/* BEGIN_HEADER Java TreeView
* $Author: rqluk $
* $RCSfile: SummaryViewWizard.java,v $
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* $Date: 2006-08-16 19:13:45 $
* $Name: $
* This file is part of Java TreeView
* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Alok Saldanha, All Rights Reserved. Modified by Alex Segal 2004/08/13. Modifications Copyright (C) Lawrence Berkeley Lab.
* This software is provided under the GNU GPL Version 2. In particular,
* 1) If you modify a source file, make a comment in it containing your name and the date.
* 2) If you distribute a modified version, you must do it under the GPL 2.
* 3) Developers are encouraged but not required to notify the Java TreeView maintainers at alok@genome.stanford.edu when they make a useful addition. It would be nice if significant contributions could be merged into the main distribution.
* A full copy of the license can be found in gpl.txt or online at
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
package edu.stanford.genetics.treeview.plugin.dendroview;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
import javax.swing.text.*;
* this class exposes a GUI for configuring a summary view.
public class SummaryViewWizard extends JPanel {
private DendroView dendroView;
private GeneListPanel geneListPanel;
private JRadioButton selectionButton, listButton;
public SummaryViewWizard(DendroView dendroView) {
this.dendroView = dendroView;
setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
geneListPanel = new GeneListPanel();
selectionButton = new JRadioButton();
listButton = new JRadioButton();
ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
JPanel selectionPanel = new JPanel();
selectionPanel.add(new JLabel("Selected Genes"));
JPanel listPanel = new JPanel();
public int [] getIndexes() {
if (listButton.isSelected()) {
return geneListPanel.getIndexes();
return dendroView.getGeneSelection().getSelectedIndexes();
class GeneListPanel extends JPanel {
JTextArea textArea;
// JTextField textArea;
public GeneListPanel() {
textArea = new JTextArea("Paste one ID per row", 10, 50);
textArea.append("\nNote: use Ctrl-V on mac (Java is cross-platform!?)");
// textArea = new JTextField("Paste one ID per row");
textArea.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener() {
public void changedUpdate (DocumentEvent e) {
public void insertUpdate (DocumentEvent e) {
public void removeUpdate (DocumentEvent e) {
add(new JScrollPane(textArea));
public int [] getIndexes() {
LineReader lineReader = new LineReader();
String next = lineReader.readLine();
int nLines = 0;
while (next != null) {
if (next.length() > 0) {
next = lineReader.readLine();
String [] subStrings = new String[nLines];
lineReader = new LineReader();
next = lineReader.readLine();
nLines = 0;
while (next != null) {
if (next.length() > 0) {
subStrings[nLines++] = next;
next = lineReader.readLine();
return dendroView.getGeneSelection().getSelectedIndexes();
class LineReader {
char[] lineTerminator = System.getProperty ("line.separator").toCharArray ();
int documentPosition = 0;
Segment seg = new Segment();
public String readLine () {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer ();
char[] save = new char[lineTerminator.length]; int pos = 0;
Document doc = textArea.getDocument();
try {
doc.getText(documentPosition++, 1, seg);
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
return null;
int ch = seg.first();
boolean done = false;
do {
if (ch == lineTerminator[pos]) {
save[pos] = (char) ch;
} else {
// if a char in the line terminator is returned
// but one was skipped, then skip it by moving pos
// up by two
if (pos + 1 < lineTerminator.length && ch == lineTerminator[pos + 1]) {
pos += 2;
} else {
if (pos > 0) {
buf.append (save, 0, pos);
pos = 0;
buf.append ((char) ch);
done = pos >= lineTerminator.length;
try {
doc.getText(documentPosition++, 1, seg);
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
done = true;
if (!done) ch = seg.first();
} while (!done);
String tempString = new String (buf);
return (tempString.trim());