* PlanControllerTest.java 31 mai 2006
* Copyright (c) 2006 Emmanuel PUYBARET / eTeks <info@eteks.com>. All Rights
* Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package com.eteks.sweethome3d.junit;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.swing.undo.UndoManager;
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.io.DefaultUserPreferences;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.CollectionEvent;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.CollectionListener;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.Home;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.Selectable;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.UserPreferences;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.Wall;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.swing.SwingViewFactory;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.viewcontroller.PlanController;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.viewcontroller.ViewFactory;
* Tests {@link com.eteks.sweethome3d.viewcontroller.PlanController plan controller}.
* @author Emmanuel Puybaret
public class PlanControllerTest extends TestCase {
* Performs the same tests as {@link PlanComponentTest#testPlanComponent()}
* but with direct calls to controller in memory.
public void testPlanContoller() throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
// Run test in Event Dispatch Thread because the default view associated
// to plan controller instance performs some actions in EDT even if it's not displayed
EventQueue.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private void runPlanContollerTest() {
// 1. Create a frame that displays a PlanComponent at its preferred size,
Home home = new Home();
UserPreferences preferences = new DefaultUserPreferences();
ViewFactory viewFactory = new SwingViewFactory();
UndoableEditSupport undoSupport = new UndoableEditSupport();
UndoManager undoManager = new UndoManager();
PlanController planController =
new PlanController(home, preferences, viewFactory, null, undoSupport);
// Build an ordered list of walls added to home
final ArrayList<Wall> orderedWalls = new ArrayList<Wall>();
home.addWallsListener(new CollectionListener<Wall> () {
public void collectionChanged(CollectionEvent<Wall> ev) {
if (ev.getType() == CollectionEvent.Type.ADD) {
// 2. Use WALL_CREATION mode
// Click at (20, 20), (500, 22), (498, 300), then double click at (20, 302) in home coordinates space
planController.moveMouse(20, 20);
planController.pressMouse(20, 20, 1, false, false);
planController.releaseMouse(20, 20);
planController.moveMouse(500, 22);
planController.pressMouse(500, 22, 1, false, false);
planController.releaseMouse(500, 22);
planController.moveMouse(498, 300);
planController.pressMouse(498, 300, 1, false, false);
planController.releaseMouse(498, 300);
planController.moveMouse(20, 302);
planController.pressMouse(20, 302, 1, false, false);
planController.releaseMouse(20, 302);
planController.pressMouse(20, 302, 2, false, false);
planController.releaseMouse(20, 302);
// Check 3 walls were created at (20, 20), (500, 20), (500, 300) and (20, 300) coordinates
Wall wall1 = orderedWalls.get(0);
assertCoordinatesEqualWallPoints(20, 20, 500, 20, wall1);
Wall wall2 = orderedWalls.get(1);
assertCoordinatesEqualWallPoints(500, 20, 500, 300, wall2);
Wall wall3 = orderedWalls.get(2);
assertCoordinatesEqualWallPoints(500, 300, 20, 300, wall3);
// Check they are joined to each other end point
assertWallsAreJoined(null, wall1, wall2);
assertWallsAreJoined(wall1, wall2, wall3);
assertWallsAreJoined(wall2, wall3, null);
// Check they are selected
assertSelectionContains(home, wall1, wall2, wall3);
// 3. Click at (20, 300), then double click at (60, 60) with Alt key depressed
planController.moveMouse(20, 300);
planController.pressMouse(20, 300, 1, false, false);
planController.releaseMouse(20, 300);
planController.moveMouse(60, 60);
planController.pressMouse(60, 60, 1, false, false);
planController.releaseMouse(60, 60);
planController.pressMouse(60, 60, 2, false, false);
planController.releaseMouse(60, 60);
// Check a forth wall was created at (20, 300), (60, 60) coordinates
Wall wall4 = orderedWalls.get(orderedWalls.size() - 1);
assertCoordinatesEqualWallPoints(20, 300, 60, 60, wall4);
assertSelectionContains(home, wall4);
assertWallsAreJoined(wall3, wall4, null);
// 4. Use SELECTION mode
// Check current mode is SELECTION
assertEquals("Current mode isn't " + PlanController.Mode.SELECTION,
PlanController.Mode.SELECTION, planController.getMode());
// Press the delete key
// Check plan contains only the first three walls
assertHomeContains(home, wall1, wall2, wall3);
// 5. Use WALL_CREATION mode
// Click at (22, 18), then double click at (20, 300)
planController.moveMouse(22, 18);
planController.pressMouse(22, 18, 1, false, false);
planController.releaseMouse(22, 18);
planController.moveMouse(20, 300);
planController.pressMouse(20, 300, 1, false, false);
planController.releaseMouse(20, 300);
planController.pressMouse(20, 300, 2, false, false);
planController.releaseMouse(20, 300);
// Check a new forth wall was created at (20, 20), (20, 300) coordinates
wall4 = orderedWalls.get(orderedWalls.size() - 1);
assertCoordinatesEqualWallPoints(20, 20, 20, 300, wall4);
// Check its end points are joined to the first and third wall
assertWallsAreJoined(wall1, wall4, wall3);
// 6. Use SELECTION mode
// Drag and drop cursor from (360, 160) to (560, 320)
planController.moveMouse(360, 160);
planController.pressMouse(360, 160, 1, false, false);
planController.moveMouse(560, 320);
planController.releaseMouse(560, 320);
// Check the selected walls are the second and third ones
assertSelectionContains(home, wall2, wall3);
// 7. Press twice right arrow key
planController.moveSelection(2, 0);
planController.moveSelection(2, 0);
// Check the 4 walls coordinates are (20, 20), (504, 20), (504, 300), (24, 300)
assertCoordinatesEqualWallPoints(20, 20, 504, 20, wall1);
assertCoordinatesEqualWallPoints(504, 20, 504, 300, wall2);
assertCoordinatesEqualWallPoints(504, 300, 24, 300, wall3);
assertCoordinatesEqualWallPoints(20, 20, 24, 300, wall4);
// 8. Click at (504, 40) with Shift key depressed
planController.moveMouse(504, 40);
planController.pressMouse(504, 40, 1, true, false);
planController.releaseMouse(504, 40);
// Check the second wall was removed from selection
assertSelectionContains(home, wall3);
// 9. Drag cursor from (60, 20) to (60, 60)
planController.moveMouse(60, 20);
planController.pressMouse(60, 20, 1, false, false);
planController.moveMouse(60, 60);
// Check first wall is selected and that it moved
assertSelectionContains(home, wall1);
assertCoordinatesEqualWallPoints(20, 60, 504, 60, wall1);
// Lose focus
// Check the wall didn't move at end
assertCoordinatesEqualWallPoints(20, 20, 504, 20, wall1);
// 10. Undo 8 times
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// Check home doesn't contain any wall
// 11. Redo 8 times
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// Check plan contains the four wall
assertHomeContains(home, wall1, wall2, wall3, wall4);
// Check the second and the third wall are selected
assertSelectionContains(home, wall2, wall3);
* Asserts the start point and the end point of
* <code>wall</code> are at (<code>xStart</code>, <code>yStart</code>), (<code>xEnd</code>, <code>yEnd</code>).
private void assertCoordinatesEqualWallPoints(float xStart, float yStart, float xEnd, float yEnd, Wall wall) {
assertTrue("Incorrect X start " + xStart + " " + wall.getXStart(),
Math.abs(xStart - wall.getXStart()) < 1E-10);
assertTrue("Incorrect Y start " + yStart + " " + wall.getYStart(),
Math.abs(yStart - wall.getYStart()) < 1E-10);
assertTrue("Incorrect X end " + xEnd + " " + wall.getXEnd(),
Math.abs(xEnd - wall.getXEnd()) < 1E-10);
assertTrue("Incorrect Y end " + yEnd + " " + wall.getYEnd(),
Math.abs(yEnd - wall.getYEnd()) < 1E-10);
* Asserts <code>wall</code> is joined to <code>wallAtStart</code>
* and <code>wallAtEnd</code>.
private void assertWallsAreJoined(Wall wallAtStart, Wall wall, Wall wallAtEnd) {
assertSame("Incorrect wall at start", wallAtStart, wall.getWallAtStart());
assertSame("Incorrect wall at end", wallAtEnd, wall.getWallAtEnd());
* Asserts <code>home</code> contains <code>walls</code>.
private void assertHomeContains(Home home, Wall ... walls) {
Collection<Wall> planWalls = home.getWalls();
assertEquals("Home walls incorrect count",
walls.length, planWalls.size());
for (Wall wall : walls) {
assertTrue("Wall doesn't belong to plan", planWalls.contains(wall));
* Asserts <code>walls</code> are the current selected ones in <code>home</code>.
private void assertSelectionContains(Home home,
Wall ... walls) {
List<Selectable> selectedItems = home.getSelectedItems();
assertEquals(walls.length, selectedItems.size());
for (Wall wall : walls) {
assertTrue("Wall not selected", selectedItems.contains(wall));