* @file ViewImporterTreeLoader.java
* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Tensegrity Software GmbH
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License (Version 2) as published
* by the Free Software Foundation at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* If you are developing and distributing open source applications under the
* GPL License, then you are free to use JPalo Modules under the GPL License. For OEMs,
* ISVs, and VARs who distribute JPalo Modules with their products, and do not license
* and distribute their source code under the GPL, Tensegrity provides a flexible
* OEM Commercial License.
* @author Philipp Bouillon <Philipp.Bouillon@tensegrity-software.com>
* @version $Id: ViewImporterTreeLoader.java,v 1.23 2010/02/16 13:53:42 PhilippBouillon Exp $
* (c) Tensegrity Software 2009
* All rights reserved
package com.tensegrity.wpalo.server.childloader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.palo.api.Connection;
import org.palo.api.Cube;
import org.palo.api.Database;
import org.palo.api.PaloObject;
import org.palo.viewapi.Account;
import org.palo.viewapi.AuthUser;
import org.palo.viewapi.PaloAccount;
import org.palo.viewapi.Right;
import org.palo.viewapi.Role;
import org.palo.viewapi.View;
import org.palo.viewapi.internal.ConnectionPoolManager;
import org.palo.viewapi.internal.PaloAccountImpl;
import org.palo.viewapi.internal.ServerConnectionPool;
import org.palo.viewapi.services.AdministrationService;
import org.palo.viewapi.services.ServiceProvider;
import org.palo.viewapi.services.ViewService;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.client.models.XObject;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.client.models.account.XAccount;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.client.models.cubeviews.XView;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.client.models.palo.XCube;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.client.models.palo.XDatabase;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.server.converter.XConverter;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.server.services.UserSession;
import com.tensegrity.wpalo.client.serialization.XObjectWrapper;
import com.tensegrity.wpalo.client.ui.mvc.viewbrowser.importer.ViewImportDialog;
* <code>ViewImporterTreeLoader</code> TODO DOCUMENT ME
* @version $Id: ViewImporterTreeLoader.java,v 1.23 2010/02/16 13:53:42 PhilippBouillon Exp $
public class ViewImporterTreeLoader implements ChildLoader {
public boolean accepts(XObject parent) {
return parent.getType().equals(ViewImportDialog.XOBJECT_TYPE);
public XObject[] loadChildren(XObject parent, UserSession userSession) {
XObject xObj = ((XObjectWrapper)parent).getXObject();
String sessionId = userSession.getSessionId();
AuthUser loggedInUser = userSession.getUser();
if (xObj instanceof XAccount)
return load((XAccount) xObj, loggedInUser, sessionId);
else if (xObj instanceof XDatabase)
return load((XDatabase) xObj, loggedInUser, sessionId);
else if (xObj instanceof XCube)
return load((XCube) xObj, loggedInUser, sessionId, userSession);
return new XObject[0];
private final XObject[] load(XAccount xAccount, AuthUser user, String sessionId) {
try {
String accountId = xAccount.getId();
Connection paloConnection = getConnectionForAccount(accountId, user, sessionId);
if(paloConnection != null) {
if (paloConnection.getType() == Connection.TYPE_HTTP) {
Database[] databases = paloConnection.getDatabases();
List<XObject> xDatabases = new ArrayList<XObject>();
for(Database database : databases) {
if(isValid(database)) {
XObject xDatabase = XConverter.createX(database, xAccount.getId());
return xDatabases.toArray(new XObject[0]);
return new XObject[0];
} finally {
Account acc = getAccount(xAccount.getId(), user);
ConnectionPoolManager.getInstance().disconnect(acc, sessionId, "ViewImporterTreeLoader.load");
private final XObject[] load(XDatabase xDatabase, AuthUser user, String sessionId) {
try {
Database database = getDatabase(xDatabase, user, sessionId);
if(database != null) {
// if (database.getConnection().getType() == Connection.TYPE_HTTP) {
// ((DatabaseImpl) database).clearCache();
// }
Cube[] cubes = database.getCubes(PaloObject.TYPE_NORMAL);
List<XObject> xCubes = new ArrayList<XObject>();
for(Cube cube : cubes) {
if(isValid(cube)) {
XObject xCube =
new XCube(cube.getId(), cube.getName(), xDatabase);
return xCubes.toArray(new XObject[0]);
return new XObject[0];
} finally {
Account acc = getAccount(xDatabase.getAccountId(), user);
ConnectionPoolManager.getInstance().disconnect(acc, sessionId, "ViewImporterTreeLoader.load2");
//can be used to filter out cubes which are of type normal but shouldn't be
//shown anyway...
private boolean isValid(Cube cube) {
String cubeName = cube.getName();
if(!cubeName.startsWith("#")) {
int connectionType = cube.getDatabase().getConnection().getType();
if(connectionType == Connection.TYPE_XMLA) {
return !cubeName.equalsIgnoreCase("$INFOCUBE");
return true;
return false;
private boolean isValid(Database database) {
if (database.isSystem() || database.getType() == Database.TYPE_USER_INFO) {
return false;
String databaseName = database.getName();
int connectionType = database.getConnection().getType();
if(connectionType == Connection.TYPE_XMLA) {
boolean isValid = !databaseName.equalsIgnoreCase("$INFOCUBE");
isValid = isValid && !databaseName.equalsIgnoreCase("0CCA_C11");
return isValid;
return true;
private final XObject[] load(XCube xCube, AuthUser user, String sessionId, UserSession userSession) {
try {
Cube cube = getCube(xCube, user, sessionId);
if (cube != null) {
String viewIds[] = cube.getCubeViewIds();
List<XObject> views = new ArrayList<XObject>();
addDefaultViewFor(cube, xCube.getAccountId(), views, user, userSession);
for(String viewId : viewIds) {
String viewName = cube.getCubeViewName(viewId);
XView view = createXView(viewId, viewName, cube, xCube.getAccountId(), user);
XObjectWrapper wrappedCandidate = wrap(view);
return views.toArray(new XObject[0]);
return new XObject[0];
} finally {
Account acc = getAccount(xCube.getAccountId(), user);
ConnectionPoolManager.getInstance().disconnect(acc, sessionId, "ViewImporterTreeLoader.load3");
private final Cube getCube(XCube xCube, AuthUser user, String sessionId) {
Database database = getDatabase(xCube.getDatabase(), user, sessionId);
if(database != null)
return database.getCubeById(xCube.getId());
return null;
private final void addDefaultViewFor(Cube cube, String accountId,
List<XObject> toViews, AuthUser user, UserSession session) {
String viewId = null;
String viewName = cube.getName() + session.translate("defaultView");
XView view = createXView(viewId, viewName, cube, accountId, user);
XObjectWrapper wrappedCandidate = wrap(view);
private final XView createXView(String id, String name, Cube cube,
String accountId, AuthUser user) {
XView view = new XView(id, name);
ViewService vService = ServiceProvider.getViewService(user);
View v = vService.getView(id);
if (v != null && v.getOwner() != null) {
if (v != null) {
List <String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
List <String> names = new ArrayList <String>();
for (Role r: v.getRoles()) {
return view;
private final Database getDatabase(XDatabase xDatabase, AuthUser user, String sessionId) {
Connection paloConnection = getConnectionForAccount(xDatabase
.getAccountId(), user, sessionId);
if (paloConnection != null)
return paloConnection.getDatabaseById(xDatabase.getId());
return null;
private final synchronized Connection getConnectionForAccount(String accountId, AuthUser user, String sessionId) {
Account account = null;
if (isAdmin(user)) {
AdministrationService adminService = ServiceProvider
account = adminService.getAccount(accountId);
} else
account = getAccount(accountId, user);
if (account instanceof PaloAccount) {
// ((PaloAccount) account).login();
ServerConnectionPool pool =
ConnectionPoolManager.getInstance().getPool(account, sessionId);
Connection con = pool.getConnection("ViewImporterTreeLoader.getConnectionForAccount");
((PaloAccountImpl) account).setConnection(con);
return con;
return null;
private final boolean isAdmin(AuthUser user) {
return user.hasPermission(Right.READ, AdministrationService.class);
private final Account getAccount(String id, AuthUser user) {
for(Account account : user.getAccounts())
return account;
return null;
private final XObjectWrapper wrap(XObject xObj) {
XObjectWrapper wrapped= new XObjectWrapper(xObj);
return wrapped;