* $Id: AccessRequest.java,v 1.4 2009/10/09 14:57:39 wuttke Exp $
* Created on 08.04.2005
* @author Matthias Wuttke
* @version $Revision: 1.4 $
package org.tinyradius.packet;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.tinyradius.attribute.RadiusAttribute;
import org.tinyradius.attribute.StringAttribute;
import org.tinyradius.util.RadiusException;
import org.tinyradius.util.RadiusUtil;
* This class represents an Access-Request Radius packet.
public class AccessRequest extends RadiusPacket {
* Passphrase Authentication Protocol
public static final String AUTH_PAP = "pap";
* Challenged Handshake Authentication Protocol
public static final String AUTH_CHAP = "chap";
* Constructs an empty Access-Request packet.
public AccessRequest() {
* Constructs an Access-Request packet, sets the
* code, identifier and adds an User-Name and an
* User-Password attribute (PAP).
* @param userName user name
* @param userPassword user password
public AccessRequest(String userName, String userPassword) {
super(ACCESS_REQUEST, getNextPacketIdentifier());
* Sets the User-Name attribute of this Access-Request.
* @param userName user name to set
public void setUserName(String userName) {
if (userName == null)
throw new NullPointerException("user name not set");
if (userName.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty user name not allowed");
addAttribute(new StringAttribute(USER_NAME, userName));
* Sets the plain-text user password.
* @param userPassword user password to set
public void setUserPassword(String userPassword) {
if (userPassword == null || userPassword.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("password is empty");
this.password = userPassword;
* Retrieves the plain-text user password.
* Returns null for CHAP - use verifyPassword().
* @see #verifyPassword(String)
* @return user password
public String getUserPassword() {
return password;
* Retrieves the user name from the User-Name attribute.
* @return user name
public String getUserName() {
List attrs = getAttributes(USER_NAME);
if (attrs.size() < 1 || attrs.size() > 1)
throw new RuntimeException("exactly one User-Name attribute required");
RadiusAttribute ra = (RadiusAttribute)attrs.get(0);
return ((StringAttribute)ra).getAttributeValue();
* Returns the protocol used for encrypting the passphrase.
* @return AUTH_PAP or AUTH_CHAP
public String getAuthProtocol() {
return authProtocol;
* Selects the protocol to use for encrypting the passphrase when
* encoding this Radius packet.
* @param authProtocol AUTH_PAP or AUTH_CHAP
public void setAuthProtocol(String authProtocol) {
if (authProtocol != null && (authProtocol.equals(AUTH_PAP) || authProtocol.equals(AUTH_CHAP)))
this.authProtocol = authProtocol;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("protocol must be pap or chap");
* Verifies that the passed plain-text password matches the password
* (hash) send with this Access-Request packet. Works with both PAP
* and CHAP.
* @param plaintext
* @return true if the password is valid, false otherwise
public boolean verifyPassword(String plaintext)
throws RadiusException {
if (plaintext == null || plaintext.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("password is empty");
if (getAuthProtocol().equals(AUTH_CHAP))
return verifyChapPassword(plaintext);
return getUserPassword().equals(plaintext);
* Decrypts the User-Password attribute.
* @see org.tinyradius.packet.RadiusPacket#decodeRequestAttributes(java.lang.String)
protected void decodeRequestAttributes(String sharedSecret)
throws RadiusException {
// detect auth protocol
RadiusAttribute userPassword = getAttribute(USER_PASSWORD);
RadiusAttribute chapPassword = getAttribute(CHAP_PASSWORD);
RadiusAttribute chapChallenge = getAttribute(CHAP_CHALLENGE);
if (userPassword != null) {
this.password = decodePapPassword(userPassword.getAttributeData(), RadiusUtil.getUtf8Bytes(sharedSecret));
// copy truncated data
} else if (chapPassword != null && chapChallenge != null) {
this.chapPassword = chapPassword.getAttributeData();
this.chapChallenge = chapChallenge.getAttributeData();
} else
throw new RadiusException("Access-Request: User-Password or CHAP-Password/CHAP-Challenge missing");
* Sets and encrypts the User-Password attribute.
* @see org.tinyradius.packet.RadiusPacket#encodeRequestAttributes(java.lang.String)
protected void encodeRequestAttributes(String sharedSecret) {
if (password == null || password.length() == 0)
// ok for proxied packets whose CHAP password is already encrypted
//throw new RuntimeException("no password set");
if (getAuthProtocol().equals(AUTH_PAP)) {
byte[] pass = encodePapPassword(RadiusUtil.getUtf8Bytes(this.password), RadiusUtil.getUtf8Bytes(sharedSecret));
addAttribute(new RadiusAttribute(USER_PASSWORD, pass));
} else if (getAuthProtocol().equals(AUTH_CHAP)) {
byte[] challenge = createChapChallenge();
byte[] pass = encodeChapPassword(password, challenge);
addAttribute(new RadiusAttribute(CHAP_PASSWORD, pass));
addAttribute(new RadiusAttribute(CHAP_CHALLENGE, challenge));
* This method encodes the plaintext user password according to RFC 2865.
* @param userPass the password to encrypt
* @param sharedSecret shared secret
* @return the byte array containing the encrypted password
private byte[] encodePapPassword(final byte[] userPass, byte[] sharedSecret) {
// the password must be a multiple of 16 bytes and less than or equal
// to 128 bytes. If it isn't a multiple of 16 bytes fill it out with zeroes
// to make it a multiple of 16 bytes. If it is greater than 128 bytes
// truncate it at 128.
byte[] userPassBytes = null;
if (userPass.length > 128){
userPassBytes = new byte[128];
System.arraycopy(userPass, 0, userPassBytes, 0, 128);
} else {
userPassBytes = userPass;
// declare the byte array to hold the final product
byte[] encryptedPass = null;
if (userPassBytes.length < 128) {
if (userPassBytes.length % 16 == 0) {
// tt is already a multiple of 16 bytes
encryptedPass = new byte[userPassBytes.length];
} else {
// make it a multiple of 16 bytes
encryptedPass = new byte[((userPassBytes.length / 16) * 16) + 16];
} else {
// the encrypted password must be between 16 and 128 bytes
encryptedPass = new byte[128];
// copy the userPass into the encrypted pass and then fill it out with zeroes
System.arraycopy(userPassBytes, 0, encryptedPass, 0, userPassBytes.length);
for (int i = userPassBytes.length; i < encryptedPass.length; i++) {
encryptedPass[i] = 0;
// digest shared secret and authenticator
MessageDigest md5 = getMd5Digest();
byte[] lastBlock = new byte[16];
for (int i = 0; i < encryptedPass.length; i+=16) {
md5.update(i == 0 ? getAuthenticator() : lastBlock);
byte bn[] = md5.digest();
System.arraycopy(encryptedPass, i, lastBlock, 0, 16);
// perform the XOR as specified by RFC 2865.
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
encryptedPass[i + j] = (byte)(bn[j] ^ encryptedPass[i + j]);
return encryptedPass;
* Decodes the passed encrypted password and returns the clear-text form.
* @param encryptedPass encrypted password
* @param sharedSecret shared secret
* @return decrypted password
private String decodePapPassword(byte[] encryptedPass, byte[] sharedSecret)
throws RadiusException {
if (encryptedPass == null || encryptedPass.length < 16) {
// PAP passwords require at least 16 bytes
logger.warn("invalid Radius packet: User-Password attribute with malformed PAP password, length = " +
encryptedPass.length + ", but length must be greater than 15");
throw new RadiusException("malformed User-Password attribute");
MessageDigest md5 = getMd5Digest();
byte[] lastBlock = new byte[16];
for (int i = 0; i < encryptedPass.length; i+=16) {
md5.update(i == 0 ? getAuthenticator() : lastBlock);
byte bn[] = md5.digest();
System.arraycopy(encryptedPass, i, lastBlock, 0, 16);
// perform the XOR as specified by RFC 2865.
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
encryptedPass[i + j] = (byte)(bn[j] ^ encryptedPass[i + j]);
// remove trailing zeros
int len = encryptedPass.length;
while (len > 0 && encryptedPass[len - 1] == 0)
byte[] passtrunc = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(encryptedPass, 0, passtrunc, 0, len);
// convert to string
return RadiusUtil.getStringFromUtf8(passtrunc);
* Creates a random CHAP challenge using a secure random algorithm.
* @return 16 byte CHAP challenge
private byte[] createChapChallenge() {
byte[] challenge = new byte[16];
return challenge;
* Encodes a plain-text password using the given CHAP challenge.
* @param plaintext plain-text password
* @param chapChallenge CHAP challenge
* @return CHAP-encoded password
private byte[] encodeChapPassword(String plaintext, byte[] chapChallenge) {
// see RFC 2865 section 2.2
byte chapIdentifier = (byte)random.nextInt(256);
byte[] chapPassword = new byte[17];
chapPassword[0] = chapIdentifier;
MessageDigest md5 = getMd5Digest();
byte[] chapHash = md5.digest(chapChallenge);
System.arraycopy(chapHash, 0, chapPassword, 1, 16);
return chapPassword;
* Verifies a CHAP password against the given plaintext password.
* @return plain-text password
private boolean verifyChapPassword(String plaintext)
throws RadiusException {
if (plaintext == null || plaintext.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("plaintext must not be empty");
if (chapChallenge == null || chapChallenge.length != 16)
throw new RadiusException("CHAP challenge must be 16 bytes");
if (chapPassword == null || chapPassword.length != 17)
throw new RadiusException("CHAP password must be 17 bytes");
byte chapIdentifier = chapPassword[0];
MessageDigest md5 = getMd5Digest();
byte[] chapHash = md5.digest(chapChallenge);
// compare
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (chapHash[i] != chapPassword[i + 1])
return false;
return true;
* Temporary storage for the unencrypted User-Password
* attribute.
private String password;
* Authentication protocol for this access request.
private String authProtocol = AUTH_PAP;
* CHAP password from a decoded CHAP Access-Request.
private byte[] chapPassword;
* CHAP challenge from a decoded CHAP Access-Request.
private byte[] chapChallenge;
* Random generator
private static SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
* Radius type code for Radius attribute User-Name
private static final int USER_NAME = 1;
* Radius attribute type for User-Password attribute.
private static final int USER_PASSWORD = 2;
* Radius attribute type for CHAP-Password attribute.
private static final int CHAP_PASSWORD = 3;
* Radius attribute type for CHAP-Challenge attribute.
private static final int CHAP_CHALLENGE = 60;
* Logger for logging information about malformed packets
private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(AccessRequest.class);