package edu.stanford.genetics.treeview;
import jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser;
import jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser.IllegalOptionValueException;
import jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser.UnknownOptionException;
public class MainProgramArgs {
private String sframeType;
private String sResource;
private String sExportType;
private String[] remaining;
final private CmdLineParser parser;
final private CmdLineParser.Option resource;
final private CmdLineParser.Option filePath;
final private CmdLineParser.Option frameType;
final private CmdLineParser.Option exportType;
public MainProgramArgs(String [] args) {
parser = new CmdLineParser();
resource = parser.addStringOption('r', "resource");
filePath = parser.addStringOption('f', "file");
frameType = parser.addStringOption('t', "type");
exportType = parser.addStringOption('x', "export");
try {
sframeType = (String) parser.getOptionValue(frameType, "auto");
String resourceArg = (String) parser.getOptionValue(resource, null);
if (resourceArg != null)
sResource = resourceArg;
sResource = (String) parser.getOptionValue(filePath, null);
sExportType = (String) parser.getOptionValue(exportType,null);
remaining = parser.getRemainingArgs();
} catch (IllegalOptionValueException e) {
System.err.println("Error parsing args, defaulting to type auto, no file loading");
sframeType = "auto";
sResource = null;
remaining = null;
sExportType = null;
} catch (UnknownOptionException e) {
System.err.println("Error parsing args, defaulting to type auto, no file loading");
sframeType = "auto";
sResource = null;
remaining = null;
sExportType = null;
public void printUsage() {
System.err.println("Usage: all arguments are optional. By default will open a window with no files loaded.");
System.err.println(" -" + resource.shortForm() + "/--" + resource.longForm() + ": resource to load (could be file or url)");
System.err.println(" -" + filePath.shortForm() + "/--" + filePath.longForm() + ": path of file to load (deprecated, use resource arg instead)");
System.err.println(" -" + frameType.shortForm() + "/--" + frameType.longForm() + ": string indicating type of frame (auto | linked | classic | kmeans), default is auto");
public String getFrameType() {
return sframeType;
public String getFilePath() {
return sResource;
public String[] remainingArgs() {
return remaining;
public String getExportType() {
return sExportType;