package org.pdfclown.samples.cli;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.pdfclown.documents.Document;
import org.pdfclown.documents.Page;
import org.pdfclown.documents.Pages;
import org.pdfclown.files.File;
import org.pdfclown.objects.PdfReference;
This sample demonstrates <b>how to manipulate the pages collection</b> within a PDF document,
to perform page data size calculations, additions, movements, removals, extractions and
splits of groups of pages.
@author Stefano Chizzolini (
@version 0.1.0
public class PageManagementSample
extends Sample
private enum ActionEnum
public String getDescription(
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for(char c : name().toCharArray())
if(Character.isUpperCase(c) && builder.length() > 0)
{builder.append(" ");}
return builder.toString();
public boolean run(
final String mainFilePath = promptPdfFileChoice("Please select a PDF file");
// Open the PDF file!
final File mainFile;
{mainFile = new File(mainFilePath);}
catch(Exception e)
{throw new RuntimeException(mainFilePath + " file access error.",e);}
final Document mainDocument = mainFile.getDocument();
final Pages mainPages = mainDocument.getPages();
final int mainPagesCount = mainPages.size();
final ActionEnum action = promptAction();
case PageDataSizeCalculation:
System.out.println("\nThis algorithm calculates the data size (expressed in bytes) of the selected document's pages.");
System.out.println(" * full: page data size encompassing all its dependencies (like shared resources) -- this is the size of the page when extracted as a single-page document;");
System.out.println(" * differential: additional page data size -- this is the extra-content that's not shared with previous pages;");
System.out.println(" * incremental: data size of the page sublist encompassing all the previous pages and the current one.\n");
// Calculating the page data sizes...
Set<PdfReference> visitedReferences = new HashSet<PdfReference>();
long incrementalDataSize = 0;
for(Page page : mainPages)
long pageFullDataSize = PageManager.getSize(page);
long pageDifferentialDataSize = PageManager.getSize(page, visitedReferences);
incrementalDataSize += pageDifferentialDataSize;
"Page " + (page.getIndex()+1) + ": "
+ pageFullDataSize + " (full); "
+ pageDifferentialDataSize + " (differential); "
+ incrementalDataSize + " (incremental)"
} break;
case PageAddition:
// Source file.
File sourceFile;
String sourceFilePath = promptPdfFileChoice("Select the source PDF file");
{sourceFile = new File(sourceFilePath);}
catch(Exception e)
{throw new RuntimeException(sourceFilePath + " file access error.",e);}
// Source page collection.
Pages sourcePages = sourceFile.getDocument().getPages();
// Source page count.
int sourcePagesCount = sourcePages.size();
// First page to add.
int fromSourcePageIndex = promptPageChoice("Select the start source page to add", sourcePagesCount);
// Last page to add.
int toSourcePageIndex = promptPageChoice("Select the end source page to add", fromSourcePageIndex + 1, sourcePagesCount) + 1;
// Target position.
int targetPageIndex = promptPageChoice("Select the position where to insert the source pages", mainPagesCount + 1);
// Add the chosen page range to the main document!
new PageManager(mainDocument).add(
// Serialize the main file!
serialize(mainFile, action);
} break;
case PageMovement:
// First page to move.
int fromSourcePageIndex = promptPageChoice("Select the start page to move", mainPagesCount);
// Last page to move.
int toSourcePageIndex = promptPageChoice("Select the end page to move", fromSourcePageIndex + 1, mainPagesCount) + 1;
// Target position.
int targetPageIndex = promptPageChoice("Select the position where to insert the pages", mainPagesCount + 1);
// Move the chosen page range!
new PageManager(mainDocument).move(
// Serialize the main file!
serialize(mainFile, action);
} break;
case PageRemoval:
// First page to remove.
int fromPageIndex = promptPageChoice("Select the start page to remove", mainPagesCount);
// Last page to remove.
int toPageIndex = promptPageChoice("Select the end page to remove", fromPageIndex + 1, mainPagesCount) + 1;
// Remove the chosen page range!
new PageManager(mainDocument).remove(
// Serialize the main file!
serialize(mainFile, action);
} break;
case PageExtraction:
// First page to extract.
int fromPageIndex = promptPageChoice("Select the start page", mainPagesCount);
// Last page to extract.
int toPageIndex = promptPageChoice("Select the end page", fromPageIndex + 1, mainPagesCount) + 1;
// Extract the chosen page range!
Document targetDocument = new PageManager(mainDocument).extract(
// Serialize the target file!
serialize(targetDocument.getFile(), action);
} break;
case DocumentMerge:
// Source file.
File sourceFile;
String sourceFilePath = promptPdfFileChoice("Select the source PDF file");
{sourceFile = new File(sourceFilePath);}
catch(Exception e)
{throw new RuntimeException(sourceFilePath + " file access error.",e);}
// Append the chosen source document to the main document!
new PageManager(mainDocument).add(sourceFile.getDocument());
// Serialize the main file!
serialize(mainFile, action);
} break;
case DocumentBurst:
// Split the document into single-page documents!
List<Document> splitDocuments = new PageManager(mainDocument).split();
// Serialize the split files!
int index = 0;
for(Document splitDocument : splitDocuments)
{serialize(splitDocument.getFile(), action, ++index, false);}
} break;
case DocumentSplitByPageIndex:
// Number of splits to apply to the source document.
int splitCount;
{splitCount = Integer.parseInt(promptChoice("Number of split positions: "));}
catch(Exception e)
{splitCount = 0;}
// Split positions within the source document.
int[] splitIndexes = new int[splitCount];
int prevSplitIndex = 0;
for(int index = 0; index < splitCount; index++)
int splitIndex = promptPageChoice("Position " + (index + 1) + " of " + splitCount, prevSplitIndex + 1, mainPagesCount);
splitIndexes[index] = splitIndex;
prevSplitIndex = splitIndex;
// Split the document at the chosen positions!
List<Document> splitDocuments = new PageManager(mainDocument).split(splitIndexes);
// Serialize the split files!
int index = 0;
for(Document splitDocument : splitDocuments)
{serialize(splitDocument.getFile(), action, ++index, false);}
} break;
case DocumentSplitOnMaximumFileSize:
// Maximum file size.
long maxDataSize;
long mainFileSize = new;
int kbMaxDataSize;
{kbMaxDataSize = Integer.parseInt(promptChoice("Max file size (KB): "));}
catch(Exception e)
{kbMaxDataSize = 0;}
} while(kbMaxDataSize == 0);
maxDataSize = kbMaxDataSize << 10;
if(maxDataSize > mainFileSize)
{maxDataSize = mainFileSize;}
// Split the document on maximum file size!
List<Document> splitDocuments = new PageManager(mainDocument).split(maxDataSize);
// Serialize the split files!
int index = 0;
for(Document splitDocument : splitDocuments)
{serialize(splitDocument.getFile(), action, ++index, false);}
} break;
return true;
private ActionEnum promptAction(
ActionEnum[] actions = ActionEnum.values();
Map<String,String> options = new HashMap<String,String>();
for(ActionEnum action : actions)
{options.put(Integer.toString(action.ordinal()), action.getDescription());}
{return actions[Integer.parseInt(promptChoice(options))];}
catch(Exception e)
{return actions[0];}
Serializes the specified PDF file.
@param file File to serialize.
@param action Generator.
private void serialize(
File file,
ActionEnum action
{serialize(file, action, null, true);}
Serializes the specified PDF file.
@param file File to serialize.
@param action Generator.
@param index File index.
@param chooseMode Whether to allow user choice of serialization mode.
private void serialize(
File file,
ActionEnum action,
Integer index,
boolean chooseMode
getClass().getSimpleName() + "_" + + (index != null ? "." + index : ""),