SpagoBI - The Business Intelligence Free Platform
Copyright (C) 2005 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package it.eng.spagobi.utilities.engines;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;
import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean;
import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBeanException;
import it.eng.spago.error.EMFInternalError;
import it.eng.spago.security.IEngUserProfile;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.bo.UserProfile;
import it.eng.spagobi.services.content.bo.Content;
import it.eng.spagobi.services.proxy.ContentServiceProxy;
import it.eng.spagobi.services.proxy.DataSetServiceProxy;
import it.eng.spagobi.services.proxy.DataSourceServiceProxy;
import it.eng.spagobi.services.proxy.DocumentExecuteServiceProxy;
import it.eng.spagobi.services.proxy.EventServiceProxy;
import it.eng.spagobi.tools.dataset.bo.IDataSet;
import it.eng.spagobi.tools.datasource.bo.IDataSource;
import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.ParametersDecoder;
import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.exceptions.SpagoBIRuntimeException;
* @author Andrea Gioia (andrea.gioia@eng.it)
public class EngineStartServletIOManager extends BaseServletIOManager {
private String userId;
private String userUniqueIdentifier;
private String userExecutionRole;
private String auditId;
private String documentId;
private Locale locale;
private String templateName;
private Content template;
private ContentServiceProxy contentProxy;
private AuditServiceProxy auditProxy;
private EventServiceProxy eventProxy;
private DataSourceServiceProxy datasourceProxy;
private DataSetServiceProxy datasetProxy;
private DocumentExecuteServiceProxy documentExecuteProxy;
IDataSource dataSource;
IDataSet dataSet;
private Map env;
private static final BASE64Decoder DECODER = new BASE64Decoder();
public static final String AUDIT_ID = "SPAGOBI_AUDIT_ID";
public static final String DOCUMENT_ID = "document";
public static final String EXECUTION_ROLE = "SBI_EXECUTION_ROLE";
public static final String COUNTRY = "SBI_COUNTRY";
public static final String LANGUAGE = "SBI_LANGUAGE";
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EngineStartServletIOManager.class);
public EngineStartServletIOManager(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
super(request, response);
public EngineStartServletIOManager(BaseServletIOManager baseIOManager) {
this(baseIOManager.getRequest(), baseIOManager.getResponse());
public UserProfile getUserProfile() {
return (UserProfile) getParameterFromSession(IEngUserProfile.ENG_USER_PROFILE);
public String getUserId() {
UserProfile profile = null;
if (userId == null) {
userId = (String) getUserProfile().getUserId();
return userId;
public String getUserIdentifier() {
IEngUserProfile profile = null;
if (userUniqueIdentifier == null) {
userUniqueIdentifier = (String) getUserProfile()
return userUniqueIdentifier;
public String getUserExecutionRole() {
if (userExecutionRole == null) {
userExecutionRole = this.getParameterAsString(EXECUTION_ROLE);
return userExecutionRole;
public String getDocumentId() {
String documentIdInSection = null;
if (documentId == null) {
documentIdInSection = getParameterFromSessionAsString(DOCUMENT_ID);
logger.debug("documentId in Session:" + documentIdInSection);
if (requestContainsParameter(DOCUMENT_ID)) {
documentId = getParameterAsString(DOCUMENT_ID);
} else {
documentId = documentIdInSection;
logger.debug("documentId has been taken from session");
return documentId;
* Gets the audit id.
* @return the audit id
public String getAuditId() {
if (auditId == null) {
auditId = getParameterAsString(AUDIT_ID);
return auditId;
public SourceBean getTemplateAsSourceBean() {
SourceBean templateSB = null;
try {
templateSB = SourceBean.fromXMLString(getTemplateAsString());
} catch (SourceBeanException e) {
logger.error("Impossible to decode template's content\n" + e);
throw new SpagoBIRuntimeException(
"Impossible to decode template's content ["
+ template.getFileName() + "]", e);
return templateSB;
public String getTemplateAsString() {
return new String(getTemplate());
public byte[] getTemplate() {
byte[] templateContent = null;
if (template == null) {
contentProxy = getContentServiceProxy();
HashMap requestParameters = ParametersDecoder.getDecodedRequestParameters(getRequestContainer());
template = contentProxy.readTemplate(documentId, requestParameters);
templateName = template.getFileName();
logger.debug("Read the template [" + template.getFileName() + "]");
try {
templateContent = DECODER.decodeBuffer(template.getContent());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SpagoBIRuntimeException(
"Impossible to get content from template ["
+ template.getFileName() + "]", e);
return templateContent;
public String getTemplateName() {
if (templateName == null) {
contentProxy = getContentServiceProxy();
HashMap requestParameters = ParametersDecoder.getDecodedRequestParameters(getRequestContainer());
template = contentProxy.readTemplate(documentId, requestParameters);
templateName = template.getFileName();
logger.debug("Read the template [" + template.getFileName() + "]");
return templateName;
public IDataSource getDataSource() {
if (dataSource == null) {
String connectionName = getParameterAsString("connectionName");
if (connectionName != null) {
logger.debug("Using dataSource passed in as parameter ["
+ connectionName + "]");
dataSource = getDataSourceServiceProxy().getDataSourceByLabel(
} else {
logger.debug("Using default dataSource");
dataSource = getDataSourceServiceProxy().getDataSource(
// handle multischema
if (dataSource != null && dataSource.checkIsJndi()
&& dataSource.checkIsMultiSchema()) {
logger.debug("Multi schema enabled [TRUE]");
logger.debug("Schema profile atribute name is equals to ["
+ dataSource.getSchemaAttribute() + "]");
if (dataSource.getSchemaAttribute() != null) {
String schema;
try {
schema = (String) getUserProfile().getUserAttribute(
.debug("Schema profile atribute value is equals to ["
+ schema + "]");
if (schema != null) {
dataSource.setJndi(dataSource.getJndi() + schema);
} catch (EMFInternalError e) {
logger.warn("Impossible to read attribute ["
+ dataSource.getSchemaAttribute()
+ "] from profile of user [" + getUserId()
+ "]", e);
return dataSource;
public IDataSet getDataSet() {
if (dataSet == null) {
dataSet = getDataSetServiceProxy().getDataSet(getDocumentId());
return dataSet;
public Locale getLocale() {
String language;
String country;
if (locale == null) {
language = getParameterAsString(LANGUAGE);
country = getParameterAsString(COUNTRY);
logger.debug("Locale parameters received: language = [" + language
+ "] ; country = [" + country + "]");
try {
locale = new Locale(language, country);
} catch (Exception e) {
.debug("Error while creating Locale object from input parameters: language = ["
+ language + "] ; country = [" + country + "]");
logger.debug("Creating default locale [en,US].");
locale = new Locale("en", "US");
return locale;
public void auditServiceStartEvent() {
if (getAuditServiceProxy() != null) {
} else {
.warn("Impossible to log START-EVENT because the audit proxy has not been instatiated properly");
public void auditServiceErrorEvent(String msg) {
if (getAuditServiceProxy() != null) {
} else {
.warn("Impossible to log ERROR-EVENT because the audit proxy has not been instatiated properly");
public void auditServiceEndEvent() {
if (getAuditServiceProxy() != null) {
} else {
.warn("Impossible to log END-EVENT because the audit proxy has not been instatiated properly");
public ContentServiceProxy getContentServiceProxy() {
if (contentProxy == null) {
contentProxy = new ContentServiceProxy(getUserIdentifier(),
return contentProxy;
public AuditServiceProxy getAuditServiceProxy() {
if (auditProxy == null && getAuditId() != null) {
auditProxy = new AuditServiceProxy(getAuditId(),
getUserIdentifier(), getHttpSession());
return auditProxy;
public EventServiceProxy getEventServiceProxy() {
if (eventProxy == null) {
eventProxy = new EventServiceProxy(getUserIdentifier(),
return eventProxy;
public DataSourceServiceProxy getDataSourceServiceProxy() {
if (datasourceProxy == null) {
datasourceProxy = new DataSourceServiceProxy(getUserIdentifier(),
return datasourceProxy;
public DataSetServiceProxy getDataSetServiceProxy() {
if (datasetProxy == null) {
datasetProxy = new DataSetServiceProxy(getUserIdentifier(),
return datasetProxy;
public DocumentExecuteServiceProxy getDocumentExecuteServiceProxy() {
if (documentExecuteProxy == null) {
documentExecuteProxy = new DocumentExecuteServiceProxy(getUserIdentifier(),
return documentExecuteProxy;
public Map getEnv() {
if (env == null) {
env = new HashMap();
env.put(EngineConstants.ENV_DATASOURCE, getDataSource());
env.put(EngineConstants.ENV_DATASET, getDataSet());
env.put(EngineConstants.ENV_DOCUMENT_ID, getDocumentId());
env.put(EngineConstants.ENV_CONTENT_SERVICE_PROXY, getContentServiceProxy());
env.put(EngineConstants.ENV_AUDIT_SERVICE_PROXY, getAuditServiceProxy());
env.put(EngineConstants.ENV_EVENT_SERVICE_PROXY, getEventServiceProxy());
env.put(EngineConstants.ENV_LOCALE, getLocale());
env.put(EngineConstants.ENV_USER_PROFILE, getUserProfile());
env.put(EngineConstants.ENV_EXECUTION_ROLE, getUserExecutionRole());
return env;
* Copy request parameters into env.
* @param env
* the env
* @param serviceRequest
* the service request
public void copyRequestParametersIntoEnv(Map env) {
Set parameterStopList = null;
Iterator parameterNames = null;
parameterStopList = new HashSet();
parameterNames = getRequestContainer().getKeys().iterator();
while (parameterNames.hasNext()) {
String parameterName = (String) parameterNames.next();
Object parameterValue = this.getParameter(parameterName);
logger.debug("Parameter [" + parameterName
+ "] has been read from request");
logger.debug("Parameter [" + parameterName + "] is of type "
+ parameterValue.getClass().getName());
logger.debug("Parameter [" + parameterName + "] is equal to "
+ parameterValue);
if (parameterStopList.contains(parameterName)) {
logger.debug("Parameter [" + parameterName
+ "] copyed into environment parameters list: FALSE");
env.put(parameterName, decodeParameterValue("" + parameterValue));
logger.debug("Parameter [" + parameterName
+ "] copyed into environment parameters list: TRUE");
* Decode parameter value.
* @param parValue
* the par value
* @return the string
private String decodeParameterValue(String parValue) {
String newParValue;
ParametersDecoder decoder = new ParametersDecoder();
if (decoder.isMultiValues(parValue)) {
List values = decoder.decode(parValue);
newParValue = "";
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
newParValue += (i > 0 ? "," : "");
newParValue += values.get(i);
} else {
newParValue = parValue;
return newParValue;
public String getLocalizedMessage(String msg) {
if (msg == null)
return "";
return EngineMessageBundle.getMessage(msg, getLocale());