/* OpenSyncro - A web-based enterprise application integration tool
* Copyright (C) 2008 Smilehouse Oy, support@opensyncro.org
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Created on Oct 14, 2005
package smilehouse.opensyncro.defaultcomponents.workspace;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.rpc.Stub;
import org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import smilehouse.openinterface.AccessDeniedException;
import smilehouse.openinterface.ImportResult;
import smilehouse.openinterface.LoginInfo;
import smilehouse.openinterface.OpenInterfaceException;
import smilehouse.openinterface.OpenInterfaceIF;
import smilehouse.openinterface.OpenInterface_Impl;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.FailTransferException;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.component.PipeComponentUtils;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.pipes.log.MessageLogger;
import smilehouse.opensyncro.system.Environment;
import smilehouse.util.Utils;
import smilehouse.workspace.operator.web.OpenInterfaceAddressIF;
import smilehouse.workspace.operator.web.OpenInterfaceAddress_Impl;
public class WorkspaceOIUtils {
private static final SimpleDateFormat oiDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ");
private static final String WORKSPACE_ADMIN_WEBAPP = "/workspace.admin";
private static final String ADDRESS_SERVICE = "openinterfaceaddress";
* openHQLIterator call to OpenInterface with exception logging
* @param oi OpenInterface remote interface stub
* @param login OpenInterface LoginInfo
* @param hqlQuery HQL select query
* @param sessionTimeout Session timeout in milliseconds. Iterator will be closed automatically after this
* period of inactivity.
* @param logger OpenSyncro MessageLogger instance for writing error messages to Transfer log.
* @param logClassRef Reference to this method's caller (this) used for writing the class name to Transfer log
* @return New iterator Id
* @throws FailTransferException if any OpenInterface exceptions occur during opening of the iterator.
public static String openHQLIterator(OpenInterfaceIF oi,
LoginInfo login,
String hqlQuery,
int sessionTimeout,
MessageLogger logger,
Object logClassRef)
throws FailTransferException {
String iteratorId = null;
// Access OpenInterface to open a new HQL iteration session
try {
iteratorId = oi.openHQLIterator(login, hqlQuery, sessionTimeout);
} catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
"Access to OpenInterface was denied. Check your username and password settings.",
} catch (OpenInterfaceException e) {
logger.logMessage("OpenInterfaceException while opening HQL iterator or performing the HQL query",
logClassRef, MessageLogger.ERROR);
logger.logMessage(e.getMessage(), logClassRef, MessageLogger.ERROR);
"OpenInterfaceException while opening HQL iterator or performing the HQL query", e);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
logger.logMessage("RemoteException while opening HQL iterator or performing the HQL query",
logClassRef, MessageLogger.ERROR);
"RemoteException while opening HQL iterator or performing the HQL query", e);
return iteratorId;
* closeHQLIterator call to OpenInterface with exception logging
* @param oi OpenInterface remote interface stub
* @param login OpenInterface LoginInfo
* @param oiIteratorId Id of the Iterator to be closed
* @param logger OpenSyncro MessageLogger instance for writing error messages to Transfer log.
* @param logClassRef Reference to this method's caller (this) used for writing the class name to Transfer log
* @throws FailTransferException if any OpenInterface exceptions occur during closing of the iterator.
public static void closeHQLIterator(OpenInterfaceIF oi,
LoginInfo login,
String oiIteratorId,
MessageLogger logger,
Object logClassRef) throws FailTransferException {
try {
oi.closeIterator(login, oiIteratorId);
} catch(AccessDeniedException e) {
"Access to OpenInterface was denied. Check your username and password settings.",
} catch(OpenInterfaceException e) {
"OpenInterfaceException while closing HQL query iterator",
logger.logMessage(e.getMessage(), logClassRef, MessageLogger.ERROR);
"OpenInterfaceException while closing HQL query iterator",
} catch(RemoteException e) {
"RemoteException from OpenInterface while closing HQL iterator",
"RemoteException from OpenInterface while closing HQL iterator",
* Logs possible warnings and the number of inserted, updated and removed (see parameter logRemoved) records.
* @param result
* @param logger
* @param importer
* @param logRemoved Should the number of removed records be logged.
public static void logImportResult(ImportResult result, MessageLogger logger, Object importer, boolean logRemoved) {
List warnings = result.getWarnings();
if(warnings != null)
for(Iterator it = warnings.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
logger.logMessage((String) it.next(), importer, MessageLogger.WARNING);
List insertedIds = result.getInsertedIds();
List updatedIds = result.getUpdatedIds();
String message = "Inserted " + (insertedIds != null ? insertedIds.size() : 0) + ", updated "
+ (updatedIds != null ? updatedIds.size() : 0);
if(logRemoved) {
List removedIds = result.getRemovedIds();
message += ", removed " + (removedIds != null ?removedIds.size() : 0);
* Retrieves OpenInterface Endpoint address from OpenInterfaceAddress webservice
* @param organizationName Name of the webshop database
* @param openInterfaceHost Base URL of the webshop
* @param logger OpenSyncro MessageLogger instance for writing error messages to Transfer log.
* @param logClassRef Reference to this method's caller (this) used for writing the class name to Transfer log
* @return OpenInterface endpoint address
* @throws FailTransferException if any errors occur during the endpoint address query
public static String getOIEndpointAddress(String organizationName,
String openInterfaceHost,
MessageLogger logger,
Object logClassRef)
throws FailTransferException {
String oiEndpointAddress = null;
try {
Stub addressStub = createOpenInterfaceAddressProxy();
OpenInterfaceAddressIF oiAddress = (OpenInterfaceAddressIF) addressStub;
oiEndpointAddress = oiAddress.getOpenInterfaceAddress(organizationName);
} catch(RemoteException e) {
"Exception while querying OpenInterface endpoint address: " + e.getMessage(),
"Exception while querying OpenInterface endpoint address", e);
if(oiEndpointAddress == null) {
"Failed to get OpenInterface endpoint address for organization \"" +
organizationName + "\"",
return oiEndpointAddress;
* @param oiEndpointAddress Workspace OpenInterface endpoint address (URL suffix)
* @param openInterfaceHost Workspace OpenInterface host address (URL)
* @return OpenInterface remote interface stub
public static OpenInterfaceIF getOpenInterfaceIF(String oiEndpointAddress, String openInterfaceHost) {
Stub stub = createOpenInterfaceProxy();
* If host string contains one or more slash ('/') character(s), we need to remove
* everything after and including the slash char. Otherwise OI problems (HTTP error 404)
* will occur with installations not located in the document root path.
int hostNameStartIndex = 0;
String fullAddress;
if(openInterfaceHost.indexOf("://") != -1) {
hostNameStartIndex = openInterfaceHost.indexOf("://") + 3; // Skip slash characters in protocol
// specification
if(openInterfaceHost.indexOf('/', hostNameStartIndex) != -1) {
fullAddress = openInterfaceHost.substring(0, openInterfaceHost.indexOf('/', hostNameStartIndex))
+ oiEndpointAddress;
} else {
fullAddress = openInterfaceHost + oiEndpointAddress;
stub._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, fullAddress);
OpenInterfaceIF oi = (OpenInterfaceIF) stub;
return oi;
* Convenience method for getting the OI address directly.
* @param organizationName
* @param openInterfaceHost
* @param logger
* @param logClassRef
* @return
* @throws FailTransferException
public static OpenInterfaceIF getOpenInterfaceIF(String organizationName,
String openInterfaceHost,
MessageLogger logger,
Object logClassRef)
throws FailTransferException {
return getOpenInterfaceIF(getOIEndpointAddress(organizationName, openInterfaceHost, logger, logClassRef), openInterfaceHost);
* @param organizationName Name of the Workspace database (organization)
* @param userName User name to log in with. This user must have access enabled to OpenInterface.
* @param password Password of the user
* @return LoginInfo object for use in OpenInterface method calls
public static LoginInfo getLoginInfo(String organizationName, String userName, String password) {
LoginInfo login = new LoginInfo();
return login;
private static Stub createOpenInterfaceProxy() {
return (Stub) (new OpenInterface_Impl().getOpenInterfaceIFPort());
private static Stub createOpenInterfaceAddressProxy() {
return (Stub) (new OpenInterfaceAddress_Impl().getOpenInterfaceAddressIFPort());
* Get an array of Order Ids from an OpenInterface Order XML message.
* Does not remove duplicate Ids.
* @param oiOrderXMLMessage OpenInterface Order XML message
* @return Array of Order Id numbers
* @throws FailTransferException in case of XML parsing errors
public static Long[] getOrderIdsFromXML( String oiOrderXMLMessage ) throws FailTransferException {
return getOrderIdsFromXML(new String[] { oiOrderXMLMessage });
* Get an array of Order Ids from an OpenInterface Order XML message.
* Does not remove duplicate Ids.
* @param oiOrderXMLMessages Array of OpenInterface Order XML messages
* @return Array of Order Id numbers
* @throws FailTransferException in case of XML parsing errors
public static Long[] getOrderIdsFromXML( String[] oiOrderXMLMessages ) throws FailTransferException {
DocumentBuilder builder = null;
LinkedList orderIds = new LinkedList();
// Initialize DOM parser for an XPath query
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory docBFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
builder = docBFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
} catch(ParserConfigurationException e) {
PipeComponentUtils.failTransfer("Error initializing XML DOM parser for retrieving order Id list", e);
try {
// Iterate through the order XML messages and add order Ids
for( int j = 0; j < oiOrderXMLMessages.length; j++ ) {
InputSource resultReader = new InputSource(new StringReader(oiOrderXMLMessages[j]));
// Parse XML document to DOM
Document document = builder.parse(resultReader);
// Perform XPath query against DOM to get order Ids
NodeList idList = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(document.getDocumentElement(), "//order/@id");
for(int i = 0; i < idList.getLength(); i++) {
} catch(Exception ex) {
PipeComponentUtils.failTransfer("Exception while parsing order XML to retrieve Id list", ex);
return (Long[]) orderIds.toArray(new Long[orderIds.size()]);
* Set handling and/or payment status of an order in Workspace.
* @param oi OpenInterfaceIF
* @param login LoginInfo
* @param orderId Order Id
* @param newHandlingStatusName Name of new handling status (null value means no change)
* @param newPaymentStatusName Name of new payment status (null value means no change)
* @param logger MessageLogger instance
* @return OpenInterface ImportResult containing a list of successfully updated order Ids
* @throws FailTransferException
public static ImportResult setOrderStatus(OpenInterfaceIF oi,
LoginInfo login,
Long orderId,
String newHandlingStatusName,
String newPaymentStatusName,
MessageLogger logger,
Object logClassRef) throws FailTransferException {
return setOrderStatus(oi,
new Long[] { orderId },
* Set handling and/or payment status of multiple orders in Workspace.
* @param oi OpenInterfaceIF
* @param login LoginInfo
* @param orderIds Array of Order Ids
* @param newHandlingStatusName Name of new handling status (null value means no change)
* @param newPaymentStatusName Name of new payment status (null value means no change)
* @param logger MessageLogger instance
* @return OpenInterface ImportResult containing a list of successfully updated order Ids
* @throws FailTransferException
public static ImportResult setOrderStatus(OpenInterfaceIF oi,
LoginInfo login,
Long[] orderIds,
String newHandlingStatusName,
String newPaymentStatusName,
MessageLogger logger,
Object logClassRef) throws FailTransferException {
if(newHandlingStatusName != null) {
logger.logMessage("Updating order handling status to \"" + newHandlingStatusName + "\"", logClassRef,
if(newPaymentStatusName != null) {
logger.logMessage("Updating order payment status to \"" + newPaymentStatusName + "\"", logClassRef,
// Get an import XML message to change orders' handling and payment statuses
String xmlMessage = getStatusChangeOrderXML(orderIds, newHandlingStatusName, newPaymentStatusName);
int importMode = 2;
try {
oi.importOrders(login, xmlMessage, importMode, false, false, false);
} catch(RemoteException e) {
logger.logMessage("RemoteException while setting order status in Open Interface: " + e.getMessage(),
logClassRef, MessageLogger.ERROR);
Environment.getInstance().log("RemoteException while setting order status in Open Interface", e);
} catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
"Access to OpenInterface was denied. Check your username and password settings.",
} catch (OpenInterfaceException e) {
logger.logMessage("OpenInterfaceException while setting order status in Open Interface: " +
e.getMessage(), logClassRef, MessageLogger.ERROR);
Environment.getInstance().log("OpenInterfaceException while setting order status in Open Interface", e);
return null;
* Constructs an order import XML message that updates the order's handling & payment status.
* @param orderIds Array of order Ids
* @param newHandlingStatusName Handling status for the order. Null value means the status is not updated.
* @param newPaymentStatusName Payment status for the order. Null value means the status is not updated.
* @return OpenInterface Order XML message
public static String getStatusChangeOrderXML( Long[] orderIds,
String newHandlingStatusName,
String newPaymentStatusName ) {
final String xmlMessageHead = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" +
"<orders version=\"0.94\">\n";
final String xmlMessageTail = "</orders>\n";
StringBuffer xmlMessageBody = new StringBuffer("");
Date currentDate = new Date();
String orderHistoryEntryHead = "<entry time=\"" + oiDateFormat.format(currentDate) +
"\">\n<status name=\"";
String orderHistoryEntryTail = "\"/>\n</entry>\n";
for(int i = 0; i < orderIds.length; i++) {
xmlMessageBody.append("<order id=\"" + orderIds[i] + "\">\n");
// Write handling status and payment status elements
if(newHandlingStatusName != null) {
xmlMessageBody.append("<handlingStatus name=\"" +
Utils.htmlentities(newHandlingStatusName) + "\"/>\n");
if(newPaymentStatusName != null) {
xmlMessageBody.append("<paymentStatus name=\"" +
Utils.htmlentities(newPaymentStatusName) + "\"/>\n");
// Create order history entries if handling status or payment status was output
if(newHandlingStatusName != null || newPaymentStatusName != null) {
if(newHandlingStatusName != null) {
xmlMessageBody.append(orderHistoryEntryHead +
Utils.htmlentities(newHandlingStatusName) +
if(newPaymentStatusName != null) {
xmlMessageBody.append(orderHistoryEntryHead +
Utils.htmlentities(newPaymentStatusName) +
return xmlMessageHead + xmlMessageBody.toString() + xmlMessageTail;