* @file ModellerChildLoader.java
* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Tensegrity Software GmbH
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License (Version 2) as published
* by the Free Software Foundation at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* If you are developing and distributing open source applications under the
* GPL License, then you are free to use JPalo Modules under the GPL License. For OEMs,
* ISVs, and VARs who distribute JPalo Modules with their products, and do not license
* and distribute their source code under the GPL, Tensegrity provides a flexible
* OEM Commercial License.
* @author Philipp Bouillon <Philipp.Bouillon@tensegrity-software.com>
* @version $Id: ModellerChildLoader.java,v 1.13 2010/02/12 13:49:50 PhilippBouillon Exp $
package com.tensegrity.wpalo.server.childloader;
import org.palo.api.Connection;
import org.palo.api.ConnectionConfiguration;
import org.palo.api.ConnectionFactory;
import org.palo.api.Cube;
import org.palo.api.Database;
import org.palo.api.Dimension;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.client.models.XObject;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.client.models.admin.XUser;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.client.models.folders.XFolder;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.client.models.palo.XCube;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.client.models.palo.XDatabase;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.client.models.palo.XDimension;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.client.models.palo.XServer;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.server.converter.XConverter;
import com.tensegrity.palo.gwt.core.server.services.UserSession;
public class ModellerChildLoader implements ChildLoader {
public static String TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_CUBES = "cubes";
public static String TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_DIMENSIONS = "dimensions";
public static String TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_SYSTEMDIMENSIONS = "sysdims";
public static String TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTEDIMENSIONS = "attdims";
public static String TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_SYSTEMCUBES = "syscubes";
public static String TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTECUBES = "attcubes";
public int idCounter = 10000; // temporary, must be replaced by id path
public boolean accepts(XObject parent) {
return parent instanceof XServer ||
parent instanceof XDatabase ||
parent instanceof XCube ||
parent instanceof XFolder ||
parent instanceof XUser;
public XObject[] loadChildren(XObject parent, UserSession userSession) {
XObject [] ret = null;
// AuthUser user =
// (AuthUser) XObjectMatcher.getNativeObject(((XModellerObject)parent).getUser());
// if (parent instanceof XRoot) {
// int paloAccounts = 0;
// for (Account a: user.getAccounts())
// {
// if (a instanceof PaloAccount) {
// paloAccounts++;
// }
// }
// ret = new XServer[paloAccounts];
// for (int i = 0, n = user.getAccounts().size(); i < n; i++)
// {
// Account a = user.getAccounts().get(i);
// if (a instanceof PaloAccount) {
// Connection conn = ((PaloAccount)a).login();
// XServer server = new XServer();
// server.setName(conn.getServer());
// setIdToXObject(server);
// server.setHasChildren(true);
// ret[i] = server;
// }
// }
// }
// else if (parent instanceof XServer) {
// Connection connection = getConnection();
// ret = new XDatabase[connection.getDatabaseCount()];
// for (int i = 0; i < connection.getDatabaseCount(); i++)
// {
// Database db = connection.getDatabaseAt(i);
// XDatabase xdb = new XDatabase();
// xdb.setName(db.getName());
// setIdToXObject(xdb);
// xdb.setDbId(db.getId());
// xdb.setHasChildren(true);
// ret[i] = xdb;
// }
// connection.disconnect();
// }
// else if (parent instanceof XDatabase) {
// XDatabase xdb = (XDatabase)parent;
// ret = new XFolder[2];
// ret[0] = addStaticFolder(parent, "Dimensions", xdb.getDbId(), TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_DIMENSIONS);
// ret[1] = addStaticFolder(parent, "Cubes", xdb.getId(), TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_CUBES);
// }
// else if (parent instanceof XFolder) {
// XFolder folder = (XFolder)parent;
// Connection connection = getConnection();
// Database db = connection.getDatabaseById(folder.getDbId());
// if (folder.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_CUBES) ||
// folder.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_SYSTEMCUBES) ||
// folder.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTECUBES)) {
// ret = addCubes(folder, db);
// } else if (folder.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_DIMENSIONS) ||
// folder.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_SYSTEMDIMENSIONS) ||
// folder.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTEDIMENSIONS)) {
// ret = addDimensions(folder, db);
// }
// connection.disconnect();
// }
return ret;
private Connection getConnection()
ConnectionConfiguration config = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConfiguration("localhost",
"7777", "admin", "admin");
return ConnectionFactory.getInstance().newConnection(config);
private XFolder addStaticFolder(XObject parent, String label, String dbId, String folderType)
XFolder folder = new XFolder();
// folder.setDbId(dbId);
return folder;
private XObject[] addCubes(XFolder parent, Database db)
int allCubeCnt = db.getCubeCount();
int cubeCnt = 0;
XObject ret[];
for (int i = 0; i < allCubeCnt; i++) {
Cube cube = db.getCubeAt(i);
if ((parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_CUBES) && isDataCube(cube)) ||
(parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_SYSTEMCUBES) && cube.isSystemCube()) ||
(parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTECUBES) && cube.isAttributeCube())) {
if (parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_CUBES)) {
cubeCnt += 2; // for additional subfolders
ret = new XObject[cubeCnt];
int curCube = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < allCubeCnt; i++)
Cube cube = db.getCubeAt(i);
if ((parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_CUBES) && isDataCube(cube)) ||
(parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_SYSTEMCUBES) && cube.isSystemCube()) ||
(parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTECUBES) && cube.isAttributeCube())) {
ret[curCube] = new XCube();
// ret[curCube].setId(cube.getId());
if (parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_CUBES)) {
ret[curCube] = addStaticFolder(parent, "Attribute Cubes", db.getId(), TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTECUBES);
ret[curCube + 1] = addStaticFolder(parent, "System Cubes", db.getId(), TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_SYSTEMCUBES);
return ret;
private boolean isDataCube(Cube cube)
return (!cube.isSystemCube() && !cube.isAttributeCube() && !cube.isUserInfoCube());
private boolean isDataDimension(Dimension dim)
return (!dim.isSystemDimension() && !dim.isAttributeDimension() && !dim.isUserInfoDimension());
private XObject[] addDimensions(XFolder parent, Database db)
int allDimCnt = db.getDimensionCount();
int dimCnt = 0;
XObject ret[];
for (int i = 0; i < allDimCnt; i++) {
Dimension dim = db.getDimensionAt(i);
if ((parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_DIMENSIONS) && isDataDimension(dim)) ||
(parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_SYSTEMDIMENSIONS) && dim.isSystemDimension()) ||
(parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTEDIMENSIONS) && dim.isAttributeDimension())) {
if (parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_DIMENSIONS)) {
dimCnt += 2; // for additional subfolders
ret = new XObject[dimCnt];
int curDim = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < allDimCnt; i++)
Dimension dim = db.getDimensionAt(i);
if ((parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_DIMENSIONS) && isDataDimension(dim)) ||
(parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_SYSTEMDIMENSIONS) && dim.isSystemDimension()) ||
(parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTEDIMENSIONS) && dim.isAttributeDimension())) {
XDimension xdim = (XDimension) XConverter.createX(dim);
// xdim.setName(dim.getName());
// xdim.setDbId(db.getId());
// xdim.setDimId(dim.getId());
ret[curDim] = xdim;
if (parent.getFolderType().equalsIgnoreCase(TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_DIMENSIONS)) {
ret[curDim] = addStaticFolder(parent, "Attribute Dimension", db.getId(), TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_ATTRIBUTEDIMENSIONS);
ret[curDim + 1] = addStaticFolder(parent, "System Dimension", db.getId(), TYPE_STATIC_FOLDER_SYSTEMDIMENSIONS);
return ret;
private void setIdToXObject(XObject obj) {
obj.setId("" + idCounter);