Copyright 2004, 2007 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
This file is part of Spago.
Spago is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
any later version.
Spago is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Spago; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package it.eng.spago.navigation;
import it.eng.spago.base.Constants;
import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean;
import it.eng.spago.tracing.TracerSingleton;
import javax.portlet.PortletRequest;
import javax.portlet.PortletSession;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
public class LightNavigationManager {
public static final String LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_ID = "LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_ID";
private static final String _sessionAttributeBaseKey = "LIGHT_NAVIGATOR";
public static SourceBean controlLightNavigation (PortletRequest request, SourceBean serviceRequest) throws Exception {
Object o = (Object)request;
return controlLightNavigation(o, serviceRequest);
* This method is responsible for the requests stack (the <code>LightNavigator</code>) modification.
* It controls if there is one of the following attributes in the service request:
* <code>LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DESTROY</code> (requests stack is destroyed);
* <code>LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_RESET</code> (requests stack is resetted and current request is not put into stack);
* <code>LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_RESET_INSERT</code> (requests stack is resetted and current request is put into stack);
* <code>LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED</code> (the navigator is disabled: the stack is not modified and the original request is returned);
* <code>LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_BACK_TO</code> (the request in the stack at position represented by this attribute is returned);
* <code>LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_BACK_TO_MARK</code> (the request in the stack marked by the string represented by this attribute is returned);
* <code>LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_MARK</code> (the request at input is marked with the string represented by this attribute and put in the stack).
* <code>LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_REPLACE_LAST</code> (the more recent request is replaced by the request at input).
* If any errors occur, the original request is returned.
* @param portletRequest The <code>PortletRequest</code> object
* @param serviceRequest The original service request <code>SourceBean</code>
* @return the service request <code>SourceBean</code>
* @throws Exception
public static SourceBean controlLightNavigation (Object request, SourceBean serviceRequest) throws Exception {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "Method controlNavigation in LightNavigationManager class invoked with service request:\n" + serviceRequest);
if (request == null) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.CRITICAL, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"controlLightNavigation: request object at input is null.");
throw new Exception ("request object is null.");
if (serviceRequest == null) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.CRITICAL, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"controlLightNavigation: the service request SourceBean at input is null.");
throw new Exception ("Service request SourceBean is null.");
// Makes a clone of the serviceRequest, to be returned in case of errors
SourceBean savedServiceRequest = (SourceBean) serviceRequest.cloneObject();
LightNavigator lightNavigator = null;
try {
String lightNavigatorDestroy = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute(LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DESTROY);
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(lightNavigatorDestroy)) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: controlLightNavigation: " +
"Destroying light navigator.");
return serviceRequest;
// Retrieves the LightNavigator object from session; if it does not exist it creates a new one
lightNavigator = retrieveLightNavigatorFromSession(request);
// If LightNavigator is disabled return the serviceRequest unmodified
String lightNavigatorDisabled = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute(LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED);
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(lightNavigatorDisabled)) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigator disabled; " +
"return from the method controlNavigation without any modifications to the original request.");
//TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "The requests stack is not modified:\n" + lightNavigator.toString());
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "The requests stack is not modified.");
return serviceRequest;
String lightNavigatorBackTo = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute(LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_BACK_TO);
if (lightNavigatorBackTo != null) {
int position = Integer.parseInt(lightNavigatorBackTo);
MarkedRequest markedRequest = lightNavigator.goBackToPosition(position);
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: controlLightNavigation: " +
"returning request at position " + position + " of the stack.");
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "The requests stack now is:\n" + lightNavigator.toString());
return markedRequest.getRequest();
String lightNavigatorReplaceLast = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute(LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_REPLACE_LAST);
if (lightNavigatorReplaceLast != null) {
String mark = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute(LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_MARK);
MarkedRequest markedRequest = new MarkedRequest(serviceRequest, mark);
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: controlLightNavigation: " +
"substituted the more recent request (at position 0) of the stack with the input one.");
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "The requests stack now is:\n" + lightNavigator.toString());
return markedRequest.getRequest();
String lightNavigatorBackToMark = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute(LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_BACK_TO_MARK);
if (lightNavigatorBackToMark != null) {
MarkedRequest markedRequest = lightNavigator.goBackToMark(lightNavigatorBackToMark);
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: controlLightNavigation: " +
"returning request with mark " + lightNavigatorBackToMark + " of the stack.");
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "The requests stack now is:\n" + lightNavigator.toString());
return markedRequest.getRequest();
String lightNavigatorReset = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute(LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_RESET);
if (lightNavigatorReset != null) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: controlLightNavigation: " +
"stack reset executed.");
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "The requests stack now is empty.");
return serviceRequest;
String lightNavigatorResetInsert = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute(LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_RESET_INSERT);
if (lightNavigatorResetInsert != null) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: controlLightNavigation: " +
"stack reset executed.");
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "The requests stack now is empty.");
String mark = (String) serviceRequest.getAttribute(LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_MARK);
MarkedRequest markedRequest = new MarkedRequest(serviceRequest, mark);
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: controlLightNavigation: " +
"putting the request in the stack " +
(mark == null ? "without mark" : "with mark '" + mark + "'") + ". Returning unmodified request.");
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "The requests stack now is:\n" + lightNavigator.toString());
return serviceRequest;
} catch (Exception e) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.MAJOR, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"controlLightNavigation: an exception occurred. " +
"Returning the original request.", e);
if (lightNavigator != null) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "The requests stack now is:\n" +
return savedServiceRequest;
* Retrieves the <code>LightNavigator</code> object from session; if it does not exist it creates a new one
* @param The request object (it can be a <code>HttpServletRequest</code> or a <code>PortletRequest</code> object)
* @throws Exception
private static LightNavigator retrieveLightNavigatorFromSession (Object request) throws Exception {
if (!(request instanceof PortletRequest) && !(request instanceof HttpServletRequest)) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.CRITICAL, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"retrieveLightNavigatorFromSession: request object is neither a PortletRequest " +
"nor an HttpServletRequest");
throw new Exception ("request object is neither a PortletRequest nor an HttpServletRequest");
LightNavigator lightNavigator = null;
if (request instanceof PortletRequest) {
PortletRequest portletRequest = (PortletRequest)request;
PortletSession session = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
String sessionAttributeKey = _sessionAttributeBaseKey;
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"destroyLightNavigatorFromSession: looking for lightNavigator in session with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "]");
Object lightNavigatorObj = session.getAttribute(sessionAttributeKey);
if (lightNavigatorObj != null) {
if (lightNavigatorObj instanceof LightNavigator) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"retrieveLightNavigatorFromSession: LightNavigator retrieved from session correctly.");
lightNavigator = (LightNavigator) lightNavigatorObj;
} else {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.CRITICAL, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"retrieveLightNavigatorFromSession: session attribute with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "] is not a " +
"LightNavigator object!! Cannot proceed!!");
throw new Exception ("Session attribute with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "] is not a LightNavigator object!!");
} else {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"retrieveLightNavigatorFromSession: LightNavigator not existing. Creating a new one and putting it " +
"in session with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "].");
lightNavigator = new LightNavigator();
session.setAttribute(sessionAttributeKey, lightNavigator);
} else if(request instanceof HttpServletRequest) {
HttpServletRequest servRequest = (HttpServletRequest)request;
HttpSession session = servRequest.getSession();
String sessionAttributeKey = getSessionAttributeKey(servRequest);
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"retrieveLightNavigatorFromSession: looking for lightNavigator in session with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "]");
Object lightNavigatorObj = session.getAttribute(sessionAttributeKey);
if (lightNavigatorObj != null) {
if (lightNavigatorObj instanceof LightNavigator) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"retrieveLightNavigatorFromSession: LightNavigator retrieved from session correctly.");
lightNavigator = (LightNavigator) lightNavigatorObj;
} else {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.CRITICAL, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"retrieveLightNavigatorFromSession: session attribute with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "] is not a " +
"LightNavigator object!! Cannot proceed!!");
throw new Exception ("Session attribute with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "] is not a LightNavigator object!!");
} else {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"retrieveLightNavigatorFromSession: LightNavigator not existing. Creating a new one and putting it " +
"in session with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "].");
lightNavigator = new LightNavigator();
session.setAttribute(sessionAttributeKey, lightNavigator);
return lightNavigator;
private static String getSessionAttributeKey(HttpServletRequest servRequest) {
String sessionAttributeKey = _sessionAttributeBaseKey;
String navigatorId = servRequest.getParameter(LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_ID);
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"getSessionAttributeKey: LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_ID parameter in httprequest is " + navigatorId);
if (navigatorId != null && !navigatorId.trim().equals("")) {
sessionAttributeKey += "_" + navigatorId;
return sessionAttributeKey;
* Destroys the <code>LightNavigator</code> object from session
* @param The request object (it can be a <code>HttpServletRequest</code> or a <code>PortletRequest</code> object)
* @throws Exception
private static void destroyLightNavigatorFromSession (Object request) throws Exception {
if (!(request instanceof PortletRequest) && !(request instanceof HttpServletRequest)) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.CRITICAL, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"destroyLightNavigatorFromSession: request object is neither a PortletRequest " +
"nor an HttpServletRequest");
throw new Exception ("request object is neither a PortletRequest nor an HttpServletRequest");
if (request instanceof PortletRequest) {
PortletRequest portletRequest = (PortletRequest)request;
PortletSession session = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
String sessionAttributeKey = _sessionAttributeBaseKey;
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"destroyLightNavigatorFromSession: looking for lightNavigator in session with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "]");
Object lightNavigatorObj = session.getAttribute(sessionAttributeKey);
if (lightNavigatorObj != null) {
if (lightNavigatorObj instanceof LightNavigator) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"destroyLightNavigatorFromSession: LightNavigator present on session with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "]. " +
"It will be removed.");
} else {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.CRITICAL, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"destroyLightNavigatorFromSession: session attribute with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "] is not a " +
"LightNavigator object!! Cannot destroy it!!");
throw new Exception ("Session attribute with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "] is not a LightNavigator object!!");
} else {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"destroyLightNavigatorFromSession: LightNavigator not existing on session with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "].");
} else if (request instanceof HttpServletRequest) {
HttpServletRequest servRequest = (HttpServletRequest)request;
HttpSession session = servRequest.getSession();
String sessionAttributeKey = getSessionAttributeKey(servRequest);
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"destroyLightNavigatorFromSession: looking for lightNavigator in session with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "]");
Object lightNavigatorObj = session.getAttribute(sessionAttributeKey);
if (lightNavigatorObj != null) {
if (lightNavigatorObj instanceof LightNavigator) {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"destroyLightNavigatorFromSession: LightNavigator present on session with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "]. " +
"It will be removed.");
} else {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.CRITICAL, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"destroyLightNavigatorFromSession: session attribute with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "] is not a " +
"LightNavigator object!! Cannot destroy it!!");
throw new Exception ("Session attribute with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "] is not a LightNavigator object!!");
} else {
TracerSingleton.log(Constants.NOME_MODULO, TracerSingleton.DEBUG, "LightNavigationManager: " +
"destroyLightNavigatorFromSession: LightNavigator not existing on session with key = [" + sessionAttributeKey + "].");