Copyright 2009-2010 Stefano Chizzolini. http://www.pdfclown.org
* Stefano Chizzolini (original code developer, http://www.stefanochizzolini.it)
This file should be part of the source code distribution of "PDF Clown library"
(the Program): see the accompanying README files for more info.
This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY,
either expressed or implied; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
Program (see README files); if not, go to the GNU website (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/).
Redistribution and use, with or without modification, are permitted provided that such
redistributions retain the above copyright notice, license and disclaimer, along with
this list of conditions.
package org.pdfclown.tools;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.pdfclown.documents.contents.ContentScanner;
import org.pdfclown.documents.contents.Contents;
import org.pdfclown.documents.contents.IContentContext;
import org.pdfclown.documents.contents.ITextString;
import org.pdfclown.documents.contents.TextChar;
import org.pdfclown.documents.contents.TextStyle;
import org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects.ContainerObject;
import org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects.ContentObject;
import org.pdfclown.documents.contents.objects.Text;
Tool for extracting text from {@link IContentContext content contexts}.
@author Stefano Chizzolini (http://www.stefanochizzolini.it)
@since 0.0.8
@version 0.1.0
public final class TextExtractor
// <class>
// <classes>
Text-to-area matching mode.
public enum AreaModeEnum
Text string must be contained by the area.
Text string must intersect the area.
Text string.
<p>This is typically used to assemble multiple raw text strings
laying on the same line.</p>
private static class TextString
implements ITextString
// <class>
// <dynamic>
// <fields>
private List<TextChar> textChars = new ArrayList<TextChar>();
// </fields>
// <interface>
// <public>
public Rectangle2D getBox(
Rectangle2D box = null;
for(TextChar textChar : textChars)
if(box == null)
{box = (Rectangle2D)textChar.getBox().clone();}
return box;
public String getText(
StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for(TextChar textChar : textChars)
return textBuilder.toString();
public List<TextChar> getTextChars(
{return textChars;}
// </public>
// </interface>
// </dynamic>
// </class>
Text string position comparator.
private static class TextStringPositionComparator
implements Comparator<ITextString>
// <class>
// <static>
Gets whether the given boxes lay on the same text line.
public static boolean isOnTheSameLine(
Rectangle2D box1,
Rectangle2D box2
NOTE: In order to consider the two boxes being on the same line,
we apply a simple rule of thumb: at least 25% of a box's height MUST
lay on the horizontal projection of the other one.
double minHeight = Math.min(box1.getHeight(), box2.getHeight());
double yThreshold = minHeight * .75;
return ((box1.getY() > box2.getY() - yThreshold
&& box1.getY() < box2.getMaxY() + yThreshold - minHeight)
|| (box2.getY() > box1.getY() - yThreshold
&& box2.getY() < box1.getMaxY() + yThreshold - minHeight));
// </static>
// <dynamic>
// <Comparator>
public int compare(
ITextString textString1,
ITextString textString2
Rectangle2D box1 = textString1.getBox();
Rectangle2D box2 = textString2.getBox();
if(box1.getX() < box2.getX())
return -1;
else if(box1.getX() > box2.getX())
return 1;
return 0;
else if(box1.getY() < box2.getY())
return -1;
return 1;
// </Comparator>
// </dynamic>
// </class>
// </classes>
// <dynamic>
// <fields>
private AreaModeEnum areaMode = AreaModeEnum.Containment;
private List<Rectangle2D> areas;
private float areaTolerance = 0;
private boolean sorted;
// </fields>
// <constructors>
public TextExtractor(
public TextExtractor(
boolean sorted
public TextExtractor(
List<Rectangle2D> areas,
boolean sorted
// </constructors>
// <interface>
// <public>
Extracts text strings from the given content context.
@param contentContext Source content context.
public Map<Rectangle2D,List<ITextString>> extract(
IContentContext contentContext
Map<Rectangle2D,List<ITextString>> extractedTextStrings;
List<ITextString> textStrings = new ArrayList<ITextString>();
// 1. Extract the source text strings!
List<ContentScanner.TextStringWrapper> rawTextStrings = new ArrayList<ContentScanner.TextStringWrapper>();
new ContentScanner(contentContext),
// 2. Sort the target text strings!
// 3. Filter the target text strings!
extractedTextStrings = new HashMap<Rectangle2D, List<ITextString>>();
extractedTextStrings.put(null, textStrings);
{extractedTextStrings = filter(textStrings,areas.toArray(new Rectangle2D[areas.size()]));}
return extractedTextStrings;
Extracts text strings from the given contents.
@param contents Source contents.
public Map<Rectangle2D,List<ITextString>> extract(
Contents contents
{return extract(contents.getContentContext());}
Extracts plain text from the given content context.
@param contentContext Source content context.
public String extractPlain(
IContentContext contentContext
StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for(List<ITextString> textStrings : extract(contentContext).values())
if(textBuilder.length() > 0)
{textBuilder.append('\n');} // Separates text belonging to different areas.
for(ITextString textString : textStrings)
return textBuilder.toString();
Extracts plain text from the given contents.
@param contents Source contents.
public String extractPlain(
Contents contents
{return extractPlain(contents.getContentContext());}
Gets the text strings matching the given area.
@param textStrings Text strings to filter, grouped by source area.
@param area Graphic area which text strings have to be matched to.
public List<ITextString> filter(
Map<Rectangle2D,List<ITextString>> textStrings,
Rectangle2D area
{return filter(textStrings,new Rectangle2D[]{area}).get(area);}
Gets the text strings matching the given areas.
@param textStrings Text strings to filter, grouped by source area.
@param areas Graphic areas which text strings have to be matched to.
public Map<Rectangle2D,List<ITextString>> filter(
Map<Rectangle2D,List<ITextString>> textStrings,
Rectangle2D... areas
Map<Rectangle2D,List<ITextString>> filteredTextStrings = null;
for(List<ITextString> areaTextStrings : textStrings.values())
Map<Rectangle2D,List<ITextString>> filteredAreasTextStrings = filter(areaTextStrings,areas);
if(filteredTextStrings == null)
{filteredTextStrings = filteredAreasTextStrings;}
for(Map.Entry<Rectangle2D,List<ITextString>> filteredAreaTextStringsEntry : filteredAreasTextStrings.entrySet())
return filteredTextStrings;
Gets the text strings matching the given area.
@param textStrings Text strings to filter.
@param area Graphic area which text strings have to be matched to.
public List<ITextString> filter(
List<? extends ITextString> textStrings,
Rectangle2D area
{return filter(textStrings,new Rectangle2D[]{area}).get(area);}
Gets the text strings matching the given areas.
@param textStrings Text strings to filter.
@param areas Graphic areas which text strings have to be matched to.
public Map<Rectangle2D,List<ITextString>> filter(
List<? extends ITextString> textStrings,
Rectangle2D... areas
Map<Rectangle2D,List<ITextString>> filteredAreasTextStrings = new HashMap<Rectangle2D,List<ITextString>>();
for(Rectangle2D area : areas)
List<ITextString> filteredAreaTextStrings = new ArrayList<ITextString>();
filteredAreasTextStrings.put(area, filteredAreaTextStrings);
Rectangle2D toleratedArea = (areaTolerance != 0
? new Rectangle2D.Double(
area.getX() - areaTolerance,
area.getY() - areaTolerance,
area.getWidth() + areaTolerance * 2,
area.getHeight() + areaTolerance * 2
: area);
for(ITextString textString : textStrings)
Rectangle2D textStringBox = textString.getBox();
TextString filteredTextString = new TextString();
List<TextChar> filteredTextStringChars = filteredTextString.getTextChars();
for(TextChar textChar : textString.getTextChars())
Rectangle2D textCharBox = textChar.getBox();
if((areaMode == AreaModeEnum.Containment && toleratedArea.contains(textCharBox))
|| (areaMode == AreaModeEnum.Intersection && toleratedArea.intersects(textCharBox)))
return filteredAreasTextStrings;
Gets the text-to-area matching mode.
public AreaModeEnum getAreaMode(
{return areaMode;}
Gets the graphic areas whose text has to be extracted.
public List<Rectangle2D> getAreas(
{return areas;}
Gets the admitted outer area (in points) for containment matching purposes.
<p>This measure is useful to ensure that text whose boxes overlap with the area bounds
is not excluded from the match.</p>
public float getAreaTolerance(
{return areaTolerance;}
Gets whether the text strings have to be sorted.
public boolean isSorted(
{return sorted;}
@see #getAreaMode()
public void setAreaMode(
AreaModeEnum value
{areaMode = value;}
@see #getAreas()
public void setAreas(
List<Rectangle2D> value
{areas = (value == null ? new ArrayList<Rectangle2D>() : value);}
@see #getAreaTolerance()
public void setAreaTolerance(
float value
{areaTolerance = value;}
@see #isSorted()
public void setSorted(
boolean value
{sorted = value;}
// </public>
// <private>
Scans a content level looking for text.
private void extract(
ContentScanner level,
List<ContentScanner.TextStringWrapper> extractedTextStrings
ContentObject content = level.getCurrent();
if(content instanceof Text)
// Collect the text strings!
else if(content instanceof ContainerObject)
// Scan the inner level!
Sorts the extracted text strings.
<p>Sorting implies text position ordering, integration and aggregation.</p>
@param rawTextStrings Source (lower-level) text strings.
@param textStrings Target (higher-level) text strings.
private void sort(
List<ContentScanner.TextStringWrapper> rawTextStrings,
List<ITextString> textStrings
// Sorting the source text strings...
TextStringPositionComparator positionComparator = new TextStringPositionComparator();
Collections.sort(rawTextStrings, positionComparator);
// Aggregating and integrating the source text strings into the target ones...
TextString textString = null;
TextChar previousTextChar = null;
for(ContentScanner.TextStringWrapper rawTextString : rawTextStrings)
NOTE: Contents on the same line are grouped together within the same text string.
// Add a new text string in case of new line!
if(textString == null
|| (!textString.getTextChars().isEmpty()
&& !TextStringPositionComparator.isOnTheSameLine(
textStrings.add(textString = new TextString());
previousTextChar = null;
TextStyle textStyle = rawTextString.getStyle();
float spaceWidth = 0;
{spaceWidth = textStyle.getFont().getWidth(' ', textStyle.getFontSize());}
catch(Exception e)
{ /* NOOP */ }
if(spaceWidth == 0)
{spaceWidth = textStyle.getFontSize() * .25f;} // NOTE: as a rule of thumb, space width is estimated according to the font size.
for(TextChar textChar : rawTextString.getTextChars())
if(previousTextChar != null)
NOTE: PDF files may have text contents omitting space characters,
so they must be inferred and synthesized, marking them as virtual
in order to allow the user to distinguish between original contents
and augmented ones.
double characterSpace = textChar.getBox().getX() - previousTextChar.getBox().getMaxX();
if(characterSpace >= spaceWidth)
// Add synthesized space character!
new TextChar(
' ',
new Rectangle2D.Double(
textString.textChars.add(previousTextChar = textChar);
// </private>
// </interface>
// </dynamic>
// </class>