package rabbit.proxy;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import rabbit.cache.CacheEntry;
import rabbit.http.HttpDateParser;
import rabbit.http.HttpHeader;
import rabbit.util.Logger;
/** A class used to check for conditional requests.
* @author <a href="">Robert Olofsson</a>
class ConditionalChecker {
private Logger logger;
public ConditionalChecker (Logger logger) {
this.logger = logger;
boolean checkConditional (Connection con, HttpHeader header,
Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> entry = rh.entry;
return (checkVary (con, header, rh) ||
checkMaxAge (con, header, rh) ||
checkNoCache (con, header, rh) ||
checkQuery (con, header, rh) ||
checkMinFresh (con, header, rh) ||
checkRevalidation (con, header, rh));
private boolean checkVary (Connection con, HttpHeader req,
Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> entry = rh.entry;
if (entry == null)
return false;
HttpHeader resp = rh.dataHook;
List<String> varies = resp.getHeaders ("Vary");
for (String vary : varies) {
if (vary.equals ("*")) {
con.setMayUseCache (false);
return false;
} else {
HttpHeader origreq = entry.getKey ();
List<String> vals = origreq.getHeaders (vary);
List<String> nvals = req.getHeaders (vary);
if (vals.size () != nvals.size ()) {
return setupRevalidation (con, req, rh);
} else {
for (String val : vals) {
int k = nvals.indexOf (val);
if (k == -1) {
return setupRevalidation (con, req, rh);
return false;
private boolean checkMaxAge (Connection con, HttpHeader req,
Connection.RequestHandler rh, String cached) {
if (cached != null) {
cached = cached.trim();
if (cached.startsWith ("max-age=0")) {
return setupRevalidation (con, req, rh);
} else {
Date now = new Date ();
CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> entry = rh.entry;
if (checkMaxAge (cached, "max-age=",
entry.getCacheTime (), now)
|| checkMaxAge (cached, "s-maxage=",
entry.getCacheTime (), now)) {
con.setMayUseCache (false);
return false;
return false;
private boolean checkMaxAge (String cached, String type,
long cachetime, Date now) {
if (cached.startsWith (type)) {
String secs = cached.substring (type.length ());
try {
long l = Long.parseLong (secs) * 1000;
long ad = now.getTime () - cachetime;
if (ad > l)
return true;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.logWarn ("Bad number for max-age: '" +
cached.substring (8) + "'");
return false;
protected boolean checkMaxAge (Connection con, HttpHeader req,
Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> entry = rh.entry;
if (entry == null)
return false;
List<String> ccs = req.getHeaders ("Cache-Control");
for (String cc : ccs) {
if (checkMaxAge (con, req, rh, cc))
return true;
return false;
private boolean checkNoCacheHeader (List<String> v) {
for (String nc : v)
if (nc.equals ("no-cache"))
return true;
return false;
private boolean checkNoCache (Connection con, HttpHeader header,
Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> entry = rh.entry;
if (entry == null)
return false;
boolean noCache = false;
// Only check the response header,
// request headers with no-cache == refetch.
HttpHeader resp = rh.dataHook;
noCache = checkNoCacheHeader (resp.getHeaders ("Cache-Control"));
if (noCache) {
return setupRevalidation (con, header, rh);
return false;
private boolean checkQuery (Connection con, HttpHeader header,
Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> entry = rh.entry;
if (entry == null)
return false;
String uri = header.getRequestURI ();
int i = uri.indexOf ('?');
if (i >= 0) {
return setupRevalidation (con, header, rh);
return false;
protected long getCacheControlValue (HttpHeader header, String cc) {
for (String ncc : header.getHeaders ("Cache-Control")) {
String[] sts = ncc.split (",");
for (String nc : sts) {
nc = nc.trim ();
if (nc.startsWith (cc))
return Long.parseLong (nc.substring (cc.length ()));
return -1;
private boolean checkMinFresh (Connection con, HttpHeader header,
Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> entry = rh.entry;
if (entry == null)
return false;
long minFresh = getCacheControlValue (header, "min-fresh=");
if (minFresh == -1)
return false;
long maxAge = getCacheControlValue (rh.dataHook, "max-age=");
if (maxAge == -1)
return false;
long currentAge = (System.currentTimeMillis () -
entry.getCacheTime ()) / 1000;
if ((maxAge - currentAge) < minFresh)
return setupRevalidation (con, header, rh);
return false;
private boolean checkRevalidation (Connection con, HttpHeader header,
Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> entry = rh.entry;
if (entry == null)
return false;
HttpHeader resp = rh.dataHook;
for (String ncc : resp.getHeaders ("Cache-Control")) {
String[] sts = ncc.split (",");
for (String nc : sts) {
nc = nc.trim ();
if (nc.equals ("must-revalidate") ||
nc.equals ("proxy-revalidate")) {
con.setMustRevalidate (true);
long maxAge =
getCacheControlValue (rh.dataHook, "max-age=");
if (maxAge >= 0) {
long currentAge = (System.currentTimeMillis () -
entry.getCacheTime ()) / 1000;
if (maxAge == 0 || currentAge > maxAge) {
return setupRevalidation (con, header, rh);
} else if (nc.startsWith ("s-maxage=")) {
con.setMustRevalidate (true);
long sm =
Long.parseLong (nc.substring ("s-maxage=".length ()));
if (sm >= 0) {
long currentAge = (System.currentTimeMillis () -
entry.getCacheTime ()) / 1000;
if (sm == 0 || currentAge > sm) {
return setupRevalidation (con, header, rh);
return false;
private boolean setupRevalidation (Connection con, HttpHeader req,
Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> entry = rh.entry;
con.setMayUseCache (false);
String method = req.getMethod ();
// if we can not filter (noproxy-request) we can not revalidate...
if (method.equals ("GET") && entry != null && con.getMayFilter ()) {
HttpHeader resp = rh.dataHook;
String etag = resp.getHeader ("ETag");
String lmod = resp.getHeader ("Last-Modified");
if (etag != null) {
String inm = req.getHeader ("If-None-Match");
if (inm == null) {
req.setHeader ("If-None-Match", etag);
con.setAddedINM (true);
return true;
} else if (lmod != null) {
String ims = req.getHeader ("If-Modified-Since");
if (ims == null) {
req.setHeader ("If-Modified-Since", lmod);
con.setAddedIMS (true);
return true;
} else {
con.setMayUseCache (false);
return false;
return false;
boolean checkMaxStale (HttpHeader req, Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
for (String cc : req.getHeaders ("Cache-Control")) {
cc = cc.trim ();
if (cc.equals ("max-stale")) {
if (rh.entry != null) {
HttpHeader resp = rh.dataHook;
long maxAge =
rh.cond.getCacheControlValue (resp, "max-age=");
if (maxAge >= 0) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis ();
long secs = (now - rh.entry.getCacheTime ()) / 1000;
long currentAge = secs;
String age = resp.getHeader ("Age");
if (age != null)
currentAge += Long.parseLong (age);
if (currentAge > maxAge) {
resp.addHeader ("Warning",
"110 RabbIT \"Response is stale\"");
return true;
return false;
private void checkStaleHeader (HttpHeader header, HttpHeader webHeader,
HttpHeader cachedWebHeader, String str,
Connection con) {
String cln = webHeader.getHeader (str);
String clo = cachedWebHeader.getHeader (str);
if (clo != null) {
if (!clo.equals (cln)) {
con.getProxy ().getCache ().remove (header);
} else {
if (cln != null) {
con.getProxy ().getCache ().remove (header);
void checkStaleCache (HttpHeader header, Connection con,
Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
if (rh.entry == null)
if (rh.webHeader.getStatusCode ().trim ().equals ("304"))
HttpHeader cachedWebHeader = rh.dataHook;
String sd = rh.webHeader.getHeader ("Date");
String cd = cachedWebHeader.getHeader ("Date");
if (sd != null && cd != null) {
Date d1 = HttpDateParser.getDate (sd);
Date d2 = HttpDateParser.getDate (cd);
// if we get a response with a date older than we have,
// we keep our cache.
if (d1 != null && d1.before (d2)) {
con.setMayCache (false);
if (rh.webHeader.getStatusCode ().equals ("200"))
checkStaleHeader (header, rh.webHeader,
cachedWebHeader, "Content-Length", con);
checkStaleHeader (header, rh.webHeader,
cachedWebHeader, "Content-MD5", con);
checkStaleHeader (header, rh.webHeader,
cachedWebHeader, "ETag", con);
checkStaleHeader (header, rh.webHeader,
cachedWebHeader, "Last-Modified", con);