Copyright 2006-2010 Stefano Chizzolini. http://www.pdfclown.org
* Stefano Chizzolini (original code developer, http://www.stefanochizzolini.it)
This file should be part of the source code distribution of "PDF Clown library"
(the Program): see the accompanying README files for more info.
This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY,
either expressed or implied; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
Program (see README files); if not, go to the GNU website (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/).
Redistribution and use, with or without modification, are permitted provided that such
redistributions retain the above copyright notice, license and disclaimer, along with
this list of conditions.
package org.pdfclown.documents;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.pdfclown.PDF;
import org.pdfclown.VersionEnum;
import org.pdfclown.files.File;
import org.pdfclown.objects.PdfArray;
import org.pdfclown.objects.PdfDictionary;
import org.pdfclown.objects.PdfDirectObject;
import org.pdfclown.objects.PdfInteger;
import org.pdfclown.objects.PdfName;
import org.pdfclown.objects.PdfNumber;
import org.pdfclown.objects.PdfObjectWrapper;
import org.pdfclown.objects.PdfReference;
import org.pdfclown.util.NotImplementedException;
Document pages collection [PDF:1.6:3.6.2].
@author Stefano Chizzolini (http://www.stefanochizzolini.it)
@version 0.1.0
public final class Pages
extends PdfObjectWrapper<PdfDictionary>
implements List<Page>
TODO:IMPL A B-tree algorithm should be implemented to optimize the inner layout
of the page tree (better insertion/deletion performance). In this case, it would
be necessary to keep track of the modified tree nodes for incremental update.
// <class>
// <dynamic>
// <constructors>
Document context
new PdfDictionary(
new PdfName[]
new PdfDirectObject[]
new PdfArray(),
new PdfInteger(0)
PdfDirectObject baseObject
null // NO container (page tree root node MUST be an indirect object [PDF:1.6:3.6.1]).
// </constructors>
// <interface>
// <public>
public Pages clone(
Document context
{throw new NotImplementedException();}
// <List>
public void add(
int index,
Page page
public boolean addAll(
int index,
Collection<? extends Page> pages
{return commonAddAll(index,pages);}
public Page get(
int index
NOTE: As stated in [PDF:1.6:3.6.2], to retrieve pages is a matter of diving
inside a B-tree. To keep it as efficient as possible, this implementation
does NOT adopt recursion to deepen its search, opting for an iterative strategy
int pageOffset = 0;
PdfDictionary parent = getBaseDataObject();
PdfArray kids = (PdfArray)File.resolve(parent.get(PdfName.Kids));
int i = 0;
i < kids.size();
PdfReference kidReference = (PdfReference)kids.get(i);
PdfDictionary kid = (PdfDictionary)File.resolve(kidReference);
// Is current kid a page object?
if(kid.get(PdfName.Type).equals(PdfName.Page)) // Page object.
// Did we reach the searched position?
if(pageOffset == index) // Vertical scan (we finished).
// We got it!
return Page.wrap(kidReference);
else // Horizontal scan (go past).
// Cumulate current page object count!
else // Page tree node.
// Does the current subtree contain the searched page?
if(((PdfInteger)kid.get(PdfName.Count)).getRawValue() + pageOffset > index) // Vertical scan (deepen the search).
// Go down one level!
parent = kid;
kids = (PdfArray)File.resolve(parent.get(PdfName.Kids));
i = -1;
else // Horizontal scan (go past).
// Cumulate current subtree count!
pageOffset += ((PdfInteger)kid.get(PdfName.Count)).getRawValue();
return null;
public int indexOf(
Object page
{return ((Page)page).getIndex();}
public int lastIndexOf(
Object page
NOTE: Each page object should NOT appear more than once inside the same document.
return indexOf(page);
public ListIterator<Page> listIterator(
{throw new NotImplementedException();}
public ListIterator<Page> listIterator(
int index
{throw new NotImplementedException();}
public Page remove(
int index
Page page = get(index);
return page;
public Page set(
int index,
Page page
Page old = remove(index);
return old;
public List<Page> subList(
int fromIndex,
int toIndex
TODO:IMPL this implementation is incoherent with the subList contract --> move to another location!
ArrayList<Page> pages = new ArrayList<Page>(toIndex - fromIndex);
int i = fromIndex;
while(i < toIndex)
return pages;
// <Collection>
public boolean add(
Page page
{return commonAddAll(-1,Arrays.asList(page));}
public boolean addAll(
Collection<? extends Page> pages
{return commonAddAll(-1,pages);}
public void clear(
{throw new NotImplementedException();}
public boolean contains(
Object page
{throw new NotImplementedException();}
public boolean containsAll(
Collection<?> pages
{throw new NotImplementedException();}
public boolean equals(
Object object
{throw new NotImplementedException();}
public int hashCode(
{throw new NotImplementedException();}
public boolean isEmpty(
{throw new NotImplementedException();}
public boolean remove(
Object page
Page pageObj = (Page)page;
PdfDictionary pageData = pageObj.getBaseDataObject();
// Get the parent tree node!
PdfDirectObject parent = pageData.get(PdfName.Parent);
PdfDictionary parentData = (PdfDictionary)File.resolve(parent);
// Get the parent's page collection!
PdfDirectObject kids = parentData.get(PdfName.Kids);
PdfArray kidsData = (PdfArray)File.resolve(kids);
// Remove the page!
boolean updateParent = !File.update(kids); // Try to update the page collection.
// Unbind the page from its parent!
// Decrementing the pages counters...
// Get the page collection counter!
PdfDirectObject count = parentData.get(PdfName.Count);
PdfNumber<?> countData = (PdfNumber<?>)File.resolve(count);
// Decrement the counter at the current level!
updateParent |= !File.update(count); // Try to update the counter.
// Is the parent tree node to be updated?
NOTE: It avoids to update the parent tree node if its modified fields are all
indirect objects which perform independent updates.
updateParent = false; // Reset.
// Iterate upward!
parent = parentData.get(PdfName.Parent);
parentData = (PdfDictionary)File.resolve(parent);
} while(parent != null);
return true;
public boolean removeAll(
Collection<?> pages
NOTE: The interface contract doesn't prescribe any relation among the removing-collection's
items, so we cannot adopt the optimized approach of the add*(...) methods family,
where adding-collection's items are explicitly ordered.
boolean changed = false;
for(Object page : pages)
{changed |= remove(page);}
return changed;
public boolean retainAll(
Collection<?> pages
{throw new NotImplementedException();}
public int size(
{return ((PdfInteger)getBaseDataObject().get(PdfName.Count)).getRawValue();}
public Page[] toArray(
{throw new NotImplementedException();}
public <T> T[] toArray(
T[] pages
{throw new NotImplementedException();}
// <Iterable>
public Iterator<Page> iterator(
return new Iterator<Page>()
// <class>
// <dynamic>
// <fields>
Index of the next item.
private int index = 0;
Collection size.
private int size = size();
Current level index.
private int levelIndex = 0;
Stacked level indexes.
private Stack<Integer> levelIndexes = new Stack<Integer>();
Current parent tree node.
private PdfDictionary parent = getBaseDataObject();
Current child tree nodes.
private PdfArray kids = (PdfArray)File.resolve(parent.get(PdfName.Kids));
// </fields>
// <interface>
// <public>
// <Iterator>
public boolean hasNext(
{return (index < size);}
public Page next(
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return getNext();
public void remove(
{throw new UnsupportedOperationException();}
// </Iterator>
// </public>
// <private>
private Page getNext(
NOTE: As stated in [PDF:1.6:3.6.2], page retrieval is a matter of diving
inside a B-tree.
This is a special adaptation of the get() algorithm necessary to keep
a low overhead throughout the page tree scan (using the get() method
would have implied a nonlinear computational cost).
NOTE: Algorithm:
1. [Vertical, down] We have to go downward the page tree till we reach
a page (leaf node).
2. [Horizontal] Then we iterate across the page collection it belongs to,
repeating step 1 whenever we find a subtree.
3. [Vertical, up] When leaf-nodes scan is complete, we go upward solving
parent nodes, repeating step 2.
// Did we complete current page-tree-branch level?
if(kids.size() == levelIndex) // Page subtree complete.
// 3. Go upward one level.
// Restore node index at the current level!
levelIndex = levelIndexes.pop() + 1; // Next node (partially scanned level).
// Move upward!
parent = (PdfDictionary)File.resolve(parent.get(PdfName.Parent));
kids = (PdfArray)File.resolve(parent.get(PdfName.Kids));
else // Page subtree incomplete.
PdfReference kidReference = (PdfReference)kids.get(levelIndex);
PdfDictionary kid = (PdfDictionary)File.resolve(kidReference);
// Is current kid a page object?
if(kid.get(PdfName.Type).equals(PdfName.Page)) // Page object.
// 2. Page found.
index++; // Absolute page index.
levelIndex++; // Current level node index.
return Page.wrap(kidReference);
else // Page tree node.
// 1. Go downward one level.
// Save node index at the current level!
// Move downward!
parent = kid;
kids = (PdfArray)File.resolve(parent.get(PdfName.Kids));
levelIndex = 0; // First node (new level).
// </private>
// </interface>
// </dynamic>
// </class>
// </Iterable>
// </Collection>
// </List>
// </public>
// <private>
Add a collection of pages at the specified position.
@param index Addition position. To append, use value -1.
@param pages Collection of pages to add.
private boolean commonAddAll(
int index,
Collection<? extends Page> pages
PdfDirectObject parent;
PdfDictionary parentData;
PdfDirectObject kids;
PdfArray kidsData;
int offset;
// Append operation?
if(index == -1) // Append operation.
// Get the parent tree node!
parent = getBaseObject();
parentData = getBaseDataObject();
// Get the parent's page collection!
kids = parentData.get(PdfName.Kids);
kidsData = (PdfArray)File.resolve(kids);
offset = 0; // Not used.
else // Insert operation.
// Get the page currently at the specified position!
Page pivotPage = get(index);
// Get the parent tree node!
parent = pivotPage.getBaseDataObject().get(PdfName.Parent);
parentData = (PdfDictionary)File.resolve(parent);
// Get the parent's page collection!
kids = parentData.get(PdfName.Kids);
kidsData = (PdfArray)File.resolve(kids);
// Get the insertion's relative position within the parent's page collection!
offset = kidsData.indexOf(pivotPage.getBaseObject());
// Adding the pages...
for(Page page : pages)
// Append?
if(index == -1) // Append.
// Append the page to the collection!
else // Insert.
// Insert the page into the collection!
// Bind the page to the collection!
boolean updateParent = !File.update(kids); // Try to update the page collection.
// Incrementing the pages counters...
// Get the page collection counter!
PdfDirectObject count = parentData.get(PdfName.Count);
PdfInteger countData = (PdfInteger)File.resolve(count);
// Increment the counter at the current level!
updateParent |= !File.update(count); // Try to update the page counter.
// Is the parent tree node to be updated?
NOTE: It avoids to update the parent tree node if its modified fields are all
indirect objects which perform independent updates.
updateParent = false; // Reset.
// Iterate upward!
parent = parentData.get(PdfName.Parent);
parentData = (PdfDictionary)File.resolve(parent);
} while(parent != null);
return true;
// </private>
// </interface>
// </dynamic>
// </class>