* Home3DAttributesController.java 25 juin 07
* Sweet Home 3D, Copyright (c) 2007 Emmanuel PUYBARET / eTeks <info@eteks.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package com.eteks.sweethome3d.viewcontroller;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit;
import javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException;
import javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException;
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit;
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.Home;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.HomeEnvironment;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.HomeTexture;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.ObserverCamera;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.UserPreferences;
* A MVC controller for home 3D attributes view.
* @author Emmanuel Puybaret
public class Home3DAttributesController implements Controller {
* The properties that may be edited by the view associated to this controller.
* The possible values for {@linkplain #getGroundPaint() ground paint type}.
public enum EnvironmentPaint {COLORED, TEXTURED}
private final Home home;
private final UserPreferences preferences;
private final ViewFactory viewFactory;
private final ContentManager contentManager;
private final UndoableEditSupport undoSupport;
private TextureChoiceController groundTextureController;
private TextureChoiceController skyTextureController;
private final PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport;
private DialogView home3DAttributesView;
private int observerFieldOfViewInDegrees;
private float observerHeight;
private int groundColor;
private EnvironmentPaint groundPaint;
private int skyColor;
private EnvironmentPaint skyPaint;
private int lightColor;
private float wallsAlpha;
* Creates the controller of 3D view with undo support.
public Home3DAttributesController(Home home,
UserPreferences preferences,
ViewFactory viewFactory,
ContentManager contentManager,
UndoableEditSupport undoSupport) {
this.home = home;
this.preferences = preferences;
this.viewFactory = viewFactory;
this.contentManager = contentManager;
this.undoSupport = undoSupport;
this.propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
* Returns the texture controller of the ground.
public TextureChoiceController getGroundTextureController() {
// Create sub controller lazily only once it's needed
if (this.groundTextureController == null) {
this.groundTextureController = new TextureChoiceController(
this.preferences.getLocalizedString(Home3DAttributesController.class, "groundTextureTitle"),
this.preferences, this.viewFactory, this.contentManager);
new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
return this.groundTextureController;
* Returns the texture controller of the sky.
public TextureChoiceController getSkyTextureController() {
// Create sub controller lazily only once it's needed
if (this.skyTextureController == null) {
this.skyTextureController = new TextureChoiceController(
this.preferences.getLocalizedString(Home3DAttributesController.class, "skyTextureTitle"),
this.preferences, this.viewFactory, this.contentManager);
new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
return this.skyTextureController;
* Returns the view associated with this controller.
public DialogView getView() {
// Create view lazily only once it's needed
if (this.home3DAttributesView == null) {
this.home3DAttributesView = this.viewFactory.createHome3DAttributesView(
this.preferences, this);
return this.home3DAttributesView;
* Displays the view controlled by this controller.
public void displayView(View parentView) {
* Adds the property change <code>listener</code> in parameter to this controller.
public void addPropertyChangeListener(Property property, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
this.propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(property.name(), listener);
* Removes the property change <code>listener</code> in parameter from this controller.
public void removePropertyChangeListener(Property property, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
this.propertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(property.name(), listener);
* Updates edited properties from the 3D attributes of the home edited by this controller.
protected void updateProperties() {
this.home.getObserverCamera().getFieldOfView())) + 360) % 360);
setObserverHeight(this.home.getObserverCamera().getZ() * 15 / 14);
HomeEnvironment homeEnvironment = this.home.getEnvironment();
HomeTexture groundTexture = homeEnvironment.getGroundTexture();
if (groundTexture != null) {
} else {
HomeTexture skyTexture = homeEnvironment.getSkyTexture();
if (skyTexture != null) {
} else {
* Sets the edited observer field of view in degrees.
public void setObserverFieldOfViewInDegrees(int observerFieldOfViewInDegrees) {
if (observerFieldOfViewInDegrees != this.observerFieldOfViewInDegrees) {
int oldObserverFieldOfViewInDegrees = this.observerFieldOfViewInDegrees;
this.observerFieldOfViewInDegrees = observerFieldOfViewInDegrees;
oldObserverFieldOfViewInDegrees, observerFieldOfViewInDegrees);
* Returns the edited observer field of view in degrees.
public int getObserverFieldOfViewInDegrees() {
return this.observerFieldOfViewInDegrees;
* Sets the edited observer height.
public void setObserverHeight(float observerHeight) {
if (observerHeight != this.observerHeight) {
float oldObserverHeight = this.observerHeight;
this.observerHeight = observerHeight;
this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Property.OBSERVER_HEIGHT.name(), oldObserverHeight, observerHeight);
* Returns the edited observer height.
public float getObserverHeight() {
return this.observerHeight;
* Sets the edited ground color.
public void setGroundColor(int groundColor) {
if (groundColor != this.groundColor) {
int oldGroundColor = this.groundColor;
this.groundColor = groundColor;
this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Property.GROUND_COLOR.name(), oldGroundColor, groundColor);
* Returns the edited ground color.
public int getGroundColor() {
return this.groundColor;
* Sets whether the ground is colored or textured.
public void setGroundPaint(EnvironmentPaint groundPaint) {
if (groundPaint != this.groundPaint) {
EnvironmentPaint oldGroundPaint = this.groundPaint;
this.groundPaint = groundPaint;
this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Property.GROUND_PAINT.name(), oldGroundPaint, groundPaint);
* Returns whether the ground is colored or textured.
public EnvironmentPaint getGroundPaint() {
return this.groundPaint;
* Sets the edited sky color.
public void setSkyColor(int skyColor) {
if (skyColor != this.skyColor) {
int oldSkyColor = this.skyColor;
this.skyColor = skyColor;
this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Property.SKY_COLOR.name(), oldSkyColor, skyColor);
* Returns the edited sky color.
public int getSkyColor() {
return this.skyColor;
* Sets whether the sky is colored or textured.
public void setSkyPaint(EnvironmentPaint skyPaint) {
if (skyPaint != this.skyPaint) {
EnvironmentPaint oldSkyPaint = this.skyPaint;
this.skyPaint = skyPaint;
this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Property.SKY_PAINT.name(), oldSkyPaint, skyPaint);
* Returns whether the sky is colored or textured.
public EnvironmentPaint getSkyPaint() {
return this.skyPaint;
* Sets the edited light color.
public void setLightColor(int lightColor) {
if (lightColor != this.lightColor) {
int oldLightColor = this.lightColor;
this.lightColor = lightColor;
this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Property.LIGHT_COLOR.name(), oldLightColor, lightColor);
* Returns the edited light color.
public int getLightColor() {
return this.lightColor;
* Sets the edited walls transparency alpha.
public void setWallsAlpha(float wallsAlpha) {
if (wallsAlpha != this.wallsAlpha) {
float oldWallsAlpha = this.wallsAlpha;
this.wallsAlpha = wallsAlpha;
this.propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(Property.WALLS_ALPHA.name(), oldWallsAlpha, wallsAlpha);
* Returns the edited walls transparency alpha.
public float getWallsAlpha() {
return this.wallsAlpha;
* Controls the modification of the 3D attributes of the edited home.
public void modify3DAttributes() {
float observerCameraFieldOfView = (float)Math.toRadians(getObserverFieldOfViewInDegrees());
float observerCameraZ = getObserverHeight() * 14 / 15;
int groundColor = getGroundColor();
HomeTexture groundTexture = getGroundPaint() == EnvironmentPaint.TEXTURED
? getGroundTextureController().getTexture()
: null;
int skyColor = getSkyColor();
HomeTexture skyTexture = getSkyPaint() == EnvironmentPaint.TEXTURED
? getSkyTextureController().getTexture()
: null;
int lightColor = getLightColor();
float wallsAlpha = getWallsAlpha();
float oldObserverCameraFieldOfView = this.home.getObserverCamera().getFieldOfView();
float oldObserverCameraZ = this.home.getObserverCamera().getZ();
HomeEnvironment homeEnvironment = this.home.getEnvironment();
int oldGroundColor = homeEnvironment.getGroundColor();
HomeTexture oldGroundTexture = homeEnvironment.getGroundTexture();
int oldSkyColor = homeEnvironment.getSkyColor();
HomeTexture oldSkyTexture = homeEnvironment.getSkyTexture();
int oldLightColor = homeEnvironment.getLightColor();
float oldWallsAlpha = homeEnvironment.getWallsAlpha();
// Apply modification
doModify3DAttributes(home, observerCameraFieldOfView, observerCameraZ,
groundColor, groundTexture, skyColor, skyTexture, lightColor, wallsAlpha);
if (this.undoSupport != null) {
UndoableEdit undoableEdit = new Home3DAttributesModificationUndoableEdit(
this.home, this.preferences,
oldObserverCameraFieldOfView, oldObserverCameraZ,
oldGroundColor, oldGroundTexture, oldSkyColor,
oldSkyTexture, oldLightColor, oldWallsAlpha, observerCameraFieldOfView,
observerCameraZ, groundColor, groundTexture, skyColor,
skyTexture, lightColor, wallsAlpha);
* Undoable edit for 3D attributes modification. This class isn't anonymous to avoid
* being bound to controller and its view.
private static class Home3DAttributesModificationUndoableEdit extends AbstractUndoableEdit {
private final Home home;
private final UserPreferences preferences;
private final float oldObserverCameraFieldOfView;
private final float oldObserverCameraZ;
private final int oldGroundColor;
private final HomeTexture oldGroundTexture;
private final int oldSkyColor;
private final HomeTexture oldSkyTexture;
private final int oldLightColor;
private final float oldWallsAlpha;
private final float observerCameraFieldOfView;
private final float observerCameraZ;
private final int groundColor;
private final HomeTexture groundTexture;
private final int skyColor;
private final HomeTexture skyTexture;
private final int lightColor;
private final float wallsAlpha;
private Home3DAttributesModificationUndoableEdit(Home home,
UserPreferences preferences,
float oldObserverCameraFieldOfView,
float oldObserverCameraZ,
int oldGroundColor,
HomeTexture oldGroundTexture,
int oldSkyColor,
HomeTexture oldSkyTexture,
int oldLightColor,
float oldWallsAlpha,
float observerCameraFieldOfView,
float observerCameraZ,
int groundColor,
HomeTexture groundTexture,
int skyColor,
HomeTexture skyTexture,
int lightColor,
float wallsAlpha) {
this.home = home;
this.preferences = preferences;
this.oldObserverCameraFieldOfView = oldObserverCameraFieldOfView;
this.oldObserverCameraZ = oldObserverCameraZ;
this.oldGroundColor = oldGroundColor;
this.oldGroundTexture = oldGroundTexture;
this.oldSkyColor = oldSkyColor;
this.oldSkyTexture = oldSkyTexture;
this.oldLightColor = oldLightColor;
this.oldWallsAlpha = oldWallsAlpha;
this.observerCameraFieldOfView = observerCameraFieldOfView;
this.observerCameraZ = observerCameraZ;
this.groundColor = groundColor;
this.groundTexture = groundTexture;
this.skyColor = skyColor;
this.skyTexture = skyTexture;
this.lightColor = lightColor;
this.wallsAlpha = wallsAlpha;
public void undo() throws CannotUndoException {
doModify3DAttributes(this.home, this.oldObserverCameraFieldOfView, this.oldObserverCameraZ,
this.oldGroundColor, this.oldGroundTexture, this.oldSkyColor, this.oldSkyTexture, this.oldLightColor, this.oldWallsAlpha);
public void redo() throws CannotRedoException {
doModify3DAttributes(this.home, this.observerCameraFieldOfView, this.observerCameraZ,
this.groundColor, this.groundTexture, this.skyColor, this.skyTexture, this.lightColor, this.wallsAlpha);
public String getPresentationName() {
return this.preferences.getLocalizedString(
Home3DAttributesController.class, "undoModify3DAttributesName");
* Modifies the 3D attributes of the given <code>home</code>.
private static void doModify3DAttributes(Home home,
float observerCameraFieldOfView,
float observerCameraZ,
int groundColor, HomeTexture groundTexture,
int skyColor, HomeTexture skyTexture,
int lightColor, float wallsAlpha) {
ObserverCamera observerCamera = home.getObserverCamera();
HomeEnvironment homeEnvironment = home.getEnvironment();