
Source Code of


SpagoBI - The Business Intelligence Free Platform

Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.dao.IParameterDAO;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.dao.DAOFactory;
import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.assertion.Assert;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

* This class contains useful methods for LOV (list of values) that must evaluate dependencies (correlations with
* other parameters) AFTER their execution. They are: SCRIPT, FIX_LIST and JAVA_CLASS: classes representing those
* kind of LOV ({@link ScriptDetail}, {@link FixedListDetail} and {@link JavaClassDetail}) extend this class.
* The QUERY lov instead process dependencies when executing the query itself, i.e. the query is modified in order to
* consider also the dependencies, therefore the {@link QueryDetail} class does not extend this class.
* @author Davide Zerbetto (
public abstract class DependenciesPostProcessingLov {
  private static transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DependenciesPostProcessingLov.class);
   * Filters the input list according to the provided dependencies' configuration and the parameters' values.
   * @param rows The list of rows
   * @param selectedParameterValues The values of the parameters
   * @param dependencies The dependencies' configuration
   * @return the list filtered considering the dependencies
  public List processDependencies(List rows, Map selectedParameterValues, List<ObjParuse> dependencies) {
    if (selectedParameterValues != null && dependencies != null && dependencies.size() > 0) {
      if (dependencies.size() == 1) {
        ObjParuse biParameterExecDependency = (ObjParuse) dependencies.get(0);
        rows = filterForCorrelation(rows, biParameterExecDependency, selectedParameterValues);
      } else if (dependencies.size()==2) {
        ObjParuse biParameterExecDependency1 = (ObjParuse) dependencies.get(0);
        ObjParuse biParameterExecDependency2 = (ObjParuse) dependencies.get(1);
        rows = evaluateSingleLogicOperation(rows, biParameterExecDependency1, biParameterExecDependency2, selectedParameterValues);
      } else {
        // build the expression
        int posinlist = 0;
        String expr = "";
        Iterator iterOps = dependencies.iterator();
        while(iterOps.hasNext())  {
          ObjParuse op = (ObjParuse);
          expr += op.getPreCondition() + posinlist + op.getPostCondition() + op.getLogicOperator();
          posinlist ++;
        expr = expr.trim();
        expr = "(" + expr;
        expr = expr + ")";
        rows = evaluateExpression(rows, expr, dependencies, selectedParameterValues);
    return rows;
  private List filterForCorrelation(List list, ObjParuse objParuse, Map selectedParameterValues) {
    try {
      Integer objParFatherId = objParuse.getObjParFatherId();
      BIObjectParameter objParFather = DAOFactory.getBIObjectParameterDAO().loadForDetailByObjParId(objParFatherId);
          // get the general parameter associated to the bi parameter father
          IParameterDAO parameterDAO = DAOFactory.getParameterDAO();
          Parameter parameter = parameterDAO.loadForDetailByParameterID(objParFather.getParID());
          // get the type of the general parameter
          String valueTypeFilter = parameter.getType();
      String valueFilter = "";
      Object values = selectedParameterValues.get(objParFather.getParameterUrlName())
      // if the father parameter is no valued, returns the list unfiltered
      if (values == null) return list;
      String[] filterValues = null;
      if(values instanceof String) {
        filterValues = new String[]{(String)values};
      } else if(values instanceof String[]) {
        filterValues = (String[])values;
      } else {
        Assert.assertUnreachable("values associated to parameter [" + objParFather.getParameterUrlName() +"] are naither an instance of JSONObject nor of JSONArray");
          // based on the values number do different filter operations
      switch (filterValues.length) {
        case 0: return list;
        case 1: valueFilter = (String) filterValues[0];
            if (valueFilter != null && !valueFilter.equals(""))
              return DelegatedBasicListService.filterList(list, valueFilter, valueTypeFilter,
                objParuse.getFilterColumn(), objParuse.getFilterOperation());
            else return list;
        default: return DelegatedBasicListService.filterList(list, filterValues, valueTypeFilter,
                objParuse.getFilterColumn(), objParuse.getFilterOperation());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("Error while doing filter for corelation ", e);
      return list;

  private List evaluateSingleLogicOperation(List list, ObjParuse obpuLeft, ObjParuse obpuRight, Map selectedParameterValues) {
    List listToReturn = list;
    List listLeft = filterForCorrelation(list, obpuLeft, selectedParameterValues);
    String lo = obpuLeft.getLogicOperator();
    if(lo.equalsIgnoreCase("AND")) {
      listToReturn = filterForCorrelation(listLeft, obpuRight, selectedParameterValues);
    } else if(lo.equalsIgnoreCase("OR")) {
      List listRight = filterForCorrelation(list, obpuRight, selectedParameterValues);
      listToReturn = mergeLists(listLeft, listRight);
    } else {
      listToReturn = list;
    return listToReturn;
  private List mergeLists(List list1, List list2) {
    List margedList = new ArrayList();
    // transform all row sourcebean of the list 2 into strings and put them into a list
    Iterator rowsSBList2Iter = list2.iterator();
    List rowsList2 = new ArrayList();
    while(rowsSBList2Iter.hasNext()) {
      SourceBean rowSBList2 = (SourceBean);
      String rowStrList2 = rowSBList2.toXML(false).toLowerCase();
    // if a row of the list one is not contained into list 2 then add it to the list 2
    Iterator rowsSBList1Iter = list1.iterator();
    while(rowsSBList1Iter.hasNext()) {
      SourceBean rowSBList1 = (SourceBean);
      String rowStrList1 = rowSBList1.toXML(false).toLowerCase();
      if(!rowsList2.contains(rowStrList1)) {
    // return list 2
    return margedList;
  private List evaluateExpression(List list, String expr, List ops, Map selectedParameterValues) {
    List previusCalculated = list;
    try {
      // check number of left and right break, if numbers are different the expression is wrong
      int numberOfLeftRound = 0;
      String tmpExpr = expr;
      while(tmpExpr.indexOf("(")!=-1) {
        numberOfLeftRound ++;
        int indLR = tmpExpr.indexOf("(");
        tmpExpr = tmpExpr.substring(indLR+1);
      int numberOfRightRound = 0;
      tmpExpr = expr;
      while(tmpExpr.indexOf(")")!=-1) {
        numberOfRightRound ++;
        int indRR = tmpExpr.indexOf(")");
        tmpExpr = tmpExpr.substring(indRR+1);
      if(numberOfLeftRound!=numberOfRightRound) {
        logger.warn("Expression is wrong: number of left breaks is different from right breaks. Returning list without evaluating expression");
        return list;
      //TODO make some more formal check on the expression before start to process it
      // calculate the list filtered based on each objparuse setting
      Map calculatedLists = new HashMap();
      int posinlist = 0;
      Iterator opsIter = ops.iterator();
      while(opsIter.hasNext()) {
        ObjParuse op = (ObjParuse);
        List listop = filterForCorrelation(list, op, selectedParameterValues);
        calculatedLists.put(String.valueOf(posinlist), listop);
        posinlist ++;
      // generate final list evaluating expression
      while(expr.indexOf("(")!=-1) {
        int indLR = expr.indexOf("(");
        int indNextLR = expr.indexOf("(", indLR+1);
        int indNextRR = expr.indexOf(")", indLR+1);
        while( (indNextLR<indNextRR) && (indNextLR!=-1) ) {
          indLR = indNextLR;
          indNextLR = expr.indexOf("(", indLR+1);
          indNextRR = expr.indexOf(")", indLR+1);
        int indRR = indNextRR;
        String exprPart = expr.substring(indLR, indRR+1);
        if(exprPart.indexOf("AND")!=-1) {
          int indexOper = exprPart.indexOf("AND");
          String firstListName = (exprPart.substring(1, indexOper)).replace("null", " ");
          String secondListName = (exprPart.substring(indexOper+3, exprPart.length()-1)).replace("null", " ");
          List firstList = null;
          if(!firstListName.trim().equals("previousList")) {
            firstList = (List)calculatedLists.get(firstListName.trim());
          } else {
            firstList = previusCalculated;
          List secondList = null;
          if(!secondListName.trim().equals("previousList")) {
            secondList = (List)calculatedLists.get(secondListName.trim());
          } else {
            secondList = previusCalculated;
          previusCalculated = intersectLists(firstList, secondList);
        } else if( exprPart.indexOf("OR")!=-1 ) {
          int indexOper = exprPart.indexOf("OR");
          String firstListName = (exprPart.substring(1, indexOper)).replace("null", " ");
          String secondListName = (exprPart.substring(indexOper+2, exprPart.length()-1)).replace("null", " ");
          List firstList = null;
          if(!firstListName.trim().equals("previousList")) {
            firstList = (List)calculatedLists.get(firstListName.trim());
          } else {
            firstList = previusCalculated;
          List secondList = null;
          if(!secondListName.trim().equals("previousList")) {
            secondList = (List)calculatedLists.get(secondListName.trim());
          } else {
            secondList = previusCalculated;
          previusCalculated = mergeLists(firstList, secondList);
        } else {
          // previousList remains the same as before
          logger.warn("A part of the Expression is wrong: inside a left break and right break there's no condition AND or OR");
        expr = expr.substring(0, indLR) + "previousList" + expr.substring(indRR+1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.warn("An error occurred while evaluating expression, return the complete list");
      return list;
    return previusCalculated;
  protected static List intersectLists(List list1, List list2) {
    // transform all row sourcebean of the list 2 into strings and put them into a list
    Iterator rowsSBList2Iter = list2.iterator();
    List rowsList2 = new ArrayList();
    while(rowsSBList2Iter.hasNext()) {
      SourceBean rowSBList2 = (SourceBean);
      String rowStrList2 = rowSBList2.toXML(false).toLowerCase();
    List newlist = new ArrayList()
    // if a row of the list one is contained into list 2 then add it to the reulting list
    Iterator rowsSBList1Iter = list1.iterator();
    while(rowsSBList1Iter.hasNext()) {
      SourceBean rowSBList1 = (SourceBean);
      String rowStrList1 = rowSBList1.toXML(false).toLowerCase();
      if(rowsList2.contains(rowStrList1)) {
    return newlist;


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