package edu.stanford.genetics.treeview.plugin.dendroview;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser;
import jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser.IllegalOptionValueException;
import jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser.UnknownOptionException;
public class DendroviewArgs {
private String sResource;
private String sExportType;
private String[] remaining;
private int[] arrayHeaders = null;
private int[] geneHeaders = null;
private Double xScale = null;
private Double yScale = null;
private Double dContrast;
private Double dAtrHeight;
private Double dGtrWidth;
private Double dLogcenter = null;
private Boolean bBelow = false;
final private CmdLineParser parser;
final private CmdLineParser.Option filePath;
final private CmdLineParser.Option exportType;
final private CmdLineParser.Option scaling;
final private CmdLineParser.Option aHeaders;
final private CmdLineParser.Option gHeaders;
final private CmdLineParser.Option contrast;
final private CmdLineParser.Option atrHeight;
final private CmdLineParser.Option gtrWidth;
final private CmdLineParser.Option below;
final private CmdLineParser.Option logcenter;
public DendroviewArgs(String [] args) {
parser = new CmdLineParser();
filePath = parser.addStringOption('o', "output");
exportType = parser.addStringOption('f', "format");
scaling = parser.addStringOption('s', "scaling");
aHeaders = parser.addStringOption('a', "arrayHeaders");
gHeaders = parser.addStringOption('g', "geneHeaders");
contrast = parser.addDoubleOption('c', "contrast");
atrHeight = parser.addDoubleOption('h', "atrHeight");
gtrWidth = parser.addDoubleOption('w', "gtrWidth");
below = parser.addBooleanOption('b', "below");
logcenter = parser.addDoubleOption('l', "logcenter");
try {
sResource = (String) parser.getOptionValue(filePath, null);
String defaultType = (sResource == null || sResource.lastIndexOf('.') < 0)?null:
sExportType = (String) parser.getOptionValue(exportType,defaultType);
parseScaling((String) parser.getOptionValue(scaling, null));
remaining = parser.getRemainingArgs();
arrayHeaders = parseHeaders((String) parser.getOptionValue(aHeaders, null));
geneHeaders = parseHeaders((String) parser.getOptionValue(gHeaders, null));
dContrast = (Double) parser.getOptionValue(contrast, null);
dAtrHeight = (Double)parser.getOptionValue(atrHeight, null);
dGtrWidth = (Double)parser.getOptionValue(gtrWidth, null);
bBelow = (Boolean)parser.getOptionValue(below, bBelow);
dLogcenter = (Double)parser.getOptionValue(logcenter, null);
} catch (IllegalOptionValueException e) {
System.err.println("Error parsing args, defaulting to type auto, no file loading");
sResource = null;
remaining = null;
sExportType = null;
dLogcenter = null;
} catch (UnknownOptionException e) {
System.err.println("Error parsing args, defaulting to type auto, no file loading");
sResource = null;
remaining = null;
sExportType = null;
dLogcenter = null;
private static int[] emptyIntArray = new int[0];
private int[] parseHeaders(String optionValue) {
if (optionValue == null)
return emptyIntArray;
String [] numbers = optionValue.split(",");
List<Integer> retval = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (String number : numbers ){
Integer parsed = Integer.parseInt(number);
if (parsed >= 0)
int[] retArray = new int[retval.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < retval.size(); i++)
retArray[i] = retval.get(i);
return retArray;
private void parseScaling(String optionValue) throws IllegalOptionValueException {
if (optionValue ==null)
String[] strings = optionValue.split("x");
if (strings.length != 2) {
throw new jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser.IllegalOptionValueException(scaling, optionValue);
xScale = Double.parseDouble(strings[0]);
yScale = Double.parseDouble(strings[1]);
public void printUsage() {
System.err.println(" -" + filePath.shortForm() + "/--" + filePath.longForm() + ": path of file to export to (required)");
System.err.println(" -" + exportType.shortForm() + "/--" + exportType.longForm() + ": string indicating output format (ps | png | gif), defaults to ending of file path (after '.')");
System.err.println(" -" + scaling.shortForm() + "/--" + scaling.longForm() + ": string indicating pixel scaling, i.e. 10x2 for 10 pixels horizontal, 2 vertical.");
System.err.println(" -" + aHeaders.shortForm() + "/--" + aHeaders.longForm() + ": comma separated list of array headers to include (default is none).");
System.err.println(" -" + gHeaders.shortForm() + "/--" + gHeaders.longForm() + ": comma separated list of gene headers to include (default is none).");
System.err.println(" -" + atrHeight.shortForm() + "/--" + atrHeight.longForm() + ": explicitly set height of array tree");
System.err.println(" -" + gtrWidth.shortForm() + "/--" + gtrWidth.longForm() + ": explicitly set width of gene tree");
System.err.println("Note: the following two options will change the settings the next time the file is loaded.");
System.err.println(" they are similar to making the changes through the GUI, and they are saved in the .jtv file");
System.err.println(" -" + contrast.shortForm() + "/--" + contrast.longForm() + ": set contrast value, similar to that in Settings->Pixel Settings... from the GUI");
System.err.println(" -" + logcenter.shortForm() + "/--" + logcenter.longForm() + ": turn on logscaling base 2 of specified center, similar to Settings->Pixel Settings...");
public String getFilePath() {
return sResource;
public String[] remainingArgs() {
return remaining;
public String getExportType() {
return sExportType;
public int[] getArrayHeaders() {
return arrayHeaders;
public int[] getGeneHeaders() {
return geneHeaders;
public Double getXScale() {
return xScale;
public Double getYScale() {
return yScale;
public Double getContrast() {
return dContrast;
public Double getGtrWidth() {
return dGtrWidth;
public Double getAtrHeight() {
return dAtrHeight;
public Boolean getArrayAnnoInside() {
return bBelow;
public Double getLogcenter() {
return dLogcenter;