* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros
* 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France.
package com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.startstoprules.defaultplugin;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationListener;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AEMonitor;
import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SystemTime;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginConfig;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.Download;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadStats;
import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.logging.LoggerChannel;
* @author TuxPaper
* @created Dec 13, 2005
public class DefaultRankCalculator implements Comparable {
/** All of the First Priority rules must match */
public static final int FIRSTPRIORITY_ALL = 0;
/** Any of the First Priority rules must match */
public static final int FIRSTPRIORITY_ANY = 1;
* Force torrent to be "Actively Seeding/Downloading" for this many ms upon
* start of torrent.
private static final int FORCE_ACTIVE_FOR = 30000;
* Wait XX ms before really changing activity (DL or CDing) state when
* state changes via speed change
private static final int ACTIVE_CHANGE_WAIT = 10000;
/** Maximium ranking that a torrent can get using the SPRATIO ranking type */
private static int SPRATIO_BASE_LIMIT = 99999;
* Amount to shift over the rank of the SEEDONLY ranking type, to make room
* in case the user has fallback to SPRATIO set.
private static int SEEDONLY_SHIFT = SPRATIO_BASE_LIMIT + 1;
* For loading config settings
private static COConfigurationListener configListener = null;
// Seeding Rank (SR) Limits and Values
/** Rank that complete starts at (and incomplete ends at + 1) */
public static final int SR_COMPLETE_STARTS_AT = 1000000000; // billion
/** Maximimum ranking for time queue mode. 1 unit is a second */
public static final int SR_TIMED_QUEUED_ENDS_AT = 999999; // 11.57 days
/** Ranks below this value are for torrents to be ignored (moved to bottom & queued) */
public static final int SR_IGNORED_LESS_THAN = -1;
/** Seeding Rank value when download is marked as not queued */
public static final int SR_NOTQUEUED = -2;
/** Seeding Rank value when download is marked as S:P Ratio Met for FP */
public static final int SR_FP_SPRATIOMET = -3;
/** Seeding Rank value when download is marked as P:1S Ratio Met */
public static final int SR_RATIOMET = -4;
/** Seeding Rank value when download is marked as # Seeds Met */
public static final int SR_NUMSEEDSMET = -5;
/** Seeding Rank value when download is marked as 0 Peers and FP */
public static final int SR_FP0PEERS = -6;
/** Seeding Rank value when download is marked as 0 Peers */
public static final int SR_0PEERS = -7;
/** Seeding Rank value when download is marked as Share Ratio Met */
public static final int SR_SHARERATIOMET = -8;
public static final String[] SR_NEGATIVE_DEBUG = {
"Not Qd",
"FP SPRatioMet",
"Ratio Met",
"# CDs Met",
"FP 0 Peers",
"0 Peers",
"Share Ratio Met"
private static final long STALE_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 1000 * 60;
// Static config values
/** Ranking System to use */
protected static int iRankType = -1;
/** Min # of Peers needed before boosting the rank of downloads with no seeds */
private static int minPeersToBoostNoSeeds;
/** Min Speed needed to count a incomplete download as being actively downloading */
private static int minSpeedForActiveDL;
/** Min speed needed to count a complete download as being actively seeding */
private static int minSpeedForActiveSeeding;
// Ignore torrent if seed count is at least..
private static int iIgnoreSeedCount;
// Ignore even when First Priority
private static boolean bIgnore0Peers;
private static int iIgnoreShareRatio;
private static int iIgnoreShareRatio_SeedStart;
private static int iIgnoreRatioPeers;
private static int iIgnoreRatioPeers_SeedStart;
private static int iRankTypeSeedFallback;
private static boolean bPreferLargerSwarms;
private static int minQueueingShareRatio;
// Ignore First Priority
private static int iFirstPriorityIgnoreSPRatio;
private static boolean bFirstPriorityIgnore0Peer;
private static int iFirstPriorityType;
private static int iFirstPrioritySeedingMinutes;
private static int iFirstPriorityActiveMinutes;
private static int iFirstPriorityIgnoreIdleHours;
private static long minTimeAlive;
private static boolean bAutoStart0Peers;
// Class variables
protected Download dl;
private boolean bActivelyDownloading;
private long lDLActivelyChangedOn;
private boolean bActivelySeeding;
private long lCDActivelyChangedOn;
private long staleCDSince;
private long staleCDOffset;
private long lastStaleCDRefresh;
private boolean bIsFirstPriority;
/** Public for tooltip to access it */
public String sExplainFP = "";
/** Public for tooltip to access it */
public String sExplainSR = "";
/** Public for tooltip to access it */
public String sTrace = "";
private AEMonitor downloadData_this_mon = new AEMonitor(
private final StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin rules;
// state-caches for sorting
int lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers = 0;
int lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds = 0;
int lastModifiedShareRatio = 0;
// modified by a listener in StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin
boolean lastScrapeResultOk = false;
* Default Initializer
* @param _rules
* @param _dl
public DefaultRankCalculator(StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin _rules, Download _dl) {
rules = _rules;
dl = _dl;
try {
if (configListener == null) {
configListener = new COConfigurationListener() {
public void configurationSaved() {
} finally {
* Load config values into the static variables
* @param cfg
public static void reloadConfigParams(PluginConfig cfg) {
final String PREFIX = "StartStopManager_";
iRankType = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX + "iRankType");
minPeersToBoostNoSeeds = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX
+ "iMinPeersToBoostNoSeeds");
minSpeedForActiveDL = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX + "iMinSpeedForActiveDL");
minSpeedForActiveSeeding = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX
+ "iMinSpeedForActiveSeeding");
iRankTypeSeedFallback = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX
+ "iRankTypeSeedFallback");
bPreferLargerSwarms = cfg.getUnsafeBooleanParameter(PREFIX
+ "bPreferLargerSwarms");
minTimeAlive = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX + "iMinSeedingTime") * 1000;
bAutoStart0Peers = cfg.getUnsafeBooleanParameter(PREFIX + "bAutoStart0Peers");
// Ignore torrent if seed count is at least..
iIgnoreSeedCount = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX + "iIgnoreSeedCount");
bIgnore0Peers = cfg.getUnsafeBooleanParameter(PREFIX + "bIgnore0Peers");
iIgnoreShareRatio = (int) (1000 * cfg.getFloatParameter("Stop Ratio"));
iIgnoreShareRatio_SeedStart = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX
+ "iIgnoreShareRatioSeedStart");
iIgnoreRatioPeers = cfg.getIntParameter("Stop Peers Ratio", 0);
iIgnoreRatioPeers_SeedStart = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX
+ "iIgnoreRatioPeersSeedStart", 0);
minQueueingShareRatio = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX
+ "iFirstPriority_ShareRatio");
iFirstPriorityType = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX + "iFirstPriority_Type");
iFirstPrioritySeedingMinutes = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX
+ "iFirstPriority_SeedingMinutes");
iFirstPriorityActiveMinutes = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX
+ "iFirstPriority_DLMinutes");
// Ignore FP
iFirstPriorityIgnoreSPRatio = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX
+ "iFirstPriority_ignoreSPRatio");
bFirstPriorityIgnore0Peer = cfg.getUnsafeBooleanParameter(PREFIX
+ "bFirstPriority_ignore0Peer");
iFirstPriorityIgnoreIdleHours = cfg.getUnsafeIntParameter(PREFIX
+ "iFirstPriority_ignoreIdleHours");
/** Sort first by SeedingRank Descending, then by Position Ascending.
public int compareTo(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof DefaultRankCalculator)) {
return -1;
DefaultRankCalculator dlData = (DefaultRankCalculator) obj;
// Test FP. FP goes to top
if (dlData.bIsFirstPriority && !bIsFirstPriority)
return 1;
if (!dlData.bIsFirstPriority && bIsFirstPriority)
return -1;
// Test Completeness. Complete go to bottom
boolean aIsComplete = dlData.dl.isComplete();
boolean bIsComplete = dl.isComplete();
if (aIsComplete && !bIsComplete)
return -1;
if (!aIsComplete && bIsComplete)
return 1;
if (iRankType == StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin.RANK_NONE) {
return dl.getPosition() - dlData.dl.getPosition();
// Check Rank. Large to top
int value = dlData.dl.getSeedingRank() - dl.getSeedingRank();
if (value != 0)
return value;
if (iRankType != StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin.RANK_TIMED) {
// Test Large/Small Swarm pref
int numPeersThem = dlData.lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers;
int numPeersUs = lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers;
if (bPreferLargerSwarms)
value = numPeersThem - numPeersUs;
value = numPeersUs - numPeersThem;
if (value != 0)
return value;
// Test Share Ratio
value = lastModifiedShareRatio - dlData.lastModifiedShareRatio;
if (value != 0)
return value;
// Test Position
return dl.getPosition() - dlData.dl.getPosition();
public Download getDownloadObject() {
return dl;
public boolean isForceActive() {
DownloadStats stats = dl.getStats();
return SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - stats.getTimeStarted() <= FORCE_ACTIVE_FOR;
* Retrieves whether the torrent is "actively" downloading
* @return true: actively downloading
public boolean getActivelyDownloading() {
boolean bIsActive = false;
DownloadStats stats = dl.getStats();
int state = dl.getState();
// In order to be active,
// - Must be downloading (and thus incomplete)
// - Must be above speed threshold, or started less than 30s ago
if (state != Download.ST_DOWNLOADING) {
bIsActive = false;
} else if (SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - stats.getTimeStarted() <= FORCE_ACTIVE_FOR) {
bIsActive = true;
} else {
// activity based on DL Average
bIsActive = (stats.getDownloadAverage() >= minSpeedForActiveDL);
if (bActivelyDownloading != bIsActive) {
long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
// Change
if (lDLActivelyChangedOn == -1) {
// Start Timer
lDLActivelyChangedOn = now;
bIsActive = !bIsActive;
} else if (now - lDLActivelyChangedOn < ACTIVE_CHANGE_WAIT) {
// Continue as old state until timer finishes
bIsActive = !bIsActive;
} else {
// no change, reset timer
lDLActivelyChangedOn = -1;
if (bActivelyDownloading != bIsActive) {
bActivelyDownloading = bIsActive;
if (rules != null) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
rules.log.log(dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
"somethingChanged: ActivelyDownloading changed");
return bActivelyDownloading;
* Retrieves whether the torrent is "actively" seeding
* @return true: actively seeding
public boolean getActivelySeeding() {
boolean bIsActive = false;
DownloadStats stats = dl.getStats();
int state = dl.getState();
// Timed torrents don't use a speed threshold, since they are based on time!
// However, First Priorities need to be checked for activity so that
// timed ones can start when FPs are below threshold. Ditto for 0 Peers
// when bAutoStart0Peers
if (iRankType == StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin.RANK_TIMED
&& !isFirstPriority()
&& !(bAutoStart0Peers && rules.calcPeersNoUs(dl) == 0 && lastScrapeResultOk)) {
bIsActive = (state == Download.ST_SEEDING);
} else if (state != Download.ST_SEEDING
|| (bAutoStart0Peers && rules.calcPeersNoUs(dl) == 0)) {
// Not active if we aren't seeding
// Not active if we are AutoStarting 0 Peers, and peer count == 0
bIsActive = false;
staleCDSince = -1;
} else if (SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - stats.getTimeStarted() <= FORCE_ACTIVE_FOR) {
bIsActive = true;
staleCDSince = -1;
} else {
bIsActive = (stats.getUploadAverage() >= minSpeedForActiveSeeding);
if (bActivelySeeding != bIsActive) {
long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
// Change
if (lCDActivelyChangedOn < 0) {
// Start Timer
lCDActivelyChangedOn = now;
bIsActive = !bIsActive;
} else if (now - lCDActivelyChangedOn < ACTIVE_CHANGE_WAIT) {
// Continue as old state until timer finishes
bIsActive = !bIsActive;
if (bActivelySeeding != bIsActive) {
if (bIsActive) {
staleCDSince = -1;
staleCDOffset = 0;
} else {
staleCDSince = System.currentTimeMillis();
} else {
// no change, reset timer
lCDActivelyChangedOn = -1;
if (bActivelySeeding != bIsActive) {
bActivelySeeding = bIsActive;
if (rules != null) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
rules.log.log(dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
"somethingChanged: ActivelySeeding changed");
return bActivelySeeding;
/** Assign Seeding Rank based on RankType
* @return New Seeding Rank Value
public int recalcSeedingRank() {
try {
sExplainSR = "";
int oldSR = dl.getSeedingRank();
DownloadStats stats = dl.getStats();
int newSR = 0;
// make undownloaded sort to top so they can start first.
if (!dl.isComplete()) {
newSR = SR_COMPLETE_STARTS_AT + (10000 - dl.getPosition());
// make sure we capture FP being turned off when torrent does from
// complete to incomplete
if ( rules.bDebugLog ){
sExplainSR += " not complete. SetSR " + newSR + "\n";
return newSR;
// here we are seeding
lastModifiedShareRatio = stats.getShareRatio();
lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers = rules.calcPeersNoUs(dl);
lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds = rules.calcSeedsNoUs(dl);
boolean bScrapeResultsOk = (lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers > 0 || lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds > 0
|| lastScrapeResultOk) && (lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers >= 0 && lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds >= 0);
if (!isFirstPriority()) {
// Check Ignore Rules
// never apply ignore rules to First Priority Matches
// (we don't want leechers circumventing the 0.5 rule)
//0 means unlimited
if (iIgnoreShareRatio != 0 && lastModifiedShareRatio >= iIgnoreShareRatio
&& (lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds >= iIgnoreShareRatio_SeedStart || !bScrapeResultsOk)
&& lastModifiedShareRatio != -1) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainSR += " shareratio met: shareRatio(" + lastModifiedShareRatio
+ ") >= " + iIgnoreShareRatio + "\n";
} else if (rules.bDebugLog && iIgnoreShareRatio != 0
&& lastModifiedShareRatio >= iIgnoreShareRatio) {
sExplainSR += " shareratio NOT met: ";
if (lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds >= iIgnoreShareRatio_SeedStart)
sExplainSR += lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds + " below seed threshold of "
+ iIgnoreShareRatio_SeedStart;
sExplainSR += "\n";
if (lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers == 0 && bScrapeResultsOk) {
// If both bIgnore0Peers and bFirstPriorityIgnore0Peer are on,
// we won't know which one it is at this point.
// We have to use the normal SR_0PEERS in case it isn't FP
if (bIgnore0Peers) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainSR += " Ignore 0 Peers criteria met\n";
return SR_0PEERS;
// if (bFirstPriorityIgnore0Peer) {
// if (rules.bDebugLog)
// sExplainSR += " Ignore 0 Peers criteria for FP met\n";
// dl.setSeedingRank(SR_FP0PEERS);
// return SR_FP0PEERS;
// }
} else if (rules.bDebugLog && lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers == 0) {
sExplainSR += " 0 Peer Ignore rule NOT applied: Scrape invalid\n";
// if (numPeers != 0 && iFirstPriorityIgnoreSPRatio != 0
// && numSeeds / numPeers >= iFirstPriorityIgnoreSPRatio) {
// if (rules.bDebugLog)
// sExplainSR += " Ignore rule for S:P Ratio for FP met. Current: ("
// + (numSeeds / numPeers)
// + ") >= Threshold("
// + iFirstPriorityIgnoreSPRatio + ")\n";
// dl.setSeedingRank(SR_FP_SPRATIOMET);
// }
//0 means disabled
if ((iIgnoreSeedCount != 0) && (lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds >= iIgnoreSeedCount)) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainSR += " SeedCount Ignore rule met. numSeeds("
+ lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds + " >= iIgnoreSeedCount(" + iIgnoreSeedCount + ")\n";
// Ignore when P:S ratio met
// (More Peers for each Seed than specified in Config)
//0 means never stop
if (iIgnoreRatioPeers != 0 && lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds != 0) {
float ratio = (float) lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers / lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds;
if (ratio <= iIgnoreRatioPeers
&& lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds >= iIgnoreRatioPeers_SeedStart) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainSR += " P:S Ignore rule met. ratio(" + ratio
+ " <= threshold(" + iIgnoreRatioPeers_SeedStart + ")\n";
// Never do anything with rank type of none
if (iRankType == StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin.RANK_NONE) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainSR += " Ranking Type set to none.. blanking seeding rank\n";
// everythink ok!
return newSR;
if (iRankType == StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin.RANK_TIMED) {
if (bIsFirstPriority) {
return newSR;
int state = dl.getState();
if (state == Download.ST_STOPPING || state == Download.ST_STOPPED
|| state == Download.ST_ERROR) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainSR += " Download stopping, stopped or in error\n";
} else if (state == Download.ST_SEEDING || state == Download.ST_READY
|| state == Download.ST_WAITING || state == Download.ST_PREPARING) {
// force sort to top
long lMsElapsed = 0;
if (state == Download.ST_SEEDING && !dl.isForceStart())
lMsElapsed = (SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - stats
if (lMsElapsed >= minTimeAlive) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
rules.log.log(dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
"somethingChanged: TimeUp");
} else {
newSR = SR_TIMED_QUEUED_ENDS_AT + 1 + (int) (lMsElapsed / 1000);
if (rules.bDebugLog)
rules.log.log(dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
"somethingChanged: strange timer change");
return newSR;
} else {
if (oldSR <= 0) {
newSR = SR_TIMED_QUEUED_ENDS_AT - dl.getPosition();
if (rules.bDebugLog)
rules.log.log(dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
"somethingChanged: NotIgnored");
return newSR;
* Add to SeedingRank based on Rank Type
// SeedCount and SPRatio require Scrape Results..
if (bScrapeResultsOk) {
if ( iRankType == StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin.RANK_PEERCOUNT )
if(lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers > lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds * 10)
newSR = 100 * lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers * 10;
newSR = (int)((long)100 * lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers * lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers/(lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds+1));
else if ((iRankType == StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin.RANK_SEEDCOUNT)
&& (iRankTypeSeedFallback == 0 || iRankTypeSeedFallback > lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds))
if (lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds < 10000)
newSR = 10000 - lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds;
newSR = 1;
// shift over to make way for fallback
} else { // iRankType == RANK_SPRATIO or we are falling back
if (lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers != 0) {
if (lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds == 0) {
if (lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers >= minPeersToBoostNoSeeds)
} else { // numSeeds != 0 && numPeers != 0
float x = (float) lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds / lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers;
newSR += SPRATIO_BASE_LIMIT / ((x + 1) * (x + 1));
} else {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainSR += " Can't calculate SR, no scrape results\n";
if (staleCDOffset > 0) {
// every 10 minutes of not being active, subtract one SR
if (newSR > staleCDOffset) {
newSR -= staleCDOffset;
sExplainSR += " subtracted " + staleCDOffset + " due to non-activeness\n";
} else {
staleCDOffset = 0;
if (newSR < 0)
newSR = 1;
if (newSR != oldSR)
return newSR;
} finally {
} // recalcSeedingRank
/** Does the torrent match First Priority criteria?
* @return FP State
public boolean isFirstPriority() {
boolean bFP = pisFirstPriority();
if (bIsFirstPriority != bFP) {
bIsFirstPriority = bFP;
if (rules.bDebugLog)
rules.log.log(dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
"somethingChanged: FP changed");
return bIsFirstPriority;
private boolean pisFirstPriority() {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP = "FP if "
+ (iFirstPriorityType == FIRSTPRIORITY_ALL ? "all" : "any")
+ " criteria match:\n";
if (!dl.isPersistent()) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "Not FP: Download not persistent\n";
return false;
int state = dl.getState();
if (state == Download.ST_ERROR || state == Download.ST_STOPPED) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "Not FP: Download is ERROR or STOPPED\n";
return false;
// FP only applies to completed
if (!dl.isComplete()) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "Not FP: Download not complete\n";
return false;
List listeners = rules.getFPListeners();
StringBuffer fp_listener_debug = null;
if (!listeners.isEmpty())
if (rules.bDebugLog)
fp_listener_debug = new StringBuffer();
for (Iterator iter = listeners.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
StartStopRulesFPListener l = (StartStopRulesFPListener) iter.next();
boolean result = l.isFirstPriority(dl, lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds, lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers, fp_listener_debug);
if (fp_listener_debug != null && fp_listener_debug.length() > 0)
char last_ch = fp_listener_debug.charAt(fp_listener_debug.length() - 1);
if (last_ch != '\n')
sExplainFP += fp_listener_debug;
if (result)
return true;
// FP doesn't apply when S:P >= set SPratio (SPratio = 0 means ignore)
if (lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers > 0 && lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds > 0
&& (lastModifiedScrapeResultSeeds / lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers) >= iFirstPriorityIgnoreSPRatio
&& iFirstPriorityIgnoreSPRatio != 0) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "Not FP: S:P >= " + iFirstPriorityIgnoreSPRatio + ":1\n";
return false;
//not FP if no peers //Nolar, 2105 - Gouss, 2203
if (lastModifiedScrapeResultPeers == 0 && lastScrapeResultOk && bFirstPriorityIgnore0Peer) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "Not FP: 0 peers\n";
return false;
if (iFirstPriorityIgnoreIdleHours > 0) {
long lastUploadSecs = dl.getStats().getSecondsSinceLastUpload();
if (lastUploadSecs < 0) {
lastUploadSecs = dl.getStats().getSecondsOnlySeeding();
if (lastUploadSecs > 60 * 60 * iFirstPriorityIgnoreIdleHours) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "Not FP: " + lastUploadSecs + "s > "
+ iFirstPriorityIgnoreIdleHours + "h of no upload\n";
return false;
int shareRatio = dl.getStats().getShareRatio();
boolean bLastMatched = (shareRatio != -1)
&& (shareRatio < minQueueingShareRatio);
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += " shareRatio(" + shareRatio + ") < "
+ minQueueingShareRatio + "=" + bLastMatched + "\n";
if (!bLastMatched && iFirstPriorityType == FIRSTPRIORITY_ALL) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "..Not FP. Exit Early\n";
return false;
if (bLastMatched && iFirstPriorityType == FIRSTPRIORITY_ANY) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "..Is FP. Exit Early\n";
return true;
bLastMatched = (iFirstPrioritySeedingMinutes == 0);
if (!bLastMatched) {
long timeSeeding = dl.getStats().getSecondsOnlySeeding();
if (timeSeeding >= 0) {
bLastMatched = (timeSeeding < (iFirstPrioritySeedingMinutes * 60));
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += " SeedingTime(" + timeSeeding + ") < "
+ (iFirstPrioritySeedingMinutes * 60) + "=" + bLastMatched + "\n";
if (!bLastMatched && iFirstPriorityType == FIRSTPRIORITY_ALL) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "..Not FP. Exit Early\n";
return false;
if (bLastMatched && iFirstPriorityType == FIRSTPRIORITY_ANY) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "..Is FP. Exit Early\n";
return true;
} else if (rules.bDebugLog) {
sExplainFP += " Skipping Seeding Time check (user disabled)\n";
bLastMatched = (iFirstPriorityActiveMinutes == 0);
if (!bLastMatched) {
long timeActive = dl.getStats().getSecondsDownloading()
+ dl.getStats().getSecondsOnlySeeding();
if (timeActive >= 0) {
bLastMatched = (timeActive < (iFirstPriorityActiveMinutes * 60));
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += " ActiveTime(" + timeActive + ") < "
+ (iFirstPriorityActiveMinutes * 60) + "=" + bLastMatched + "\n";
if (!bLastMatched && iFirstPriorityType == FIRSTPRIORITY_ALL) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "..Not FP. Exit Early\n";
return false;
if (bLastMatched && iFirstPriorityType == FIRSTPRIORITY_ANY) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "..Is FP. Exit Early\n";
return true;
} else if (rules.bDebugLog) {
sExplainFP += " Skipping DL Time check (user disabled)\n";
if (iFirstPriorityType == FIRSTPRIORITY_ALL) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "..Is FP\n";
return true;
if (rules.bDebugLog)
sExplainFP += "..Not FP\n";
return false;
* @return last calculated FP state
public boolean getCachedIsFP() {
return bIsFirstPriority;
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(dl.getSeedingRank());
* Check Seeders for various changes not triggered by listeners
* @return True: something changed
public boolean changeChecker() {
if (getActivelySeeding()) {
int shareRatio = dl.getStats().getShareRatio();
int numSeeds = rules.calcSeedsNoUs(dl);
if (iIgnoreShareRatio != 0 && shareRatio >= iIgnoreShareRatio
&& (numSeeds >= iIgnoreShareRatio_SeedStart || !lastScrapeResultOk)
&& shareRatio != -1) {
if (rules.bDebugLog) {
rules.log.log(dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
"somethingChanged: shareRatio changeChecker");
return true;
/* READY downloads are usually waiting for a seeding torrent to
stop (the seeding torrent probably is within the "Minimum Seeding
Time" setting)
The rules may go through several cycles before a READY torrent is
if (dl.getState() == Download.ST_READY) {
if (rules.bDebugLog)
rules.log.log(dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
"somethingChanged: Download is ready");
return true;
if (staleCDSince > 0) {
long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime();
if (now - lastStaleCDRefresh > STALE_REFRESH_INTERVAL) {
staleCDOffset += (now - lastStaleCDRefresh) / STALE_REFRESH_INTERVAL;
lastStaleCDRefresh = now;
if (rules.bDebugLog) {
rules.log.log(dl.getTorrent(), LoggerChannel.LT_INFORMATION,
"somethingChanged: staleCD changeChecker");
return true;
return false;