* $Id: RadiusProxy.java,v 1.1 2005/09/07 22:19:01 wuttke Exp $
* Created on 07.09.2005
* @author glanz, Matthias Wuttke
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $
package org.tinyradius.proxy;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.DatagramPacket;
import java.net.DatagramSocket;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.tinyradius.attribute.RadiusAttribute;
import org.tinyradius.packet.RadiusPacket;
import org.tinyradius.util.RadiusEndpoint;
import org.tinyradius.util.RadiusException;
import org.tinyradius.util.RadiusServer;
* This class implements a Radius proxy that receives Radius packets
* and forwards them to a Radius server.
* You have to override the method getRadiusProxyConnection() which
* identifies the Radius proxy connection a Radius packet belongs to.
public abstract class RadiusProxy
extends RadiusServer {
* Starts the Radius proxy. Listens on the proxy port.
public void start(boolean listenAuth, boolean listenAcct, boolean listenProxy) {
super.start(listenAuth, listenAcct);
if (listenProxy) {
new Thread() {
public void run() {
setName("Radius Proxy Listener");
try {
logger.info("starting RadiusProxyListener on port " + getProxyPort());
} catch(Exception e) {
* Stops the proxy and closes the socket.
public void stop() {
logger.info("stopping Radius proxy");
if (proxySocket != null)
* This method must be implemented to return a RadiusEndpoint
* if the given packet is to be proxied. The endpoint represents the
* Radius server the packet should be proxied to.
* @param packet the packet in question
* @param client the client endpoint the packet originated from
* (containing the address, port number and shared secret)
* @return a RadiusEndpoint or null if the packet should not be
* proxied
public abstract RadiusEndpoint getProxyServer(RadiusPacket packet, RadiusEndpoint client);
* Returns the proxy port this server listens to.
* Defaults to 1814.
* @return proxy port
public int getProxyPort() {
return proxyPort;
* Sets the proxy port this server listens to.
* Please call before start().
* @param proxyPort proxy port
public void setProxyPort(int proxyPort) {
this.proxyPort = proxyPort;
this.proxySocket = null;
* Sets the socket timeout.
* @param socketTimeout socket timeout, >0 ms
* @throws SocketException
public void setSocketTimeout(int socketTimeout)
throws SocketException {
if (proxySocket != null)
* Returns a socket bound to the proxy port.
* @return socket
* @throws SocketException
protected DatagramSocket getProxySocket()
throws SocketException {
if (proxySocket == null) {
if (getListenAddress() == null)
proxySocket = new DatagramSocket(getProxyPort());
proxySocket = new DatagramSocket(getProxyPort(), getListenAddress());
return proxySocket;
* Handles packets coming in on the proxy port. Decides whether
* packets coming in on Auth/Acct ports should be proxied.
protected RadiusPacket handlePacket(InetSocketAddress localAddress, InetSocketAddress remoteAddress, RadiusPacket request, String sharedSecret)
throws RadiusException, IOException {
// handle incoming proxy packet
if (localAddress.getPort() == getProxyPort()) {
proxyPacketReceived(request, remoteAddress);
return null;
// handle auth/acct packet
RadiusEndpoint radiusClient = new RadiusEndpoint(remoteAddress, sharedSecret);
RadiusEndpoint radiusServer = getProxyServer(request, radiusClient);
if (radiusServer != null) {
// proxy incoming packet to other radius server
RadiusProxyConnection proxyConnection = new RadiusProxyConnection(radiusServer, radiusClient, request, localAddress.getPort());
logger.info("proxy packet to " + proxyConnection);
proxyPacket(request, proxyConnection);
return null;
} else
// normal processing
return super.handlePacket(localAddress, remoteAddress, request, sharedSecret);
* Sends an answer to a proxied packet back to the original host.
* Retrieves the RadiusProxyConnection object from the cache employing
* the Proxy-State attribute.
* @param packet packet to be sent back
* @param remote the server the packet arrived from
* @throws IOException
protected void proxyPacketReceived(RadiusPacket packet, InetSocketAddress remote)
throws IOException, RadiusException {
// retrieve my Proxy-State attribute (the last)
List proxyStates = packet.getAttributes(33);
if (proxyStates == null || proxyStates.size() == 0)
throw new RadiusException("proxy packet without Proxy-State attribute");
RadiusAttribute proxyState = (RadiusAttribute)proxyStates.get(proxyStates.size() - 1);
// retrieve proxy connection from cache
String state = new String(proxyState.getAttributeData());
RadiusProxyConnection proxyConnection = (RadiusProxyConnection)proxyConnections.remove(state);
if (proxyConnection == null) {
logger.warn("received packet on proxy port without saved proxy connection - duplicate?");
// retrieve client
RadiusEndpoint client = proxyConnection.getRadiusClient();
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("received proxy packet: " + packet);
logger.info("forward packet to " + client.getEndpointAddress().toString() + " with secret " + client.getSharedSecret());
// remove only own Proxy-State (last attribute)
// re-encode answer packet with authenticator of the original packet
RadiusPacket answer = new RadiusPacket(packet.getPacketType(), packet.getPacketIdentifier(), packet.getAttributes());
DatagramPacket datagram = makeDatagramPacket(answer, client.getSharedSecret(), client.getEndpointAddress().getAddress(), client.getEndpointAddress().getPort(), proxyConnection.getPacket());
// send back using correct socket
DatagramSocket socket;
if (proxyConnection.getPort() == getAuthPort())
socket = getAuthSocket();
socket = getAcctSocket();
* Proxies the given packet to the server given in the proxy connection.
* Stores the proxy connection object in the cache with a key that
* is added to the packet in the "Proxy-State" attribute.
* @param packet the packet to proxy
* @param proxyCon the RadiusProxyConnection for this packet
* @throws IOException
protected void proxyPacket(RadiusPacket packet, RadiusProxyConnection proxyConnection)
throws IOException {
synchronized(RadiusProxy.class) {
// add Proxy-State attribute
String proxyIndexStr = Integer.toString(proxyIndex);
packet.addAttribute(new RadiusAttribute(33, proxyIndexStr.getBytes()));
// store RadiusProxyConnection object
proxyConnections.put(proxyIndexStr, proxyConnection);
// get server address
InetAddress serverAddress = proxyConnection.getRadiusServer().getEndpointAddress().getAddress();
int serverPort = proxyConnection.getRadiusServer().getEndpointAddress().getPort();
String serverSecret = proxyConnection.getRadiusServer().getSharedSecret();
// save request authenticator (will be calculated new)
byte[] auth = packet.getAuthenticator();
// encode new packet (with new authenticator)
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
packet.encodeRequestPacket(bos, serverSecret);
byte[] data = bos.toByteArray();
DatagramPacket datagram = new DatagramPacket(data, data.length, serverAddress, serverPort);
// restore original authenticator
// send packet
DatagramSocket proxySocket = getProxySocket();
* Index for Proxy-State attribute.
private int proxyIndex = 1;
* Cache for Radius proxy connections belonging to sent packets
* without a received response.
* Key: Proxy Index (String), Value: RadiusProxyConnection
private Map proxyConnections = new HashMap();
private int proxyPort = 1814;
private DatagramSocket proxySocket = null;
private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(RadiusProxy.class);