/* OpenSyncro - A web-based enterprise application integration tool
* Copyright (C) 2008 Smilehouse Oy, support@opensyncro.org
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package smilehouse.util;
import http.utils.multipartrequest.MultipartRequest;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.ecs.html.B;
import org.apache.ecs.html.Input;
import org.apache.ecs.html.TD;
import org.apache.ecs.html.TR;
import org.apache.ecs.html.Table;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.system.Environment;
* ParameterManager.java Class for managing form parameters in a servlet. To use ParameterManager
* your servlet (or some other class) must implement the ParameterInitializer-interface. That
* contains a single method initParameters that should initialize the parameters with addParameter
* calls. Fro example: <code>
* public void initParameters(ParameterManager pm) {
* pm.addParameter("name", pm.STRING, "john smith");
* pm.addParameter("age", pm.INT);
* }
* </code>
* ParameterManager extracts parameters from HttpServletRequest and can also turn them into ECS
* input elements. ParameterManager can also be kept in a session. TO DO: - Some kind of
* getInput-method for arrays Created: Tue Feb 20 11:14:26 2001
public class ParameterManager {
* Constant for string type
public final static int STRING = 0;
* Constant for integer type
public final static int INT = 1;
* Constant for long type
public final static int LONG = 4;
* Constant for double type
public final static int DOUBLE = 2;
* Constant for boolean type
public final static int BOOLEAN = 3;
* Constant for string array type
public final static int STRING_ARRAY = 5;
* Constant for integer array type
public final static int INT_ARRAY = 6;
* Constant for double array type
public final static int DOUBLE_ARRAY = 7;
* Constant for float type
public final static int FLOAT = 8;
* Constant for long array type
public final static int LONG_ARRAY = 9;
* Description of the Field
public final static String SESSION_NAME = "parameters";
// Modes for toString-method
* Description of the Field
public final static int ALL = 0;
* Description of the Field
public final static int GIVEN = 1;
* Description of the Field
public final static int CHANGED = 2;
* Description of the Field
public final static String[] TYPE_NAMES = {
Hashtable parameters;
String owner;
String description;
String charset;
* Inner class representing a single parameter.
class Parameter {
int type;
Object value;
Object defaultValue;
String parameterDescription;
boolean wasGiven;
boolean isChanged;
boolean illegal;
* Create parameter eith given type and default value.
* @param type Parameter's type
* @param defaultValue Parameter's default value
* @param description Description of the Parameter
Parameter(int type, String description, Object defaultValue) {
this.type = type;
this.value = null;
this.parameterDescription = description;
this.wasGiven = false;
this.isChanged = false;
this.illegal = false;
// If default value is not given, use default default value
if(defaultValue == null) {
switch(type) {
case STRING:
this.defaultValue = "";
case INT:
this.defaultValue = new Integer(0);
case LONG:
this.defaultValue = new Long(0);
case DOUBLE:
this.defaultValue = new Double(0);
this.defaultValue = new Boolean(false);
this.defaultValue = new String[0];
this.defaultValue = new int[0];
this.defaultValue = new double[0];
case FLOAT:
this.defaultValue = new Float(0);
this.defaultValue = new long[0];
} else {
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
* Returns parameter's value or the default value, if it's null
* @return The value value
Object getValue() {
if(value != null) {
if(value instanceof String) {
try {
return (URLDecoder.decode((String) value, charset));
} catch(Exception iWouldBeVerySurprisedToCatchThisException) {
return value;
} else {
return value;
} else {
return defaultValue;
* Sets the parameters value from a given String. Int and double parameters are tried to
* convert. Boolean parameters are set to 'false' if newValue is null or a string "false"
* and 'true' otherwise.
* @param newValue Parameter's new value as String
void setValue(String newValue) {
if(newValue == null && type != BOOLEAN) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"null set to ParameterManager.Parameter value. Only boolean can have a null value");
if(newValue != null && (type == STRING || type == STRING_ARRAY)) {
try {
newValue = URLEncoder.encode(newValue, charset);
} catch(java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {}
illegal = false;
switch(type) {
case STRING:
value = newValue;
case INT:
try {
value = new Integer(newValue);
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
value = null;
illegal = true;
case LONG:
try {
value = new Long(newValue);
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
value = null;
illegal = true;
case DOUBLE:
try {
value = Utils.parseDouble(newValue);
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
value = null;
illegal = true;
value = new Boolean(newValue != null && !newValue.equalsIgnoreCase("false"));
String[] stringArray = new String[1];
stringArray[0] = newValue;
case FLOAT:
try {
value = new Float(newValue);
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
value = null;
illegal = true;
* Sets the value attribute of the Parameter object
* @param values The new value value
void setValue(String[] values) {
illegal = false;
if(values != null && values.length != 0) {
// If the parameters type is STRING_ARRAY we already have it
if(type == STRING_ARRAY) {
value = values;
// If not, we'll have to construct the array
else {
switch(type) {
int[] intValues = new int[values.length];
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
try {
intValues[i] = Integer.parseInt(values[i]);
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
// If number couldn't be parsed we set the illegal true.
illegal = true;
value = intValues;
double[] doubleValues = new double[values.length];
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
try {
doubleValues[i] = (Utils.parseDouble(values[i])).doubleValue();
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
// If number couldn't be parsed we set the illegal true.
illegal = true;
value = doubleValues;
long[] longValues = new long[values.length];
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
try {
longValues[i] = Long.parseLong(values[i]);
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
// If number couldn't be parsed we set the illegal true.
illegal = true;
value = longValues;
value = null;
illegal = true;
} else {
value = null;
illegal = true;
* Create and initialize ParameterManager tries to get the charset from the current Environment.
* @param initializer Class responsible for initializing the Usually the servlet that uses the
* ParameterManager.
public ParameterManager(ParameterInitializer initializer) {
this(initializer, Environment.getInstance().getCharsetWWW());
* Create and initialize ParameterManager
* @param initializer Class responsible for initializing the Usually the servlet that uses the
* ParameterManager.
* @param charset Charset to be used when encoding and decoding parameters
public ParameterManager(ParameterInitializer initializer, String charset) {
parameters = new Hashtable();
description = null;
this.charset = charset;
* Create and initialize ParameterManager and extract values from a request
* @param initializer Class responsible for initializing the Usually the servlet that uses the
* ParameterManager.
* @param req HttpServletRequest where the parameter's values are to be extracted
public ParameterManager(ParameterInitializer initializer, HttpServletRequest req) {
this(initializer, req, Environment.getInstance().getCharsetWWW());
* Create and initialize ParameterManager and extract values from a request tries to get the
* charset from the current Environment.
* @param initializer Class responsible for initializing the Usually the servlet that uses the
* ParameterManager.
* @param req HttpServletRequest where the parameter's values are to be extracted
public ParameterManager(ParameterInitializer initializer, HttpServletRequest req, String charset) {
parameters = new Hashtable();
description = null;
this.charset = charset;
* Create and initialize ParameterManager and extract values from a multipartrequest Tries to
* get the charset from the current Environment.
* @param initializer Class responsible for initializing the ParameterManager. Usually the
* servlet that uses the ParameterManager.
* @param multi MultipartRequest where the parameter's values are to be extracted
public ParameterManager(ParameterInitializer initializer, MultipartRequest multi) {
parameters = new Hashtable();
description = null;
this.charset = Environment.getInstance().getCharsetWWW();
* Gets ParameterManager from session. If it's not there, new one is created and initialized.
* Tries to get the charset from the current Environment.
* @param session Session where the ParameterManager might be found
* @param owner String identifying the ParameterManager's owner. Servlet's name or something
* like that.
* @param initializer Initializer used to initialize a new ParameterManager if it's not found in
* the session
* @return Description of the Return Value
public static ParameterManager fromSession(HttpSession session,
String owner,
ParameterInitializer initializer) {
// Try to get ParameterManager from session
ParameterManager pm = (ParameterManager) session.getAttribute(SESSION_NAME + "." + owner);
// If it's not there, or it's from a different servlet, create new one
if(pm == null
* || pm.owner != owner
) {
pm = new ParameterManager(initializer);
pm.owner = owner;
session.setAttribute(SESSION_NAME + "." + owner, pm);
// Mark all parameters as not given
Enumeration e = pm.parameters.elements();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
((Parameter) e.nextElement()).wasGiven = false;
return pm;
* Gets ParameterManager from session and extracts values from request. If it's not in session,
* new one is created and initialized.
* @param session Session where the ParameterManager might be found
* @param owner String identifying the ParameterManager's owner. Servlet's name or something
* like that.
* @param initializer Initializer used to initialize a new ParameterManager if it's not found in
* the session
* @param req HttpServletRequest where the parameter's values are to be extracted
* @return Description of the Return Value
public static ParameterManager fromSession(HttpSession session,
String owner,
ParameterInitializer initializer,
HttpServletRequest req) {
ParameterManager pm = fromSession(session, owner, initializer);
return pm;
* Gets ParameterManager from session and extracts values from a multipartrequest. If it's not
* in session, new one is created and initialized.
* @param session Session where the ParameterManager might be found
* @param owner String identifying the ParameterManager's owner. Servlet's name or something
* like that.
* @param initializer Initializer used to initialize a new ParameterManager if it's not found in
* the session
* @param multi multipartRequest where the parameter's values are to be extracted
* @return Description of the Return Value
public static ParameterManager fromSession(HttpSession session,
String owner,
ParameterInitializer initializer,
MultipartRequest multi) {
ParameterManager pm = fromSession(session, owner, initializer);
return pm;
* Add new parameter to manager. Usually called from the initParameter method of the
* initializer.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @param description Description of the parameter's usage
* @param type Parameter's type. See the constants for type.
* @param defaultValue Default value as an Object
public void addParameter(String name, String description, int type, Object defaultValue) {
parameters.put(name, new Parameter(type, description, defaultValue));
* Add new parameter to manager. Usually called from the initParameter method of the
* initializer.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @param type Parameter's type. See the constants for type.
* @param defaultValue Default value as an Object
public void addParameter(String name, int type, Object defaultValue) {
parameters.put(name, new Parameter(type, null, defaultValue));
* Add new parameter to manager. Usually called from the initParameter method of the
* initializer.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @param description Description of the parameter's usage
* @param type Parameter's type. See the constants for type.
public void addParameter(String name, String description, int type) {
parameters.put(name, new Parameter(type, description, null));
* Add new parameter to manager. Usually called from the initParameter method of the
* initializer.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @param type Parameter's type. See the constants for type.
public void addParameter(String name, int type) {
parameters.put(name, new Parameter(type, null, null));
* Set the overall description of the parameters.
* @param description
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
* Returns parameter's value as a String. Value will be converted to string even if it's of some
* other type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return Parameter's value as a String
public String getString(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p == null) {
return null;
* throw something...
// We don't start complaining if it's not really a String...
return p.getValue().toString();
* Returns value of a parameter of INT-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return The int value
public int getInt(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p == null) {
return 0;
* throw something...
if(p.type != INT) {
* throw something else...
return ((Integer) p.getValue()).intValue();
* Returns value of a parameter of LONG-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return The long value
public long getLong(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p == null) {
return 0;
* throw something...
if(p.type != LONG) {
* throw something else...
return ((Long) p.getValue()).longValue();
* Returns value of a parameter of DOUBLE-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return The double value
public double getDouble(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p == null) {
* throw something...
return 0;
if(p.type != DOUBLE) {
* throw something else...
return ((Double) p.getValue()).doubleValue();
* Returns value of a parameter of BOOLEAN-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return The boolean value
public boolean getBoolean(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p == null) {
* throw something...
return false;
if(p.type != BOOLEAN) {
* throw something else...
return ((Boolean) p.getValue()).booleanValue();
* Returns value of a parameter of STRING_ARRAY-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return The stringArray value
public String[] getStringArray(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p == null) {
* throw something...
return null;
if(p.type != STRING_ARRAY) {
* throw something else...
return (String[]) p.getValue();
* Returns value of a parameter of INT_ARRAY-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return The intArray value
public int[] getIntArray(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p == null) {
* throw something...
return null;
if(p.type != INT_ARRAY) {
* throw something else...
return (int[]) p.getValue();
* Returns value of a parameter of DOUBLE_ARRAY-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return The doubleArray value
public double[] getDoubleArray(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p == null) {
* throw something...
return null;
if(p.type != DOUBLE_ARRAY) {
* throw something else...
return (double[]) p.getValue();
* Returns value of a parameter of LONG_ARRAY-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return The long array value
public long[] getLongArray(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p == null) {
* throw something...
return null;
if(p.type != LONG_ARRAY) {
* throw something else...
return (long[]) p.getValue();
* Returns value of a parameter of FLOAT-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return The float value
public float getFloat(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p == null) {
return 0;
* throw something...
if(p.type != FLOAT) {
* throw something else...
return ((Float) p.getValue()).floatValue();
* Returns the parameter's type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return Parameter's type. See the constants for types
public int getType(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p == null) {
return -1;
return p.type;
* Extracts parameters from a request.
* @param req HttpServletRequest where to get the parameters
public void extractParameters(HttpServletRequest req) {
Enumeration e = parameters.keys();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
handleExtractedParameter(name, req.getParameterValues(name));
* Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name); boolean isArray = p.type ==
* STRING_ARRAY || p.type == INT_ARRAY || p.type == DOUBLE_ARRAY; // If parameter is
* given in the request, extract it and mark as given if (req.getParameter(name) !=
* null) { if (isArray) { p.setValue(req.getParameterValues(name)); } else {
* p.setValue(req.getParameter(name)); } p.wasGiven = true; p.isChanged = true; } else { //
* ...mark it as not given if (p.type == BOOLEAN) { p.setValue(req.getParameter(name)); }
* p.wasGiven = false; p.isChanged = false; }
* Extracts parameters from a multipart request.
* @param multi MultipartRequest where to get the parameters
public void extractParameters(MultipartRequest multi) {
Enumeration e = parameters.keys();
Vector valueVector = new Vector();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
Enumeration values = multi.getURLParameters(name);
String[] valueArray = null;
if(values.hasMoreElements()) {
valueArray = (String[]) valueVector.toArray(new String[valueVector.size()]);
handleExtractedParameter(name, valueArray);
private void handleExtractedParameter(String name, String[] values) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
boolean isArray = p.type == STRING_ARRAY || p.type == INT_ARRAY || p.type == DOUBLE_ARRAY
|| p.type == LONG_ARRAY;
// If parameter is given in the request, extract it and mark as given
if(values != null && values.length > 0) {
if(isArray) {
} else {
p.wasGiven = true;
p.isChanged = true;
} else {
// ...mark it as not given
if(p.type == BOOLEAN) {
p.setValue((String) null);
p.wasGiven = false;
p.isChanged = false;
* Sets parameter's value.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @param value New value as a String. If parameter's type is not STRING conversion is
* attempted.
public void setParameter(String name, String value) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p != null) {
p.isChanged = true;
* Sets the value of a parameter of INT-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @param value New value as int
public void setParameter(String name, int value) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p != null) {
switch(p.type) {
case INT:
p.value = new Integer(value);
p.illegal = false;
case LONG:
p.value = new Long(value);
p.illegal = false;
case DOUBLE:
p.value = new Double(value);
p.illegal = false;
case FLOAT:
p.value = new Float(value);
p.illegal = false;
p.value = null;
p.illegal = true;
p.isChanged = true;
* Sets the value of a parameter of LONG-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @param value New value as int
public void setParameter(String name, long value) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p != null) {
if(p.type == LONG) {
p.value = new Long(value);
p.illegal = false;
} else {
p.value = null;
p.illegal = true;
p.isChanged = true;
* Sets the value of a parameter of DOUBLE-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @param value New value as double
public void setParameter(String name, double value) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p != null) {
if(p.type == DOUBLE) {
p.value = new Double(value);
p.illegal = false;
} else {
p.value = null;
p.illegal = true;
p.isChanged = true;
* Sets the value of a parameter of BOOLEAN-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @param value New value as boolean
public void setParameter(String name, boolean value) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p != null) {
if(p.type == BOOLEAN) {
p.value = new Boolean(value);
p.illegal = false;
} else {
p.value = null;
p.illegal = true;
p.isChanged = true;
* Method for setting array parameter's value. All the array versions of setParameter use this.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @param value New value. Should be an array of the right type, but it isn't checked here.
* @param type Parameter's type
public void setArrayParameter(String name, Object value, int type) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p != null) {
if(p.type == type) {
p.value = value;
p.illegal = false;
} else {
p.value = null;
p.illegal = true;
p.isChanged = true;
* Sets the parameter attribute of the ParameterManager object
* @param name The new parameter value
* @param value The new parameter value
public void setParameter(String name, String[] value) {
setArrayParameter(name, value, STRING_ARRAY);
* Sets the parameter attribute of the ParameterManager object
* @param name The new parameter value
* @param value The new parameter value
public void setParameter(String name, int[] value) {
setArrayParameter(name, value, INT_ARRAY);
* Sets the parameter attribute of the ParameterManager object
* @param name The new parameter value
* @param value The new parameter value
public void setParameter(String name, double[] value) {
setArrayParameter(name, value, DOUBLE_ARRAY);
public void setParameter(String name, long[] value) {
setArrayParameter(name, value, LONG_ARRAY);
* Sets the value of a parameter of FLOAT-type.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @param value New value as float
public void setParameter(String name, float value) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p != null) {
if(p.type == FLOAT) {
p.value = new Float(value);
p.illegal = false;
} else {
p.value = null;
p.illegal = true;
p.isChanged = true;
* Was the parameter given in the request.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return true, if parameter was given in the request and false if it wasn't
public boolean wasGiven(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p != null) {
return p.wasGiven;
return false;
* Has parameter's value been changed, either being given in the request or with
* setParameter-method.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return true, if parameter was given in the request and false if it wasn't
public boolean isChanged(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p != null) {
return p.isChanged;
return false;
* Was parameter given an illegal value. STRING and BOOLEAN parameters are never illegal. If INT
* or DOUBLE parameter's value can't be parsed, parameter is set to illegal.
* @param name Parameter's name
* @return true, if parameter was given an illegal value
public boolean wasIllegal(String name) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p != null) {
return p.illegal;
return false;
* Gets the input attribute of the ParameterManager object
* @param inputType Description of the Parameter
* @param name Description of the Parameter
* @return The input value
public Input getInput(String inputType, String name) {
return getInput(inputType, name, 0);
* Makes an ECS Input-object from the parameter. It is recommended that the method is used only
* to make text and hidden elements, and checkbox fields ONLY if the parameter is of type
* BOOLEAN. Other kind of usage may give weird results.
* @param name Name of the parameter
* @param inputType Type of the ECS Input-object
* @param index Description of the Parameter
* @return ECS input element of given type having the name and value of the parameter
public Input getInput(String inputType, String name, int index) {
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
if(p == null) {
return null;
// Special treatment for checkboxes
if(inputType.equals(Input.CHECKBOX)) {
// If it's an boolean value, this is easy
if(p.type == BOOLEAN) {
return new Input(Input.CHECKBOX, name, "true").setChecked(((Boolean) p.getValue())
} else {
// If it's not this gets bit complicated. Why would anyone make a checkbox of a
// non-boolean parameter anyway?
// Let's give him something, but I don't know if this makes any sense. Not
// recommended to use the method this way...
String value = p.getValue().toString();
if(value.equals("")) {
// Now we don't even know what the value should be...
return new Input(Input.CHECKBOX, name, "true").setChecked(false);
} else {
return new Input(Input.CHECKBOX, name, Utils.htmlentities(value))
String value = "";
switch(p.type) {
value = ((String[]) p.getValue())[index];
value = String.valueOf(((int[]) p.getValue())[index]);
value = String.valueOf(((double[]) p.getValue())[index]);
value = String.valueOf(((long[]) p.getValue())[index]);
value = p.getValue().toString();
return new Input(inputType, name, Utils.htmlentities(value));
* Gets the parameterNames attribute of the ParameterManager object
* @return The parameterNames value
public Enumeration getParameterNames() {
return parameters.keys();
* Constructs a string that can be appended in a URL in GET-request.
* @param mode Defines which parameters are included in the string. Either ALL, GIVEN or
* @return Description of the Return Value
public String toString(int mode) {
String urlString = "";
char symbol = '?';
Enumeration e = parameters.keys();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
// No need to include parameter, if it's value is the default value
if(p.value == null || p.value.equals(p.defaultValue)) {
// Skip the parameters, that are not to be included in the string
if(mode == GIVEN && !p.wasGiven) {
if(mode == CHANGED && !p.isChanged) {
// Append the parameter to the string
try {
urlString += symbol + name + '='
+ (URLEncoder.encode(p.getValue().toString(), charset));
} catch(java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {}
// Change the symbol if this was the first parameter in the string
if(symbol == '?') {
symbol = '&';
return urlString;
* Description of the Method
* @return Description of the Return Value
public String toString() {
return toString(ALL);
* Returns a description of used parameters.
* @return The description value
public String getDescription() {
StringBuffer desc = new StringBuffer();
// Overall description
if(this.description != null) {
Enumeration e = parameters.keys();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
// Type and name
desc.append(TYPE_NAMES[p.type]).append(' ').append(name);
// Default
if(p.defaultValue != null) {
desc.append(" (default: ").append(p.defaultValue.toString()).append(')');
// Parameter description
if(p.parameterDescription != null) {
desc.append(" - ").append(p.parameterDescription);
return desc.toString();
* Returns a table containing a description of the parameters.
* @return ECS-table
public Table getDescriptionTable() {
// -----
// Title
// -----
Table descTable = new Table().setBorder(1).addElement(
new TR().addElement(new TD().setColSpan(4).addElement(new B("Parameter description"))));
// ------------------------------
// Overall description (if given)
// ------------------------------
if(this.description != null) {
descTable.addElement(new TR().addElement(new TD().setColSpan(4).addElement(
// ------------------------------------
// Parameter description column headers
// ------------------------------------
descTable.addElement(new TR()
.addElement(new TD().addElement(new B("Name")))
.addElement(new TD().addElement(new B("Type")))
.addElement(new TD().addElement(new B("Default")))
.addElement(new TD().addElement(new B("Description"))));
// ----------------------------
// Print parameter descriptions
// ----------------------------
Enumeration e = parameters.keys();
while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters.get(name);
descTable.addElement(new TR()
.addElement(new TD().addElement(name))
.addElement(new TD().addElement(TYPE_NAMES[p.type]))
new TD().addElement(p.defaultValue != null ? p.defaultValue.toString() : "-"))
.addElement(new TD().addElement(p.parameterDescription != null ? p.parameterDescription : "-")));
return descTable;
} // ParameterManager