SpagoBI - The Business Intelligence Free Platform
Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.lov.service;
import it.eng.spago.base.RequestContainer;
import it.eng.spago.base.SessionContainer;
import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean;
import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBeanException;
import it.eng.spago.dispatching.module.AbstractModule;
import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorCategory;
import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorHandler;
import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorSeverity;
import it.eng.spago.error.EMFInternalError;
import it.eng.spago.error.EMFUserError;
import it.eng.spago.security.IEngUserProfile;
import it.eng.spago.validation.EMFValidationError;
import it.eng.spago.validation.coordinator.ValidationCoordinator;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.bo.ObjParuse;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.bo.ParameterUse;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.dao.IObjParuseDAO;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.dao.IParameterUseDAO;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.lov.bo.FixedListDetail;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.lov.bo.FixedListItemDetail;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.lov.bo.ILovDetail;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.lov.bo.JavaClassDetail;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.lov.bo.LovDetailFactory;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.lov.bo.ModalitiesValue;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.lov.bo.QueryDetail;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.lov.bo.ScriptDetail;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.lov.dao.IModalitiesValueDAO;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.bo.UserProfile;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.AdmintoolsConstants;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.SpagoBIConstants;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.DAOFactory;
import it.eng.spagobi.security.ISecurityInfoProvider;
import it.eng.spagobi.security.SecurityInfoProviderFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Implements a module which handles all predefined List of Values (LOV) management:
* has methods for LOV load, detail, modify/insertion and deleting operations.
* The <code>service</code> method has a switch for all these operations, differentiated the ones
* from the others by a <code>message</code> String.
public class DetailModalitiesValueModule extends AbstractModule {
static private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DetailModalitiesValueModule.class);
private EMFErrorHandler errorHandler;
private SessionContainer session;
private IEngUserProfile profile;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see it.eng.spago.dispatching.module.AbstractModule#init(it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean)
public void init(SourceBean config) {
* Reads the operation asked by the user and calls the insertion, modify, detail and
* deletion methods.
* <p>
* When a new value is defined, the user has to use a wizard to build all
* the new value definition. There are some methods written for this aim.
* @param request The Source Bean containing all request parameters
* @param response The Source Bean containing all response parameters
* @throws exception If an exception occurs
* @throws Exception the exception
public void service(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws Exception {
String message = (String) request.getAttribute("MESSAGEDET");
logger.debug("begin of detail Modalities Value modify/visualization service with message =" +message);
RequestContainer requestContainer = this.getRequestContainer();
session = requestContainer.getSessionContainer();
errorHandler = getErrorHandler();
try {
// recover user profile
RequestContainer reqCont = getRequestContainer();
SessionContainer sessCont = reqCont.getSessionContainer();
SessionContainer permSess = sessCont.getPermanentContainer();
profile = (IEngUserProfile)permSess.getAttribute(IEngUserProfile.ENG_USER_PROFILE);
// process message
if (message == null) {
EMFUserError userError = new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 101);
logger.debug("The message parameter is null");
throw userError;
if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_SELECT)) {
String id = (String) request.getAttribute("id");
getDetailModValue(id, response);
} else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_MOD)) {
modDetailModValue(request, AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_MOD, response);
} else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_NEW)) {
} else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_INS)) {
modDetailModValue(request, AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_INS, response);
} else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_DEL)) {
delDetailModValue(request, AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_DEL, response);
} else if (message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("EXIT_FROM_DETAIL")){
exitFromDetail(request, response);
} else if(message.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(SpagoBIConstants.MESSAGE_TEST_AFTER_ATTRIBUTES_FILLING)) {
testLovAfterAttributesFilling(request, response);
} catch (EMFUserError eex) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
EMFInternalError internalError = new EMFInternalError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, ex);
private void exitFromDetail (SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws SourceBeanException {
response.setAttribute("loopback", "true");
* Gets the detail of a value choosed by the user from the
* predefined List of Values. It reaches the key from the request and asks
* to the DB all detail parameter use mode information, by calling the
* method <code>loadModalitiesValueByID</code>.
* @param key The choosed parameter use mode id key
* @param response The response Source Bean
* @throws EMFUserError If an exception occurs
private void getDetailModValue(String key, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError {
try {
ModalitiesValue modVal = DAOFactory.getModalitiesValueDAO().loadModalitiesValueByID(new Integer(key));
prepareDetailModalitiesValuePage(modVal, AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_MOD, response);
session.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.LOV_MODIFIED, "false");
session.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.MODALITY_VALUE_OBJECT, modVal);
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("Cannot fill response container", ex);
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, ListLovsModule.MODULE_PAGE);
throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 1019, new Vector(),
private void testLovAfterAttributesFilling(SourceBean request, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException {
try {
ModalitiesValue modVal = null;
modVal = (ModalitiesValue) session.getAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.MODALITY_VALUE_OBJECT);
String lovProv = modVal.getLovProvider();
ILovDetail lovDet = LovDetailFactory.getLovFromXML(lovProv);
List profAttrToFill = getProfileAttributesToFill(lovDet);
if(profAttrToFill.size()!=0) {
// create a fake user profile
UserProfile userProfile=new UserProfile((String)((UserProfile)profile).getUserId());
// copy all the roles, functionalities of the original profile
// copy attributes and add the missing ones
Map attributes = new HashMap();
Collection origAttrNames = profile.getUserAttributeNames();
Iterator origAttrNamesIter = origAttrNames.iterator();
while(origAttrNamesIter.hasNext()) {
String profileAttrName = (String)origAttrNamesIter.next();
String profileAttrValue = profile.getUserAttribute(profileAttrName).toString();
attributes.put(profileAttrName, profileAttrValue);
Iterator profAttrToFillIter = profAttrToFill.iterator();
while(profAttrToFillIter.hasNext()) {
String profileAttrName = (String)profAttrToFillIter.next();
String profileAttrValue = (String)request.getAttribute(profileAttrName);
if(profileAttrValue!=null) {
attributes.put(profileAttrName, profileAttrValue);
session.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.USER_PROFILE_FOR_TEST, userProfile);
response.setAttribute("testLov", "true");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while creating user profile for test", e);
* Inserts/Modifies the detail of a value according to the user
* request. When a value in the LOV list is modified, the <code>modifyModalitiesValue</code>
* method is called; when a new parameter use mode is added, the <code>inserModalitiesValue</code>
* method is called. These two cases are differentiated by the <code>mod</code> String input value .
* @param request The request information contained in a SourceBean Object
* @param mod A request string used to differentiate insert/modify operations
* @param response The response SourceBean
* @throws EMFUserError If an exception occurs
* @throws SourceBeanException If a SourceBean exception occurs
private void modDetailModValue(SourceBean request, String mod, SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException {
try {
ModalitiesValue modVal = null;
modVal = (ModalitiesValue) session.getAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.MODALITY_VALUE_OBJECT);
// to rember that the lov has been modified
// necessary to show a confirm if the user change the lov and then go back without saving
String lovProviderModified = (String) request.getAttribute("lovProviderModified");
if(lovProviderModified != null && !lovProviderModified.trim().equals(""))
session.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.LOV_MODIFIED, lovProviderModified);
// check if we are coming from the test
String returnFromTestMsg = (String) request.getAttribute("RETURN_FROM_TEST_MSG");
if(returnFromTestMsg!=null) {
// save after the test
if ("SAVE".equalsIgnoreCase(returnFromTestMsg)) {
// validate data
ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "LovTestColumnSelector", this);
// if there are some validation errors return to test page
Collection errors = errorHandler.getErrors();
if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0) {
Iterator iterator = errors.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Object error = iterator.next();
if(error instanceof EMFValidationError) {
response.setAttribute("testLov", "true");
String valueColumn = (String)request.getAttribute("valueColumn");
String descriptionColumn = (String)request.getAttribute("descriptionColumn");
List visibleColumns = (List)request.getAttributeAsList("visibleColumn");
List columns = (List)request.getAttributeAsList("column");
String lovProvider = modVal.getLovProvider();
ILovDetail lovDetail = LovDetailFactory.getLovFromXML(lovProvider);
List invisCols = getInvisibleColumns(columns, visibleColumns);
String newLovProvider = lovDetail.toXML();
// don't save after the test
else if ("DO_NOT_SAVE".equalsIgnoreCase(returnFromTestMsg)) {
modVal = (ModalitiesValue) session.getAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.MODALITY_VALUE_OBJECT);
prepareDetailModalitiesValuePage(modVal, mod, response);
// exits without writing into DB and without loop
// if we are not coming from the test result page, the Lov objects fields are in request
else {
String idStr = (String) request.getAttribute("id");
Integer id = new Integer(idStr);
String description = (String) request.getAttribute("description");
String name = (String) request.getAttribute("name");
String label = (String) request.getAttribute("label");
String input_type = (String) request.getAttribute("input_type");
String input_type_cd = input_type.substring(0, input_type.indexOf(","));
String input_type_id = input_type.substring(input_type.indexOf(",") + 1);
if(mod.equalsIgnoreCase(AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_INS)) {
// check if lov type has been changed and in that case reset the lovprovider
String oldTypeId = modVal.getITypeId();
if((oldTypeId!=null) && (!oldTypeId.trim().equals(""))) {
if(!oldTypeId.equals(input_type_id)) {
// set the properties of the lov object
// check label and validation
labelControl(request, mod);
ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "ModalitiesValueValidation", this);
// based on the type of lov set special properties
Object objectToTest = null;
if(input_type_cd.equalsIgnoreCase("QUERY")) {
String lovProv = modVal.getLovProvider();
QueryDetail query = null;
if( (lovProv==null) || (lovProv.trim().equals("")) ) {
query = new QueryDetail();
} else {
query = (QueryDetail)LovDetailFactory.getLovFromXML(lovProv);
recoverQueryWizardValues(request, query);
String lovProvider = query.toXML();
ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "QueryWizardValidation", this);
objectToTest = query;
else if (input_type_cd.equalsIgnoreCase("JAVA_CLASS")) {
String lovProv = modVal.getLovProvider();
JavaClassDetail javaClassDet = null;
if( (lovProv==null) || (lovProv.trim().equals("")) ) {
javaClassDet = new JavaClassDetail();
} else {
javaClassDet = (JavaClassDetail)LovDetailFactory.getLovFromXML(lovProv);
recoverJavaClassWizardValues(request, javaClassDet);
String lovProvider = javaClassDet.toXML();
ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "JavaClassWizardValidation", this);
objectToTest = javaClassDet;
else if (input_type_cd.equalsIgnoreCase("SCRIPT")) {
String lovProv = modVal.getLovProvider();
ScriptDetail scriptDet = null;
if( (lovProv==null) || (lovProv.trim().equals("")) ) {
scriptDet = new ScriptDetail();
} else {
scriptDet = (ScriptDetail)LovDetailFactory.getLovFromXML(lovProv);
recoverScriptWizardValues(request, scriptDet);
String lovProvider = scriptDet.toXML();
ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "ScriptWizardValidation", this);
objectToTest = scriptDet;
else if (input_type_cd.equalsIgnoreCase("FIX_LOV")) {
String lovProv = modVal.getLovProvider();
FixedListDetail fixlistDet = null;
if( (lovProv==null) || (lovProv.trim().equals("")) ) {
fixlistDet = new FixedListDetail();
} else {
fixlistDet = (FixedListDetail)LovDetailFactory.getLovFromXML(lovProv);
boolean itemTaskDone = doFixListItemTask(modVal, fixlistDet, request);
if(itemTaskDone) {
prepareDetailModalitiesValuePage(modVal, mod, response);
session.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.LOV_MODIFIED, "true");
session.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.MODALITY_VALUE_OBJECT, modVal);
// exits without writing into DB and without loop
} else {
List items = fixlistDet.getItems();
if(items.size()==0) {
objectToTest = fixlistDet;
// if there are some validation errors into the errorHandler does not write into DB
Collection errors = errorHandler.getErrors();
if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0) {
Iterator iterator = errors.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Object error = iterator.next();
if (error instanceof EMFValidationError) {
prepareDetailModalitiesValuePage(modVal, mod, response);
// check if user wants to test
Object test = request.getAttribute("testLovBeforeSave");
if (test != null) {
session.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.MODALITY, mod);
session.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.MODALITY_VALUE_OBJECT, modVal);
boolean needProfAttrFill = checkProfileAttributes(response, (ILovDetail)objectToTest);
if(!needProfAttrFill) {
response.setAttribute("testLov", "true");
// exits without writing into DB
// finally (if there are no error, if there is no request for test or to
// add or delete a Fix Lov item) writes into DB
if(mod.equalsIgnoreCase(AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_INS)) {
IModalitiesValueDAO dao=DAOFactory.getModalitiesValueDAO();
} else {
// looks for dependencies associated to the previous lov
Integer lovId = modVal.getId();
ModalitiesValue initialLov = DAOFactory.getModalitiesValueDAO().loadModalitiesValueByID(lovId);
IObjParuseDAO objParuseDAO = DAOFactory.getObjParuseDAO();
IParameterUseDAO paruseDAO = DAOFactory.getParameterUseDAO();
List paruses = paruseDAO.getParameterUsesAssociatedToLov(lovId);
Iterator parusesIt = paruses.iterator();
List documents = new ArrayList();
List correlations = new ArrayList();
while (parusesIt.hasNext()) {
ParameterUse aParuse = (ParameterUse) parusesIt.next();
// if the document list is not empty means that the lov is in correlation in some documents
if (documents.size() > 0) {
if (!initialLov.getITypeCd().equals(modVal.getITypeCd())) {
// the lov type was changed
HashMap errparams = new HashMap();
errparams.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, "DetailModalitiesValuePage");
List params = new ArrayList();
EMFValidationError error = new EMFValidationError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "input_type", "1058", params, errparams);
prepareDetailModalitiesValuePage(modVal, mod, response);
} else {
// the lov type was not changed, must verify that the dependency columns are still present
// load all the columns returned by the lov
String queryDetXML = modVal.getLovProvider();
ILovDetail lovProvDet = LovDetailFactory.getLovFromXML(queryDetXML);
List visColumns = lovProvDet.getVisibleColumnNames();
List invisColumns = lovProvDet.getInvisibleColumnNames();
List columns = new ArrayList();
if( (visColumns!=null) && (visColumns.size()!=0) )
if( (invisColumns!=null) && (invisColumns.size()!=0) )
// for each correlation column name chechs if the column is still present
Iterator correlationsIt = correlations.iterator();
boolean columnNoMorePresent = false;
List columnsNoMorePresent = new ArrayList();
while (correlationsIt.hasNext()) {
ObjParuse aObjParuse = (ObjParuse) correlationsIt.next();
String filterColumn = aObjParuse.getFilterColumn();
// because spago put all sourcebean attribute to Uppercase
//filterColumn = filterColumn.toUpperCase();
if (!columns.contains(filterColumn)) {
columnNoMorePresent = true;
// if there are some column no more present then generate an error and return to the detail page
if (columnNoMorePresent) {
HashMap errparams = new HashMap();
errparams.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, "DetailModalitiesValuePage");
List params = new ArrayList();
EMFValidationError error = new EMFValidationError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 1059, params, errparams);
prepareDetailModalitiesValuePage(modVal, mod, response);
IModalitiesValueDAO dao=DAOFactory.getModalitiesValueDAO();
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("Cannot fill response container", ex );
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, ListLovsModule.MODULE_PAGE);
throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 1018, new Vector(), params);
response.setAttribute("loopback", "true");
private boolean checkProfileAttributes(SourceBean response, ILovDetail lovDet) {
boolean needFill = false;
List attrsToFill = getProfileAttributesToFill(lovDet);
if(attrsToFill.size()!=0) {
response.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES_TO_FILL, attrsToFill);
needFill = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while checking the profile " + "attributes required for test", e);
return needFill;
private List getProfileAttributesToFill(ILovDetail lovDet) {
List attrsToFill = new ArrayList();
Collection userAttrNames = profile.getUserAttributeNames();
List attrsRequired = lovDet.getProfileAttributeNames();
Iterator attrsReqIter = attrsRequired.iterator();
while(attrsReqIter.hasNext()) {
String attrName = (String)attrsReqIter.next();
if(!userAttrNames.contains(attrName)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while checking the profile " + "attributes required for test", e);
return attrsToFill;
private boolean doFixListItemTask(ModalitiesValue modVal, FixedListDetail fixlistDet, SourceBean request) throws Exception {
boolean changeItems = false;
// checks if it is requested to delete a Fix Lov item
Object indexOfFixedLovItemToDeleteObj = request.getAttribute("indexOfFixedLovItemToDelete");
if (indexOfFixedLovItemToDeleteObj != null) {
// it is requested to delete a Fix Lov item
int indexOfFixedLovItemToDelete = new Integer((String)indexOfFixedLovItemToDeleteObj).intValue();
fixlistDet = deleteFixLovValue(fixlistDet, indexOfFixedLovItemToDelete);
changeItems = true;
// checks if it is requested to change a Fix Lov item
Object indOfFixLovItemToChangeObj = request.getAttribute("indexOfFixedLovItemToChange");
if (indOfFixLovItemToChangeObj != null) {
// it is requested to change a Fix Lov item
int indexOfFixedLovItemToChange = new Integer((String)indOfFixLovItemToChangeObj).intValue();
String newValue = (String)request.getAttribute("nameRow"+indexOfFixedLovItemToChange+"InpText");
String newName = (String)request.getAttribute("descrRow"+indexOfFixedLovItemToChange+"InpText");
request.setAttribute("newNameRow", newName);
request.setAttribute("newValueRow", newValue);
ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "FixLovChangeValidation", this);
if(errorHandler.isOKByCategory(EMFErrorCategory.VALIDATION_ERROR)) {
fixlistDet = changeFixLovValue(fixlistDet, indexOfFixedLovItemToChange, newName, newValue);
changeItems = true;
// checks if it is requested to move down a Fix Lov item
Object indexOfItemToDown = request.getAttribute("indexOfItemToDown");
if (indexOfItemToDown != null) {
// it is requested to move down a Fix Lov item
int indexOfItemToDownInt = new Integer((String)indexOfItemToDown).intValue();
fixlistDet = moveDownFixLovItem(fixlistDet, indexOfItemToDownInt);
changeItems = true;
// checks if it is requested to move up a Fix Lov item
Object indexOfItemToUp = request.getAttribute("indexOfItemToUp");
if (indexOfItemToUp != null) {
// it is requested to move down a Fix Lov item
int indexOfItemToUpInt = new Integer((String)indexOfItemToUp).intValue();
fixlistDet = moveUpFixLovItem(fixlistDet, indexOfItemToUpInt);
changeItems = true;
// checks if it is requested to add a Fix Lov item
Object insertFixLovItem = request.getAttribute("insertFixLovItem");
if (insertFixLovItem != null) {
ValidationCoordinator.validate("PAGE", "FixLovWizardValidation", this);
if(errorHandler.isOKByCategory(EMFErrorCategory.VALIDATION_ERROR)) {
fixlistDet = addFixLovItem(request, modVal);
changeItems = true;
// if the request was to insert/delete/modify item of the fix list update the lov
if(changeItems) {
String lovProvider = fixlistDet.toXML();
return changeItems;
* Sets some attributes into the response SourceBean. Those attributes are required for
* the correct visualization of the ModalitiesValue form page.
* @param modVal The ModalitiesValue to visualize
* @param mod The modality (insert/modify)
* @param response The SourceBean to set
* @throws SourceBeanException
* @throws EMFUserError
* @throws EMFInternalError
private void prepareDetailModalitiesValuePage (ModalitiesValue modVal, String mod, SourceBean response) throws SourceBeanException, EMFUserError, EMFInternalError {
response.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.MODALITY_VALUE_OBJECT, modVal);
response.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.MODALITY, mod);
private void loadAllProfileAttributes(SourceBean response) throws SourceBeanException {
ISecurityInfoProvider portalSecurityProvider = null;
try {
portalSecurityProvider = SecurityInfoProviderFactory.getPortalSecurityProvider();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error(" Error while istantiating portal security class", e);
List profileattrs = portalSecurityProvider.getAllProfileAttributesNames();
response.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.PROFILE_ATTRS, profileattrs);
* Deletes a value choosed by user from the LOV list.
* @param request The request SourceBean
* @param mod A request string used to differentiate delete operation
* @param response The response SourceBean
* @throws EMFUserError If an Exception occurs
* @throws SourceBeanException If a SourceBean Exception occurs
private void delDetailModValue(SourceBean request, String mod, SourceBean response)
throws EMFUserError, SourceBeanException {
try {
String idStr = (String) request.getAttribute("id");
//controls if there is any parameter associated
boolean hasPar = DAOFactory.getModalitiesValueDAO().hasParameters(idStr);
if (hasPar){
EMFUserError error = new EMFUserError (EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "1023", new Vector(), null);
IModalitiesValueDAO moddao = DAOFactory.getModalitiesValueDAO();
ModalitiesValue modVal = moddao.loadModalitiesValueByID(new Integer(idStr));
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("Cannot fill response container", ex );
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, ListLovsModule.MODULE_PAGE);
throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 1020, new Vector(), params);
} finally {
response.setAttribute("afterDeleteLoop", "true");
* Instantiates a new <code>Value<code> object when a new value
* insertion in the LOV list is required, in order to prepare the page for the insertion.
* @param response The response SourceBean
* @throws EMFUserError If an Exception occurred
private void newDetailModValue(SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError {
try {
ModalitiesValue modVal = new ModalitiesValue();
modVal.setId(new Integer(0));
prepareDetailModalitiesValuePage(modVal, AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_INS, response);
session.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.LOV_MODIFIED, "false");
session.setAttribute(SpagoBIConstants.MODALITY_VALUE_OBJECT, modVal);
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("Cannot prepare page for the insertion", ex);
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(AdmintoolsConstants.PAGE, ListLovsModule.MODULE_PAGE);
throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 1021, new Vector(),
* Loads into the Response Source Bean all the Input Type Domain objects
* @param response The response Source Bean
* @throws EMFUserError If any exception occurred
private void loadValuesDomain(SourceBean response) throws EMFUserError {
try {
List list = DAOFactory.getDomainDAO().loadListDomainsByType("INPUT_TYPE");
response.setAttribute (SpagoBIConstants.LIST_INPUT_TYPE, list);
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("Cannot prepare page for the insertion", ex );
throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 1021);
* Recover all Java Class Wizard values when a value is inserted or modified, choosing "Java Class"
* as the input type.
* @param request The request SourceBean
private void recoverJavaClassWizardValues (SourceBean request, JavaClassDetail jcd) {
String javaClassName = (String) request.getAttribute("javaClassName");
if (javaClassName == null) {
javaClassName = "";
* Recover all Query Wizard values when a value is inserted or modified, choosing "Query Statement"
* as the input type.
* @param request The request SourceBean
private void recoverQueryWizardValues (SourceBean request, QueryDetail query) {
//String connName = (String)request.getAttribute("connName");
String datasource = (String)request.getAttribute("datasource");
String queryDefinition = (String)request.getAttribute("queryDef");
queryDefinition = "<![CDATA[" + queryDefinition + "]]>";
* Recover all Script Wizard values when a value is inserted or modified, choosing "Script to Load Values"
* as the input type.
* @param request The request SourceBean
private void recoverScriptWizardValues (SourceBean request, ScriptDetail sdet) {
String script = (String) request.getAttribute("script");
if(script==null) {
script = "";
String languageScript = (String) request.getAttribute("LANGUAGESCRIPT");
if(languageScript==null) {
languageScript = "";
// TODO controllare se si possono togliere i caratteri di escape
//script = script.replaceAll(">", ">");
//script = script.replaceAll("<", "<");
//script = script.replaceAll("\"", """);
script = "<![CDATA[" + script + "]]>";
* Inserts a new Fixed LOV item in the FixedLov Wizard. When this type of Input is selected dring the insertion/
* modify of a Value in the LOV list, it is possible to add a series of FixLov Values, showed
* at runtime in a table.
* @param request The request SourceBean
* @param modVal The ModalitiesValue to modify with the new entry
* @throws SourceBeanException If a SourceBean Exception occurred
private FixedListDetail addFixLovItem (SourceBean request, ModalitiesValue modVal) throws SourceBeanException {
String lovProv = modVal.getLovProvider();
FixedListDetail lovDetList = null;
if ((lovProv==null) || (lovProv.trim().equals("")) || (!modVal.getITypeCd().equals("FIX_LOV"))) {
lovDetList = new FixedListDetail();
} else {
lovDetList = FixedListDetail.fromXML(lovProv);
String lovDesc = (String)request.getAttribute("nameOfFixedLovItemNew");
String lovValue = (String)request.getAttribute("valueOfFixedLovItemNew");
lovDetList.add(lovValue, lovDesc);
return lovDetList;
* Delete from the list of fix lov items the one at index indexOfFixedListItemToDelete
* @param lovDetList The list of Fix Lov
* @param indexOfFixedListItemToDelete The index of the item to be deleted
private FixedListDetail deleteFixLovValue (FixedListDetail lovDetList, int indexOfFixedLovItemToDelete) {
List lovs = lovDetList.getItems();
return lovDetList;
* Move up an item of the fix lov list
* @param lovDetList The list of Fix Lov
* @param indexOfItemToUp The index of the item to move up
private FixedListDetail moveUpFixLovItem (FixedListDetail lovDetList, int indexOfItemToUp) {
List lovs = lovDetList.getItems();
Object o = lovs.get(indexOfItemToUp);
lovs.add((indexOfItemToUp-1), o);
return lovDetList;
* Move down an item of the fix lov list
* @param lovDetList The list of Fix Lov
* @param indexOfItemToDown The index of the item to move down
private FixedListDetail moveDownFixLovItem (FixedListDetail lovDetList, int indexOfItemToDown) {
List lovs = lovDetList.getItems();
Object o = lovs.get(indexOfItemToDown);
lovs.add((indexOfItemToDown+1), o);
return lovDetList;
* Chnage from the list of fix lov items the one at index indexOfFixedListItemToDelete
* @param lovDetList The list of Fix Lov
* @param itemToChange The index of the item to be changed
* @param newName the new name of the item
* @param newValue the new value of the item
private FixedListDetail changeFixLovValue (FixedListDetail lovDetList, int itemToChange,
String newName, String newValue) {
List lovs = lovDetList.getItems();
FixedListItemDetail lovdet = new FixedListItemDetail();
lovs.add(itemToChange, lovdet);
return lovDetList;
* Controls if the label choosed by user is yet in use.
* If it is, an error is added to the error handler.
* @param request The request Source Bean
* @param mod The modality
* @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
public void labelControl (SourceBean request, String mod) throws EMFUserError {
String label = (String) request.getAttribute("label");
List allModVal = DAOFactory.getModalitiesValueDAO()
if (AdmintoolsConstants.DETAIL_INS.equalsIgnoreCase(mod)) {
Iterator i = allModVal.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
ModalitiesValue value = (ModalitiesValue) i.next();
String valueLabel = value.getLabel();
if (valueLabel.equals(label)) {
HashMap params = new HashMap();
EMFValidationError error = new EMFValidationError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "label", "1024",
new Vector(), params);
} else {
String currentId = (String) request.getAttribute("id");
Iterator i = allModVal.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
ModalitiesValue value = (ModalitiesValue) i.next();
String valueLabel = value.getLabel();
String valueId = value.getId().toString();
if (valueLabel.equals(label)
&& (!currentId.equalsIgnoreCase(valueId))) {
HashMap params = new HashMap();
EMFValidationError error = new EMFValidationError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "label", "1024",
new Vector(), params);
private List getInvisibleColumns(List columns, List visibleColumns) {
List invisibleCols = new ArrayList();
Iterator iterCols = columns.iterator();
String colName = (String)iterCols.next();
if(!visibleColumns.contains(colName)) {
return invisibleCols;