* $Id: RadiusClient.java,v 1.7 2005/11/10 10:20:21 wuttke Exp $
* Created on 09.04.2005
* @author Matthias Wuttke
* @version $Revision: 1.7 $
package org.tinyradius.util;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.DatagramPacket;
import java.net.DatagramSocket;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.SocketTimeoutException;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.tinyradius.packet.AccessRequest;
import org.tinyradius.packet.AccountingRequest;
import org.tinyradius.packet.RadiusPacket;
* This object represents a simple Radius client which communicates with
* a specified Radius server. You can use a single instance of this object
* to authenticate or account different users with the same Radius server
* as long as you authenticate/account one user after the other. This object
* is thread safe, but only opens a single socket so operations using this
* socket are synchronized to avoid confusion with the mapping of request
* and result packets.
public class RadiusClient {
* Creates a new Radius client object for a special Radius server.
* @param hostName host name of the Radius server
* @param sharedSecret shared secret used to secure the communication
public RadiusClient(String hostName, String sharedSecret) {
* Constructs a Radius client for the given Radius endpoint.
* @param client Radius endpoint
public RadiusClient(RadiusEndpoint client) {
this(client.getEndpointAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress(), client.getSharedSecret());
* Authenticates a user.
* @param userName user name
* @param password password
* @return true if authentication is successful, false otherwise
* @exception RadiusException malformed packet
* @exception IOException communication error (after getRetryCount()
* retries)
public synchronized boolean authenticate(String userName, String password)
throws IOException, RadiusException {
AccessRequest request = new AccessRequest(userName, password);
RadiusPacket response = authenticate(request);
return response.getPacketType() == RadiusPacket.ACCESS_ACCEPT;
* Sends an Access-Request packet and receives a response
* packet.
* @param request request packet
* @return Radius response packet
* @exception RadiusException malformed packet
* @exception IOException communication error (after getRetryCount()
* retries)
public synchronized RadiusPacket authenticate(AccessRequest request)
throws IOException, RadiusException {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
logger.info("send Access-Request packet: " + request);
RadiusPacket response = communicate(request, getAuthPort());
if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
logger.info("received packet: " + response);
return response;
* Sends an Accounting-Request packet and receives a response
* packet.
* @param request request packet
* @return Radius response packet
* @exception RadiusException malformed packet
* @exception IOException communication error (after getRetryCount()
* retries)
public synchronized RadiusPacket account(AccountingRequest request)
throws IOException, RadiusException {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
logger.info("send Accounting-Request packet: " + request);
RadiusPacket response = communicate(request, getAcctPort());
if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
logger.info("received packet: " + response);
return response;
* Closes the socket of this client.
public void close() {
if (socket != null)
* Returns the Radius server auth port.
* @return auth port
public int getAuthPort() {
return authPort;
* Sets the auth port of the Radius server.
* @param authPort auth port, 1-65535
public void setAuthPort(int authPort) {
if (authPort < 1 || authPort > 65535)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad port number");
this.authPort = authPort;
* Returns the host name of the Radius server.
* @return host name
public String getHostName() {
return hostName;
* Sets the host name of the Radius server.
* @param hostName host name
public void setHostName(String hostName) {
if (hostName == null || hostName.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("host name must not be empty");
this.hostName = hostName;
* Returns the retry count for failed transmissions.
* @return retry count
public int getRetryCount() {
return retryCount;
* Sets the retry count for failed transmissions.
* @param retryCount retry count, >0
public void setRetryCount(int retryCount) {
if (retryCount < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("retry count must be positive");
this.retryCount = retryCount;
* Returns the secret shared between server and client.
* @return shared secret
public String getSharedSecret() {
return sharedSecret;
* Sets the secret shared between server and client.
* @param sharedSecret shared secret
public void setSharedSecret(String sharedSecret) {
if (sharedSecret == null || sharedSecret.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("shared secret must not be empty");
this.sharedSecret = sharedSecret;
* Returns the socket timeout.
* @return socket timeout, ms
public int getSocketTimeout() {
return socketTimeout;
* Sets the socket timeout
* @param socketTimeout timeout, ms, >0
* @throws SocketException
public void setSocketTimeout(int socketTimeout)
throws SocketException {
if (socketTimeout < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("socket tiemout must be positive");
this.socketTimeout = socketTimeout;
if (socket != null)
* Sets the Radius server accounting port.
* @param acctPort acct port, 1-65535
public void setAcctPort(int acctPort) {
if (acctPort < 1 || acctPort > 65535)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad port number");
this.acctPort = acctPort;
* Returns the Radius server accounting port.
* @return acct port
public int getAcctPort() {
return acctPort;
* Sends a Radius packet to the server and awaits an answer.
* @param request packet to be sent
* @param port server port number
* @return response Radius packet
* @exception RadiusException malformed packet
* @exception IOException communication error (after getRetryCount()
* retries)
public RadiusPacket communicate(RadiusPacket request, int port)
throws IOException, RadiusException {
DatagramPacket packetIn = new DatagramPacket(new byte[RadiusPacket.MAX_PACKET_LENGTH], RadiusPacket.MAX_PACKET_LENGTH);
DatagramPacket packetOut = makeDatagramPacket(request, port);
DatagramSocket socket = getSocket();
for (int i = 1; i <= getRetryCount(); i++) {
try {
return makeRadiusPacket(packetIn, request);
} catch (IOException ioex) {
if (i == getRetryCount()) {
if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) {
if (ioex instanceof SocketTimeoutException)
logger.error("communication failure (timeout), no more retries");
logger.error("communication failure, no more retries", ioex);
throw ioex;
if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
logger.info("communication failure, retry " + i);
// TODO increase Acct-Delay-Time by getSocketTimeout()/1000
// this changes the packet authenticator and requires packetOut to be
// calculated again (call makeDatagramPacket)
return null;
* Sends the specified packet to the specified Radius server endpoint.
* @param remoteServer Radius endpoint consisting of server address,
* port number and shared secret
* @param request Radius packet to be sent
* @return received response packet
* @throws RadiusException malformed packet
* @throws IOException error while communication
public static RadiusPacket communicate(RadiusEndpoint remoteServer, RadiusPacket request)
throws RadiusException, IOException {
RadiusClient rc = new RadiusClient(remoteServer);
return rc.communicate(request, remoteServer.getEndpointAddress().getPort());
* Returns the socket used for the server communication. It is
* bound to an arbitrary free local port number.
* @return local socket
* @throws SocketException
protected DatagramSocket getSocket()
throws SocketException {
if (socket == null) {
socket = new DatagramSocket();
return socket;
* Creates a datagram packet from a RadiusPacket to be send.
* @param packet RadiusPacket
* @param port destination port number
* @return new datagram packet
* @throws IOException
protected DatagramPacket makeDatagramPacket(RadiusPacket packet, int port)
throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
packet.encodeRequestPacket(bos, getSharedSecret());
byte[] data = bos.toByteArray();
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(getHostName());
DatagramPacket datagram = new DatagramPacket(data, data.length, address, port);
return datagram;
* Creates a RadiusPacket from a received datagram packet.
* @param packet received datagram
* @param request Radius request packet
* @return RadiusPacket object
protected RadiusPacket makeRadiusPacket(DatagramPacket packet, RadiusPacket request)
throws IOException, RadiusException {
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(packet.getData());
return RadiusPacket.decodeResponsePacket(in, getSharedSecret(), request);
private int authPort = 1812;
private int acctPort = 1813;
private String hostName = null;
private String sharedSecret = null;
private DatagramSocket socket = null;
private int retryCount = 3;
private int socketTimeout = 3000;
private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(RadiusClient.class);