package rabbit.proxy;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;
import rabbit.cache.Cache;
import rabbit.cache.CacheEntry;
import rabbit.handler.BlockListener;
import rabbit.http.Header;
import rabbit.http.HttpHeader;
import rabbit.http.MultipartHeader;
/** A resource that gets ranges from the cache.
* This resource will read data from disk so it may block.
* @author <a href="">Robert Olofsson</a>
public class RandomCacheResourceSource extends CacheResourceSource {
private String contentType;
private List<Range> ranges;
private int currentRange = 0;
private String separator = "THIS_STRING_SEPARATES";
private boolean startBlock = true;
private long currentIndex = 0;
private long totalSize;
private enum State { SEND_HEADER, SEND_DATA };
private State state = State.SEND_HEADER;
public RandomCacheResourceSource (Cache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> cache,
Connection.RequestHandler rh,
TaskRunner tr,
List<Range> ranges, long totalSize)
throws IOException {
super (cache, rh.entry, tr);
HttpHeader oldresp = rh.dataHook;
contentType = oldresp.getHeader ("Content-Type");
this.ranges = ranges;
this.totalSize = totalSize;
buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect (4096);
/** FileChannels can only be partially used so go with blocks.
* @return false
public boolean supportsTransfer () {
return false;
private boolean getNextSingleBufferBlock () throws IOException {
if (currentRange > 0)
return false;
Range r = ranges.get (currentRange);
updateBufferAndPosition (r);
return true;
/** Fill the buffer with data for the current range.
* If the range is fully handled then currentRange will be incremented.
private void updateBufferAndPosition (Range r) throws IOException {
if (startBlock) {
fc.position (r.getStart ());
currentIndex = r.getStart ();
startBlock = false;
buffer.clear ();
fillBufferWithData (r);
// if something fishy happen we abort...
// inclusive, so we expect 1 more than end.
if (r.size () == 0 || buffer.position () == 0 ||
currentIndex > r.getEnd ())
private void fillBufferWithData (Range r) throws IOException {
int maxBytesThisRead =
(int)Math.min (r.size (), buffer.capacity ());
if (maxBytesThisRead < buffer.capacity ())
buffer.limit (maxBytesThisRead);
int read = (buffer);
currentIndex += read;
private boolean getNextMultipleBufferBlock () throws IOException {
if (currentRange > ranges.size ())
return false;
if (currentRange == ranges.size ()) {
// CRLF should be optional according to BNF, but add it
// since the rfc say it should be there.
buffer.clear ();
buffer.put ((Header.CRLF + "--" + separator +
"--" + Header.CRLF).getBytes ());
return true;
int r1 = currentRange;
Range r = ranges.get (currentRange);
if (state == State.SEND_HEADER) {
buffer.clear ();
writeHeader ();
startBlock = true;
state = State.SEND_DATA;
} else if (state == State.SEND_DATA) {
updateBufferAndPosition (r);
if (currentRange != r1)
state = State.SEND_HEADER;
return true;
/** Write the current MultipartHeader to the buffer.
private void writeHeader () {
MultipartHeader h =
new MultipartHeader (Header.CRLF + "--" + separator);
Range r = ranges.get (currentRange);
if (contentType != null)
h.setHeader ("Content-Type", contentType);
h.setHeader ("Content-Range", "bytes " + r.getStart () + "-" +
r.getEnd () + "/" + totalSize);
buffer.put (h.toString ().getBytes ());
private boolean getNextBuffer () throws IOException {
if (ranges.size () > 1) {
return getNextMultipleBufferBlock ();
} else {
return getNextSingleBufferBlock ();
public void addBlockListener (BlockListener listener) {
try {
if (getNextBuffer ()) {
buffer.flip ();
listener.bufferRead (buffer);
} else {
listener.finishedRead ();
} catch (IOException e) {
listener.failed (e);