package rabbit.proxy;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Date;
import rabbit.cache.Cache;
import rabbit.cache.CacheEntry;
import rabbit.http.HttpDateParser;
import rabbit.http.HttpHeader;
import rabbit.util.Logger;
/** A class to verify if a cache entry can be used.
* @author <a href="">Robert Olofsson</a>
class CacheChecker {
private static final String EXP_ERR = "No expected header found";
HttpHeader checkExpectations (Connection con,
HttpHeader header,
HttpHeader webheader) {
String exp = header.getHeader ("Expect");
if (exp == null)
return null;
if (exp.equals ("100-continue")) {
String status = webheader.getStatusCode ();
if (status.equals ("200") || status.equals ("304"))
return null;
return con.getHttpGenerator ().get417 (exp);
String[] sts = exp.split (";");
for (String e : sts) {
int i = e.indexOf ('=');
if (i == -1 || i == e.length () -1)
return con.getHttpGenerator ().get417 (e);
String type = e.substring (0, i);
String value = e.substring (i + 1);
if (type.equals ("expect")) {
String h = webheader.getHeader (value);
if (h == null)
return con.getHttpGenerator ().get417 (EXP_ERR);
return con.getHttpGenerator ().get417 (exp);
private HttpHeader checkIfMatch (Connection con,
HttpHeader header,
Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
CacheEntry entry = rh.entry;
if (entry == null)
return null;
HttpHeader oldresp = rh.dataHook;
HttpHeader expfail = checkExpectations (con, header, oldresp);
if (expfail != null)
return expfail;
String im = header.getHeader ("If-Match");
if (im == null)
return null;
String et = oldresp.getHeader ("Etag");
if (!con.checkStrongEtag (et, im))
return con.getHttpGenerator ().get412 ();
return null;
/** Check if we can use the cached entry.
* @param header the reques.
* @param rh the RequestHandler
* @return true if the request was handled, false otherwise.
public boolean checkCachedEntry (Connection con,
HttpHeader header,
Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
con.getCounter ().inc ("Cache hits");
con.setKeepalive (true);
HttpHeader resp = checkIfMatch (con, header, rh);
if (resp == null) {
NotModifiedHandler nmh = new NotModifiedHandler ();
resp = nmh.is304 (header, con, rh);
if (resp != null) {
con.sendAndRestart (resp);
return true;
con.setMayCache (false);
try {
resp = con.setupCachedEntry (rh);
if (resp != null) {
con.sendAndClose (resp);
return true;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
rh.content = null; // ignore sorta, to pull resource from the web.
rh.entry = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
rh.content = null;
rh.entry = null;
return false;
If-None-Match: "tag-hbhpjfvtsy"\r\n
If-Modified-Since: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 20:56:16 GMT\r\n
If-Range: "tag-hbhpjfvtsy"\r\n
If-Unmodified-Since: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 20:56:16 GMT\r\n
If-Match: "tag-ajbqyucqaf"\r\n
If-Range: "tag-ajbqyucqaf"\r\n
public boolean checkConditions (Connection con,
HttpHeader header, HttpHeader webheader) {
String inm = header.getHeader ("If-None-Match");
if (inm != null) {
String etag = webheader.getHeader ("ETag");
if (!con.checkWeakEtag (inm, etag))
return false;
Date dm = null;
String sims = header.getHeader ("If-Modified-Since");
if (sims != null) {
Date ims = HttpDateParser.getDate (sims);
String lm = webheader.getHeader ("Last-Modified");
if (lm != null) {
dm = HttpDateParser.getDate (lm);
if (dm.getTime () - ims.getTime () < 60000) //dm.after (ims))
return false;
String sums = header.getHeader ("If-Unmodified-Since");
if (sums != null) {
Date ums = HttpDateParser.getDate (sums);
if (dm != null) {
if (dm.after (ums))
return false;
} else {
String lm = webheader.getHeader ("Last-Modified");
if (lm != null) {
dm = HttpDateParser.getDate (lm);
if (dm.after (ums))
return false;
return true;
private void removeCaches (HttpHeader request,
HttpHeader webHeader, String type,
Cache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> cache,
Logger logger) {
String loc = webHeader.getHeader (type);
if (loc == null)
try {
URL u = new URL (request.getRequestURI ());
URL u2 = new URL (u, loc);
String host1 = u.getHost ();
String host2 = u.getHost ();
if (!host1.equals (host2))
int port1 = u.getPort ();
if (port1 == -1)
port1 = 80;
int port2 = u2.getPort ();
if (port2 == -1)
port2 = 80;
if (port1 != port2)
HttpHeader h = new HttpHeader ();
h.setRequestURI (u2.toString ());
cache.remove (h);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
logger.logWarn ("removeCaches got bad url: " +
request.getRequestURI () + ", " +
loc + ": " + e);
private void removeCaches (HttpHeader request, HttpHeader webHeader,
Cache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> cache,
Logger logger) {
removeCaches (request, webHeader, "Location", cache, logger);
removeCaches (request, webHeader, "Content-Location", cache, logger);
void removeOtherStaleCaches (HttpHeader request, HttpHeader webHeader,
Cache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> cache,
Logger logger) {
String method = request.getMethod ();
String status = webHeader.getStatusCode ();
if ((method.equals ("PUT") || method.equals ("POST"))
&& status.equals ("201")) {
removeCaches (request, webHeader, cache, logger);
} else if (method.equals ("DELETE") && status.equals ("200")) {
removeCaches (request, webHeader, cache, logger);