* SpagoBI - The Business Intelligence Free Platform
* Copyright (C) 2004 - 2008 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package it.eng.spagobi.engines.geo.map.renderer;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.URL;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGDocument;
import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGElement;
import com.jamonapi.Monitor;
import com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory;
import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean;
import it.eng.spago.configuration.ConfigSingleton;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.StringUtilities;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.geo.GeoEngineConstants;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.geo.GeoEngineException;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.geo.datamart.provider.IDataMartProvider;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.geo.dataset.DataMart;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.geo.map.provider.IMapProvider;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.geo.map.renderer.configurator.InteractiveMapRendererConfigurator;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.geo.map.utils.SVGMapLoader;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.geo.map.utils.SVGMapMerger;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.geo.map.utils.SVGMapSaver;
import it.eng.spagobi.tools.dataset.common.datastore.IDataStore;
import it.eng.spagobi.tools.dataset.common.datastore.IDataStoreMetaData;
import it.eng.spagobi.tools.dataset.common.datastore.IField;
import it.eng.spagobi.tools.dataset.common.datastore.IFieldMetaData;
import it.eng.spagobi.tools.dataset.common.datastore.IRecord;
import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.assertion.Assert;
import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.engines.EngineConstants;
* @author Andrea Gioia
public class InteractiveMapRenderer extends AbstractMapRenderer {
private boolean closeLink = false;
private SVGMapLoader svgMapLoader;
/** Logger component. */
public static transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(InteractiveMapRenderer.class);
public InteractiveMapRenderer() {
public void init(Object conf) throws GeoEngineException {
svgMapLoader = new SVGMapLoader();
InteractiveMapRendererConfigurator.configure( this, getConf() );
public File renderMap(IMapProvider mapProvider,
IDataMartProvider datamartProvider) throws GeoEngineException {
return renderMap(mapProvider, datamartProvider, GeoEngineConstants.DSVG);
public File renderMap(IMapProvider mapProvider,
IDataMartProvider datamartProvider,
String outputFormat) throws GeoEngineException {
Monitor totalTimeMonitor = null;
Monitor totalTimePerFormatMonitor = null;
try {
totalTimeMonitor = MonitorFactory.start("GeoEngine.drawMapAction.renderMap.totalTime");
totalTimePerFormatMonitor = MonitorFactory.start("GeoEngine.drawMapAction.renderMap." + outputFormat + ".totalTime");
if(outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(GeoEngineConstants.SVG)) {
return renderSVGMap(mapProvider, datamartProvider);
}else if(outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(GeoEngineConstants.DSVG)) {
return renderDSVGMap(mapProvider, datamartProvider, false);
} else if(outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(GeoEngineConstants.XDSVG)) {
return renderDSVGMap(mapProvider, datamartProvider, true);
} else if(outputFormat.equalsIgnoreCase(GeoEngineConstants.JPEG)) {
return renderSVGMap(mapProvider, datamartProvider);
} finally {
if(totalTimePerFormatMonitor != null) totalTimePerFormatMonitor.stop();
if(totalTimeMonitor != null) totalTimeMonitor.stop();
return renderDSVGMap(mapProvider, datamartProvider, true);
* Render dsvg map.
* @param mapProvider the map provider
* @param datamartProvider the datamart provider
* @param includeScript the include script
* @return the file
* @throws GeoEngineException the geo engine exception
private File renderDSVGMap(IMapProvider mapProvider,
IDataMartProvider datamartProvider,
boolean includeScript) throws GeoEngineException {
SVGDocument targetMap;
SVGDocument masterMap = null;
File tmpMap;
DataMart dataMart;
Monitor loadDataMartTotalTimeMonitor = null;
Monitor loadMasterMapTotalTimeMonitor = null;
Monitor loadTargetMapTotalTimeMonitor = null;
Monitor margeAndDecorateMapTotalTimeMonitor = null;
// load datamart
try {
loadDataMartTotalTimeMonitor = MonitorFactory.start("GeoEngine.drawMapAction.renderMap.loadDatamart");
dataMart = (DataMart)datamartProvider.getDataMart();
} finally {
if(loadDataMartTotalTimeMonitor != null) loadDataMartTotalTimeMonitor.stop();
// load master map
try {
loadMasterMapTotalTimeMonitor = MonitorFactory.start("GeoEngine.drawMapAction.renderMap.loadMasterMap");
masterMap = svgMapLoader.loadMapAsDocument(getMasterMapFile(true));
} catch (IOException e) {
GeoEngineException geoException;
logger.error("Impossible to load map from file: " + getMasterMapFile(true));
String description = "Impossible to load map from file: " + getMasterMapFile(true);
geoException = new GeoEngineException("Impossible to render map", e);
throw geoException;
} finally {
if(loadMasterMapTotalTimeMonitor != null) loadMasterMapTotalTimeMonitor.stop();
// load target map
try {
loadTargetMapTotalTimeMonitor = MonitorFactory.start("GeoEngine.drawMapAction.renderMap.loadTargetMap");
targetMap = mapProvider.getSVGMapDOMDocument();
}finally {
if(loadTargetMapTotalTimeMonitor != null) loadTargetMapTotalTimeMonitor.stop();
// marge and decorate map
try {
margeAndDecorateMapTotalTimeMonitor = MonitorFactory.start("GeoEngine.drawMapAction.renderMap.margeAndDecorateMap");
addData(targetMap, dataMart);
addLink(targetMap, dataMart);
SVGMapMerger.margeMap(targetMap, masterMap, null, "targetMap");
if( includeScript ) {
} else {
setMainMapDimension(masterMap, targetMap);
Element scriptInit = masterMap.getElementById("init");
Node scriptText = scriptInit.getFirstChild();
JSONObject conf = new JSONObject();
JSONArray measures;
try {
measures = getMeasuresConfigurationScript(dataMart);
String selectedMeasureName = getSelectedMeasureName();
logger.debug("Selected measure [" + selectedMeasureName + "]");
Assert.assertTrue(selectedMeasureName != null, "default_kpi attribute cannot be null. Please add it to MEASURES tag in your template file");
int selectedMeasureIndexIndex = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < measures.length(); i++) {
JSONObject measure = (JSONObject)measures.get(i);
logger.debug("Comparing selected measure [" + selectedMeasureName + "] with measure [" + (String)measure.get("name") + "]");
String nm = (String)measure.get("name");
if(selectedMeasureName.equalsIgnoreCase( nm)) {
logger.debug("Selected measure [" + selectedMeasureName + "] is equal to measure [" + (String)measure.get("name") + "]");
selectedMeasureIndexIndex = i;
logger.debug("Selected measure index [" + selectedMeasureIndexIndex + "]");
conf.put("selected_measure_index", selectedMeasureIndexIndex);
conf.put("measures", measures);
JSONArray layers = getLayersConfigurationScript(targetMap);
String targetLayer = datamartProvider.getSelectedLevel().getFeatureName();
int targetLayerIndex = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < layers.length(); i++) {
JSONObject layer = (JSONObject)layers.get(i);
if(targetLayer.equals( layer.get("name"))) {
targetLayerIndex = i;
conf.put("target_layer_index", targetLayerIndex);
conf.put("layers", layers);
JSONObject guiSettings = getGUIConfigurationScript();
guiSettings.put("includeChartLayer", getLayer("grafici")!=null);
guiSettings.put("includeValuesLayer", getLayer("valori")!=null);
conf.put("gui_settings", guiSettings);
String execId = (String)this.getEnv().get("SBI_EXECUTION_ID");
conf.put("execId", execId);
JSONObject localeJSON = new JSONObject();
Locale locale = (Locale) this.getEnv().get(EngineConstants.ENV_LOCALE);
logger.debug("Current environment locale is: " + locale);
if (locale == null) {
logger.debug("Using default english locale");
locale = Locale.ENGLISH;
localeJSON.put("language", locale.getLanguage());
localeJSON.put("country", locale.getCountry());
DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(locale);
localeJSON.put("decimalSeparator", new Character(dfs.getDecimalSeparator()).toString());
localeJSON.put("groupingSeparator", new Character(dfs.getGroupingSeparator()).toString());
conf.put("locale", localeJSON);
} catch (JSONException e1) {
GeoEngineException geoException;
logger.error("Impossible to create sbi.geo.conf", e1);
String description = "Impossible to create sbi.geo.conf";
geoException = new GeoEngineException("Impossible to create sbi.geo.conf", e1);
throw geoException;
scriptText.setNodeValue( "sbi = {};\n sbi.geo = {};\n sbi.geo.conf = " + conf.toString() );
try {
tmpMap = getTempFile();
} catch (IOException e) {
GeoEngineException geoException;
logger.error("Impossible to create a temporary file", e);
String description = "Impossible to create a temporary file";
geoException = new GeoEngineException("Impossible to render map", e);
throw geoException;
}catch (Throwable t) {
GeoEngineException geoException;
logger.error("Impossible to create a temporary file", t);
String description = "Impossible to create a temporary file";
geoException = new GeoEngineException("Impossible to render map", t);
throw geoException;
try {
SVGMapSaver.saveMap(masterMap, tmpMap);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
GeoEngineException geoException;
logger.error("Impossible to save map on temporary file " + tmpMap, e);
String str = e.getMessage()!=null?e.getMessage():e.getClass().getName();
String description = "Impossible to save map on temporary file " + tmpMap + ". Root cause: " + str;
geoException = new GeoEngineException("Impossible to render map", e);
throw geoException;
} catch (TransformerException e) {
GeoEngineException geoException;
logger.error("Impossible to save map on temporary file " + tmpMap, e);
String str = e.getMessage()!=null?e.getMessage():e.getClass().getName();
String description = "Impossible to save map on temporary file " + tmpMap + ". Root cause: " + str;
geoException = new GeoEngineException("Impossible to render map", e);
throw geoException;
}catch (Throwable t) {
GeoEngineException geoException;
logger.error("Impossible to save map on temporary file " + tmpMap, t);
String str = t.getMessage()!=null?t.getMessage():t.getClass().getName();
String description = "Impossible to save map on temporary file " + tmpMap + ". Root cause: " + str;
geoException = new GeoEngineException("Impossible to render map", t);
throw geoException;
} finally {
if(margeAndDecorateMapTotalTimeMonitor != null) margeAndDecorateMapTotalTimeMonitor.stop();
return tmpMap;
* Render svg map.
* @param mapProvider the map provider
* @param datamartProvider the datamart provider
* @return the file
* @throws GeoEngineException the geo engine exception
private File renderSVGMap(IMapProvider mapProvider,
IDataMartProvider datamartProvider) throws GeoEngineException {
SVGDocument targetMap;
SVGDocument masterMap;
DataMart datamart;
datamart = (DataMart)datamartProvider.getDataMart();
targetMap = mapProvider.getSVGMapDOMDocument();
try {
masterMap = svgMapLoader.loadMapAsDocument(getMasterMapFile(false));
} catch (IOException e) {
GeoEngineException geoException;
logger.error("Impossible to load map from file: " + getMasterMapFile(true));
String description = "Impossible to load map from file: " + getMasterMapFile(true);
geoException = new GeoEngineException("Impossible to render map", e);
throw geoException;
decorateMap(masterMap, targetMap, datamart);
SVGMapMerger.margeMap(targetMap, masterMap, null, "targetMap");
setMainMapDimension(masterMap, targetMap);
//setMainMapBkgRectDimension(masterMap, targetMap);
File tmpMap;
try {
tmpMap = getTempFile();
} catch (IOException e) {
GeoEngineException geoException;
logger.error("Impossible to create a temporary file", e);
String description = "Impossible to create a temporary file";
geoException = new GeoEngineException("Impossible to render map", e);
throw geoException;
try {
SVGMapSaver.saveMap(masterMap, tmpMap);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
GeoEngineException geoException;
logger.error("Impossible to save map on temporary file " + tmpMap, e);
String str = e.getMessage()!=null?e.getMessage():e.getClass().getName();
String description = "Impossible to save map on temporary file " + tmpMap + ". Root cause: " + str;
geoException = new GeoEngineException("Impossible to render map", e);
throw geoException;
} catch (TransformerException e) {
GeoEngineException geoException;
logger.error("Impossible to save map on temporary file " + tmpMap, e);
String str = e.getMessage()!=null?e.getMessage():e.getClass().getName();
String description = "Impossible to save map on temporary file " + tmpMap + ". Root cause: " + str;
geoException = new GeoEngineException("Impossible to render map", e);
throw geoException;
return tmpMap;
* Decorate map.
* @param masterMap the master map
* @param targetMap the target map
* @param datamart the datamart
private void decorateMap(SVGDocument masterMap, SVGDocument targetMap, DataMart datamart) {
IDataStore dataStore = datamart.getDataStore();
IDataStoreMetaData dataStoreMeta = dataStore.getMetaData();
List measureFieldsMeta = dataStoreMeta.findFieldMeta("ROLE", "MEASURE");
String[] kpiNames = new String[measureFieldsMeta.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < kpiNames.length; i++) {
IFieldMetaData filedMeta = (IFieldMetaData)measureFieldsMeta.get(i);
kpiNames[i] = filedMeta.getName();
//int selectedKpiIndex = dataStoreMeta.getFieldIndex( getSelectedMeasureName() );
String selectedKpiName = getSelectedMeasureName(); //kpiNames[selectedKpiIndex];
Assert.assertTrue(selectedKpiName != null, "default_kpi attribute cannot be null. Please add it to MEASURES tag in your template file");
Measure measure = getMeasure( selectedKpiName );
Number lb_value = null;
Number ub_value = null;
String lb_color = null;
String ub_color = null;
String null_values_color = null;
String[] trasholdCalculationPercParams = null;
Integer num_group = null;
Integer trasholdCalculationUniformParams = null;
String colorRangeCalculationGradParams = null;
String[] col_kpi_array = null;
Number[] trash_kpi_array = null;
Number[] kpi_ordered_values = null;
dataStore.sortRecords( dataStoreMeta.getFieldIndex(selectedKpiName) );
List orderedKpiValuesSet = dataStore.getFieldValues( dataStoreMeta.getFieldIndex(selectedKpiName) );
//Set orderedKpiValuesSet = datamart.getOrderedKpiValuesSet( selectedKpiName );
kpi_ordered_values = (Number[])orderedKpiValuesSet.toArray(new Number[0]);
if( measure.getTresholdLb() == null
|| measure.getTresholdLb().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")
|| measure.getTresholdLb().equalsIgnoreCase("none") ) {
lb_value = null;
} else {
lb_value = Double.parseDouble( measure.getTresholdLb() );
if( measure.getTresholdUb() == null
|| measure.getTresholdUb().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")
|| measure.getTresholdUb().equalsIgnoreCase("none") ) {
ub_value = null;
} else {
ub_value = Double.parseDouble( measure.getTresholdUb() );
lb_color = measure.getColurOutboundCol();
ub_color = measure.getColurOutboundCol();
null_values_color = measure.getColurNullCol();
String numGroupAttr = measure.getTresholdCalculatorParameters().getProperty("GROUPS_NUMBER");
if( numGroupAttr != null ) {
num_group = Integer.parseInt( numGroupAttr );
trasholdCalculationUniformParams = num_group;
colorRangeCalculationGradParams = measure.getColurCalculatorParameters().getProperty("BASE_COLOR");
// SetTrashHolds
if(lb_value == null) {
lb_value = kpi_ordered_values[0];
if(ub_value == null) {
ub_value = kpi_ordered_values[kpi_ordered_values.length-1];
if(lb_value.doubleValue() > ub_value.doubleValue()) {
Number t = lb_value;
ub_value = lb_value;
lb_value = t;
if(ub_value.doubleValue() < kpi_ordered_values[0].doubleValue() || lb_value.doubleValue() > kpi_ordered_values[kpi_ordered_values.length-1].doubleValue()) {
lb_value = kpi_ordered_values[0];
ub_value = kpi_ordered_values[kpi_ordered_values.length-1];
if( measure.getTresholdCalculatorType().equalsIgnoreCase("quantile") ) {
trash_kpi_array = new Number[num_group + 1];
int diff_value_num = 0;
int start_index = -1;
if(kpi_ordered_values[0].doubleValue() >= lb_value.doubleValue() && kpi_ordered_values[kpi_ordered_values.length-1].doubleValue() <= ub_value.doubleValue()) {
diff_value_num = kpi_ordered_values.length;
start_index = 0;
} else {
for(int j = 0; j < kpi_ordered_values.length; j++) {
if(kpi_ordered_values[j].doubleValue() >= lb_value.doubleValue() && kpi_ordered_values[j].doubleValue() <= ub_value.doubleValue()) {
start_index = (start_index == -1?j:start_index);
if(diff_value_num < num_group) num_group = diff_value_num;
int blockSize = (int)Math.floor( diff_value_num / num_group );
trash_kpi_array[0] = lb_value;
for(int j = 1; j < num_group; j++){
trash_kpi_array[j] = kpi_ordered_values[start_index + (j*blockSize)];
trash_kpi_array[num_group] = ub_value;
} else if ( measure.getTresholdCalculatorType().equalsIgnoreCase("perc") ) {
double range = ub_value.doubleValue() - lb_value.doubleValue();
trasholdCalculationPercParams = getTresholdsArray(measure.getColumnId());
trash_kpi_array = new Number[trasholdCalculationPercParams.length + 1];
trash_kpi_array[0] = lb_value;
for(int j = 0; j < trasholdCalculationPercParams.length; j++) {
double groupSize = (range / 100.0) * Double.parseDouble(trasholdCalculationPercParams[j]);
trash_kpi_array[j+1] = trash_kpi_array[j].doubleValue() + groupSize;
trash_kpi_array[ trash_kpi_array.length - 1] = ub_value;
num_group = trash_kpi_array.length - 1;
} else if ( measure.getTresholdCalculatorType().equalsIgnoreCase("uniform") ) {
trash_kpi_array = new Number[ trasholdCalculationUniformParams.intValue() + 1 ];
double perc = 100 / (trasholdCalculationUniformParams.doubleValue());
trasholdCalculationPercParams = new String[trasholdCalculationUniformParams.intValue() + 1];
for(int j = 0; j < trasholdCalculationPercParams.length; j++) {
trasholdCalculationPercParams[j] = "" + perc;
double range = ub_value.doubleValue() - lb_value.doubleValue();
trash_kpi_array[0] = lb_value;
for(int j = 0; j < trash_kpi_array.length-2; j++) {
double groupSize = (range / 100.0) * Double.parseDouble(trasholdCalculationPercParams[j]);
trash_kpi_array[j+1] = trash_kpi_array[j].doubleValue() + groupSize;
trash_kpi_array[ trash_kpi_array.length-1 ] = ub_value;
num_group = trasholdCalculationPercParams.length - 1;
} else if ( measure.getTresholdCalculatorType().equalsIgnoreCase("static") ) {
String[] trasholdsArray = getTresholdsArray( selectedKpiName );
trash_kpi_array = new Number[trasholdsArray.length];
for(int j = 0; j < trasholdsArray.length; j++) {
trash_kpi_array[j] = new Double( trasholdsArray[j] );
} else {
if(num_group == null) { // static case, num_group is calculated from bounds
num_group = new Integer(trash_kpi_array.length-1);
if(measure.getColurCalculatorType().equalsIgnoreCase("static")) {
col_kpi_array = getColoursArray( selectedKpiName );
} else if(measure.getColurCalculatorType().equalsIgnoreCase("gradient") || measure.getColurCalculatorType().equalsIgnoreCase("grad")) {
col_kpi_array = getGradientColourRange(colorRangeCalculationGradParams, num_group);
} else {
col_kpi_array = getGradientColourRange(colorRangeCalculationGradParams, num_group);
logger.debug( Arrays.toString( col_kpi_array ) );
Element targetLayer = targetMap.getElementById(datamart.getTargetFeatureName());
NodeList nodeList = targetLayer.getChildNodes();
for(int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++){
Node childNode = (Node)nodeList.item(i);
if(childNode instanceof Element) {
SVGElement child = (SVGElement)childNode;
String childId = child.getId();
String column_id = childId.replaceAll(datamart.getTargetFeatureName() + "_", "");
IRecord record = dataStore.getRecordByID( column_id );
//Map attributes = (Map)datamart.getAttributeseById(column_id);
String targetColor = null;
Number kpyValue = null;
if(record != null) {
IField field = record.getFieldAt( dataStoreMeta.getFieldIndex(selectedKpiName) );
String kpyValueAttr = "" + field.getValue();
//String kpyValueAttr = (String)attributes.get( selectedKpiName );
if(kpyValueAttr == null) {
targetColor = null_values_color;
} else {
kpyValue = Double.parseDouble(kpyValueAttr);
if(kpyValue.doubleValue() < lb_value.doubleValue()) {
targetColor = lb_color;
} else if(kpyValue.doubleValue() > ub_value.doubleValue()) {
targetColor = ub_color;
} else if(kpyValue.doubleValue() == ub_value.doubleValue()) {
targetColor = col_kpi_array[trash_kpi_array.length-2];
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < trash_kpi_array.length-1; j++) {
if (kpyValue.doubleValue() >= trash_kpi_array[j].doubleValue() && kpyValue.doubleValue() < trash_kpi_array[j+1].doubleValue()) {
targetColor = col_kpi_array[j];
if(targetColor != null) {
|| child.getNodeName().equals("polygon")
|| child.getNodeName().equals("ellipse")
|| child.getNodeName().equals("circle")
|| child.getNodeName().equals("rect")
) {
child.setAttribute("fill", targetColor );
} else if(child.getNodeName().equals("line")
|| child.getNodeName().equals("polyline")
) {
child.setAttribute("stroke", targetColor );
String opacity = measure.getColurCalculatorParameters().getProperty("opacity");
if(opacity != null) {
child.setAttribute("opacity", opacity );
// add label
//Map values = datamart.getValues();
//Iterator it = values.keySet().iterator();
Iterator it = dataStore.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
IRecord record = (IRecord)it.next();
IField field = null;
field = record.getFieldAt( dataStoreMeta.getIdFieldIndex() );
String id = (String)field.getValue();
//String id = (String)it.next();
//Map kpiValueMap = (Map)values.get(id);
String centroideId = "centroidi_" + datamart.getTargetFeatureName() + "_" + id;
Element centroide = targetMap.getElementById( centroideId );
if( centroide != null ) {
List fields = record.getFields();
int line = 0;
Element labelGroup = null;
if(fields.size()>0) labelGroup = masterMap.createElement("g");
boolean isFirst = true;
for(int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
if(i == dataStoreMeta.getIdFieldIndex()) continue;
field = (IField)fields.get(i);
String fieldName = dataStoreMeta.getFieldName(i);
//String tmpKpiName = (String)kpiValueIterator.next();
Measure kpi = getMeasure( fieldName );
String kpiValue = "" + field.getValue();
labelGroup.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + centroide.getAttribute("cx") + "," + centroide.getAttribute("cy")+ ") scale(40)");
labelGroup.setAttribute("display", "inherit");
Element label = masterMap.createElement("text");
label.setAttribute("x", "0");
label.setAttribute("y", "" + ( (line++ )* 16) );
label.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
label.setAttribute("font-family", "Arial,Helvetica");
label.setAttribute("font-size", isFirst? "16px": "14px");
label.setAttribute("font-style", isFirst? "normal": "italic");
label.setAttribute("fill", "black");
isFirst = false;
String kpiValueString = null;
if(kpi.getPattern() != null) {
String pattern = kpi.getPattern();
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat( pattern );
kpiValueString = kpiValue != null? df.format(Double.parseDouble(kpiValue)): "?";
} else {
kpiValueString = kpiValue != null? kpiValue: "?";
if(!kpiValueString.equalsIgnoreCase("?") && kpi.getUnit() != null) {
String unit = kpi.getUnit();
kpiValueString = kpiValueString + unit;
Node labelText = masterMap.createTextNode(kpiValueString);
if(labelGroup != null) {
Element valuesLayer = masterMap.getElementById("values");
// add legend
Element windowBackground = masterMap.createElement("rect");
windowBackground.setAttribute("width", "241");
windowBackground.setAttribute("height", "200");
windowBackground.setAttribute("fill", "#fffce6");
windowBackground.setAttribute("stroke", "dimgray");
windowBackground.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1");
windowBackground.setAttribute("display", "inherit");
Element windowTitleBar = masterMap.createElement("rect");
windowTitleBar.setAttribute("width", "241");
windowTitleBar.setAttribute("height", "17");
windowTitleBar.setAttribute("fill", "steelblue");
windowTitleBar.setAttribute("stroke", "dimgray");
windowTitleBar.setAttribute("stroke-width", "1.5");
windowTitleBar.setAttribute("display", "inherit");
Element windowTitle = masterMap.createElement("text");
windowTitle.setAttribute("x", "3");
windowTitle.setAttribute("y", "14");
windowTitle.setAttribute("font-family", "Arial,Helvetica");
windowTitle.setAttribute("font-size", "14px");
windowTitle.setAttribute("fill", "white");
windowTitle.setAttribute("startOffset", "0");
Node windowTitleText = masterMap.createTextNode("Legenda");
Element windowBody = masterMap.createElement("g");
for(int i = 0; i < col_kpi_array.length; i++) {
Double lb = trash_kpi_array[i].doubleValue();
Double ub = trash_kpi_array[i + 1] != null ? trash_kpi_array[i + 1].doubleValue() : null;
String color = col_kpi_array[i];
String lbValueString = null;
String ubValueString = null;
if(measure.getPattern() != null) {
String pattern = measure.getPattern();
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat( pattern );
lbValueString = lb != null? df.format(lb.doubleValue()): "?";
ubValueString = ub != null? df.format(ub.doubleValue()): "?";
} else {
lbValueString = lb != null? lb.toString(): "?";
ubValueString = ub != null? ub.toString(): "?";
if(!lb.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("?") && measure.getUnit() != null) {
String unit = measure.getUnit();
lbValueString = lbValueString + unit;
if(ub!= null && !ub.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("?") && measure.getUnit() != null) {
String unit = measure.getUnit();
ubValueString = ubValueString + unit;
Element colorBox = masterMap.createElement("rect");
int offset = 35 + (25 * i);
colorBox.setAttribute("x", "30");
colorBox.setAttribute("y", "" + offset);
colorBox.setAttribute("width", "30");
colorBox.setAttribute("height", "20");
colorBox.setAttribute("fill", color);
colorBox.setAttribute("stroke", "dimgray");
offset = 50 + (25 * i);
Element labelBox = masterMap.createElement("text");
labelBox.setAttribute("x", "70");
labelBox.setAttribute("y", "" + offset);
labelBox.setAttribute("font-family", "Arial,Helvetica");
labelBox.setAttribute("font-size", "14px");
labelBox.setAttribute("fill", "dimgray");
labelBox.setAttribute("startOffset", "0");
Node labelBoxText = masterMap.createTextNode(lbValueString + " - " + ubValueString);
Element legend = masterMap.getElementById("legend");
// add labels
Node labelText;
Element label;
ILabelProducer labelProducer;
labelProducer = (ILabelProducer)getGuiSettings().getLabelProducers().get("header-left");
if(labelProducer != null) {
label = masterMap.getElementById("header-left");
labelText = masterMap.createTextNode( labelProducer.getLabel() );
labelProducer = (ILabelProducer)getGuiSettings().getLabelProducers().get("header-left");
if(labelProducer != null) {
label = masterMap.getElementById("header-center");
labelText = masterMap.createTextNode( labelProducer.getLabel() );
labelProducer = (ILabelProducer)getGuiSettings().getLabelProducers().get("header-left");
if(labelProducer != null) {
label = masterMap.getElementById("header-right");
labelText = masterMap.createTextNode( labelProducer.getLabel() );
labelProducer = (ILabelProducer)getGuiSettings().getLabelProducers().get("header-left");
if(labelProducer != null) {
label = masterMap.getElementById("footer-left");
labelText = masterMap.createTextNode( labelProducer.getLabel() );
labelProducer = (ILabelProducer)getGuiSettings().getLabelProducers().get("header-left");
if(labelProducer != null) {
label = masterMap.getElementById("footer-center");
labelText = masterMap.createTextNode( labelProducer.getLabel() );
labelProducer = (ILabelProducer)getGuiSettings().getLabelProducers().get("header-left");
if(labelProducer != null) {
label = masterMap.getElementById("footer-right");
labelText = masterMap.createTextNode( labelProducer.getLabel() );
/** The Constant R. */
private static final int R = 0;
/** The Constant G. */
private static final int G = 1;
/** The Constant B. */
private static final int B = 2;
/** The Constant BASE_COLOR. */
private static final String BASE_COLOR = "#";
* Gets the gradient colour range.
* @param base_color the base_color
* @param num_group the num_group
* @return the gradient colour range
public String[] getGradientColourRange(String base_color, int num_group) {
int[] A = new int[3];
int[] RGB = new int[3];
int[] Grad = new int[3];
int new_rA;
int new_gA;
int new_bA;
String shade;
//if(!colurCalculatorType.equalsIgnoreCase("gradient")) return new String[]{"#FF0000","#00FF00","#FF00FF","#0000FF","#F0F0F0"};
A[R] = Integer.parseInt( base_color.substring(1,3), 16 );
A[G] = Integer.parseInt( base_color.substring(3,5), 16 );
A[B] = Integer.parseInt( base_color.substring(5), 16 );
System.arraycopy(A, 0, RGB, 0, 3);
Arrays.sort( RGB );
for(int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) {
if(A[i] == RGB[2]) {
Grad[i] = (240 - A[i]) / (num_group - 1);
} else if( A[i] == RGB[1] ) {
Grad[i] = (230 - A[i]) / (num_group- 1);
} else {
Grad[i] = (220 - A[i]) / (num_group- 1);
String[] colorRangeArray = new String[num_group];
for(int i = 0; i < num_group; i++) {
new_rA = A[R] + Grad[R] * i;
new_gA = A[G] + Grad[G] * i;
new_bA = A[B] + Grad[B] * i;
String rA = Integer.toHexString(new_rA);
String gA = Integer.toHexString(new_gA);
String bA = Integer.toHexString(new_bA);
shade = "#"
+ (rA.length() == 1?"0":"") + rA
+ (gA.length() == 1?"0":"") + gA
+ (bA.length() == 1?"0":"") + bA;
colorRangeArray[i] = shade;
List colorRangeList = Arrays.asList( colorRangeArray );
Collections.reverse( colorRangeList );
colorRangeArray = (String[])colorRangeList.toArray(new String[0]);
return colorRangeArray;
* Adds the data.
* @param map the map
* @param datamart the datamart
private void addData(SVGDocument map, DataMart datamart) {
IDataStore dataStore = datamart.getDataStore();
Element targetLayer = map.getElementById(datamart.getTargetFeatureName());
NodeList nodeList = targetLayer.getChildNodes();
for(int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++){
Node childNode = (Node)nodeList.item(i);
if(childNode instanceof Element) {
SVGElement child = (SVGElement)childNode;
String childId = child.getId();
String column_id = childId.replaceAll(datamart.getTargetFeatureName() + "_", "");
IRecord record = dataStore.getRecordByID( column_id );
if(record == null) {
logger.warn("No data available for feature [" + column_id +"]");
List fields = record.getFields();
for(int j = 0; j < fields.size(); j++) {
if(j == dataStore.getMetaData().getIdFieldIndex() ) {
IField field = (IField)fields.get(j);
child.setAttribute("attrib:" + dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldName(j), "" + field.getValue());
child.setAttribute("attrib:nome", child.getAttribute("id"));
private void addLink(SVGDocument map, DataMart datamart) {
IDataStore dataStore;
IDataStoreMetaData dataStoreMeta;
List list;
IFieldMetaData filedMeta;
dataStore = datamart.getDataStore();
Assert.assertNotNull(dataStore, "DataStore cannot be null");
dataStoreMeta = dataStore.getMetaData();
Assert.assertNotNull(dataStore, "DataStoreMeta cannot be null");
list = dataStoreMeta.findFieldMeta("ROLE", "CROSSNAVLINK");
logger.debug("Number of links per feature is equals to [" + list.size() +"]");
if(list.size() == 0) {
filedMeta = (IFieldMetaData)list.get(0);
Element targetLayer = map.getElementById(datamart.getTargetFeatureName());
NodeList nodeList = targetLayer.getChildNodes();
Map mapLink = null;
List lstLink = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++){
Node childNode= (Node)nodeList.item(i);
if(childNode instanceof Element) {
SVGElement childOrig =(SVGElement)childNode;
String childId = childOrig.getId();
String column_id = childId.replaceAll(datamart.getTargetFeatureName() + "_", "");
IRecord record = dataStore.getRecordByID( column_id );
if(record == null) {
logger.warn("No data available for feature [" + column_id + "]");
IField filed = record.getFieldAt( dataStoreMeta.getFieldIndex( filedMeta.getName()) );
String link = "" + filed.getValue();
if (link != null) {
mapLink = new HashMap();
mapLink.put("path", childOrig);
mapLink.put("link", link);
}catch (Exception e){
//adds href links
for (int j=0; j<lstLink.size(); j++){
Map tmpMap = (Map)lstLink.get(j);
Element linkElement = map.createElement("a");
String pippo = (String)tmpMap.get("link");
linkElement.setAttribute("xlink:href", (String)tmpMap.get("link"));
linkElement.setAttribute("target", "_parent");
Node lf = map.createTextNode("\n");
//deletes duplicate path
boolean isNew = false;
for(int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++){
Node childNode= (Node)nodeList.item(i);
SVGElement childOrig = null;
if(childNode instanceof SVGElement) {
childOrig = (SVGElement)childNode;
}catch(ClassCastException e){
logger.debug("DynamicMapRenderer :: addLinK : Element Generic", e);
String childId = "";
String column_id = "";
if (childOrig != null){
childId = childOrig.getId();
column_id = childId.replaceAll(datamart.getTargetFeatureName() + "_", "");
Iterator it = lstLink.iterator();
isNew = false;
while(it.hasNext()) {
String tmpMapVal = (String)((Map)it.next()).get("column_id");
if (column_id.equals(tmpMapVal)){
isNew = true;
if (isNew && childOrig != null)
* Include scripts.
* @param doc the doc
private void includeScripts(SVGDocument doc) {
Element scriptInit = doc.getElementById("included_scripts");
Node scriptText = scriptInit.getFirstChild();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
includeScript(buffer, "helper_functions.js");
includeScript(buffer, "timer.js");
includeScript(buffer, "mapApp.js");
includeScript(buffer, "timer.js");
includeScript(buffer, "slider.js");
includeScript(buffer, "button.js");
includeScript(buffer, "Window.js");
includeScript(buffer, "checkbox_and_radiobutton.js");
includeScript(buffer, "navigation.js");
includeScript(buffer, "tabgroup.js");
includeScript(buffer, "colourPicker.js");
includeScript(buffer, "custom/Utils.js");
includeScript(buffer, "custom/BarChart.js");
includeScript(buffer, "custom/NavigationWindow.js");
includeScript(buffer, "custom/LayersWindow.js");
includeScript(buffer, "custom/ThematicWindow.js");
includeScript(buffer, "custom/DetailsWindow.js");
includeScript(buffer, "custom/LegendWindow.js");
includeScript(buffer, "custom/ColourPickerWindow.js");
includeScript(buffer, "custom/ThresholdsFactory.js");
includeScript(buffer, "custom/ColourRangesFactory.js");
* Import scripts.
* @param doc the doc
private void importScripts(SVGDocument doc) {
importScipt(doc, "helper_functions.js");
importScipt(doc, "timer.js");
importScipt(doc, "mapApp.js");
importScipt(doc, "timer.js");
importScipt(doc, "slider.js");
importScipt(doc, "button.js");
importScipt(doc, "Window.js");
importScipt(doc, "checkbox_and_radiobutton.js");
importScipt(doc, "navigation.js");
importScipt(doc, "tabgroup.js");
importScipt(doc, "colourPicker.js");
importScipt(doc, "custom/Utils.js");
importScipt(doc, "custom/BarChart.js");
importScipt(doc, "custom/NavigationWindow.js");
importScipt(doc, "custom/LayersWindow.js");
importScipt(doc, "custom/ThematicWindow.js");
importScipt(doc, "custom/DetailsWindow.js");
importScipt(doc, "custom/LegendWindow.js");
importScipt(doc, "custom/ColourPickerWindow.js");
importScipt(doc, "custom/ThresholdsFactory.js");
importScipt(doc, "custom/ColourRangesFactory.js");
* Include script.
* @param buffer the buffer
* @param scriptName the script name
private void includeScript(StringBuffer buffer, String scriptName) {
//File file = new File("D:/Documenti/Prototipi/Test/exo-portal-1.1.4-SpagoBI-2.0/webapps/SpagoBIGeoEngine/js/lib/svg-widgets/" + scriptName);
try {
URL scriptUrl = new URL((String)getEnv().get(GeoEngineConstants.ENV_ABSOLUTE_CONTEXT_URL) + "/js/lib/svg-widgets/" + scriptName);
//URL scriptUrl = new URL("http://localhost:8080/SpagoBIGeoEngine" + "/js/lib/svg-widgets/" + scriptName);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( scriptUrl.openStream() ) );
String line = null;
while ( (line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
buffer.append(line + "\n");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
private void importScipt(SVGDocument map, String scriptName) {
Element script = map.createElement("script");
script.setAttribute("type", "text/ecmascript");
script.setAttribute("xlink:href",(String)getEnv().get(GeoEngineConstants.ENV_CONTEXT_URL) + "/js/lib/svg-widgets/" + scriptName);
Element importsBlock = map.getElementById("imported_scripts");
Node lf = map.createTextNode("\n");
public void setMainMapDimension(SVGDocument masterMap, SVGDocument targetMap) {
String viewBox;
String[] chunks;
double width;
double heigth;
double mainMapHeight;
Element mainMapBlock;
try {
Assert.assertNotNull(masterMap, "Input parameter [masterMap] cannot be null");
Assert.assertNotNull(targetMap, "Input parameter [targetMap] cannot be null");
viewBox = null;
try {
viewBox = targetMap.getRootElement().getAttribute("viewBox");
} catch(Throwable t) {
MapRenderingException e = new MapRenderingException("Impossible to read attribute [viewBox] from target map's root node");
e.addHint("add to the svg map root tag the attribute [viewbox] with the following value: ]" +
"0 0 W D] (where W and H are respectively your map width and height)");
throw e;
if(StringUtilities.isEmpty(viewBox)) {
MapRenderingException e = new MapRenderingException("Impossible to read attribute [viewBox] from target map's root node");
e.addHint("add to the svg map root tag the attribute [viewbox] with the following value: [" +
"0 0 W D] (where W and H are respectively your map width and height)");
throw e;
logger.debug("Target map vieBox is equal to [" + viewBox + "]");
chunks = viewBox.trim().split(" ");
Assert.assertTrue(chunks.length == 4, "Attribute [viewBox] of target ma is malformed: expected format is [x y width height]");
width = Double.parseDouble(chunks[2]);
heigth = Double.parseDouble(chunks[3]);
mainMapHeight = 1100 *(heigth/width);
mainMapBlock = masterMap.getElementById("mainMap");
mainMapBlock.setAttribute("viewBox", viewBox);
masterMap.getRootElement().setAttribute("viewBox", 0 + " " + 0 + " 1100 " + mainMapHeight);
} catch(Throwable t) {
if(t instanceof GeoEngineException) throw (GeoEngineException)t;
throw new GeoEngineException("An unpredicted error occurred while setting up main map viewbox attribute");
} finally {
* Sets the main map bkg rect dimension.
* @param masterMap the master map
* @param targetMap the target map
public void setMainMapBkgRectDimension(SVGDocument masterMap, SVGDocument targetMap) {
String viewBox = targetMap.getRootElement().getAttribute("viewBox");
String[] chunks = viewBox.split(" ");
String x = chunks[0];
String y = chunks[1];
String width = chunks[2];
String height = chunks[3];
Element mapBackgroundRect = masterMap.getElementById("mapBackgroundRect");
mapBackgroundRect.setAttribute("x", x);
mapBackgroundRect.setAttribute("y", y);
mapBackgroundRect.setAttribute("width", width);
mapBackgroundRect.setAttribute("height", height);
* Gets the measures configuration script.
* @param datamart the datamart
* @return the measures configuration script
* @throws JSONException
public JSONArray getMeasuresConfigurationScript(DataMart datamart) throws JSONException {
JSONArray measures;
IDataStore dataStore;
IDataStoreMetaData dataStoreMeta;
List measureFieldsMeta;
String[] measureNames;
measures = new JSONArray();
dataStore = datamart.getDataStore();
dataStoreMeta = dataStore.getMetaData();
measureFieldsMeta = dataStoreMeta.findFieldMeta("ROLE", "MEASURE");
measureNames = new String[ measureFieldsMeta.size() ];
for(int i = 0; i < measureNames.length; i++) {
IFieldMetaData filedMeta = (IFieldMetaData)measureFieldsMeta.get(i);
measureNames[i] = filedMeta.getName();
for(int i = 0; i < measureNames.length; i++) {
JSONObject measure = new JSONObject();
measure.put("name", measureNames[i]);
measure.put("description", getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getDescription());
measure.put("colour", getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getColour());
JSONArray orderedValues = new JSONArray();
dataStore.sortRecords( dataStoreMeta.getFieldIndex(measureNames[i]) );
List orderedKpiValuesSet = dataStore.getFieldValues( dataStoreMeta.getFieldIndex(measureNames[i]) );
Iterator it = orderedKpiValuesSet.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
orderedValues.put( it.next() );
measure.put("ordered_values", orderedValues);
if( getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getTresholdLb() == null
|| getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getTresholdLb().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")
|| getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getTresholdLb().equalsIgnoreCase("none") ) {
measure.put("lower_bound", "none");
} else {
measure.put("lower_bound", getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getTresholdLb());
if( getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getTresholdUb() == null
|| getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getTresholdUb().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")
|| getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getTresholdUb().equalsIgnoreCase("none") ) {
measure.put("upper_bound", "none");
} else {
measure.put("upper_bound", getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getTresholdUb());
measure.put("lower_bound_colour", getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getColurOutboundCol());
measure.put("upper_bound_colour", getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getColurOutboundCol());
measure.put("no_value_color", getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getColurNullCol());
JSONObject thresholdCalculatorConf = new JSONObject();
thresholdCalculatorConf.put("type", getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getTresholdCalculatorType());
JSONObject thresholdCalculatorParams = new JSONObject();
|| getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getTresholdCalculatorType().equalsIgnoreCase("perc")) {
String[] values = getTresholdsArray(getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getColumnId());
JSONArray ranges = new JSONArray();
for(int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
ranges.put( values[j] );
thresholdCalculatorParams.put("ranges", ranges);
} else {
String value = getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getTresholdCalculatorParameters().getProperty("GROUPS_NUMBER");
thresholdCalculatorParams.put("num_group", Integer.parseInt(value));
thresholdCalculatorConf.put("params", thresholdCalculatorParams);
measure.put("threshold_calculator_conf", thresholdCalculatorConf);
JSONObject colourCalculatorConf = new JSONObject();
colourCalculatorConf.put("type", getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getColurCalculatorType());
JSONObject colourCalculatorParams = new JSONObject();
|| getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getColurCalculatorType().equalsIgnoreCase("grad")) {
String colour = getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getColurCalculatorParameters().getProperty("BASE_COLOR");
colourCalculatorParams.put("colour", colour);
} else {
String[] values = getColoursArray(getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getColumnId());
JSONArray ranges = new JSONArray();
for(int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
ranges.put( values[j] );
colourCalculatorParams.put("ranges", ranges);
String opacity = getMeasure(measureNames[i]).getColurCalculatorParameters().getProperty("opacity");
if(opacity != null) {
colourCalculatorParams.put("opacity", opacity);
colourCalculatorConf.put("params", colourCalculatorParams);
measure.put("colourrange_calculator_conf", colourCalculatorConf);
measures.put( measure );
return measures;
* Gets the layers configuration script.
* @param doc the doc
* @param targetLayer the target layer
* @return the layers configuration script
* @throws JSONException
public JSONArray getLayersConfigurationScript(SVGDocument doc) throws JSONException {
JSONArray layers;
String[] layerNames;
int targetLayerIndex = 0;
boolean includeChartLayer = false;
boolean includeValuesLayer = false;
layers = new JSONArray();
layerNames = getLayerNames();
for(int i = 0; i < layerNames.length; i++) {
if(doc.getElementById(layerNames[i]) != null
|| layerNames[i].equalsIgnoreCase("grafici")
|| layerNames[i].equalsIgnoreCase("valori")) {
JSONObject layer = new JSONObject();
layer.put("name", layerNames[i]);
if(layerNames[i].equalsIgnoreCase("grafici")) {
} else if(layerNames[i].equalsIgnoreCase("valori")) {
} else {
layer.put("description", getLayer(layerNames[i]).getDescription());
layers.put( layer );
return layers;
* Gets the master map file.
* @param interactiveMasterMap the interactive master map
* @return the master map file
private File getMasterMapFile(boolean interactiveMasterMap) {
File file = null;
if(interactiveMasterMap) {
file = new File(ConfigSingleton.getRootPath() + "/maps/spagobigeo.svg");
} else {
file = new File(ConfigSingleton.getRootPath() + "/maps/export_spagobigeo.svg");
return file;
* Gets the temporary file.
* @return the temporary file
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public File getTempFile() throws IOException {
String tempDirName = null;
File tempDir = null;
File result = null;
SourceBean geoEngineConf = (SourceBean)ConfigSingleton.getInstance().getAttribute("GEO-ENGINE");
if(geoEngineConf != null) {
tempDirName = (String)geoEngineConf.getAttribute("tempDir");
if(tempDirName != null) {
logger.debug("temp directory path configured: " + tempDirName);
if(tempDirName.startsWith("./")) {
logger.debug("temp directory path is relative to working directory: " + System.getProperty("user.dir"));
tempDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/" + tempDirName);
logger.debug("temp directory absolute path: " + tempDir);
} else {
tempDir = new File(tempDirName);
result = new File(tempDir, "SpagoBIGeoEngine_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "_tmpMap.svg");
boolean isFileCreated = result.createNewFile();
if(isFileCreated) {
logger.debug("temp file successfully created: " + result);
} else {
logger.error("impossible to create a new temp file: " + result);
} else {
logger.debug("temp directory path not configured");
tempDirName = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
logger.debug("System temp directory will be used: " + tempDirName);
tempDir = new File(tempDirName);
result = File.createTempFile("SpagoBIGeoEngine_", "_tmpMap.svg", tempDir);
logger.debug("temp file successfully created: " + result);
return result;
* Gets the gUI configuration script.
* @return the gUI configuration script
* @throws JSONException
public JSONObject getGUIConfigurationScript() throws JSONException {
JSONObject guiSettings;
String pVal = null;
pVal =(String)getEnv().get(GeoEngineConstants.ENV_IS_WINDOWS_ACTIVE);
boolean activeWindow = pVal==null || pVal.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE");
if(!activeWindow) {
getGuiSettings().getColourpickerWindowSettings().put("visible", Boolean.FALSE);
getGuiSettings().getDetailWindowSettings().put("visible", Boolean.FALSE);
getGuiSettings().getLayersWindowSettings().put("visible", Boolean.FALSE);
//getGuiSettings().getLegendWindowSettings().put("visible", Boolean.FALSE);
getGuiSettings().getMeasureWindowSettings().put("visible", Boolean.FALSE);
getGuiSettings().navigationWindowSettings.put("visible", Boolean.FALSE);
guiSettings = getGuiSettings().toJSON();
if( getEnv().get(GeoEngineConstants.ENV_IS_DAFAULT_DRILL_NAV) != null ) {
pVal =(String)getEnv().get(GeoEngineConstants.ENV_IS_DAFAULT_DRILL_NAV);
boolean defaultDrillNav = pVal==null||pVal.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE");
guiSettings.put("defaultDrillNav", defaultDrillNav);
return guiSettings;