/* BEGIN_HEADER Java TreeView
* $Author: rqluk $
* $RCSfile: ATRZoomView.java,v $
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* $Date: 2006-08-16 19:13:45 $
* $Name: $
* This file is part of Java TreeView
* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Alok Saldanha, All Rights Reserved. Modified by Alex Segal 2004/08/13. Modifications Copyright (C) Lawrence Berkeley Lab.
* This software is provided under the GNU GPL Version 2. In particular,
* 1) If you modify a source file, make a comment in it containing your name and the date.
* 2) If you distribute a modified version, you must do it under the GPL 2.
* 3) Developers are encouraged but not required to notify the Java TreeView maintainers at alok@genome.stanford.edu when they make a useful addition. It would be nice if significant contributions could be merged into the main distribution.
* A full copy of the license can be found in gpl.txt or online at
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
package edu.stanford.genetics.treeview.plugin.dendroview;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Observable;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollBar;
import edu.stanford.genetics.treeview.*;
* Draws an array tree to show the relations between arrays This object requires
* a MapContainer to figure out the offsets for the arrays. Furthermore, it sets
* up a scrollbar to scroll the tree, although there is currently no way to specify
* how large you would like the scrollable area to be, so the height is just set
* to match the available space.
* @author Alok Saldanha <alok@genome.stanford.edu>
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2006-08-16 19:13:45 $
public class ATRZoomView extends ModelView implements
MouseListener, KeyListener {
/** Constructor, sets up AWT components */
public ATRZoomView() {
panel = new JPanel();
scrollbar = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.VERTICAL, 0, 1, 0, 1);
destRect = new Rectangle();
panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
panel.add(this, BorderLayout.CENTER);
panel.add(scrollbar, BorderLayout.EAST);
protected HeaderSummary headerSummary = new HeaderSummary();
/** Setter for headerSummary */
public void setHeaderSummary(HeaderSummary headerSummary) {
this.headerSummary = headerSummary;
/** Getter for headerSummary */
public HeaderSummary getHeaderSummary() {
return headerSummary;
private final static String[] hints = {
"Click to select node",
" - use arrow keys to navigate tree",
/*inherit description*/
public String[] getHints() {
return hints;
* Set the selected node, update the arraySelection, and redraw
*Does nothing if the node is already selected.
* @param n The new node to be selected.
public void setSelectedNode(TreeDrawerNode n) {
if (selectedNode == n) {
if (selectedNode != null)
xScaleEq, yScaleEq,
destRect, selectedNode, false);
selectedNode = n;
if (selectedNode != null)
xScaleEq, yScaleEq,
destRect, selectedNode, true);
selectedNode = n;
offscreenValid = false;
if ((status != null) && hasMouse) {
private void synchMap() {
if ((selectedNode != null) && (arraySelection != null)) {
int start = (int) (selectedNode.getLeftLeaf().getIndex());
int end = (int) (selectedNode.getRightLeaf().getIndex());
if(viewFrame.getDataModel().getDataMatrix().getNumCol() > viewFrame.getDataModel().getDataMatrix().getNumUnappendedCol())
end = Math.max(viewFrame.getDataModel().getDataMatrix().getNumCol(), end);
arraySelection.selectIndexRange(start, end);
* Set arraySelection
* @param arraySelection The TreeSelection which clicking on this tree will modify.
public void setArraySelection(TreeSelectionI arraySelection) {
if (this.arraySelection != null) {
this.arraySelection = arraySelection;
* Set the drawer
* @param d The new drawer
public void setInvertedTreeDrawer(InvertedTreeDrawer d) {
if (drawer != null) {
drawer = d;
* Set the zoom map
* Specifies where to draw leaves of tree.
public void setZoomMap(MapContainer m) {
if (zoomMap != null) {
zoomMap = m;
* expect updates to come from arraySelection, zoomMap and drawer
* @param o Observable sending update
* @param arg Argument, typically null
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
if (o == drawer) {
//System.out.println("Got an update from drawer");
offscreenValid = false;
} else if (o == zoomMap) {
// will call offscreenvalid, repaint() itself
// could have been a translation...
offscreenValid = false;
} else if (o == arraySelection) {
} else {
System.out.println(viewName() + "Got an update from unknown " + o);
* Need to blit another part of the buffer to the screen when the scrollbar moves.
* @param evt scrollbar adjustment event
public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent evt) {
* Implementation of abstract method
* @return returns name of this ModelView
public String viewName() {
return "ATRZoomView";
* Gets some user-interpretatble status information for the ATRZoomView object
* @return Text describing selected node correlation
public String[] getStatus() {
String [] status;
if (selectedNode != null) {
int [] nameIndex = getHeaderSummary().getIncluded();
status = new String [nameIndex.length * 2];
HeaderInfo atrInfo = getViewFrame().getDataModel().getAtrHeaderInfo();
String [] names = atrInfo.getNames();
for (int i = 0; i < nameIndex.length; i++) {
status[2*i] = names[nameIndex[i]] +":";
status[2*i+1] = " " +atrInfo.getHeader(atrInfo.getHeaderIndex(selectedNode.getId()))[ nameIndex[i]];
} else {
status = new String [2];
status[0] = "Select Node to ";
status[1] = "view annotation.";
return status;
* updates buffer to reflect current state
* @param g Graphics object to draw to
public void updateBuffer(Graphics g) {
if (offscreenChanged == true) {
offscreenValid = false;
if (offscreenValid == false) {
if ((drawer != null) && (selectedNode != null)) {
// clear the pallette...
(0, 0, offscreenSize.width, offscreenSize.height);
// don't bother drawing leaf
if (selectedNode.isLeaf()) {
// calculate Scaling
destRect.setBounds(0, 0, zoomMap.getUsedPixels(), offscreenSize.height);
g.setClip(destRect.x, destRect.y, destRect.width,
xScaleEq = new LinearTransformation
(zoomMap.getIndex(destRect.x), destRect.x,
zoomMap.getIndex(destRect.x + destRect.width),
destRect.x + destRect.width);
yScaleEq = new LinearTransformation
(selectedNode.getMinCorr(), destRect.y,
drawer.getCorrMax(), destRect.y + destRect.height);
// draw
xScaleEq, yScaleEq,
// destRect, selectedNode);
// 5/13/2004 - this allows us to see colors in the zoomed dendrogram.
destRect, null);
} else {
// most likely, no selection...
// clear the pallette...
g.fillRect(0, 0, offscreenSize.width, offscreenSize.height);
* On mouseclick, select a node
* @param e Mouse clicking event
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if (this == null) {
if (isEnabled() == false) {
if (enclosingWindow().isActive() == false) {
if (drawer != null) {
// the trick is translating back to the normalized space...
// weight must have correlation slope on top
yScaleEq.getSlope() / xScaleEq.getSlope())
// method from KeyListener
* Use keypress to navigate nodes
* up selects parent of current.
* left selects left child.
* right selects right child
* down selects child with most descendants.
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
if (selectedNode == null) {
int c = e.getKeyCode();
TreeDrawerNode cand = null;
switch (c) {
case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
cand = selectedNode.getParent();
// hey, the tree is upside down!
case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
if (selectedNode.isLeaf() == false) {
cand = selectedNode.getRight();
case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
if (selectedNode.isLeaf() == false) {
cand = selectedNode.getLeft();
case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
if (selectedNode.isLeaf() == false) {
TreeDrawerNode right = selectedNode.getRight();
TreeDrawerNode left = selectedNode.getLeft();
if (right.getRange() > left.getRange()) {
cand = right;
} else {
cand = left;
if (cand != null) {
* Ignore key releases
* @param e Key release event
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { }
* Ignore key types
* @param e Key type event
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { }
private TreeSelectionI arraySelection;
private LinearTransformation xScaleEq, yScaleEq;
private MapContainer zoomMap;
private JScrollBar scrollbar;
private InvertedTreeDrawer drawer = null;
private TreeDrawerNode selectedNode = null;
private Rectangle destRect = null;