Package com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.startstoprules.defaultplugin

Source Code of com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.startstoprules.defaultplugin.StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin$StartStopDMListener

* File    :
* Created : 12-Jan-2004
* By      : TuxPaper
* Azureus - a Java Bittorrent client
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details ( see the LICENSE file ).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

package com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.startstoprules.defaultplugin;

import java.util.*;

import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationListener;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.Plugin;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginConfig;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginInterface;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginListener;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.disk.DiskManagerFileInfo;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.logging.LoggerChannel;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.UIInstance;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.UIManager;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.UIManagerListener;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.config.ConfigSection;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.menus.MenuItem;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.menus.MenuItemListener;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.model.BasicPluginConfigModel;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.tables.TableColumn;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.tables.TableContextMenuItem;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.tables.TableManager;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.tables.TableRow;
import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.plugins.UISWTInstance;

import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.CopyOnWriteList;
import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.startstoprules.defaultplugin.ui.swt.StartStopRulesDefaultPluginSWTUI;

/** Handles Starting and Stopping of torrents.
* TODO: RANK_TIMED is quite a hack and is spread all over.  It needs to be
*       redone, probably with a timer on each seeding torrent which triggers
*       when time is up and it needs to stop.
* BUG: When "AutoStart 0 Peers" is on, and minSpeedForActivelySeeding is
*      enabled, the 0 peer torrents will continuously switch from seeding to
*      queued, probably due to the connection attempt registering speed.
*      This might be fixed by the "wait XX ms before switching active state"
*      code.
* Other Notes:
* "CD" is often used to refer to "Seed" or "Seeding", because "C" sounds like
* "See"
public class StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin implements Plugin,
    COConfigurationListener, AEDiagnosticsEvidenceGenerator
  // for debugging
  private static final String sStates = " WPRDS.XEQ";

  /** Do not rank completed torrents */
  public static final int RANK_NONE = 0;

  /** Rank completed torrents using Seeds:Peer Ratio */
  public static final int RANK_SPRATIO = 1;

  /** Rank completed torrents using Seed Count method */
  public static final int RANK_SEEDCOUNT = 2;

  /** Rank completed torrents using a timed rotation of minTimeAlive */
  public static final int RANK_TIMED = 3;
  /** Rank completed torrents using the peers count, weighted by the seeds to peers ratio */
  public static final int RANK_PEERCOUNT = 4;

   * Force at least one check every period of time (in ms). 
   * Used in ChangeFlagCheckerTask
  private static final int FORCE_CHECK_PERIOD = 60000;

   * Check for non triggerable changes ever period of time (in ms)
  private static final int CHECK_FOR_GROSS_CHANGE_PERIOD = 30000;

   * Interval in ms between checks to see if the {@link #somethingChanged}
   * flag changed
  private static final int PROCESS_CHECK_PERIOD = 1500;

  /** Wait xx ms before starting completed torrents (so scrapes can come in) */
  private static final int MIN_SEEDING_STARTUP_WAIT = 20000;

  /** Wait at least xx ms for first scrape, before starting completed torrents */
  private static final int MIN_FIRST_SCRAPE_WAIT = 90000;
  private static final float IGNORE_SLOT_THRESHOLD_FACTOR = 0.9f;

  // Core/Plugin classes
  private AEMonitor this_mon = new AEMonitor("StartStopRules");

  private PluginInterface pi;

  protected PluginConfig plugin_config;

  private DownloadManager download_manager;

  protected LoggerChannel log;

  /** Used only for RANK_TIMED. Recalculate ranks on a timer */
  private RecalcSeedingRanksTask recalcSeedingRanksTask;

  /** Map to relate downloadData to a Download */
  private static Map<Download, DefaultRankCalculator> downloadDataMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Download, DefaultRankCalculator>());

   * this is used to reduce the number of comperator invocations
   * by keeping a mostly sorted copy around, must be nulled whenever the map is changed
  private volatile DefaultRankCalculator[] sortedArrayCache;

  private volatile boolean closingDown;

  private volatile boolean somethingChanged;

  private Set ranksToRecalc = new LightHashSet();
  private AEMonitor ranksToRecalc_mon = new AEMonitor("ranksToRecalc");

  /** When rules class started.  Used for initial waiting logic */
  private long startedOn;

  // Config Settings
  /** Whether Debug Info is written to the log and tooltip */
  protected boolean bDebugLog;

  /** Ranking System to use.  One of RANK_* constants */
  private int iRankType = -1;

  private int minSpeedForActiveSeeding;

  /** Maximimum # of stalled torrents that are in seeding mode */
  private int maxStalledSeeding;

  // count x peers as a full copy, but..
  private int numPeersAsFullCopy;

  // don't count x peers as a full copy if seeds below
  private int iFakeFullCopySeedStart;

  private int _maxActive;

  private boolean _maxActiveWhenSeedingEnabled;

  private int _maxActiveWhenSeeding;
  private int globalDownloadLimit;
  private int globalUploadLimit;
  private int globalUploadWhenSeedingLimit;

  private int maxDownloads;

  private int minDownloads;

  private boolean bAutoReposition;

  private long minTimeAlive;

  private boolean bAutoStart0Peers;
  private boolean bStopOnceBandwidthMet = false;

  private static boolean bAlreadyInitialized = false;

  // UI
  private TableColumn seedingRankColumn;

  // UI
  private TableContextMenuItem debugMenuItem = null;

  private boolean bSWTUI = false;
  private CopyOnWriteList listenersFP = new CopyOnWriteList();

  public static boolean pauseChangeFlagChecker = false;
  public static void
    PluginInterface    plugin_interface )
    plugin_interface.getPluginProperties().setProperty("plugin.version", "1.0");
    plugin_interface.getPluginProperties().setProperty("", "Start/Stop Rules");
  public void initialize(PluginInterface _plugin_interface) {
    if (bAlreadyInitialized) {
      System.err.println("StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin Already initialized!!");
    } else {
      bAlreadyInitialized = true;


    startedOn = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();

    pi = _plugin_interface;

    plugin_config = pi.getPluginconfig();


    download_manager = pi.getDownloadManager();

    // Create a configModel for StartStopRules
    // We always need to do this in order to set up configuration defaults
    UIManager manager = pi.getUIManager();
    // TODO: don't name it Q
    final BasicPluginConfigModel configModel = manager.createBasicPluginConfigModel(
        ConfigSection.SECTION_ROOT, "Q");

    pi.addListener(new PluginListener() {
      public void initializationComplete() {}

      public void closedownInitiated() {
        closingDown = true;

        // we don't want to go off recalculating stuff when config is saved
        // on closedown

      public void closedownComplete() { /* not implemented */

    Runnable r = new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        download_manager.addListener(new StartStopDMListener());
            CHECK_FOR_GROSS_CHANGE_PERIOD, new ChangeCheckerTimerTask());
            PROCESS_CHECK_PERIOD, new ChangeFlagCheckerTask());

    log = pi.getLogger().getTimeStampedChannel("StartStopRules");
        "Default StartStopRules Plugin Initialisation");


    try {
      pi.getUIManager().createLoggingViewModel(log, true);
      pi.getUIManager().addUIListener(new UIManagerListener() {
        public void UIAttached(UIInstance instance) {
          TableManager tm = pi.getUIManager().getTableManager();
          seedingRankColumn = tm.createColumn(
              TableManager.TABLE_MYTORRENTS_COMPLETE, "SeedingRank");
              TableColumn.POSITION_LAST, 80, TableColumn.INTERVAL_LIVE);

          SeedingRankColumnListener columnListener = new SeedingRankColumnListener(
              downloadDataMap, plugin_config);

          if (instance instanceof UISWTInstance) {
            bSWTUI = true;
            // We have our own config model :)
            new StartStopRulesDefaultPluginSWTUI(pi);

        public void UIDetached(UIInstance instance) {

    } catch (Throwable e) {

   * @param configModel
  private void setupConfigModel(BasicPluginConfigModel configModel) {
    String PREFIX_RES = "ConfigView.label.seeding.";

        "ConfigView.label.seeding.rankType.seed.fallback", 0);

        "ConfigView.label.seeding.autoReposition", false);
        "ConfigView.label.minSeedingTime", 60 * 10);

    // ignore rules subsection
    // ---------
        "ConfigView.label.seeding.ignore0Peers", true);
        "ConfigView.label.ignoreSeeds", 0);

    // for "Stop Peers Ratio" ignore rule
        "ConfigView.label.seeding.fakeFullCopySeedStart", 0);

    // for "Stop Ratio" ignore rule
        "ConfigView.label.seeding.fakeFullCopySeedStart", 0);

    // Auto Starting
    // ---------
        "ConfigView.label.seeding.preferLargerSwarms", true);
        "ConfigView.label.seeding.autoStart0Peers", false);
        "ConfigView.label.minPeersToBoostNoSeeds", 1);

    // queue section
    // ---------
        "ConfigView.label.minSpeedForActiveDL", 512);
        "ConfigView.label.minSpeedForActiveSeeding", 512);
        "ConfigView.label.maxStalledSeeding", 5);

        "ConfigView.label.queue.debuglog", false);
        "ConfigView.label.queue.newseedsmovetop", true);

        "ConfigView.label.queue.maxactivetorrentswhenseeding", 0);
        "ConfigView.label.queue.maxactivetorrentswhenseeding", false);

        "ConfigView.label.queue.stoponcebandwidthmet", true);
    // first Priority subsection
    // ---------

        "ConfigView.label.seeding.firstPriority.shareRatio", 500);

        "ConfigView.label.seeding.firstPriority.seedingMinutes", 0);

        "ConfigView.label.seeding.firstPriority.DLMinutes", 0);

    // for ignore FP rules
        "ConfigView.label.seeding.firstPriority.ignoreSPRatio", 0);

        !COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("ui", "").equals("az2"));

        "ConfigView.label.seeding.firstPriority.ignoreIdleHours", 24);
    // seeding subsection
        "ConfigView.label.seeding.addForSeedingDLCopyCount", 1);
        PREFIX_RES + "numPeersAsFullCopy", 0);
        PREFIX_RES + "fakeFullCopySeedStart", 1);


  public static DefaultRankCalculator getRankCalculator(Download dl) {
    return downloadDataMap.get(dl);

  private void recalcAllSeedingRanks(boolean force) {
    if (closingDown) {

    try {

      DefaultRankCalculator[] dlDataArray;
      synchronized (downloadDataMap) {
        dlDataArray = downloadDataMap.values().toArray(
            new DefaultRankCalculator[0]);

      // Check Group #1: Ones that always should run since they set things
      for (int i = 0; i < dlDataArray.length; i++) {
        if (force)
    } finally {


  /** A simple timer task to recalculate all seeding ranks.
  private class RecalcSeedingRanksTask implements TimerEventPerformer
    boolean bCancel = false;

    public void perform(TimerEvent event) {
      if (bCancel) {
      // System.out.println("RecalcAllSeedingRanks");

    public void cancel() {
      bCancel = true;

  /** This class check if the somethingChanged flag and call process() when
   * its set.  This allows pooling of changes, thus cutting down on the number
   * of sucessive process() calls.
  private class ChangeFlagCheckerTask implements TimerEventPerformer

    long cycleNo = 0;

    public void perform(TimerEvent event) {
      if (closingDown || pauseChangeFlagChecker ) {

      if (cycleNo > FORCE_CHECK_CYCLES) {
        if (bDebugLog) {
          log.log(LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, ">>force process");
        somethingChanged = true;

      if (somethingChanged) {
        try {
          cycleNo = 0;
        } catch (Exception e) {
  private volatile boolean immediateProcessingScheduled = false;

  /** Listen to Download changes and recalc SR if needed
  private class StartStopDownloadListener implements DownloadListener
    public void stateChanged(Download download, int old_state, int new_state) {
      DefaultRankCalculator dlData = downloadDataMap.get(download);

      if (dlData != null) {
        // force a SR recalc, so that it gets position properly next process()
        if ((new_state == Download.ST_READY || new_state == Download.ST_WAITING)) {
          if (immediateProcessingScheduled) {
          } else {
            immediateProcessingScheduled = true;
            new AEThread2("processReady", true) {
              public void run() {
        if (bDebugLog)
          log.log(dlData.dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
              "somethingChanged: stateChange from " + sStates.charAt(old_state)
                  + " (" + old_state + ") to " + sStates.charAt(new_state)
                  + " (" + new_state + ")");

    public void positionChanged(Download download, int oldPosition,
        int newPosition) {
      DefaultRankCalculator dlData = downloadDataMap.get(download);
      if (dlData != null) {
        if (bDebugLog)
          log.log(dlData.dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
              "somethingChanged: positionChanged from " + oldPosition + " to "
                  + newPosition);

  /** Update SeedingRank when a new scrape result comes in.
  private class StartStopDMTrackerListener implements DownloadTrackerListener
    public void scrapeResult(DownloadScrapeResult result) {
      Download dl = result.getDownload();
      DefaultRankCalculator dlData = downloadDataMap.get(dl);

      // Skip if error (which happens when listener is first added and the
      // torrent isn't scraped yet)
      if (result.getResponseType() == DownloadScrapeResult.RT_ERROR) {
        if (bDebugLog)
          log.log(dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
              "Ignored somethingChanged: new scrapeResult (RT_ERROR)");
        if (dlData != null)
          dlData.lastScrapeResultOk = false;

      if (dlData != null) {
        dlData.lastScrapeResultOk = true;
        if (bDebugLog)
          log.log(dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
              "somethingChanged: new scrapeResult S:" + result.getSeedCount()
                  + ";P:" + result.getNonSeedCount());

    public void announceResult(DownloadAnnounceResult result) {
      // Announces are useless to us.  Even if the announce contains seed/peer
      // count, they are not stored in the DownloadAnnounceResult.  Instead,
      // they are passed off to the DownloadScrapeResult, and a scrapeResult
      // is triggered

  private class StartStopDownloadActivationListener implements
    public boolean activationRequested(DownloadActivationEvent event) {
      //System.out.println("StartStop: activation request: count = "
      //    + event.getActivationCount());
      Download download = event.getDownload();
      DefaultRankCalculator dlData = downloadDataMap.get(download);

      if (bDebugLog) {
        log.log(download, LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, ">> somethingChanged: ActivationRequest");

      // ok to be null

      if (download.isComplete()) {
        // quick and dirty check: keep connection if scrape peer count is 0
        // there's a (good?) chance we'll start in the next process cycle
        DownloadScrapeResult sr = event.getDownload().getLastScrapeResult();
        int numPeers = sr.getNonSeedCount();
        if (numPeers <= 0) {
          return true;

      return false;

  /* Create/Remove downloadData object when download gets added/removed.
   * RecalcSeedingRank & process if necessary.
  private class StartStopDMListener implements DownloadManagerListener
    private DownloadTrackerListener download_tracker_listener;

    private DownloadListener download_listener;

    private DownloadActivationListener download_activation_listener;

    public StartStopDMListener() {
      download_tracker_listener = new StartStopDMTrackerListener();
      download_listener = new StartStopDownloadListener();
      download_activation_listener = new StartStopDownloadActivationListener();

    public void downloadAdded(Download download) {
      DefaultRankCalculator dlData = null;
      if (downloadDataMap.containsKey(download)) {
        dlData = downloadDataMap.get(download);
      } else {
        dlData = new DefaultRankCalculator(StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin.this,
        sortedArrayCache = null;
        downloadDataMap.put(download, dlData);
        download.addTrackerListener(download_tracker_listener, false);

      if (dlData != null) {
        if (bDebugLog)
          log.log(download.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
              "somethingChanged: downloadAdded, state: "
                  + sStates.charAt(download.getState()));

    public void downloadRemoved(Download download) {

      if (downloadDataMap.containsKey(download)) {
        sortedArrayCache = null;

      if (bDebugLog)
        log.log(download.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
            "somethingChanged: downloadRemoved");

  private long changeCheckCount = 0;

  private long changeCheckTotalMS = 0;

  private long changeCheckMaxMS = 0;

  private class ChangeCheckerTimerTask implements TimerEventPerformer
    long lLastRunTime = 0;

    public void perform(TimerEvent event) {
      long now = 0;

      // make sure process isn't running and stop it from running while we do stuff
      try {

        now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();

        //System.out.println(SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - lLastRunTime);
        if (now > lLastRunTime && now - lLastRunTime < 1000) {


        lLastRunTime = now;

        DefaultRankCalculator[] dlDataArray;
        synchronized (downloadDataMap) {
          dlDataArray = downloadDataMap.values().toArray(
              new DefaultRankCalculator[0]);

        int iNumDLing = 0;
        int iNumCDing = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dlDataArray.length; i++) {
          if (dlDataArray[i].changeChecker()) {

          // Check DLs for change in activeness (speed threshold)
          // (The call sets somethingChanged it was changed)
          if (dlDataArray[i].getActivelyDownloading())

          // Check Seeders for change in activeness (speed threshold)
          // (The call sets somethingChanged it was changed)
          if (dlDataArray[i].getActivelySeeding()) {

        int iMaxSeeders = calcMaxSeeders(iNumDLing);
        if (iNumCDing > iMaxSeeders) {
          if (bDebugLog)
                "somethingChanged: More Seeding than limit");

      } finally {
        if (now > 0) {
          long timeTaken = (SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - now);
          changeCheckTotalMS += timeTaken;
          if (timeTaken > changeCheckMaxMS) {
            changeCheckMaxMS = timeTaken;


  // ConfigurationListener
  public void configurationSaved() {
    new AEThread2("reloadConfigParams", true) {
      // @see org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AEThread2#run()
      public void run() {

  private void reloadConfigParams() {
    try {

      int iNewRankType = plugin_config.getIntParameter("StartStopManager_iRankType");
      minSpeedForActiveSeeding = plugin_config.getIntParameter("StartStopManager_iMinSpeedForActiveSeeding");
      maxStalledSeeding = plugin_config.getIntParameter("StartStopManager_iMaxStalledSeeding");
      if (maxStalledSeeding <= 0) {
        // insanity :)
        maxStalledSeeding = 999;
      _maxActive = plugin_config.getIntParameter("max active torrents");
      _maxActiveWhenSeedingEnabled = plugin_config.getBooleanParameter("StartStopManager_bMaxActiveTorrentsWhenSeedingEnabled");
      _maxActiveWhenSeeding = plugin_config.getIntParameter("StartStopManager_iMaxActiveTorrentsWhenSeeding");

      minDownloads = plugin_config.getIntParameter("min downloads");
      maxDownloads = plugin_config.getIntParameter("max downloads");
      numPeersAsFullCopy = plugin_config.getIntParameter("StartStopManager_iNumPeersAsFullCopy");
      iFakeFullCopySeedStart = plugin_config.getIntParameter("StartStopManager_iFakeFullCopySeedStart");
      bAutoReposition = plugin_config.getBooleanParameter("StartStopManager_bAutoReposition");
      minTimeAlive = plugin_config.getIntParameter("StartStopManager_iMinSeedingTime") * 1000;
      bDebugLog = plugin_config.getBooleanParameter("StartStopManager_bDebugLog");

      bAutoStart0Peers = plugin_config.getBooleanParameter("StartStopManager_bAutoStart0Peers");
      globalDownloadLimit = plugin_config.getIntParameter("Max Download Speed KBs", 0);
      globalUploadLimit = plugin_config.getIntParameter("Max Upload Speed KBs", 0);
      globalUploadWhenSeedingLimit = plugin_config.getBooleanParameter("enable.seedingonly.upload.rate") ? plugin_config.getIntParameter("Max Upload Speed Seeding KBs", 0) : globalUploadLimit;
      bStopOnceBandwidthMet = plugin_config.getBooleanParameter("StartStopManager_bStopOnceBandwidthMet");

      boolean move_top = plugin_config.getBooleanParameter("StartStopManager_bNewSeedsMoveTop");
          PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_BOOLEAN_NEW_SEEDS_START_AT_TOP, move_top);

      if (iNewRankType != iRankType) {
        iRankType = iNewRankType;

        // shorten recalc for timed rank type, since the calculation is fast and we want to stop on the second
        if (iRankType == RANK_TIMED) {
          if (recalcSeedingRanksTask == null) {
            recalcSeedingRanksTask = new RecalcSeedingRanksTask();
            SimpleTimer.addPeriodicEvent("StartStop:recalcSR", 1000,
        } else if (recalcSeedingRanksTask != null) {
          recalcSeedingRanksTask = null;

       // limit _maxActive and maxDownloads based on TheColonel's specs
       // maxActive = max_upload_speed / (slots_per_torrent * min_speed_per_peer)
       if (_maxActive > 0) {
       int iSlotsPerTorrent = plugin_config.getIntParameter("Max Uploads");
       // TODO: Track upload speed, storing the max upload speed over a minute
       //        and use that for "unlimited" setting, or huge settings (like 200)
       if (iSlotsPerTorrent > 0) {
       int iMinSpeedPerPeer = 3; // for now.  TODO: config value
       int _maxActiveLimit = iMaxUploadSpeed / (iSlotsPerTorrent * iMinSpeedPerPeer);
       if (_maxActive > _maxActiveLimit) {
       _maxActive = _maxActiveLimit;
       plugin_config.setIntParameter(PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_ACTIVE, _maxActive);

       if (maxDownloads > _maxActive) {
       maxDownloads = _maxActive;
       plugin_config.setIntParameter(PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_DOWNLOADS, maxDownloads);

      // force a recalc on all downloads by setting SR to 0, scheduling
      // a recalc on next process, and requsting a process cycle
      Collection<DefaultRankCalculator> allDownloads = downloadDataMap.values();
      DefaultRankCalculator[] dlDataArray = allDownloads.toArray(new DefaultRankCalculator[0]);
      for (int i = 0; i < dlDataArray.length; i++) {
      try {

        synchronized (downloadDataMap) {
      } finally {

      if (bDebugLog) {
        log.log(LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "somethingChanged: config reload");
        try {
          if (debugMenuItem == null) {
            final String DEBUG_MENU_ID = "";
            MenuItemListener menuListener = new MenuItemListener() {
              public void selected(MenuItem menu, Object target) {
                if (!(target instanceof TableRow))

                TableRow tr = (TableRow) target;
                Object ds = tr.getDataSource();

                if (!(ds instanceof Download))

                DefaultRankCalculator dlData = downloadDataMap.get(ds);

                if (dlData != null) {
                  if (bSWTUI)
                        "FP:\n" + dlData.sExplainFP + "\n" + "SR:"
                            + dlData.sExplainSR + "\n" + "TRACE:\n"
                            + dlData.sTrace);
            TableManager tm = pi.getUIManager().getTableManager();
            TableContextMenuItem menu;
            menu = tm.addContextMenuItem(
            menu = tm.addContextMenuItem(
        } catch (Throwable t) {

    } finally {

  private int calcMaxSeeders(int iDLs) {
    // XXX put in subtraction logic here
    int maxActive = getMaxActive();
    if (maxActive == 0) {
      return 999999;
    return maxActive - iDLs;

  protected int getMaxActive() {
    if (!_maxActiveWhenSeedingEnabled)
      return (_maxActive);

    if (download_manager.isSeedingOnly()) {

      if (_maxActiveWhenSeeding <= _maxActive)
        return (_maxActiveWhenSeeding);

      // danger here if we are in a position where allowing more to start when seeding
      // allows a non-seeding download to start (looping occurs)

      Download[] downloads = download_manager.getDownloads();

      boolean danger = false;

      for (int i = 0; i < downloads.length && !danger; i++) {

        Download download = downloads[i];

        int state = download.getState();

        if (state == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING || state == Download.ST_SEEDING
            || state == Download.ST_STOPPED || state == Download.ST_STOPPING
            || state == Download.ST_ERROR) {

          // not interesting, they can't potentially cause trouble

        } else {

          // look for incomplete files

          DiskManagerFileInfo[] files = download.getDiskManagerFileInfo();

          for (int j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {

            DiskManagerFileInfo file = files[j];

            if ((!file.isSkipped()) && file.getDownloaded() != file.getLength()) {

              danger = true;


      if (!danger)
        return (_maxActiveWhenSeeding);

    return (_maxActive);

  private class TotalsStats
    // total Forced Seeding doesn't include stalled torrents
    int forcedSeeding = 0;

    int forcedSeedingNonFP = 0;

    int waitingToSeed = 0;

    int waitingToDL = 0;

    int downloading = 0;

    int activelyDLing = 0;

    int activelyCDing = 0;

    int complete = 0;

    int incompleteQueued = 0;

    int firstPriority = 0;

    int stalledSeeders = 0;

    int stalledFPSeeders = 0;

    int forcedActive = 0;

     * Indicate whether it's ok to start seeding.
     * <p>
     * Seeding can start right away when there's no auto-ranking or we are on
     * timed ranking. Otherwise, we wait until one of the following happens:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Any non-stopped/errored torrent gets a scrape result AND it's after
     *   {@link #MIN_SEEDING_STARTUP_WAIT}
     * <li>All scrape results come in for completed, non-stopped/errored torrent
     * <li>Any completed non-stopped/errored torrent is FP
     * <li>Any torrent has 0 seeds (which, in most cases means it's the highest
     *   rank)
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * If none of the above happen, then after {@link #MIN_FIRST_SCRAPE_WAIT},
     * the flag will turned on.
    // not a total :)
    boolean bOkToStartSeeding;

    int maxSeeders;

    int maxActive;

    int maxTorrents;
    public int maxUploadSpeed()
      return downloading == 0 ? globalUploadWhenSeedingLimit : globalUploadLimit;

     * Default Constructor
     * @param dlDataArray list of download data (rank calculators) objects
     *                     to base calculations on.
    public TotalsStats(DefaultRankCalculator[] dlDataArray) {
      bOkToStartSeeding = (iRankType == RANK_NONE) || (iRankType == RANK_TIMED)
          || (SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - startedOn > MIN_FIRST_SCRAPE_WAIT);

      // count the # of ok scrapes when !bOkToStartSeeding, and flip to true
      // if all scrapes for non-stopped/errored completes are okay.
      int totalOKScrapes = 0;

      // - Build a SeedingRank list for sorting
      // - Build Count Totals
      // - Do anything that doesn't need to be done in Queued order
      for (int i = 0; i < dlDataArray.length; i++) {
        DefaultRankCalculator dlData = dlDataArray[i];
        if (dlData == null) {

        Download download = dlData.getDownloadObject();
        int state = download.getState();

        // No stats colllected on error or stopped torrents
        if (state == Download.ST_ERROR || state == Download.ST_STOPPED) {

        boolean completed = download.isComplete();
        boolean bIsFirstP = false;

        // Count forced seedings as using a slot
        // Don't count forced downloading as using a slot
        if (!completed && download.isForceStart())

        if (completed) {
          // Only used when !bOkToStartSeeding.. set only to make compiler happy
          boolean bScrapeOk = true;
          if (!bOkToStartSeeding) {
            bScrapeOk = scrapeResultOk(download);
            if (calcSeedsNoUs(download) == 0 && bScrapeOk)
              bOkToStartSeeding = true;
            else if ((download.getSeedingRank() > 0)
                && (state == Download.ST_QUEUED || state == Download.ST_READY)
                && (SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - startedOn > MIN_SEEDING_STARTUP_WAIT))
              bOkToStartSeeding = true;


          if (!bOkToStartSeeding && bScrapeOk)

          if (dlData.isFirstPriority()) {
            if (!bOkToStartSeeding)
              bOkToStartSeeding = true;

            bIsFirstP = true;

          if (dlData.getActivelySeeding()) {
            if (dlData.isForceActive()) {

            if (download.isForceStart()) {
              if (!bIsFirstP)
          } else if (state == Download.ST_SEEDING) {
            if (bIsFirstP) {


          if (state == Download.ST_READY || state == Download.ST_WAITING
              || state == Download.ST_PREPARING) {

        } else { // !completed
          if (state == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING) {

            if (dlData.getActivelyDownloading())

          if (state == Download.ST_READY || state == Download.ST_WAITING
              || state == Download.ST_PREPARING) {
          } else if (state == Download.ST_QUEUED) {
          } //if state
        } // if completionLevel
      } // for

      if (!bOkToStartSeeding && totalOKScrapes == complete)
        bOkToStartSeeding = true;

      maxSeeders = calcMaxSeeders(activelyDLing + waitingToDL);
      maxActive = getMaxActive();

      if (maxActive == 0) {
        maxTorrents = 9999;
      } else if (maxUploadSpeed() == 0) {
        maxTorrents = maxActive + 4;
      } else {
        // Don't allow more "seeding/downloading" torrents than there is enough
        // bandwidth for.  There needs to be enough bandwidth for at least
        // each torrent to get to its minSpeedForActiveSeeding 
        // (we buffer it at 2x just to be safe).
        int minSpeedPerActive = (minSpeedForActiveSeeding * 2) / 1024;
        // Even more buffering/limiting.  Limit to enough bandwidth for
        // each torrent to have potentially 3kbps.
        if (minSpeedPerActive < 3)
          minSpeedPerActive = 3;
        maxTorrents = (maxUploadSpeed() / minSpeedPerActive);
        // Allow user to do stupid things like have more slots than their
        // upload speed can handle
        if (maxTorrents < maxActive)
          maxTorrents = maxActive;
        //System.out.println("maxTorrents = " + maxTorrents + " = " + iMaxUploadSpeed + " / " + minSpeedPerActive);
        //System.out.println("totalTorrents = " + (activeSeedingCount + totalStalledSeeders + totalDownloading));
    } // constructor

   * Running totals and stuff that gets used during a process run.
   * Split into class so complete/incomplete can be seperated into functions
  public class ProcessVars
    /** Running count of torrents waiting or seeding, not including stalled */
    int numWaitingOrSeeding; // Running Count

    int numWaitingOrDLing; // Running Count

    long accumulatedDownloadSpeed;
    long accumulatedUploadSpeed;
     * store whether there's a torrent higher in the list that is queued
     * We don't want to start a torrent lower in the list if there's a higherQueued
    boolean higherCDtoStart;

    boolean higherDLtoStart;

     * Tracks the position we should be at in the Completed torrents list
     * Updates position.
    int posComplete;

    boolean bStopAndQueued;
    int stalledSeeders; // Running Count

  private long processCount = 0;

  private long processTotalMS = 0;

  private long processMaxMS = 0;

  private long processLastComplete = 0;

  private long processTotalGap = 0;

  private long processTotalRecalcs = 0;

  private long processTotalZeroRecalcs = 0;

  protected void process() {
    long now = 0;
    try {

      now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();

      somethingChanged = false;
      Object[] recalcArray;
      try {

        recalcArray = ranksToRecalc.toArray();
      } finally {
      for (int i = 0; i < recalcArray.length; i++) {
        DefaultRankCalculator rankObj = (DefaultRankCalculator) recalcArray[i];
        if (bDebugLog) {
          long oldSR = rankObj.dl.getSeedingRank();
          String s = "recalc seeding rank.  old/new=" + oldSR + "/"
              + rankObj.dl.getSeedingRank();
          log.log(rankObj.dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
        } else {
      processTotalRecalcs += recalcArray.length;
      if (recalcArray.length == 0) {

      // pull the data into a local array, so we don't have to lock/synchronize
      DefaultRankCalculator[] dlDataArray;     
      if(sortedArrayCache != null && sortedArrayCache.length == downloadDataMap.size()) {
        dlDataArray = sortedArrayCache;
      } else {
        synchronized (downloadDataMap) {
          dlDataArray = sortedArrayCache = downloadDataMap.values().toArray(
              new DefaultRankCalculator[downloadDataMap.size()]);

      TotalsStats totals = new TotalsStats(dlDataArray);

      String[] mainDebugEntries = null;
      if (bDebugLog) {
        log.log(LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, ">>process()");
        mainDebugEntries = new String[] {
          "ok2Start=" + boolDebug(totals.bOkToStartSeeding),
          "tFrcdCding=" + totals.forcedSeeding,
          "actvCDs=" + totals.activelyCDing,
          "tW8tingToCd=" + totals.waitingToSeed,
          "tDLing=" + totals.downloading,
          "actvDLs=" + totals.activelyDLing,
          "tW8tingToDL=" + totals.waitingToDL,
          "tCom=" + totals.complete,
          "tIncQd=" + totals.incompleteQueued,
          "mxCdrs=" + totals.maxSeeders,
          "tFP=" + totals.firstPriority,
          "maxT=" + totals.maxTorrents,
          "maxA=" + totals.maxActive,

      // Sort: SeedingRank Desc, Position Desc

      ProcessVars vars = new ProcessVars();

      // pre-included Forced Start torrents so a torrent "above" it doesn't
      // start (since normally it would start and assume the torrent below it
      // would stop)
      vars.numWaitingOrSeeding = totals.forcedSeeding; // Running Count
      vars.numWaitingOrDLing = 0; // Running Count
      vars.higherCDtoStart = false;
      vars.higherDLtoStart = false;
      vars.posComplete = 0;
      vars.stalledSeeders = 0; // Running Count;

      // Loop 2 of 2:
      // - Start/Stop torrents based on criteria

      for (int i = 0; i < dlDataArray.length; i++) {
        DefaultRankCalculator dlData = dlDataArray[i];
        Download download = dlData.getDownloadObject();
        vars.bStopAndQueued = false;
        dlData.sTrace = "";

        // Initialize STATE_WAITING torrents
        if ((download.getState() == Download.ST_WAITING)) {
          try {

            String s = "initialize: state is waiting";
            log.log(download.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
          } catch (Exception ignore) {
          if (bDebugLog && download.getState() == Download.ST_WAITING) {
            dlData.sTrace += "still in waiting state after initialize!\n";

        if (bAutoReposition && (iRankType != RANK_NONE)
            && download.isComplete()
            && (totals.bOkToStartSeeding || totals.firstPriority > 0))

        int state = download.getState();

        // Never do anything to stopped entries
        if (state == Download.ST_STOPPING || state == Download.ST_STOPPED
            || state == Download.ST_ERROR) {
        if (download.isForceStart()) {
          if (state == Download.ST_STOPPED || state == Download.ST_QUEUED) {
            try {
              String s = "restart: isForceStart";
              log.log(download.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
              dlData.sTrace += s + "\n";
            } catch (DownloadException e) {

            state = download.getState();

          if (state == Download.ST_READY) {
            try {
              String s = "Start: isForceStart";
              log.log(download.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
              dlData.sTrace += s + "\n";
            } catch (DownloadException e) {
              /* ignore */

        // Handle incomplete DLs
        if (!download.isComplete()) {
          handleInCompleteDownload(dlData, vars, totals);
        } else {
          handleCompletedDownload(dlDataArray, dlData, vars, totals);
      } // Loop 2/2 (Start/Stopping)

      if (bDebugLog) {
        String[] mainDebugEntries2 = new String[] {
          "ok2Start=" + boolDebug(totals.bOkToStartSeeding),
          "tFrcdCding=" + totals.forcedSeeding,
          "actvCDs=" + totals.activelyCDing,
          "tW8tingToCd=" + totals.waitingToSeed,
          "tDLing=" + totals.downloading,
          "actvDLs=" + totals.activelyDLing,
          "tW8tingToDL=" + totals.waitingToDL,
          "tCom=" + totals.complete,
          "tIncQd=" + totals.incompleteQueued,
          "mxCdrs=" + totals.maxSeeders,
          "tFP=" + totals.firstPriority,
          "maxT=" + totals.maxTorrents,
          "maxA=" + totals.maxActive,
        printDebugChanges("<<process() ", mainDebugEntries, mainDebugEntries2,
            "", "", true, null);
    } finally {
      if (now > 0) {
        long timeTaken = (SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - now);
        if (bDebugLog) {
          log.log(LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, "process() took " + timeTaken);
        processTotalMS += timeTaken;
        if (timeTaken > processMaxMS) {
          processMaxMS = timeTaken;
        if (processLastComplete > 0) {
          processTotalGap += (now - processLastComplete);
        processLastComplete = now;
      immediateProcessingScheduled = false;

  } // process()

   * @param dlData
   * @param vars
   * @param totals
  private void handleInCompleteDownload(DefaultRankCalculator dlData,
      ProcessVars vars, TotalsStats totals) {
    Download download = dlData.dl;
    int state = download.getState();

    if (download.isForceStart()) {
      if (bDebugLog) {
        String s = "isForceStart.. rules skipped";
        log.log(download.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
        dlData.sTrace += s + "\n";

    // Don't mess with preparing torrents.  they could be in the
    // middle of resume-data building, or file allocating.
    if (state == Download.ST_PREPARING) {
      if (bDebugLog) {
        String s = "ST_PREPARING.. rules skipped. numW8tngorDLing="
            + vars.numWaitingOrDLing;
        log.log(download.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
        dlData.sTrace += s + "\n";

    int maxDLs = 0;
    if (totals.maxActive == 0) {
      maxDLs = maxDownloads;
    } else {
      int DLmax = 0;
      DLmax = totals.stalledFPSeeders + totals.forcedActive + totals.maxActive
          - totals.firstPriority - totals.forcedSeedingNonFP;
      maxDLs = (DLmax <= 0) ? 0 : maxDownloads - DLmax <= 0 ? maxDownloads
          : DLmax;

    if (maxDLs < minDownloads) {
      maxDLs = minDownloads;
    boolean bActivelyDownloading = dlData.getActivelyDownloading();
    boolean globalDownLimitReached;
    boolean globalRateAdjustedActivelyDownloading;
    boolean fakedActively;
    if (bStopOnceBandwidthMet) {
      boolean isRunning = download.getState() == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING;
      globalDownLimitReached = globalDownloadLimit > 0 && vars.accumulatedDownloadSpeed/1024 > globalDownloadLimit * IGNORE_SLOT_THRESHOLD_FACTOR;
      globalRateAdjustedActivelyDownloading = bActivelyDownloading || (isRunning && globalDownLimitReached);
      fakedActively = globalRateAdjustedActivelyDownloading && !bActivelyDownloading;
        totals.maxSeeders = calcMaxSeeders(totals.activelyDLing + totals.waitingToDL);
    } else {
      globalDownLimitReached = false;
      globalRateAdjustedActivelyDownloading = bActivelyDownloading;
      fakedActively = false;

    if (bDebugLog) {
      String s = ">> DL state=" + sStates.charAt(download.getState())
          + ";shareRatio=" + download.getStats().getShareRatio()
          + ";numW8tngorDLing=" + vars.numWaitingOrDLing + ";maxCDrs="
          + totals.maxSeeders + ";forced=" + boolDebug(download.isForceStart())
          + ";actvDLs=" + totals.activelyDLing + ";maxDLs=" + maxDLs
          + ";ActDLing=" + boolDebug(bActivelyDownloading) + ";globDwnRchd=" + boolDebug(globalDownLimitReached)
          + ";hgherQd=" + boolDebug(vars.higherDLtoStart) + ";isCmplt="
          + boolDebug(download.isComplete());
      log.log(download.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
      dlData.sTrace += s + "\n";

    // must use fresh getActivelyDownloading() in case state changed to
    // downloading
    if ((state == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING && globalRateAdjustedActivelyDownloading)
        || state == Download.ST_READY || state == Download.ST_WAITING
        || state == Download.ST_PREPARING) {

    if (state == Download.ST_READY || state == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING
        || state == Download.ST_WAITING) {

      // Stop torrent if over limit
      boolean bOverLimit = vars.numWaitingOrDLing > maxDLs
          || (vars.numWaitingOrDLing >= maxDLs && vars.higherDLtoStart);

      boolean bDownloading = state == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING;

      if ((maxDownloads != 0) && bOverLimit &&
          (globalRateAdjustedActivelyDownloading || !bDownloading ||
            (bDownloading && totals.maxActive != 0 && !globalRateAdjustedActivelyDownloading &&  totals.activelyCDing + totals.activelyDLing >= totals.maxActive)
          if (bDebugLog)
            String s = "   stopAndQueue: " + vars.numWaitingOrDLing + " waiting or downloading, when limit is " + maxDLs + "(" + maxDownloads + ")";
            if (vars.higherDLtoStart)
              s += " and higher DL is starting";
            log.log(download.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
            dlData.sTrace += s + "\n";
          // reduce counts
          if (state == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING)
            if (bActivelyDownloading || fakedActively)
          } else
          totals.maxSeeders = calcMaxSeeders(totals.activelyDLing + totals.waitingToDL);
        } catch (Exception ignore)
          /* ignore */

        state = download.getState();

      } else if (bDebugLog) {
        String s = "NOT queuing: ";
        if (maxDownloads == 0) {
          s += "maxDownloads = " + maxDownloads;
        } else if (!bOverLimit) {
          s += "not over limit.  numWaitingOrDLing(" + vars.numWaitingOrDLing
              + ") <= maxDLs(" + maxDLs + ")";
        } else if (!bActivelyDownloading || bDownloading) {
          s += "not actively downloading";
        } else if (totals.maxActive == 0) {
          s += "unlimited active allowed (set)";
        } else {
          s += "# active(" + (totals.activelyCDing + totals.activelyDLing)
              + ") < maxActive(" + totals.maxActive + ")";
        log.log(download.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
        dlData.sTrace += s + "\n";

    if (state == Download.ST_READY) {
      if ((maxDownloads == 0) || (totals.activelyDLing < maxDLs)) {
        try {
          if (bDebugLog) {
            String s = "   start: READY && activelyDLing ("
                + totals.activelyDLing + ") < maxDLs (" + maxDownloads + ")";
            log.log(download.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
            dlData.sTrace += s + "\n";

          // adjust counts
          totals.maxSeeders = calcMaxSeeders(totals.activelyDLing
              + totals.waitingToDL);
        } catch (Exception ignore) {
        state = download.getState();

    if (state == Download.ST_QUEUED) {
      if ((maxDownloads == 0) || (vars.numWaitingOrDLing < maxDLs)) {
        try {
          if (bDebugLog) {
            String s = "   restart: QUEUED && numWaitingOrDLing ("
                + vars.numWaitingOrDLing + ") < maxDLS (" + maxDLs + ")";
            log.log(LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
            dlData.sTrace += s + "\n";

          // increase counts
          totals.maxSeeders = calcMaxSeeders(totals.activelyDLing
              + totals.waitingToDL);
        } catch (Exception ignore) {/*ignore*/
        state = download.getState();

    int oldState = state;
    state = download.getState();

    if (oldState != state) {
      if (bDebugLog) {
        log.log(LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, ">> somethingChanged: state");
      somethingChanged = true;

    if (download.getSeedingRank() >= 0
        && (state == Download.ST_QUEUED || state == Download.ST_READY
            || state == Download.ST_WAITING || state == Download.ST_PREPARING)) {
      vars.higherDLtoStart = true;

    if (bDebugLog) {
      String s = "<< DL state=" + sStates.charAt(download.getState())
          + ";shareRatio=" + download.getStats().getShareRatio()
          + ";numW8tngorDLing=" + vars.numWaitingOrDLing + ";maxCDrs="
          + totals.maxSeeders + ";forced=" + boolDebug(download.isForceStart())
          + ";actvDLs=" + totals.activelyDLing + ";hgherQd="
          + boolDebug(vars.higherDLtoStart) + ";ActDLing="
          + boolDebug(dlData.getActivelyDownloading());
      log.log(download.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
      dlData.sTrace += s + "\n";
    if (bStopOnceBandwidthMet) {
      vars.accumulatedDownloadSpeed += download.getStats().getDownloadAverage();
      vars.accumulatedUploadSpeed += download.getStats().getUploadAverage();

   * Process Completed (Seeding) downloads, starting and stopping as needed
   * @param dlDataArray All download data (rank objects) we handle
   * @param dlData Current download data (rank object) we are processing
   * @param vars Running calculations
   * @param totals Summary values used in logic
  private void handleCompletedDownload(DefaultRankCalculator[] dlDataArray,
      DefaultRankCalculator dlData, ProcessVars vars, TotalsStats totals) {
    if (!totals.bOkToStartSeeding)

    Download download = dlData.dl;
    int state = download.getState();
    boolean stateReadyOrSeeding = state == Download.ST_READY || state == Download.ST_SEEDING;

    String[] debugEntries = null;
    String sDebugLine = "";
    // Queuing process:
    // 1) Torrent is Queued (Stopped)
    // 2) Slot becomes available
    // 3) Queued Torrent changes to Waiting
    // 4) Waiting Torrent changes to Ready
    // 5) Ready torrent changes to Seeding (with startDownload)
    // 6) Trigger stops Seeding torrent
    //    a) Queue Ranking drops
    //    b) User pressed stop
    //    c) other
    // 7) Seeding Torrent changes to Queued.  Go to step 1.

    int numPeers = dlData.lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers;
    boolean isFP = false;

    if (bDebugLog) {
      isFP = dlData.isFirstPriority();
      debugEntries = new String[] {
        "CD state=" + sStates.charAt(state),
        "shareR=" + download.getStats().getShareRatio(),
        "nWorCDing=" + vars.numWaitingOrSeeding,
        "nWorDLing=" + vars.numWaitingOrDLing,
        "sr=" + download.getSeedingRank(),
        "hgherQd=" + boolDebug(vars.higherCDtoStart),
        "maxCDrs=" + totals.maxSeeders,
        "FP=" + boolDebug(isFP),
        "nActCDing=" + totals.activelyCDing,
        "ActCDing=" + boolDebug(dlData.getActivelySeeding()),
        "nSeeds=" + dlData.lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds,
        "nPeers=" + dlData.lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers

    try {
      boolean bScrapeOk = dlData.lastScrapeResultOk;

      // Ignore rules and other auto-starting rules do not apply when
      // bAutoStart0Peers and peers == 0. So, handle starting 0 peers
      // right at the beginning, and loop early
      if (bAutoStart0Peers && numPeers == 0 && bScrapeOk) {
        if (state == Download.ST_QUEUED) {
          try {
            if (bDebugLog)
              sDebugLine += "\nrestart() 0Peers";
            download.restart(); // set to Waiting

            state = download.getState();
            if (state == Download.ST_READY) {
              if (bDebugLog)
                sDebugLine += "\nstart(); 0Peers";
          } catch (Exception ignore) {/*ignore*/
        if (state == Download.ST_READY) {
          try {
            if (bDebugLog)
              sDebugLine += "\nstart(); 0Peers";
          } catch (Exception ignore) {/*ignore*/

      int rank = download.getSeedingRank();

      // Short Circuit: if rank is set to IGNORED, we can skip everything
      // except when:
      // (1) torrent is force started
      // (2) the torrent is in ready or seeding state (we have to stop the torrent)
      // (3) we auto start 0 peers
      if (rank < DefaultRankCalculator.SR_IGNORED_LESS_THAN
          && !download.isForceStart() && !stateReadyOrSeeding
          && !bAutoStart0Peers) {
        if (bDebugLog) {
          sDebugLine += "\n  Skip !forceStart";
          int idx = rank * -1;
          if (idx < DefaultRankCalculator.SR_NEGATIVE_DEBUG.length) {
            sDebugLine += " && " + DefaultRankCalculator.SR_NEGATIVE_DEBUG[idx];

      // Short Circuit: if seed higher in the queue is marked to start,
      // we can skip everything, except when:
      // (1) torrent is force started
      // (2) we auto start 0 peers
      // (3) the torrent is in ready or seeding state (we have to stop the torrent)
      if (vars.higherCDtoStart && !download.isForceStart() && !bAutoStart0Peers
          && !stateReadyOrSeeding) {
        sDebugLine += " a torrent with a higher rank is queued or starting";

      if (bDebugLog && bAutoStart0Peers && numPeers == 0 && !bScrapeOk
          && (state == Download.ST_QUEUED || state == Download.ST_READY)) {
        sDebugLine += "\n  NOT starting 0 Peer torrent because scrape isn't ok";

      if (!bDebugLog) {
        // In debug mode, we already calculated FP
        isFP = dlData.isFirstPriority();

    boolean bActivelySeeding = dlData.getActivelySeeding();
    boolean globalDownLimitReached;
    boolean globalUpLimitReached;
    boolean globalRateAdjustedActivelySeeding;
    boolean fakedActively;
    if (bStopOnceBandwidthMet) {
      boolean isRunning = download.getState() == Download.ST_SEEDING;
      globalUpLimitReached = totals.maxUploadSpeed() > 0 && vars.accumulatedUploadSpeed/1024 > totals.maxUploadSpeed() * IGNORE_SLOT_THRESHOLD_FACTOR;
      globalDownLimitReached = globalDownloadLimit > 0 && vars.accumulatedDownloadSpeed/1024 > globalDownloadLimit * IGNORE_SLOT_THRESHOLD_FACTOR;
      globalRateAdjustedActivelySeeding = bActivelySeeding || (isRunning && (globalUpLimitReached || globalDownLimitReached));
      fakedActively = globalRateAdjustedActivelySeeding && !bActivelySeeding;
    } else {
      globalUpLimitReached = false;
      globalRateAdjustedActivelySeeding = bActivelySeeding;
      globalDownLimitReached = false;
      fakedActively = false;
      if (state == Download.ST_SEEDING && !bActivelySeeding) {

      // Is it OK to set this download to a queued state?
      // It is if:
      //   1) It is either READY or SEEDING; and
      //   2) It is either one of the following; and
      //        a) Not a first priority torrent; or
      //        b) There is a limit to the number of active torrents, and the number of
      //           waiting and seeding torrents is already higher (or equal to) the number
      //           of maximum allowed active torrents (taking away the number of minimum
      //           required downloads).
      //           So I understand that to mean - it isn't first priority and leaving
      //           this torrent running would mean that there aren't enough slots to
      //           fulfil the minimum downloads requirement, because there are so many
      //           torrents seeding (or waiting to seed) already. Or, in the case there
      //           is no minimum downloads requirement - it's just overrun the maximum
      //           active torrents count.
      //   3) It hasn't been force started.
      boolean okToQueue = stateReadyOrSeeding
          && (!isFP || (isFP && ((totals.maxActive != 0 && vars.numWaitingOrSeeding >= totals.maxActive
              - minDownloads))))
          //&& (!isFP || (isFP && ((vars.numWaitingOrSeeding >= totals.maxSeeders) || (!bActivelySeeding && (vars.numWaitingOrSeeding + totals.totalStalledSeeders) >= totals.maxSeeders))) )
          && (!download.isForceStart());
      // in RANK_TIMED mode, we use minTimeAlive for rotation time, so
      // skip check
      // XXX do we want changes to take effect immediately  ?
      if (okToQueue && (state == Download.ST_SEEDING)
          && iRankType != RANK_TIMED) {
        long timeAlive = (SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - download.getStats().getTimeStarted());
        okToQueue = (timeAlive >= minTimeAlive);

        if (!okToQueue && bDebugLog)
          sDebugLine += "\n  Torrent can't be stopped yet, timeAlive("
              + timeAlive + ") < minTimeAlive(" + minTimeAlive + ")";

      if (state != Download.ST_QUEUED && // Short circuit.
          (state == Download.ST_READY || state == Download.ST_WAITING
              || state == Download.ST_PREPARING ||
          // Forced Start torrents are pre-included in count
          (state == Download.ST_SEEDING && globalRateAdjustedActivelySeeding && !download.isForceStart()))) {
        if (bDebugLog)
          sDebugLine += "\n  Torrent is waiting or seeding";

      // Note: First Priority are sorted to the top,
      //       so they will always start first

      // XXX Change to waiting if queued and we have an open slot
      if (!okToQueue
          && (state == Download.ST_QUEUED)
          && (totals.maxActive == 0 || vars.numWaitingOrSeeding < totals.maxSeeders)
          //&& (totals.maxActive == 0 || (activeSeedingCount + activeDLCount) < totals.maxActive) &&
          && (rank >= DefaultRankCalculator.SR_IGNORED_LESS_THAN)
          && (vars.stalledSeeders < maxStalledSeeding)
          && !vars.higherCDtoStart) {
        try {
          if (bDebugLog)
            sDebugLine += "\n  restart: ok2Q=" + okToQueue
                + "; QUEUED && numWaitingOrSeeding( "
                + vars.numWaitingOrSeeding + ") < maxSeeders ("
                + totals.maxSeeders + ")";

          download.restart(); // set to Waiting
          okToQueue = false;
          if (iRankType == RANK_TIMED)
        } catch (Exception ignore) {/*ignore*/
        state = download.getState();
      } else if (bDebugLog && state == Download.ST_QUEUED) {
        sDebugLine += "\n  NOT restarting:";
        if (rank < DefaultRankCalculator.SR_IGNORED_LESS_THAN) {
          sDebugLine += " torrent is being ignored";
          int idx = rank * -1;
          if (idx < DefaultRankCalculator.SR_NEGATIVE_DEBUG.length) {
            sDebugLine += ": " + DefaultRankCalculator.SR_NEGATIVE_DEBUG[idx];
        } else if (vars.higherCDtoStart) {
          sDebugLine += " a torrent with a higher rank is queued or starting";
        } else {
          if (okToQueue)
            sDebugLine += " no starting of okToQueue'd;";

          if (vars.numWaitingOrSeeding >= totals.maxSeeders) {
            sDebugLine += " at limit, numWaitingOrSeeding("
                + vars.numWaitingOrSeeding + ") >= maxSeeders("
                + totals.maxSeeders + ")";
          } else if (vars.stalledSeeders >= maxStalledSeeding) {
            sDebugLine += " at limit, stalledSeeders(" + vars.stalledSeeders
                + ") >= maxStalledSeeding("
                + maxStalledSeeding + ") ";
          } else {
            sDebugLine += "huh? qd="
                + (state == Download.ST_QUEUED)
                + "; "
                + totals.maxActive
                + ";"
                + (vars.numWaitingOrSeeding < totals.maxSeeders)
                + ";"
                + (vars.stalledSeeders <= maxStalledSeeding)
                + ";ignore?"
                + (rank >= DefaultRankCalculator.SR_IGNORED_LESS_THAN);

      boolean bForceStop = false;
      // Start download if ready and slot is available
      if (state == Download.ST_READY
          && totals.activelyCDing < totals.maxSeeders) {

        if (rank >= DefaultRankCalculator.SR_IGNORED_LESS_THAN
            || download.isForceStart()) {
          try {
            if (bDebugLog)
              sDebugLine += "\n  start: READY && total activelyCDing("
                  + totals.activelyCDing + ") < maxSeeders("
                  + totals.maxSeeders + ")";

            okToQueue = false;
          } catch (Exception ignore) {
          state = download.getState();
          globalRateAdjustedActivelySeeding = bActivelySeeding = true;
        } else if (okToQueue) {
          // In between switching from STATE_WAITING and STATE_READY,
          // and ignore rule was met, so move it back to Queued
          bForceStop = true;

      // if there's more torrents waiting/seeding than our max, or if
      // there's a higher ranked torrent queued, stop this one
      if (okToQueue || bForceStop) {

        boolean okToStop = bForceStop;
        if (!okToStop) {
          // break up the logic into variables to make more readable
          boolean bOverLimit = vars.numWaitingOrSeeding > totals.maxSeeders
              || (!bActivelySeeding && vars.stalledSeeders > maxStalledSeeding)
              || (vars.numWaitingOrSeeding >= totals.maxSeeders && vars.higherCDtoStart);
          boolean bSeeding = state == Download.ST_SEEDING;

          // not checking AND (at limit of seeders OR rank is set to ignore) AND
          // (Actively Seeding OR StartingUp OR Seeding a non-active download)
          okToStop = !download.isChecking()
              && (bOverLimit || rank < DefaultRankCalculator.SR_IGNORED_LESS_THAN)
              && (globalRateAdjustedActivelySeeding || !bSeeding || (!globalRateAdjustedActivelySeeding && bSeeding));

          if (bDebugLog) {
            if (okToStop) {
              sDebugLine += "\n  stopAndQueue: ";
              if (bOverLimit) {
                if (vars.higherCDtoStart) {
                  sDebugLine += "higherQueued (it should be seeding instead of this one)";
                } else if (!bActivelySeeding && vars.stalledSeeders > totals.maxSeeders) {
                  sDebugLine += "over stale seeds limit";
                } else {
                  sDebugLine += "over limit";
              } else if (rank < DefaultRankCalculator.SR_IGNORED_LESS_THAN)
                sDebugLine += "ignoreRule met";

              sDebugLine += " && ";
              if (bActivelySeeding)
                sDebugLine += "activelySeeding";
              else if (!bSeeding)
                sDebugLine += "not SEEDING";
              else if (!bActivelySeeding && bSeeding)
                sDebugLine += "SEEDING, but not actively";
          } else {
            sDebugLine += "\n  NOT queuing: ";
            if (download.isChecking())
              sDebugLine += "can't auto-queue a checking torrent";
            else if (!bOverLimit)
              sDebugLine += "not over limit.  numWaitingOrSeeding("
                  + vars.numWaitingOrSeeding + ") <= maxSeeders("
                  + totals.maxSeeders + ")";
              sDebugLine += "bActivelySeeding=" + bActivelySeeding
                  + ";bSeeding" + bSeeding;
        } else {
          if (bDebugLog)
            sDebugLine += "\n  Forcing a stop..";

        if (okToStop) {
          try {
            if (state == Download.ST_READY)

            vars.bStopAndQueued = true;
            // okToQueue only allows READY and SEEDING state.. and in both cases
            // we have to reduce counts
            if (bActivelySeeding || fakedActively) {
              bActivelySeeding = false;
              globalRateAdjustedActivelySeeding = false;
            // force stop allows READY states in here, so adjust counts
            if (state == Download.ST_READY)
          } catch (Exception ignore) {

          state = download.getState();

      // move completed timed rank types to bottom of the list
      if (vars.bStopAndQueued && iRankType == RANK_TIMED) {
        for (int j = 0; j < dlDataArray.length; j++) {
          Download dl = dlDataArray[j].getDownloadObject();
          int sr = dl.getSeedingRank();
          if (sr > 0 && sr < DefaultRankCalculator.SR_TIMED_QUEUED_ENDS_AT) {
            // Move everyone up
            // We always start by setting SR to SR_TIMED_QUEUED_ENDS_AT - position
            // then, the torrent with the biggest starts seeding which is
            // (SR_TIMED_QUEUED_ENDS_AT - 1), leaving a gap.
            // when it's time to stop the torrent, move everyone up, and put
            // us at the end
            dl.setSeedingRank(sr + 1);
        rank = DefaultRankCalculator.SR_TIMED_QUEUED_ENDS_AT - totals.complete;

      state = download.getState();
      if (rank >= 0
          && (state == Download.ST_QUEUED || state == Download.ST_READY
              || state == Download.ST_WAITING || state == Download.ST_PREPARING)) {
        vars.higherCDtoStart = true;
    } finally {
      if (bDebugLog) {
        String[] debugEntries2 = new String[] {
          "CD state=" + sStates.charAt(download.getState()),
          "shareR=" + download.getStats().getShareRatio(),
          "nWorCDing=" + vars.numWaitingOrSeeding,
          "nWorDLing=" + vars.numWaitingOrDLing,
          "sr=" + download.getSeedingRank(),
          "hgherQd=" + boolDebug(vars.higherCDtoStart),
          "maxCDrs=" + totals.maxSeeders,
          "FP=" + boolDebug(isFP),
          "nActCDing=" + totals.activelyCDing,
          "ActCDing=" + boolDebug(dlData.getActivelySeeding()),
          "nSeeds=" + dlData.lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds,
          "nPeers=" + dlData.lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers
        printDebugChanges("", debugEntries, debugEntries2, sDebugLine, "  ",
            true, dlData);
    if (bStopOnceBandwidthMet) {
      vars.accumulatedUploadSpeed += download.getStats().getUploadAverage();

  private String boolDebug(boolean b) {
    return b ? "Y" : "N";

  private void printDebugChanges(String sPrefixFirstLine, String[] oldEntries,
      String[] newEntries, String sDebugLine, String sPrefix,
      boolean bAlwaysPrintNoChangeLine, DefaultRankCalculator dlData) {
    boolean bAnyChanged = false;
    String sDebugLineNoChange = sPrefixFirstLine;
    StringBuffer sDebugLineOld = new StringBuffer(120);
    StringBuffer sDebugLineNew = new StringBuffer(120);
    for (int j = 0; j < oldEntries.length; j++) {
      if (oldEntries[j].equals(newEntries[j]))
        sDebugLineNoChange += oldEntries[j] + ";";
      else {
        bAnyChanged = true;
    String sDebugLineOut = ((bAlwaysPrintNoChangeLine || bAnyChanged)
        ? sDebugLineNoChange : "")
        + (bAnyChanged ? "\nOld:" + sDebugLineOld + "\nNew:" + sDebugLineNew
            : "") + sDebugLine;
    if (!sDebugLineOut.equals("")) {
      String[] lines = sDebugLineOut.split("\n");
      for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
        String s = sPrefix + ((i > 0) ? "  " : "") + lines[i];
        if (dlData == null) {
          log.log(LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
        } else {
          log.log(dlData.dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION, s);
          dlData.sTrace += s + "\n";

   * Get # of peers not including us
  public int calcPeersNoUs(Download download) {
    int numPeers = 0;
    DownloadScrapeResult sr = download.getLastScrapeResult();
    if (sr.getScrapeStartTime() > 0) {
      numPeers = sr.getNonSeedCount();
      // If we've scraped after we started downloading
      // Remove ourselves from count
      if ((numPeers > 0) && (download.getState() == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING)
          && (sr.getScrapeStartTime() > download.getStats().getTimeStarted()))
    if (numPeers == 0) {
      // Fallback to the # of peers we know of
      DownloadAnnounceResult ar = download.getLastAnnounceResult();
      if (ar != null
          && ar.getResponseType() == DownloadAnnounceResult.RT_SUCCESS)
        numPeers = ar.getNonSeedCount();

      if (numPeers == 0) {
        DownloadActivationEvent activationState = download.getActivationState();
        if (activationState != null) {
          numPeers = activationState.getActivationCount();
    return numPeers;

  private boolean scrapeResultOk(Download download) {
    DownloadScrapeResult sr = download.getLastScrapeResult();
    return (sr.getResponseType() == DownloadScrapeResult.RT_SUCCESS);

  /** Get # of seeds, not including us, AND including fake full copies
   * @param download Download to get # of seeds for
   * @return seed count
  public int calcSeedsNoUs(Download download) {
    return calcSeedsNoUs(download, calcPeersNoUs(download));

  /** Get # of seeds, not including us, AND including fake full copies
   * @param download Download to get # of seeds for
   * @param numPeers # peers we know of, required to calculate Fake Full Copies
   * @return seed count
  public int calcSeedsNoUs(Download download, int numPeers) {
    int numSeeds = 0;
    DownloadScrapeResult sr = download.getLastScrapeResult();
    if (sr.getScrapeStartTime() > 0) {
      long seedingStartedOn = download.getStats().getTimeStartedSeeding();
      numSeeds = sr.getSeedCount();
      // If we've scraped after we started seeding
      // Remove ourselves from count
      if ((numSeeds > 0) && (seedingStartedOn > 0)
          && (download.getState() == Download.ST_SEEDING)
          && (sr.getScrapeStartTime() > seedingStartedOn))
    if (numSeeds == 0) {
      // Fallback to the # of seeds we know of
      DownloadAnnounceResult ar = download.getLastAnnounceResult();
      if (ar != null
          && ar.getResponseType() == DownloadAnnounceResult.RT_SUCCESS)
        numSeeds = ar.getSeedCount();

    if (numPeersAsFullCopy != 0 && numSeeds >= iFakeFullCopySeedStart)
      numSeeds += numPeers / numPeersAsFullCopy;

    return numSeeds;

   * Request that the startstop rules process.  Used when it's known that
   * something has changed that will effect torrent's state/position/rank.
  private long processMergeCount = 0;

  public void requestProcessCycle(DefaultRankCalculator rankToRecalc) {
    if (rankToRecalc != null) {
      try {

      } finally {
    if (somethingChanged) {
    } else {
      somethingChanged = true;

  public void generate(IndentWriter writer) {
    writer.println("StartStopRules Manager");

    try {
      writer.println("Started " + TimeFormatter.format100ths(SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - startedOn)
          + " ago");
      writer.println("debugging = " + bDebugLog);
      writer.println("downloadDataMap size = " + downloadDataMap.size());
      if (changeCheckCount > 0) {
        writer.println("changeCheck CPU ms: avg="
            + (changeCheckTotalMS / changeCheckCount) + "; max = "
            + changeCheckMaxMS);

      if (processCount > 0) {
        writer.println("# process cycles: " + processCount);

        writer.println("process CPU ms: avg=" + (processTotalMS / processCount)
            + "; max = " + processMaxMS);
        if (processCount > 1) {
          writer.println("process avg gap: "
              + (processTotalGap / ((processCount - 1))) + "ms");
        writer.println("Avg # recalcs per process cycle: "
            + (processTotalRecalcs / processCount));
        if (processTotalZeroRecalcs > 0) {
          writer.println("# process cycle with 0 recalcs: "
              + processTotalZeroRecalcs);

    } catch (Exception e) {
      // ignore
    } finally {
  public void addListener(StartStopRulesFPListener listener) {
  public void removeListener(StartStopRulesFPListener listener) {
  public List getFPListeners() {
    return listenersFP.getList();
} // class

Related Classes of com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.startstoprules.defaultplugin.StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin$StartStopDMListener

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