/* OpenSyncro - A web-based enterprise application integration tool
* Copyright (C) 2008 Smilehouse Oy, support@opensyncro.org
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package smilehouse.opensyncro.servlets;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.ecs.ElementContainer;
import org.apache.ecs.html.BR;
import org.apache.ecs.html.Form;
import org.apache.ecs.html.Input;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.FieldInfo;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.GUIContext;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.editor.BooleanEditor;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.editor.DefaultSelectOption;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.editor.EditorResources;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.editor.PasswordEditor;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.editor.SelectEditor;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.editor.TextEditor;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.formatter.Formatter;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.formatter.IntegerFormatter;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.model.DefaultModelModifier;
import smilehouse.gui.html.fieldbased.model.ModelModifier;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.Pipe;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.log.MessageLogger;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.system.Persister;
import smilehouse.tools.template.Template;
import smilehouse.util.LabelResource;
import smilehouse.util.ParameterManager;
public class SyncroPipeSettings extends SyncroServlet {
private GUIContext generalFieldsContext;
private static final String NAME = "name";
private static final String START_PASSWORD = "start_password";
//private static final String ENABLE_RPC_START = "enable_rpc_start";
private static final String ENABLE_HTTP_START = "enable_http_start";
private static final String VERBOSITY_LEVEL = "verbosity_level";
private static final String NOTIFICATION_LEVEL = "notification_level";
private static final String RECIPIENT="recipient";
private static final String MAIL_HOST="mail_host";
private static final String ENABLE_ABORT_MAIL="send_abort_mail";
private static final String PIPE_ID = "pipeid";
private Pipe pipe;
private static final String PIPE_ID_SESSION_KEY = "syncro.admin.pipe_id";
private static final String GENERAL_FIELDS_LAYOUT = "<table><tr valign=\"top\"><td>$" + NAME
+ "$</td></table>" + "<table><tr><td>$" + START_PASSWORD + "$</td><td>$"
+ ENABLE_HTTP_START + "$</td><td align=\"right\">$" + VERBOSITY_LEVEL
+ "$</td></tr><tr><td>$"+MAIL_HOST+"$</td><td>$"+RECIPIENT+"$</td><td>$"
private static final int ACTION_CANCEL = 0;
public static class NullHidingFormatter implements Formatter {
public NullHidingFormatter() {}
public Object stringToValue(String string, EditorResources editorResources)
// throws FormatterException
return string != null ? string : "";
public String valueToString(Object value, EditorResources editorResources)
// throws FormatterException
return value != null ? value.toString() : "";
private Pipe getPipe(ParameterManager parameters, HttpSession session, Persister pers) {
Pipe pipe = null;
// Was it given as a parameters?
if(parameters.wasGiven(PIPE_ID) && !parameters.wasIllegal(PIPE_ID)) {
Long pipeId = new Long(parameters.getLong(PIPE_ID));
pipe = pers.loadPipe(pipeId);
// How about the session?
if(pipe == null) {
Long pipeId = (Long) session.getAttribute(PIPE_ID_SESSION_KEY);
if(pipeId != null)
pipe = pers.loadPipe(pipeId);
// Well... ANY PIPE will do!
if(pipe == null) {
pipe = pers.loadFirstPipeYouFind();
if(pipe != null)
session.setAttribute(PIPE_ID_SESSION_KEY, pipe.getId());
return pipe;
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
try {
generalFieldsContext = new GUIContext();
// ----------
// Name field
// ----------
String id = NAME;
ModelModifier modifier = new DefaultModelModifier() {
public Object getModelValue(Object model) throws Exception {
return ((Pipe) model).getName();
public void setModelValue(Object model, Object value) throws Exception {
((Pipe) model).setName((String) value);
TextEditor editor = new TextEditor();
editor.setFormatter(new NullHidingFormatter());
generalFieldsContext.addFieldInfo(new FieldInfo(id, id, modifier, editor));
// --------------
// Password field
// --------------
ModelModifier modifier = new DefaultModelModifier() {
public Object getModelValue(Object model) throws Exception {
return ((Pipe) model).getStartPassword();
public void setModelValue(Object model, Object value) throws Exception {
((Pipe) model).setStartPassword((String) value);
PasswordEditor editor = new PasswordEditor();
editor.setFormatter(new NullHidingFormatter());
generalFieldsContext.addFieldInfo(new FieldInfo(id, id, modifier, editor));
// ----------------------
// Enable RPC start field
// ----------------------
ModelModifier modifier = new DefaultModelModifier() {
public Object getModelValue(Object model) throws Exception {
return new Boolean(((Pipe) model).isRpcStartEnabled());
public void setModelValue(Object model, Object value) throws Exception {
((Pipe) model).setRpcStartEnabled(((Boolean) value).booleanValue());
BooleanEditor editor = new BooleanEditor();
generalFieldsContext.addFieldInfo(new FieldInfo(id, id, modifier, editor));
// ----------------------
// Enable HTTP start field
// ----------------------
ModelModifier modifier = new DefaultModelModifier() {
public Object getModelValue(Object model) throws Exception {
return new Boolean(((Pipe) model).isHttpStartEnabled());
public void setModelValue(Object model, Object value) throws Exception {
((Pipe) model).setHttpStartEnabled(((Boolean) value).booleanValue());
BooleanEditor editor = new BooleanEditor();
generalFieldsContext.addFieldInfo(new FieldInfo(id, id, modifier, editor));
// -------------------------
// Verbosity level drop down
// -------------------------
ModelModifier modifier = new DefaultModelModifier() {
public Object getModelValue(Object model) throws Exception {
return new Integer(((Pipe) model).getLoggingVerbosityLevel());
public void setModelValue(Object model, Object value) throws Exception {
((Pipe) model).setLoggingVerbosityLevel(((Integer) value).intValue());
SelectEditor editor = new SelectEditor();
editor.addOption(new DefaultSelectOption(
new Integer(MessageLogger.LOG_ERROR),
editor.addOption(new DefaultSelectOption(
new Integer(MessageLogger.LOG_WARNING),
editor.addOption(new DefaultSelectOption(
new Integer(MessageLogger.LOG_DEBUG),
editor.addOption(new DefaultSelectOption(
new Integer(MessageLogger.LOG_DYNAMIC),
editor.setFormatter(new IntegerFormatter());
generalFieldsContext.addFieldInfo(new FieldInfo(id, id, modifier, editor));
// -------------------------
// Transfer log notification level drop down
// -------------------------
ModelModifier modifier = new DefaultModelModifier() {
public Object getModelValue(Object model) throws Exception {
return new Integer(((Pipe) model).getTransferLogNotificationLevel());
public void setModelValue(Object model, Object value) throws Exception {
((Pipe) model).setTransferLogNotificationLevel(((Integer) value).intValue());
SelectEditor editor = new SelectEditor();
editor.addOption(new DefaultSelectOption(
new Integer(MessageLogger.MAIL_ERROR),
editor.addOption(new DefaultSelectOption(
new Integer(MessageLogger.MAIL_WARNING),
editor.addOption(new DefaultSelectOption(
new Integer(MessageLogger.MAIL_DEBUG),
editor.addOption(new DefaultSelectOption(
new Integer(MessageLogger.MAIL_NONE),
editor.setFormatter(new IntegerFormatter());
generalFieldsContext.addFieldInfo(new FieldInfo(id, id, modifier, editor));
// ----------
// Mail server field
// ----------
String id = MAIL_HOST;
ModelModifier modifier = new DefaultModelModifier() {
public Object getModelValue(Object model) throws Exception {
return ((Pipe) model).getMailHost();
public void setModelValue(Object model, Object value) throws Exception {
((Pipe) model).setMailHost((String) value);
TextEditor editor = new TextEditor();
editor.setFormatter(new NullHidingFormatter());
generalFieldsContext.addFieldInfo(new FieldInfo(id, id, modifier, editor));
// ----------
// Recipient name field
// ----------
String id = RECIPIENT;
ModelModifier modifier = new DefaultModelModifier() {
public Object getModelValue(Object model) throws Exception {
return ((Pipe) model).getRecipientAddress();
public void setModelValue(Object model, Object value) throws Exception {
((Pipe) model).setRecipientAddress((String) value);
TextEditor editor = new TextEditor();
editor.setFormatter(new NullHidingFormatter());
generalFieldsContext.addFieldInfo(new FieldInfo(id, id, modifier, editor));
// ----------
// Send-mail-when-pipe-aborts checkbox
// ----------
ModelModifier modifier = new DefaultModelModifier() {
public Object getModelValue(Object model) throws Exception {
return ((Pipe) model).isAbortMailEnabled();
public void setModelValue(Object model, Object value) throws Exception {
((Pipe) model).setAbortMailEnabled(((Boolean) value).booleanValue());
BooleanEditor editor = new BooleanEditor();
generalFieldsContext.addFieldInfo(new FieldInfo(id, id, modifier, editor));
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new ServletException(
"Problem with initializing bean fields. Fields probably incorrectly defined.",
public void initParameters(ParameterManager pm) {
pm.addParameter(PIPE_ID, ParameterManager.LONG);
pm.addParameter(ACTION, ParameterManager.INT);
public int getTabId() {
return 3;
public int getTabSetId() {
return 2;
public String handleRequest(HttpServletRequest req, HttpSession session,
ParameterManager parameters, Persister pers, LabelResource labels,
int requestType) {
this.pipe = getPipe(parameters, session, pers);
if(this.pipe == null)
return "";
java.util.Map generalFields = generalFieldsContext.makeFields(pipe, labels, req);
if(requestType == POST_REQUEST) {
if(parameters.getInt(ACTION) != ACTION_CANCEL) {
Template generalFieldsTemplate = Template.createTemplate(GENERAL_FIELDS_LAYOUT);
generalFieldsContext.writeEditors(generalFields, generalFieldsTemplate);
ElementContainer content = new ElementContainer().addElement(
generalFieldsTemplate.toString()).addElement(new BR()).addElement(new BR());
Form form = getForm("PipeSettings", content.toString(), labels, false, true).addElement(
parameters.getInput(Input.HIDDEN, PIPE_ID));
return form.toString();