
Source Code of


SpagoBI - The Business Intelligence Free Platform

Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA


import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean;
import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBeanAttribute;
import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBeanException;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.SpagoBIConstants;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.SpagoBITracer;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.quartz.CronTrigger;
import org.quartz.JobDataMap;
import org.quartz.JobDetail;
import org.quartz.Scheduler;
import org.quartz.SchedulerException;
import org.quartz.SimpleTrigger;
import org.quartz.Trigger;
import org.quartz.TriggerUtils;
import org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory;
import org.quartz.xml.JobSchedulingDataProcessor.MisfireInstructionRule;
import org.safehaus.uuid.UUIDGenerator;

public class SchedulerServiceSupplier {

    static private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SchedulerServiceSupplier.class);
   * Gets the job list.
   * @return the job list
  public String getJobList() {
    String xml = "";
    try {
      Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler();
      List toReturn = new ArrayList();
      String[] groups = scheduler.getJobGroupNames();
      if (groups == null || groups.length == 0) {
        SpagoBITracer.warning(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                          "getJobList", "No job groups defined!");
      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
          String group = groups[i];
          String[] jobNames = scheduler.getJobNames(group);
          if (jobNames == null || jobNames.length == 0) {
            SpagoBITracer.warning(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                              "getJobList", "No job defined for group " + group + "!");
          } else {
            for (int j = 0; j < jobNames.length; j++) {
              JobDetail aJob = scheduler.getJobDetail(jobNames[j], group);
      xml = buildJobListXmlString(toReturn);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      SpagoBITracer.major(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                        "getJobList", "Error while recovering job list");
      xml = "<ROWS></ROWS>";
    return xml;
   * Builds the job list xml string.
   * @param toReturn the to return
   * @return the string
   * @throws SourceBeanException the source bean exception
  public  String buildJobListXmlString(List toReturn) throws SourceBeanException {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("<ROWS>");
    Iterator it = toReturn.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      JobDetail job = (JobDetail);
      String jobName = job.getName();
      String jobGroupName = job.getGroup();
      String jobDescription = job.getDescription();
      String jobClassName = job.getJobClass().getName();
      String jobDurability = job.isDurable() ? "true" : "false";
      String jobRequestRecovery = job.requestsRecovery() ? "true" : "false";
      String jobVolatility = job.isVolatile() ? "true" : "false";
      buffer.append("<ROW ");
      buffer.append(" jobName=\"" + (jobName != null ? jobName : "") + "\"");
      buffer.append(" jobGroupName=\"" + (jobGroupName != null ? jobGroupName : "") + "\"");
      buffer.append(" jobDescription=\"" + (jobDescription != null ? jobDescription : "") + "\"");
      buffer.append(" jobClass=\"" + (jobClassName != null ? jobClassName : "") + "\"");
      buffer.append(" jobDurability=\"" + jobDurability + "\"");
      buffer.append(" jobRequestRecovery=\"" + jobRequestRecovery + "\"");
      buffer.append(" jobVolatility=\"" + jobVolatility + "\"");
      buffer.append(" />");
    return buffer.toString();
   * Gets the job schedulation list.
   * @param jobName the job name
   * @param jobGroup the job group
   * @return the job schedulation list
  public   String getJobSchedulationList(String jobName, String jobGroup) {
    String xml = "";
    try {
      Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler();
      if (jobName == null || jobName.trim().equals("")) {
        SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(), "getJobDefinition",
                    "Missing job name request parameter!");
        throw new Exception("Job name not found !");
      if (jobGroup == null || jobGroup.trim().equals("")) {
        SpagoBITracer.major(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(), "getJobDefinition",
                  "Missing job group name! Using default group...");
        jobGroup = Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP;
      Trigger[] triggers = scheduler.getTriggersOfJob(jobName, jobGroup);
      xml = buildTriggersListXmlString(triggers);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      SpagoBITracer.major(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(), "getJobDefinition",
                "Error while recovering job schedulation list ", e);
      xml = "<ROWS></ROWS>";
    return xml;
   * Builds the triggers list xml string.
   * @param triggers the triggers
   * @return the string
   * @throws SourceBeanException the source bean exception
  public  String buildTriggersListXmlString(Trigger[] triggers) throws SourceBeanException {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("<ROWS>");
    if (triggers != null && triggers.length > 0) {
      for (int i = 0; i < triggers.length; i++) {
        Trigger trigger = triggers[i];
        if(trigger.getName().startsWith("schedule_uuid_")) {
        buffer.append("<ROW ");
        String triggerName = trigger.getName();
        String triggerGroup = trigger.getGroup();
        String triggerDescription = trigger.getDescription();
        String triggerCalendarName = trigger.getCalendarName();
        Date triggerStartTime = trigger.getStartTime();
        String triggerStartTimeStr = triggerStartTime != null ? triggerStartTime.toString(): "";
        Date triggerEndTime = trigger.getEndTime();
        String triggerEndTimeStr = triggerEndTime != null ? triggerEndTime.toString(): "";
        buffer.append(" triggerName=\"" + (triggerName != null ? triggerName : "") + "\"");
        buffer.append(" triggerGroup=\"" + (triggerGroup != null ? triggerGroup : "") + "\"");
        buffer.append(" triggerDescription=\"" + (triggerDescription != null ? triggerDescription : "") + "\"");
        buffer.append(" triggerCalendarName=\"" + (triggerCalendarName != null ? triggerCalendarName : "") + "\"");
        buffer.append(" triggerStartTime=\"" + triggerStartTimeStr + "\"");
        buffer.append(" triggerEndTime=\"" + triggerEndTimeStr + "\"");
        buffer.append(" />");
    return buffer.toString();
   * Delete schedulation.
   * @param triggerName the trigger name
   * @param triggerGroup the trigger group
   * @return the string
  public   String deleteSchedulation(String triggerName, String triggerGroup) {
    StringBuffer servreponse = new StringBuffer();
      Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler();
      servreponse.append("<EXECUTION_OUTCOME ");
      try {
        scheduler.unscheduleJob(triggerName, triggerGroup);
      } catch (SchedulerException e) {
        SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                     "deleteSchedulation", "Error while deleting trigger", e);
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return servreponse.toString();
   * Delete job.
   * @param jobName the job name
   * @param jobGroupName the job group name
   * @return the string
  public   String deleteJob(String jobName, String jobGroupName) {
    StringBuffer servreponse = new StringBuffer();
    try {
      Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler();
      servreponse.append("<EXECUTION_OUTCOME ");
      scheduler.deleteJob(jobName, jobGroupName);
    } catch (SchedulerException e) {
      SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(), "deleteJob",
          "Error while deleting job", e);
    return servreponse.toString();
   * Define job.
   * @param xmlRequest the xml request
   * @return the string
  public   String defineJob(String xmlRequest) {
    StringBuffer servreponse = new StringBuffer();
      Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler();
      SourceBean request = SourceBean.fromXMLString(xmlRequest);
      servreponse.append("<EXECUTION_OUTCOME ");
      String jobName = (String)request.getAttribute("jobName");
      String jobgroupName = (String)request.getAttribute("jobGroupName");
        jobgroupName = Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP;
      String jobDescription = (String)request.getAttribute("jobDescription");
        jobDescription = "";
      String jobRequestRecoveryStr = (String)request.getAttribute("jobRequestRecovery");
      boolean jobRequestRecovery = false;
      if((jobRequestRecoveryStr!=null) && (jobRequestRecoveryStr.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true")))
        jobRequestRecovery = true;
      SourceBean jobParameters = (SourceBean)request.getAttribute("PARAMETERS");
      // transform parameters sourcebean into JobDataMap structure and set it into the jobDetail
      JobDataMap jdm = getJobDataMap(jobParameters);
      // get the job class
      String jobClassName = (String)request.getAttribute("jobClass");
      Class jobClass = null;
      try {
        jobClass = Class.forName(jobClassName);
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE+"(SCHEDULER)", this.getClass().getName(),
                           "defineJob", "Class '" + jobClassName + "' not found for job with name '" + jobName + "' of group '" + jobgroupName + "'!");
        throw e;
      JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail();
      // ADD JOB
      try {
        scheduler.addJob(jobDetail, true);
      } catch (SchedulerException e) {
        SpagoBITracer.major(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE+"(SCHEDULER)", this.getClass().getName(),
                           "defineJob", "Error while adding job to the scheduler", e);
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return servreponse.toString();
   * Gets the job data map.
   * @param jobParameters the job parameters
   * @return the job data map
  public  JobDataMap getJobDataMap(SourceBean jobParameters) {
    JobDataMap jdm = new JobDataMap();
    jdm.put("empty", "empty");
    if(jobParameters!=null) {
      List paramsSB = jobParameters.getContainedAttributes();
      Iterator iterParSb = paramsSB.iterator();
      while(iterParSb.hasNext()) {
          SourceBeanAttribute paramSBA = (SourceBeanAttribute);
          String nameAttr = (String)paramSBA.getKey();
          if(nameAttr.equalsIgnoreCase("PARAMETER")) {
            SourceBean paramSB = (SourceBean)paramSBA.getValue();
            String name = (String)paramSB.getAttribute("name");
            String value = (String)paramSB.getAttribute("value");
            jdm.put(name, value);
    return jdm;
   * Gets the job definition.
   * @param jobName the job name
   * @param jobGroup the job group
   * @return the job definition
  public   String getJobDefinition(String jobName, String jobGroup) {
    String jobStr = "";
      Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler();
      if (jobName == null || jobName.trim().equals("")) {
        SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                     "getJobDefinition", "Missing job name request parameter!");
        throw new Exception("Missing job name request parameter!");
      if (jobGroup == null || jobGroup.trim().equals("")) {
        SpagoBITracer.major(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                  "getJobDefinition", "Missing job group name! Using default group...");
        jobGroup = Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP;
      JobDetail aJob = scheduler.getJobDetail(jobName, jobGroup);
      if (aJob == null) {
        SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(), "getJobDefinition",
                     "Job with name '" + jobName + "' not found in group '" + jobGroup + "'!");
        throw new Exception("Job with name '" + jobName + "' not found in group '" + jobGroup + "'!");
      jobStr = serializeJobDetail(aJob);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                      "getJobDefinition", "Error while recovering job definition");
    return jobStr;
   * Serialize job detail.
   * @param job the job
   * @return the string
   * @throws SourceBeanException the source bean exception
  public  String serializeJobDetail(JobDetail job) throws SourceBeanException {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("<JOB_DETAIL ");
    String jobName = job.getName();
    String jobGroupName = job.getGroup();
    String jobDescription = job.getDescription();
    String jobClassName = job.getJobClass().getName();
    String jobDurability = job.isDurable() ? "true" : "false";
    String jobRequestRecovery = job.requestsRecovery() ? "true" : "false";
    String jobVolatility = job.isVolatile() ? "true" : "false";
    JobDataMap jobDataMap = job.getJobDataMap();
    buffer.append(" jobName=\"" + (jobName != null ? jobName : "") + "\"");
    buffer.append(" jobGroupName=\"" + (jobGroupName != null ? jobGroupName : "") + "\"");
    buffer.append(" jobDescription=\"" + (jobDescription != null ? jobDescription : "") + "\"");
    buffer.append(" jobClass=\"" + (jobClassName != null ? jobClassName : "") + "\"");
    buffer.append(" jobDurability=\"" + jobDurability + "\"");
    buffer.append(" jobRequestRecovery=\"" + jobRequestRecovery + "\"");
    buffer.append(" jobVolatility=\"" + jobVolatility + "\"");
    buffer.append(" >");
    if (jobDataMap != null && !jobDataMap.isEmpty()) {
      String[] keys = jobDataMap.getKeys();
      if (keys != null && keys.length > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
          buffer.append("<JOB_PARAMETER ");
          String key = keys[i];
          String value = jobDataMap.getString(key);
          if (value == null) {
            SpagoBITracer.warning("SCHEDULER", this.getClass().getName(), "loadJobDetailIntoResponse",
            "Job parameter '" + key + "' has no String value!!")
          buffer.append(" name=\"" + key + "\"");
          buffer.append(" value=\"" + value + "\"");
          buffer.append(" />");
    return buffer.toString();
   * Schedule job.
   * @param xmlRequest the xml request
   * @return the string
  public String scheduleJob(String xmlRequest) {
    StringBuffer servreponse = new StringBuffer();
      Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler();
      SourceBean request = SourceBean.fromXMLString(xmlRequest);
      servreponse.append("<EXECUTION_OUTCOME ");
      String runImmediately = (String) request.getAttribute("runImmediately");
      if( (runImmediately!=null) && runImmediately.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
        String jobName = (String) request.getAttribute("jobName");
        String jobGroup = (String) request.getAttribute("jobGroup");
          jobGroup = Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP;
        // recover scheduling parameters
        SourceBean jobParameters = (SourceBean)request.getAttribute("PARAMETERS");
        // transform parameters sourcebean into JobDataMap structure and set it into the jobDetail
        JobDataMap jdm = getJobDataMap(jobParameters);
        String nameTrig = "schedule_uuid_" + UUIDGenerator.getInstance().generateTimeBasedUUID().toString();
        Trigger trigger = TriggerUtils.makeImmediateTrigger(nameTrig, 0, 10000);
      } else {
        String triggerName = (String) request.getAttribute("triggerName");
        String triggerDescription = (String) request.getAttribute("triggerDescription");
        String triggerGroup = (String) request.getAttribute("triggerGroup");
          triggerGroup = Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP;
        String jobName = (String) request.getAttribute("jobName");
        String jobGroup = (String) request.getAttribute("jobGroup");
          jobGroup = Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP;
        // recover scheduling parameters
        SourceBean jobParameters = (SourceBean)request.getAttribute("PARAMETERS");
        // transform parameters sourcebean into JobDataMap structure and set it into the jobDetail
        JobDataMap jdm = getJobDataMap(jobParameters);
        // recover and transform dates
        // get the start date param (format yyyy-mm-gg) and start time (format hh:mm:ss....)
        String startDateStr = (String)request.getAttribute("startDate");
        String startTimeStr = (String)request.getAttribute("startTime");
        String startDay = startDateStr.substring(0,2);
        String startMonth = startDateStr.substring(3, 5);
        String startYear = startDateStr.substring(6,10);
        Calendar startCal = new GregorianCalendar(new Integer(startYear).intValue(),
                                              new Integer(startMonth).intValue()-1,
                                              new Integer(startDay).intValue());
        if(startTimeStr!=null) {
          String startHour = startTimeStr.substring(0, 2);
          String startMinute = startTimeStr.substring(3, 5);
          startCal.set(startCal.HOUR_OF_DAY, new Integer(startHour).intValue());
          startCal.set(startCal.MINUTE, new Integer(startMinute).intValue());
        Date startDate = startCal.getTime();
        //  get the end date param (format yyyy-mm-gg) and end time (format hh:mm:ss)
        Date endDate = null;
        String endDateStr = (String)request.getAttribute("endDate");
          String endDay = endDateStr.substring(8);
          String endMonth = endDateStr.substring(5, 7);
          String endYear = endDateStr.substring(0, 4);
          Calendar endCal = new GregorianCalendar(new Integer(endYear).intValue(),
                                       new Integer(endMonth).intValue()-1,
                                       new Integer(endDay).intValue());
          String endTimeStr = (String)request.getAttribute("endTime");
          if(endTimeStr!=null) {
            String endHour = endTimeStr.substring(0, 2);
            String endMinute = endTimeStr.substring(3, 5);
            endCal.set(endCal.HOUR_OF_DAY, new Integer(endHour).intValue());
            endCal.set(endCal.MINUTE, new Integer(endMinute).intValue());
          endDate = endCal.getTime();
        // get the chron string
        String chronStr = (String) request.getAttribute("chronString");
        // add chron string to job parameters
        jdm.put("chronString", chronStr);
        // get quartz chron expression
        String chronExp = getChronExpression(chronStr, startCal, startDate);
        Trigger trigger = null;
        if(chronExp==null) {
          trigger = new SimpleTrigger();
        } else {
          CronTrigger crontrigger = new CronTrigger();
          trigger = crontrigger;
        if(endDate!=null) {

        // check if the trigger already exists
        boolean exists = false;
        Trigger[] jobTrgs = scheduler.getTriggersOfJob(jobName, jobGroup);
            for(int ind=0; ind<jobTrgs.length; ind++) {
                 Trigger trg = jobTrgs[ind];
                 if(trg.getName().equals(triggerName)) {
                   exists = true;
          // schedule trigger
          if(!exists) {
          } else {
            scheduler.rescheduleJob(triggerName, triggerGroup, trigger);
        } catch (SchedulerException e) {
          SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                       "scheduleJob", "Error while scheduling job ", e);
          throw e;
      // all has been done 
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // somethig wrong
    return servreponse.toString();

   * Gets the chron expression.
   * @param chronStr the chron str
   * @param sc the sc
   * @param sd the sd
   * @return the chron expression
  public  String getChronExpression(String chronStr, Calendar sc, Date sd) {
    String chronExp = null;
      int day = sc.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
      int month = sc.get(Calendar.MONTH);
      int year = sc.get(Calendar.YEAR);
      int hour = sc.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
      int minute = sc.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
      String type = "";
        String params = "";
        if(chronStr.indexOf("{")!=-1) {
          int indFirstBra = chronStr.indexOf("{");
          type = chronStr.substring(0, indFirstBra);
          params = chronStr.substring((indFirstBra+1), (chronStr.length()-1));
        } else {
          return chronExp;
        if(type.equals("single")) {
          return chronExp; // this will be a normal trigger
        if(type.equals("minute")) {
          int indeq = params.indexOf("=");
          String numrep = params.substring(indeq+1);
          chronExp = "0 0/"+numrep+" * * * ? *";
        if(type.equals("hour")) {
          int indeq = params.indexOf("=");
          String numrep = params.substring(indeq+1);
          chronExp = "0 "+minute+" 0/"+numrep+" * * ? *";
        if(type.equals("day")) {
          int indeq = params.indexOf("=");
          String numrep = params.substring(indeq+1);
          chronExp = "0 "+minute+" "+hour+" 1/"+numrep+" * ? *";
        if(type.equals("week")) {
          int indeq = params.indexOf("=");
          int indsplit = params.indexOf(";");
          int ind2eq = params.indexOf("=", (indeq + 1));
          String numrep = params.substring((indeq+1), indsplit);
          Integer numrepInt = new Integer(numrep);
          String daysstr = params.substring(ind2eq+1);
          if( (daysstr==null) || (daysstr.trim().equals(""))) daysstr = "MON";
          if(daysstr.endsWith(",")) daysstr = daysstr.substring(0, (daysstr.length() - 1));
          chronExp = "0 "+minute+" "+hour+" ? * "+daysstr+"/"+numrep+" *";
        if(type.equals("month")) {
          String numRep = "";
          String selmonths = "";
          String dayRep = "";
          String weeks = "";
          String days = "";
          String[] parchuncks = params.split(";");
          for(int i=0; i<parchuncks.length; i++) {
            String parchunk = parchuncks[i];
            String[] singleparchunks = parchunk.split("=");
            String key = singleparchunks[0];
            String value = singleparchunks[1];
            value = value.trim();
            if(value.endsWith(",")) {
              value = value.substring(0, (value.length()-1));
            if(key.equals("numRepetition")) numRep= value;
            if(key.equals("months")) selmonths= value;
            if(key.equals("dayRepetition")) dayRep= value;
            if(key.equals("weeks")) weeks= value;
            if(key.equals("days")) days= value;
              String monthcron = "";
                monthcron = (month + 1) + "/" + numRep;
              } else {
                if(selmonths.equals("")) selmonths = "*";
                monthcron = selmonths;
              String daycron = "?";
              if( weeks.equals("NONE") && days.equals("NONE") ){
                if(dayRep.equals("0")) dayRep = "1";
                daycron = dayRep;
              String dayinweekcron = "?";
                if(days.equals("")) days = "*";
                dayinweekcron = days;
              if( !weeks.equals("NONE")  ){
                  if(weeks.equals("L")) dayinweekcron = dayinweekcron + weeks;
                  else dayinweekcron = dayinweekcron + "#" + weeks;
                  dayinweekcron = dayinweekcron.replaceFirst("SUN", "1");
                  dayinweekcron = dayinweekcron.replaceFirst("MON", "2");
                  dayinweekcron = dayinweekcron.replaceFirst("TUE", "3");
                  dayinweekcron = dayinweekcron.replaceFirst("WED", "4");
                  dayinweekcron = dayinweekcron.replaceFirst("THU", "5");
                  dayinweekcron = dayinweekcron.replaceFirst("FRI", "6");
                  dayinweekcron = dayinweekcron.replaceFirst("SAT", "7");
          chronExp = "0 "+minute+" "+hour+" "+daycron+" "+monthcron+" "+dayinweekcron+ " *";
      } catch (Exception e) {
        SpagoBITracer.major(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                  "getChronExpression", "Error while generating quartz chron expression", e);
    return chronExp;
   * Gets the job schedulation definition.
   * @param triggerName the trigger name
   * @param triggerGroup the trigger group
   * @return the job schedulation definition
  public   String getJobSchedulationDefinition(String triggerName, String triggerGroup) {
    String schedDef = "";
    try {
      Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler();
      if (triggerName == null || triggerName.trim().equals("")) {
        SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                        "getJobSchedulationDefinition", "Missing trigger name request parameter!");
        throw new Exception("Missing trigger name request parameter!");
      if (triggerGroup == null || triggerGroup.trim().equals("")) {
        SpagoBITracer.major(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                  "getJobSchedulationDefinition", "Missing trigger group name! Using default group...");
        triggerGroup = Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP;
      Trigger trigger = (Trigger) scheduler.getTrigger(triggerName, triggerGroup);
      if (trigger == null) {
        SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                     "Trigger with name '" + triggerName + "' not found in group '" + triggerGroup + "'!");
        throw new Exception("Trigger with name '" + triggerName + "' not found in group '" + triggerGroup + "'!");
      schedDef = serializeTrigger(trigger);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                         "getJobSchedulationDefinition", "Error while recovering schedule definition");
    return schedDef;
   * Serialize trigger.
   * @param trigger the trigger
   * @return the string
   * @throws SourceBeanException the source bean exception
  public  String serializeTrigger(Trigger trigger) throws SourceBeanException {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("<TRIGGER_DETAILS ");
    buffer.append(" ");
    String triggerName = trigger.getName();
    String triggerDescription = trigger.getDescription();
    // get job data map
    JobDataMap jdm = trigger.getJobDataMap();
    Date triggerStartTime = trigger.getStartTime();
    String triggerStartDateStr = "";
    String triggerStartTimeStr = "";
    if (triggerStartTime != null) {
      Calendar startCal = new GregorianCalendar();
      // date format: dd/mm/yyyy
      int day = startCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
      int month = startCal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
      int year = startCal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
      triggerStartDateStr = ((day < 10) ? "0" : "") + day +
            "/" +
            ((month + 1 < 10) ? "0" : "") + (month + 1) +
            "/" +
      int hour = startCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
      int minute = startCal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
      // hour format: hh:mm
      triggerStartTimeStr = ((hour < 10) ? "0" : "") + hour + ":" + ((minute < 10) ? "0" : "") + minute;
    Date triggerEndTime = trigger.getEndTime();
    String triggerEndDateStr = "";
    String triggerEndTimeStr = "";
    if (triggerEndTime != null) {
      Calendar endCal = new GregorianCalendar();
      // date format: dd/mm/yyyy
      int day = endCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
      int month = endCal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
      int year = endCal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
      triggerEndDateStr = ((day < 10) ? "0" : "") + day +
            "/" +
            ((month + 1 < 10) ? "0" : "") + (month + 1) +
            "/" +
      int hour = endCal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
      int minute = endCal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
      // hour format: hh:mm
      triggerEndTimeStr = ((hour < 10) ? "0" : "") + hour + ":" + ((minute < 10) ? "0" : "") + minute;
    buffer.append(" triggerName=\"" + (triggerName != null ? triggerName : "") + "\"");
    buffer.append(" triggerDescription=\"" + (triggerDescription != null ? triggerDescription : "") + "\"");
    buffer.append(" triggerStartDate=\"" + triggerStartDateStr + "\"");
    buffer.append(" triggerStartTime=\"" + triggerStartTimeStr + "\"");
    buffer.append(" triggerEndDate=\"" + triggerEndDateStr + "\"");
    buffer.append(" triggerEndTime=\"" + triggerEndTimeStr + "\"");
    // extract the chron string and add it the source bean
    String chronStr = jdm.getString("chronString");
    if((chronStr == null) || (chronStr.trim().equals(""))) {
      chronStr = "single{}";
    buffer.append(" triggerChronString=\"" + chronStr + "\"");
    buffer.append(" >");
    // extract other parameters and put them into source bean
    if (jdm != null && !jdm.isEmpty()) {
      String[] keys = jdm.getKeys();
      if (keys != null && keys.length > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
          String key = keys[i];
          String value = jdm.getString(key);
          // already extracted and processed
          if(key.equals("chronString")) {
          buffer.append("<JOB_PARAMETER ");
          if (value == null) {
            SpagoBITracer.warning(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                              "Trigger parameter '" + key + "' has no String value!!")
          buffer.append(" name=\"" + key + "\"");
          buffer.append(" value=\"" + value + "\"");
          buffer.append(" />");
    return buffer.toString();
   * Exist job definition.
   * @param jobName the job name
   * @param jobGroup the job group
   * @return the string
  public   String existJobDefinition(String jobName, String jobGroup) {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("<JOB_EXISTANCE  ");
      Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler();
      if (jobName == null || jobName.trim().equals("")) {
        SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                     "existJobDefinition", "Missing job name request parameter!");
        throw new Exception("Missing job name request parameter!");
      if (jobGroup == null || jobGroup.trim().equals("")) {
        SpagoBITracer.major(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                  "existJobDefinition", "Missing job group name! Using default group...");
        jobGroup = Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP;
      JobDetail aJob = scheduler.getJobDetail(jobName, jobGroup);
      if (aJob == null) {
        buffer.append(" exists=\"false\" />");
      } else {
        buffer.append(" exists=\"true\" />");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, this.getClass().getName(),
                     "existJobDefinition", "Error while checking existence of job", e);
      buffer = new StringBuffer("<JOB_EXISTANCE/> ");
    return buffer.toString();

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