* LICENSE: see COPYING file.
package it.eng.spagobi.security;
import it.eng.spago.base.SourceBean;
import it.eng.spago.configuration.ConfigSingleton;
import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorSeverity;
import it.eng.spago.error.EMFInternalError;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.constants.SpagoBIConstants;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.utilities.SpagoBITracer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.exoplatform.services.organization.OrganizationService;
import org.exoplatform.services.organization.UserProfile;
import org.exoplatform.services.organization.UserProfileHandler;
public class SecurityProviderUtilities {
* Get all the predefined profile attributes of the user with the given unique identifier passed as String.
* The attributes are contained into a configuration file which contains the name
* of the attribute and the value of the attribute.
* @return HashMap of the attributes. HashMap keys are profile attribute.
* @throws EMFInternalError
private static HashMap getPredefinedProfileAttributes(String userUniqueIdentifier) throws EMFInternalError {
SourceBean profileAttrsSB = getProfileAttributesSourceBean();
if (profileAttrsSB == null) {
throw new EMFInternalError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR,
"Profile attributes attribute not found in ConfigSingleton");
HashMap attrsMap = new HashMap();
if (profileAttrsSB == null) return attrsMap;
SourceBean userProfileAttrsSB = (SourceBean)
profileAttrsSB.getFilteredSourceBeanAttribute("USER-PROFILES.USER", "name", userUniqueIdentifier);
if (userProfileAttrsSB == null)
return new HashMap();
List profileAttrs = userProfileAttrsSB.getAttributeAsList("ATTRIBUTE");
if (profileAttrs == null || profileAttrs.size() == 0) {
SecurityProviderUtilities.class.getName(), "getPredefinedProfileAttributes()",
"The user with unique identifer '" + userUniqueIdentifier +
"' has no predefined profile attributes.");
return attrsMap;
Iterator iterAttrs = profileAttrs.iterator();
SourceBean attrSB = null;
String nameattr = null;
String attrvalue = null;
while(iterAttrs.hasNext()) {
attrSB = (SourceBean) iterAttrs.next();
if (attrSB == null)
nameattr = attrSB.getAttribute("name").toString();
attrvalue = attrSB.getAttribute("value").toString();
attrsMap.put(nameattr, attrvalue);
return attrsMap;
* Get all the default profile attributes of the users.
* The default attributes are contained into a configuration file which contains the name
* of the attribute and the default value of the attribute.
* @param exoProfileAttrs HashMap containing the exo user profile attributes.
* @return HashMap of the attributes. HashMap keys are profile attribute.
* HashMap values are test values.
* @throws EMFInternalError
private static HashMap getAllDefaultProfileAttributes(HashMap exoProfileAttrs) throws EMFInternalError {
SourceBean profileAttrsSB = getProfileAttributesSourceBean();
if (profileAttrsSB == null) {
throw new EMFInternalError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR,
"Profile attributes attribute not found in ConfigSingleton");
HashMap toReturn = new HashMap();
List attrs = profileAttrsSB.getAttributeAsList("ATTRIBUTE");
if (attrs != null && attrs.size() > 0) {
Iterator iterAttrs = attrs.iterator();
SourceBean attrSB = null;
String nameattr = null;
String source = null;
String defaultvalue = null;
while(iterAttrs.hasNext()) {
attrSB = (SourceBean) iterAttrs.next();
if (attrSB == null)
source = (String) attrSB.getAttribute("source");
nameattr = (String) attrSB.getAttribute("name");
if (nameattr == null) {
throw new EMFInternalError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR,
"Attribute 'name' missing in SourceBean\n" + attrSB.toXML(false));
defaultvalue = (String) attrSB.getAttribute("default");
if ("absolute".equalsIgnoreCase(source)) {
toReturn.put(nameattr, defaultvalue);
} else if ("exo".equalsIgnoreCase(source)) {
String exoname = (String) attrSB.getAttribute("exoname");
if (exoname == null) {
throw new EMFInternalError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR,
"Attribute 'exoname', required for attributes with source='exo', " +
"missing in SourceBean\n" + attrSB.toXML(false));
String exovalue = (String) exoProfileAttrs.get(exoname);
if (exovalue != null) toReturn.put(nameattr, exovalue);
else toReturn.put(nameattr, defaultvalue);
} else {
throw new EMFInternalError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR,
"Source '" + source + "' not recognized in SourceBean\n" + attrSB.toXML(false));
return toReturn;
private static SourceBean getProfileAttributesSourceBean() {
SourceBean profileAttributesSB = (SourceBean)
if (profileAttributesSB == null) {
SecurityProviderUtilities.class.getName(), "getProfileAttributesSourceBean()",
"There is not the needed EXO_PORTAL_SECURITY.PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES attribute " +
"in the ConfigSingleton!!");
return null;
} else return profileAttributesSB;
public static void debug(Class classErr, String nameMeth, String message){
public static Pattern getFilterPattern(){
ConfigSingleton config = ConfigSingleton.getInstance();
debug(SecurityProviderUtilities.class, "init", "Spago configuration retrived ");
SourceBean secFilterSB = (SourceBean)config.getAttribute("SPAGOBI.SECURITY.ROLE-NAME-PATTERN-FILTER");
debug(SecurityProviderUtilities.class, "init", "source bean filter retrived " + secFilterSB);
String rolePatternFilter = secFilterSB.getCharacters();
debug(SecurityProviderUtilities.class, "init", "filter string retrived " + rolePatternFilter);
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(rolePatternFilter);
debug(SecurityProviderUtilities.class, "init", "regular expression pattern compiled " + pattern);
return pattern;
* Get all the profile attributes of the users given his unique identifier
* The profile attributes are default and predefined attributes (predefined override default attributes)
* and are contained into a configuration file which contains the name
* of the attribute and its default value or its reference to a eXo user profile attribute.
* @param userUniqueIdentifier String representing the unique identifier.
* @return service The eXo OrganizationService object.
public static HashMap getUserProfileAttributes (String userUniqueIdentifier, OrganizationService service) {
SpagoBITracer.info(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, SecurityProviderUtilities.class.getName(),
" Trying to load user attributes for user with unique identifer '" + userUniqueIdentifier +"'.");
// load the exo user profile attributes into a tenmporary hashmap
HashMap exoProfileAttrs = new HashMap();
HashMap userAttributes = new HashMap();
UserProfileHandler userProfileHandler = service.getUserProfileHandler();
if (userProfileHandler==null) {
SpagoBITracer.warning(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, SecurityProviderUtilities.class.getName(),
"getUserProfileAttributes", " UserProfileHandler null");
} else {
UserProfile exoUserProfile = null;
try {
exoUserProfile = userProfileHandler.findUserProfileByName(userUniqueIdentifier);
} catch (Exception e) {
SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, SecurityProviderUtilities.class.getName(),
"getUserProfileAttributes", " Error while recovering user profile by name '"
+ userUniqueIdentifier + "'", e);
return userAttributes;
if (exoUserProfile == null){
SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, SecurityProviderUtilities.class.getName(),
"getUserProfileAttributes", " exoUserProfile not found for user "
+ userUniqueIdentifier);
return userAttributes;
} else {
Map userInfoMap = exoUserProfile.getUserInfoMap();
Set infoKeys = userInfoMap.keySet();
Iterator infoKeyIter = infoKeys.iterator();
while(infoKeyIter.hasNext()) {
String labelcode = infoKeyIter.next().toString();
String value = userInfoMap.get(labelcode) != null ?
userInfoMap.get(labelcode).toString() : "";
//String label = PortletUtilities.getMessage(labelcode, "exo_userprofile_labels");
//exoProfileAttrs.put(label, value);
exoProfileAttrs.put(labelcode, value);
SpagoBITracer.debug(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, SecurityProviderUtilities.class.getName(),
"getUserProfileAttributes", "Found exo user profile attribute "
+ labelcode + " : " + value);
HashMap allProfileAttributes = null;
try {
allProfileAttributes = getAllDefaultProfileAttributes(exoProfileAttrs);
} catch (EMFInternalError e) {
SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, SecurityProviderUtilities.class.getName(),
"getUserProfileAttributes", "Error recovering default profile attributes", e);
return userAttributes;
SpagoBITracer.debug(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, SecurityProviderUtilities.class.getName(),
"getUserProfileAttributes", "All users predefined attributes recovered : " + allProfileAttributes);
HashMap predefinedProfileAttributes = null;
try {
predefinedProfileAttributes =
} catch (EMFInternalError e) {
SpagoBITracer.critical(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, SecurityProviderUtilities.class.getName(),
"getUserProfileAttributes", "Error recovering predefined profile attributes for user "
+ userUniqueIdentifier, e);
return userAttributes;
SpagoBITracer.debug(SpagoBIConstants.NAME_MODULE, SecurityProviderUtilities.class.getName(),
"getUserProfileAttributes", "Current user predefined attributes recovered : "
+ predefinedProfileAttributes);
// predefinedProfileAttributes override allProfileAttributes
return userAttributes;
public static List getAllProfileAtributesNames () throws EMFInternalError {
SourceBean profileAttrsSB = getProfileAttributesSourceBean();
if (profileAttrsSB == null) {
throw new EMFInternalError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR,
"Profile attributes attribute not found in ConfigSingleton");
List toReturn = new ArrayList();
List attrs = profileAttrsSB.getAttributeAsList("ATTRIBUTE");
if (attrs != null && attrs.size() > 0) {
Iterator iterAttrs = attrs.iterator();
SourceBean attrSB = null;
String nameattr = null;
while(iterAttrs.hasNext()) {
attrSB = (SourceBean) iterAttrs.next();
if (attrSB == null)
nameattr = (String) attrSB.getAttribute("name");
if (nameattr == null) {
throw new EMFInternalError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR,
"Attribute 'name' missing in SourceBean\n" + attrSB.toXML(false));
return toReturn;