* SpagoBI - The Business Intelligence Free Platform
* Copyright (C) 2004 - 2008 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package it.eng.spagobi.engines.console.exporter;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import it.eng.spago.dbaccess.sql.DateDecorator;
import it.eng.spagobi.tools.dataset.common.datastore.IDataStore;
import it.eng.spagobi.tools.dataset.common.datastore.IFieldMetaData;
import it.eng.spagobi.tools.dataset.common.decorator.DisplaySizeDecorator;
import it.eng.spagobi.tools.dataset.common.decorator.IDataStoreDecorator;
import it.eng.spagobi.utilities.assertion.Assert;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* The Class BasicTemplateBuilder.
* @author Andrea Gioia
public class CopyOfTemplateBuilder {
private IDataStore dataStore;
private Map params;
public static final String PN_BAND_WIDTH = "bandWidth";
public static final String PN_HEADER_HEIGHT = "columnHeaderHeight";
public static final String PN_PIXEL_PER_CHAR = "pixelPerChar";
public static final String PN_PIXEL_PER_ROW = "pixelPerRow";
public static final String PN_MAXLINE_PER_ROW = "maxLinesPerRow";
public static final String PN_HEADER_FONT = "columnHeaderFont";
public static final String PN_HEADER_FONT_SIZE = "columnHeaderFontSize";
public static final String PN_HEADER_FONT_BOLD = "columnHeaderFontBold";
public static final String PN_HEADER_FONT_ITALIC = "columnHeaderFontItalic";
public static final String PN_HEADER_FORECOLOR = "columnHeaderForegroundColor";
public static final String PN_HEADER_BACKCOLOR = "columnHeaderBackgroundColor";
public static final String PN_ROW_FONT = "rowFont";
public static final String PN_ROW_FONT_SIZE = "rowFontSize";
public static final String PN_DETAIL_EVEN_ROW_FORECOLOR = "evenRowsForegroundColor";
public static final String PN_DETAIL_EVEN_ROW_BACKCOLOR = "evenRowsBackgroundColor";
public static final String PN_DETAIL_ODD_ROW_FORECOLOR = "oddRowsForegroundColor";
public static final String PN_DETAIL_ODD_ROW_BACKCOLOR = "oddRowsBackgroundColor";
public static final String DEFAULT_BAND_WIDTH = "802";
public static final String DEFAULT_HEADER_HEIGHT = "40";
public static final String DEFAULT_PIXEL_PER_CHAR = "9";
public static final String DEFAULT_PIXEL_PER_ROW = "16";
public static final String DEFAULT_MAXLINE_PER_ROW = "4";
public static final String DEFAULT_HEADER_FONT = "Helvetica-Bold";
public static final String DEFAULT_HEADER_FONT_SIZE = "12";
public static final String DEFAULT_HEADER_FONT_BOLD = "true";
public static final String DEFAULT_HEADER_FONT_ITALIC = "false";
public static final String DEFAULT_HEADER_FORECOLOR = "FFFFFF";
public static final String DEFAULT_HEADER_BACKCOLOR = "#E4ECF2";
public static final String DEFAULT_ROW_FONT = "Times-Roman";
public static final String DEFAULT_ROW_FONT_SIZE = "10";
public static final String DEFAULT_DETAIL_EVEN_ROW_FORECOLOR = "#000000";
public static final String DEFAULT_DETAIL_EVEN_ROW_BACKCOLOR = "#EEEEEE";
public static final String DEFAULT_DETAIL_ODD_ROW_FORECOLOR = "#000000";
public static final String DEFAULT_DETAIL_ODD_ROW_BACKCOLOR = "#FFFFFF";
public static final String DEFAULT_NUMBER_PATTERN = "#,##0.##";
private static transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CopyOfTemplateBuilder.class);
public CopyOfTemplateBuilder(IDataStore dataStore, Map params) {
this.dataStore = dataStore;
this.params = params;
public String buildTemplate() {
String templateStr;
try {
templateStr = getTemplateFileContent();
IDataStoreDecorator dataStoreDecorator = new DisplaySizeDecorator();
if(getParamValue("pagination", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
templateStr = replaceParam(templateStr, "pagination", "isIgnorePagination=\"true\"");
} else {
templateStr = replaceParam(templateStr, "pagination", "");
templateStr = replaceParam(templateStr, "fields", getFieldsBlock());
templateStr = replaceParam(templateStr, "body", getColumnHeaderBlock() + getDetailsBlock());
} catch (Throwable t) {
if(t instanceof ExportException) throw (ExportException)t;
throw new ExportException("An upredictable error occured building template", t);
} finally {
return templateStr;
private String getTemplateFileContent() {
StringBuffer buffer;
InputStream is;
File baseTemplateFile;
BufferedReader reader;
String line;
try {
buffer = new StringBuffer();
baseTemplateFile = ExporterConfiguration.getInstance().getBaseTemplateFile();
logger.debug("Base template file path is equal to [" + baseTemplateFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]");
Assert.assertNotNull(baseTemplateFile, "baseTemplate file must be set. It cannot be null.");
Assert.assertTrue(baseTemplateFile.exists(), "Base template file [" + baseTemplateFile.getAbsolutePath() + "] does not exist");
Assert.assertTrue(baseTemplateFile.canRead(), "Base template file [" + baseTemplateFile.getAbsolutePath() + "] is not readable");
try {
is = new FileInputStream( baseTemplateFile );
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new ExportException("Impossible to access base template file [" + baseTemplateFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]", t);
reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(is) );
line = null;
try {
while( (line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
buffer.append(line + "\n");
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new ExportException("An error occurred while reading content from base template file [" + baseTemplateFile + "]. Last line succesfully read is [" + line + "]", t);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if(t instanceof ExportException) throw (ExportException)t;
throw new ExportException("An upredictable error occured while reading base template content");
} finally {
return buffer.toString();
* Gets the fields block.
* @return the fields block
public String getFieldsBlock() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int fieldNo = dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldCount();
for(int i = 0; i < fieldNo; i++) {
IFieldMetaData fieldMeta = dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldMeta(i);
if(fieldMeta.getType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(DateDecorator.class.getName())) {
buffer.append("<field name=\"" + fieldMeta.getName() + "\" class=\"" + fieldMeta.getType().getName() + "\"/>\n");
return buffer.toString();
* Gets the details block.
* @return the details block
public String getDetailsBlock() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int totalWidth = Integer.parseInt(getParamValue(PN_BAND_WIDTH, DEFAULT_BAND_WIDTH ));
int detailHeight = getRowHeight(Integer.parseInt(DEFAULT_HEADER_HEIGHT));
buffer.append("<band " +
"height=\"" + detailHeight + "\" " +
"isSplitAllowed=\"true\" >\n");
int[] columnWidth = getColumnWidth(totalWidth);
int x = 0;
int i=0;
int fieldNo = dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldCount();
for(i = 0; i < fieldNo; i++) {
IFieldMetaData fieldMeta = dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldMeta(i);
boolean isANumber = false;
String className = fieldMeta.getType().getName();
Class fieldClass = Object.class;
try {
fieldClass = Class.forName(className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
logger.error("Class type not recognized: [" + className + "]", e);
if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldClass)){
isANumber = true;
buffer.append("<textField isStretchWithOverflow=\"true\" isBlankWhenNull=\"false\" evaluationTime=\"Now\" hyperlinkType=\"None\" hyperlinkTarget=\"Self\" ");
if (isANumber) {
String pattern = (String)fieldMeta.getProperty("pattern");
buffer.append(" pattern=\"" + ((pattern != null) ? pattern : DEFAULT_NUMBER_PATTERN) + "\"");
buffer.append(" >\n");
buffer.append("<reportElement " +
"mode=\"" + "Opaque" + "\" " +
"x=\"" + x + "\" " +
"y=\"" + 0 + "\" " +
"width=\"" + columnWidth[i] + "\" " +
"height=\"" + detailHeight + "\" " +
buffer.append("<printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean(\\$V\\{REPORT_COUNT\\}.intValue() % 2 == 0)]]></printWhenExpression>");
buffer.append("<box leftPadding=\"2\" rightPadding=\"2\" topBorder=\"None\" topBorderColor=\"#000000\" leftBorder=\"None\" leftBorderColor=\"#000000\" rightBorder=\"None\" rightBorderColor=\"#000000\" bottomBorder=\"None\" bottomBorderColor=\"#000000\"/>\n");
buffer.append("<textElement " +
"textAlignment=\"" + (isANumber ? "Right": "Left") + "\" " +
"verticalAlignment=\"Middle\"> " +
"<font pdfFontName=\"" + getParamValue(PN_ROW_FONT, DEFAULT_ROW_FONT)+ "\" " +
"size=\"" + getParamValue(PN_ROW_FONT_SIZE, DEFAULT_ROW_FONT_SIZE)+ "\"/>" +
if(fieldMeta.getType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("java.sql.Date")) {
buffer.append("<textFieldExpression " +
"class=\"java.lang.String\"> " +
"<![CDATA[\\$F\\{" + fieldMeta.getName() + "\\}.toString()]]>\n" +
} else {
buffer.append("<textFieldExpression " +
"class=\"" + fieldMeta.getType().getName() + "\"> " +
"<![CDATA[\\$F\\{" + fieldMeta.getName() + "\\}]]>\n" +
buffer.append("<textField isStretchWithOverflow=\"true\" isBlankWhenNull=\"false\" evaluationTime=\"Now\" hyperlinkType=\"None\" hyperlinkTarget=\"Self\" ");
if (isANumber) {
String pattern = (String)fieldMeta.getProperty("pattern");
buffer.append(" pattern=\"" + ((pattern != null) ? pattern : DEFAULT_NUMBER_PATTERN) + "\"");
buffer.append(" >\n");
buffer.append("<reportElement " +
"mode=\"" + "Opaque" + "\" " +
"x=\"" + x + "\" " +
"y=\"" + 0 + "\" " +
"width=\"" + columnWidth[i] + "\" " +
"height=\"" + detailHeight + "\" " +
buffer.append("<printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean(\\$V\\{REPORT_COUNT\\}.intValue() % 2 != 0)]]></printWhenExpression>");
buffer.append("<box leftPadding=\"2\" rightPadding=\"2\" topBorder=\"None\" topBorderColor=\"#000000\" leftBorder=\"None\" leftBorderColor=\"#000000\" rightBorder=\"None\" rightBorderColor=\"#000000\" bottomBorder=\"None\" bottomBorderColor=\"#000000\"/>\n");
buffer.append("<textElement " +
"textAlignment=\"" + (isANumber ? "Right": "Left") + "\" " +
"verticalAlignment=\"Middle\"> " +
"<font pdfFontName=\"" + getParamValue(PN_ROW_FONT, DEFAULT_ROW_FONT)+ "\" " +
"size=\"" + getParamValue(PN_ROW_FONT_SIZE, DEFAULT_ROW_FONT_SIZE)+ "\"/>" +
if(fieldMeta.getType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("java.sql.Date")) {
buffer.append("<textFieldExpression " +
"class=\"java.lang.String\"> " +
"<![CDATA[\\$F\\{" + fieldMeta.getName() + "\\}.toString()]]>\n" +
} else {
buffer.append("<textFieldExpression " +
"class=\"" + fieldMeta.getType().getName() + "\"> " +
"<![CDATA[\\$F\\{" + fieldMeta.getName() + "\\}]]>\n" +
x += columnWidth[i];
return buffer.toString();
* Gets the column header block.
* @return the column header block
public String getColumnHeaderBlock(){
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int totalWidth = Integer.parseInt(getParamValue(PN_BAND_WIDTH, DEFAULT_BAND_WIDTH ));
buffer.append("<band " +
"height=\"" + getParamValue(PN_HEADER_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_HEADER_HEIGHT) + "\" " +
"isSplitAllowed=\"true\" >\n");
int[] columnWidth = getColumnWidth(totalWidth);
int x = 0;
int i=0;
int fieldNo = dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldCount();
for(i = 0; i < fieldNo; i++) {
IFieldMetaData fieldMeta = dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldMeta(i);
buffer.append("<reportElement " +
"mode=\"" + "Opaque" + "\" " +
"x=\"" + x + "\" " +
"y=\"" + 0 + "\" " +
"width=\"" + columnWidth[i] + "\" " +
"height=\"" + getParamValue(PN_HEADER_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_HEADER_HEIGHT ) + "\" " +
"forecolor=\"" + getParamValue(PN_HEADER_FORECOLOR, DEFAULT_HEADER_FORECOLOR ) + "\" " +
"backcolor=\"" + getParamValue(PN_HEADER_BACKCOLOR, DEFAULT_HEADER_BACKCOLOR ) + "\" " +
buffer.append("<box leftPadding=\"2\" rightPadding=\"2\" topBorder=\"None\" topBorderColor=\"#000000\" leftBorder=\"None\" leftBorderColor=\"#000000\" rightBorder=\"None\" rightBorderColor=\"#000000\" bottomBorder=\"None\" bottomBorderColor=\"#000000\"/>\n");
buffer.append("<textElement " +
"textAlignment=\"" + (fieldMeta.getType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("java.lang.String")? "Left": "Left") + "\" " +
"verticalAlignment=\"Middle\"> " +
"<font pdfFontName=\"" + getParamValue(PN_HEADER_FONT, DEFAULT_HEADER_FONT) + "\" " +
"size=\"" + getParamValue(PN_HEADER_FONT_SIZE, DEFAULT_HEADER_FONT_SIZE) + "\" " +
"isItalic=\""+getParamValue(PN_HEADER_FONT_ITALIC, DEFAULT_HEADER_FONT_ITALIC)+"\"/> " +
String alias = fieldMeta.getAlias();
alias = (alias == null? fieldMeta.getName(): alias);
String escapedAlias = escape(alias);
buffer.append("<text><![CDATA[" + escapedAlias + "]]></text>\n");
x += columnWidth[i];
return buffer.toString();
public int[] getColumnWidth(int totalWidth) {
int[] columnWidthInPixel;
int fieldNo;
int pixelPerChar;
int freePixels;
int overflowFieldNum;
int pixelPerColumn;
int remainderPixels;
fieldNo = dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldCount();
columnWidthInPixel = new int[fieldNo];
freePixels = 0;
overflowFieldNum = fieldNo;
pixelPerColumn = totalWidth/(fieldNo);
remainderPixels = totalWidth%(fieldNo);
pixelPerChar = Integer.parseInt(getParamValue(PN_PIXEL_PER_CHAR, DEFAULT_PIXEL_PER_CHAR ));
for(int i = 0; i < fieldNo; i++) {
IFieldMetaData fieldMeta = dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldMeta(i);
Integer fieldWidth = (Integer)fieldMeta.getProperty("width");
int width = (fieldWidth == null)? 80: fieldWidth.intValue();
int fieldRequiredWidthInPixel = width * pixelPerChar;
if(fieldRequiredWidthInPixel < pixelPerColumn) {
columnWidthInPixel[i] = fieldRequiredWidthInPixel;
freePixels += (pixelPerColumn-fieldRequiredWidthInPixel);
} else {
columnWidthInPixel[i] = pixelPerColumn;
if(overflowFieldNum > 0 && freePixels > 0) {
freePixels += remainderPixels;
pixelPerColumn = freePixels/overflowFieldNum;
remainderPixels = freePixels%overflowFieldNum;
for(int i = 0; i < fieldNo; i++) {
IFieldMetaData fieldMeta = dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldMeta(i);
Integer fieldWidth = (Integer)fieldMeta.getProperty("width");
int width = (fieldWidth == null)? 80: fieldWidth.intValue();
int fieldRequiredWidthInPixel = width * pixelPerChar;
if(fieldRequiredWidthInPixel > columnWidthInPixel[i]) {
columnWidthInPixel[i] += pixelPerColumn;
if(fieldRequiredWidthInPixel > columnWidthInPixel[i]) overflowFieldNum--;
freePixels -= pixelPerColumn;
freePixels -= remainderPixels;
columnWidthInPixel[fieldNo-1] += remainderPixels;
return columnWidthInPixel;
* Gets the row height.
* @param totalWidth the total width
* @return the row height
public int getRowHeight(int totalWidth) {
int fieldNo = dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldCount();
int pixelPerChar = Integer.parseInt(getParamValue(PN_PIXEL_PER_CHAR, DEFAULT_PIXEL_PER_CHAR ));
int pixelPerRow = Integer.parseInt(getParamValue(PN_PIXEL_PER_ROW, DEFAULT_PIXEL_PER_ROW ));
int rowHeight = pixelPerRow;
int[] columnWidthInPixel = new int[fieldNo];
int freePixels = 0;
int overflowFieldNum =fieldNo;
int pixelPerColumn = totalWidth/(fieldNo);
int remainderPixels = totalWidth%(fieldNo);
for(int i = 0; i < fieldNo; i++) {
IFieldMetaData fieldMeta = dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldMeta(i);
Integer fieldWidth = (Integer)fieldMeta.getProperty("width");
int width = (fieldWidth == null)? 80: fieldWidth.intValue();
int fieldRequiredWidthInPixel = width * pixelPerChar;
if(fieldRequiredWidthInPixel < pixelPerColumn) {
columnWidthInPixel[i] = fieldRequiredWidthInPixel;
freePixels += (pixelPerColumn-fieldRequiredWidthInPixel);
} else {
columnWidthInPixel[i] = pixelPerColumn;
int lines = 1;
if(overflowFieldNum > 0 && freePixels > 0) {
freePixels += remainderPixels;
pixelPerColumn = freePixels/overflowFieldNum;
remainderPixels = freePixels%overflowFieldNum;
for(int i = 0; i < fieldNo; i++) {
IFieldMetaData fieldMeta = dataStore.getMetaData().getFieldMeta(i);
Integer fieldWidth = (Integer)fieldMeta.getProperty("width");
int width = (fieldWidth == null)? 80: fieldWidth.intValue();
int fieldRequiredWidthInPixel = width * pixelPerChar;
if(fieldRequiredWidthInPixel > columnWidthInPixel[i]) {
columnWidthInPixel[i] += pixelPerColumn;
if(fieldRequiredWidthInPixel < columnWidthInPixel[i]) overflowFieldNum--;
else {
int l = fieldRequiredWidthInPixel/columnWidthInPixel[i];
if(fieldRequiredWidthInPixel%columnWidthInPixel[i] > 0) l += 1;
if(l > lines) lines = l;
freePixels -= pixelPerColumn;
freePixels -= remainderPixels;
columnWidthInPixel[fieldNo-1] += remainderPixels;
int maxLinesPerRow = Integer.parseInt(getParamValue(PN_MAXLINE_PER_ROW, DEFAULT_MAXLINE_PER_ROW));
lines = (lines>maxLinesPerRow)? maxLinesPerRow: lines;
rowHeight = lines * pixelPerRow;
return (rowHeight);
private String replaceParam(String template, String pname, String pvalue) {
int index = -1;
while( (index = template.indexOf("${" + pname + "}")) != -1) {
template = template.replaceAll("\\$\\{" + pname + "\\}", pvalue);
return template;
private String escape(String pvalue) {
pvalue = pvalue.replace("\\", "\\\\");
pvalue = pvalue.replace("$", "\\$");
return pvalue;
private String getParamValue(String paramName, String paramDefaultValue) {
String paramValue = null;
paramValue = (String)params.get(paramName);
paramValue = (paramValue != null)? paramValue: paramDefaultValue;
return paramValue;