package rabbit.meta;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.Date;
import rabbit.http.HttpDateParser;
import rabbit.http.HttpHeader;
import rabbit.proxy.Connection;
import rabbit.proxy.HttpHeaderSender;
import rabbit.proxy.HttpHeaderSentListener;
import rabbit.proxy.TransferHandler;
import rabbit.proxy.TransferListener;
import rabbit.proxy.Transferable;
import rabbit.util.SProperties;
import rabbit.util.TrafficLogger;
/** A file resource handler.
* @author <a href="">Robert Olofsson</a>
public class FileSender implements MetaHandler, HttpHeaderSentListener {
private Connection con;
private TrafficLogger tlClient;
private TrafficLogger tlProxy;
private FileInputStream fis;
private FileChannel fc;
private long length;
public void handle (HttpHeader request,
SProperties htab,
Connection con,
TrafficLogger tlProxy,
TrafficLogger tlClient) throws IOException{
this.con = con;
this.tlProxy = tlProxy;
this.tlClient = tlClient;
String file = htab.getProperty ("argstring");
if (file == null)
throw (new IllegalArgumentException ("no file given."));
if (file.indexOf ("..") >= 0) // file is un-url-escaped
throw (new IllegalArgumentException ("Bad filename given"));
String filename = "htdocs/" + file;
if (filename.endsWith ("/"))
filename = filename + "index.html";
filename = filename.replace ('/', File.separatorChar);
File fle = new File (filename);
if (!fle.exists ()) {
// remove htdocs
do404 (filename.substring (7));
// TODO: check etag/if-modified-since and handle it.
HttpHeader response = con.getHttpGenerator ().getHeader ();
setMime (filename, response);
length = fle.length ();
response.setHeader ("Content-Length", Long.toString (length));
con.setContentLength (response.getHeader ("Content-Length"));
Date lm = new Date (fle.lastModified () -
con.getProxy ().getOffset ());
response.setHeader ("Last-Modified",
HttpDateParser.getDateString (lm));
try {
fis = new FileInputStream (filename);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw (new IllegalArgumentException ("Could not open file: '" +
file + "'."));
sendHeader (response);
private void setMime (String filename, HttpHeader response) {
// TODO: better filename mapping.
if (filename.endsWith ("gif"))
response.setHeader ("Content-type", "image/gif");
else if (filename.endsWith ("jpeg") || filename.endsWith ("jpg"))
response.setHeader ("Content-type", "image/jpeg");
else if (filename.endsWith ("txt"))
response.setHeader ("Content-type", "text/plain");
private void do404 (String filename)
throws IOException {
HttpHeader response = con.getHttpGenerator ().get404 (filename);
sendHeader (response);
private void sendHeader (HttpHeader header)
throws IOException {
HttpHeaderSender hhs =
new HttpHeaderSender (con.getChannel (), con.getSelector (),
con.getLogger (), tlClient, header,
true, this);
/** Write the header and the file to the output.
private void channelTransfer (long length) {
TransferListener ftl = new FileTransferListener ();
TransferHandler th =
new TransferHandler (con.getProxy (),
new FCTransferable (length),
con.getChannel (), tlProxy, tlClient, ftl);
th.transfer ();
private class FCTransferable implements Transferable {
private long length;
public FCTransferable (long length) {
this.length = length;
public long transferTo (long position, long count,
WritableByteChannel target)
throws IOException {
return fc.transferTo (position, count, target);
public long length () {
return length;
private class FileTransferListener implements TransferListener {
public void transferOk () {
closeFile ();
con.logAndRestart ();
public void failed (Exception cause) {
closeFile ();
FileSender.this.failed (cause);
private void closeFile () {
if (fc != null) {
try {
fc.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
con.getLogger ().logWarn ("Exception closing channel: " + e);
if (fis != null) {
try {
fis.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
con.getLogger ().logWarn ("Exception closing file: " + e);
public void httpHeaderSent () {
if (fis != null) {
fc = fis.getChannel ();
channelTransfer (length);
} else {
con.logAndRestart ();
public void failed (Exception e) {
closeFile ();
con.getLogger ().logWarn ("Exception when handling meta: " + e);
con.logAndClose (null);
public void timeout () {
closeFile ();
con.getLogger ().logWarn ("Timeout when handling meta.");
con.logAndClose (null);