package rabbit.proxy;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Selector;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import rabbit.http.HttpHeader;
import rabbit.util.Coder;
import rabbit.util.Logger;
/** A handler that shuttles ssl traffic
* @author <a href="">Robert Olofsson</a>
class SSLHandler implements TunnelDoneListener {
private HttpProxy proxy;
private Connection con;
private TrafficLoggerHandler tlh;
private HttpHeader request;
private SocketChannel channel;
private Selector selector;
private ByteBuffer buffer;
private WebConnection wc;
public SSLHandler (HttpProxy proxy, Connection con, HttpHeader request,
TrafficLoggerHandler tlh) {
this.proxy = proxy;
this.con = con;
this.request = request;
this.tlh = tlh;
/** Are we allowed to proxy ssl-type connections ?
* @return true if we allow the CONNECT <port> command.
public boolean isAllowed () {
String hp = request.getRequestURI ();
int c = hp.indexOf (':');
Integer port = new Integer (443);
if (c >= 0) {
try {
port = new Integer (hp.substring (c+1));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
getLogger ().logWarn ("Connect to odd port: " + e);
return false;
if (proxy.proxySSL == false)
return false;
if (proxy.proxySSL == true && proxy.sslports == null)
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < proxy.sslports.size (); i++) {
if (port.equals (proxy.sslports.get (i)))
return true;
return false;
/** handle the tunnel.
* @param channel the client channel
* @param selector the proxy selector
* @param buffer the buffer used, may contain data from client.
public void handle (SocketChannel channel, Selector selector,
ByteBuffer buffer) { = channel;
this.selector = selector;
this.buffer = buffer;
if (proxy.isProxyConnected ()) {
String auth = proxy.getProxyAuthString ();
// it should look like this (using RabbIT:RabbIT):
// Proxy-authorization: Basic UmFiYklUOlJhYmJJVA==
request.setHeader ("Proxy-authorization",
"Basic " + Coder.uuencode (auth));
WebConnectionListener wcl = new WebConnector ();
proxy.getWebConnection (request, wcl);
private class WebConnector implements WebConnectionListener {
private String uri;
public WebConnector () {
uri = request.getRequestURI ();
// java needs protocoll to build URL
request.setRequestURI ("http://" + uri);
public void connectionEstablished (WebConnection wce) {
wc = wce;
if (proxy.isProxyConnected ()) {
request.setRequestURI (uri); // send correct connect to next proxy.
setupChain ();
sendOkReplyAndTunnel (null);
public void timeout () {
String err = "SSLHandler: Timeout waiting for web connection";
getLogger ().logWarn (err);
closeDown ();
public void failed (Exception e) {
String err = "SSLHandler: failed to get web connection: " + e;
getLogger ().logWarn (err);
closeDown ();
private Logger getLogger () {
return proxy.getLogger ();
private ConnectionLogger getConnectionLogger () {
return proxy.getConnectionLogger ();
private void closeDown () {
if (wc != null) {
try {
wc.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
getLogger ().logWarn ("failed to close webconnection: " + e);
wc = null;
con.logAndClose (null);
private void setupChain () {
HttpResponseListener cr = new ChainResponseHandler ();
try {
HttpResponseReader sender =
new HttpResponseReader (wc.getChannel (), selector,
proxy.getLogger (), tlh.getNetwork (),
request, proxy.getStrictHttp (),
proxy.isProxyConnected (), cr);
} catch (IOException e) {
String err = "IOException when waiting for chained response: " + e;
getLogger ().logWarn (err);
closeDown ();
private class ChainResponseHandler implements HttpResponseListener {
public void httpResponse (HttpHeader response, ByteBuffer buffer,
boolean keepalive, boolean isChunked,
long dataSize) {
String status = response.getStatusCode ();
if (!"200".equals (status)) {
closeDown ();
} else {
sendOkReplyAndTunnel (buffer);
public void failed (Exception cause) {
String err = "SSLHandler: failed to get chained response";
getLogger ().logWarn (err);
closeDown ();
public void timeout () {
String err = "SSLHandler: Timeout waiting for chained response";
getLogger ().logWarn (err);
closeDown ();
private void sendOkReplyAndTunnel (ByteBuffer server2client) {
HttpHeader reply = new HttpHeader ();
reply.setStatusLine ("HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established");
reply.setHeader ("Proxy-agent", proxy.getServerIdentity ());
HttpHeaderSentListener tc = new TunnelConnected (server2client);
try {
HttpHeaderSender sender =
new HttpHeaderSender (channel, selector, proxy.getLogger (),
tlh.getClient (), reply, false, tc);
} catch (IOException e) {
getLogger ().logWarn ("IOException when sending header: " + e);
closeDown ();
private class TunnelConnected implements HttpHeaderSentListener {
private ByteBuffer server2client;
public TunnelConnected (ByteBuffer server2client) {
this.server2client = server2client;
public void httpHeaderSent () {
tunnelData (server2client);
public void timeout () {
String err = "SSLHandler: Timeout when sending http header";
getLogger ().logWarn (err);
closeDown ();
public void failed (Exception e) {
String err = "SSLHandler: Exception when sending http header: " + e;
getLogger ().logWarn (err);
closeDown ();
private void tunnelData (ByteBuffer server2client) {
SocketChannel sc = wc.getChannel ();
try {
Tunnel t1 = new Tunnel (selector, getLogger (), channel,
buffer, tlh.getClient (), sc,
server2client, tlh.getNetwork (), this);
} catch (IOException e) {
getLogger ().logWarn ("SSLHandler error setting up tunnels: " + e);
closeDown ();
public void tunnelClosed () {
if (wc != null) {
con.logAndClose (null);
try {
wc.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
getLogger ().logWarn ("failed to close webconnection: " + e);
wc = null;