package rabbit.handler;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import rabbit.cache.Cache;
import rabbit.cache.CacheEntry;
import rabbit.http.HttpDateParser;
import rabbit.http.HttpHeader;
import rabbit.http.ContentRangeParser;
import rabbit.proxy.BlockSender;
import rabbit.proxy.BlockSentListener;
import rabbit.proxy.ChunkEnder;
import rabbit.proxy.Connection;
import rabbit.proxy.HttpHeaderSender;
import rabbit.proxy.HttpHeaderSentListener;
import rabbit.proxy.PartialCacher;
import rabbit.proxy.TrafficLoggerHandler;
import rabbit.proxy.TransferHandler;
import rabbit.proxy.TransferListener;
import rabbit.util.Logger;
import rabbit.util.SProperties;
/** This class is an implementation of the Handler interface.
* This handler does no filtering, it only sends the data as
* effective as it can.
* @author <a href="">Robert Olofsson</a>
public class BaseHandler
implements Handler, HandlerFactory, HttpHeaderSentListener, BlockListener,
BlockSentListener {
/** The Connection handling the request.*/
protected Connection con;
/** The traffic logger handler. */
protected TrafficLoggerHandler tlh;
/** The actual request made. */
protected HttpHeader request;
/** The client buffer. */
protected ByteBuffer clientBuffer;
/** The actual response. */
protected HttpHeader response;
/** The resource */
protected ResourceSource content;
/** The cache entry if available. */
protected CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> entry = null;
/** The cache channel. */
protected WritableByteChannel cacheChannel;
/** May we cache this request. */
protected boolean mayCache;
/** May we filter this request */
protected boolean mayFilter;
/** The length of the data beeing handled or -1 if unknown.*/
protected long size = -1;
/** The total amount of data that we read. */
protected long totalRead = 0;
/** The flag for the last empty chunk */
private boolean emptyChunkSent = false;
/** For creating the factory.
public BaseHandler () {
/** Create a new BaseHandler for the given request.
* @param con the Connection handling the request.
* @param request the actual request made.
* @param clientBuffer the client side buffer.
* @param response the actual response.
* @param content the resource.
* @param mayCache May we cache this request?
* @param mayFilter May we filter this request?
* @param size the size of the data beeing handled.
public BaseHandler (Connection con, TrafficLoggerHandler tlh,
HttpHeader request, ByteBuffer clientBuffer,
HttpHeader response, ResourceSource content,
boolean mayCache, boolean mayFilter, long size) {
this.con = con;
this.tlh = tlh;
this.request = request;
this.clientBuffer = clientBuffer;
this.response = response;
if (response == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("response may not be null");
this.content = content;
this.mayCache = mayCache;
this.mayFilter = mayFilter;
this.size = size;
public Handler getNewInstance (Connection con, TrafficLoggerHandler tlh,
HttpHeader header, ByteBuffer buffer,
HttpHeader webHeader,
ResourceSource content, boolean mayCache,
boolean mayFilter, long size) {
return new BaseHandler (con, tlh, header, buffer, webHeader, content,
mayCache, mayFilter, size);
protected Logger getLogger () {
return con.getLogger ();
/** Handle the request.
* A request is made in these steps:
* <xmp>
* sendHeader ();
* addCache ();
* prepare ();
* send ();
* finishData ();
* finish ();
* </xmp>
* Note that finish is always called, no matter what exceptions are thrown.
* The middle steps are most probably only performed if the previous steps
* have all succeded
public void handle () {
sendHeader ();
* ®return false this handler never modifies the content.
public boolean changesContentSize () {
return false;
protected void sendHeader () {
try {
HttpHeaderSender responseSender =
new HttpHeaderSender (con.getChannel (), con.getSelector (),
getLogger (), tlh.getClient (),
response, false, this);
} catch (IOException e) {
failed (e);
public void httpHeaderSent () {
addCache ();
try {
prepare ();
send ();
} catch (IOException e) {
failed (e);
/** This method is used to prepare the data for the resource being sent.
* This method does nothing here.
protected void prepare () throws IOException {
// nothing here.
/** This method is used to finish the data for the resource being sent.
* This method does nothing here.
protected void finishData () throws IOException {
// nothing here.
private void removePrivateParts (HttpHeader header, String type) {
for (String val : header.getHeaders ("Cache-Control")) {
int j = val.indexOf (type);
if (j >= 0) {
String p = val.substring (j + type.length ());
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (p, ",\"");
while (st.hasMoreTokens ()) {
String t = st.nextToken ();
header.removeHeader (t);
private void removePrivateParts (HttpHeader header) {
removePrivateParts (header, "private=");
removePrivateParts (header, "no-cache=");
/** Mark the current response as a partial response.
protected void setPartialContent (long got, long shouldbe) {
response.setHeader ("RabbIT-Partial", "" + shouldbe);
/** Close nesseccary channels and adjust the cached files.
* If you override this one, remember to call super.finish ()!
* @param good if true then the connection may be restarted,
* if false then the connection may not be restared
protected void finish (boolean good) {
boolean ok = false;
try {
if (content != null)
content.release (con);
if (cacheChannel != null) {
try {
cacheChannel.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
failed (e);
if (entry != null && mayCache) {
Cache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> cache =
con.getProxy ().getCache ();
String entryName =
cache.getEntryName (entry.getId (), false);
File f = new File (entryName);
long filesize = f.length ();
entry.setSize (filesize);
String cl = response.getHeader ("Content-Length");
if (cl == null) {
response.removeHeader ("Transfer-Encoding");
response.setHeader ("Content-Length", "" + filesize);
removePrivateParts (response);
cache.addEntry (entry);
if (response != null
&& response.getHeader ("Content-Length") != null)
con.setContentLength (response.getHeader ("Content-length"));
ok = true;
} finally {
// and clean up...
request = null;
response = null;
content = null;
entry = null;
cacheChannel = null;
if (good && ok)
con.logAndRestart ();
con.logAndClose (null);
con = null;
clientBuffer = null;
/** Try to use the resource size to decide if we may cache or not.
* If the size is known and the size is bigger than the maximum cache
* size, then we dont want to cache the resource.
protected boolean mayCacheFromSize () {
Cache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> cache = con.getProxy ().getCache ();
if ((size > 0 && size > cache.getMaxSize ()) ||
(cache.getMaxSize () == 0))
return false;
return true;
/** Check if this handler may force the cached resource to be
* less than the cache max size.
* @return true
protected boolean mayRestrictCacheSize () {
return true;
/** Set the expire time on the cache entry.
* If the expire time is 0 then the cache is not written.
private void setCacheExpiry () {
String expires = response.getHeader ("Expires");
if (expires != null) {
Date exp = HttpDateParser.getDate (expires);
// common case, handle it...
if (exp == null && expires.equals ("0"))
exp = new Date (0);
if (exp != null) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis ();
if (now > exp.getTime ()) {
getLogger ().logWarn ("expire date in the past: '" +
expires + "'");
entry = null;
entry.setExpires (exp.getTime ());
} else {
getLogger ().logMsg ("unable to parse expire date: '" +
expires + "' for URI: '" +
request.getRequestURI () + "'");
entry = null;
private void updateRange (CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> old,
HttpHeader response,
PartialCacher pc,
Cache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> cache) {
HttpHeader oldRequest = old.getKey ();
HttpHeader oldResponse = old.getDataHook (cache);
String cr = oldResponse.getHeader ("Content-Range");
if (cr == null) {
String cl = oldResponse.getHeader ("Content-Length");
if (cl != null) {
long size = Long.parseLong (cl);
cr = "bytes 0-" + (size - 1) + "/" + size;
ContentRangeParser crp = new ContentRangeParser (cr, getLogger ());
if (crp.isValid ()) {
long start = crp.getStart ();
long end = crp.getEnd ();
long total = crp.getTotal ();
String t = total < 0 ? "*" : Long.toString (total);
if (end == pc.getStart () - 1) {
oldRequest.setHeader ("Range",
"bytes=" + start + "-" + end);
oldResponse.setHeader ("Content-Range",
"bytes " + start + "-" +
pc.getEnd () + "/" + t);
} else {
oldRequest.addHeader ("Range",
"bytes=" + start + "-" + end);
oldResponse.addHeader ("Content-Range",
"bytes " + start + "-" +
pc.getEnd () + "/" + t);
cache.entryChanged (old, oldRequest, oldResponse);
private void setupPartial (CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> oldEntry,
CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> entry,
String entryName,
Cache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> cache)
throws IOException {
if (oldEntry != null) {
String oldName = cache.getEntryName (oldEntry);
PartialCacher pc =
new PartialCacher (getLogger (), oldName, response);
cacheChannel = pc.getChannel ();
updateRange (oldEntry, response, pc, cache);
} else {
entry.setDataHook (response);
PartialCacher pc =
new PartialCacher (getLogger (), entryName, response);
cacheChannel = pc.getChannel ();
/** Set up the cache stream if available.
protected void addCache () {
if (mayCache && mayCacheFromSize ()) {
Cache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> cache = con.getProxy ().getCache ();
entry = cache.newEntry (request);
setCacheExpiry ();
if (entry == null) {
getLogger ().logAll ("Expiry =< 0 set on entry, will not cache");
String entryName = cache.getEntryName (entry.getId (), false);
if (response.getStatusCode ().equals ("206")) {
CacheEntry<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> oldEntry =
cache.getEntry (request);
try {
setupPartial (oldEntry, entry, entryName, cache);
} catch (IOException e) {
getLogger ().logWarn ("Got IOException, " +
"not updating cache: " +
e + "'");
entry = null;
cacheChannel = null;
} else {
entry.setDataHook (response);
try {
FileOutputStream cacheStream =
new FileOutputStream (entryName);
/* TODO: implement this:
if (mayRestrictCacheSize ())
cacheStream = new MaxSizeOutputStream (cacheStream,
cache.getMaxSize ());
cacheChannel = cacheStream.getChannel ();
} catch (IOException e) {
getLogger ().logWarn ("Got IOException, not caching: " +
e + "'");
entry = null;
cacheChannel = null;
/** This method is used to prepare the stream for the data being sent.
* This method does nothing here.
protected void prepareStream () {
// nothing here.
/** Check if this handler supports direct transfers.
* @return this handler always return true.
protected boolean mayTransfer () {
return true;
protected void send () {
if (mayTransfer ()
&& content.length () > 0
&& content.supportsTransfer ()) {
TransferListener tl = new ContentTransferListener ();
TransferHandler th =
new TransferHandler (con.getProxy (),
content, con.getChannel (),
tlh.getCache (), tlh.getClient (), tl);
th.transfer ();
} else {
content.addBlockListener (this);
private class ContentTransferListener implements TransferListener {
public void transferOk () {
try {
finishData ();
finish (true);
} catch (IOException e) {
failed (e);
public void failed (Exception cause) {
BaseHandler.this.failed (cause);
protected void writeCache (ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException {
// TODO: another thread?
buf.mark ();
while (buf.hasRemaining ())
cacheChannel.write (buf);
buf.reset ();
tlh.getCache ().write (buf.remaining ());
public void bufferRead (ByteBuffer buf) {
try {
// TODO: do this in another thread?
if (cacheChannel != null)
writeCache (buf);
totalRead += buf.remaining ();
new BlockSender (con.getChannel (), con.getSelector (),
getLogger (), tlh.getClient (),
buf, con.getChunking (), this);
} catch (IOException e) {
failed (e);
public void blockSent () {
content.addBlockListener (this);
public void finishedRead () {
try {
if (size > 0 && totalRead != size)
setPartialContent (totalRead, size);
finishData ();
if (con.getChunking () && !emptyChunkSent) {
emptyChunkSent = true;
BlockSentListener bsl = new Finisher ();
ChunkEnder ce = new ChunkEnder ();
ce.sendChunkEnding (con.getChannel (), con.getSelector (),
getLogger (), tlh.getClient (), bsl);
} else {
finish (true);
} catch (IOException e) {
failed (e);
private class Finisher implements BlockSentListener {
public void blockSent () {
finish (true);
public void failed (Exception cause) {
BaseHandler.this.failed (cause);
public void timeout () {
BaseHandler.this.timeout ();
String getStackTrace (Exception cause) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
PrintWriter ps = new PrintWriter (sw);
cause.printStackTrace (ps);
return sw.toString ();
protected void removeCache () {
if (cacheChannel != null) {
try {
cacheChannel.close ();
Cache<HttpHeader, HttpHeader> cache =
con.getProxy ().getCache ();
String entryName = cache.getEntryName (entry.getId (), false);
File f = new File (entryName);
f.delete ();
entry = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
getLogger ().logMsg ("failed to remove cache entry: " + e);
} finally {
cacheChannel = null;
public void failed (Exception cause) {
if (con != null)
getLogger ().logWarn ("BaseHandler: error handling request: " +
getStackTrace (cause));
removeCache ();
finish (false);
public void timeout () {
if (con != null)
getLogger ().logWarn ("BaseHandler: timeout");
removeCache ();
finish (false);
public void setup (Logger logger, SProperties properties) {
// nothing to do.