Package it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.presentation

Source Code of it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.presentation.ExecTreeHtmlGenerator


SpagoBI - The Business Intelligence Free Platform

Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA


package it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.presentation;

import it.eng.spago.base.RequestContainer;
import it.eng.spago.base.SessionContainer;
import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean;
import it.eng.spago.error.EMFInternalError;
import it.eng.spago.navigation.LightNavigationManager;
import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.service.ExecuteBIObjectModule;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.ObjectsTreeConstants;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.SpagoBIConstants;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.ChannelUtilities;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.GeneralUtilities;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.ObjectsAccessVerifier;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.messages.IMessageBuilder;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.messages.MessageBuilderFactory;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.urls.IUrlBuilder;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.urls.UrlBuilderFactory;
import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.themes.ThemesManager;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.safehaus.uuid.UUID;
import org.safehaus.uuid.UUIDGenerator;

* Contains all methods needed to generate and modify a tree object for Execution.
* There are methods to generate tree, configure, insert and modify elements.
public class ExecTreeHtmlGenerator implements ITreeHtmlGenerator {
  HttpServletRequest httpRequest = null;
  RequestContainer reqCont = null;
  protected IUrlBuilder urlBuilder = null;
  protected IMessageBuilder msgBuilder = null;
  IEngUserProfile profile = null;
  int progrJSTree = 0;
  private SessionContainer sessionContainer = null;
  private boolean thereIsOneOrMoreObjectsInTestState = false;
  protected SourceBean _serviceRequest = null;
  private int dTreeRootId = -100;
  private int dTreeObjects = -1000;
  // the name of the dtree variable, default value is treeExecObj
  private String treeName = "treeExecObj";
  protected String requestIdentity = null;
  private String currTheme="";

  static private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ExecTreeHtmlGenerator.class);
   * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.presentation.AdminTreeHtmlGenerator#makeJSFunctionForMenu(java.lang.StringBuffer)
  private void makeJSFunctionForMenu(StringBuffer htmlStream) {
    /* ********* start luca changes *************** */
    htmlStream.append("    function menu" + requestIdentity + "(prog, event, urlExecution, urlMetadata, urlEraseDoc, urlEraseFolder, urlAddFolder,urlDown, urlUp) {\n");
    htmlStream.append("      divM = document.getElementById('divmenu" + requestIdentity + "');\n");
    htmlStream.append("      divM.innerHTML = '';\n");
    String capExec = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.devObjects.captionExecute", "messages", httpRequest);
    htmlStream.append("      if(urlExecution!='') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\"  onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"'+urlExecution+'\">"+capExec+"</a></div>';\n");
    /*String capMetadata = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.objects.captionMetadata", "messages", httpRequest);
    htmlStream.append("      if(urlMetadata!=''){ divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\"  onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"javascript:makePopup(\\''+prog+'\\',\\''+urlMetadata+'\\')\" >"+capMetadata+"</a></div>'; }\n");
    String capErase = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.devObjects.captionErase", "messages", httpRequest);
        htmlStream.append("         if(urlEraseDoc!='') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\"  onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"javascript:actionConfirm(\\'"+capErase+"\\', \\''+urlEraseDoc+'\\');\">"+capErase+"</a></div>';\n");
        htmlStream.append("         if(urlEraseFolder!='') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\"  onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"javascript:actionConfirm(\\'"+capErase+"\\', \\''+urlEraseFolder+'\\');\">"+capErase+"</a></div>';\n");
        String capMoveDown = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.objects.captionMoveDownShort", "messages", httpRequest);
    htmlStream.append("         if(urlDown!='') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\"  onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"javascript:actionConfirm(\\'"+capMoveDown+"\\', \\''+urlDown+'\\');\">"+capMoveDown+"</a></div>';\n");
    String capMoveUp = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.objects.captionMoveUpShort", "messages", httpRequest);
    htmlStream.append("         if(urlUp!='') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\"  onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"javascript:actionConfirm(\\'"+capMoveUp+"\\', \\''+urlUp+'\\');\">"+capMoveUp+"</a></div>';\n");
        htmlStream.append("        showMenu(event, divM);\n");
        String capAddSub = "Add folder";
        htmlStream.append("      if(urlAddFolder!='') divM.innerHTML = divM.innerHTML + '<div onmouseout=\"\\'white\\'\"  onmouseover=\"\\'#eaf1f9\\'\" ><a class=\"dtreemenulink\" href=\"'+urlAddFolder+'\">"+capAddSub+"</a></div>';\n");
    htmlStream.append("    }\n");
    htmlStream.append("    function linkEmpty() {\n");
    htmlStream.append("    }\n");
        String confirmCaption = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.devObjects.confirmCaption", "messages", httpRequest);
        htmlStream.append("     function actionConfirm(message, url){\n");
        htmlStream.append("         if (confirm('" + confirmCaption + " ' + message + '?')){\n");
        htmlStream.append("             location.href = url;\n");
        htmlStream.append("         }\n");
        htmlStream.append("     }\n");
        htmlStream.append("     function addSubFolder(idFP){\n");
        htmlStream.append("         alert('Not Implemented');");
        htmlStream.append("     }\n");
        htmlStream.append("     function eraseFolder(idF){\n");
        htmlStream.append("         alert('Not Implemented');");
        htmlStream.append("     }\n");
      htmlStream.append("function makePopup(id, urlMetadata ) {\n");   
    htmlStream.append(" var win = new Ext.Window({id:id , \n"
          +"            bodyCfg:{ \n"
          +"                tag:'div' \n"
          +"                ,cls:'x-panel-body' \n"
          +"               ,children:[{ \n"
          +"                    tag:'iframe', \n"
          +"                    name: 'dynamicIframe1', \n"
          +"                    id  : 'dynamicIframe1', \n"
          +"                    src: urlMetadata , \n"
          +"                    frameBorder:0, \n"
          +"                    width:'100%', \n"
          +"                    height:'100%', \n"
          +"                    style: {overflow:'auto'}  \n "       
          +"               }] \n"
          +"            }, \n"
          +"            modal: true,\n"
          +"            layout:'fit',\n"
          +"            height:400,\n"
      +"            width:500,\n"
      +"            closeAction:'close',\n"
      +"            scripts: true, \n"
      +"            plain: true \n"
      +"        });  \n"
      +"; \n" );
        /* ********* end luca changes *************** */
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.presentation.ITreeHtmlGenerator#makeTree(java.util.List, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
  public StringBuffer makeTree(List objectsList, HttpServletRequest httpRequest, String initialPath, String treename) {
    this.treeName = treename;
    return makeTree(objectsList, httpRequest, initialPath);
   * Function that builds the tree: It should build more common folders and one personal folder (user's one).
   * @param objectsList the objects list
   * @param httpReq the http req
   * @param initialPath the initial path
   * @return the string buffer
  public StringBuffer makeTree(List objectsList, HttpServletRequest httpReq, String initialPath) {
    // identity string for object of the page
      UUIDGenerator uuidGen  = UUIDGenerator.getInstance();
      UUID uuid = uuidGen.generateTimeBasedUUID();
      requestIdentity = uuid.toString();
      requestIdentity = requestIdentity.replaceAll("-", "");
      // get spago containers and buildres classes
    httpRequest = httpReq;
    reqCont = ChannelUtilities.getRequestContainer(httpRequest);
    urlBuilder = UrlBuilderFactory.getUrlBuilder();
    msgBuilder = MessageBuilderFactory.getMessageBuilder();
    _serviceRequest = reqCont.getServiceRequest();
    sessionContainer = reqCont.getSessionContainer();
    SessionContainer permanentSession = sessionContainer.getPermanentContainer();

    // get user profile
        profile = (IEngUserProfile)permanentSession.getAttribute(IEngUserProfile.ENG_USER_PROFILE);
    StringBuffer htmlStream = new StringBuffer();
    htmlStream.append("<LINK rel='StyleSheet' href='"+urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/css/dtree.css", currTheme )+"' type='text/css' />");
    String nameTree = msgBuilder.getMessage("" ,"messages", httpRequest);
    htmlStream.append("<SCRIPT language='JavaScript' src='"+urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/js/dtree.js", currTheme )+"'></SCRIPT>");
    /* ********* start luca changes *************** */
    htmlStream.append("<SCRIPT language='JavaScript' src='"+urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/js/contextMenu.js", currTheme )+"'></SCRIPT>");
    htmlStream.append("<div id='divmenu" + requestIdentity + "' class='dtreemenu' onmouseout='hideMenu(event, \"divmenu" + requestIdentity + "\");' >");
    htmlStream.append("    menu");
    /* ********* end luca changes *************** */
    htmlStream.append("<div id='viewOnlyTestDocument" + requestIdentity + "' style='display:none;'>");
    htmlStream.append("<table width='100%'>");
    htmlStream.append("  <tr height='1px'>");
    htmlStream.append("    <td width='10px'>&nbsp;</td>");
    htmlStream.append("    <td>&nbsp;</td>");
    htmlStream.append("  </tr>");
    htmlStream.append("  <tr>");
    htmlStream.append("    <td>&nbsp;</td>");
    htmlStream.append("    <td>");
    String checked = "";
    String onlyTestObjectsView = httpRequest.getParameter("view_only_test_objects");
    String onlyTestObjectsViewLbl = msgBuilder.getMessage("tree.objectstree.showOnlyTestObject", "messages", httpRequest);
    if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(onlyTestObjectsView)) checked = "checked='checked'";
    htmlStream.append("      <span class=\"dtree\">" + onlyTestObjectsViewLbl + "</span>\n");
    htmlStream.append("      <input type=\"checkbox\" " + checked + " \n");
    htmlStream.append("        onclick=\"document.getElementById('view_only_test_objects" + requestIdentity + "').checked=this.checked;document.getElementById('objectForm').submit()\" />\n");
    htmlStream.append("    </td>");
    htmlStream.append("  </tr>");
    htmlStream.append("<table width='100%'>");
    htmlStream.append("  <tr height='1px'>");
    htmlStream.append("    <td width='10px'>&nbsp;</td>");
    htmlStream.append("    <td>&nbsp;</td>");
    htmlStream.append("  </tr>");
    htmlStream.append("  <tr>");
    htmlStream.append("    <td>&nbsp;</td>");
    htmlStream.append("    <td id='treeExecObjTd" + requestIdentity + "' name='treeExecObjTd" + requestIdentity + "'>&nbsp;</td>");
    htmlStream.append("      <script language=\"JavaScript1.2\">\n");
       //htmlStream.append("        var nameTree = 'treeExecObj';\n");

    String context=httpRequest.getContextPath();
    if (!(context.charAt(context.length() - 1) == '/')) {
      context += '/';
    htmlStream.append("        " + treeName + " = new dTree('" + treeName + "', '" + context + "');\n");
       htmlStream.append("            " + treeName + ".add(" + dTreeRootId + ",-1,'"+nameTree+"');\n");
       Iterator it = objectsList.iterator();
       while (it.hasNext()) {
         LowFunctionality folder = (LowFunctionality);
         boolean isRoot = false;
         //only user personal folder
         boolean isUserFunct = folder.getPath().startsWith("/"+((UserProfile)profile).getUserId());
         if(!isUserFunct) {
           if (initialPath != null) {
             if (initialPath.equalsIgnoreCase(folder.getPath()))
               isRoot = true;
           } else {
             if (folder.getParentId() == null)
               isRoot = true;
         try {
        addItemForJSTree(htmlStream, folder, isRoot, isUserFunct);
      } catch (EMFInternalError e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      htmlStream.append("        document.getElementById('treeExecObjTd" + requestIdentity + "').innerHTML = " + treeName + ";\n");
    htmlStream.append("      </script>\n");
    htmlStream.append("  </tr>");
    // if there is one or more document in test state diplay the div with id='viewOnlyTestDocument'
    if (thereIsOneOrMoreObjectsInTestState) {
      Map formUrlPars = new HashMap();
      formUrlPars.put("PAGE", "LOGIN_PAGE_SBI_FUNCTIONALITY");
      formUrlPars.put(SpagoBIConstants.OBJECTS_VIEW, SpagoBIConstants.VIEW_OBJECTS_AS_TREE);
      if(ChannelUtilities.isWebRunning()) {
        formUrlPars.put(SpagoBIConstants.WEBMODE, "TRUE");
      String formUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, formUrlPars);
        String updateTree = msgBuilder.getMessage("tree.objectstree.update", "messages", httpRequest);
        htmlStream.append("  <div style=\"display:none;\">\n");
        htmlStream.append("  <form method='POST' action='" + formUrl + "' id ='objectForm' name='objectForm'>\n");
        htmlStream.append("    <span>" + onlyTestObjectsViewLbl + "</span>\n");
        htmlStream.append("    <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"view_only_test_objects\" id=\"view_only_test_objects" + requestIdentity + "\" value=\"true\" " + checked + " />\n");
        htmlStream.append("    <input type=\"image\" style=\"width:25px;height:25px\" title=\"" + updateTree + "\" alt\"" + updateTree + "\" \n");
        htmlStream.append("      src=\"" + urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/updateState.png", currTheme ) + "\" />\n");
        htmlStream.append("  </form>\n");
        htmlStream.append("  </div>\n");
      htmlStream.append("<script type='text/javascript'>\n");
      htmlStream.append("  document.getElementById('viewOnlyTestDocument" + requestIdentity + "').style.display='inline';\n");
    logger.debug("Generated HTML for tree: \n" + htmlStream.toString());
    return htmlStream;

  private void addRootItemForJSTree(StringBuffer htmlStream, LowFunctionality folder) throws EMFInternalError {"IN");
    //String exec = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.objects.captionExecute", "messages", httpRequest);
    //String metadata = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.objects.captionMetadata", "messages", httpRequest);
    String nameLabel = folder.getName();
    String name = msgBuilder.getMessage(nameLabel, "messages", httpRequest);
    Integer idFolder = folder.getId();   
    String imgFolder = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/treefolder.gif", currTheme);
    String imgFolderOp = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/treefolderopen.gif", currTheme);
    boolean canExec = ObjectsAccessVerifier.canExec(idFolder, profile);
    boolean canTest = ObjectsAccessVerifier.canTest(idFolder, profile);"Adding ROOT node [" + nameLabel + "] ...");
    logger.debug("Node [" + nameLabel + "] id property is set to: " + idFolder);
    logger.debug("Node [" + nameLabel + "] label property is set to: " + name);
    logger.debug("Node [" + nameLabel + "] executable property is set to: " + canExec);
    logger.debug("Node [" + nameLabel + "] testable property is set to: " + canTest);
    htmlStream.append(treeName + ".add(" + idFolder + ", " + dTreeRootId + ",'" + name + "', '', '', '', '" + imgFolder + "', '" + imgFolderOp + "', 'true');\n");
    List objects = folder.getBiObjects();
    logger.debug("Node [" + nameLabel + "] contains [" + objects.size() + "] document(s)");"Adding contained dcuments ...");
    for (Iterator it = objects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {     
      BIObject obj = (BIObject);
      Integer idObj = obj.getId();
      String stateObj = obj.getStateCode();
      Integer visibleObj = obj.getVisible();
  "Adding document node [" + obj.getName() + "] ...");
      logger.debug("Node [" + obj.getName() + "] id property is set to: " + idObj)
      logger.debug("Node [" + obj.getName() + "] state property is set to: " + stateObj)
      logger.debug("Node [" + obj.getName() + "] visible property is set to: " + (visibleObj.intValue() != 0));
      //insert the correct image for each BI Object type
      String biObjType = obj.getBiObjectTypeCode();
      String imgUrl = "/img/objecticon_"+ biObjType+ ".png";
      String userIcon = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, imgUrl, currTheme);
      String biObjState = obj.getStateCode();
      String stateImgUrl = "/img/stateicon_"+ biObjState+ ".png";
      String stateIcon = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, stateImgUrl, currTheme);
      String onlyTestObjectsView = (String)_serviceRequest.getAttribute("view_only_test_objects");
      Map execUrlPars = new HashMap();
      //execUrlPars.put("PAGE", ExecuteBIObjectModule.MODULE_PAGE);
      execUrlPars.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.ACTION, SpagoBIConstants.EXECUTE_DOCUMENT_ACTION);     
      execUrlPars.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.OBJECT_ID, idObj.toString());
      execUrlPars.put(SpagoBIConstants.MESSAGEDET, ObjectsTreeConstants.EXEC_PHASE_CREATE_PAGE);
      execUrlPars.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.BIOBJECT_TREE_LIST, ObjectsTreeConstants.BIOBJECT_TREE_LIST);     
      if (visibleObj != null && visibleObj.intValue() == 0 && (stateObj.equalsIgnoreCase("REL") || stateObj.equalsIgnoreCase("TEST"))) {
        logger.debug("Node [" + obj.getName() + "] is not accessible by user [" + profile.getUserUniqueIdentifier() + "]");
      } else {
        logger.debug("Node [" + obj.getName() + "] is accessible by user [" + profile.getUserUniqueIdentifier() + "]");
        if (canTest && (stateObj.equals("TEST"))) {
          logger.debug("Node [" + obj.getName() + "] will be accessed by user [" + profile.getUserUniqueIdentifier() + "] in TEST mode");
          thereIsOneOrMoreObjectsInTestState = true;
          String execUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, execUrlPars);
          htmlStream.append(treeName + ".add(" + dTreeObjects-- + ", " + idFolder + ",'<img src=\\'" + stateIcon + "\\' /> " + obj.getName() + "', '" + execUrl + "', '', '', '" + userIcon + "', '', '', '' );\n");
        } else if(!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(onlyTestObjectsView) && (stateObj.equals("REL")) && canExec) {
          logger.debug("Node [" + obj.getName() + "] will be accessed by user [" + profile.getUserUniqueIdentifier() + "] in EXEC mode");
          boolean profileAttrsOk = ObjectsAccessVerifier.checkProfileVisibility(obj, profile);
          if (profileAttrsOk) {
            String execUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, execUrlPars);
            String localizedName=msgBuilder.getUserMessage(obj.getName(), SpagoBIConstants.DEFAULT_USER_BUNDLE, httpRequest);
            htmlStream.append(treeName + ".add(" + dTreeObjects-- + ", " + idFolder + ",'<img src=\\'" + stateIcon + "\\' /> " + localizedName + "', '" + execUrl + "', '', '', '" + userIcon + "', '', '', '' );\n");
          } else {
            logger.debug("NOT visible " + obj.getName() + " because user profile attribute constraint are not satisfied");
  "... document node [" + obj.getName() + "] added succesfully");
    }"... contained dcuments added succesfully");
  private void addFolderItemForJSTree(StringBuffer htmlStream, LowFunctionality folder) throws EMFInternalError {"IN");
    String exec = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.objects.captionExecute", "messages", httpRequest);
    String metadata = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.objects.captionMetadata", "messages", httpRequest);
    String nameLabel = folder.getName();
    String name = msgBuilder.getMessage(nameLabel, "messages", httpRequest);
    Integer idFolder = folder.getId();
    Integer parentId = folder.getParentId();
    String imgFolder = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/treefolder.gif", currTheme);
    String imgFolderOp = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/treefolderopen.gif", currTheme);
    boolean canExec = ObjectsAccessVerifier.canExec(idFolder, profile);
    boolean canTest = ObjectsAccessVerifier.canTest(idFolder, profile);"Adding FOLDER node [" + nameLabel + "] ...");
    logger.debug("Node [" + nameLabel + "] id property is set to: " + idFolder);
    logger.debug("Node [" + nameLabel + "] label property is set to: " + name);
    logger.debug("Node [" + nameLabel + "] executable property is set to: " + canExec);
    logger.debug("Node [" + nameLabel + "] testable property is set to: " + canTest);
    if (canTest || canExec) {
      logger.debug("Node [" + nameLabel + "] is accessible by user [" + profile.getUserUniqueIdentifier() + "]");
      htmlStream.append("  " + treeName + ".add(" + idFolder + ", " + parentId + ",'" + name + "', '', '', '', '" + imgFolder + "', '" + imgFolderOp + "', '', '');\n");
      List objects = folder.getBiObjects();
      logger.debug("Node [" + nameLabel + "] contains [" + objects.size() + "] document(s)");"Adding contained dcuments ...");
      for (Iterator it = objects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        BIObject obj = (BIObject);
        Integer idObj = obj.getId();
        String stateObj = obj.getStateCode();
        Integer visibleObj = obj.getVisible();
        //insert the correct image for each BI Object type
        String biObjType = obj.getBiObjectTypeCode();
        String imgUrl = "/img/objecticon_"+ biObjType+ ".png";
        String userIcon = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, imgUrl, currTheme);
        String biObjState = obj.getStateCode();
        String stateImgUrl = "/img/stateicon_"+ biObjState+ ".png";
        String stateIcon = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, stateImgUrl, currTheme);
        String onlyTestObjectsView = (String)_serviceRequest.getAttribute("view_only_test_objects");
      "Adding document node [" + obj.getName() + "] ...");
        logger.debug("Node [" + obj.getName() + "] id property is set to: " + idObj)
        logger.debug("Node [" + obj.getName() + "] state property is set to: " + stateObj)
        logger.debug("Node [" + obj.getName() + "] visible property is set to: " + (visibleObj.intValue() != 0));
        if (visibleObj != null && visibleObj.intValue() == 0 && (stateObj.equalsIgnoreCase("REL") || stateObj.equalsIgnoreCase("TEST"))) {
          logger.debug("Node [" + obj.getName() + "] is not accessible by user [" + profile.getUserUniqueIdentifier() + "]");
        } else {
          logger.debug("Node [" + obj.getName() + "] is accessible by user [" + profile.getUserUniqueIdentifier() + "]");
          String prog = idObj.toString();
          if ((stateObj.equals("TEST")) && canTest && profile.isAbleToExecuteAction(SpagoBIConstants.DOCUMENT_MANAGEMENT_TEST)) {
            thereIsOneOrMoreObjectsInTestState = true;

            htmlStream.append(treeName + ".add(" + dTreeObjects-- + ", " + idFolder + ",' <a title=\\'" +exec+"\\' href=\""+createExecuteObjectLink(idObj)+"\">" + obj.getName() +"</a>', '', '', '', '" + userIcon + "', '','', 'menu" + requestIdentity + "("+prog+", event, \\'\\',\\'\\', \\'\\', \\'\\', \\'\\',\\'\\',\\'\\')' );\n");
            //htmlStream.append(treeName + ".add(" + dTreeObjects-- + ", " + idFolder + ",'<img src=\\'" + stateIcon + "\\' /> " + obj.getName() + "', 'javascript:linkEmpty()', '', '', '" + userIcon + "', '', '', 'menu" + requestIdentity + "("+prog+", event,\\'" + createExecuteObjectLink(idObj) + "\\',\\'" + createMetadataObjectLink(idObj) + "\\', \\'\\', \\'\\', \\'\\',\\'" +createMoveDownObjectLink(idObj) + "\\', \\'" +createMoveUpObjectLink(idObj) + "\\')' );\n");
          } else if(!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(onlyTestObjectsView) && (stateObj.equals("REL"))&& canExec) {
            //Nuovo albero con Icona dei metadati
            boolean profileAttrsOk = ObjectsAccessVerifier.checkProfileVisibility(obj, profile);
            if (profileAttrsOk) {
              htmlStream.append(treeName + ".add(" + dTreeObjects-- + ", " + idFolder + ",' <a title=\\'" +exec+"\\' href=\""+createExecuteObjectLink(idObj)+"\">" + obj.getName() +"</a>', '', '', '', '" + userIcon + "', '','', 'menu" + requestIdentity + "("+prog+", event, \\'\\',\\'\\', \\'\\', \\'\\', \\'\\',\\'\\',\\'\\')' );\n");
            } else {
              logger.debug("NOT visible " + obj.getName() + " because user profile attribute constraint are not satisfied");
        }"... document node [" + obj.getName() + "] added succesfully");
  "... contained dcuments added succesfully");
  private void addItemForJSTree(StringBuffer htmlStream, LowFunctionality folder, boolean isRoot, boolean isUserFunct) throws EMFInternalError {"IN");
    String exec = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.objects.captionExecute", "messages", httpRequest);
    String metadata = msgBuilder.getMessage("SBISet.objects.captionMetadata", "messages", httpRequest);
    String nameLabel = folder.getName();
    String name = msgBuilder.getMessage(nameLabel, "messages", httpRequest);
    Integer idFolder = folder.getId();
    Integer parentId = folder.getParentId();
    String imgFolder = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/treefolder.gif", currTheme);
    String imgFolderOp = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/treefolderopen.gif", currTheme);
    boolean canExec = ObjectsAccessVerifier.canExec(idFolder, profile);
    boolean canTest = ObjectsAccessVerifier.canTest(idFolder, profile);
    if (isRoot) {
      addRootItemForJSTree(htmlStream, folder);
    } else if (isUserFunct) {
      logger.debug("User Personal Folder");
      imgFolder = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/treefolderuser.gif", currTheme);
      imgFolderOp = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, "/img/treefolderopenuser.gif", currTheme);
      htmlStream.append(treeName + ".add(" + idFolder + ", " + dTreeRootId + ",'" + "Personal Folder: "+name + "', 'javascript:linkEmpty()', '', '', '" + imgFolder + "', '" + imgFolderOp + "', 'false', 'menu" + requestIdentity + "( \\'\\', event, \\'\\', \\'\\', \\'javascript:eraseFolder("+idFolder+")\\', \\'javascript:addSubFolder("+idFolder+")\\')');\n");
      List objects = folder.getBiObjects();
      for (Iterator it = objects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        BIObject obj = (BIObject);
        Integer idObj = obj.getId();
        String stateObj = obj.getStateCode();
        Integer visibleObj = obj.getVisible();
        if( !stateObj.equalsIgnoreCase("REL") || visibleObj.intValue() != 1) {
        //insert the correct image for each BI Object type
        String biObjType = obj.getBiObjectTypeCode();
        String imgUrl = "/img/objecticon_"+ biObjType+ ".png";
        String userIcon = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, imgUrl, currTheme);
        String biObjState = obj.getStateCode();
        String stateImgUrl = "/img/stateicon_"+ biObjState+ ".png";
        String stateIcon = urlBuilder.getResourceLinkByTheme(httpRequest, stateImgUrl, currTheme);
        // create execution link
        Map execUrlPars = new HashMap();
        //execUrlPars.put("PAGE", ExecuteBIObjectModule.MODULE_PAGE);
        execUrlPars.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.ACTION, SpagoBIConstants.EXECUTE_DOCUMENT_ACTION);     
        execUrlPars.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.OBJECT_ID, idObj.toString());
        execUrlPars.put(SpagoBIConstants.MESSAGEDET, ObjectsTreeConstants.EXEC_PHASE_CREATE_PAGE);
        execUrlPars.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.BIOBJECT_TREE_LIST, ObjectsTreeConstants.BIOBJECT_TREE_LIST);     
        String execUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, execUrlPars);
        String prog = idObj.toString();
        htmlStream.append(treeName + ".add(" + dTreeObjects-- + ", " + idFolder + ",'<img src=\\'" + stateIcon + "\\' /> " + obj.getName() + "', 'javascript:linkEmpty()', '', '', '" + userIcon + "', '', '', 'menu" + requestIdentity + "("+prog+", event, \\'"+execUrl+"\\',\\'" + createMetadataObjectLink(idObj) + "\\', \\'"+createEraseDocumentLink(idObj,idFolder)+"\\', \\'\\', \\'\\',\\'\\', \\'\\')' );\n");
    } else {
      addFolderItemForJSTree(htmlStream, folder);

  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.presentation.ITreeHtmlGenerator#makeAccessibleTree(java.util.List, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, java.lang.String)
  public StringBuffer makeAccessibleTree(List objectsList, HttpServletRequest httpRequest, String initialPath) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;
  private String createExecuteObjectLink(Integer id) {
    HashMap execUrlParMap = new HashMap();
    //execUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.PAGE, ExecuteBIObjectModule.MODULE_PAGE);
    execUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.ACTION, SpagoBIConstants.EXECUTE_DOCUMENT_ACTION);     
    execUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.OBJECT_ID, id.toString());
    execUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.BIOBJECT_TREE_LIST, ObjectsTreeConstants.BIOBJECT_TREE_LIST);   
    execUrlParMap.put(SpagoBIConstants.MESSAGEDET, ObjectsTreeConstants.EXEC_PHASE_CREATE_PAGE);
    String execUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, execUrlParMap);
    return execUrl;
  private String createMetadataObjectLink(Integer id) {
    String detUrl = GeneralUtilities.getSpagoBIProfileBaseUrl(((UserProfile)profile).getUserId().toString());
    HashMap detUrlParMap = new HashMap();
    //detUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.PAGE, MetadataBIObjectModule.MODULE_PAGE);
    detUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.MESSAGE_DETAIL, ObjectsTreeConstants.METADATA_SELECT);
    detUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.OBJECT_ID, id.toString());
    detUrlParMap.put(LightNavigationManager.LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED, "TRUE");
    if (detUrlParMap != null){
      Iterator keysIt = detUrlParMap.keySet().iterator();
      String paramName = null;
      Object paramValue = null;
      while (keysIt.hasNext()){
        paramName = (String);
        paramValue = detUrlParMap.get(paramName);
        detUrl += "&"+paramName+"="+paramValue.toString();
    return detUrl;
  private String createMoveUpObjectLink(Integer id) {
    HashMap detUrlParMap = new HashMap();
    detUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.PAGE,"UpdateBIObjectStatePage" );
    detUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.MESSAGE_DETAIL, ObjectsTreeConstants.MOVE_STATE_UP);
    detUrlParMap.put(LightNavigationManager.LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED, "true");
    detUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.OBJECT_ID, id.toString());
    String detUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, detUrlParMap);
    return detUrl;
  private String createMoveDownObjectLink(Integer id) {
    HashMap detUrlParMap = new HashMap();
    detUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.PAGE, "UpdateBIObjectStatePage" );
    detUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.MESSAGE_DETAIL, ObjectsTreeConstants.MOVE_STATE_DOWN);
    detUrlParMap.put(LightNavigationManager.LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED, "true");
    detUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.OBJECT_ID, id.toString());
    String detUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, detUrlParMap);
    return detUrl;
  private String createEraseDocumentLink(Integer iddoc,Integer idFunct) {
    HashMap execUrlParMap = new HashMap();
    execUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.PAGE, "MYFOLDERMANAGEMENTPAGE");
    execUrlParMap.put(LightNavigationManager.LIGHT_NAVIGATOR_DISABLED, "true");
    execUrlParMap.put("TASK", "ERASE_DOCUMENT");
    execUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.OBJECT_ID, iddoc.toString());
    execUrlParMap.put(ObjectsTreeConstants.FUNCT_ID, idFunct.toString());
    String execUrl = urlBuilder.getUrl(httpRequest, execUrlParMap);
    return execUrl;

Related Classes of it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.presentation.ExecTreeHtmlGenerator

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