SpagoBI - The Business Intelligence Free Platform
Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package it.eng.spagobi.engines.documentcomposition.configuration;
import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean;
import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.bo.BIObject;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.bo.BIObjectParameter;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.DAOFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* @author Antonella Giachino (antonella.giachino@eng.it)
* This class create a configuration object (alias an object with all informations about the configuration template)
* and create an object in session.
public class DocumentCompositionConfiguration {
private static transient Logger logger=Logger.getLogger(DocumentCompositionConfiguration.class);
private String templateFile;
private Map documentsMap;
private Map lstDimensions = new LinkedHashMap();
//list used by final jsp
private Map lstUrl = new LinkedHashMap();
private Map lstDivStyle = new LinkedHashMap();
private Map lstUrlParams = new LinkedHashMap();
private Map lstDocLinked = new LinkedHashMap();
private Map lstFieldLinked = new LinkedHashMap();
private Map lstPanelStyle = new LinkedHashMap();
private Map lstDocTitles = new LinkedHashMap();
private Map lstCrossLinked = new LinkedHashMap();
private Integer videoHeight=null;
private Integer videoWidth=null;
//constants for convert panel dimensions from percentage into pixel values
Integer[] percentageValues = {new Integer("100"), new Integer("75"), new Integer("50"),new Integer("35"), new Integer("25"), new Integer("15")};
Integer[] widthPxValues800= {new Integer("800"), new Integer("600"), new Integer("400"), new Integer("280"), new Integer("200"), new Integer("120")};
Integer[] widthPxValues1024 = {new Integer("1000"), new Integer("750"), new Integer("500"), new Integer("350"), new Integer("250"), new Integer("150")};
Integer[] widthPxValues1280 = {new Integer("1200"), new Integer("900"), new Integer("600"), new Integer("420"),new Integer("300"), new Integer("180")};
Integer[] widthPxValues1400 = {new Integer("1400"), new Integer("1050"), new Integer("700"), new Integer("490"), new Integer("350"), new Integer("210")};
Integer[] widthPxValues1680 = {new Integer("1600"), new Integer("1200"), new Integer("800"), new Integer("560"), new Integer("400"), new Integer("240")};
Integer[] heightPxValues600 = {new Integer("600"), new Integer("450"), new Integer("300"), new Integer("210"), new Integer("150"), new Integer("90")};
Integer[] heightPxValues768 = {new Integer("700"), new Integer("525"), new Integer("350"), new Integer("245"), new Integer("175"), new Integer("105")};
Integer[] heightPxValues1024= {new Integer("1000"), new Integer("750"), new Integer("500"), new Integer("350"), new Integer("250"), new Integer("150")};
Integer[] heightPxValues1050 = {new Integer("1050"), new Integer("787"), new Integer("525"), new Integer("370"), new Integer("262"), new Integer("160")};
Integer[] generalWidthDimensions = {new Integer("1680"), new Integer("1400"), new Integer("1280"),
new Integer("1024"), new Integer("800")};
Integer[] generalHeightDimensions = {new Integer("1050"), new Integer("1024"), new Integer("768"), new Integer("600")};
private static Integer DEFAULT_WIDTH = new Integer("1024");
private static Integer DEFAULT_HEIGHT = new Integer("768");
public static class Document {
int numOrder;
Integer videoWidth[];
Integer videoHeight[];
String title;
String sbiObjLabel;
String style;
String namePar;
String sbiParName;
String type;
String defaultValue;
String typeCross;
Properties params;
* Gets the sbi obj label.
* @return the sbi obj label
public String getSbiObjLabel() {
return sbiObjLabel;
* Sets the sbi obj label.
* @param sbiObjLabel the new sbi obj label
public void setSbiObjLabel(String sbiObjLabel) {
this.sbiObjLabel = sbiObjLabel;
* Gets the name par.
* @return the name par
public String getNamePar() {
return namePar;
* Sets the name par.
* @param namePar the new name par
public void setNamePar(String namePar) {
this.namePar = namePar;
* Gets the sbi par name.
* @return the sbi par name
public String getSbiParName() {
return sbiParName;
* Sets the sbi par name.
* @param sbiParName the new sbi par name
public void setSbiParName(String sbiParName) {
this.sbiParName = sbiParName;
* Gets the type.
* @return the type
public String getType() {
return type;
* Sets the type.
* @param type the new type
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
* Gets the default value.
* @return the default value
public String getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue;
* Sets the default value.
* @param defaultValue the new default value
public void setDefaultValue(String defaultValue) {
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
* Gets the params.
* @return the params
public Properties getParams() {
return params;
* Sets the params.
* @param params the new params
public void setParams(Properties params) {
this.params = params;
* Gets the style.
* @return the style
public String getStyle() {
return style;
* @return the title
public String getTitle() {
return title;
* @param title the title to set
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
* Sets the style.
* @param style the new style
public void setStyle(String style) {
this.style = style;
* Gets the num order.
* @return the num order
public int getNumOrder() {
return numOrder;
* Sets the num order.
* @param numOrder the new num order
public void setNumOrder(int numOrder) {
this.numOrder = numOrder;
* Gets the video width.
* @return the video width
public Integer[] getVideoWidth() {
return videoWidth;
* Sets the video width.
* @param videoWidth the new video width
public void setVideoWidth(Integer[] videoWidth) {
this.videoWidth = videoWidth;
* Gets the video height.
* @return the video height
public Integer[] getVideoHeight() {
return videoHeight;
* Sets the video height.
* @param videoHeight the new video height
public void setVideoHeight(Integer[] videoHeight) {
this.videoHeight = videoHeight;
* @return the typeCross
public String getTypeCross() {
return typeCross;
* @param typeCross the typeCross to set
public void setTypeCross(String typeCross) {
this.typeCross = typeCross;
* Instantiates a new document composition configuration.
public DocumentCompositionConfiguration () {
* Instantiates a new document composition configuration.
* @param DocumentCompositionConfigurationSB the document composition configuration sb
public DocumentCompositionConfiguration (SourceBean DocumentCompositionConfigurationSB){
SourceBean documentsConfigurationSB;
templateFile = (String)DocumentCompositionConfigurationSB.getAttribute(Constants.TEMPLATE_VALUE);
documentsConfigurationSB = (SourceBean)DocumentCompositionConfigurationSB.getAttribute(Constants.DOCUMENTS_CONFIGURATION);
* initialize general objects
private void init(){
documentsMap = new LinkedHashMap();
lstDimensions.put("widthPxValues800", widthPxValues800);
lstDimensions.put("widthPxValues1024", widthPxValues1024);
lstDimensions.put("widthPxValues1280", widthPxValues1280);
lstDimensions.put("widthPxValues1400", widthPxValues1400);
lstDimensions.put("widthPxValues1680", widthPxValues1680);
lstDimensions.put("heightPxValues600", heightPxValues600);
lstDimensions.put("heightPxValues768", heightPxValues768);
lstDimensions.put("heightPxValues1024", heightPxValues1024);
lstDimensions.put("heightPxValues1050", heightPxValues1050);
* Adds the document.
* @param document the document
public void addDocument(Document document) {
if(documentsMap == null) documentsMap = new LinkedHashMap();
documentsMap.put(document.getSbiObjLabel(), document);
* Reset documents.
public void resetDocuments() {
documentsMap = new LinkedHashMap();
private void initDocuments(SourceBean documentsConfigurationSB) {
Document document;
String attributeValue;
List documentList;
List refreshDocList;
List paramList;
List styleList;
SourceBean styleSB;
SourceBean documentSB;
SourceBean refreshSB;
SourceBean dimensionSB;
SourceBean parametersSB;
SourceBean paramSB;
SourceBean refreshDocLinkedSB;
documentList = documentsConfigurationSB.getAttributeAsList(Constants.DOCUMENT);
//create dimensions Map
String videoWidthS=(documentsConfigurationSB.getAttribute(Constants.VIDEO_WIGTH)!=null) ? documentsConfigurationSB.getAttribute(Constants.VIDEO_WIGTH).toString() : null;
String videoHeightS=(documentsConfigurationSB.getAttribute(Constants.VIDEO_HEIGHT) != null) ? documentsConfigurationSB.getAttribute(Constants.VIDEO_HEIGHT).toString() : null;
if(videoWidthS!=null & videoHeightS!=null){
//loop on documents
for(int i = 0; i < documentList.size(); i++) {
documentSB = (SourceBean)documentList.get(i);
document = new Document();
//set the number that identify the document within of hash table
attributeValue = (String)documentSB.getAttribute(Constants.SBI_OBJ_LABEL);
attributeValue = (documentSB.getAttribute(Constants.TITLE)==null)?"":(String)documentSB.getAttribute(Constants.TITLE);
Integer width = (documentsConfigurationSB.getAttribute(Constants.VIDEO_WIGTH)==null)?DEFAULT_WIDTH:Integer.valueOf((String)documentsConfigurationSB.getAttribute(Constants.VIDEO_WIGTH));
Integer height = (documentsConfigurationSB.getAttribute(Constants.VIDEO_HEIGHT)==null)?DEFAULT_HEIGHT:Integer.valueOf((String)documentsConfigurationSB.getAttribute(Constants.VIDEO_HEIGHT));
document.setVideoWidth(getVideoDimensions("width", width));
document.setVideoHeight(getVideoDimensions("height", height));
dimensionSB = (SourceBean)documentSB.getAttribute(Constants.STYLE);
attributeValue = (String)dimensionSB.getAttribute(Constants.DIMENSION_STYLE);
//attributeValue = (String)dimensionSB.getAttribute("class");
parametersSB = (SourceBean)documentSB.getAttribute(Constants.PARAMETERS);
paramList = parametersSB.getAttributeAsList(Constants.PARAMETER);
Properties param = new Properties();
//loop on parameters of single document
for(int j = 0; j < paramList.size(); j++) {
paramSB = (SourceBean)paramList.get(j);
String sbiParLabel = (paramSB.getAttribute(Constants.SBI_PAR_LABEL)==null)?"":(String)paramSB.getAttribute(Constants.SBI_PAR_LABEL);
param.setProperty("sbi_par_label_param_"+i+"_"+j, sbiParLabel);
String typePar = (paramSB.getAttribute(Constants.TYPE)==null)?"":(String)paramSB.getAttribute(Constants.TYPE);
param.setProperty("type_par_"+i+"_"+j, typePar);
String defaultValuePar = (paramSB.getAttribute(Constants.DEFAULT_VALUE)==null)?"":(String)paramSB.getAttribute(Constants.DEFAULT_VALUE);
param.setProperty("default_value_param_"+i+"_"+j, defaultValuePar);
refreshSB = (SourceBean)paramSB.getAttribute(Constants.REFRESH);
refreshDocList = refreshSB.getAttributeAsList(Constants.REFRESH_DOC_LINKED);
Properties paramRefreshLinked = new Properties();
//loop on document linked to single parameter
int k = 0;
for(k = 0; k < refreshDocList.size(); k++) {
refreshDocLinkedSB = (SourceBean)refreshDocList.get(k);
String labelDoc = (refreshDocLinkedSB.getAttribute(Constants.LABEL_DOC)==null)?"":(String)refreshDocLinkedSB.getAttribute(Constants.LABEL_DOC);
paramRefreshLinked.setProperty("refresh_doc_linked", labelDoc);
String labelPar = (refreshDocLinkedSB.getAttribute(Constants.LABEL_PARAM)==null)?"":(String)refreshDocLinkedSB.getAttribute(Constants.LABEL_PARAM);
paramRefreshLinked.setProperty("refresh_par_linked", labelPar);
String defaultValueLinked = (paramSB.getAttribute(Constants.DEFAULT_VALUE)==null)?"":(String)paramSB.getAttribute(Constants.DEFAULT_VALUE);
paramRefreshLinked.setProperty("default_value_linked", defaultValueLinked);
String typeCrossPar = (refreshDocLinkedSB.getAttribute(Constants.TYPE_CROSS)==null)?Constants.CROSS_INTERNAL:(String)refreshDocLinkedSB.getAttribute(Constants.TYPE_CROSS);
paramRefreshLinked.setProperty("type_cross_linked", typeCrossPar);
param.setProperty("param_linked_"+i+"_"+j+"_"+k, paramRefreshLinked.toString());
param.setProperty("num_doc_linked_param_"+i+"_"+j, new Integer(k).toString());
}catch (Exception e){
logger.error ("Error while initializing the document. " , e);
* Gets the document.
* @param documentName the document name
* @return the document
public Document getDocument(String documentName) {
return (Document)documentsMap.get(documentName);
* Gets the label.
* @param documentLabel the document label
* @return the label
public String getLabel(String documentLabel) {
Document document = getDocument(documentLabel);
if(document != null) return document.getSbiObjLabel();
return null;
* Gets the labels array.
* @return the labels array
public List getLabelsArray() {
Collection collLabels = documentsMap.values();
List retLabels = new ArrayList();
Object[] arrDocs = (Object[])collLabels.toArray();
int numDocAdded = 0;
while (numDocAdded < arrDocs.length){
for(int i=0; i < arrDocs.length; i++){
Document tmpDoc =(Document) arrDocs[i];
if (tmpDoc.getNumOrder() == numDocAdded){
numDocAdded ++;
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("Error while getting documents label ", e);
return retLabels;
* Gets the sbi obj labels array.
* @return the sbi obj labels array
public List getSbiObjLabelsArray() {
Collection collLabels = documentsMap.values();
List retLabels = new ArrayList();
Object[] arrDocs = (Object[])collLabels.toArray();
for(int i=0; i < arrDocs.length; i++){
Document tmpDoc =(Document) arrDocs[i];
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("Error while getting documents label.", e);
return retLabels;
* Gets the template file.
* @return the template file
public String getTemplateFile() {
return templateFile;
* Sets the template file.
* @param templateFile the new template file
public void setTemplateFile(String templateFile) {
this.templateFile = templateFile;
* Gets the parameters array.
* @return the parameters array
public List getParametersArray() {
Collection collDocs = documentsMap.values();
List retParams = new ArrayList();
Object[] arrPars = (Object[])collDocs.toArray();
for(int i=0; i < arrPars.length; i++){
Document tmpDoc =(Document) arrPars[i];
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("Error while getting parameters.", e);
return retParams;
public List getParametersForDocument(String docLabel) {
Collection collDocs = documentsMap.values();
List retParams = new ArrayList();
Object[] arrPars = (Object[])collDocs.toArray();
for(int i=0; i < arrPars.length; i++){
Document tmpDoc =(Document) arrPars[i];
if (tmpDoc.getLabel().equalsIgnoreCase(docLabel))
}catch(Exception e){
return retParams;
* Gets the parameters for document.
* @param docLabel the doc label
* @return the parameters for document
public HashMap getParametersForDocument(String docLabel) {
Collection collDocs = documentsMap.values();
HashMap retParams = new LinkedHashMap();
Object[] arrDocs = (Object[])collDocs.toArray();
int cont = 0;
while (cont < arrDocs.length){
//loop on documents
for(int i=0; i < arrDocs.length; i++){
Document tmpDoc =(Document) arrDocs[i];
if (tmpDoc.getNumOrder() == cont){
if (tmpDoc.getSbiObjLabel().equalsIgnoreCase(docLabel)){
Object paramsO=tmpDoc.getParams();
Properties prop = (Properties)paramsO;
Enumeration e = prop.keys();
int totParsLinked = 0;
//loop on parameters of single document
while (e.hasMoreElements() ){
String key = (String)e.nextElement();
retParams.put(key, (String)prop.get(key));
if (key.startsWith("param_linked_"+(tmpDoc.getNumOrder())))
totParsLinked ++;
retParams.put("num_doc_linked_"+(tmpDoc.getNumOrder()), Integer.valueOf(totParsLinked));
cont ++;
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("Error while reading parameters.", e);
return retParams;
* Reads and defines all maps with all information about configuration for refresh.
* @param docLabel the logical label of document presents into document composition
public void getInfoDocumentLinked(String docLabel) {
Document tmpDoc = getDocument(docLabel);
int numDoc = 0;
if (tmpDoc != null){
numDoc = tmpDoc.getNumOrder();
//set syle for div
lstDivStyle.put("STYLE_DOC__"+numDoc, tmpDoc.getStyle());
lstDocLinked.put("MAIN_DOC_LABEL__"+numDoc, tmpDoc.getSbiObjLabel());
lstDocTitles.put("TITLE_DOC__"+ docLabel, tmpDoc.getTitle());
//gets layout informations (width and height) for next settings of ext-panels
String docStyles = tmpDoc.getStyle();
String tmpStyle = "";
Integer[] widthPxValues = tmpDoc.getVideoWidth();
Integer[] heightPxValues = tmpDoc.getVideoHeight();
if (docStyles != null){
String[] propValues = docStyles.split(";");
for (int i=0; i<propValues.length; i++){
String key = propValues[i].substring(0, propValues[i].indexOf(":"));
String value = propValues[i].substring(propValues[i].indexOf(":")+1);
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("WIDTH") || key.equalsIgnoreCase("HEIGHT")){
if (value.endsWith("%")){
//if the value is defined in percentage, converts it in pixel value
for (int j=0; j<percentageValues.length; j++){
int diff = Integer.valueOf(value.substring(0, value.length()-1)).compareTo(percentageValues[j]);
if (diff == 0){
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("WIDTH"))
value = widthPxValues[j].toString();
else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("HEIGHT"))
value = heightPxValues[j].toString();
else if (diff > 0 && j > 0){
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("WIDTH"))
value = widthPxValues[j-1].toString();
else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("HEIGHT"))
value = heightPxValues[j-1].toString();
else if (value.endsWith("px"))
value = value.substring(0, value.length()-2);
tmpStyle += key.toUpperCase() + "_" + value + "|";
tmpStyle = tmpStyle.substring(0, tmpStyle.length()-1);
lstPanelStyle.put("STYLE__" + docLabel , tmpStyle);
HashMap paramsDoc = getParametersForDocument(docLabel);
//loop on parameters of document
int contOutPar = 0;
for (int i=0; i< paramsDoc.size(); i++){
int numParAdd = 0;
String typePar = (paramsDoc.get("type_par_"+(numDoc)+"_"+i)==null)?"":(String)paramsDoc.get("type_par_"+(numDoc)+"_"+i);
//if (typePar != null && typePar.equalsIgnoreCase("OUT")){
if (typePar != null && typePar.indexOf("OUT")>= 0){
lstFieldLinked.put("SBI_LABEL_PAR_MASTER__"+(numDoc)+"__"+contOutPar, (String)paramsDoc.get("sbi_par_label_param_"+(numDoc)+"_"+i));
Integer totalNumDocLinked = (paramsDoc.get("num_doc_linked_"+(numDoc))==null)?new Integer(0):(Integer)paramsDoc.get("num_doc_linked_"+(numDoc));
Integer numDocLinked = (paramsDoc.get("num_doc_linked_param_"+(numDoc)+"_"+i)==null)?new Integer(0):Integer.valueOf((String)paramsDoc.get("num_doc_linked_param_"+(numDoc)+"_"+i));
lstFieldLinked.put("NUM_DOC_FIELD_LINKED__"+(numDoc)+"__"+contOutPar, numDocLinked);
lstFieldLinked.put("TOT_NUM_DOC_FIELD_LINKED__"+(numDoc)+"__"+contOutPar, totalNumDocLinked);
//loop on document linked to parameter
for (int j=0; j<numDocLinked.intValue(); j++){
String paramLinked = (paramsDoc.get("param_linked_"+(numDoc)+"_"+i+"_"+j)==null)?"":(String)paramsDoc.get("param_linked_"+(numDoc)+"_"+i+"_"+j);
String typeCross = getCrossType(paramLinked);
String[] params = paramLinked.split(",");
Document linkedDoc = null;
//loop on parameters of document linked
for (int k=0; k<params.length; k++) {
String labelDocLinked = params[k];
labelDocLinked = labelDocLinked.replace("{", "");
labelDocLinked = labelDocLinked.replace("}", "");
if (labelDocLinked.trim().startsWith("refresh_doc_linked")){
//get document linked
linkedDoc = getDocument(labelDocLinked.substring(labelDocLinked.indexOf("=")+1));
if (linkedDoc == null && typeCross.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.CROSS_EXTERNAL)){
//defines a new doclinked only for the external cross
linkedDoc = createExternalDocument(paramLinked);
}/*else if (labelDocLinked.trim().startsWith("type_cross_linked")){
//get type cross (External or internal) for document linked
typeCross = labelDocLinked.substring(labelDocLinked.indexOf("=")+1);
else if (labelDocLinked.trim().startsWith("refresh_par_linked")){
String tmpLabelLinked = labelDocLinked.substring(labelDocLinked.indexOf("=")+1);
HashMap paramsDocLinked = getParametersForDocument(linkedDoc.getSbiObjLabel());
int numLinked = linkedDoc.getNumOrder();
for (int x=0; x< paramsDocLinked.size(); x++){
String sbiLabelPar = (paramsDocLinked.get("sbi_par_label_param_"+numLinked+"_"+x)==null)?"":(String)paramsDocLinked.get("sbi_par_label_param_"+(numLinked)+"_"+x);
//String labelPar = (paramsDocLinked.get("label_param_"+numLinked+"_"+x)==null)?"":(String)paramsDocLinked.get("label_param_"+(numLinked)+"_"+x);
if ((sbiLabelPar != null && !sbiLabelPar.equals("") && sbiLabelPar.equalsIgnoreCase(tmpLabelLinked)) ||
typeCross != null && typeCross.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.CROSS_EXTERNAL)){
lstDocLinked.put("DOC_LABEL_LINKED__"+numDoc+"__"+contOutPar+"__"+numParAdd, linkedDoc.getSbiObjLabel());
lstFieldLinked.put("DOC_FIELD_LINKED__"+numDoc+"__"+contOutPar+"__"+numParAdd, linkedDoc.getSbiObjLabel()+"__"+sbiLabelPar );
lstCrossLinked.put("DOC_CROSS_LINKED__"+numDoc+"__"+contOutPar+"__"+numParAdd, typeCross );
numParAdd ++;
else if (sbiLabelPar == null || sbiLabelPar.equals(""))
contOutPar ++;
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("Error while getting informations about documents ", e);
* Gets the documents array.
* @return the documents array
public List getDocumentsArray() {
Collection collDocs = documentsMap.values();
List retDocs = new ArrayList();
Object[] arrDocs = (Object[])collDocs.toArray();
int numDocAdded = 0;
while (numDocAdded < arrDocs.length){
for(int i=0; i < arrDocs.length; i++){
Document tmpDoc =(Document) arrDocs[i];
if (tmpDoc.getNumOrder() == numDocAdded){
numDocAdded ++;
}catch(Exception e){
return retDocs;
private HashMap getMapFromString(String strToConvert){
HashMap retHash = new LinkedHashMap();
String[] tmpStr = strToConvert.split(",");
for (int i=0; i < tmpStr.length; i++){
String key = tmpStr[i].substring(0, tmpStr[i].indexOf("="));
String value = tmpStr[i].substring(tmpStr[i].indexOf("=")+1);
retHash.put(key, value);
return retHash;
private Integer[] getVideoDimensions(String type, Integer value){
Integer[] realDimensions = null;
int pos = 0;
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("width")){
for (int i=0; i<generalWidthDimensions.length; i++){
if (value.compareTo(generalWidthDimensions[i])==0){
String labelDim = "widthPxValues"+generalWidthDimensions[i].toString();
realDimensions = (Integer[])lstDimensions.get(labelDim);
else if (value.compareTo(generalWidthDimensions[i])>0){
if (i>0)
pos = i-1;
String labelDim = "widthPxValues"+generalWidthDimensions[pos].toString();
realDimensions = (Integer[])lstDimensions.get(labelDim);
else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("height")){
for (int i=0; i<generalHeightDimensions.length; i++){
if (value.compareTo(generalHeightDimensions[i])==0){
String labelDim = "heightPxValues"+generalHeightDimensions[i].toString();
realDimensions = (Integer[])lstDimensions.get(labelDim);
else if (value.compareTo(generalHeightDimensions[i])>0){
if (i>0)
pos = i-1;
String labelDim = "heightPxValues"+generalHeightDimensions[pos].toString();
realDimensions = (Integer[])lstDimensions.get(labelDim);
return realDimensions;
* Gets the lst url.
* @return the lst url
public Map getLstUrl() {
return lstUrl;
* Sets the lst url.
* @param lstUrl the new lst url
public void setLstUrl(Map lstUrl) {
this.lstUrl = lstUrl;
* Gets the lst div style.
* @return the lst div style
public Map getLstDivStyle() {
return lstDivStyle;
* Sets the lst style.
* @param lstDivStyle the new lst style
public void setLstStyle(Map lstDivStyle) {
this.lstDivStyle = lstDivStyle;
* Gets the lst url params.
* @return the lst url params
public Map getLstUrlParams() {
return lstUrlParams;
* Sets the lst url params.
* @param lstUrlParams the new lst url params
public void setLstUrlParams(Map lstUrlParams) {
this.lstUrlParams = lstUrlParams;
* Gets the lst doc linked.
* @return the lst doc linked
public Map getLstDocLinked() {
return lstDocLinked;
* Sets the lst doc linked.
* @param lstDocLinked the new lst doc linked
public void setLstDocLinked(Map lstDocLinked) {
this.lstDocLinked = lstDocLinked;
* Gets the lst field linked.
* @return the lst field linked
public Map getLstFieldLinked() {
return lstFieldLinked;
* Sets the lst field linked.
* @param lstFieldLinked the new lst field linked
public void setLstFieldLinked(Map lstFieldLinked) {
this.lstFieldLinked = lstFieldLinked;
* Gets the lst panel style.
* @return the lst panel style
public Map getLstPanelStyle() {
return lstPanelStyle;
* @return the lstDocTitles
public Map getLstDocTitles() {
return lstDocTitles;
* @param lstDocTitles the lstDocTitles to set
public void setLstDocTitles(Map lstDocTitles) {
this.lstDocTitles = lstDocTitles;
* Sets the lst panel style.
* @param lstPanelStyle the new lst panel style
public void setLstPanelStyle(Map lstPanelStyle) {
this.lstPanelStyle = lstPanelStyle;
* @return the lstDocCross
public Map getLstCrossLinked() {
return lstCrossLinked;
* @param lstDocCross the lstDocCross to set
public void setLstCrossLinked(Map lstCrossLinked) {
this.lstCrossLinked = lstCrossLinked;
public Map getDocumentsMap() {
return documentsMap;
public void setDocumentsMap(Map documentsMap) {
this.documentsMap = documentsMap;
public Integer getVideoHeight() {
return videoHeight;
public void setVideoHeight(Integer videoHeight) {
this.videoHeight = videoHeight;
public Integer getVideoWidth() {
return videoWidth;
public void setVideoWidth(Integer videoWidth) {
this.videoWidth = videoWidth;
private Document createExternalDocument (String params){
//the input parameter params contains only the configuration of the refreshed parameters, others params are added post
Document toReturn = new Document();
String objLabel = "";
int idxPar = 0;
String[] attributes = params.split(",");
//set the number that identify the document within of hash table
int idxDoc = documentsMap.size();
Properties param = new Properties();
//loop on attributes for create a document for external url
for (int j=0; j<attributes.length; j++) {
String label = attributes[j];
label = label.replace("{", "");
label = label.replace("}", "");
if (label.trim().startsWith("refresh_doc_linked")){
objLabel = label.substring(label.indexOf("=")+1);
if (label.trim().startsWith("refresh_par_linked")){
param.setProperty("sbi_par_label_param_"+idxDoc+"_"+idxPar, label.substring(label.indexOf("=")+1));
if (label.trim().startsWith("default_value_linked")){
param.setProperty("default_value_param_"+idxDoc+"_"+idxPar, label.substring(label.indexOf("=")+1));
param.setProperty("type_par_"+idxDoc+"_"+idxPar, "IN");
//add other input parameter of the crossed doc not refreshed (will get values by the request)
BIObject obj = DAOFactory.getBIObjectDAO().loadBIObjectByLabel(objLabel);
List objParams = obj.getBiObjectParameters();
for (int j=0; j<objParams.size(); j++) {
BIObjectParameter par = (BIObjectParameter)objParams.get(j);
if (!param.containsValue(par.getParameterUrlName())) {
param.setProperty("sbi_par_label_param_"+idxDoc+"_"+idxPar, par.getParameterUrlName());
param.setProperty("default_value_param_"+idxDoc+"_"+idxPar, "");
param.setProperty("type_par_"+idxDoc+"_"+idxPar, "IN");
}catch(Exception ex){
logger.error("Error while create external document: " + ex);
return null;
return toReturn;
private String getCrossType(String paramsAttr){
String[] params = paramsAttr.split(",");
String toReturn = Constants.CROSS_INTERNAL;
//loop on parameters
for (int k=0; k<params.length; k++) {
String label = params[k];
label = label.replace("{", "");
label = label.replace("}", "");
if (label.trim().startsWith("type_cross_linked")){
toReturn = label.substring(label.indexOf("=")+1);
return toReturn;