParams,
SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
if (typeParams.length > 1) {
properties.addProperty(sConfigID + ".image", typeParams[1]);
SWTSkinObjectImage skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectImage(this, properties,
sID, sConfigID, parentSkinObject);
return skinObject;
private SWTSkinObject createContainer2(SWTSkinProperties properties,
String sID, final String sConfigID, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject,
boolean bForceCreate, boolean bPropogate, SWTSkinObject intoSkinObject) {
String[] sItems = properties.getStringArray(sConfigID + ".widgets");
if (sItems == null && !bForceCreate) {
return null;
System.out.println("createContainer: " + sID + ";"
+ properties.getStringValue(sConfigID + ".widgets"));
SWTSkinObject skinObject = getSkinObjectByID(sID, parentSkinObject);
if (skinObject == null) {
if (intoSkinObject == null) {
//skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectImageContainer(this, properties, sID,
// sConfigID, parentSkinObject);
} else {
skinObject = intoSkinObject;
} else {
if (!(skinObject instanceof SWTSkinObjectContainer)) {
return skinObject;
if (!bPropogate) {
bPropogate = properties.getIntValue(sConfigID + ".propogate", 0) == 1;
if (!bPropogate && (parentSkinObject instanceof SWTSkinObjectContainer)) {
bPropogate = ((SWTSkinObjectContainer) parentSkinObject).getPropogation();
if (bPropogate) {
((SWTSkinObjectContainer) skinObject).setPropogation(true);
if (sItems != null) {
String[] paramValues = null;
if (properties instanceof SWTSkinPropertiesParam) {
paramValues = ((SWTSkinPropertiesParam) properties).getParamValues();
// Cloning is only for one level. Children get the original properties
// object
if (properties instanceof SWTSkinPropertiesClone) {
properties = ((SWTSkinPropertiesClone) properties).getOriginalProperties();
// Propogate any parameter values.
// XXX This could get ugly, we should could the # of
// SWTSkinPropertiesParam to determine if this needs optimizing
// ie. if a top container has paramValues, every child will get a new
// object. How would this affect memory/performace?
if (paramValues != null) {
properties = new SWTSkinPropertiesParamImpl(properties, paramValues);
for (int i = 0; i < sItems.length; i++) {
String sItemID = sItems[i];
linkIDtoParent(properties, sItemID, sItemID, skinObject, false, true);
return skinObject;
private SWTSkinObject createImageLabel2(SWTSkinProperties properties,
final String sConfigID, SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
Composite createOn;
if (parentSkinObject == null) {
createOn = shell;
} else {
createOn = (Composite) parentSkinObject.getControl();
final Canvas drawable = new Canvas(createOn, SWT.NO_BACKGROUND);
final ImageLoader imageLoader = getImageLoader(properties);
Image image = imageLoader.getImage(sConfigID);
if (ImageLoader.isRealImage(image)) {
image = imageLoader.getImage(sConfigID + ".image");
drawable.addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() {
public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) {
imageLoader.releaseImage(sConfigID + ".image");
} else {
drawable.addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() {
public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) {
drawable.setData("image", image);
SWTSkinObjectBasic skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectBasic(this, properties,
drawable, sConfigID, sConfigID, "image", parentSkinObject);
return skinObject;
private SWTSkinObject createSeparator(SWTSkinProperties properties,
String sID, String sConfigID, String[] typeParams,
SWTSkinObject parentSkinObject) {
SWTSkinObject skinObject = new SWTSkinObjectSeparator(this, properties,
sID, sConfigID, parentSkinObject);
return skinObject;
public SWTSkinProperties getSkinProperties() {
return skinProperties;
public void addListener(String viewID, SWTSkinObjectListener listener) {
try {
Object existing = mapPublicViewIDsToListeners.get(viewID);
if (existing instanceof List) {
List<SWTSkinObjectListener> list = (List<SWTSkinObjectListener>) existing;
} else {
ArrayList<SWTSkinObjectListener> list = new ArrayList<SWTSkinObjectListener>();
mapPublicViewIDsToListeners.put(viewID, list);
} finally {
public void removeListener(String viewID, SWTSkinObjectListener listener) {
try {
Object existing = mapPublicViewIDsToListeners.get(viewID);
if (existing instanceof List) {
List<SWTSkinObjectListener> list = (List<SWTSkinObjectListener>) existing;
} finally {
public SWTSkinObjectListener[] getSkinObjectListeners(String viewID) {
if (viewID == null) {
try {
ArrayList<SWTSkinObjectListener> existing = mapPublicViewIDsToListeners.get(viewID);
if (existing != null) {
return existing.toArray(NOLISTENERS);
} finally {
public boolean isLayoutComplete() {
return bLayoutComplete;
public void addListener(SWTSkinLayoutCompleteListener l) {
if (!listenersLayoutComplete.contains(l)) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date();
long t = d.getTime();
t -= (1156 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000l);
t -= (6 * 60 * 60 * 1000l);
t -= (17 * 60 * 1000l);
Date then = new Date(t);
System.out.println(d + ";" + then);
public boolean isCreatingSO() {
return currentSkinObjectcreationCount > 0;
* @since
public void triggerLanguageChange() {
Object[] values = mapIDsToSOs.values().toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
SWTSkinObject[] skinObjects = (SWTSkinObject[]) values[i];
if (skinObjects != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < skinObjects.length; j++) {
SWTSkinObject so = skinObjects[j];
public void setAutoSizeOnLayout(boolean autoSizeOnLayout) {
this.autoSizeOnLayout = autoSizeOnLayout;
public boolean isAutoSizeOnLayout() {
return autoSizeOnLayout;