* $Id: RadiusAttribute.java,v 1.4 2006/02/20 23:37:38 wuttke Exp $
* Created on 07.04.2005
* Released under the terms of the LGPL
* @author Matthias Wuttke
* @version $Revision: 1.4 $
package org.tinyradius.attribute;
import org.tinyradius.dictionary.AttributeType;
import org.tinyradius.dictionary.DefaultDictionary;
import org.tinyradius.dictionary.Dictionary;
import org.tinyradius.util.RadiusException;
import org.tinyradius.util.RadiusUtil;
* This class represents a generic Radius attribute. Subclasses implement
* methods to access the fields of special attributes.
public class RadiusAttribute {
* Constructs an empty Radius attribute.
public RadiusAttribute() {
* Constructs a Radius attribute with the specified
* type and data.
* @param type attribute type, see AttributeTypes.*
* @param data attribute data
public RadiusAttribute(int type, byte[] data) {
* Returns the data for this attribute.
* @return attribute data
public byte[] getAttributeData() {
return attributeData;
* Sets the data for this attribute.
* @param attributeData attribute data
public void setAttributeData(byte[] attributeData) {
if (attributeData == null)
throw new NullPointerException("attribute data is null");
this.attributeData = attributeData;
* Returns the type of this Radius attribute.
* @return type code, 0-255
public int getAttributeType() {
return attributeType;
* Sets the type of this Radius attribute.
* @param attributeType type code, 0-255
public void setAttributeType(int attributeType) {
if (attributeType < 0 || attributeType > 255)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute type invalid: " + attributeType);
this.attributeType = attributeType;
* Sets the value of the attribute using a string.
* @param value value as a string
public void setAttributeValue(String value) {
throw new RuntimeException("cannot set the value of attribute " + attributeType + " as a string");
* Gets the value of this attribute as a string.
* @return value
* @exception RadiusException if the value is invalid
public String getAttributeValue() {
return RadiusUtil.getHexString(getAttributeData());
* Gets the Vendor-Id of the Vendor-Specific attribute this
* attribute belongs to. Returns -1 if this attribute is not
* a sub attribute of a Vendor-Specific attribute.
* @return vendor ID
public int getVendorId() {
return vendorId;
* Sets the Vendor-Id of the Vendor-Specific attribute this
* attribute belongs to. The default value of -1 means this attribute
* is not a sub attribute of a Vendor-Specific attribute.
* @param vendorId vendor ID
public void setVendorId(int vendorId) {
this.vendorId = vendorId;
* Returns the dictionary this Radius attribute uses.
* @return Dictionary instance
public Dictionary getDictionary() {
return dictionary;
* Sets a custom dictionary to use. If no dictionary is set,
* the default dictionary is used.
* @param dictionary Dictionary class to use
* @see DefaultDictionary
public void setDictionary(Dictionary dictionary) {
this.dictionary = dictionary;
* Returns this attribute encoded as a byte array.
* @return attribute
public byte[] writeAttribute() {
if (getAttributeType() == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute type not set");
if (attributeData == null)
throw new NullPointerException("attribute data not set");
byte[] attr = new byte[2 + attributeData.length];
attr[0] = (byte)getAttributeType();
attr[1] = (byte)(2 + attributeData.length);
System.arraycopy(attributeData, 0, attr, 2, attributeData.length);
return attr;
* Reads in this attribute from the passed byte array.
* @param data
public void readAttribute(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
throws RadiusException {
if (length < 2)
throw new RadiusException("attribute length too small: " + length);
int attrType = data[offset] & 0x0ff;
int attrLen = data[offset + 1] & 0x0ff;
byte[] attrData = new byte[attrLen - 2];
System.arraycopy(data, offset + 2, attrData, 0, attrLen - 2);
* String representation for debugging purposes.
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
String name;
// determine attribute name
AttributeType at = getAttributeTypeObject();
if (at != null)
name = at.getName();
else if (getVendorId() != -1)
name = "Unknown-Sub-Attribute-" + getAttributeType();
name = "Unknown-Attribute-" + getAttributeType();
// indent sub attributes
if (getVendorId() != -1)
name = " " + name;
return name + ": " + getAttributeValue();
* Retrieves an AttributeType object for this attribute.
* @return AttributeType object for (sub-)attribute or null
public AttributeType getAttributeTypeObject() {
if (getVendorId() != -1)
return dictionary.getAttributeTypeByCode(getVendorId(), getAttributeType());
return dictionary.getAttributeTypeByCode(getAttributeType());
* Creates a RadiusAttribute object of the appropriate type.
* @param dictionary Dictionary to use
* @param vendorId vendor ID or -1
* @param attributeType attribute type
* @return RadiusAttribute object
public static RadiusAttribute createRadiusAttribute(Dictionary dictionary, int vendorId, int attributeType) {
RadiusAttribute attribute = new RadiusAttribute();
AttributeType at = dictionary.getAttributeTypeByCode(vendorId, attributeType);
if (at != null && at.getAttributeClass() != null) {
try {
attribute = (RadiusAttribute)at.getAttributeClass().newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
// error instantiating class - should not occur
return attribute;
* Creates a Radius attribute, including vendor-specific
* attributes. The default dictionary is used.
* @param vendorId vendor ID or -1
* @param attributeType attribute type
* @return RadiusAttribute instance
public static RadiusAttribute createRadiusAttribute(int vendorId, int attributeType) {
Dictionary dictionary = DefaultDictionary.getDefaultDictionary();
return createRadiusAttribute(dictionary, vendorId, attributeType);
* Creates a Radius attribute. The default dictionary is
* used.
* @param attributeType attribute type
* @return RadiusAttribute instance
public static RadiusAttribute createRadiusAttribute(int attributeType) {
Dictionary dictionary = DefaultDictionary.getDefaultDictionary();
return createRadiusAttribute(dictionary, -1, attributeType);
* Dictionary to look up attribute names.
private Dictionary dictionary = DefaultDictionary.getDefaultDictionary();
* Attribute type
private int attributeType = -1;
* Vendor ID, only for sub-attributes of Vendor-Specific attributes.
private int vendorId = -1;
* Attribute data
private byte[] attributeData = null;