package it.eng.spagobi.commons.serializer;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.DAOFactory;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.json.JSONObject;
public class ModelInstanceNodeJSONSerializer implements Serializer {
public static final String MODEL_INST_ID = "modelInstId";
private static final String PARENT_ID = "parentId";
private static final String MODEL_ID = "modelId";
private static final String KPI_INST_ID = "kpiInstId";
private static final String NAME = "name";
private static final String LABEL = "label";
private static final String TEXT = "text";
private static final String LEAF = "leaf";
private static final String DESCRIPTION = "description";
private static final String STARTDATE = "startdate";
private static final String ENDDATE = "enddate";
private static final String MODELUUID = "modelUuid";
private static final String MODEL_NAME = "modelName";
private static final String MODEL_CODE = "modelCode";
private static final String MODEL_DESCR = "modelDescr";
private static final String MODEL_TYPE = "modelType";
private static final String MODEL_TYPEDESCR = "modelTypeDescr";
private static final String MODEL_TEXT = "modelText";
private static final String KPI_NAME = "kpiName";
private static final String KPI_CODE = "kpiCode";
private static final String KPI_ID = "kpiId";
private static final String KPI_INST_THR_ID = "kpiInstThrId";
private static final String KPI_INST_THR_NAME = "kpiInstThrName";
private static final String KPI_INST_TARGET = "kpiInstTarget";
private static final String KPI_INST_WEIGHT = "kpiInstWeight";
private static final String KPI_INST_CHART = "kpiInstChartTypeId";
private static final String KPI_INST_PERIODICITY = "kpiInstPeriodicity";
private static final String KPI_INST_SAVE_HISTORY = "kpiInstSaveHistory";
private static final String KPI_INST_ACTIVE = "kpiInstActive";
public Object serialize(Object o, Locale locale) throws SerializationException {
JSONObject result = null;
if( !(o instanceof ModelInstance) ) {
throw new SerializationException("ModelInstanceNodeJSONSerializer is unable to serialize object of type: " + o.getClass().getName());
try {
ModelInstance res = (ModelInstance)o;
result = new JSONObject();
result.put(MODEL_INST_ID, res.getId() );
result.put(PARENT_ID, res.getParentId() );
if(res.getModel() != null){
result.put(MODEL_ID, res.getModel().getId() );
Model model = DAOFactory.getModelDAO().loadModelWithoutChildrenById(res.getModel().getId() );
result.put(MODEL_TEXT, model.getCode() +" - "+model.getName() );
result.put(MODEL_CODE, model.getCode());
result.put(MODEL_NAME, model.getName() );
result.put(MODEL_DESCR, model.getDescription() );
result.put(MODEL_TYPE, model.getTypeName() );
result.put(MODEL_TYPEDESCR, model.getTypeDescription() );
//if no kpi instance --> fill data with kpi properties
//else with kpi instance properties
if(res.getKpiInstance() != null){
result.put(KPI_INST_ID, res.getKpiInstance().getKpiInstanceId() );
KpiInstance kpiInst = DAOFactory.getKpiInstanceDAO().loadKpiInstanceById(res.getKpiInstance().getKpiInstanceId());
if(kpiInst != null){
result.put(KPI_ID, kpiInst.getKpi());
if(kpiInst.getKpi() != null){
Kpi kpi = DAOFactory.getKpiDAO().loadKpiById(kpiInst.getKpi());
result.put(KPI_NAME, kpi.getKpiName());
result.put(KPI_CODE, kpi.getCode());
result.put(KPI_INST_CHART, kpiInst.getChartTypeId());
result.put(KPI_INST_PERIODICITY, kpiInst.getPeriodicityId());
result.put(KPI_INST_TARGET, kpiInst.getTarget());
result.put(KPI_INST_THR_ID, kpiInst.getThresholdId());
if(kpiInst.getThresholdId() != null){
Threshold thr = DAOFactory.getThresholdDAO().loadThresholdById(kpiInst.getThresholdId());
result.put(KPI_INST_THR_NAME, thr.getName());
result.put(KPI_INST_WEIGHT, kpiInst.getWeight());
result.put(KPI_INST_SAVE_HISTORY, kpiInst.isSaveKpiHistory());
result.put(NAME, res.getName() );
String text = res.getName() ;
if(text.length()>= 20){
text = text.substring(0, 19)+"...";
text = res.getModel().getCode()+" - "+ text;
result.put(TEXT, text );
result.put(LABEL, res.getLabel());
result.put(DESCRIPTION, res.getDescription() );
result.put(STARTDATE, res.getStartDate());
result.put(ENDDATE, res.getEndDate());
result.put(MODELUUID, res.getModelUUID() );
result.put(KPI_INST_ACTIVE, res.isActive());
if(res.getChildrenNodes() != null && !res.getChildrenNodes().isEmpty()){
result.put(LEAF, false );
result.put(LEAF, true );
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new SerializationException("An error occurred while serializing object: " + o, t);
} finally {
return result;