* This software and supporting documentation were developed by
* Siemens Corporate Technology
* Competence Center Knowledge Management and Business Transformation
* D-81730 Munich, Germany
* Authors (representing a really great team ;-) )
* Stefan B. Augustin, Thorbj�rn Hansen, Manfred Langen
* This software is Open Source under GNU General Public License (GPL).
* Read the text of this license in LICENSE.TXT
* or look at www.opensource.org/licenses/
* Once more we emphasize, that:
// TsqlInterpreter
package mod.tsql;
import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.net.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import KFM.Converter;
import KFM.DB.SQLUtils;
import KFM.SwingWorker;
/** Our improved version of `isql�.
* <H1>Interactive usage</H1>
* <P>For the documentation to the interactive usage, see `cHelpText�.
* Or start Tsql and enter `!help�.</P>
* <H1>Java usage</H1>
* <P>Get a `TsqlInterpreter� and initialize it with `initialize�.
* Then you can use `execute� to execute any commands from Java.
* For an example, see `Tsql.example�.</P>
* <P>@@@ Tsql should be refactored so that the Java usage is neater.
* The Java interface does not need the GUI, the history, etc..</P>
public class TsqlInterpreter
// ************************************************************
// Classes
// ************************************************************
/** Thrown to get out of `!run�. */
static class StopOnErrorException extends Throwable { }
private static class SyntaxError extends Exception {}
// ************************************************************
// Constants
// ************************************************************
/** Default value for the DB handler class, currently Oracle. */
static final String cJdbcDriverDefault="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
// static final String
// cVersion = cVssVersion.substring(cVssVersion.indexOf("$Revision: 1 $Revision: ".length(), cVssVersion.lastIndexOf(" $")),
// cDate = cVssDate.substring(cVssDate.indexOf("$Date: 12.08.03 17:28 $Date: ".length(), cVssDate.lastIndexOf(" $")),
// cAuthor = cVssAuthor.substring(cVssAuthor.indexOf("$Author: Schuster_s $Author: ".length(), cVssAuthor.lastIndexOf(" $"));
static final String cWelcomeText = "Welcome to tsql by Thorbjoern Hansen.\n"
// + "Version " + cVersion + ", last change by " + cAuthor + " on " + cDate + ".\n"
+ "Enter !help for help.\n"
+ "\n"
static final String cUsageHelpText =
+ " java mod.tsql.Tsql [-g] [-D <DRIVER>] -S <CONNECTIONURL> -U <USER> -P <PASSWORD> [OPTIONS]\n";
static final String
cDbPasswordHelpText = " -P X Set DB user password to X, required.\n",
cDbUserHelpText = " -U X Set DB user name to X, required.\n",
cDbConnectionHelpText =
" -S X Set DB connection URL to X, required.\n"
+ " E.g. 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@<HOST>:<PORT>:<DBNAME>'.\n"
+ " E.g. 'jdbc:sybase:Tds:<HOST>:<PORT>/<DBNAME>'.\n";
* 2003-04-08: Wir haben mehrere Alternativen bei der Syntax von Strings mit Zeilenwechesel
* besprochen, aber `!nl� hat gewonnen.
* Die Alternativen waren (sortiert nach Beliebtheit):
* (1) `!nl� als "Fortsetzer" wie unten beschrieben.
* Die `!nl�s mu� man zwar per Hand hinschreiben, aber so kann der Parser bei einer ungeraden
* Anzahl Quotes sofort Tippfehler und Absicht unterschieden.
* (2) !set multiline on|off|default
* (Wobei als Goodie `default� bei `!data� an und sonst aus bedeutet.)
* Das hat den Nachteil, da� es schwer ist, nach einem Zeilenwechsel zu suchen, sowie
* Vertipper (ein ' zu viel) zu finden.
* (3) Eine Syntaxerweiterung
* {ml 'a
* b'}
* Hier steht `ml� f�r Multiline. Diese Syntax ist analog zur Syntax von JDBC bei DATE, TIME
* und TIMESTAMP mit `{d ...}�, `{t ...}`, `{ts ...}`.
* (4) Eine Syntaxerweiterung f�r Java String quoting
* {s 'a\nb\u00ffc'}
* Diese L�sung hat den Nachteil, da� man aufpassen mu�, jeden Backslash durch verdoppeln zu quoten.
* Abschlie�end ist noch zu Bemerken, da� Excel bei CSV Dateien innerhalb von Quotes erlaubt.
static final String cMultiLineStringHelpText =
" - Multiline strings (which contain newlines) will soon be available using `!nl� as follows:\n"
+ " !set separator ;\n"
+ " INSERT INTO tab (col) VALUES ('a\n"
+ " !nl b');\n"
+ " Note that `!nl� is a *feature* and not an ugly hack.\n"
+ " Without it, tsql's parser cannot find typos.\n";
static final String cHelpText =
+ "\n"
+ "* Switches:\n"
+ " -c X Executes one command X from the command line and exits.\n"
+ " To run several commands, use -c with !run.\n"
+ " -g as !graphics\n"
+ " -s X as !set separator X.\n"
+ " -t as !set format terse\n"
+ " -v as !set format verbose\n"
+ " -D X Set DB driver to X, defaults to '" + cJdbcDriverDefault + "'.\n"
+ cDbPasswordHelpText
+ cDbConnectionHelpText
+ cDbUserHelpText
+ " -T X as !set title X.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "* Syntax:\n"
+ " - tsql ignores comments between -- and newline\n."
+ cMultiLineStringHelpText
+ "\n"
+ "* Commands:\n"
+ " !! Comment at beginning of line (deprecated, use --).\n"
+ " !dblog on Log all SQL statements into DB table TsqlHistory. (Default)\n"
+ " !dblog off Do not log...\n"
+ " !dump TABLE Dump content of table TABLE using csv format.\n"
+ " !describe TABLE describe the structure of TABLE.\n"
+ " !echo TEXT Fisplay text.\n"
+ " !execute PROC(...) Execute stored procedure.\n"
+ " !exit Quit program.\n"
+ " !graphics Opens graphic user interfac, the console still works.\n"
+ " !help Display this text.\n"
+ " !help sybase Display useful commands in Sybase.\n"
+ " !help oracle Display useful commands in Oracle.\n"
+ " !history show Show the history in the output window.\n"
+ " !history clear Clear the history.\n"
+ " !log [append] 'FILENAME'\n"
+ " Log output and errors to file.\n"
+ " !log console Stop logging to file, log to console. (Default)\n"
+ " !log off Do not log, neither to file nor to console.\n"
+ " !log statements default|on|off\n"
+ " Log statments also?\n"
+ " Default is ca. 'on for console and off in logs'.\n"
+ " !log timing on|off Log timing info also?\n"
+ " !quit Quit program.\n"
+ " !reopen Reopen DB.\n"
+ " !repeat X Repeat each command X times.\n"
+ " !run 'FILENAME' Execute commands from file.\n"
+ " !set format terse Terse output format, values are concatenated.\n"
+ " !set format usual Usual output format, values are comma separated.\n"
+ " !set format verbose Verbose output format, one line for each value.\n"
+ " !set format csv Comma Separated format, all strings are quoted.\n"
+ " !set format data ???.\n"
+ " !set format sqldump ???.\n"
+ " !set separator off Use Enter as separator.\n"
+ " !set separator X Use X as separator instead of Enter, e.g. ';' or 'go'.\n"
+ " !set stop on error on|off\n"
+ " Should !run stop on errors?\n"
+ " !set title Set window title.\n"
+ " !set error count zero Reset error count.\n"
+ " !set tablemodel on|off\n"
+ " Create a table model, to display in table.\n"
+ " !time X Output current time, prefixed by X.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "* Features of Shell and GUI:\n"
+ "- Enter executes a query, unless a separator is set with -s or !set separator.\n"
+ "- The number of errors is displayed in the prompt,\n"
+ " reset it with '!set error count zero'.\n"
+ "* Features of GUI only:\n"
+ "- The GUI has a Table View and does not print to console, unless\n"
+ " explicitly requested by pressing the Print button.\n"
+ "- Shift+Enter Inserts a line break without executing query.\n"
+ "- PageUp Goto previous command history.\n"
+ "- PageDown Goto next command in history.\n"
+ "- Ctrl-h Show history in separate window,\n"
+ " select with Enter or doubleclick.\n"
+ "\n"
static final String cHelpTextSybase =
"* Useful comands in Sybase\n"
+ " sp_help\n"
+ " sp_tables\n"
+ " sp_columns \"table_name\"\n"
+ "\n"
static final String cHelpTextOracle =
"* Useful comands in Oracle\n"
+ " select TABLE_NAME from USER_TABLES\n"
+ " select * from USER_TAB_COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = '...'\n"
+ " select * from USER_TRIGGERS\n"
+ "\n"
+ "* Define a procedure in Oracle, e.g.:\n"
+ "create or replace procedure testproc (\n"
+ " tNum in number)\n"
+ "is begin\n"
+ " insert into test values (tNum);\n"
+ "end;\n"
+ "\n"
// ************************************************************
// Variables
// ************************************************************
boolean mIsStopOnError = false;
long mErrorCount = 0;
Connection mCons[] = new Connection[1];
long[] mTimes = new long[1];
/** Is the command `!run� being executed? */
boolean mIsRun = false;
/** Set by -c. */
boolean mIsCommand;
/** True when `execute� called.
* This was intended to change the output behaviour, but that's complicated,
* so we'll do it some other time.
boolean mIsExecute = false;
/** True iff statements should also be logged. */
final byte cLogStatsDefault = 0, cLogStatsOff = 1, cLogStatsOn = 2;
byte mIsLogStatements = cLogStatsDefault;
byte mIsLogDbStatements = cLogStatsDefault;
/** True iff timing should also be logged. */
boolean mIsLogTiming = false;
* !log off sets it to false
* !log console sets it to true
boolean mIsOutputOn = true;
BufferedReader mStdIn;
/** May be set to mStdIn or to a file. */
BufferedReader mIn;
/** Stack of `mIn�s. */
Stack /*of BufferedReader*/ mInStack;
/** May be set to null or to a file. */
BufferedWriter mOut;
String mSeparator = null;
String mAccumulatedCmd = "";
public static class FORMAT
public static final int USUAL = 0;
public static final int TERSE = 1;
public static final int VERBOSE = 2;
public static final int CSV = 3;
public static final int SQLDUMP = 4;
public static final int DATA = 5;
int mFormat = FORMAT.USUAL;
// ************************************************************
// Layout variables.
String mCell;
String mRowBreak;
String mFinish; // See `mPostfix� below.
String mNoResults;
boolean mHeaders;
String mPrefix = "";
String mPostfix = ""; // We should use `mFinish� here.
// ************************************************************
// DB variables.
/** The DB handler class.
* Tested values are:
* - Sybase via jConnect 4.1: com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver
* - Oracle: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver (see `cJdbcDriverOracle�)
String mJdbcDriver;
/** The DB connection URL. */
String mJdbcConnectionURL;
/** The DB user name. */
String mJdbcUser;
/** The DB user password. */
String mJdbcPassword;
// ************************************************************
// GUI variables.
TsqlFrame mTsqlFrame = null;
private static boolean mGraphics = false;
/** Hack to get `cmdRun� to work from GUI.
* For the hack, see `cmdRun�, `handleLoop�, `handle� and `handleGui�.
* JD: This variable has nothing to do with whether Graphics are enabled or not!
* It is only used to get a HACK to work.
* @see #isGraphics() it will tell you if you are allowed to write the gui or not.
boolean mIsGuiCommand = false;
// JFrame mFrame = null;
String mFrameTitle = "tsql";
// TextArea mTextArea = null;
// TextArea mInTextArea = null;
/** History. */
Vector mHistory = null;
/** Location of current history element. */
int mHistoryIndex;
JList mHistoryList = null;
JFrame mHistoryFrame = null;
private boolean mInQuery = false;
private StringBuffer mInQuerySB = new StringBuffer();
private String mLoadTable = null;
private String mLoadColumns = null;
public boolean mUseTableModel = true;
// ************************************************************
// Public Methods
// ************************************************************
/** Constructor.
* @@@ Stuff from `initialize� should be moved up here.
public TsqlInterpreter ()
/** Handles `Tsql.main�. */
public void handleMain (String[] args)
throws IOException
try {
if(mIsCommand) {
System.err.println("Executing: " + args[args.length-1]);
} catch(StopOnErrorException e) {
// If a `StopOnErrorException� is thrown, restart the `handleLoop�.
// Else exit.
while(true) {
try {
handleLoop(/*QuitOnEOF*/ false, /*ReturnOnEOF*/ false);
} catch(StopOnErrorException e) {
if(mIsRun) {
error("Script aborted due to error.\n");
mIsRun = false;
void printPrompt ()
throws IOException
String tPrompt = "tsql (" + mErrorCount+ ")> ";
if(mIsLogStatements == cLogStatsOn) {
// User always wants prompt.
} else if(mIsLogStatements == cLogStatsDefault && mOut == null) {
// User does not have logging, so he presumably wants prompts.
} else if(mIsLogStatements == cLogStatsDefault && mOut != null && ! mIsRun) {
// User does have logging, but is working interactively, so
// he only wants a prompt in the GUI, not in the log.
if(isGraphics()) {
} else {
// No prompt.
private void assertTrue(String aErr, boolean aB) {
if(! aB) {
/** Initialize.
* @@@ Some of this stuff belongs into constructor.
public void initialize (String[] args)
throws IOException
// Static initializer to initialize `mHistory� and `mHistoryIndex�.
// When `tsql� is restructured to use an object instead of `static� methods,
// then this must move into the constructor.
mIsCommand = false;
for(int i = 0; i < args.length; ++ i) {
final String cErr1 = "Parameter required.";
if (args[i].equals("-S")) { assertTrue(cErr1, i+1<args.length); mJdbcConnectionURL = args[++i]; }
else if(args[i].equals("-U")) { assertTrue(cErr1, i+1<args.length); mJdbcUser = args[++i]; }
else if(args[i].equals("-P")) { assertTrue(cErr1, i+1<args.length); mJdbcPassword = args[++i]; }
else if(args[i].equals("-D")) { assertTrue(cErr1, i+1<args.length); mJdbcDriver = args[++i]; }
else if(args[i].equals("-c")) { mIsCommand = true; }
else if(args[i].equals("-g")) { cmdGraphics(); }
else if(args[i].equals("-s")) { cmdSetSeparator(args[++i]); }
else if(args[i].equals("-t")) { cmdSetFormatTerse(); }
else if(args[i].equals("-T")) { cmdSetTitle(args[++i]); }
else if(args[i].equals("-v")) { cmdSetFormatVerbose(); }
else if(args[i].equals("-h")) { cmdHelp(); System.exit(0); }
// Check for required parameters and default driver.
// We do not quit after the first error, instead we try to give all error messages at once.
String tErrText = ""; // If not empty, then holds a description of error occured.
if(mJdbcConnectionURL == null) {
tErrText += "Please supply connection URL with switch -S:\n" + cDbConnectionHelpText;
if(mJdbcUser == null) {
tErrText += "Please supply user with switch -U:\n" + cDbUserHelpText;
if(mJdbcPassword == null) {
tErrText += "Please supply password with switch -P:\n" + cDbPasswordHelpText;
if(! tErrText.equals("")) {
System.err.print(cUsageHelpText + tErrText);
if(mJdbcDriver == null) {
// Not an error, select default driver and write a message to `System.err�.
System.err.println("Using default driver '" + cJdbcDriverDefault + "'. To change, supply -D parameter.");
mJdbcDriver = cJdbcDriverDefault;
if(! tErrText.equals("")) {
try {
// According to JDBC book, it is not necessary to call `DriverManager.registerDriver�.
} catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ex) {
System.err.println("ClassNotFoundException: " + ex.getMessage());
+ "Driver = " + mJdbcDriver + "\n"
+ "ConnectionURL = " + mJdbcConnectionURL + "\n"
+ "User = " + mJdbcUser + "\n"
+ "\n");
if(! mIsCommand) {
/** Public interface to execute commands from Java.
* See the class documentation.
* @@@ Oops, we do not get SQLExceptions here, but we should.
public void execute (String s)
throws IOException
mIn = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(s));
mIsExecute = true;
try {
handleLoop(/*QuitOnEOF*/ false, /*ReturnOnEOF*/ true);
} catch(StopOnErrorException e) {
// @@@ What should we do here?
} finally {
mIsExecute = false;
// ************************************************************
// Package and Private Methods
// ************************************************************
void initializeHistory ()
mHistory = new Vector();
mHistoryIndex = 0;
void initializeStreams ()
mStdIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
mIn = mStdIn;
mInStack = new Stack();
/** Interpreters main loop.
* Note: To allow using `!run� inside scripts started by `!run�,
* `cmdRun� will call `handleLoop� recursively and push `mIn� onto a stack.
* @@@ Using both recursion and a stack is messy, it should get cleaned up.
* Note that `cmdRun� may also be called by `TsqlInputArea�, which complicates
* things so that the `mIsGuiCommand� hack is needed.
* For the hack, see `cmdRun�, `handleLoop�, `handle� and `handleGui�.
void handleLoop (boolean aQuitOnEOF, boolean aReturnOnEOF)
throws StopOnErrorException, IOException
try {
while(true) {
String tLine = mIn.readLine();
if(tLine == null) {
// EOF reached.
if(mInStack.empty()) {
} else {
print("Finished running file.\n");
mIn = (BufferedReader) mInStack.pop();
if(mInStack.empty()) {
print("Back to cmd line.\n");
mIsRun = false;
if (aQuitOnEOF) cmdQuit();
else if (aReturnOnEOF) return;
else continue;
} catch(IOException e) {
/** Handle one command from GUI.
* As `handle�, but with an additional hack to get `cmdRun� to work from GUI.
* For the hack, see `cmdRun�, `handleLoop�, `handle� and `handleGui�.
void handleGui (String aLine)
throws StopOnErrorException, IOException
mIsGuiCommand = true; // Hack to get `cmdRun� to work from GUI.
try {
} finally {
mIsGuiCommand = false;
/** Handle one command.
* See also `handleGui�.
void handle (String aLine)
throws StopOnErrorException, IOException
if(mIsLogStatements == cLogStatsOn
|| (mIsLogStatements == cLogStatsDefault && mOut == null))
print(aLine + "\n");
} else if(mIsLogStatements == cLogStatsDefault && mOut != null && ! mIsRun) {
// User does have logging, but is working interactively, so
// he only wants to see the queries in the GUI, not in the log.
System.out.println(aLine + "\n");
if(isGraphics()) {
_outputGui(aLine + "\n");
String tLine = aLine.trim();
if(tLine.equals("!quit") || tLine.equals("!exit")) { cmdQuit(); }
if (tLine.equals("" )) { ; }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!dump " )) { cmdDump(tLine.substring("!dump ".length())); }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!!")
|| tLine.startsWith("--") ) { /* Comments at beginning of line needs no handling. */ }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!echo " )) { cmdEcho(tLine.substring("!echo ".length())); }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!execute " )) { cmdExecute(tLine.substring("!execute ".length())); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!graphics" )) { cmdGraphics(); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!help" )) { cmdHelp(); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!help sybase" )) { cmdHelpSybase(); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!help oracle" )) { cmdHelpOracle(); }
// Note: "!log " must be tested last.
else if(tLine.equals ("!log console" )) { cmdLogConsole(); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!log off" )) { mIsOutputOn = false; }
else if(tLine.equals ("!log statements on" )) { mIsLogStatements = cLogStatsOn; }
else if(tLine.equals ("!log statements off" )) { mIsLogStatements = cLogStatsOff; }
else if(tLine.equals ("!log statements default")) { mIsLogStatements = cLogStatsDefault; }
else if(tLine.equals ("!log timing on" )) { mIsLogTiming = true; }
else if(tLine.equals ("!log timing off" )) { mIsLogTiming = false; }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!log append " )) { cmdLog(tLine.substring("!log append ".length()), /*Append*/ true); }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!log " )) { cmdLog(tLine.substring("!log ".length()), /*Append*/ false); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!dblog on" )) { mIsLogDbStatements = cLogStatsOn; }
else if(tLine.equals ("!dblog off" )) { mIsLogDbStatements = cLogStatsOff; }
else if(tLine.equals ("!history show" )) { cmdHistoryShow(); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!history clear" )) { cmdHistoryClear(); }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!repeat " )) { cmdRepeat(tLine.substring("!repeat ".length())); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!reopen" )) { cmdReopen(); }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!run " )) { cmdRun(tLine.substring("!run ".length())); }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!describe " )) { cmdDescribe(tLine.substring("!describe ".length())); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!set format terse" )) { cmdSetFormatTerse(); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!set format usual" )) { cmdSetFormatUsual(); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!set format verbose")) { cmdSetFormatVerbose(); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!set format csv" )) { cmdSetFormatCsv(); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!set format sqldump")) { cmdSetFormatSQLDump(); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!set format data" )) { cmdSetFormatData(); }
// Note: "!set separator off" must be tested before "!set separator ".
else if(tLine.equals ("!set separator off" )) { cmdSetSeparator(null); }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!set separator " )) { cmdSetSeparator(tLine.substring("!set separator ".length())); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!set stop on error on" )) { mIsStopOnError = true; }
else if(tLine.equals ("!set stop on error off")) { mIsStopOnError = false; }
else if(tLine.equals ("!set error count zero" )) { mErrorCount = 0; }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!set title " )) { cmdSetTitle(tLine.substring("!set title ".length())); }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!set tablemodel " )) { cmdSetTableModel(tLine.substring("!set tablemodel ".length())); }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!time " )) { cmdTime(tLine.substring("!time ".length())); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!time" )) { cmdTime(""); }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!data table " )) { mLoadTable = tLine.substring("!data table ".length()); }
else if(tLine.startsWith("!data columns " )) { mLoadColumns = tLine.substring("!data columns ".length()); }
else if(tLine.equals ("!data end" )) {
mLoadTable = null;
mLoadColumns = null;
else if(tLine.startsWith("!data " )) { cmdLoadData(tLine.substring("!data ".length())); }
// This is crap, aehm not a very good idea:
// else if(tLine.startsWith("!") && (mSeparator == null || !tLine.startsWith(mSeparator))) {
// output("The command " + tLine + " is unknown in Tsql.\n");
// }
// Example:
// !set separator !go
// select * from members where nick like '
// !dummy' <-- this will be taken as unknown command.
// !go
else {
if(mSeparator != null) {
// A separator is set.
if(aLine.endsWith(mSeparator)) {
// @todo bitte hier auf "!nl" pr�fen.
tLine = mAccumulatedCmd + aLine.substring(0, aLine.length() - mSeparator.length());
mAccumulatedCmd = "";
} else {
// Accumulate, but do not do anything.
// Oops, it was wrong to accumulate with " ", we need "\n"
// because the Newline may be *inside* a Datum.
// mAccumulatedCmd += aLine + " ";
// @@@ This might go wrong with "\r", but that should not be important right now.
// @todo bitte hier auf "!nl" pr�fen.
mAccumulatedCmd += aLine + "\n";
/** Send query through all open connections in parallel.
* @param aQuery the query string
void query (final String aQuery)
throws StopOnErrorException, IOException
// Case 1: Handle one query.
if(mCons.length == 1) {
if (mIsLogDbStatements != cLogStatsOff)
query(aQuery, 0);
// Case 2: Handle several queries in parallel.
Thread[] tQueryThreads = new Thread[mCons.length];
for(int i=0; i < mCons.length; i++) {
final int x = i;
tQueryThreads[i] = new Thread() {
public void run () {
try {
query(aQuery, x);
} catch(IOException e) {
} catch(StopOnErrorException e) {
for(int i=0; i < mCons.length; i++) {
if(mIsLogStatements == cLogStatsOn
|| (mIsLogStatements == cLogStatsDefault && mOut == null))
/** Execute query (using a specific connection).
* @param aQuery the query string
* @param aConnection index of the connection array
public void query (String aQuery, int aConnectionNr)
throws StopOnErrorException, IOException
String tQueryNoComments;
try {
tQueryNoComments = Parser.removeComments(aQuery);
} catch(Parser.ParseException e) {
++ mErrorCount;
error("Error while parsing: Unmatched single double quote in query:\n "
+ aQuery + "\n");
Statement tStat = null;
try {
Date tBefore = null, tAfter = null;
if(mIsLogTiming) {
output("Performing command...\n");
tBefore = new Date();
tStat = mCons[aConnectionNr].createStatement();
boolean tHasResultSet = tStat.execute(tQueryNoComments);
if(mIsLogTiming) {
tAfter = new Date();
mTimes[aConnectionNr] = tAfter.getTime() - tBefore.getTime();
output("Command " + aConnectionNr + " performed in " + mTimes[aConnectionNr] + " ms.\n");
boolean tFirst = true;
while(true) {
if(tHasResultSet) {
// We have a ResultSet.
} else {
int tUpdateCount = tStat.getUpdateCount();
if(tUpdateCount > 0) {
output("OK, " + tUpdateCount + " rows updated.\n");
// Oracle's `getMoreResults� seems to be buggy.
if(mJdbcConnectionURL.indexOf("oracle") > 0) {
output("Alert: Due to a bug in Oracle, "
+ "only the output of the first statement is shown.\n");
} else if(tUpdateCount == 0) {
// Due to a bug in JConnect, `tUpdateCount == 0� does not always happen.
// `getUpdateCount� may return -1 instead of 0.
output("OK (0).\n");
/* It is not really correct to put a break here!
Read the Documentation about how Statement.execute works.
But Oracle is buggy, so what can we do?
if(mJdbcConnectionURL.indexOf("oracle") > 0) {
output("Alert: Due to a bug in Oracle, "
+ "only the output of the first statement is shown.\n");
} else if(tUpdateCount == -1) {
// Due to a bug in JConnect, `tUpdateCount == 0� does not always happen.
// `getUpdateCount� may return -1 instead of 0.
if(tFirst) { output("OK (-1).\n"); }
// No more ResultSets. Quit the loop.
} else {
System.err.println("This should never happen.");
tFirst = false;
tHasResultSet = tStat.getMoreResults();
} catch(SQLException e) {
error("SQL Exception:\n"
+ " Error code: " + e.getErrorCode() + "\n"
+ " SQL state: " + e.getSQLState() + "\n"
+ " Localized message: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n"
+ " Query " + aQuery + "\n"
+ "\n"
if(mIsStopOnError) {
throw new StopOnErrorException();
} else {
++ mErrorCount;
} catch(Exception e) {
} finally {
// We must close the statement, or we might run out of cursors on Oracle.
try {
if(tStat != null) tStat.close();
} catch(SQLException e) {
error("SQL Exception while closing statement:\n"
+ " Error code: " + e.getErrorCode() + "\n"
+ " SQL state: " + e.getSQLState() + "\n"
+ " Localized message: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n"
+ " Query " + aQuery + "\n"
+ "\n"
* Make a persistent history log entry into table TsqlHistory.
* Can be switched off with "!dblog off" and switched on again with "!dblog on".
* The query is logged together with a timestamp and the hostname of the computer
* where TSQL runs on.
* @param aQueryToLog The query to log.
private void logHistory(String aQueryToLog)
throws StopOnErrorException, IOException
Statement tStat = null;
long tTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
String tHost = getLocalHostName();
// truncate query, if it it too long for logging
if (aQueryToLog.length() > 4000)
aQueryToLog = aQueryToLog.substring(0, 4000-3) + "...";
String tInsert = "INSERT INTO TsqlHistory (timestamp, host, query) VALUES ("
+ tTimestamp + ", "
+ "'" + tHost + "', "
+ "'" + SQLUtils.doubleApostrophes(aQueryToLog) + "'"
+ ")";
try {
tStat = mCons[0].createStatement();
boolean tHasResultSet = tStat.execute(tInsert);
} catch(SQLException e) {
error("SQL Exception:\n"
+ " Error code: " + e.getErrorCode() + "\n"
+ " SQL state: " + e.getSQLState() + "\n"
+ " Localized message: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n"
+ " Query " + tInsert + "\n"
+ "\n"
if(mIsStopOnError) {
throw new StopOnErrorException();
} else {
++ mErrorCount;
} catch(Exception e) {
} finally {
// We must close the statement, or we might run out of cursors on Oracle.
try {
if(tStat != null) tStat.close();
} catch(SQLException e) {
error("SQL Exception while closing statement:\n"
+ " Error code: " + e.getErrorCode() + "\n"
+ " SQL state: " + e.getSQLState() + "\n"
+ " Localized message: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n"
+ " Query " + tInsert + "\n"
+ "\n"
* Find out the local host name.
* @return local host name (e.g. MHPA6V7C), or IP address, if name can't be determined
private String getLocalHostName()
String tHostName = null;
InetAddress tLocalHost = null;
try {
tLocalHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
tHostName = tLocalHost.getHostName();
catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// if name can't be determined, the IP address is still good enough
tHostName = tLocalHost.getHostAddress();
return tHostName;
* Closes all connections.
public void closeConnections()
throws SQLException
for (int i=0; i < mCons.length; i++) {
Connection c = mCons[i];
if (c != null && !c.isClosed())
* Example of FORMAT.CSV output:
* 43,'John','53539'
* 88,'Klaus','555-6363'
/* synchronized */ void printResultSet(TsqlTableModel aModel, ResultSet aRS)
throws SQLException, IOException
boolean tUseTableModelOld = mUseTableModel;
if(aModel == null) {
mUseTableModel = false;
TsqlProgressDialog tProgress = null;
if(isGraphics()) {
tProgress = TsqlProgressDialog.getInstance();
// When not using table model
int mColumnType[] = null;
String mColumnName[] = null;
// END
int tColumnCount = 0;
String tMetaData = "";
ResultSetMetaData tMD = null;
if(mUseTableModel) {
tColumnCount = aModel.getColumnCount();
} else {
// When not using table model
tMD = aRS.getMetaData();
tColumnCount = tMD.getColumnCount();
if(mHeaders) {
if(mFormat != FORMAT.CSV && mFormat != FORMAT.SQLDUMP && mFormat != FORMAT.DATA) {
output("[Headers] ");
if(mUseTableModel) {
tColumnCount = aModel.getColumnCount();
} else {
// When not using table model
mColumnType = new int[tColumnCount];
mColumnName = new String[tColumnCount];
for(int i = 1; i <= tColumnCount; i++) {
mColumnName[i-1] = tMD.getColumnName(i);
mColumnType[i-1] = tMD.getColumnType(i);
// END
for(int i = 0; i < tColumnCount; i++) {
String tColName;
if(mUseTableModel) {
tColName = aModel.getColumnName(i);
} else {
// When not using table model
tColName = mColumnName[i];
// END
if(mFormat == FORMAT.CSV) {
if(i < tColumnCount-1) {
} else if(mFormat == FORMAT.SQLDUMP || mFormat == FORMAT.DATA) {
tMetaData += tColName;
if(i < tColumnCount-1) {
tMetaData += ",";
} else {
output(MessageFormat.format("{0}, ",
new Object[] { tColName }
if(mFormat == FORMAT.DATA) {
output("!data columns " + tMetaData);
StringBuffer tSB = new StringBuffer();
int j = 0;
while(mUseTableModel ? (j < aModel.getRowCount()) : aRS.next() ) {
if(mFormat != FORMAT.SQLDUMP && mFormat != FORMAT.DATA) {
tSB.append(MessageFormat.format(mRowBreak, new Object[] { "" + (j+1) } ));
} else {
tSB.append(MessageFormat.format(mPrefix, new Object[] { tMetaData } ));
for(int i = 0; i < tColumnCount; i++) {
String tValue;
if(mUseTableModel) {
tValue = (String) aModel.getValueAt(j, i);
} else {
tValue = aRS.getString(i + 1);
if(mFormat != FORMAT.CSV && mFormat != FORMAT.SQLDUMP && mFormat != FORMAT.DATA) {
if(null == tValue) {
tValue = "NULL";
String tColumnName;
if(mUseTableModel) {
tColumnName = aModel.getColumnName(i);
} else {
tColumnName = mColumnName[i];
new Object[] { "" + i, tColumnName, tValue } ));
} else {
if(null == tValue) {
} else {
boolean isStringType;
if(mUseTableModel) {
isStringType = aModel.isStringType(i);
} else {
isStringType = (mColumnType[i] == Types.CHAR ||
mColumnType[i] == Types.VARCHAR ||
mColumnType[i] == Types.LONGVARCHAR);
if(isStringType) {
} else {
if(i < tColumnCount-1) {
if(mFormat == FORMAT.SQLDUMP || mFormat == FORMAT.DATA) {
if(tProgress != null) {
if(tProgress.isAborted()) {
try { // give swing some time to repaint; 10ms should do
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
// nothing
if(mAbortedQuery || (isGraphics() && TsqlProgressDialog.getInstance().isAborted())) {
if(mFormat == FORMAT.DATA) {
output("\n!data end");
if(j == 0) {
mUseTableModel = tUseTableModelOld;
/* all this to have these two abort windows */
TsqlTableModel mModel;
ResultSet mRS;
String mAbortMessage = "\n!! USER ABORTED";
boolean mAbortedQuery = false;
* I made this method non-synchronized, because one of the SwingWorkers
* calls printResultSet, which was also synchronized, therefore a deadlock occurs.
/* synchronized */ void queryResultSet(ResultSet aRS)
throws SQLException, IOException
if(isGraphics()) {
try {
// here we should disable the output textarea
mInQuery = true;
// start the counter dialog
TsqlProgressDialog tDialog = TsqlProgressDialog.getInstance();
tDialog.setTitle("Processing Resultset");
Rectangle tRect = mTsqlFrame.getBounds();
Rectangle tR2 = tDialog.getBounds();
tDialog.setLocation(tRect.x + (tRect.width - tR2.width) / 2,
tRect.y + (tRect.height - tR2.height) / 2);
SwingWorker tWorker;
mRS = aRS;
if(mUseTableModel) { // build table model
tWorker = new SwingWorker() {
public Object construct() {
try {
mModel = new TsqlTableModel(mRS);
} catch(SQLException e) {
System.err.println("new TableModel: " + e);
return null;
mAbortedQuery = tDialog.isAborted();
} else {
mModel = null;
tWorker = new SwingWorker() {
public Object construct() {
try {
printResultSet(mModel, mRS);
} catch(Exception e) {
System.err.println("printResultSet: " + e);
return null;
tDialog.setTitle("Printing Resultset");
} finally {
// enable output textarea
mInQuery = false;
} else {
printResultSet(null, aRS); // use ResultSet directly
if(isGraphics()) {
if(mModel == null) {
mTsqlFrame.setModel(new DefaultTableModel());
} else {
private String getClobValue (
ResultSet tResult,
int tColumn)
throws SQLException
String tValue = null;
Reader tReader = new InputStreamReader(tResult.getAsciiStream(tColumn));
int j = 0;
StringBuffer tSb = new StringBuffer();
while ((j = tReader.read()) != -1){
catch (IOException ex){
System.err.println("IOException : " + ex.getMessage());
if (tReader != null)
catch (IOException exx){
if (tSb.length() > 0)
tValue = tSb.toString();
return tValue;
/** Reopen one connection.
* Called by `cmdReopen�.
* Note: Later on, allow changing DB.
* @param aConnectionNr Index in the connection array.
void reopen (int aConnectionNr)
throws IOException
try {
if(mCons[aConnectionNr] != null) mCons[aConnectionNr].close();
Date tBefore = null, tAfter = null;
if(mIsLogTiming) {
output("Opening connection...\n");
tBefore = new Date();
mCons[aConnectionNr] = DriverManager.getConnection(mJdbcConnectionURL, mJdbcUser, mJdbcPassword);
if(mIsLogTiming) {
tAfter = new Date();
mTimes[aConnectionNr] = tAfter.getTime() - tBefore.getTime();
output("Connection " + aConnectionNr + " opened in " + mTimes[aConnectionNr] + " ms.\n");
} catch(SQLException ex) {
System.err.println("SQLException : " + ex.getMessage());
/** Wait with prompt until all threads finished. */
private void waitWithPrompt (Thread[] aThreads)
while (true) {
boolean alive = false;
for (int i=0; i < mCons.length; i++) {
if (aThreads[i].isAlive()) {
alive = true;
if (!alive) {
try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (Exception e) {}
// dump statistics
long max = 0;
long min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
long sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i < mCons.length; i++) {
if (mTimes[i] > max) max = mTimes[i];
if (mTimes[i] < min) min = mTimes[i];
sum += mTimes[i];
long average = sum / mCons.length;
try {
if(mIsLogTiming) {
print("Number of threads: " + mCons.length + "\n"
+ "Min: " + min + "ms\n"
+ "Max: " + max + "ms\n"
+ "Average: " + average + "ms\n");
} catch (IOException e) {}
// ************************************************************
// Command methods
// Note that currently, all `cmd� methods take a String containing the rest of the cmd line.
// This will be refactored later.
/** Dump whole table into standard SQL INSERT statements.
* Produces an output that can be used to import the whole table with standard SQL.
* Example:
* tsql>!dump test
* INSERT INTO test(name,num) VALUES ('hi',5)
* INSERT INTO test(name,num) VALUES (NULL,6)
* Idea for future additions: Optional SELECT statement so you can dump
* parts of a table, e.g. `!dump TABLENAME SELECT name FROM test�.
* Idea for a totally different approach: Use `!set format csv� and a SELECT query,
* and provide a command `!load TABLENAME� that can load the dumped format into any table.
private void cmdDump(String aTableName)
throws IOException, StopOnErrorException
int tOldFormat = mFormat;
mPrefix = "INSERT INTO " + aTableName + "({0}) VALUES (";
mPostfix = ")";
query("SELECT * FROM " + aTableName);
mPrefix = "";
mPostfix = "";
private void cmdEcho (String aArgLine)
throws IOException
output(aArgLine + "\n");
/** Execute a stored procedure. */
private void cmdExecute (String aArgLine)
throws IOException, StopOnErrorException
if(mCons.length != 1) {
error("Do not use !execute with several connections.");
// Todo: Think about proper parsing routing.
// Right now, just suppose the rest is the procedure call, e.g. `name(arg1, arg2)�.
String tProcName = aArgLine;
String tCallStr = "{call "+ tProcName +"}";
CallableStatement tCs = null;
try {
tCs = mCons[0].prepareCall(tCallStr);
} catch(SQLException e) {
// This code copied from `query�.
error("SQL Exception:\n"
+ " Error code: " + e.getErrorCode() + "\n"
+ " SQL state: " + e.getSQLState() + "\n"
+ " Localized message: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n"
+ " Stored procedure: " + tProcName + "\n"
+ "\n"
if(mIsStopOnError) {
throw new StopOnErrorException();
} else {
++ mErrorCount;
} catch(Exception e) {
// This code copied from `query�.
} finally {
// This code copied from `query�.
// We must close the statement, or we might run out of cursors on Oracle.
try {
if(tCs != null) tCs.close();
} catch(SQLException e) {
error("SQL Exception while closing statement:\n"
+ " Error code: " + e.getErrorCode() + "\n"
+ " SQL state: " + e.getSQLState() + "\n"
+ " Localized message: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n"
+ " Stored procedure: " + tProcName + "\n"
+ "\n"
private void cmdGraphics()
mGraphics = true;
mTsqlFrame = new TsqlFrame(mFrameTitle, this);
private void cmdHelp ()
throws IOException
private void cmdHelpSybase ()
throws IOException
private void cmdHelpOracle ()
throws IOException
private void cmdHistoryClear ()
throws IOException
private void cmdHistoryShow ()
throws IOException
output("Start history:\n");
// Leave last 2 elements (they are "" and "!show history").
for(int i = 0; i < mHistory.size() - 2; ++i) {
output((String) mHistory.elementAt(i) + "\n");
output("End history.\n\n");
private void cmdLog (String aArgLine, boolean aAppend)
throws IOException
String tFileName = null;
try {
tFileName = getQuotedArg(aArgLine);
} catch(SyntaxError e) {
error("Usage: !log 'FILENAME'|console|off\n"
+ "or !log statements default|on|off\n"
+ "or !log timing on|off\n");
print("Logging to file '" + tFileName + "'.\n");
try {
mOut = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tFileName, aAppend));
} catch(IOException e) {
error("Opening file caused exception: " + e.toString());
private void cmdLogConsole ()
throws IOException
mIsOutputOn = true;
if (mOut != null) {
mOut = null;
print("Logging to console.\n");
private void cmdQuit () {
if(mTsqlFrame != null) { mTsqlFrame.dispose(); }
/** Reopens all connections in parallel.
void cmdReopen ()
throws IOException
Thread[] tReopenThreads = new Thread[mCons.length];
for (int i=0; i < mCons.length; i++) {
final int x = i;
tReopenThreads[i] = new Thread() {
public void run () {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
for (int i=0; i < mCons.length; i++) {
private void cmdRepeat (String aArgLine)
throws IOException
int tNumber = 1;
try {
tNumber = Integer.parseInt(aArgLine);
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
error("Not a number: '" + aArgLine + "', defaultet to 1.\n");
mCons = new Connection[tNumber];
mTimes = new long[tNumber];
print("Repeat set to " + tNumber + ".\n");
/** Handle command `!run�.
* Note: To allow using `!run� inside scripts started by `!run�,
* `cmdRun� will call `handleLoop� recursively and push `mIn� onto a stack.
* @@@ Using both recursion and a stack is messy, it should get cleaned up.
* Note that `cmdRun� may also be called by `TsqlInputArea�, which complicates
* things so that the `mIsGuiCommand� hack is needed.
* For the hack, see `cmdRun�, `handleLoop�, `handle� and `handleGui�.
private void cmdRun (String aArgLine)
throws StopOnErrorException, IOException
String tFileName = null;
try {
tFileName = getQuotedArg(aArgLine);
} catch(SyntaxError e) {
error("Usage: !run 'FILENAME'.\n");
print("Running file '" + tFileName + "'.\n");
try {
mIn = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(tFileName));
} catch(IOException e) {
error("Opening file caused exception: " + e.toString() + "\n");
mIn = (BufferedReader) mInStack.pop();
mIsRun = true;
if(mIsCommand) {
// Hack to allow "-c !run ...".
// Call `handleLoop� recursively.
handleLoop(/*QuitOnEOF*/ true, /*ReturnOnEOF*/ false);
} else if(mIsGuiCommand) {
// Hack to get `cmdRun� to work from GUI.
// Here we need to switch `mIsGuiCommand� off, because a `!run� from inside a `!run�
// does not count as a `!run� from the GUI.
mIsGuiCommand = false;
// Call `handleLoop� recursively.
handleLoop(/*QuitOnEOF*/ false, /*ReturnOnEOF*/ true);
mIsGuiCommand = true;
} else {
// Call `handleLoop� recursively.
handleLoop(/*QuitOnEOF*/ false, /*ReturnOnEOF*/ true);
private void cmdSetSeparator (String aArgLine)
throws IOException
mSeparator = aArgLine;
print("Separator set to "
+ (mSeparator == null ? "Enter" : "'" + mSeparator + "'")
+ ".\n");
private void cmdSetFormat(int aFormat)
if(aFormat == mFormat) {
switch(mFormat) {
case FORMAT.USUAL: cmdSetFormatUsual(); break;
case FORMAT.TERSE: cmdSetFormatTerse(); break;
case FORMAT.VERBOSE: cmdSetFormatVerbose(); break;
case FORMAT.CSV: cmdSetFormatCsv(); break;
case FORMAT.SQLDUMP: cmdSetFormatSQLDump(); break;
case FORMAT.DATA: cmdSetFormatData(); break;
System.err.println("Unknown Format " + aFormat);
mFormat = aFormat;
private void cmdSetFormatTerse ()
mHeaders = false;
mCell = "{2}";
mRowBreak = "\n";
mFinish = "\n";
mNoResults = "";
private void cmdSetFormatUsual ()
mHeaders = true;
mCell = "{2}, ";
mRowBreak = "\n[{0}] ";
mFinish = "\n";
mNoResults = "\nNo results.";
private void cmdSetFormatVerbose ()
mHeaders = false;
mCell = " #{0} {1}: {2}\n";
mRowBreak = "\n[{0}]\n";
mFinish = "";
mNoResults = "No results.";
private void cmdSetFormatCsv ()
mHeaders = true;
mRowBreak = "\n";
mFinish = "\n";
mNoResults = "";
mFormat = FORMAT.CSV;
private void cmdSetFormatSQLDump ()
mHeaders = true;
mRowBreak = "\n";
mFinish = "\n";
mNoResults = "";
private void cmdSetFormatData ()
mHeaders = true;
mRowBreak = "\n";
mFinish = "\n";
mNoResults = "";
mFormat = FORMAT.DATA;
mPrefix = "!data ";
mPostfix = "";
private void cmdSetTitle (String aArgLine)
throws IOException
if(mTsqlFrame == null) return;
private void cmdTime (String aArgLine)
throws IOException
output(aArgLine + " "
+ java.text.DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(
new java.util.Date())
+ "\n");
// ************************************************************
// Helpers
/** Output to GUI and/or console and/or file. */
private /* synchronized */ void _output (String s, boolean aIsOutput, boolean aIsError, boolean aIsGui)
throws IOException
if(mOut != null) {
// File output.
// SQL output and errors go to file.
if(aIsOutput || aIsError) {
// When requested, GUI output goes to file.
if(mIsLogStatements == cLogStatsOn && aIsGui) {
// GUI output and errors go to console.
if(aIsGui ) { System.out.print(s); }
if(aIsError) { System.err.print(s); }
} else if (mIsOutputOn || aIsGui) {
// Console + GUI output.
// Moved this here because TextArea only displays ca 32.000 chars.
if(mTsqlFrame != null && mTsqlFrame.getOutputArea() != null) {
// GUI output
} else {
// Console output.
// Moved this up because TextArea only displays ca 32.000 chars.
// System.out.print(s);
/** Output SQL data. */
/* synchronized */ void output (String s) throws IOException { _output(s, /*isOutput*/ mIsOutputOn, false, false); }
/** Output GUI stuff. */
void print (String s) throws IOException { _output(s, false, false, /*isGui*/ true); }
/** Output error. */
void error (String s) throws IOException { _output(s, false, /*isError*/ true, false); }
private String singleQuoteString(String aString)
// replace all ' with '' and return 'aString'
return "'" + Converter.replaceString("'", "''", aString, false) + "'";
/** reverse function of singleQuoteString */
private String singleUnquoteString(String aString)
// replace all '' with ' and return aString
return Converter.replaceString("''", "'",
aString.substring(1, aString.length() - 2), false);
private String getQuotedArg (String s)
throws SyntaxError
int p1 = s.indexOf("'");
int p2 = s.lastIndexOf("'");
if(p1 == -1 || p2 == -1 || p1 == p2) {
throw new SyntaxError();
return s.substring(p1+1, p2);
void _outputGui(String s)
if(mInQuery) {
} else {
JTextArea tOutputArea = mTsqlFrame.getOutputArea();
// mTsqlFrame.toFront(); // I guess this is at fault for Tsql always poping to the front
public void cmdDescribe(String aName) throws IOException
try {
Statement tStat = mCons[0].createStatement();
boolean tHasResultSet = tStat.execute("SELECT * FROM " + aName);
ResultSetMetaData tMD = tStat.getResultSet().getMetaData();
for(int i = 0; i < tMD.getColumnCount(); i++) {
tMD.getColumnLabel(i+1) + "\t" +
tMD.getColumnTypeName(i+1) +
"(" + tMD.getPrecision(i+1) + ")" + "\n"
} catch(SQLException e) {
public void cmdLoadData(String aData)
throws IOException, StopOnErrorException
query("INSERT INTO " + mLoadTable + " (" + mLoadColumns + ") VALUES (" + aData + ")\n");
!set format dump
select * from members where nick like 'tab.%'
!table dump to define table for imports
!head name,warte,summe,nix,nix2
!data 'asdf','asdf','asdf',null,null
!data 'asdf','asdf','asfd',null,null
insert into dump (name,warte,summe,nix,nix2) values(...)
public void dump(String aTableName)
throws IOException, StopOnErrorException, SQLException
query("SELECT * FROM " + aTableName);
public void load(String aTableName)
throws IOException, StopOnErrorException, SQLException
query("INSERT INTO " + aTableName + " VALUES (" + "..." + ")");
public void cmdSetTableModel(String aOnOff)
mUseTableModel = aOnOff.startsWith("on");
public static boolean isGraphics()
return mGraphics;