* FurnitureController.java 15 mai 2006
* Sweet Home 3D, Copyright (c) 2006 Emmanuel PUYBARET / eTeks <info@eteks.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package com.eteks.sweethome3d.viewcontroller;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.swing.undo.AbstractUndoableEdit;
import javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException;
import javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException;
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEdit;
import javax.swing.undo.UndoableEditSupport;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.CollectionEvent;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.CollectionListener;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.Home;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.HomeFurnitureGroup;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.HomePieceOfFurniture;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.HomePieceOfFurniture.SortableProperty;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.Selectable;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.SelectionEvent;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.SelectionListener;
import com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.UserPreferences;
* A MVC controller for the home furniture table.
* @author Emmanuel Puybaret
public class FurnitureController implements Controller {
private final Home home;
private final UserPreferences preferences;
private final ViewFactory viewFactory;
private final ContentManager contentManager;
private final UndoableEditSupport undoSupport;
private View furnitureView;
private HomePieceOfFurniture leadSelectedPieceOfFurniture;
* Creates the controller of home furniture view.
* @param home the home edited by this controller and its view
* @param preferences the preferences of the application
* @param viewFactory a factory able to create the furniture view managed by this controller
public FurnitureController(Home home,
UserPreferences preferences,
ViewFactory viewFactory) {
this(home, preferences, viewFactory, null, null);
* Creates the controller of home furniture view with undo support.
public FurnitureController(final Home home,
UserPreferences preferences,
ViewFactory viewFactory,
ContentManager contentManager,
UndoableEditSupport undoSupport) {
this.home = home;
this.preferences = preferences;
this.viewFactory = viewFactory;
this.undoSupport = undoSupport;
this.contentManager = contentManager;
* Returns the view associated with this controller.
public View getView() {
// Create view lazily only once it's needed
if (this.furnitureView == null) {
this.furnitureView = this.viewFactory.createFurnitureView(this.home, this.preferences, this);
return this.furnitureView;
private void addModelListeners() {
// Add a selection listener that gets the lead selected piece in home
this.home.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {
public void selectionChanged(SelectionEvent ev) {
List<HomePieceOfFurniture> selectedFurniture =
if (selectedFurniture.isEmpty()) {
leadSelectedPieceOfFurniture = null;
} else if (leadSelectedPieceOfFurniture == null ||
selectedFurniture.size() == 1) {
leadSelectedPieceOfFurniture = selectedFurniture.get(0);
// Add listener to update base plan lock when furniture movability changes
final PropertyChangeListener furnitureChangeListener = new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) {
if (HomePieceOfFurniture.Property.MOVABLE.name().equals(ev.getPropertyName())) {
// Remove non movable pieces from selection when base plan is locked
HomePieceOfFurniture piece = (HomePieceOfFurniture)ev.getSource();
if (home.isBasePlanLocked()
&& isPieceOfFurniturePartOfBasePlan(piece)) {
List<Selectable> selectedItems = home.getSelectedItems();
if (selectedItems.contains(piece)) {
selectedItems = new ArrayList<Selectable>(selectedItems);
for (HomePieceOfFurniture piece : home.getFurniture()) {
this.home.addFurnitureListener(new CollectionListener<HomePieceOfFurniture> () {
public void collectionChanged(CollectionEvent<HomePieceOfFurniture> ev) {
if (ev.getType() == CollectionEvent.Type.ADD) {
} else if (ev.getType() == CollectionEvent.Type.DELETE) {
* Controls new furniture added to home.
* Once added the furniture will be selected in view
* and undo support will receive a new undoable edit.
* @param furniture the furniture to add.
public void addFurniture(List<HomePieceOfFurniture> furniture) {
final boolean oldBasePlanLocked = this.home.isBasePlanLocked();
final List<Selectable> oldSelection = this.home.getSelectedItems();
final HomePieceOfFurniture [] newFurniture = furniture.
toArray(new HomePieceOfFurniture [furniture.size()]);
// Get indices of furniture added to home
final int [] furnitureIndex = new int [furniture.size()];
int endIndex = this.home.getFurniture().size();
boolean basePlanLocked = oldBasePlanLocked;
for (int i = 0; i < furnitureIndex.length; i++) {
furnitureIndex [i] = endIndex++;
// Unlock base plan if the piece is a part of it
basePlanLocked &= !isPieceOfFurniturePartOfBasePlan(newFurniture [i]);
final boolean newBasePlanLocked = basePlanLocked;
doAddFurniture(newFurniture, furnitureIndex, newBasePlanLocked);
if (this.undoSupport != null) {
UndoableEdit undoableEdit = new AbstractUndoableEdit() {
public void undo() throws CannotUndoException {
doDeleteFurniture(newFurniture, oldBasePlanLocked);
public void redo() throws CannotRedoException {
doAddFurniture(newFurniture, furnitureIndex, newBasePlanLocked);
public String getPresentationName() {
return preferences.getLocalizedString(FurnitureController.class, "undoAddFurnitureName");
private void doAddFurniture(HomePieceOfFurniture [] furniture,
int [] furnitureIndex,
boolean basePlanLocked) {
for (int i = 0; i < furnitureIndex.length; i++) {
this.home.addPieceOfFurniture (furniture [i], furnitureIndex [i]);
* Controls the deletion of the current selected furniture in home.
* Once the selected furniture is deleted, undo support will receive a new undoable edit.
public void deleteSelection() {
* Deletes the furniture of <code>deletedFurniture</code> from home.
* Once the selected furniture is deleted, undo support will receive a new undoable edit.
public void deleteFurniture(List<HomePieceOfFurniture> deletedFurniture) {
final boolean basePlanLocked = this.home.isBasePlanLocked();
List<HomePieceOfFurniture> homeFurniture = this.home.getFurniture();
// Sort the deletable furniture in the ascending order of their index in home
Map<Integer, HomePieceOfFurniture> sortedMap =
new TreeMap<Integer, HomePieceOfFurniture>();
for (HomePieceOfFurniture piece : deletedFurniture) {
if (isPieceOfFurnitureDeletable(piece)) {
sortedMap.put(homeFurniture.indexOf(piece), piece);
final HomePieceOfFurniture [] furniture = sortedMap.values().
toArray(new HomePieceOfFurniture [sortedMap.size()]);
final int [] furnitureIndex = new int [furniture.length];
int i = 0;
for (int index : sortedMap.keySet()) {
furnitureIndex [i++] = index;
doDeleteFurniture(furniture, basePlanLocked);
if (this.undoSupport != null) {
UndoableEdit undoableEdit = new AbstractUndoableEdit() {
public void undo() throws CannotUndoException {
doAddFurniture(furniture, furnitureIndex, basePlanLocked);
public void redo() throws CannotRedoException {
doDeleteFurniture(furniture, basePlanLocked);
public String getPresentationName() {
return preferences.getLocalizedString(FurnitureController.class, "undoDeleteSelectionName");
private void doDeleteFurniture(HomePieceOfFurniture [] furniture,
boolean basePlanLocked) {
for (HomePieceOfFurniture piece : furniture) {
* Updates the selected furniture in home.
public void setSelectedFurniture(List<HomePieceOfFurniture> selectedFurniture) {
if (this.home.isBasePlanLocked()) {
selectedFurniture = getFurnitureNotPartOfBasePlan(selectedFurniture);
* Selects all furniture in home.
public void selectAll() {
* Returns <code>true</code> if the given <code>piece</code> is movable.
protected boolean isPieceOfFurniturePartOfBasePlan(HomePieceOfFurniture piece) {
return !piece.isMovable() || piece.isDoorOrWindow();
* Returns <code>true</code> if the given <code>piece</code> may be moved.
* Default implementation always returns <code>true</code>.
protected boolean isPieceOfFurnitureMovable(HomePieceOfFurniture piece) {
return true;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the given <code>piece</code> may be deleted.
* Default implementation always returns <code>true</code>.
protected boolean isPieceOfFurnitureDeletable(HomePieceOfFurniture piece) {
return true;
* Returns the furniture among the given list that are not part of the base plan.
private List<HomePieceOfFurniture> getFurnitureNotPartOfBasePlan(List<HomePieceOfFurniture> furniture) {
List<HomePieceOfFurniture> furnitureNotPartOfBasePlan = new ArrayList<HomePieceOfFurniture>();
for (HomePieceOfFurniture piece : furniture) {
if (!isPieceOfFurniturePartOfBasePlan(piece)) {
return furnitureNotPartOfBasePlan;
* Uses <code>furnitureProperty</code> to sort home furniture
* or cancels home furniture sort if home is already sorted on <code>furnitureProperty</code>
* @param furnitureProperty a property of {@link HomePieceOfFurniture HomePieceOfFurniture} class.
public void toggleFurnitureSort(HomePieceOfFurniture.SortableProperty furnitureProperty) {
if (furnitureProperty.equals(this.home.getFurnitureSortedProperty())) {
} else {
* Toggles home furniture sort order.
public void toggleFurnitureSortOrder() {
* Controls the sort of the furniture in home. If home furniture isn't sorted
* or is sorted on an other property, it will be sorted on the given
* <code>furnitureProperty</code> in ascending order. If home furniture is already
* sorted on the given <code>furnitureProperty<code>, it will be sorted in descending
* order, if the sort is in ascending order, otherwise it won't be sorted at all
* and home furniture will be listed in insertion order.
* @param furnitureProperty the furniture property on which the view wants
* to sort the furniture it displays.
public void sortFurniture(HomePieceOfFurniture.SortableProperty furnitureProperty) {
// Compute sort algorithm described in javadoc
final HomePieceOfFurniture.SortableProperty oldProperty =
final boolean oldDescending = this.home.isFurnitureDescendingSorted();
boolean descending = false;
if (furnitureProperty.equals(oldProperty)) {
if (oldDescending) {
furnitureProperty = null;
} else {
descending = true;
* Updates the furniture visible properties in home.
public void setFurnitureVisibleProperties(List<HomePieceOfFurniture.SortableProperty> furnitureVisibleProperties) {
* Toggles furniture property visibility in home.
public void toggleFurnitureVisibleProperty(HomePieceOfFurniture.SortableProperty furnitureProperty) {
List<SortableProperty> furnitureVisibleProperties =
new ArrayList<SortableProperty>(this.home.getFurnitureVisibleProperties());
if (furnitureVisibleProperties.contains(furnitureProperty)) {
// Ensure at least one column is visible
if (furnitureVisibleProperties.isEmpty()) {
} else {
// Add furniture property after the visible property that has the previous index in
// the following list
List<HomePieceOfFurniture.SortableProperty> propertiesOrder =
Arrays.asList(new HomePieceOfFurniture.SortableProperty [] {
int propertyIndex = propertiesOrder.indexOf(furnitureProperty) - 1;
if (propertyIndex > 0) {
while (propertyIndex > 0) {
int visiblePropertyIndex = furnitureVisibleProperties.indexOf(propertiesOrder.get(propertyIndex));
if (visiblePropertyIndex >= 0) {
propertyIndex = visiblePropertyIndex + 1;
} else {
if (propertyIndex < 0) {
propertyIndex = 0;
furnitureVisibleProperties.add(propertyIndex, furnitureProperty);
* Controls the modification of selected furniture.
public void modifySelectedFurniture() {
if (!Home.getFurnitureSubList(this.home.getSelectedItems()).isEmpty()) {
new HomeFurnitureController(this.home, this.preferences,
this.viewFactory, this.contentManager, this.undoSupport).displayView(getView());
* Groups the selected furniture as one piece of furniture.
public void groupSelectedFurniture() {
List<HomePieceOfFurniture> selectedFurniture = getMovableSelectedFurniture();
if (!selectedFurniture.isEmpty()) {
final boolean basePlanLocked = this.home.isBasePlanLocked();
final List<Selectable> oldSelection = this.home.getSelectedItems();
List<HomePieceOfFurniture> homeFurniture = this.home.getFurniture();
// Sort the grouped furniture in the ascending order of their index in home
Map<Integer, HomePieceOfFurniture> sortedMap =
new TreeMap<Integer, HomePieceOfFurniture>();
for (HomePieceOfFurniture piece : selectedFurniture) {
sortedMap.put(homeFurniture.indexOf(piece), piece);
final HomePieceOfFurniture [] groupPieces = sortedMap.values().
toArray(new HomePieceOfFurniture [sortedMap.size()]);
final int [] groupPiecesIndex = new int [groupPieces.length];
final boolean [] groupPiecesMovable = new boolean [groupPieces.length];
final boolean [] groupPiecesVisible = new boolean [groupPieces.length];
int i = 0;
for (Entry<Integer, HomePieceOfFurniture> pieceEntry : sortedMap.entrySet()) {
groupPiecesIndex [i] = pieceEntry.getKey();
groupPiecesMovable [i] = pieceEntry.getValue().isMovable();
groupPiecesVisible [i++] = pieceEntry.getValue().isVisible();
String furnitureGroupName = this.preferences.getLocalizedString(
FurnitureController.class, "groupName", getFurnitureGroupCount(homeFurniture) + 1);
final HomeFurnitureGroup furnitureGroup = new HomeFurnitureGroup(selectedFurniture, furnitureGroupName);
final int furnitureGroupIndex = homeFurniture.size() - groupPieces.length;
final boolean movable = furnitureGroup.isMovable();
doGroupFurniture(groupPieces, new HomeFurnitureGroup [] {furnitureGroup},
new int [] {furnitureGroupIndex}, basePlanLocked);
if (this.undoSupport != null) {
UndoableEdit undoableEdit = new AbstractUndoableEdit() {
public void undo() throws CannotUndoException {
doUngroupFurniture(groupPieces, groupPiecesIndex,
new HomeFurnitureGroup [] {furnitureGroup}, basePlanLocked);
for (int i = 0; i < groupPieces.length; i++) {
groupPieces [i].setMovable(groupPiecesMovable [i]);
groupPieces [i].setVisible(groupPiecesVisible [i]);
public void redo() throws CannotRedoException {
doGroupFurniture(groupPieces, new HomeFurnitureGroup [] {furnitureGroup},
new int [] {furnitureGroupIndex}, basePlanLocked);
public String getPresentationName() {
return preferences.getLocalizedString(FurnitureController.class, "undoGroupName");
* Returns the count of furniture groups among the given list.
private int getFurnitureGroupCount(List<HomePieceOfFurniture> furniture) {
int i = 0;
for (HomePieceOfFurniture piece : furniture) {
if (piece instanceof HomeFurnitureGroup) {
i += 1 + getFurnitureGroupCount(((HomeFurnitureGroup)piece).getFurniture());
return i;
private void doGroupFurniture(HomePieceOfFurniture [] groupPieces,
HomeFurnitureGroup [] furnitureGroups,
int [] furnitureGroupsIndex,
boolean basePlanLocked) {
doDeleteFurniture(groupPieces, basePlanLocked);
doAddFurniture(furnitureGroups, furnitureGroupsIndex, basePlanLocked);
private void doUngroupFurniture(HomePieceOfFurniture [] groupPieces,
int [] groupPiecesIndex,
HomeFurnitureGroup [] furnitureGroups,
boolean basePlanLocked) {
doDeleteFurniture(furnitureGroups, basePlanLocked);
doAddFurniture(groupPieces, groupPiecesIndex, basePlanLocked);
* Ungroups the selected groups of furniture.
public void ungroupSelectedFurniture() {
List<HomeFurnitureGroup> movableSelectedFurnitureGroups = new ArrayList<HomeFurnitureGroup>();
for (Selectable item : this.home.getSelectedItems()) {
if (item instanceof HomeFurnitureGroup) {
HomeFurnitureGroup group = (HomeFurnitureGroup)item;
if (isPieceOfFurnitureMovable(group)) {
if (!movableSelectedFurnitureGroups.isEmpty()) {
final boolean oldBasePlanLocked = this.home.isBasePlanLocked();
final List<Selectable> oldSelection = this.home.getSelectedItems();
List<HomePieceOfFurniture> homeFurniture = this.home.getFurniture();
// Sort the groups in the ascending order of their index in home
Map<Integer, HomeFurnitureGroup> sortedMap =
new TreeMap<Integer, HomeFurnitureGroup>();
for (HomeFurnitureGroup group : movableSelectedFurnitureGroups) {
sortedMap.put(homeFurniture.indexOf(group), group);
final HomeFurnitureGroup [] furnitureGroups = sortedMap.values().
toArray(new HomeFurnitureGroup [sortedMap.size()]);
final int [] furnitureGroupsIndex = new int [furnitureGroups.length];
int i = 0;
for (int index : sortedMap.keySet()) {
furnitureGroupsIndex [i++] = index;
List<HomePieceOfFurniture> groupPiecesList = new ArrayList<HomePieceOfFurniture>();
for (HomeFurnitureGroup furnitureGroup : furnitureGroups) {
final HomePieceOfFurniture [] groupPieces =
groupPiecesList.toArray(new HomePieceOfFurniture [groupPiecesList.size()]);
final int [] groupPiecesIndex = new int [groupPieces.length];
int endIndex = homeFurniture.size() - furnitureGroups.length;
boolean basePlanLocked = oldBasePlanLocked;
for (i = 0; i < groupPieces.length; i++) {
groupPiecesIndex [i] = endIndex++;
// Unlock base plan if the piece is a part of it
basePlanLocked &= !isPieceOfFurniturePartOfBasePlan(groupPieces [i]);
final boolean newBasePlanLocked = basePlanLocked;
doUngroupFurniture(groupPieces, groupPiecesIndex, furnitureGroups, newBasePlanLocked);
if (this.undoSupport != null) {
UndoableEdit undoableEdit = new AbstractUndoableEdit() {
public void undo() throws CannotUndoException {
doGroupFurniture(groupPieces, furnitureGroups, furnitureGroupsIndex, oldBasePlanLocked);
public void redo() throws CannotRedoException {
doUngroupFurniture(groupPieces, groupPiecesIndex, furnitureGroups, newBasePlanLocked);
public String getPresentationName() {
return preferences.getLocalizedString(FurnitureController.class, "undoUngroupName");
* Displays the wizard that helps to import furniture to home.
public void importFurniture() {
new ImportedFurnitureWizardController(this.home, this.preferences, this.viewFactory,
this.contentManager, this.undoSupport).displayView(getView());
* Displays the wizard that helps to import furniture to home with a
* given model name.
public void importFurniture(String modelName) {
new ImportedFurnitureWizardController(this.home, modelName, this.preferences,
this.viewFactory, this.contentManager, this.undoSupport).displayView(getView());
* Controls the alignment of selected furniture on top of the first selected piece.
public void alignSelectedFurnitureOnTop() {
final List<HomePieceOfFurniture> selectedFurniture = getMovableSelectedFurniture();
if (selectedFurniture.size() >= 2) {
final HomePieceOfFurniture leadPiece = this.leadSelectedPieceOfFurniture;
final AlignedPieceOfFurniture [] alignedFurniture =
AlignedPieceOfFurniture.getAlignedFurniture(selectedFurniture, leadPiece, false);
doAlignFurnitureOnTop(alignedFurniture, leadPiece);
if (this.undoSupport != null) {
UndoableEdit undoableEdit = new AbstractUndoableEdit() {
public void undo() throws CannotUndoException {
undoAlignFurniture(alignedFurniture, false);
public void redo() throws CannotRedoException {
doAlignFurnitureOnTop(alignedFurniture, leadPiece);
public String getPresentationName() {
return preferences.getLocalizedString(FurnitureController.class, "undoAlignName");
private List<HomePieceOfFurniture> getMovableSelectedFurniture() {
List<HomePieceOfFurniture> movableSelectedFurniture = new ArrayList<HomePieceOfFurniture>();
for (Selectable item : this.home.getSelectedItems()) {
if (item instanceof HomePieceOfFurniture) {
HomePieceOfFurniture piece = (HomePieceOfFurniture)item;
if (isPieceOfFurnitureMovable(piece)) {
return movableSelectedFurniture;
private void doAlignFurnitureOnTop(AlignedPieceOfFurniture [] alignedFurniture,
HomePieceOfFurniture leadPiece) {
float minYLeadPiece = getMinY(leadPiece);
for (AlignedPieceOfFurniture alignedPiece : alignedFurniture) {
HomePieceOfFurniture piece = alignedPiece.getPieceOfFurniture();
float minY = getMinY(piece);
piece.setY(piece.getY() + minYLeadPiece - minY);
private void undoAlignFurniture(AlignedPieceOfFurniture [] alignedFurniture,
boolean alignX) {
for (AlignedPieceOfFurniture alignedPiece : alignedFurniture) {
HomePieceOfFurniture piece = alignedPiece.getPieceOfFurniture();
if (alignX) {
} else {
* Controls the alignment of selected furniture on bottom of the first selected piece.
public void alignSelectedFurnitureOnBottom() {
final List<HomePieceOfFurniture> selectedFurniture = getMovableSelectedFurniture();
if (selectedFurniture.size() >= 2) {
final HomePieceOfFurniture leadPiece = this.leadSelectedPieceOfFurniture;
final AlignedPieceOfFurniture [] alignedFurniture =
AlignedPieceOfFurniture.getAlignedFurniture(selectedFurniture, leadPiece, false);
doAlignFurnitureOnBottom(alignedFurniture, leadPiece);
if (this.undoSupport != null) {
UndoableEdit undoableEdit = new AbstractUndoableEdit() {
public void undo() throws CannotUndoException {
undoAlignFurniture(alignedFurniture, false);
public void redo() throws CannotRedoException {
doAlignFurnitureOnBottom(alignedFurniture, leadPiece);
public String getPresentationName() {
return preferences.getLocalizedString(FurnitureController.class, "undoAlignName");
private void doAlignFurnitureOnBottom(AlignedPieceOfFurniture [] alignedFurniture,
HomePieceOfFurniture leadPiece) {
float maxYLeadPiece = getMaxY(leadPiece);
for (AlignedPieceOfFurniture alignedPiece : alignedFurniture) {
HomePieceOfFurniture piece = alignedPiece.getPieceOfFurniture();
float maxY = getMaxY(piece);
piece.setY(piece.getY() + maxYLeadPiece - maxY);
* Controls the alignment of selected furniture on left of the first selected piece.
public void alignSelectedFurnitureOnLeft() {
final List<HomePieceOfFurniture> selectedFurniture = getMovableSelectedFurniture();
if (selectedFurniture.size() >= 2) {
final HomePieceOfFurniture leadPiece = this.leadSelectedPieceOfFurniture;
final AlignedPieceOfFurniture [] alignedFurniture =
AlignedPieceOfFurniture.getAlignedFurniture(selectedFurniture, leadPiece, true);
doAlignFurnitureOnLeft(alignedFurniture, leadPiece);
if (this.undoSupport != null) {
UndoableEdit undoableEdit = new AbstractUndoableEdit() {
public void undo() throws CannotUndoException {
undoAlignFurniture(alignedFurniture, true);
public void redo() throws CannotRedoException {
doAlignFurnitureOnLeft(alignedFurniture, leadPiece);
public String getPresentationName() {
return preferences.getLocalizedString(FurnitureController.class, "undoAlignName");
private void doAlignFurnitureOnLeft(AlignedPieceOfFurniture [] alignedFurniture,
HomePieceOfFurniture leadPiece) {
float minXLeadPiece = getMinX(leadPiece);
for (AlignedPieceOfFurniture alignedPiece : alignedFurniture) {
HomePieceOfFurniture piece = alignedPiece.getPieceOfFurniture();
float minX = getMinX(piece);
piece.setX(piece.getX() + minXLeadPiece - minX);
* Controls the alignment of selected furniture on right of the first selected piece.
public void alignSelectedFurnitureOnRight() {
final List<HomePieceOfFurniture> selectedFurniture = getMovableSelectedFurniture();
if (selectedFurniture.size() >= 2) {
final HomePieceOfFurniture leadPiece = this.leadSelectedPieceOfFurniture;
final AlignedPieceOfFurniture [] alignedFurniture =
AlignedPieceOfFurniture.getAlignedFurniture(selectedFurniture, leadPiece, true);
doAlignFurnitureOnRight(alignedFurniture, leadPiece);
if (this.undoSupport != null) {
UndoableEdit undoableEdit = new AbstractUndoableEdit() {
public void undo() throws CannotUndoException {
undoAlignFurniture(alignedFurniture, true);
public void redo() throws CannotRedoException {
doAlignFurnitureOnRight(alignedFurniture, leadPiece);
public String getPresentationName() {
return preferences.getLocalizedString(FurnitureController.class, "undoAlignName");
private void doAlignFurnitureOnRight(AlignedPieceOfFurniture [] alignedFurniture,
HomePieceOfFurniture leadPiece) {
float maxXLeadPiece = getMaxX(leadPiece);
for (AlignedPieceOfFurniture alignedPiece : alignedFurniture) {
HomePieceOfFurniture piece = alignedPiece.getPieceOfFurniture();
float maxX = getMaxX(piece);
piece.setX(piece.getX() + maxXLeadPiece - maxX);
* Returns the minimum abcissa of the vertices of <code>piece</code>.
private float getMinX(HomePieceOfFurniture piece) {
float [][] points = piece.getPoints();
float minX = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (float [] point : points) {
minX = Math.min(minX, point [0]);
return minX;
* Returns the maximum abcissa of the vertices of <code>piece</code>.
private float getMaxX(HomePieceOfFurniture piece) {
float [][] points = piece.getPoints();
float maxX = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (float [] point : points) {
maxX = Math.max(maxX, point [0]);
return maxX;
* Returns the minimum ordinate of the vertices of <code>piece</code>.
private float getMinY(HomePieceOfFurniture piece) {
float [][] points = piece.getPoints();
float minY = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (float [] point : points) {
minY = Math.min(minY, point [1]);
return minY;
* Returns the maximum ordinate of the vertices of <code>piece</code>.
private float getMaxY(HomePieceOfFurniture piece) {
float [][] points = piece.getPoints();
float maxY = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (float [] point : points) {
maxY = Math.max(maxY, point [1]);
return maxY;
* Stores the current x or y value of an aligned piece of furniture.
private static class AlignedPieceOfFurniture {
private HomePieceOfFurniture piece;
private float xOrY;
public AlignedPieceOfFurniture(HomePieceOfFurniture piece,
boolean alignX) {
this.piece = piece;
if (alignX) {
this.xOrY = piece.getX();
} else {
this.xOrY = piece.getY();
public HomePieceOfFurniture getPieceOfFurniture() {
return this.piece;
public float getXOrY() {
return this.xOrY;
* A helper method that returns an array of <code>AlignedPieceOfFurniture</code>
* built from <code>furniture</code> pieces excepted for <code>leadPiece</code>.
public static AlignedPieceOfFurniture [] getAlignedFurniture(List<HomePieceOfFurniture> furniture,
HomePieceOfFurniture leadPiece,
boolean alignX) {
final AlignedPieceOfFurniture[] alignedFurniture =
new AlignedPieceOfFurniture[furniture.size() - 1];
int i = 0;
for (HomePieceOfFurniture piece : furniture) {
if (piece != leadPiece) {
alignedFurniture[i++] = new AlignedPieceOfFurniture(piece, alignX);
return alignedFurniture;